Evaluation and Change in Instructional Development, MIT 530

Evaluation and Change in Instructional Development, MIT 530
Sections 001 and 800: Thursdays 6:00 – 8:45 PM, EB 368 or via Webex
Course Policies
Instructor: Aruna Lakshmanan
Office Hours:
By appointment.
Course Site on Blackboard: https://learn.uncw.edu
UNCW email: You are required to regularly check your UNCW email account. Several
announcements will be sent to this account throughout the semester.
Required Textbook: Evaluation in Organizations: A systematic approach to enhance learning,
performance, and change. By Darlene Russ-Eft and Hallie Preskill
Course Description and Learning Outcomes: In this course, you will learn important
concepts and practices in the field of evaluation. We will discuss types and techniques of evaluation,
the evolution of evaluation, and evaluator competencies. By the end of the course, you will have
hands-on experience on selecting an evaluation design, collecting data, analyzing the data,
communicating and reporting the findings, and evaluating the evaluation. You will work on an
evaluation plan, conduct the evaluation and submit an evaluation report.
Team Project:
A large part of this course will be dedicated to completing a team project. You will be working in
teams to plan, conduct, and report the results of an evaluation.
Evaluation and Grading:
Assignments must be completed on time. Assignments submitted after the due date will result
in a lower grade as per the instructor’s discretion. Your prompt submission of assignments will help
your peers and the instructor to give you timely feedback. The course grade will be determined by the
following activities:
Participation and Attendance
Evaluation Plan
Evaluation Report and Presentation
Midterm Exam
Final grades will be assigned on the following percent scale:
90 – 100
80 - 89
70 - 79
Internet / Web Access:
This course is designed as a hybrid, meaning that instruction will take place both in face-toface onsite meetings and online meetings. You are required to take part in any one of the formats of
this instruction. The online format of the course will use the Webex Virtual classroom. Instructions
for accessing the Webex virtual classroom can be found on Blackboard. You are expected to check
Blackboard on a regular basis for updated information. The face to face meetings take place in EB
Attendance and Participation:
Class attendance is required. Your active participation in this class is crucial to your success.
Participation involves a combination of attendance, appropriate discussion, completion of
assignments, and active listening. Any absences should be discussed with the instructor. Classes will
begin promptly at 6:00 PM, and you are expected to be on time to class.
WSE Conceptual Framework:
The Watson School of Education develops highly competent and effective professionals to
serve in educational leadership roles. All educators must use data for decisions, reflect upon their
practice, exemplify their commitment to professional standards, implement appropriate
communication strategies, and strive to meet the needs of all learners. Assignments in this course will
assist you in preparing to be a competent professional and a leader.
Plagiarism and Academic Honesty:
You are expected to complete your own work. If you use ideas and excerpts from other people
and/or resources, you must cite and properly reference them in your work. Please review the
university’s policy with respect to plagiarism.
No form of dishonesty will be tolerated. Academic dishonesty takes many forms, from blatant acts of
cheating to the more subtle forms of plagiarism, all of which are totally out of place in an institution
of higher learning. Reporting and adjudication procedures have been developed to enforce the policy
of academic integrity, to ensure justice, and to protect individual rights. Complete details may be
found in the current Student Handbook and in the Code of Student Life.
UNCW practices a zero-tolerance policy for violence and harassment of any kind. For
emergencies contact UNCW CARE at 962-2273, Campus Police at 962-3184, or Wilmington Police
at 911.