The ACORN Program: The UWSP English Department Invites you to join

The UWSP English Department
Invites you to join
The ACORN Program:
An Annual Circle of Campus
and Community Book Groups
Featured Book for 2009:
The Maltese Falcon
by Dashiell Hammett
The story of an antique treasure at the center
of a web of lies, treachery, theft, and murder,
this novel portrays the chaos of the modern
world as vividly and with as keen a sense of
social significance as contemporary works by
Faulkner, Hemingway, or Fitzgerald.
September 15:
Saturday, October 17:
Fall Workshop on The Maltese Falcon
October through January:
Book Group discussions
Friday, February 5th:
The ACORN Extravaganza, featuring
refreshments and activities to
complement The Maltese Falcon
To Register, Visit our Website:
Anyone may sign up for this program, at no charge. Existing groups may register as groups.
Individuals may register independently, and be placed with others to form new groups. For
more information, contact Lorri Nandrea, or 346-2317.