Empirical-statistical downscaling What, why and how? Rasmus Benestad & Abdelkader Mezghani Global Climate Models ● Best tool to estimate future climate statistics ● Global and large-scales Why worry about global warming? Why worry about global warming? Local statistics ← large-scale situation. Downscaling: scale dependency. Different scales are linked What is downscaling? Local clouds Regional situation Local vegetation Local surface characteristics What is downscaling? Local clouds Regional situation X = f(large-scale, geography, local processes) X = f(large-scale,geography) + g(local processes) Downscaling: X=f(Y,z) predictable Local vegetation Local noise g(.) - not dependent on the large-scale? Traditionally → f(.) Local surface characteristics Different types of downscaling ● ● Regional climate models and empiricalstatistical downscaling (ESD) Different philosophies − Information source: 'Empirical' vs 'theoretical' Zooming ≠ downscaling Local details not predictable in terms of large scales. End-users want 'zooming' – what does the local climate look like? Traditional methods downscale – aspects related to the large scales Downscaling – really... Small-scale noise Stochastic & stationary Known PDF & temporal structure. Statistical time series models Stationary? Why? ● Local climate ● Bridge: virtual and real worlds Added value ● Independent to RCMs − Different strengths and weaknesses − Maximize the amount of information ● Unconventional information ● Validation! ● Not computer intensive − ● Large GCM ensembles and long time series Diagnostics – Also apply to (regional) climate model results. What do you need? Local data! Compared to RCMs RCM not just downscaling = boundary conditions + internally produced variability Comparison with ESD – same metrics? What is large scale? What is the models' minimum skillful scale? Large-scale (predictor patterns) Challenge – choosing proper predictors Concern: non-stationarity Capture the 'signal' Well-simulated Good representation of reality Similarity between reanalyses Which global climate model is best? Validation Poona Wet-day mean µ Tele-connection pattern How? ● What's the question? – Tailor to the problem – Local knowledge ● − climatology, meteorology, physics Statistics ● ● Aggregated Parameters of distributions Temperature statistics stdv Future mean temperature ● Connection to large-scales Future temperature range Affected by large-scales? Probability pdf=f(large-scale)? pdf=f(small scale)? The exponential distribution The mean µ is key! qp = -ln(1-p) µ Number of wet events: X > 10 mm/day EU-SPECS FP-7 Future wet-day mean precipitation µ → extremes Future wet-day frequency Affected by large-scales. Temporal structure Spell length in days. Auto-correlation function? Dry Wet Downscaling dry spells Predictors: TAS + SLP; annual aggregate EU-SPECS FP-7 The physical picture The planetary heat loss Outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) Tools esd Data Processing Analysis Validation Downscaling Visualisation Mean precipitation amount (mm/day) CV mean precipitation amounts Mean wet-day frequency Standard deviation: precipitation Standard deviation: precipitation Statistics Extract relevant information Unconventional? Possibilities ● Regridding ● Anomaly/climatology ● aggregation ● EOF, PCA, CCA ● Downscaling & regression ● Synchronise & date stamp ● Conversion methods Philosophy ● User-friendly & intuitive ● Quick & efficient ● Versatile Save time spent with data handling and processing Inspired by Lego R S3-methods and classes Implications ● Common/standard data structure – Meta-data – Data format – Controlled vocabulary & definitions Summary... ESD is not just about getting some numbers Answer to the question and increased insight Making sense of available information Validation Global change, historical climate, phenomena, and downscaled results ESD – a tool for analysing climate models