What are our Goals? *Study the Common Loon *Increase chick production *Find possible causes for failure of nests: -Shoreline development -Predation -Lack of quality nesting sites -Lake traffic and disturbances *Present results and gather more information *What makes a good loon lake? *How does pH and dissolved oxygen affect loons? *How do aqueous invertebrates indicate a healthy lake? Iron County Loon Project • Fox • Deer • Pardee • Upson • Grand Portage • Gile Flowage April/ May – Place Platforms, WQ Study, Watershed & Land Use June – Check Nest for Eggs, WQ Study, Shoreline Buffer Transect July – Check for Young & Behavior, WQ Study, Littoral Zone August – Check Lakes for Young, Remove Platforms • Watershed, Land Use, % Development • Chemical Sampling • Aquatic Invertebrate Sampling • Mapswatersheds • Aerial photo# homes % developed • EnviroscapeImpacts / BMPs • Sampling Technique • • • • • • 100ft. inland Hula Hoop Survey Every 10ft; random % groundcover % shrub layer % canopy cover Water Quality Measurements 2010 • WQ was sampled on each lake in April, June, & July/August. • Samples were collected near shore. • Lake clarity ranged from 4-15ft., DO ranged 6.8-9 & pH ranged 6.3-7.5 Averaged water quality measurements Lake D.O. (PPM) pH Secchi (ft) Owl 7.75 7.56 8.7 Pardee 9.36 8.61 10.0 Grand Portage 8.74 8.30 11.3 Deer 7.9 5.78 5.1 Fox 8.0 8.26 4.8 Water Quality Measurements 2010 Deer Lake Assessment 2010 6.3 5.6 5.45 4 4 6 5.5 6 7.1 7.98 8 8.7 PPM and FT 10 2 0 DO Secchi Methods PH 4/26/2010 5/25/2010 8/31/2010 Water Quality Measurements 2010 Grand Portage Lake Assessment 15 16 6 8.5 8.42 8 8 4/26/2010 8 10 11 12 9.79 8.45 8 PPM and FT. 14 4 2 0 DO Secchi Methods PH 5/25/2010 8/31/2010 Average pH 8 7 6 5 Average pH 4 3 2 1 0 Gile Flowage Pardee Upson Grand Portage Fox Deer Lakes How does pH affect loon reproduction? Average Dissolved Oxygen 12 10 Dissolved Oxygen in Parts per Million 8 6 4 2 0 Pardee Upson Gile Flowage Deer Fox Grand Portage Lakes How does D.O. affect loon reproduction? Water Clarity 05’-10’ Grand Portage - Late Summer 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 13 11 9 9 10 10 9 9 7/ 21 /2 00 2 7/ 21 /2 00 3 7/ 26 /2 00 4 7/ 25 /2 00 5 7/ 10 /2 00 6 7/ 9/ 20 07 8/ 19 /2 00 8 8/ 5/ 20 09 8/ 31 /2 01 0 Feet Grand Portage Late Summer Secci Disk Reading 2002-2010 Date 8 Water Clarity 02’-10’ Deer Lake- Late Summer 8 8 6.5 6 6.5 6 6 5.5 Date 0 8/ 31 /2 01 9 8/ 10 /2 00 8 8/ 19 /2 00 7 7/ 15 /2 00 6 7/ 10 /2 00 5 7/ 25 /2 00 4 7/ 26 /2 00 3 4 7/ 21 /2 00 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7/ 1/ 20 02 Feet Deer Lake Late Summer Secci Disk Reading 2002-2010 Chick Production- Platforms Chick Production 2010 • 5 platforms, loons utilized 4 in 2010 • 4 chicks; end total of 3 (one predated) • One natural nest, ended up failing 2010 Loon Chick Production (Platform) Number of Chicks 2.5 2 2 1.5 1 1 0.5 0 0 0 Crystal Deer Fox 0 0 Grand Portage Lakes Pardee Gile Flowage Chick Production 2010 Lake Name Nesting (y/n) # Chicks; hatched # chicks; survived Pardee Y, platform 2 1 Fox Y, platform 0 0 Grand Portage Y, platform 2 2 Deer Y, natural & platform 0 0 Owl Y, natural 0 0 Total 5 4 3 Chick Production 1999-2010 Loon Chick Production (with platforms) 1999-2010 12 12 10 # OF CHICKS 8 7 7 6 6 4 2 0 0 Deer Fox Grand Portage Pardee LAKES Gile Flowage 0 Owl Chick Production- Natural Nest Chick Production 1999-2010 Loon Chick Production (without platforms) 1999-2010 3.5 3 # of Chicks 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0 Crystal Deer Fox 0 0 0 Lakes Grand Pardee Gile Portage Flowage In Summary: • Platforms 10x more successful than natural nests • Grand Portage is our most developed study lake, yet it has produced the most chicks! • To address our research ?: How does pH & D.O. affect loon reproduction, we found that: • Lakes with high water clarity, basic pH, & higher D.O. = chicks. • Lakes with low pH and low clarity =little, or no, chick production. • Our study lakes have shown that using artificial platforms can help increase loon reproduction. Gregory Nelson