Chlamyphorus retusus Description:

Chlamyphorus retusus
Chlamyphorus retusus is one of the smallest armadillos of the world. The total head and
body length is a mere 140 to 175 mm. The tail length is around 35 mm (Nowak 166).
Their approximate weight is 100 grams (Parker 622).These creatures possess whitish,
woolly hair on their undersides and yellowish brown plates on a loosely connected
carapace (Nowak 166). They have a soft carapace that is entirely fused to the body with
no shoulder shield and twenty four mobile dorsal bands. Their carapace also has few fine
hairs protruding (Parker 622). Chlamyphorus retusus has well developed pinnae (Slade
548). They also have low metabolic rates and are susceptible to cold (Slade 547).
Chlamyphorus retusus has eight molars on upper and lower jaws and, the teeth have no
true roots or crowns, but are encased in enamel. The teeth are long, cylindrical, and
slightly curved and very deeply set. They have a thin zygomatic arch posteriorly, but
anteriorly the zygomatic arch is better developed (Slade 544). Chlamyphorus retusus is
plantigrade (Slade 545).
Chlamyphorus retusus resides in dry terrain (Parker 623). They also live in dry grasslands
and sandy plains that have cacti and thornbushes (Nowak 166). They live in Chile at the
base of the Andes (Slade 541). Also, Chlamyphorus retusus are endemic to Gran Chaco
region of Bolivia and Santa Cruz and also live in Paraguay (Cuellar 14). They more
generally live in southern South America in sandy soil regions (MacDonald 783). The
range of this species is restricted to the remote desert of western and central Argentina
due to predation and human influence (Nowak 168). There has been some discussion that
Chlamyphorus retusus extends its region to the north of its normal range (Cuellar 15).
Hermann Burmeister discovered one of the first of this species in Bolivia in 1859. A
native showed Burmeister a mummy of Chlamyphorus retusus, and in 1863 the species
was first introduced to the German scientific literature under the name Burmeisteria
retusa (Parker 625).
Ontogeny and Reproduction:
Little is known of the reproduction of Chlamyphorus retusus (Parker 623).
Ecology and Behavior:
Chlamyphorus retusus is highly fossorial and has adaptations to benefit its great digging
capability. The humerus is enlarged and broad, the radius is small, and the ulna is
flattened. The ulna has an olecrannon process that is just about as long as the shaft and
the humerus has a prominent deltoid ridge. The third phalange is the longest of the five.
The scapula is very unique to fossorial mammals. It has a deeply notched prescapular
border. Also, Chlamyphorus retusus has a sickle shaped, elongated posterior border to the
prescapula (Slade 545). It can dig very rapidly. To do so, the animal utilizes its rigid tail
and powerful hind feet to move the earth that the forefeet loosened. As it enters the
burrow, it may use its carapace to close the opening. They usually borrow near anthills.
When startled, Chlamyphorus retusus lays flat on the ground or cries similar to human
infants (Nowak 167). It also has five powerful clawed digits for moving earth
(MacDonald 783). Its diet consists of insects, larvae, worms and small seeds (Parker
623). Ants are their insect of choice, but they also eat snails, roots, and other plant parts
(Nowak 167).
Chlamyphorus retusus is rare and not many natives have even seen it. For example,
during four years (1996 – 2000), eight greater fairy armadillos were found in local areas.
When natives see Chlamyphorus retusus they usually kill them. Armadillos are the
second most hunted group. Although they are not hunted for meat, they are still killed by
natives due to a belief that Chlamyphorus retusus is an omen of bad luck that there will
be a death in the family. They are also killed in construction of patios or houses in areas
where the soil is very firm and surrounded by sand. Sadly, out of the few species seen,
only two have been seen, measured, photographed and released as of 2001. Even the
locals consider it a rare species due to its burrowing and low populations (Cuellar 15).
Also, agriculture and plowing of land are a main threat along with domestic dogs. It is
vulnerable by the IUCN (Nowak 168). It is considered endangered, but there are no
protective forces installed to protect this mysterious creature (Parker 623).
Name Ambiguity:
Throughout my research, I stumbled across a plethora of names for this petite, rare
creature. The scientific name is Chlamyphorus retusus, but I have also found the terms
pichiegos, greater fairy armadillo, chacoan fairy armadillo, pichiego chaqueño, larger
fairy armadillo, Chlamydophorus, Burmeister’s armadillo, Juan Calado (lacy jack),
Burmeisteria retusa, calypothractus, culo tapado, and finally tatujeikurajoyava. I believe
this is due to different languages (at least German (Hermann Burmeister) and Spanish
(endemic area)) and the fact that few have been seen and studied. This has further led to
the complexity of finding information on this mammal.
Works Cited
Cuellar, Erika. "The Tatujeikurajoyava in the Izozog Communities of the Bolivian
Gran Chao." Endentata June 2001: 14-16.
MacDonald, David. "Armadillos." The Encyclopedia of Mammals. New York: Facts On
File Inc, 1984.
Nowak, Ronald M. "Armadillos." Walker's Mammals of the World. Baltimore: The John
Hopkins UP, 1999.
Parker, Sybil P. "Armadillos." Grzimek's Encyclopedia of Mammals. 2 vols. New York:
McGraw-Hill Company, 1990.
Slade, Daniel D. "On The Genus Chlamydophorus." The American Naturalist
25 (1891): 540-548.
Reference written by Rachel Halbert, Biology 378 student. Edited by Christopher
Page last updated.