Featured talk by Dr. Dale Schunk, graduate wins award

Printed on: Thursday 26th of May 2016 02:07:17 AM
Featured talk by Dr. Dale Schunk, graduate wins award
March 21, 2014 – In just a few days! Join us ~ Leading educational psychologist Dale Schunk will speak on
motivation, learning, and academic success
Dale H. Schunk, professor at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, has published over 100
scholarly articles and books on motivation, self-regulation, and self-efficacy as related to student
learning. He will be giving these three talks.
Self-Efficacy and Student Motivation
Monday, March 24, 9:00 to 11:00 am, Hillcrest Hall dining room, Virginia Tech
Audience: Open to all students and faculty interested in student learning, cognition, and motivation.
Description: Social cognitive theory emphasizes the idea that much human learning and behavior occur
in social environments. By interacting with others, people learn knowledge, skills, strategies, beliefs,
rules, and attitudes. Through their observations and interactions with others, individuals also learn about
the appropriateness, usefulness, and consequences of behaviors. People act in accordance with their
beliefs about their capabilities and the expected outcomes of actions. In this workshop, Dr. Schunk will
describe how instructors can enhance their teaching through the use a social cognitive conceptual
framework, as well as some key social cognitive motivational processes, including goals and selfevaluations of progress, outcome expectations, values, social comparisons, and self-efficacy.
Self-Regulated Learning Research: Then and Now
Monday, March 24, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, Hillcrest Hall dining room, Virginia Tech
Audience: Open to all students and faculty interested in student learning, cognition, and motivation.
Description: Dr. Schunk will discuss research related to self-regulated learning, which is the process
whereby students activate and sustain cognitions, behaviors, and affects that are systematically oriented
toward attainment of their goals. Questions and discussion will be encouraged.
Keys to Developing a Successful Academic Career
Tuesday, March 25, 9:30 to 10:45 am, GLC Meeting Room F, Virginia Tech
Audience: The focus will be on graduate students and early career professors, but
this workshop/discussion is open to all students and faculty.
Description: This will be a fairly informal session where Dr. Schunk will provide some tips to becoming a
successful scholar. Dr. Schunk is consistently ranked as one of the most productive researchers in
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education and he will share some of the strategies he has used to become so productive. As a former
Dean of the School of Education at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, he also has many
insights from his experiences mentoring and working with faculty. (Q&A)
Event sponsored by the School q1 0 0 1 0.000000 -138.842000 cmof Education and CIDER (Center for Instructional Development a
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in grades 4-8, and attending an accredited higher education institutions in VA: inSTEP will merge best
practices in methodologies, pedagogy, and content to prepare teachers to bring integrative STEM
education into diverse classrooms.
As defined by professors John Wells and Jeremy Ernst at Virginia Tech, integrative STEM education
is "the application of technological/engineering design based pedagogical approaches to intentionally
teach content and practices of science and mathematics education concurrently with content and
practices of technology/engineering education."
Project components include the following for students selected to participate:
$5,000 student scholarship for completion of two-year cohort
Two-week Summer Academy in Hampton, Virginia (July 6-19, 2014)
Experience Teaching in Extended-Day Programs
Two-day Follow-up Professional Development
Develop an Online Portfolio
Develop and Implement a Plan for Online Professional Development
Link to the application:
Helpful hint - read the entire app before starting
Deadline for submissions for the April issue of News2Note is Wednesday March 26, 2014
Information about your conferences, awards, scholarships, and special events is welcome. Graduate and
undergraduate student presentations on and off campus are included in N2N: please provide the
student's year, major, and title of the presentation.
All students and faculty recognized at the College's awards ceremony and reception on 22 April will be
mentioned in the May N2N, so you do not need to send Debby Stoudt the names. Likewise, all
University award winners will be included once the press releases have appeared so that links to the
releases can be included.
Please submit items for inclusion in upcoming
News2Note newsletters to Associate Dean Debra Stoudt at dstoudt@vt.edu
SOE Director Carol Mullen presented at American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
(AACTE) with her former student Dr. Bonnie Kosiczky
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Carol Mullen, Director, School of Education; Associate Dean for Professional Education
Mullen, C. A., & Kosiczky, B. (2014, March). Instructional effectiveness in the secondary classroom:
Findings from an original teacher communications model. Paper presented at AACTE, Indianapolis, IN.
The genesis of the paper's study has been published: Kosiczky, B., & Mullen, C. A. (2013). Humor in
high school and the role of teacher leaders in school public relations.
Journal of School Public Relations, 34
Printed on: Thursday 26th of May 2016 02:07:19 AM
Newsworthy News online submission process
Any faculty member, student, or staff can submit directly to Editor Dave Brod your news, story, or event.
You can select what forms of media (Newsworthy News, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube) you would like to
be published in; our link is conveniently located one click away from the SOE homepage on
the Newsworthy News archive site.
School of Education Newsworthy News link to see the archives:
Submission Form for uploading your news:
Please contact Editor Dave Brod at davebrod@vt.edu with any questions or concerns.
Editor Dave Brod
Co-Editor and Faculty Adviser Dr. Carol Mullen
[1]. http://www.milkeneducatorawards.org/
[2]. http://www.aacte.org
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