SOE visibility, T/TAC Grant, faculty features & activities

Printed on: Thursday 26th of May 2016 02:06:59 AM
SOE visibility, T/TAC Grant, faculty features & activities
Oct. 15, 2013 –
We're in the Chronicle of Higher Education![1](Oct. 4, 2013 issue, p. A29) See posting at the SOE
Our Chronicle of Higher Education announcement is now a full-page, full-color flyer that will be included
in the University Council for Educational Administration's (UCEA) convention bag of materials, which the
organizers say "is better than an ad in the program as a flyer is more likely to be noticed by attendees."
The University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) is a premier (inter)national organization in
the educational leadership field. The convention will be held in Indianapolis, IN, Nov. 7-9. Carol Mullen
looks forward to presenting there with colleagues from minority-serving institutions.
Grant Spotlight:
2013 T/TAC Fact Sheet
The mission of the Training & Technical Assistance Center (T/TAC), as part of a statewide
system, is to improve educational opportunities and contribute to the success of children and
youth with disabilities (birth-22 years).
The T/TAC at Virginia Tech serves 34 school divisions located in southwest and south-side Virginia. Our
Center provides not only professional development and individual on-site assistance to schools and
school divisions, but serves as a critical information and resource link to families and educational
professionals who are supporting children with disabilities in some of the more isolated and economically
disadvantaged areas of the Commonwealth.
Our 15 research faculty members have very specific expertise in research-based practices in every
aspect of special education. They are actively engaged on a weekly basis with multiple classrooms,
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teachers, administrators, students, and families. No request on behalf of a child or children, birth - 22,
with a disability is denied.
Over 2,500 PK-20 educators and families were served in 2012-13.
Over 300 on-site consultations were delivered in 2012-13. On-site consultations provided by T/TAC
research faculty provide highly valued expertise and resources to the most complex and challenging
issues facing educators and families supporting children with disabilities.
Over 4300 library items are available to educators and families, including print materials and assistive
and instructional technology. These resource materials are available free of charge. It is the only
comprehensive disability-related library in southwest and south-side Virginia.
Individual assistance using instructional, assistive, and augmentative communication technology devices
is provided through on-site and professional development opportunities. These devices provide the
ability to speak for children who have no means of communication, the ability to access a computer for
children who do not have use of their hands or experience sensory disabilities, or independent mobility to
children who use a wheel chair.
All T/TAC faculty assist schools in meeting the requirements of Virginia's ESEA waiver (formerly No
Child Left Behind) providing training and consultation in the development and implementation of school
improvement plans and serving on Virginia Department of Education's Differentiated Technical
Assistance Teams. Their goal is to improve the academic performance and graduation rate of students
with disabilities.
For more information about TTAC or to visit the T/TAC Center, please contact Patty Bickley at 231-0809,
Dr. Patrizio consulting with educational leaders in Shanghai,
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Featuring Dr. Kami Patrizio, an Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies on the
Falls Church campus in Northern Virginia.Her research focuses on agency and learning in educational
leadership and has been published in Qualitative Research, Journal of Self Study in Teacher Education,
and the Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership.
Dr. Patrizio's research is closely tied to her professional service. Her co-edited book, Agency Through
Teacher Education: Reflections, Communities, and Learning, was published in December 2012 as a
result of her work with the Association of Teacher Educators' National Commission for Agency in
Teacher Education. She has since used this research to inform international collaborations, consulting
projects, artistic exhibitions, and evaluations with East China Normal University's Institute for School
Reform, public school leaders in Shanghai, faculty from Monash University, Australia, and Virginia's
Chesterfield County Public Schools.
Continuing SOE Mentoring Workshops for Pre-Tenure Faculty
SOE Mentoring Workshops for pre-tenure faculty
Joan Hirt, Coordinator/Facilitator The pre-tenure faculty in the School continue to engage in sessions
designed to make the P&T process as transparent as possible. Faculty in Blacksburg and all remote
campuses are participating in person or by teleconference. The latest session centered around
techniques faculty can use to ensure they stay focused on what matters in that process. The final
session, scheduled for November 4, will allow the group to review what an actual dossier and box of
supplemental materials might look like. (Blurb prepared by Joan and photo provided by her)
News2 Note, forthcoming issue
The deadline for submissions for the November issue of News2Note is Monday, 28 October.
Send all information to
Call for Papers for The Educational Forum (international peer-reviewed journal) THEME: AESTHETIC
The Educational Forum is Kappa Delta Pi's premier educational research journal; its mission is to
"publish compelling research findings and thought provoking perspectives as a catalyst for stimulating
and encouraging research and dialogue and for advancing and transforming education." (The issue is
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inspired by Maxine Greene's writings)
The Educational Forum is Kappa Delta Pi's premier educational research journal; its mission is to
"publish compelling research findings and thought provoking perspectives as a catalyst for stimulating
and encouraging research and dialogue and for advancing and transforming education." (The issue is
inspired by Maxine Greene's writings)
About Hokie Fans education/arts advocates Bob DeFord and Nancy DeFord?
Bob is class of '54 from the College of Agriculture and Life Science. They have been major supporters of
Athletics and the College of Agriculture and Life Science.Below is an excerpt from a visit that Dr. Betsy
Flanagan, VP of Development, had with Bob DeFord and Nancy DeFord in 2006 that gives information
about their backgrounds.
Nancy DeFord (left), Bob DeFord, family friend Valerie (middle), Carol
Mullen (right) Tour guide: Lois A. Badey, Sr. Director of Development Center for the Arts at Virginia Tech
I met Bob and Nancy at their Park City home. She is the retired Superintendent of Schools in Park City.
She said that state support for schools in Utah is 51 out of 51. As a result, when she retired as
superintendent of schools two years ago, she has formed an education foundation that has raised $1M+
to support the Park City schools specifically. Prior to that, she was a principal of Princess Anne High
School in Virginia Beach. She received her undergraduate degree from the University of Southern
California. She is a native of Austin and returned to Texas to earn her Masters and PhD in Educational
Supervision. I asked her about her connection to Virginia Tech and she said that she actually took one
course on Facilities with Dr. Earthman for certification purposes. She said that she had a very good
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One of the people she met as a fellow student there was Roger Green. She said he was then principal of
Pulaski High School but she had lost track of his whereabouts. I told her that I would try and find out. I
also learned that Nancy is very active in the Association for Supervision in Curriculum Development. She
said that she was planning to go to the International Conference for this organization in India with Bob in
a few weeks. I did not realize until I was leaving when Nancy gave me her card that she is actually the
President Elect of this organization for 2006 and 2007. She and Bob met when he was on the School
Board in Virginia Beach and she was a principal. Just a guess, but I think they've been married 10 years
or less. She has also been active with a land preservation group in Park City. Bob proudly told me that
his father graduated from Virginia Tech in the Class of 1914 (approximate). He was raised on a dairy
farm in Bayside (Virginia Beach) and worked there for 17 years. Bayside is now a subdivision in Virginia
Beach. Bob was in the VT Corps of Cadets for two years and then went to the Korean War. (penned by
Dr. Betsy Flanagan) [Story provided by John King , CLAHS Director of Development]
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