Staff Numbers by Ethnicity, Staff group and Faculty/Service Area as on 01/04/2016 Academics UCL BEAMS Minority Ethnic % White % Faculty of Engineering Science 59 19.41 % 223 73.36 % Unknown or Withheld 22 Faculty of Maths & Physical Sciences 29 10.14 % 242 84.62 % Faculty of the Built Environment 16 9.52 % 133 79.17 % 104 32.10 % 598 11 5.95 % Faculty of Laws 6 Faculty of S&HS 21 SSEES Total UCL SLASH Faculty of Arts & Humanities Total UCL SLMS 7.24 % 304 15 5.24 % 286 19 11.31 % 168 27.79 % 56 25.93 % 758 162 87.57 % 12 6.49 % 185 10.00 % 45 75.00 % 9 15.00 % 60 7.64 % 229 83.27 % 25 9.09 % 275 3 6.52 % 40 86.96 % 3 6.52 % 46 41 12.65 % 476 22.12 % 49 22.69 % 566 26 8.31 % 262 83.71 % 25 7.99 % 313 Faculty of Life Sciences 22 12.09 % 146 80.22 % 14 7.69 % 182 Faculty of Medical Sciences 53 21.12 % 181 72.11 % 17 6.77 % 251 Faculty of Pop Health Sciences 42 16.22 % 194 74.90 % 23 8.88 % 259 143 44.14 % 783 36.38 % 79 36.57 % 1005 35 10.23 % 276 80.70 % 31 9.06 % 342 35 10.80 % 276 12.83 % 31 14.35 % 342 1 4.76 % 19 90.48 % 1 4.76 % 21 UCL Institute of Education Total Provost and Vice Provost Offices Total Employees Faculty of Brain Sciences Total UCL Institute of Education % Provost and Vice Provost Offices Total ALL UCL 1 0.31 % 19 0.88 % 1 0.46 % 21 324 12.04 % 2152 79.94 % 216 8.02 % 2692 Staff Numbers by Ethnicity, Staff group and Faculty/Service Area as on 01/04/2016 Researchers UCL BEAMS 64.49 % 65 18.47 % 352 100 24.39 % 243 Faculty of Maths & Physical Sciences 60 17.05 % 21 15.91 % 90 68.18 % 21 15.91 % 132 181 31.31 % 560 24.28 % 153 24.60 % 894 Faculty of Arts & Humanities 1 3.33 % 24 80.00 % 5 16.67 % 30 Faculty of Laws 2 16.67 % 9 75.00 % 1 8.33 % 12 Faculty of S&HS 19 15.57 % 82 67.21 % 21 17.21 % 122 8 88.89 % 1 11.11 % 9 22 3.81 % 123 5.33 % 28 4.50 % 173 Faculty of Brain Sciences 101 14.05 % 500 69.54 % 118 16.41 % 719 Faculty of Life Sciences 56 15.05 % 270 72.58 % 46 12.37 % 372 Faculty of Medical Sciences 94 17.41 % 309 57.22 % 137 25.37 % 540 Faculty of Pop Health Sciences 108 15.91 % 446 65.68 % 125 18.41 % 679 359 62.11 % 1525 66.13 % 426 68.49 % 2310 14 14.14 % 72 72.73 % 13 13.13 % 99 14 2.42 % 72 3.12 % 13 2.09 % 99 2 7.14 % 24 85.71 % 2 7.14 % 28 2 0.35 % 24 1.04 % 2 0.32 % 28 2 100.00 % 2 2 0.09 % 2 2306 65.77 % Total UCL Institute of Education Total Provost and Vice Provost Offices Total Professional Services 227 Faculty of Engineering Science Total Provost and Vice Provost Offices 410 % SSEES UCL Institute of Education 16.34 % White Total UCL SLMS Total Employees % Faculty of the Built Environment UCL SLASH % 59.27 % Unknown or Withheld 67 Minority Ethnic Professional Services Total ALL UCL 578 16.49 % 622 17.74 % 3506 Staff Numbers by Ethnicity, Staff group and Faculty/Service Area as on 01/04/2016 NHS Related Minority Ethnic UCL BEAMS % Faculty of Engineering Science Total UCL SLMS 100.00 % 1 1 1.45 % 1 23 88.46 % 1 3.85 % Faculty of Life Sciences 1 100.00 % Faculty of Medical Sciences 10 28.57 % 18 51.43 % 7 20.00 % 35 Faculty of Pop Health Sciences 4 15.38 % 20 76.92 % 2 7.69 % 26 16 94.12 % 61 88.41 % 11 100.00 % 88 1 100.00 % 1 1 1.45 % 1 6 85.71 % 7 UCL Institute of Education Total Professional Services 1 Professional Services 1 14.29 % 2 % Total Employees % Faculty of Brain Sciences Total UCL Institute of Education Unknown or Withheld White 7.69 % 26 1 Total 1 5.88 % 6 8.70 % ALL UCL 17 17.53 % 69 71.13 % 7 11 11.34 % 97 Staff Numbers by Ethnicity, Staff group and Faculty/Service Area as on 01/04/2016 Teachers & TAs UCL BEAMS 81.82 % 2 9.09 % 22 11 11.96 % 67 Faculty of Maths & Physical Sciences 2 9.09 % 9 7.63 % 92 77.97 % 17 14.41 % 118 22 20.95 % 177 28.78 % 33 21.43 % 232 Faculty of Arts & Humanities 5 5.49 % 67 73.63 % 19 20.88 % 91 Faculty of Laws 8 11.76 % 49 72.06 % 11 16.18 % 68 Faculty of S&HS 10 9.71 % 76 73.79 % 17 16.50 % 103 SSEES 1 5.26 % 15 78.95 % 3 15.79 % 19 24 22.86 % 207 33.66 % 50 32.47 % 281 3 8.57 % 26 74.29 % 6 17.14 % 35 Faculty of Life Sciences 8 27.59 % 18 62.07 % 3 10.34 % 29 Faculty of Medical Sciences 18 40.91 % 20 45.45 % 6 13.64 % 44 Faculty of Pop Health Sciences 6 20.69 % 17 58.62 % 6 20.69 % 29 35 33.33 % 81 13.17 % 21 13.64 % 137 1 2.00 % 26 52.00 % 23 46.00 % 50 1 0.95 % 26 4.23 % 23 14.94 % 50 23 13.29 % 124 71.68 % 26 15.03 % 173 23 21.90 % 124 20.16 % 26 16.88 % 173 1 100.00 % 1 1 0.65 % 1 154 17.62 % 874 Faculty of Brain Sciences UCL Institute of Education Total Provost and Vice Provost Offices Total Professional Services 18 Faculty of Engineering Science Total Provost and Vice Provost Offices 92 % Total UCL Institute of Education 15.22 % White Total UCL SLMS Total Employees % Faculty of the Built Environment UCL SLASH % 72.83 % Unknown or Withheld 14 Minority Ethnic Professional Services Total ALL UCL 105 12.01 % 615 70.37 % Staff Numbers by Ethnicity, Staff group and Faculty/Service Area as on 01/04/2016 Administration/Managerial Support UCL BEAMS % Total Employees 70.06 % Unknown or Withheld 20 11.30 % 177 94 69.12 % 20 14.71 % 136 17.71 % 67 69.79 % 12 12.50 % 96 8.87 % 285 10.81 % 52 11.61 % 409 5 8.06 % 50 80.65 % 7 11.29 % 62 Faculty of Laws 3 11.54 % 19 73.08 % 4 15.38 % 26 Faculty of S&HS 19 16.81 % 84 74.34 % 10 8.85 % 113 SSEES 3 15.79 % 12 63.16 % 4 21.05 % 19 30 3.69 % 165 6.26 % 25 5.58 % 220 Faculty of Brain Sciences 53 21.72 % 176 72.13 % 15 6.15 % 244 Faculty of Life Sciences 16 14.68 % 81 74.31 % 12 11.01 % 109 Faculty of Medical Sciences 83 26.18 % 196 61.83 % 38 11.99 % 317 Faculty of Pop Health Sciences 106 24.48 % 267 61.66 % 60 13.86 % 433 258 31.77 % 720 27.31 % 125 27.90 % 1103 58 19.59 % 189 63.85 % 49 16.55 % 296 58 7.14 % 189 7.17 % 49 10.94 % 296 31 13.14 % 170 72.03 % 35 14.83 % 236 31 3.82 % 170 6.45 % 35 7.81 % 236 Minority Ethnic % White % Faculty of Engineering Science 33 18.64 % 124 Faculty of Maths & Physical Sciences 22 16.18 % Faculty of the Built Environment 17 72 Faculty of Arts & Humanities Total UCL SLASH Total UCL SLMS Total UCL Institute of Education UCL Institute of Education Total Provost and Vice Provost Offices Provost and Vice Provost Offices Total Professional Services Professional Services 363 22.24 % 1107 67.83 % 162 9.93 % 1632 Total 363 44.70 % 1107 42.00 % 162 36.16 % 1632 ALL UCL 812 20.84 % 2636 67.66 % 448 11.50 % 3896 Staff Numbers by Ethnicity, Staff group and Faculty/Service Area as on 01/04/2016 Manual and Craft UCL BEAMS Faculty of Engineering Science Minority Ethnic % 1 100.00 % White % Total UCL SLASH 1 3.45 % Faculty of S&HS Total UCL SLMS Professional Services 2 100.00 % 2 75.00 % 1 25.00 % 4 3 4.55 % 3 23.08 % 7 1 100.00 % 1 1 1.52 % 1 5 62.50 % 3 37.50 % Faculty of Medical Sciences 1 50.00 % 4 13.79 % 5 24 26.67 % Total 24 ALL UCL 29 Professional Services Total Employees 3 Faculty of Life Sciences Total % 1 Faculty of Maths & Physical Sciences Faculty of the Built Environment Unknown or Withheld 8 1 50.00 % 2 7.58 % 1 7.69 % 10 57 63.33 % 9 10.00 % 90 82.76 % 57 86.36 % 9 69.23 % 90 26.85 % 66 61.11 % 13 12.04 % 108 Staff Numbers by Ethnicity, Staff group and Faculty/Service Area as on 01/04/2016 Technicians UCL BEAMS 70.59 % 10 11.76 % 85 13 19.40 % 50 Faculty of Maths & Physical Sciences 15 17.65 % Faculty of Arts & Humanities 1 11.11 % 7 77.78 % 1 11.11 % 9 29 18.71 % 117 18.63 % 15 11.81 % 161 1 16.67 % 4 66.67 % 1 16.67 % 6 74 76.29 % 23 23.71 % 97 1 0.65 % 78 12.42 % 24 18.90 % 103 Faculty of Brain Sciences 27 21.60 % 92 73.60 % 6 4.80 % 125 Faculty of Life Sciences 28 22.95 % 83 68.03 % 11 9.02 % 122 Faculty of Medical Sciences 46 22.55 % 115 56.37 % 43 21.08 % 204 11 18.33 % 38 63.33 % 11 18.33 % 60 112 72.26 % 328 52.23 % 71 55.91 % 511 7 100.00 % 7 7 1.11 % 7 3 100.00 % 3 3 0.48 % 3 Faculty of Pop Health Sciences Total UCL Institute of Education Total Provost and Vice Provost Offices Total Professional Services 60 Faculty of Engineering Science Total Provost and Vice Provost Offices 67 % Faculty of S&HS UCL Institute of Education 5.97 % White Total UCL SLMS Total Employees % Faculty of the Built Environment UCL SLASH % 74.63 % Unknown or Withheld 4 Minority Ethnic Professional Services 13 10.40 % 95 76.00 % 17 13.60 % 125 Total 13 8.39 % 95 15.13 % 17 13.39 % 125 ALL UCL 155 17.03 % 628 69.01 % 127 13.96 % 910