Staff Numbers by Nationality (UK and Non-UK Nationals) by Staff Group and Faculty/Service Area as on 01/04/2015 Academics UCL BEAMS Non UK National % UK National % Not Declared % Total Employees Faculty of Engineering Science 141 49.65 % 139 48.94 % 4 1.41 % 284 Faculty of Maths & Physical Sciences 106 36.81 % 174 60.42 % 8 2.78 % 288 Faculty of the Built Environment 63 41.18 % 85 55.56 % 5 3.27 % 153 310 37.44 % 398 27.91 % 17 4.30 % 725 Faculty of Arts & Humanities 50 27.78 % 123 68.33 % 7 3.89 % 180 Faculty of Laws 26 44.83 % 29 50.00 % 3 5.17 % 58 Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences 117 45.00 % 140 53.85 % 3 1.15 % 260 Sch of Slavonic & East European Studies 25 58.14 % 17 39.53 % 1 2.33 % 43 Total Total UCL SLASH UCL SLMS 218 26.33 % 309 21.67 % 14 3.54 % 541 Faculty of Brain Sciences 105 33.65 % 194 62.18 % 13 4.17 % 312 Faculty of Life Sciences 72 37.50 % 114 59.38 % 6 3.13 % 192 Faculty of Medical Sciences 61 23.37 % 186 71.26 % 14 5.36 % 261 Faculty of Population Health Sciences 48 18.53 % 202 77.99 % 9 3.47 % 259 2 100.00 % School of Life & Medical Sciences Total UCL Institute of Education UCL Institute of Education Total Provost and Vice Provost Offices Provost and Vice Provost Offices Total ALL UCL 2 286 34.54 % 698 48.95 % 42 10.63 % 1026 5 1.49 % 10 2.98 % 321 95.54 % 336 5 0.60 % 10 0.70 % 321 81.27 % 336 9 42.86 % 11 52.38 % 1 4.76 % 21 9 828 1.09 % 31.26 % 11 1426 0.77 % 53.83 % 1 395 0.25 % 14.91 % 21 2649 Staff Numbers by Nationality (UK and Non-UK Nationals) by Staff Group and Faculty/Service Area as on 01/04/2015 Researchers UCL BEAMS Non UK National % UK National % Not Declared % Total Employees Faculty of Engineering Science 234 61.10 % 130 33.94 % Faculty of Maths & Physical Sciences 195 50.91 % 134 34.99 % 19 4.96 % 383 54 14.10 % 383 Faculty of the Built Environment 46 41.82 % 57 51.82 % 7 6.36 % 110 475 31.29 % 321 21.49 % 80 18.18 % 876 Faculty of Arts & Humanities 13 37.14 % 17 48.57 % 5 14.29 % 35 Faculty of Laws 7 43.75 % 9 56.25 % Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences 58 47.93 % 55 45.45 % 8 6.61 % 121 Sch of Slavonic & East European Studies 5 50.00 % 4 40.00 % 1 10.00 % 10 Total 83 5.47 % 85 5.69 % 14 3.18 % 182 Faculty of Brain Sciences 291 42.73 % 345 50.66 % 45 6.61 % 681 Faculty of Life Sciences 225 57.99 % 135 34.79 % 28 7.22 % 388 Faculty of Medical Sciences 201 38.65 % 208 40.00 % 111 21.35 % 520 Faculty of Population Health Sciences 229 33.53 % 381 55.78 % 73 10.69 % 683 946 62.32 % 1069 71.55 % 257 58.41 % 2272 5 5.00 % 6 6.00 % 89 89.00 % 100 5 0.33 % 6 0.40 % 89 20.23 % 100 8 40.00 % 12 60.00 % 20 8 0.53 % 12 0.80 % 20 1 50.00 % 1 50.00 % 2 1 1518 0.07 % 43.97 % 1 1494 0.07 % 43.28 % 2 3452 Total UCL SLASH UCL SLMS Total UCL Institute of Education UCL Institute of Education Total Provost and Vice Provost Offices Provost and Vice Provost Offices Total Professional Services Professional Services Total ALL UCL 16 440 12.75 % Staff Numbers by Nationality (UK and Non-UK Nationals) by Staff Group and Faculty/Service Area as on 01/04/2015 NHS Related Non UK National UCL BEAMS % Faculty of Engineering Science Total UCL SLMS Faculty of Brain Sciences 2 8.33 % Faculty of Life Sciences UK National % Not Declared % Total Employees 1 100.00 % 1 1 1.37 % 1 22 91.67 % 24 1 100.00 % 1 Faculty of Medical Sciences 8 21.62 % 24 64.86 % 5 13.51 % 37 Faculty of Population Health Sciences 4 13.79 % 21 72.41 % 4 13.79 % 29 14 82.35 % 68 93.15 % 9 90.00 % 91 1 100.00 % 1 1 10.00 % 1 Total UCL Institute of Education UCL Institute of Education Professional Services Professional Services Total Total ALL UCL 3 42.86 % 4 57.14 % 7 3 17 17.65 % 17.00 % 4 73 5.48 % 73.00 % 7 100 10 10.00 % Staff Numbers by Nationality (UK and Non-UK Nationals) by Staff Group and Faculty/Service Area as on 01/04/2015 Teachers & TAs UCL BEAMS Non UK National % UK National % Not Declared % Total Employees Faculty of Engineering Science 28 36.36 % 46 59.74 % 3 3.90 % 77 Faculty of Maths & Physical Sciences 5 21.74 % 17 73.91 % 1 4.35 % 23 Faculty of the Built Environment 52 42.98 % 65 53.72 % 4 3.31 % 121 85 25.60 % 128 27.83 % 8 10.53 % 221 Faculty of Arts & Humanities 48 50.53 % 37 38.95 % 10 10.53 % 95 Faculty of Laws 21 35.00 % 32 53.33 % 7 11.67 % 60 Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences 29 32.95 % 49 55.68 % 10 11.36 % 88 Sch of Slavonic & East European Studies 12 52.17 % 6 26.09 % 5 21.74 % 23 Total 110 33.13 % 124 26.96 % 32 42.11 % 266 Faculty of Brain Sciences 7 20.59 % 24 70.59 % 3 8.82 % 34 Faculty of Life Sciences 7 29.17 % 16 66.67 % 1 4.17 % 24 Faculty of Medical Sciences 9 20.00 % 32 71.11 % 4 8.89 % 45 Faculty of Population Health Sciences 4 14.81 % 21 77.78 % 2 7.41 % 27 27 8.13 % 93 20.22 % 10 13.16 % 130 17 100.00 % 17 17 22.37 % 17 48.93 % 9 3.86 % 233 9 11.84 % 233 Total UCL SLASH UCL SLMS Total UCL Institute of Education UCL Institute of Education Total Provost and Vice Provost Offices Provost and Vice Provost Offices Total Professional Services 110 47.21 % 114 110 33.13 % 114 24.78 % 1 100.00 % 1 1 460 0.22 % 53.00 % 1 868 Professional Services Total ALL UCL 332 38.25 % 76 8.76 % Staff Numbers by Nationality (UK and Non-UK Nationals) by Staff Group and Faculty/Service Area as on 01/04/2015 Administration/Managerial Support UCL BEAMS Non UK National % UK National % Not Declared % Total Employees Faculty of Engineering Science 34 19.88 % 128 74.85 % 9 5.26 % 171 Faculty of Maths & Physical Sciences 21 15.56 % 109 80.74 % 5 3.70 % 135 Faculty of the Built Environment 16 16.16 % 77 77.78 % 6 6.06 % 99 71 11.36 % 314 11.71 % 20 3.07 % 405 Faculty of Arts & Humanities 20 31.25 % 40 62.50 % 4 6.25 % 64 Faculty of Laws 2 6.90 % 26 89.66 % 1 3.45 % 29 Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences 18 16.51 % 84 77.06 % 7 6.42 % 109 Sch of Slavonic & East European Studies 3 15.79 % 13 68.42 % 3 15.79 % 19 Total 43 6.88 % 163 6.08 % 15 2.30 % 221 Faculty of Brain Sciences 48 19.05 % 197 78.17 % 7 2.78 % 252 Faculty of Life Sciences 20 19.05 % 83 79.05 % 2 1.90 % 105 Faculty of Medical Sciences 63 20.86 % 216 71.52 % 23 7.62 % 302 Faculty of Population Health Sciences 69 15.07 % 353 77.07 % 36 7.86 % 458 School of Life & Medical Sciences 2 22.22 % 7 77.78 % 202 32.32 % 856 31.92 % 68 10.45 % 1126 4 0.84 % 23 4.82 % 450 94.34 % 477 4 0.64 % 23 0.86 % 450 69.12 % 477 46 21.10 % 145 66.51 % 27 12.39 % 218 Total UCL SLASH UCL SLMS Total UCL Institute of Education UCL Institute of Education Total Provost and Vice Provost Offices Provost and Vice Provost Offices Total Professional Services Professional Services Total ALL UCL 9 46 7.36 % 145 5.41 % 27 4.15 % 218 259 17.14 % 1181 78.16 % 71 4.70 % 1511 259 625 41.44 % 15.79 % 1181 2682 44.03 % 67.76 % 71 651 10.91 % 16.45 % 1511 3958 Staff Numbers by Nationality (UK and Non-UK Nationals) by Staff Group and Faculty/Service Area as on 01/04/2015 Manual and Craft UCL BEAMS Faculty of Engineering Science Non UK National % 1 100.00 % UK National % UCL SLASH 1 3.33 % Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences Total UCL SLMS Faculty of Brain Sciences 2 100.00 % 2 2 10.00 % 3 1 100.00 % 1 1 1.69 % 1 1 100.00 % 1 6 75.00 % 2 25.00 % 8 Faculty of Medical Sciences 1 50.00 % 1 50.00 % 2 7 23.33 % 4 6.78 % UCL Institute of Education Total Professional Services Total Employees Faculty of Life Sciences Total UCL Institute of Education % 1 Faculty of Maths & Physical Sciences Total Not Declared Professional Services Total ALL UCL 11 2 100.00 % 2 2 10.00 % 2 22 23.91 % 54 58.70 % 16 17.39 % 92 22 30 73.33 % 27.52 % 54 59 91.53 % 54.13 % 16 20 80.00 % 18.35 % 92 109 Staff Numbers by Nationality (UK and Non-UK Nationals) by Staff Group and Faculty/Service Area as on 01/04/2015 Technicians UCL BEAMS Non UK National % UK National % Not Declared Faculty of Engineering Science 11 18.64 % 47 79.66 % Faculty of Maths & Physical Sciences 16 18.82 % 60 70.59 % 3 100.00 % 110 18.77 % 10 11.90 % 147 4 80.00 % 1 20.00 % 5 Faculty of the Built Environment Total UCL SLASH 1 1.69 % 59 9 10.59 % 85 3 17.00 % 68 68.00 % 15 15.00 % 100 17 7.73 % 72 12.29 % 16 19.05 % 105 Faculty of Brain Sciences 42 33.87 % 78 62.90 % 4 3.23 % 124 Faculty of Life Sciences 34 28.33 % 85 70.83 % 1 0.83 % 120 Faculty of Medical Sciences 64 32.49 % 109 55.33 % 24 12.18 % 197 20 31.75 % 37 58.73 % 6 9.52 % 63 160 72.73 % 309 52.73 % 35 41.67 % 504 14 100.00 % 14 14 16.67 % 14 Faculty of Population Health Sciences Total UCL Institute of Education Total Provost and Vice Provost Offices Provost and Vice Provost Offices Total Professional Services Total Employees 17 Total UCL Institute of Education 12.27 % Faculty of Arts & Humanities Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences UCL SLMS 27 % Professional Services Total ALL UCL 2 66.67 % 1 33.33 % 3 2 0.91 % 1 0.17 % 3 14 11.97 % 94 80.34 % 9 7.69 % 117 14 220 6.36 % 24.72 % 94 586 16.04 % 65.84 % 9 84 10.71 % 9.44 % 117 890