Staff Numbers by Age Group, Staff Group and Faculty/Service Area as on 01/04/2015 Academics UCL BEAMS 25-34 % 35-44 % 45-54 % 55-64 % 65 or over % Total Employees Faculty of Engineering Science 43 15.14 % 111 39.08 % 78 27.46 % 41 14.44 % 11 3.87 % 284 Faculty of Maths & Physical Sciences 35 12.15 % 122 42.36 % 71 24.65 % 48 16.67 % 12 4.17 % 288 Faculty of the Built Environment 15 9.80 % 59 38.56 % 42 27.45 % 27 17.65 % 10 6.54 % 153 93 48.44 % 292 34.47 % 191 21.83 % 116 19.17 % 33 25.38 % 725 Faculty of Arts & Humanities 17 9.44 % 52 28.89 % 65 36.11 % 38 21.11 % 8 4.44 % 180 Faculty of Laws 8 13.79 % 27 46.55 % 11 18.97 % 9 15.52 % 3 5.17 % 58 Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences 31 11.92 % 88 33.85 % 80 30.77 % 47 18.08 % 14 5.38 % 260 Total UCL SLASH Sch of Slavonic & East European Studies 2 4.65 % 11 25.58 % 21 48.84 % 9 20.93 % 58 30.21 % 178 21.02 % 177 20.23 % 103 17.02 % 25 19.23 % 541 Faculty of Brain Sciences 11 3.53 % 96 30.77 % 119 38.14 % 78 25.00 % 8 2.56 % 312 Faculty of Life Sciences 4 2.08 % 61 31.77 % 69 35.94 % 47 24.48 % 11 5.73 % 192 Faculty of Medical Sciences 8 3.07 % 76 29.12 % 98 37.55 % 68 26.05 % 11 4.21 % 261 Faculty of Population Health Sciences 5 1.93 % 50 19.31 % 122 47.10 % 69 26.64 % 13 5.02 % 259 1 50.00 % 1 50.00 % 2 Total UCL SLMS School of Life & Medical Sciences Total UCL Institute of Education UCL Institute of Education Provost and Vice Provost Offices Provost and Vice Provost Offices Total Total ALL UCL 43 28 14.58 % 283 33.41 % 409 46.74 % 262 43.31 % 44 33.85 % 1026 12 3.57 % 85 25.30 % 94 27.98 % 118 35.12 % 27 8.04 % 336 12 6.25 % 85 10.04 % 94 10.74 % 118 19.50 % 27 20.77 % 336 1 4.76 % 9 42.86 % 4 19.05 % 6 28.57 % 1 4.76 % 21 1 0.52 % 9 1.06 % 4 0.46 % 6 0.99 % 1 0.77 % 21 192 7.25 % 847 31.97 % 875 33.03 % 605 22.84 % 130 4.91 % 2649 Staff Numbers by Age Group, Staff Group and Faculty/Service Area as on 01/04/2015 Researchers UCL BEAMS 16-24 % 25-34 % 35-44 % 45-54 % 55-64 % 65 or over % Total Employees Faculty of Engineering Science 7 1.83 % 246 64.23 % 97 25.33 % 17 4.44 % 12 3.13 % 4 1.04 % 383 Faculty of Maths & Physical Sciences 3 0.78 % 235 61.36 % 91 23.76 % 36 9.40 % 12 3.13 % 6 1.57 % 383 45 40.91 % 35 31.82 % 16 14.55 % 8 7.27 % 6 5.45 % 110 32 24.62 % 16 28.57 % 876 Faculty of the Built Environment Total UCL SLASH 10 11.36 % 526 28.19 % 223 21.32 % 69 25.94 % Faculty of Arts & Humanities 1 2.86 % 15 42.86 % 11 31.43 % 5 14.29 % 3 8.57 % 35 Faculty of Laws 1 6.25 % 8 50.00 % 2 12.50 % 1 6.25 % 4 25.00 % 16 Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences 4 3.31 % 61 50.41 % 37 30.58 % 10 8.26 % 2 1.65 % 121 8 80.00 % 2 20.00 % Sch of Slavonic & East European Studies Total UCL SLMS 6 6.82 % 92 4.93 % 52 4.97 % 16 6.02 % 7 5.38 % 9 16.07 % 182 4.41 % 391 57.42 % 187 27.46 % 40 5.87 % 26 3.82 % 7 1.03 % 681 Faculty of Life Sciences 7 1.80 % 233 60.05 % 113 29.12 % 22 5.67 % 8 2.06 % 5 1.29 % 388 Faculty of Medical Sciences 8 1.54 % 289 55.58 % 167 32.12 % 32 6.15 % 18 3.46 % 6 1.15 % 520 Faculty of Population Health Sciences 27 3.95 % 300 43.92 % 256 37.48 % 65 9.52 % 26 3.81 % 9 1.32 % 683 72 81.82 % 1213 65.01 % 723 69.12 % 159 59.77 % 78 60.00 % 27 48.21 % 2272 24 24.00 % 43 43.00 % 19 19.00 % 10 10.00 % 4 4.00 % 100 24 1.29 % 43 4.11 % 19 7.14 % 10 7.69 % 4 7.14 % 100 11 55.00 % 4 20.00 % 3 15.00 % 2 10.00 % 20 11 0.59 % 4 0.38 % 3 1.13 % 2 1.54 % 20 1 50.00 % 1 50.00 % 2 1 0.10 % 1 0.77 % 2 1046 30.30 % 130 3.77 % UCL Institute of Education Provost and Vice Provost Offices Total Professional Services 10 30 Total Provost and Vice Provost Offices 5.79 % Faculty of Brain Sciences Total UCL Institute of Education 7 Professional Services Total ALL UCL 88 2.55 % 1866 54.06 % 266 7.71 % 56 1.62 % 3452 Staff Numbers by Age Group, Staff Group and Faculty/Service Area as on 01/04/2015 NHS Related 16-24 UCL BEAMS % 25-34 % 35-44 % Faculty of Engineering Science Total UCL SLMS Faculty of Brain Sciences 1 4.17 % 3 12.50 % Faculty of Life Sciences 29.17 % 1 100.00 % 1 100.00 % 1 1 4.17 % 1 9 37.50 % 4 % 65 or over % 16.67 % 24 1 14 37.84 % 13 35.14 % 4 10.81 % 6 16.22 % 37 Faculty of Population Health Sciences 11 37.93 % 9 31.03 % 6 20.69 % 3 10.34 % 29 28 96.55 % 30 93.75 % 19 79.17 % 13 100.00 % 91 1 100.00 % 1 1 4.17 % 1 1 100.00 % UCL Institute of Education Total Professional Services % Faculty of Medical Sciences Total UCL Institute of Education 7 55-64 Total Employees 45-54 Professional Services Total ALL UCL 1 1.00 % 1 14.29 % 2 28.57 % 3 42.86 % 1 14.29 % 7 1 3.45 % 2 6.25 % 3 12.50 % 1 100.00 % 7 29 29.00 % 32 32.00 % 24 24.00 % 1 1.00 % 100 13 13.00 % Staff Numbers by Age Group, Staff Group and Faculty/Service Area as on 01/04/2015 Teachers & TAs 25-34 % 35-44 % 45-54 % 55-64 % 65 or over % Total Employees Faculty of Engineering Science 27 35.06 % 17 22.08 % 19 24.68 % 11 14.29 % 3 3.90 % 77 Faculty of Maths & Physical Sciences 7 30.43 % 5 21.74 % 4 17.39 % 2 8.70 % 5 21.74 % 23 Faculty of the Built Environment 31 25.62 % 53 43.80 % 22 18.18 % 8 6.61 % 7 5.79 % 121 65 26.75 % 75 26.79 % 45 24.06 % 21 20.19 % 15 34.09 % 221 16-24 UCL BEAMS % Total UCL SLASH Faculty of Arts & Humanities 1 1.05 % 35 36.84 % 33 34.74 % 14 14.74 % 6 6.32 % 6 6.32 % 95 Faculty of Laws 9 15.00 % 18 30.00 % 19 31.67 % 7 11.67 % 1 1.67 % 6 10.00 % 60 Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences 34 38.64 % 29 32.95 % 15 17.05 % 7 7.95 % 3 3.41 % 88 Sch of Slavonic & East European Studies 9 39.13 % 8 34.78 % 1 4.35 % 5 21.74 % Total UCL SLMS 10 100.00 % 96 39.51 % 89 31.79 % 37 19.79 % 19 18.27 % 15 34.09 % 266 Faculty of Brain Sciences 10 29.41 % 17 50.00 % 3 8.82 % 3 8.82 % 1 2.94 % 34 Faculty of Life Sciences 10 41.67 % 3 12.50 % 5 20.83 % 4 16.67 % 2 8.33 % 24 Faculty of Medical Sciences 15 33.33 % 14 31.11 % 10 22.22 % 6 13.33 % 45 Faculty of Population Health Sciences 9 33.33 % 10 37.04 % 7 25.93 % 1 3.70 % 27 44 18.11 % 44 15.71 % 25 13.37 % 14 13.46 % 3 6.82 % 130 1 5.88 % 6 35.29 % 6 35.29 % 4 23.53 % 17 1 0.41 % 6 3.21 % 6 5.77 % 4 9.09 % 17 36 15.45 % 72 30.90 % 74 31.76 % 44 18.88 % 7 3.00 % 233 36 14.81 % 72 25.71 % 74 39.57 % 44 42.31 % 7 15.91 % 233 1 100.00 % 1 1 0.41 % 1 243 28.00 % Total UCL Institute of Education UCL Institute of Education Total Provost and Vice Provost Offices Provost and Vice Provost Offices Total Professional Services 23 Professional Services Total ALL UCL 10 1.15 % 280 32.26 % 187 21.54 % 104 11.98 % 44 5.07 % 868 Staff Numbers by Age Group, Staff Group and Faculty/Service Area as on 01/04/2015 Administration/Managerial Support UCL BEAMS Faculty of Engineering Science 16-24 % 25-34 % 35-44 % 45-54 % 55-64 % 65 or over % Total Employees 5 2.92 % 74 43.27 % 46 26.90 % 35 20.47 % 10 5.85 % 1 0.58 % 171 32 23.70 % 44 32.59 % 33 24.44 % 21 15.56 % 5 3.70 % 135 Faculty of Maths & Physical Sciences Faculty of the Built Environment 5 5.05 % 43 43.43 % 32 32.32 % 10 10.10 % 8 8.08 % 1 1.01 % 99 10 7.30 % 149 11.65 % 122 10.23 % 78 9.14 % 39 8.74 % 7 14.00 % 405 Faculty of Arts & Humanities 2 3.13 % 20 31.25 % 20 31.25 % 13 20.31 % 9 14.06 % 64 Faculty of Laws 2 6.90 % 11 37.93 % 8 27.59 % 4 13.79 % 4 13.79 % 29 Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences 3 2.75 % 36 33.03 % 43 39.45 % 21 19.27 % 4 3.67 % 2 1.83 % 109 Sch of Slavonic & East European Studies 2 10.53 % 8 42.11 % 5 26.32 % 3 15.79 % 1 5.26 % 19 Total UCL SLASH Total UCL SLMS 9 6.57 % 75 5.86 % 71 5.95 % 43 5.04 % 20 4.48 % 3 6.00 % 221 Faculty of Brain Sciences 3 1.19 % 76 30.16 % 62 24.60 % 63 25.00 % 42 16.67 % 6 2.38 % 252 Faculty of Life Sciences 2 1.90 % 24 22.86 % 29 27.62 % 35 33.33 % 11 10.48 % 4 3.81 % 105 Faculty of Medical Sciences 6 1.99 % 111 36.75 % 81 26.82 % 67 22.19 % 35 11.59 % 2 0.66 % 302 Faculty of Population Health Sciences 25 5.46 % 175 38.21 % 135 29.48 % 71 15.50 % 47 10.26 % 5 1.09 % 458 3 33.33 % 4 44.44 % 1 11.11 % 1 11.11 % School of Life & Medical Sciences Total UCL Institute of Education UCL Institute of Education Provost and Vice Provost Offices Provost and Vice Provost Offices 36 26.28 % 389 30.41 % 311 26.07 % 237 27.78 % 136 30.49 % 17 34.00 % 1126 9 1.89 % 112 23.48 % 144 30.19 % 118 24.74 % 83 17.40 % 11 2.31 % 477 9 6.57 % 112 8.76 % 144 12.07 % 118 13.83 % 83 18.61 % 11 22.00 % 477 6 2.75 % 79 36.24 % 76 34.86 % 40 18.35 % 17 7.80 % 218 6 4.38 % 79 6.18 % 76 6.37 % 40 4.69 % 17 3.81 % 218 67 4.43 % 475 31.44 % 469 31.04 % 337 22.30 % 151 9.99 % 12 0.79 % 1511 Total 67 48.91 % 475 37.14 % 469 39.31 % 337 39.51 % 151 33.86 % 12 24.00 % 1511 ALL UCL 137 3.46 % 1279 32.31 % 1193 30.14 % 853 21.55 % 446 11.27 % 50 1.26 % 3958 Total Total Professional Services 9 Professional Services Staff Numbers by Age Group, Staff Group and Faculty/Service Area as on 01/04/2015 Manual and Craft 16-24 UCL BEAMS % 25-34 % 35-44 % % Faculty of Engineering Science 1 100.00 % Faculty of Maths & Physical Sciences 1 50.00 % 1 50.00 % 2 2 5.71 % 1 25.00 % 3 Total UCL SLASH Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences % 1 1 1 3.70 % 1 Faculty of Brain Sciences 1 100.00 % 1 Faculty of Life Sciences 4 50.00 % Faculty of Medical Sciences 1 50.00 % 6 22.22 % UCL Institute of Education Total Professional Services 65 or over 100.00 % Total UCL Institute of Education % 1 Total UCL SLMS 55-64 Total Employees 45-54 Professional Services 3 37.50 % 1 12.50 % 8 1 50.00 % 2 2 8.70 % 11 3 8.57 % 2 100.00 % 2 2 5.71 % 2 5 5.43 % 15 16.30 % 20 21.74 % 28 30.43 % 21 22.83 % 3 3.26 % 92 Total 5 100.00 % 15 100.00 % 20 74.07 % 28 80.00 % 21 91.30 % 3 75.00 % 92 ALL UCL 5 4.59 % 15 13.76 % 27 24.77 % 35 32.11 % 23 21.10 % 4 3.67 % 109 Staff Numbers by Age Group, Staff Group and Faculty/Service Area as on 01/04/2015 Technicians UCL BEAMS 16-24 % 25-34 % 35-44 % 45-54 % 55-64 % 65 or over % Total Employees Faculty of Engineering Science 1 1.69 % 13 22.03 % 15 25.42 % 18 30.51 % 10 16.95 % 2 3.39 % 59 Faculty of Maths & Physical Sciences 6 7.06 % 26 30.59 % 15 17.65 % 25 29.41 % 8 9.41 % 5 5.88 % 85 2 66.67 % 1 33.33 % 3 Faculty of the Built Environment Total UCL SLASH Total 39 11.54 % 30 13.95 % 43 27.39 % 20 21.51 % 8 57.14 % 147 2 40.00 % 1 20.00 % 1 20.00 % 1 20.00 % 5 3 3.00 % 3 3.00 % 43 43.00 % 33 33.00 % 18 18.00 % 100 3 4.11 % 43 12.72 % 35 16.28 % 19 12.10 % 4 4.30 % Faculty of Brain Sciences 8 6.45 % 52 41.94 % 34 27.42 % 17 13.71 % 13 10.48 % Faculty of Life Sciences 10 8.33 % 30 25.00 % 27 22.50 % 26 21.67 % 26 21.67 % 1 0.83 % 120 Faculty of Medical Sciences 22 11.17 % 92 46.70 % 45 22.84 % 20 10.15 % 16 8.12 % 2 1.02 % 197 Faculty of Population Health Sciences 11 17.46 % 28 44.44 % 11 17.46 % 8 12.70 % 4 6.35 % 1 1.59 % 63 51 69.86 % 202 59.76 % 117 54.42 % 71 45.22 % 59 63.44 % 4 28.57 % 504 3 21.43 % 5 35.71 % 4 28.57 % 1 7.14 % 1 7.14 % 14 3 0.89 % 5 2.33 % 4 2.55 % 1 1.08 % 1 7.14 % 14 1 33.33 % 1 33.33 % 1 33.33 % Total UCL Institute of Education 9.59 % Faculty of Arts & Humanities Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences UCL SLMS 7 UCL Institute of Education Total Provost and Vice Provost Offices Provost and Vice Provost Offices Professional Services Professional Services Total 1 7.14 % 105 124 3 1 0.30 % 1 0.64 % 1 1.08 % 3 12 10.26 % 50 42.74 % 28 23.93 % 19 16.24 % 8 6.84 % 117 Total 12 16.44 % 50 14.79 % 28 13.02 % 19 12.10 % 8 8.60 % 117 ALL UCL 73 8.20 % 338 37.98 % 215 24.16 % 157 17.64 % 93 10.45 % 14 1.57 % 890