Document 12001105

Josh Bray
Zapus hudsonius
Meadow Jumping Mouse
Geographical Range
Zapus hudsonius has been recorded in southern Alaska stretching eastward
through Canada to New Brunswick. (Harris) The record for the Meadow Jumping Mouse
was recorded in the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska at 59o 17’ N and 161o 06’
W. (Peirce 2000) The range continues south into the United States stretching from
Oklahoma to the Atlantic Coast. (Linzey 2002)
Physical Characteristics
The adult length of this mouse is between 185 and 225 mm. The Tail length takes
up the majority of the total length ranging from 110 to 150 mm. The powerful and large
hind foot indicative of the jumping mouse measures between 27 and 32 mm. The weight
of the adult mouse can range between 12 and 28 grams. (Linzey 2002) The meadow
jumping mouse has a small head with relatively large ears. The tail has two colors and is
sparsely covered. The mouse is colored a yellowish brown on the dorsal side and white
with some yellow possible on the ventral side. There is a black mid-dorsal stripe that
runs from the nose to the base of the tail. The tail lacks the white tip that is common to
the Woodland Jumping mouse. The large hind feet allow the mouse to leap over great
distances and the long tail gives stability and balance. The dentition of the mouse is I 1/1
C 0/0 P 1/0 M 3/3. The orange or yellow colored upper incisors are deeply grooved on
the anterior surface. The skull has a large, oval preorbial foramen. The nasals extend
substantially further than the incisors. The baculum measures from 4.5 – 4.9 mm.
(Whitaker 1972)
Fossil Records
Klingener (1963) has studied numerous fossils from Meade County, Kansas as
well as Harper County, Oklahoma. Guilday et al (1969) found fossil records in Robinson
Cave in Overton County, Tennessee.
Natural History
Food Habits
Meadow jumping mice are omnivores. Their diet consists mainly of grass seeds
and surrounding vegetative seeds. They have been known to eat moth larvae as well as
some species of beetle. Zapus also can feed on berries and other fruits. (Harris)
Josh Bray
The breeding begins very soon after emergence from hibernation. Most litters are
produced in June and August, but there are instances where litters were birthed in May
and September. Litter size can range from three to seven. Gestation periods range from
17 – 21 days. (Whitaker 1972) The litter is usually born in burrow or a clump of
vegetation where they are protected. The babies are hairless and their eyes are closed.
The ears and eyes are fully open approximately 25 days after birth. The young are
weaned between four and five weeks after birth. (Harris)
The meadow jumping mouse is a nocturnal mammal. They are generally quiet.
They make a squeaking or sucking noise directly after birth and a loud chirping noise if
they are fighting. The mice themselves are generally solitary, but when in contact are
rarely antagonistic and fighting is uncommon. There have been rare occurrences where
the mice have been sighted engaging in rapid jumps about 45 cm high and 60 cm long
while making a loud chirping sound. This has been ruled out as fighting, however the
reason for this behavior is unknown. (Jones 1985) The mice are good swimmers and can
also dig or climb when necessary. While in the water they can become vulnerable prey to
fish like the Brown trout (Salmo trutta) and other predatory fish species. (Cochran 1999)
Other land predators include snakes, owls, foxes, mink, weasels, and hawks. The mice
usually escape by bounding, sometimes up to a meter high. The mice can and do traverse
on the ground, usually under the litter and dense brush. The mice begin hibernation in
late September and use lined burrows that extend below the frost line. The mice curl into
a ball and are usually solitary. (Harris) The energetic cost of entering hibernation was
found at approximately 12o C and 5o C for arousal. (Muchlinski 1978)
As revealed by captures, the mice prefer moist, lowland habitats like willow –
alder thickets or grass/sedge meadows. The habitats are usually very near to water. The
mouse needs dense ground cover and an abundant food source which is provided readily
by grasslands. They can be found in various other habitats that meet these basic
requirements as can be noted by their wide geographic distribution. (Tester 1993)
There is no current conservation status for this mouse. They are abundant and in
no threat of extinction. They may be open to more predation where predatory fish are
being stocked in common habitat ranges, but are in no serious risk of becoming
endangered. (Cochran 1999)
Cochran, P. A; Cochran, J. A. Predation on a meadow jumping mouse, Zapus hudsonius,
and a house mouse, Mus musculus, by brown trout, Salmo trutta. Canadian
Field Naturalist. 133(4): 684 – 685. 1999.
Josh Bray
Guilday, J. E. et al. 1969. The Pleistocene vertebrate fauna of Robinson Cave, Overton
County, Tennessee. Palaeovertebrata. 2: 25 – 75.
Harris, M. Zapus hudsonius and Napaeozapus insignis. Mammology (4251C), Mount
Allison University.
Jones, G. S; Jones D. Observations in interspecific behavior of meadow jumping mice,
Zapus hudsonius, and escape behavior of a western jumping mouse, Zapus
Princeps, in the wild. Canadian Field Naturalist. 99(3) : 378-380. 1985.
Klingener, D. 1963. Dental evolution of Zapus. Journal of Mammalogy. 44: 248 – 260.
Linzey, D. , C. Brecht. 10 April, 2002.
Whitaker, J. O., Jr. 1972. Zapus hudsonius. Mammalian Species No. 11: 1-7. American
Society of Mammalogists
Muchlinski, A. E. ; Rybak, E. N. Energy Consumption of resting and hibernating
meadow jumping mice. Journal of Mammalogy. 59(2) : 435 – 437. 1978.
Peirce, K. N. ; Peirce, J. M. A range extension for the meadow jumping mouse, Zapus
hudsonius, in Southwestern Alaska. Canadian Field Naturalist. 114(2):
311. 2000.
Tester, J. R. et al. Movements and Habitat use by Meadow Jumping Mice in
Northwestern Minnesota. The Prairie Naturalist. 25(1): 33 – 37. 1993.
Reference written by Josh Bray, Biol 378: Edited by Chris Yahnke. Page last updated