Project Spring 2016 SURCA Award Recipients Faculty Do final test questions requiring creativity reduce stress levels and increase confidence in undergraduate STEM students? Assessing cultural perceptions of Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF) in the Afrotropics Development and implementation of culture practices for Gammarid amphipods Triclosan resistance in Staphylococcus Aureus isolated from UNCW nursing students Interactive effects of ocean acidification and elevated temperature on the Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea Virginica) Building international connections for the study of anthropogenic impacts in subantarctic lakes Development of calcite staining as a tool to investigate coccolithophore biomineralisation and pelagic calcification Blocking EHV-1 Induced Inflammation using specific inhibitors of host immune response genes Aziridine Synthesis for the treatment of human disease Michaela Howells Analytic characterization of novel chemotherapy drugs Thin section analysis of sediment samples from Lapa Do Picareiro, Portugal Compound-specific hydrogen isotope analysis of singletary lake sediments Sridhar Varadarajan Michael Benedetti William Alexander Carolyn Robinson Troy Alphin Martin Posey Kevin Kiser Aswani Volety Myrina Boulais Joseph Covi Alison Taylor Art Frampton Jeremy Morgan Chad Lane Student(s) Department(s) Elizabeth Boswell Katherine Woolard Mallory Walker Judy Huckins Hannah Salemi Caroline Longerbeam Anthropology Ashley deMey Kyle Chenevert Biology and Marine Biology Zachary Johannesson Casey Madrigal Jason Bleau Natalie Panasiak Michael Echevarria (Graduate Assistant) Thomas Bailey Michael Casper Haley MacDonald Douglas Lasch Kyle Swain Audrey Taylor Anthropology Biology and Marine Biology Biology and Marine Biology Biology and Marine Biology Biology and Marine Biology Biology and Marine Biology/ Chemistry and Biochemistry Chemistry and Biochemistry Chemistry and Biochemistry Geography and Geology Geography and Geology Project Spring 2016 SURCA Award Recipients Faculty Improving community self-efficacy through a Janna Robertson community service learning project Student(s) Madyson Figlo Lauren Johnson Mikaela Kuhnel Mikayla Lecates Miranda Watkins Spencer Bloom Seth Penwell Madeline Ottinger Emily Parker Jenna Swink Guide to playing Timpani in symphonic band Living with volcanic hazard: Prediction uncertainty and personal protective behavior Automated procedure to study learning and memory in rodents John Rack Jennifer Horan Stephen Meinhold Therapeutic potential of novel compounds to prevent memory deficits associated with neuroinflammation Empirical investigation of the impact of the Police Activities League Black Soil: Researching the Allen Family Farm Story Challenges to employment in southern rural persistent poverty counties Rachel Kohman Katherine Dyer Samantha Hess Andrew Caliri Sara Krichbaum Angela Goolsby (Graduate Assistant) Megan Shannahan Kristin Bolton Richard Pond Emmanual Harris II Ami D’Ambrosio Lauren Bruce (Graduate Assistant) Jasmine Beck Exploring the brain’s default mode network using near-infrared spectroscopy Karen Daniels Jeffrey Toth Mark Galizio Julia Waity Kristen DeVall Erin Cox Geoffrey Cregan Andre Elliott Kelsey Gibbs Megan Mauldin Nicolette Benderoth Scott Wittman Dahlia Kamel Shelby Smith James Markus Hannah Paddock Halle Steensen Lindsay Topping Nicole Whaley Kasey Sulovski Jessica Katschke (Graduate Assistant) Department(s) Instructional Technology, Foundations, and Secondary Education Music Public and International Affairs Psychology Psychology Social Work / Psychology World Languages and Cultures Sociology and Criminology Psychology