4/27/2011 4/27/2011 Aquatic Invasive Species 2010 Lac du Flambeau Speaking for Lakes Boozhoo! In Vilas County April 13, 2011 Lac du Flambeau Town Lakes Committee Lac du Flambeau, Vilas County Rainbow Smelt Rusty Crayfish Purple Loosestrife Standing Rules Mission 140 Sq Miles 260 Lakes 3000 Residents 71 Miles Streams 24,000 Acres Wetlands 433 Miles Shoreline Protect the lakes from aquatic invasive species 1 2 4/27/2011 4/27/2011 Focus on the Future Rapid Response Plan In Lac du Flambeau Chinese Mystery Snail Curly Leaf Pondweed Eurasian Water Milfoil Freshwater Jellyfish Spiny Waterflea Rainbow Smelt Rusty Crayfish Purple Loosestrife Lac du Flambeau Lac du Flambeau Town Lakes Committee Objectives Focus on Future Activities Education Strategic Planning Action Plan – Loosestrife Watercraft Inspection Goals Lake Assoc. Lake Monitoring Public Relations Steward Program Process Goals Readiness Action Plan: Form & Sample Goal 1: Prevent AIS Infestations… Plan Monitor …through …through …through …through …through …through Plan Prevent Manage Implement 3 Education Watercraft Inspection Lake Monitoring Communication Lake Stewardship Lake Associations 4 4/27/2011 4/27/2011 Education Goal 1: Prevent AIS Infestations… …through Education Lake Monitoring Goal 1: Prevent AIS Infestations… Action Team AIS ID Watercraft Inspection Lake Monitoring Purple Loosestrife Establish Lake Associations Lake Stewardship Attend conferences, workshops, ... …through Lake Monitoring Watercraft Inspection Goal 1: Prevent AIS Infestations… SCUBA Diving Workshops SCUBA Diving CLMN/Secchi Point Intercept Shoreline Sweeps Lake Clean-up Guides Point Intercept Surveys Action Team/Plan Education Packets …through Watercraft Inspection Landing Containers Schedule Volunteers CBCW Story Hour Train Volunteers Log Data Coordinators 5 6 4/27/2011 4/27/2011 Public Relations/Communication Goal 1: Prevent AIS Infestations… …through Communication & Public Relations Newsletters Signage Lakes Fest Fourth of July Outreach Action Team/Plan Newsletters & Bulletins Brochures Signage Press Releases Lakes Fest Fourth of July Website Appreciation Reception Lake Association Rally Brochures Bulletins 7 8 4/27/2011 Website Appreciation Reception 4/27/2011 Lake Associations as Partners Goal 1: Prevent AIS Infestations… Action Team/Plan Liaison with Associations Conduct Workshop Encourage Sweeps …through Lake Steward Program Host Rally Host Roundtable Lake Steward Workshop Goal 1: Prevent AIS Infestations… …through Lake Associations Lake Ike Walton Lake Moss Lake Little Crawling Stone Lake Pokegama Lake Flambeau Lake Little Trout Lake Wild Rice Lake White Sand Lake Long Lake Big Crawling Stone Lake Fence Lake Human Disturbance Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium High Riparian Cover Good Good Poor Good Good Fair Good Good Fair Good Good Littoral Cover Fair Good Poor Good Good Good Good Good Good Poor Poor Lac du Flambeau lakes evaluated by National Lake Assessment condition criteria for Human Disturbance, Riparian Cover, Literal Cover, Combined Cover, and Total Phosphorus. Land Use Key Littoral and Riparian Cover Good Good Poor Good Fair Good Good Good Fair Fair Fair 9 10 4/27/2011 4/27/2011 Phosphorus Good Fair Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Little Trout Lake Wild Rice Lake Ike Walton Lake White Sand Lake Flambeau Lake Moss Lake Fence Lake Sandy Wickman Crawling Stone Lake Susan Knight Little Crawling Stone Lake Forest Wetland High Disturbance Medium Disturbance Aquatic Plants in Lac du Flambeau: Results of Workshop Evaluation, 9.31 Secchi sign-up New TLC Members Network Point Intercept Surveys First Steward Bulletin Goal 2: Manage AIS Infestations… …through an Action Plan for Purple Loosestrife Repeat Workshop 11 12 4/27/2011 4/27/2011 Purple Loosestrife Purple Loosestrife Action Plan Goal 3: Administer Efficiently & Effectively… Action Team/Plan Workshop Inventory, Shop Forms Dig Roots Pot & Net Place in Pools Collect Beetles Distribute Plants …through Strategic Planning 198 Hours, TLC 40 Hours, NRD 30 Hours, Students 13 14 4/27/2011 4/27/2011 Strategic Planning Action Team Action Team/Plan Volunteers: CBCW Watercraft Inspection Data 2010 Activities Standing Rules Objectives All Volunteers 2006 163 2007 230 2008 154 2009 191 2010 162 Focus on the Future Action Plans CBCW Volunteers 135 122 84 114 68 Community Surveys Percentage In CBCW 83% 53% 55% 60% 42% Rapid Response Plan Goals Process 68 volunteers 843 hours of inspection Range of .5 hour to 106 hours Average # of hours, 12/volunteer Focus Groups Data Management Mission Financial Database CBCW CLMN Daily Log Volunteer Trends: All Activities Year New Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Total 2006 163 163 2007 157 73 230 2008 63 36 55 154 2009 102 19 26 44 191 2010 89 18 12 12 31 162 Lake Monitoring Data 2010 2011 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 15 Inspection & Monitoring 2010 111 volunteers 68 volunteers for watercraft 1508 hours donated by volunteers Range of 1 hour to 237 hours 111 volunteers for lake monitoring Average # of hours, 14/volunteer 17 volunteers did both inspection 16 4/27/2011 4/27/2011 Financial Total $ Value Donations for all Activities 2010 Grants 162 Volunteers Town Survey: how would you say the quality of the following in Lac du Flambeau has been changing, if at all? Donations Table 1 4650 Hours 2006 29 Hours per volunteer Range, .75 hour to 435 hours 2007 2008 2009 $63,752.40 in donations $343 per volunteer 2010 2011 $14,153 $20,393 $42,082 $44,708 $22,000 $ 3,000 $ 300 $ 600 $ 600 $ 3,500 $11,000 $ 4,500 $36,929 $43,880 $50,390 $79,267 $63,752 $ ? Lake Water Range, $9 to $6,255 Community Survey selected residents of Lac du Flambeau in July 2010. Slightly more than 50% (252 residents) returned completed questionnaires. The questionnaire was designed to gather information on environmental issues for use in long-term planning. The effort reflected the collaboration of the Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians, the Lac du Flambeau Town Lakes Committee, and the Lac du Flambeau Environmental Community Organization, and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Highest % 70% 64% 54% 52% 41% 18% Newsletters Recruit, CBCW 18% Recruit, Monit. 11% Wrkshp, AIS ID Wrkshp, CBCW Lowest % 4/27/2011 Survey: Which of the following should occur if an Aquatic Invasive Species plant like Eurasian Water Milfoil is found in a lake in Lac du Flambeau? Apply chemicals 25% Use biological control 34% Pull by hand 38% Remove by machine 32% Leave plants alone, do nothing 0% Unsure, need more information 42% Improving Don't Know 57% 6% 15% 53% 6% 13% Wetlands 15% 45% 5% 27% Streams 13% 38% 4% Air 5% 67% 5% 17% Forests 20% 49% 10% 16% Grasslands 4% 48% 6% 35% Overall 12% 56% 11% 13% TABLE 3 Eurasian Water Milfoil Lakes Fest Speakers Raise Beetles 17 TABLE 5 Same 18% 23% 35% TABLE 2 Native Fish Native Aquatic Plants Shorelines Quality of Lake Water Quality of Air Amphibians Crustaceans Survey: how concerned are you that the following may eventually be found in Lac du Flambeau? 1=Extremely, 2=somewhat, 3=Not too, 4=Not at all, 5=Unsure Recognition of TLC Activities A questionnaire was mailed to 500 randomly Worse Shorelines Survey: which of the following do you believe are threatened by Aquatic Invasive Species? Thank You! Miigwech! 19 1 2 3 4 5 60% 25% 2% 1% 8% Curly Leaf Pondweed Chinese Mystery Snail 45% 34% 2% 1% 13% Freshwater Jellyfish Spiny Waterflea 44% 27% 4% 2% 17% 44% 28% 4% 1% 17% % 87 77 68 80 16 46 44 Survey: Have you taken time to look specifically for Aquatic Invasive Species in a lake in Lac du Flambeau? TABLE 4 No 58% Yes, but no more than once a season 19% Yes, but no more than once a month 15% 44% 31% 3% 2% 15% Yes, about weekly 4% Yes, almost daily 1% 18