FALL FACULTY MEETING SEPTEMBER 10, 2015 Education Building 162 2:00 P.M. AGENDA Call to Order……..……………………………………..………….................…….……..…….Chancellor Sartarelli Greetings from SGA President…………………………………………..……………....…...Mr. McCord Chancellor’s Report………………………………………..……………….………..…….......…Dr. Sartarelli Faculty Senate Report…………………………………………………………….…………..……Dr. Meinhold Presentation of Distinguished Faculty Scholar Award Provost’s Report……………………………………………….….………………..…………….….Dr. Sheerer Faculty Awards Presentations: Recognition of Chancellor’s Teaching Excellence Award recipients Recognition of the Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching recipient J. Marshall Crews Distinguished Faculty Award , presented by Ms. Lolita Bryant, Alumni Association board Member and Chair Alumni Board of Directors Awards and Scholarships Committee Presentation of the Lecturer of the Year Award Presentation of the Graduate Mentor Award Presentation of the Excellence in e-Learning Award Presentation of the Distinguished Scholarly Engagement and Public Service Award Presentation of the Distinguished Teaching Professorship Award Presentation of the Board of Trustees Teaching Excellence Award Old Business……………………………………………..……….…..………………....……..…….Chancellor Sartarelli New Business Announcements Adjournment FALL FACULTY MEETING SEPTEMBER 10, 2015 Education Building 162 2:00 P.M. AGENDA & MINUTES Call to Order……..……………………………………..………….................…….……..…….Chancellor Sartarelli At 1:11 p.m. Chancellor Sartarelli called the meeting to order at 2:12 by introducing Dan McCord SGA president Greetings from SGA President…………………………………………..……………....…...Mr. McCord Thanks for all your hard work. Students admire each faculty member and appreciates their commitment. They are viewed with high regard and students feel a special connection. SGA’s connection to faculty as a whole as shared governors that will benefit many constituencies. Main goal: to improve lecture halls. Look forward to working together this year. Chancellor’s Report………………………………………..……………….………..…….......…Dr. Sartarelli Just spoke with 133 honors students, they sent 146 questions which is Illustrative of high importance items. Liberal arts is fundamental. What made you want to become an educator? What are your hobbies? Movies, westerns, tennis, travel, hiking. Single most important rule to succeed in college: focus. Did serving as a member of council of Americas affect your office? Plans for addressing diversity? SP will provide focus, but starts in admin and faculty and translates to students. What do you miss about Brazil? Family, food. Why did you leave? Came in 1967 to finish high school. JFK was epitome. Peace Corps, space program and loved overseas. He projected a great image of this country. Kit-kat and dreams of waltzing. Teal, how education will change the future? It is fundamental, foundational, life-changer. We have spent a lot of time on strategic planning; 7 workgroups developed, each has good faculty representation. Enrollment peaked last year and dropped a little this year. In recruiting transfer students: visiting with community colleges; will visit all and reinforce relationships. Starting search for the Associate Vice Chancellor of International Programs. Shooting for 1000-1500 students in the international program. Online education is a big part of the future. It is a little harder for faculty to teach online; some will love it and some will not. Mission statements are being revisited. PhD programs are expanding. There is a lot of good stuff happening. 3) Educate 4) Engage 5) Fund. We have been fortunate with funding based on SCH. Fundraising is very important, deans are fundraising too. Fundraising and enrollment are the keys to success. The Chancellor wants to get professorships and endowed chairs. Faculty Senate Report…………………………………………………………….…………..……Dr. Clements Carrie Clements represented the Faculty Senate and shared (on behalf of Steve Meinhold) that state of the Senate is strong and takes pride on shared governance. She continued with the presentation of the Distinguished Faculty Scholar Award—to Professor of English and Director of University Studies, Dr. Cara Cilano. Provost’s Report……………………………………………….….………………..…………….….Dr. Sheerer Faculty Awards Presentations: Recognition of Chancellor’s Teaching Excellence Award recipients CAS: Dr. Carrie Clements-Psychology, Dr. Dan Masters-Public and International Affairs, Dr. Diana PasulkaPhilosophy and Religion CSB: Dr. Martha Andrews-Management WCE: Dr. Denise Ousley-Exum-Instructional Technology, Foundations and Secondary Education CHHS: Dr. Chris Hall-School of Social Work Recognition of the Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching recipient -Professor of Englishe and Director of University Studies, Dr. Cara Cilano The J. Marshall Crews Distinguished Faculty Award was presented by Ms. Lolita Bryant, Alumni Association Board Member and Chair Alumni Board of Directors Awards and Scholarships Committee—this years recipient Professor Donna King, Associate Chair, Department of Sociology and Criminology Presentation of the Lecturer of the Year Award -Senior lecturer, Glen Pack, Film Studies -Lecturer Ashley Bissette Sumerel, English Presentation of the Graduate Mentor Award -Professor Wei Feng, Mathematics and Statistics Presentation of the Excellence in e-Learning Award -Senior Lecturer Ashlee Balena, World Languages and Cultures Presentation of the UNCW Distinguished Scholarly Engagement and Public Service Award -Dr. Julie-Ann Scott, Communication Studies Presentation of the Distinguished Teaching Professorship Award -Dr. Steven Elliott, SHAHS and Dr. Julian Keith, Psychology Presentation of the Board of Trustees Teaching Excellence Award. UNCW’s most prestigious award conferred was presented to -Dr. Julian Keith, Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychology Old Business……………………………………………..……….…..………………....……..…….Chancellor Sartarelli No old or new business or announcements to report. Chancellor concluded by offering a round of applause for Carol Ellis and Interim Provost Sheerer for their work on the awards among other things. Adjournment at 3:17P