UNCW Military Affiliated Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 3 April 2013 Dates you should know: Restoring Tuition Assistance April 2nd—L.O.A.F. Meeting April 3rd—Coffee Break April 3rd—NTSO Interest Meeting April 4th—Coffee Break April 4th—NTSO Interest Meeting th April 10 —Get Your Bike & Board In Gear April 11th—Coffee Break Thursday, March 21st, Congress agreed upon a resolution for keeping the government running, which also included an important amendment that was introduced by Kay Hagan of North Carolina and James Inhofe of Oklahoma, that stopped the armed services from cutting all funding for the Tuition Assistance program. The Senate showed its approval for the amendment on Wednesday, March 20th. This amendment states that the Pentagon will have to find funding from other sources to keep the Tuition Assistance program going for defense funding. The Coast Guard does not receive its funding from the Defense budget and is exempt from this bill. April 17th—SVO Meeting April 17th—Lejeune Job Fair Inside this issue: Job Fair/Education Expo at Camp Lejeune 2 Non-Traditional Student Organization (NTSO) Interest Meetings 2 Get Your Bike & Board In Gear 2 Financial Aid & G.I. Bill Information 3 PERCH Coffee Breaks 3 About the PERCH 4 SVO Meetings 4 "Tuition Assistance not only develops competent, well-rounded leaders, but also boosts troop morale and quality-of-life. On Monday afternoon, it seemed as though hope was lost on reinstating TA through the continuing resolution, but thanks to the unrelenting advocacy of service members and veterans, we moved both the Senate and the House to do the right thing." Loved Ones of the Armed Forces 4 Taken from www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/21/military-tuition-assistance_n_2924526.html The legislation was designed to also constitute the $85 billion of the cuts that must be made all across. ―By passing a continuing resolution that reinstates tuition assistance, Congress showed that they clearly understand the program is a win-win for the military," added Ryan Gallucci, VFW Deputy Legislative Director. Volume 1, Issue 3 April 2013 Military-Affiliated Newsletter Lejeune Job Fair & Education Expo Wednesday, April 17th 10:00am—5:00pm Marston Pavilion & Goettge Memorial Field House Camp Lejeune Gather information and talk to representatives pertaining to distance learning, technical training, getting a PhD, and much more. Also, you can learn about tuition assistance (if reinstated), and scholarships opportunities. Meet over 70 employers looking to hire in various occupational fields. Bring plenty of resumes, dress for success, and be prepared for on the spot interviews. This event is open to active duty personnel, retirees, reservists, their families, base employees, and Coastal Carolina Community College students. For more information on the Job Fair call (910) 449-9706 and for information on the Education Expo call (910) 450-9080. A list of employers can be found at www.coastalcarolina.edu/career-center/local-job-fairs. Non-Traditional Student Organization Interest Meetings Non-traditional students may not be the majority, but they certainly are not alone here at UNCW. There are several organizations on campus here at UNCW, but there are currently none specifically for non-traditional students. Come to one of the NTSO Interest Meetings, connect with other non-trads, and learn how to form your own organization on campus. There will be two meetings on how to form your own campus organization and there will be FREE pizza at both. Questions? Call the PERCH office at (910) 962-3119. View the Facebook event and invite your friends here: www.facebook.com/ThePERCHUNCW/events. Wednesday, April 3rd 11:30am Topsail Island Room 2019, FSC or Thursday, April 4th 2:00pm Topsail Island Room 2019, FSC Get your Bike & Board In Gear Wednesday, April 10th 11:00am—1:00pm University Commons Amphitheater The PERCH will be teaming up with Two Wheeler Dealer and 17th Street Surf Shop to offer you FREE bike & skateboard tune-ups. Crossroads, CARE, and UNCW Environmental Health & Safety will be present to provide you with information and games to keep you occupied as you wait. Get in line early so you don’t miss out! View the Facebook event and invite your friends here: www.facebook.com/ThePERCHUNCW/events. Page 2 Volume 1, Issue 3 April 2013 Military-Affiliated Newsletter Important Information for Financial Aid and GI Bill Pre-Registration: Begins April 8. Check account balances on SeaNet now and clear any balances you have now to prevent holds. Late registration, parking passes, meal plans, parking tickets, etc. may have added charges. Students with unpaid balances may not pre-register. VA Student Walk-In Hours Mondays 3:00pm—4:30pm Tuesdays Noon—1:00pm Wednesdays 10:00am—11:30am Thursdays 2:00pm—4:00pm If you plan on taking summer classes, make sure you get in touch with either your advisor or the appropriate contact for your PIN number during pre-registration. Each person has a different registration day and time for summer classes. To locate your time ticket for registration: 1. 2. 3. 4. Visit https://seanet.uncw.edu/. Click on ―Student Services & Financial Aid.‖ Next, click on ―Registration.‖ You should see ―Check Your Registration Status,‖ click on this link. 5. The next screen will ask you to select the term you wish to look up. Select Summer 2013. 6. On this screen, you should now be able to see the exact date and time that you can begin registering for summer classes. If you need more information about financial assistance for the summer please contact the Financial Aid Office at (910) 962-3177. Military Students: Submit class schedules each semester. VA Class Schedule Forms may be printed from the Financial Aid website. Military Tuition Assistance: The Army and Marine Corps are suspending Military Tuition Assistance for Soldiers and Marines. Air Force and Navy are considering the same action. Students who are registered for spring semester, and already approved for Tuition Assistance, are unaffected at this time. Visit OSFA’s FAQ Page for additional info. (May be reinstated but there is not a time frame at the moment) If you are going to be applying for financial aid for the 2013/2014 school year, you should have already started your FAFSA and you should have it finished as soon as possible. This can be done for free online at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Want to stay up to date on deadlines for financial aid? Like the UNCW Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid page on Facebook. If you like food and are interested in off-campus housing, come to an Off-Campus Student Coffee Break! Upcoming PERCH Coffee Breaks Wed. April 3rd: Collegiate Property Management 10:30 –11:30 am Thurs. April 4th: Carolina Cove 10:30 –11:30 am Thurs. April 11th: Carolina Cove 10:30 –11:30 am Wed. April 17th: Crossroads 10:30 –11:30 am Thurs. April 18th: Wimbledon Chase 10:30 –11:30 am Wed. April 24th: Bell Partners 10:30 –11:30 am Thurs. April 25th: Carolina Cove 10:30 –11:30 am Stop by our tables in the Fisher Student Center across from the Bookstore entrance on Wednesdays and Thursdays and grab a free cup of coffee or juice and a bite to eat. You will have a chance to speak with apartment representatives and see what your options are for living off-campus. To the left are the upcoming PERCH coffee breaks. To see more Coffee Break dates, like the PERCH Facebook page or follow the PERCH on Twitter. Page 3 Military-Affiliated Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 3 April 2013 About the PERCH PERCH services, provided by the Office of the Dean of Students, contribute to the successful transition and university engagement of off-campus, non-traditional, graduate, and military-affiliated students by 910.962.3119 seahawkperch@uncw.edu www.uncw.edu/PERCH Located in with the Office of the Dean of Students, FUU 2017. • Providing Personal support • Delivering Educational opportunities • Connecting students to UNCW and Wilmington Resources • Arranging opportunities for Community development • Assisting with your off-campus Housing search Like Seahawks, when our students utilize PERCH services, they graduate and soar to new heights! Check out the PERCH on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ThePERCHUNCW or on Twitter at twitter.com/ThePERCH_UNCW. Student Veterans Organization The purpose of SVO is to foster support for all veterans of the Armed Forces, members of the Reserves, National Guard and their spouses. Membership in the Student Veterans Organization is open to any degree–seeking student who is a veteran of the armed forces, a member of the Reserves, National Guard, or the family member of any military service member. If this sounds like something for you, the next full body meeting is Wednesday, April 17th at 5:00pm in the Bald Head Island Room 1023 of the Fisher Student Center. There will be FREE PIZZA!!! SVO also has a Facebook page. Like their page to stay up to date on information and events for UNCW Military-Affiliated Students. SVO Executive Board Elections were held on March 20th. These are the members of the newly elected Executive Board: President Jenna Drescher, jmo3955@uncw.edu Vice President Corey Carmichael, rcc5948@uncw.edu Treasurer Nate Armstrong, nja8047@uncw.edu Secretary Dave Wolff, dbw1339@uncw.edu Loved Ones of the Armed Forces (L.O.A.F.) Student organization, L..O.A.F. (Loved Ones of the Armed Forces), is an opportunity for anyone who has any connections to the military to connect with others in the same circumstances. If you have any friends, family, or a significant other in the military, this organization is for you. The first official meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 2nd at 8:00pm in Cameron Hall Room 111. For more information, contact Kelsey Pastore at kmp7397@uncw.edu or McClellan Lang at mml7079@uncw.edu. Page 4