Military Affiliated Newsletter Bipartisan Plan Will Give Students on GI

Military Affiliated
Dates you should know:
 Portable PERCH
Volume 1, Issue 1
March 6,2015
Bipartisan Plan Will Give Students on GI
Bill in STEM Fields More Flexibility
President/CEO of Student Veterans of America (SVA), D. Wayne Robinson:
Mon. & Tues. 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Mar. 16: Cameron Hall
Mar. 17: Leutze Hall
"We are incredibly grateful to Reps. McKinley and Titus for continuing to
highlight the importance of helping veterans pursue higher education and
Mar. 24: Leutze Hall
Mar. 30: Cameron Hall
Mar. 31: Leutze Hall
gain the skills and training they need to succeed in the 21st century economy.
We, increasingly, hear from employers who are unable to find qualified
Americans with the skills and education needed to fill high-growth, high-
The Portable PERCH is set up so
students can get information about
events and general information for
non-trad. students, graduate
students, military affiliated
students, and off-campus students.
demand STEM jobs and veterans are particularly well positioned to help fill
this gap. Our Million Records Project indicates about one-third of student
veterans who attended school from 2002 to 2010 gravitated toward degrees
in high-growth fields that include STEM jobs. These firsthand accounts from
employers and student veterans are an excellent barometer of the STEM
workforce realities that we face today. The STEM workforce has a huge impact on our nation's competitiveness and economic vitality. Student veterans
have an unparalleled understanding of what it means to serve their country
and by pursuing STEM degrees, they will have the potential to have a positive
Inside this issue:
impact for generations to come. As professionals responsible for supporting
our nation's student veterans and for demonstrating their value, SVA will
continue to cultivate the next generation of innovators, builders, and scien-
Jungle Rapids
tists by supporting initiatives and policies that help veterans complete training in these fields. One of the smartest things we can do to keep our nation
Focus Groups
competitive is to ensure that our science, technology, engineering and math
workforce taps into America's talent pool of military veterans. If signed into
Bike & Board
Coffee Breaks
ans succeed and in turn make America stronger."
Sammy Seahawk
H.R. 748, the GI Bill STEM Extension Act, will give students utilizing GI Bill
law this will be a major achievement for our economy and for the American
people. SVA will continue to work with the community, policy-makers and
employers to help them understand the paths and outcomes of student veterans to ensure that we are supporting programs that will help student veter-
benefits more flexibility to pursue degrees in science, technology, engineer-
About the PERCH
Page 1
ing, math and health fields.
The PERCH wants to know what Students at UNCW need to be successful at the
university. Join us for a Focus Group to share your thoughts.
Graduate Focus Group: 11:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. (Saffo Room in FSC second floor)
Non-Trad focus Group: 12 p.m.—1 p.m. (Cape Fear room in FSU second floor)
Military Focus Group: 1 p.m.—2 p.m. ( Cape Fear room in FSU second floor)
UNCW has been challenged yet
again to collect enough donations to
contribute at least 20 Women’s Care
Bags and 10 Children’s Care Bags for
the Annual Stand Down on May 8 that
the Manly-Reece VFW on Carolina
Beach Road. Homeless women
veterans and children of homeless vets
are an underserved population and we
are striving to support them in their
time of need. We have already had
some donations including 40 bags to
stuff with necessary items and
heartwarming goodies. Please see list
for needed items. Deadline for
contributing items is Thursday, April
30th at 5pm. Items can be dropped off
in James Hall (Admissions front desk)
or arrangements can be made for pick
up from your office or respective area
on campus. Thank you in advance for
your support and please let me know if
you have any questions or would like
further information on the event or
other opportunities to get
involved. Questions can be directed to
Amanda Parkstone
Donation Items:
Toilet paper
Gift cards for cloths/
Tampons/sanitary napkins Kid oriented toiletries
Crossword puzzle books
Cotton swabs
Shaving cream
Coloring books
Baby wipes
Spiral Notebooks
Breath mints
Other Toiliertries
Come out to the University Amphitheater where Bike
Cycles and 17th Street Surf Shop will be available to tune
your bike or skateboard for FREE!
(Veterans Education and Transition Support).
Our Organizations officers are:
1. Help all veterans enrolled @
2. Get female veterans more
involved and to bring their issues
to the table
3. To continue the process for a
Veterans Service Office here on
4. To get more non - veteran
students involved in veterans
Paul Schweizer - President
Kyle Lamb - Vice President
Kevin Smith - Secretary
Eric Reynolds - Treasurer
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Volume 1, Issue 1
March 6,2015
Military-Affiliated Newsletter
Coffee Breaks
Wednesdays & Thursdays
10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Fisher Student Center (outside of the Bookstore)
Come and get some information about off-campus apartments and living options! Each
Coffee Break will sponsor an apartment complex in the surrounding Wilmington area.
We will provide free breakfast, juice, and coffee.
March 18, 2015: Clear Run
March 19, 2015: Camden Forest
March 25, 2015: Mill Creek
March 26, 2015: Clear Run
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Military-Affiliated Newsletter
About the PERCH
Located in with the Office
of the Dean of Students,
FUU 2013.
PERCH services, provided by the Office of the Dean of Students,
contribute to the successful transition and university
engagement of off-campus, non-traditional, graduate, and
military-affiliated students by:
• Providing Personal support
• Delivering Educational opportunities
• Connecting students to UNCW and Wilmington Resources
• Arranging opportunities for Community development
• Assisting with your off-campus Housing search
Like Seahawks, when our students utilize PERCH services, they graduate
and soar to new heights!
Check out the PERCH on Facebook at
ThePERCHUNCW or on Twitter at or on
Instagram at @seahawkperch.
Have a safe Spring Break!
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VA Student Walk-In Hours
Financial Aid
Mondays 3:00 p.m.—4:30 p.m.
Tuesdays 12:00 p.m.—1:00 p.m.
Thursdays 2:00 p.m.—4:00 p.m.