VOLUNTEER PRESENTER AGREEMENT Please complete and return via email. Presenter's Full Name with Designation (e.g. Ph.D.) Presenter's Job Title Company Name and Division Company Address Company Address City, State ZIP Presenter's Email Thank you for agreeing to speak for ISPE events. This Volunteer Presenter Agreement acknowledges that you (1) formally accept the position of Leader or Speaker for ISPE, (2) have received, reviewed, and understand the ISPE Speaker roles and responsibilities listed below, and (3) agree to meet target due dates for deliverables. This Agreement is intended to cover all speaking and presenting engagements from this date forward, the particulars of which will be communicated in separate correspondence for each engagement. Rights Granted to ISPE ✔ I agree to allow ISPE to use my presentation(s) to create and electronically post handouts and to produce related conference/training materials. I understand that I must comply with all deliverable dates to ensure accuracy. I grant ISPE permission to record my presentation(s), and I grant ISPE all rights to use said recording(s) in any medium for education, outreach, promotional, or archival activities. This authorization includes permission to edit, but not alter the meaning or original content. I do not grant ISPE permission to record my presentation. Copyright My presentations and accompanying documents contain either original materials, or material owned by other authors from whom I have obtained permission. Thus, I take responsibility for materials I use and I take responsibility for following copyright laws. Unless otherwise disclosed, the statements made by speakers represent their own opinions and not necessarily those of the organization they represent, or that of ISPE. Speakers, agenda and CE information are subject to change without notice. Recording of any ISPE educational material in any type of media is prohibited without prior written consent from ISPE. I agree to refrain from using my presentation(s) for the purpose of marketing/selling products and/or services. Marketing I understand that I may be asked to actively participate in the development, writing, editing, and proofing of the program description and in the Creative Brief conference call to help ISPE staff correctly share the education program(s) with potential audiences. I grant permission to ISPE to use my name, title, company affiliation, photo, and bio-sketch for the promotion of conferences/training and my presentation(s). I have read and accept this agreement. Any previous Presenter Agreements I have signed are considered null and void as of this date. __________________________________________________ Signature ________________ Date Presenter Roles and Responsibilities Your role as an ISPE conference speaker is to share your expertise regarding emerging trends and anticipated industry changes in a collaborative learning environment. Volunteer Presenter Agreement o Return signed agreement as soon as possible following receipt. o Obtain company authorization as necessary. o Complimentary conference registration will be completed following receipt of this document. Professional Biographical Sketch o Prepare 150 word synopsis of your career progression and experiences, particularly focusing on those that qualify you to speak on your topic. Leaders use this information for your introduction. o Submit to ISPE staff by due date for inclusion in conference promotional and web site content. Professional Photo o Provide recent professional photograph (headshot only) in. jpg format, 100 X 150 pixels. o Submit to ISPE staff by due date for inclusion in conference promotional and web site content. Planning and Communication o Attend conference calls as requested with Track/Session Leaders and other speakers o Communicate regularly with your Track/Session Leader to update them on the status of your preparations. o Be mindful of the deliverable dates for conference materials. Late submissions cause delays affecting your session leader, other speakers, and the quality of promotional materials. Presentation Problem Statement & Abstract o Create a one-sentence problem statement that explains the issue being addressed. o Prepare a clear one-paragraph description of your presentation content in cooperation with the Program Committee for your event. o Submit to ISPE staff by due date. Presentation o Presentation content must be original work or work whose author is appropriately recognized in the text of the presentation. Provide references to key articles or reference materials using industry accepted format. o Prepare slide presentation using Microsoft Power Point and ISPE Conference Template o Include interactive elements designed to stimulate discussion and engage all participants in problem solving or other tasks pertinent to the topic. You are encouraged to include a minimum of five minutes of question and answer opportunity within your presentation. o Submit draft of presentation to Track/Session Leader and ISPE staff for review using a designated secure online ISPE conference community. o Review Leader recommendations and any ISPE required changes and edit presentation as appropriate. o Submit final version to ISPE staff by due date. Non-commercial Education o ISPE provides non-commercial, unbiased education. Company logos must be limited to the first and last pages of each presentation. ISPE CONFERENCE SPEAKER PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION Please complete the following information, and return to your ISPE Program Manager. Name: Job Title: Company: Country: Conference: Presentation Title: 1. Problem or Opportunity Statement: What primary industry problem or opportunity does your topic address? (Maximum 2-3 sentences) 2. Objectives: What will delegates gain from your presentation? (Maximum of 3)