Topic: Grade Cooperating Subject!

1. Broad Areas of Learning and Cross Curricular Competencies
P8.2 Model and solve problems using linear equations of the form concretely, pictorially, and symbolically,
where a, b, and c are integers.
Demonstrate the application of the distributive property in the solving of linear equations
Generalize and apply symbolic strategies for solving linear equations.
Cross Curricular Competencies: (approx. 2+ other learning expectations not assessed, eq. Learning that
happens as a result of the lesson, organization, group work, listening co-operation, reading, writing skills etc.)
Think and learn contextually.
Think and learn critically.
Understand, value, and care for others.
2. Preassessrnent and AccommodationslModifications
a) Students
(consider the students you will be teaching and anything that will affect their learning or your teaching strategies (e.g.,
include cognitive, social/emotional, physical and diversity needs, + provide accommodations/modifications how you
will differentiate learning for each student and/or type of need N.B. use initials of students rather than full names)
engage students.
H.L. auditory disability requires visual aids where
possible and wear headset
Class is multi-cultural,
Morning class before lunch
Conntion sttment
Last Friday we finished the lesson on solving equations involving fractions and caught up with all the Step
by-steps Today we are going to look at the Distributive Property.
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whiteboard wth markers
6.4 Math Makes Sense downloaded on laptop for Smartboard presentation
math textbooks (one per student>
Step-by-Step 4 sheet (each student has in duotang)
(list ALL resources required to conduct this lesson with detailed specifics such as textbook titles, chapters, page
numbers, author/publishers, website URLs, resources like paper pencils, prntractors, chalk, rulers, paint, specimens,
books, maps, videos, posters, lab materials, handouts include name of handout and number of copies, etc.)
4. Content and Teaching Strategies of Lesson
a) OverviewlAgendalReview
(consider a quick overview of the lesson and/or list key elements in lesson which may be written on white/blackboard
as an agenda for students and you to follow, you may also choose to consider a review of previous days work)
Beginning to understand and manipulate the distributive property.
b) Introduction (motivational start, minds-on, hook, etc.)
(describe how you will motivate students, get their attention, relate the lesson to their lives, such as a minds-on activity,
a hook or something that will pull learners into lesson)
c) is
to the sum of ab
Write BEDMAS on the right whiteboard and quickly go over with students to ensure they understand the
importance of order when solving equations; making the difference between a correct answer and an
incorrect one.
Write the distributive property on the whiteboard and explain it.
The distributive property states that the product of a (b
a (b
+ C)
Put it to the test:
13 x 3 (10 x 3 ÷ (3 x 3
39 = 30 9
39 = 39
Instructional strategy
Direct Instruction.
1) The students will continue to learn about the distnbutive property and how to manipulate it:
• ••
•. .
2) Put lesson on Smartboard for students to follow (pg 338 textbook). Go over example of 4 x 37
Q: Why was 37 broken down into 30 and 7? (To make multiplication easier).
Q: How does the diagram model the product of 4 x 37?
(It shows that 4 x 37 is the same as 4 x (30 + 7)).
Students will work in pairs to solve on their own.
Q: How can you use the diagram to fInd 4 x 37? (I can find the area of the rectangle on the left,
4 x 30 = 120, and the area of the rectangle on the right, 4 x 7 = 28, then add the areas together
120+28= 148).
3) Investigate Q pg 338
Students can model the situation using circles, grid paper, or other diagrams.
4) Go over answers together:
Q: How did you draw the diagram? (I can draw 20 round tables with 5 chairs around each one, then I
drew S more round tables with 5 chairs around each one)
0: How did you calculate the total number of people who can be seated? (20 x 5 and 8 x 5, then add
the products: 100
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Q: How many people can sit on the patio? (5 x 8
Q: What is an algebraic expression for the number of people the restaurant can now seat? (5t
5) Connect, Have students share their diagrams and expressions.
Q: Why does 5t represent the number of people who can sit in the lounge? (The variable t represents
the # of tables in the lounge. Each table seats 5 people. So, to find the # of people who can sit in the
lounge, we multiply the # of tables by 5).
d) Consolidation
(indicate how you will review concepts taught, wrap up lesson, confirm students know what next tasks are e.g.,
having class to give you feedback on what was taught, review key application of concepts this is important in
terms of assessing the effectiveness of the lesson)
Informal: Quick review and questions.
(What assessment and/or evaluation strategies do you need to have to ensure you are accountable for students’
learning and addressing curriculum outcomes? What fomative and summative assessment should you include? e.g.,
sample questions, activities or attach tests, homework, rubncs, evaluation schemes, answer keys etc.)
Effectiveness of Lesson
6. Reflections
Assessment: Students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the distributive property by being
able to correctly complete the Practice Questions on pg 342 and Step-by-Step 4.
What was effective / ineffective in your lesson? include at least 3 lesson elements that were ineffective /
effective? or What went well in your lesson? Or What did not go so well? Or What did the students enjoy? How did
your planning or delivery turn out? Did your teaching / learning strategies work effectively or not for subject content
and class
2 Consider the entire lesson and the reaction of students
How do you know? Provide evidence from student work, student questions asked and informal assessment.
Think about examples of how the lesson progressed, engagement of students, flow of delivery, time management
Next steps? Indicate what steps you are going to take to continue to work on your three elements identified,
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Students worked well in pairs and
came up with correct answers.
whiteboard was very effective,
along with reviewing BEDMAS
prior to the lesson.
As I went around the room to
answer questions and to assist
students, it was clear that
everyone was demonstrating
understanding the distributive
property and were busy working
at their level.
We went over answers as a
class and examined different
correct answers.
board frequently used the model
to help solve practice questons.
I also went back to the board to
work with some students. Some
students really understood
BEDMAS and some needed that
Effectiveness as a Teacher
The differentiation I used for the
lesson was good along with the
pace. The students are all at
different levels with math and I
allowed for time for those who
have a more difficult time, while
those who are advanced could
work on more challenging
questions. The advanced
students working on the
smartboard was also a visual
assist for others.
Continue on finding ways to keep
the whole group moving ahead in
meaningful learning.
What was effective I ineffective about you as a teacher? include at least 3 teacher elements that you did that
were effective or ineffective. Did you ask good questions? Did you motivate students? What did YOU do well? This
would be a section describing your strengths and areas for improvement volume, eye contact, body language,
questioning skills, responding to questions, comfort with material confidence, delivery, use of technology
How do you know? What evidence do you have that you, as a teacher were or were not effective? Think ar,out
examples of what you said, did, reacted to, felt as examples of your three elements.
Next steps? Indicate what steps you are going to take to continue to work on your three elements identified
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My enthusiasm in teaching math
was meaningful for the students.
Students realized that math could
be fun and that not all learning
needed to produce an immediate
result. Interest levels in students
visibly picked up and they were
trying to get the right answers an
helped each other in the process.
Continue to get material across
to students who struggle with
understanding (already strong in
that area).
Continue to find ways to maintain
interest levels, to make math
relevant, and fun.
into that made learning better for
the group.
I was good at motivation and
maintaining interest levels for all
Those students who did not like
Math prior, now became
interested and realized they
could actually understand it and
do it with correct answers (one
student in particular had written a
page of “math sucks” in the back
of her book. We discussed why
she didn’t like math and I
watched her become much more
interested and engaged).
The advanced students also
stayed interesting by trying to get
correct answers on more
challenging questions.
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