RECALL Dentistry College of

MAY 2013
College of
University of Saskatchewan
Room 332
Dental Clinic Building
105 Wiggins Road
Saskatoon SK S7N 5E4
Dr. Gerry Uswak
Associate Dean:
Dr. Ken Sutherland
Assistant Dean:
Dr. Reg Anholt
If you read something in this issue of RECALL that you would like to respond to, please
send your comments to Janet Sklarchuk at the address right or
RECALL copy-editing
and proofreading:
Wanda Drury
Janet Sklarchuk
Debora Senger
James Pepler
Dr. Darcy Dietz
(Class of 1993)
Arjunn Sachdev
(Class of 2013)
Michael Fowler
Angela Kempf
Printing Services
University of Saskatchewan
Class of 1972 (College’s first graduates) at September 2012
All–Years Reunion. See more on pages 12-13.
The College of Dentistry RECALL 2
from the
Dr. Gerry Uswak
I would like to talk with you about the future
of our College. Heady stuff, no? Well, in
general we must always be planning for
the future to ensure that future generations
of our graduates will be well prepared for
entry into practice. But I want to discuss
something more specific and immediate that
will, when completed in November 2013, put
this College on a new path.
Dickeson defines a program as “any activity or collection of activities of the institution that
consumes resources (dollars, people, space, equipment, time).” Program prioritization means
that each academic and administrative program across the University will be reviewed
against a set of criteria and compared to one another. At the end of the process, decisions
will be made with respect to each unit: invest new resources, maintain existing funding,
reduce programs, or eliminate programs altogether. The decision on each unit’s future will
be made based on its comparative ranking against the established criteria. Could an entire
college disappear? Possibly. Could specific programs be discontinued? Quite likely.
You may be aware that the University of
Saskatchewan has projected a deficit of
approximately $44 million between now and
2016. The University has implemented an
operating budget adjustment initiative to
reduce that deficit. This College has already
permanently reduced its workforce by two
non-faculty positions, and the workforce
planning initiative is continuing campus-wide.
Dickeson has suggested the following criteria to measure programs against one another:
More importantly, though, a program
prioritization initiative – “TransformUS”–
is being implemented now and will
be completed in November. Program
prioritization is a mechanism for reallocating
resources in difficult financial times. The
final outcome will be to make strategic
directions about our University and how it
can better position itself to achieve its vision
of becoming one of the most distinguished
universities nationally and internationally.
What does this all mean?
TransformUS is based on the work of Robert
C. Dickeson, Professor Emeritus at Northern
Colorado University. His premise is that
most universities need to make a strategic
decision on whether to focus on being all
things to all people and risk mediocrity or
to strategically focus on doing fewer things
at a world-class level. Aiming for worldclass means that existing resources must be
reallocated away from the weakest programs
in order to support and enhance stronger
programs. Across-the-board cuts for all
programs no longer makes the grade.
1. History, development, and expectations of the program
2. External demand for the program
3. Internal demand for the program
4. Quality of program inputs and processes
5. Quality of program outcomes
6. Size, scope, and productivity of the program
7. Revenue and other resources generated by the program
8. Costs and other expenses associated with the program
9. Impact, justification, and overall essentiality of the program
10.Opportunity analysis of the program
So now: With regard to our College of Dentistry, ask yourself these questions
based on your interpretation of the above criteria:
Based on why we exist, are we meeting our expectations and obligations?
Are we in demand by students inside and outside of the Province?
Are we effective and efficient in terms of funding versus outputs (teaching, research,
community service, and the quality of our graduates)?
Can we or should we be doing more (e.g., higher enrolment, graduate programs, research)?
Are we essential to the University, to the Province, and to Canada?
Is there an opportunity for us to do more if we are ranked as a priority program?
TransformUS represents both a threat and an opportunity to our College. What is clear is that
we cannot continue on a “business as usual” approach from now on. Now more than ever
we have to demonstrate that we are relevant to our students, our patients, our profession,
and our graduates, and it is essential that our stakeholders actively participate in forming
our future. We recently have asked our alumni to financially support this College and you
have responded: over the past two years you have supported us with almost $2 million
in donations. But unfortunately, this is not a one-time endeavour. We need to develop a
sustainable alumni- and stakeholder-giving program to demonstrate to the University that
we are relevant and important to you. Reinvestment in the College by the University will not
occur without a signal from you to the University that you believe we are important.
To gain your support, we need to reinvent this College. We cannot remain the little college
The College of Dentistry RECALL
that graduates highly competent dentists
that are in demand across the country. We
must do more. We must demonstrate that
we are committed to research as well as
to teaching. How can we better prepare
our students to enter your practices as
associates? If given a blank sheet of paper,
how would you draw the blueprint for this
patient has been booked for her/him and is
waiting. I would like to see a system where,
prior to the patient’s leaving the clinic,
someone other than our student completes
the billing. I would like to see a system where
Year 4 students are regularly exposed to fourhanded dentistry. I would like to see a system
in which time management and productivity
are actively taught and evaluated.
Think of it in this way. Our dental clinic is
not dissimilar to a medium-sized dental
clinic in terms of patient throughput and
billings. But where we diverge is in terms
of our business model and active practice
management. Our accounts receivable is far
higher than that of your practice or of any
established metric of successful practice.
Our students are not actively taught to
understand the fee guide as well as they
should be. We do not take assignment,
nor do we currently have the capability
of electronic billing. These fundamental
changes have to occur in order for us to
increase our effectiveness and efficiency.
I would like to see the College recreate and
enhance the 5-year program that some of
you remember wherein in the fifth year the
students (1) pay no tuition, (2) are embedded
in community-based clinics (public and
private), (3) are paid similarly to associates,
(4) will compensate mentors with clinic–
generated revenues, and (5) will attend a
prescribed continuing education regimen.
Think of a fifth year that is equivalent to a
pre-licensure year or to a general practice
residency combining an additional year of a
supported clinical learning environment plus
direct exposure and experience in dental
practice management. The end point is a
DMD plus an Advanced Education in General
Dentistry certificate/diploma.
I believe that our clinic should resemble
private practice as much as possible in
order to reduce the learning curve for our
students when they come into your practice
as associates. I think we need to remove
the responsibility for booking patients and
collection of patient fees from the students
and delegate that to others, just as in private
practice. I would like to see a system where,
when our student arrives at the clinic, the
Dean of Dentistry
The College of Dentistry RECALL 4
This is just one idea. You might like it, or you
might think it’s crazy. But it now is essential
that we “think outside of the box,” and now
more than ever we need your support. We
need your moral support to ensure that this
College is enhanced through the TransformUS
initiative. We need your support through
suggesting to us changes that will enhance
our curriculum. Where are the holes? What
do we do well? What can we do better? What
would you have liked to have learned or been
offered when you were a student, but was
unavailable? If you tell us the good, the bad,
and the ugly, you will be contributing to our
creating a new curriculum.
Finally, we need you to actively partner with
us so we can continue to build a sustainable
giving program that injects new resources
into the College and gives us financial
flexibility that can be leveraged with the
University and the Province to improve the
College on an ongoing basis.
Now more than ever, I am looking forward
to your comments on what kind of a
College you would like to see in the near
future. November is not that far away,
so let’s minimize any threats and take
advantage of this opportunity to reinvent
ourselves for the sake of our students, our
patients, our profession, and our pride for
being associated with the University of
Saskatchewan College of Dentistry.
Dr. Gerry Uswak, Dean
Dr. Gerry Uswak, Dean of the College of Dentistry at the University of
Saskatchewan, has been appointed to a second, five-year term effective
July 1, 2014. Dr. Uswak will be on administrative leave, however, from July
1, 2013, to June 30, 2014.
A long-standing advocate of the College’s increased involvement in
primary health care and outreach programming in remote Northern
Saskatchewan communities, Uswak served as acting dean of the College
for two terms before being appointed dean on July 1, 2008.
from the
Associate Dean
Dr. Ken Sutherland
Thank you.
No, thank you!
My contribution to
this edition of RECALL
will be brief, but
genuine and, I hope,
highly significant.
A variation on the traditional Alphonse/
Gaston comedy routine has two people
insisting on thanking each other profusely:
“Thank you.” “No, thank you!” “No, no, thank
you” . . . and on and on it goes. With that leadin, I want to express sincere thanks, on behalf
of the College and current, former, and future
students, to our faculty for the tremendous
job they do every year, year in, year out. Dare
I say they may be underappreciated?
We have part-time faculty who have been
mentoring in our clinics since the 1970s. How
amazing is that? And we have many more
such faculty who have taught for ten years
and more. Every year, something in the order
of 70 dentists come to our school each week.
They say they do it for a variety of reasons, but
most commonly they say it’s to give back to
the College and to the profession. The College
could not begin to function without their
contributions. Their knowledge, expertise,
and commitment are literally the foundation
of our clinical program.
But they are not alone. Some of the full-time
faculty have been “on board” since the 1970s
as well. How exceptional is that? And again,
there are many other faculty who have been
here for a decade or more. If you add up the
collective years of service of all full–and part–
time faculty, the number is staggering.
The work they do in encouraging and
evaluating our students is as outstanding
as it is commendable. A recent return to
numerical grading from the Pass/Fail system
has seen the development of new descriptors
and improved reporting to students.
But most of all, it has led to a renewed
appreciation of how thorough and effective
faculty are as evaluators. You can expect to
read about their efforts and contributions in
much more detail in future issues of RECALL,
where we will be acknowledging individual
faculty, decade by decade.
Before I close, it is imperative also that I
thank our clinical and technical staff, who
are essential in providing experiential clinical
support to our students. This combination
of faculty and staff is largely responsible for
creating the reputation of clinical excellence
for which U of S College of Dentistry
graduates are known.
Dr. Ken Sutherland, Associate Dean
Class of 1977
The College of Dentistry RECALL
from the
Assistant Dean
Clinical Affairs
Dr. Reg Anholt
Comprehensive Care. The name says it all.
We are in the midst of a restructuring
process, a shift to a Comprehensive
Care model for the student dental clinic.
However, contrary to the perception of
many, this approach does not mean merely
offering more clinics with the capacity to
provide more multi-discipline procedures.
As a long-time part-timer, I have witnessed
fragmented dental treatment in our College
clinic. In our quest to maintain the clinical
requirements, we have overextended
ourselves. We run out of time to adequately
treat the patient and, consequently, many
of his/her dental needs are neglected.
Correctly, the accreditation process has
recognized this deficiency and made
rectifying it one of our “Requirements.”
Fortunately, Dr. Allen Heinrichs has now
become a full-time faculty member; he is a
dentist who models professionalism and so
is a welcome addition during this transition.
I appreciate his help as we develop and
implement a “Made in Saskatchewan”
version of Comprehensive Care.
Unarguably, in some ways we have strayed
from the full range of our professional
responsibilities and it now is time to “get
back to our roots.” An exemplar of this ideal
is Dr. Wilf Cotter, the first prosthodontist
at our Dental College. As a prosthodontist,
he made many good impressions. But as
a man, and a remarkable man, he made a
lasting impression of a different kind. He
understood that to be a successful dental
professional you needed to offer and provide
a combination of philosophy, knowledge,
and skill: a philosophy of care. He was an
The College of Dentistry RECALL 6
inspiration and a role model to many and,
in recognition of the legacy his example
provided , a scholarship in Doctor Cotter’s
name was established to recognize annually a
dental student who excels in providing caring
attention to his or her patients.
Change is necessary, but universities are
slow to change. What is facing our College is
a complex issue involving many challenges;
a long-standing problem that has been
literally decades in the making. Small steps
simply won’t cut it; we need to take a leap!
In my role as Assistant Dean of Clinical
Affairs, I am fortunate to head an amazing
team – a working group that meets weekly
to develop the processes; to pave the way
for ironing out the new wrinkles and making
the transition as smooth as possible. By
no means do I wish to diminish one of our
key teaching and learning strengths – the
clinical experience. However, as I shared
at the alumni reunion last September,
even with the best co-operation of faculty
and staff and with selective screening of
patients, the reality is that despite caring
for fewer patients well, we even then will
not likely provide the perfect match of
patient needs and the credit needs of the
student. I compare this situation to a puzzle
from which we are missing a piece. For the
solution, I appeal to the profession, to the
dentists in the Saskatoon dental community:
Refer limited procedures to the Dental
College; specific treatment plan procedures
like endodontics, crown and bridge, and
removable prosthetics; cases that either you
prefer not to treat or you suspect the cost to
be prohibitive for the patient (we can do it
for a fraction of the cost!). On the one hand,
we will maintain our high standards for
clinical experiences and on the other hand,
we will improve our standard of care. You
hold the missing piece!
We are making progress and I am optimistic
that, with your help, we will succeed in
providing a clinical program that is second
to none and one that, as alumni, you will be
happy to support.
Not just because . . . but for a just cause.
Dr. Reg Anholt,
Assistant Dean of Clinical Affairs
Class of 1976
P.S. Dean Gerry Uswak has likened the
Comprehensive Care model to a “boutique”
dental program . . . I like that!
Below are some features that such a program
would entail:
• Small-size – the student is a person,
not a number
• The clinic – hmm ;
the equipment – well, “need help”
• The students have their “own” unit
to call home for a couple of years 
• Students like the electronic health record,
now have digital radiography 
• Of course, our part-time instructors
are key – “keep it coming”
• We have patients! But are accepting
“referrals” for limited procedures
Thank you, and I hope to talk to you soon.
- Reg
College of Dentistry White Coat Ceremony
The College of Dentistry annual White Coat Ceremony was
held on Friday, January 4, 2013, at Convocation Hall on the
University of Saskatchewan campus.
The annual ceremony serves as a reminder that students
become members of the medical profession upon
acceptance into the dental program.
Members of the Class of 2015 were joined by family, friends,
staff, colleagues, and members of the dental profession
to celebrate as 27 second-year students were presented
with white coats symbolizing their progression into the
profession of Dentistry. The white coat is emblematic
of the sacred trust invested in students to serve the best
interests of patients throughout their professional careers.
Keynote speaker Dr. Zahra Kurji, Class of 2003, shared
wisdom gained from experience, emphasizing the
importance of treating each patient as you yourself
would like to be treated. Moreover, Dr. Kurji noted that by
approaching any new situation in life in this manner, you
will “not only get to first base, but will hit a home run every
single time!”
Class of 2015 (pictured above, L-R) - Row 4 (top): Meghan Saganski, Dali Li, Christopher Goudy, Jenna Schmitt, Erik Johnson, Ryan Eom,
Dacre Hamilton. Row 3: Dania Alkhani, Adam Vantomme, Fraser Young, Corey Hayward, Brendon Gryba, Ian Chang. Row 2: Tamana Nuri,
Kellyana Quattrini, Kristen Grocholski, Kandace Grenier, Miranda Mark, Lindsay Scherr, Kale Wudrich. Row 1: Anapaula Campos,
Anokhi Patel, Ashley Sproat, Tatiana Novoselova, Farah Abbas-Hasanie, Beshmi Kularatne, Sarah Paul. Missing: Alexa Zayac
The following Code of Professional Conduct was recited
by the Class of 2015 at the White Coat Ceremony:
The College of Dentistry is a community
comprising students, faculty, and staff
dedicated to personal and academic
excellence. Choosing to join this community
obligates each one of us to adhere to a
code of professional behaviour and gives
us the right to be challenged to learn, but
not to be abused, harassed, or humiliated.
Membership in this community is not without
obligation. Accordingly, I have adopted the
following statement of principles to guide
me throughout my academic, clinical, and
research work. I will uphold both the spirit
and the letter of this code. As a member of the
dental community:
• I will place the well-being of patients ahead of
personal advancement.
• I will practice personal and academic
• I will set patient care as the highest priority in
the clinical setting.
• I will respect the rights and dignity of patients,
students, faculty, and support staff and treat
all persons with honesty, respect, fairness, and
• I will maintain patient confidentiality and will
limit discussions of patients to appropriate
• I will not make disparaging remarks about
students, faculty, or support staff or their
• I will maintain high standards of ethical
behaviour and conduct myself in a manner
befitting my profession at all times.
The College of Dentistry RECALL
By Debora Senger
at PDC
The U of S College of Dentistry hosted its annual Alumni Reception at
the Pacific Dental Conference / Canadian Dental Association Conference
(PDC / CDAC) on March 7, 2013, in Vancouver. A record number of alumni
attended the event, which by all reports was a great success!
Special mention goes to the Class of ‘83, who celebrated
their 30-year reunion at the conference with a Vancouver Harbour
Dinner Cruise. Thank you to Dr. Mark White for creating a delightful
collage of photographs showcasing the Class of ‘83’s academic
experiences and “interdisciplinary socializing.”
Above and right are a few moments captured at the reception.
The College of Dentistry RECALL 8
Class of ‘83
Culinary Vacation
By Dr. Darcy Dietz (Class of 1993)
Recently Dr. Darcy Dietz (Class of 1993) and
Dr. Keith King (Class of 1993) returned from
another round of culinary education. Each
year, they travel to a different “culinary”
location and spend five challenging 18hour days learning and refining the steps of
formula, sequence, technique, ingredients,
preparation, execution, and plating in a
“real” (functioning) restaurant, with constant
examinations and nightly customers.
Their odyssey began at the Culinary
Institute of America in New York City, which
included daily “Chopped” competitions
with other students, and the two most
recently interned at a fine dining restaurant,
STELLA, in Lake Tahoe. Each day they were
assigned 10 – 15 dishes, each composed
of 5 – 15 ingredients, to prepare and plate
throughout the day. They learned that long
hours of preparation and hard work are
essential in order to successfully navigate
the complex professional kitchen.
Dr. Darcy Dietz
Dietz and King agree that their success both in
the class work and in the competitions never
would have happened without their previous
dental and graduate orthodontic training.
And the working vacation benefits have
paid off well. Not only have they competed
against some of the best amateur chefs in
the US – and WON every competition but
one – they can now successfully produce
entire meals for any size group, and have
done so for charities such as Edmonton’s
Ronald McDonald House, the Medicine Hat
Airshow, and dozens of smaller functions.
Dr. Keith King
The College of Dentistry RECALL
Engagements &
The College of Dentistry said goodbye to Cheryl Fehr, a longserving employee, on January 17, 2013. Cheryl joined the College
in September 1975 after graduating from Robertson Secretarial
School. Through the years, Cheryl not only supported numerous
faculty but also guided and encouraged students during their
years of study in the College. Cheryl has been a very trusted and
loyal employee. We wish her all the best and thank her for her
years of dedication, enthusiasm, and strong team spirit.
Dacre Hamilton (Class of 2015)
became engaged to Amy
Merkosky on September 3,
2012. The happy couple will
be married on July 5, 2014,
in Saskatoon.
Sarah Post (Class of 2014) and
Daniel Howe became engaged
on May 28, 2012, and will marry
on June 15, 2013, in Cranbrook,
BC. A honeymoon in Jamaica
will follow.
The Kent McLeod Memorial
Classic Golf Tournament
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Moonlake Golf & Country Club
Angela Kempf joined the College of Dentistry in October 2011
as the Reunion and Stewardship Officer. Although Angela’s
time in the College was brief, she single-handedly organized
the successful All-Years Reunion Banquet celebrating 40 years
of Dentistry at the University of Saskatchewan. We wish Angela
all the best in her new position as Major Gift Officer in the
College of Arts and Science.
U of S College of Dentistry
Alumni Reception
Dr. Don Johnson (Class of 1972) retired in January from the Idylwyld Dental Clinic. One of
the longest-serving clinical instructors at our College, Dr. Johnson generously continues
to give of his time and talent.
The College of Dentistry RECALL 10
Friday, September 20, 2013
4:30 - 6:30 pm, Regina
1. (L-R) Back row: Javier
Cabrales, Amanda Beaudry,
Kelsey Nagy, Jehan Nanji.
Front row: Michelle Wittal,
Sarah Post, Tyler Phaneuf
2. (L-R) Jehan Nanji,
Allison Rowein, Meagan
Gratton, Kimberley Hunter,
Dr, Megan Lamontagne,
Amanda Beaudry, Meghan
Saganski, Dr. Jenny Tran
3. Third-year winners of
the “Spirit of the Big Wood”
award with their Top Gun–
themed attire and carts
(L-R) Johnny Tran, Tyler
Phaneuf, Greg Trischuk,
Blake Mitchell
4. 2012 KMMC
Tournament organizers
(L-R) Kris Marshall, Ullas
Kapoor, Michael Fowler
5. (L-R) Blake Mitchell,
Tyler Phaneuf
6. The banquet.
Title Sponsor
Hallam Dental Arts Inc.
Banquet Sponsor
Carlton Dental
Platinum Sponsors
Ernst and Young,
MNP Saskatoon
Gold Sponsors
Park Town Enterprises Ltd.
Wiegers Financial and
Silver Sponsors
Jack and Bev McLeod
Dr. James Stephenson
Dr. Todd Jarotski
Ghislaine McLeod
Dr. Stephen Phen
Saskatoon Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery
Waters Dental Arts
Hole Sponsors
Kent McLeod Memorial Classic
Golf Tournament
Photos by Michael Fowler
The College would like to express its
gratitude to the generous sponsors (right)
for their support of the Kent McLeod
Memorial Classic Golf Tournament.
by Debora Senger
The Kent McLeod Memorial Classic Golf Tournament,
held on Saturday, September 8, 2012, at Moonlake
Golf and Country Club, saw 137 faculty, staff,
students, alumni, and other guests participate in the
annual event, under a brilliant blue sky and glorious
The tournament holds a special place in the hearts of
all who had the pleasure of knowing and/or working
alongside Dr. Kent McLeod (Class of 1996), who passed
away unexpectedly in 1998. In memory of Dr. McLeod,
the College continues to gather together fellow
classmates and golfers near the beginning of each
academic year for the informal tournament, which
originally was initiated by Kent when he was a student
then continued beyond his graduation. Funds raised
from the tournament are directed toward student
scholarships in the College of Dentistry.
The winners of the 2012 tournament were Dr. Jason
Hoium, Dr. Drew Krainyk, Dr. Matt Soroski, and Dr.
Devon Anholt.
The “Spirit of the Big Wood” award – an annual fun
prize for “Best Costume/Spirit” – was presented by Dr.
Graeme Lackie, Dr. Geoff McIntosh, Dr. Dustin Wawryk,
and Dr. Michael Paul. This year it was awarded to
third-year students Greg Trischuk, Blake Mitchell, Tyler
Phaneuf, and Johnny Tran for their “Top Gun” -themed
golf attire and carts (see photos).
Dr. Wes Antosh –
Saskatoon Smiles
Big Wood
Bonn Dental Laboratory
Boychuk Homes – Robert
and Joanne Hassler
Dr. Robert Cram
Denture Cottage Inc.
Dr. Raegan Eliasson and
Dr. Nekky Jamal
Jake Fehr – Surgitel/
MS Meditech Solutions
Fitness for 10
Dr. Bobby Hubbard
Juicy Auto Body and
Painting Inc.
Dr. Roman Koutsil
L7 Electric Inc.
Dr. Parm Lalli
Dr. Dennis Lanigan
Dr. Garnet Packota
Regina Dental Lab
Dr. David Stark
Dr. Marianne Stelmaschuk
Dr. Ken Sutherland
Ultra-Tech Dental
The College of Dentistry RECALL
by Angela Kempf
and Debora Senger
Eager to reconnect with old classmates,
event attendees gathered at a Welcome
Reception held at the Radisson Hotel before
the conference commenced. On the final day
of the CDA conference, a lunch for alumni
and friends was held at Louis’, followed by a
tour of the Dental Clinic Building.
“I heard whooping coming from the clinic. I knew instantly that those
sounds could only be coming from former students. Talk about a
delighted group. ‘This is my old cubicle’. ‘My roommate’s chair was
right there!’ Nostalgia, exuberance, reminiscence. To the uninitiated,
it’s just a dental clinic. To alumni, it’s a former home and fond
memories of their formative years.”
College of Dentistry Associate Dean Dr. Ken
Sutherland recalls the reaction of some of the
alumni on the tour, overheard while sitting in
his office situated next to the clinic floor:
On Saturday, September 15, a banquet
brought together alumni and university
leaders to celebrate the College’s successes.
Both Dr. Ken Sutherland and Dr. Dean
The College of Dentistry RECALL 12
Kolbinson agree that the acknowledgement
of the Class of 1972 was a memorable
moment. In addition, Dr. Sutherland noted
that for alumni, the banquet provided
In celebration of 40 years of College of Dentistry dental education, more than 200 friends and alumni
attended the U of S College of Dentistry All-Years Reunion on September 12 and 15, 2012, held in conjunction
with the Canadian Dental Association National Conference in Saskatoon from September 13 to 15, 2012.
“an opportunity to reminisce, to renew
acquaintances, and to celebrate the
occasion.” For students, he said it provided
“a preview of their future” while for faculty
“it was as fulfilling an experience as there
is in academia including tribute after
tribute to our alma mater.”
a poignant presentation that visibly
moved all in attendance; U of S President
Ilene Busch-Vishniac, for an insightful
and encouraging presentation; and to
the many additional speakers and
invaluable volunteers who contributed
to the event’s success.
Special mention is extended to the
following banquet participants:
Dr. Ken Sutherland, for skillfully emceeing
the event; Dr. Paul Teplitsky, for delivering
Finally, a big thank you to Angela Kempf
on behalf of the College of Dentistry for
coordinating a prodigious All-Years Reunion.
The College of Dentistry RECALL
Runners at the halfway point at the Saskatoon Road
Runners Association meeting node on the Meewasin Trail.
Fun Run
Impact Hero
Dave Stark
Be sure to read about
Dr. David Stark’s courageous
battle with prostate cancer.
His cancer now in remission,
Dr. Stark underwent radical
prostatectomy surgery
followed by seven weeks of
radiation. Through it all he
continued to work, play golf,
and run.
Find out more at:
The College of Dentistry RECALL 14
Allison and some of her student friends addressing
the runners about her LivingWell program.
at the
Canadian Dental Association
National Convention
The Canadian Dental Association’s national
convention in Saskatoon in September 2012
was a great success, with a record number of
delegates. But a convention can’t be all work
and no play! Activities outside of study at a
dental convention are desirable, and quite a
few were offered at this meeting. Saskatoon
has a great number of fantastic opportunities
for fun times, and participants were kept
busy with alternate activities including a
Fun Run for the delegates organized by Dr.
David Stark and third-year student Allison
Rowein. The run was offered on an otherwise
very busy day which, in retrospect, likely
limited the number of delegates available to
participate. However, nearly 20 delegates
did run the five-km course from the Delta
Bessborough Hotel to the Saskatoon Road
Runners Association meeting node (next to
the Diefenbaker Centre on campus) and back.
The weather was typical for Saskatoon in
September – fantastic! Everyone had a good
time at the run and largely kept together.
However, it was a real challenge keeping
Dr. Gord Johnson of North Battleford reined
in! After the event, the runners met briefly
in the lobby of the hotel and there were
some good participation prizes awarded,
donated by Drs. Alysen Phee and Dave Stark
of Midtown Endodontics and by Brainsport
– The Running Store. The number of runners
was lower than the sponsors expected, so
nearly everyone won something! Allison
and her friends involved with the LivingWell:
Health and Wellness in Dentistry program
spoke with the group about her campaign’s
goals. Their presentation was well received,
promising relationship-building with dentists
both here and across the country. A faculty
representative from the University of Western
Ontario was very eager to take the concept
back to her students! In line with LivingWell’s
goals of promoting healthy lifestyle choices
both in work and in play, all runners received
a pamphlet of stretches that not only are
good for a pre-run warm-up, but could also
be translated into a good work-day stretching
routine. By all accounts, the Fun Run was a
great success!
Dr. David Stark (Class of 1990)
and Allison Rowein (Class of 2014)
In addition, the SDSS created a new
award this year to recognize faculty
whose outstanding contribution(s) to
the undergraduate teaching program
went above and beyond “the call of duty”
and enhanced the development of the
curriculum and the students in her or his
dental education. The SDSS was pleased
to announce Dr. Kabir Virdi (Oral Surgery)
and Dr. Vincent Torresyap (Prosthodontics)
as the recipients of this award. Both Dr.
Virdi and Dr. Torresyap took on a substantial
amount of work at the College this year
in addition to their time spent in private
practice and have strived to increase our
experiences as dental students.
Hats Off!
(L-R) Dr. Kabir Virdi, Dr. Vincent
Torreysyap, Dr. Darcy Allen
Dr. John Steel
The Saskatchewan Dental Student Society (SDSS) recently granted this year’s Students’ Choice
for Excellence in Teaching awards. The award, which is voted on by students in years 1 through
4, recognizes a preclinical and a clinical instructor or faculty member who displayed particularly
strong commitment and dedication to furthering the education of the students. This year’s
well-deserved recipients were Dr. Darcy Allen (preclinical) and Dr. John Steel (clinical).
More than 80 of our students were on hand
during the presentation of these awards on
March 12, 2013, and we would all like once
more to extend a huge Thank You to all four
professors for everything they have done for
us this past year!
Arjunn Sachdev
Class of 2013
President, SDSS
Thank you to the College of Dental Surgeons of Saskatchewan
CS 9300 Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT):
The Gift That Keeps On Giving
available,” says Gerry Uswack, dean of the
College of Dentistry. “It will enhance our
clinical diagnostic teaching and learning to
better enable our graduates to provide the
best care for their patients.”
In addition, the new equipment modernizes
the U of S teaching clinic’s dental imaging lab,
eliminating much of the need for traditional
x-ray film processing and developing. The
CBCT instantly translates dental scans into 2-D
or 3-D digital images.
With a gift of leading dental X-ray technology
made possible by a $250,000 donation
from the College of Dental Surgeons of
Saskatchewan (CDSS), CDSS, in partnership
with the College of Dentistry and Carestream
Dental Canada, are providing third- and
fourth-year University of Saskatchewan dental
students the opportunity to work directly with
the sophisticated equipment.
The Carestream Dental CS 9300 cone beam
computed tomography (CBCT) gives dental
students a glimpse of what future dental
practices will look like by bringing the latest
in dental X-ray equipment to the campus
teaching clinic.
“This gift provides our students with some
of the best oral health imaging technology
The CDSS, the accrediting body for all
practicing dentists in the province, shares the
College of Dentistry’s belief in the importance
of educating and training future dental health
professionals with the leading technology.
As such, it views the gift as an investment
by dentists and specialists province-wide
intended to ensure that students and patients
alike benefit from the leading technology.
Original source, On Campus News
The College of Dentistry RECALL
RE: Tooth Bank —
College of Dentistry, University of Saskatchewan
An Urgent Call for Your Support
Dear Colleagues:
Extracted teeth are used for a variety of purposes in the College of
Dentistry. They are used extensively for teaching: this year we have
used over 1000 teeth in all the various disciplines. Students switch
from working with plastic dentoform teeth to natural teeth in order
to practice bonding procedures and cutting natural tooth tissue
just before their first patient contacts. Natural teeth are also used
for refresher exercises with clinical students after they return from
summer vacation. In the research area, good extracted teeth are very
useful for dental materials research projects and student table clinics.
Our Tooth Bank program has been neglected over the past few
years, and for that we apologize. We have had practitioners question
if the Tooth Bank program is even operational anymore! Well, YES
it is! But our supply of teeth has become diminished of late and we
now are asking for your support in keeping this priceless resource
open and available to our students. Quite simply, we are requesting
that whenever possible, you save extracted teeth to donate to our
If you have never collected teeth for this purpose before and
wish to “get on board,” please contact Merissa McCormick at
(306) 966-5074 (or email at Merissa
of the
is in charge of shipping and receiving for the Tooth Bank, and
will send you a container that is partly filled with Carolina’s (nonformalin-containing) preservative solution. Instructions on proper
packaging according to Canada Post guidelines will be included
with your container. If you currently have some filled containers,
please return them and we will gladly send you replacements.
Please remember to include your name in the packaging. Thank you
in advance for any donations of this most useful resource: this is a
very tangible way by which you can support the programs of our
Dental College. To those who over time have continued to support
us in this way, we offer our gratitude.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Carlos Ochoa
Monteith Endodontics
Dr. Judy Monteith
Operative Dentistry
The College of Dentistry wishes to extend a
heartfelt “Thank You” to the Classes of 1972,
1980, 1984, 1991, 2001, and 2003 for creating
Class Gifts aimed at reinforcing the foundation
necessary for the College to continue its
tradition of excellence. To date, the classes
have pledged (combined) $436,038.00.
Your gifts will support College funding
priorities including expansion and remodeling
of the Dental Clinic building, creation of
a comprehensive oral health profession
education model and curriculum review, and
improved access to Outreach programs.
To ensure high-quality patient care and
current teaching and learning opportunities,
our facilities must be updated. Currently, our
The College of Dentistry RECALL 16
Dr. Darcy Allen
Operative Dentistry
classroom, pre-clinical, and clinical spaces
are more than 30 years old. As such, the
teaching spaces have become obsolete from
the perspectives of size, technology, patient
safety, and infection control. In addition,
the classroom and pre-clinical spaces can
only accommodate 28 students at a time,
limiting student intake and the addition of
other professional programs. Your continued
Class Gifts will provide the College with the
opportunity to consolidate and expand the
dental teaching hospital.
The College of Dentistry Advancement Team
can provide your class with the assistance it
needs to fulfill any class giving goals. Call 306966-2236 or email with
any questions or to initiate a gift.
Heartfelt Congratulations
to All!
On June 23, 2012, Dr. Caroline Krivuzoff-Sanderson (Class of 1989) received the award of
Fellowship in the Academy of General Dentistry in Philadelphia. Dr. Krivuzoff-Sanderson is
also a Fellow of the International College of Dentists and a Fellow of the Academy of Dentistry
International. In her time away from the office, she enjoys various outdoor pursuits such as
boating, camping, and travelling. She also spends creative time scrapbooking, and has been an
active member of the Red Deer Lettering Arts Guild (Calligraphy) for many years. Dr. KrivuzoffSanderson works out any office frustrations while Flamenco dancing and you may also find her
cheering on the Roughriders (even though she continues to maintain her full-time practice in
Red Deer, Alberta, “You can’t take the Saskatchewan out of the girl!”). She very much enjoyed
reconnecting with classmates and friends at our recent College reunion in Saskatoon.
The prestigious Paynter-McPhail Memorial Lecture was created in 1986 in memory of the
first two deans of the University of Saskatchewan College of Dentistry, Dr. K. J. Paynter and
Dr. C. W. B. McPhail. The goal of the lecture is to honour the original deans as well as to
recognize an individual and acknowledge his/her outstanding contributions in scholarship,
research, academia, administration, or clinical practice in dentistry. The lecture is intended
to augment the academic and professional experience of faculty, staff, and students. For
the Paynter-McPhail Memorial Lecture delivered on November 16, 2011, the Selection
Committee chose Dr. Colin Diener (Class of 2001), whose presentation was entitled
“Dental Implants Today.” Thank you, Dr. Diener.
Dr. Alysen Phee (Class of 2006) will be “opening business” at Regina Endodontics effective
April 1, 2013. Regina Endodontics will be located at #2 - 4505 Albert Street. For further
information, contact Alysen at 306-359-3636.
Gary Keegan is a native of Ireland who
brings over seven years of experience
in marketing and business unit
management roles in the pharmaceutical
sector to the College in his new role
as Major Gifts Officer. Gary’s past
appointments include management roles
with Novartis® and Merz Pharma UK®, with
specific focus on specialty therapeutics
in the areas of CNS and Neurology.
Interestingly, Gary is also an accomplished
international sailor of some renown with
several world sailing records to his credit
as well as participation in the Americas
Cup competition and Volvo Ocean Race.
Gary is a graduate of the University of
Ulster, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Dr. Peter Doig
Canadian Dental
Association VicePresident Dr. Peter
Doig (Class of ‘83)
will assume the
position of CDA
President in April
of 2013.
College of Dentistry Assistant Professor
of Dental Materials Dr. Assem Hedayat’s
submission “Enhancing Uremic Toxins
Fluxes across Nanofabricated Hemodialysis
Membranes” was accepted by the
BioNanoMed 2013 Congress, which was
held in Krems, Austria, in March 2013.
Brian Phee (Class of 2009) is currently
enrolled in the Orthodontics graduate
program at the University of Western
Ontario. Upon graduation, he will be
joining the Regina Orthodontic Group.
Dr. Ryan Lacoursiere (Class of 2002) and
Dr. Michael Wagner (Class of 2002) have
returned to private practice in Saskatoon
as certified specialists in Orthodontics.
New referrals welcomed!
Dr. Brent Yaremko (Class of 2006) and
Dr. Devon Anholt (Class of 2007) will be
completing their Orthodontics graduate
program at the University of Alberta in
spring 2012 and returning to Saskatoon
to private practice in early fall.
The College of Dentistry RECALL
It’s hard to believe that it is already 2013, let
alone already February. The 2012-2013 school
year has been a busy one as usual and this
year’s SDSS council has been trying to make
the year also an exciting and memorable one
for everyone. Aside from making time for
clinic, classes, presentations, boards, and all
those other things that school brings with
it, we definitely have found ways to keep
ourselves busy having fun, too.
The first event of the new year is traditionally
our annual Curling Bonspiel, which we
decided to postpone to February this
year since in January, approximately fifty
students jet-setted to Montreal to attend
the International Dental Student Conference
hosted by the students at La Université de
Montréal. The conference gathered over 900
dental students from across Canada and the
organizers put on a very memorable threeday conference. Not only did they host an
amazing party, they scheduled a variety of
lectures, hands-on courses, and presentations
for the attending students to participate
in. Held at the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth,
The College of Dentistry RECALL 18
the organizers started the event off with a
“Beach Party” sponsored by Henry Schein, in
a conference room converted into a sandy
oasis. The following night’s activity was a
Fashion Show, the models students from La
Université de Montréal augmented by two
students from each attending dental school.
Our own Sarah Ohnander (Class of 2014) and
Johnny Tran (Class of 2014) strutted their stuff
on the catwalk and definitely helped make
U of S’s presence known! The final night
kicked off with a Gala Supper, after which
everyone danced the night away until the
early hours of the morning.
As January ended, the students partook in
the annual Malpractice Mixer Pub Crawl,
along with students from Medicine, Dentistry,
Law, Physiotherapy, Veterinary Medicine,
Nursing, and Kinesiology. The pub crawl
began and ended at Tequila, and Dentistry
shone bright all night in our College colors of
purple and gold.
Continuing with the theme of interdisciplinary socializing, the next night was the first
of what we are sure will become an annual
tradition: the first-ever Dentistry vs. Medicine
Hockey Game. Organized by Blake Mitchell
(Class of 2014), our first-rate Dentistry hockey
team, under the tutelage of Arjunn Sachdev
(Class of 2013), Michael Fowler (Class of 2014),
and Kris Currie (Class of 2012) and captained
by Dacre Hamilton (Class of 2015), beat the
Medicine hockey team 5-3 in what turned out
to be some great hockey by both teams, winning what conveniently is named “The Dent
Cup.” So: To all the professors and alumni
who play in our College’s annual Student vs.
Profs/Alumni game: watch out! And special
thanks to Dr. Brent Yaremko (Class of 2006),
for guarding the net all night!
February brought our annual Curling Bonspiel
– a day of fun-filled curling, pizza, drinks, and
costumes too good to be seen anywhere else
in public. Held at the Rutherford Rink, the
final match-up pitted last year’s champions
Erik Johnson, Dacre Hamilton, Fraser Young,
and Chris Goudy (all Class of 2015) against
the 2011 champions Divya Balakrisnan,
Derek Thiessen, Michael Koskie, and Landon
Dental Family
Thompson (all Class of 2013) in a “closest-to-the-button” sudden-death
overtime finish. Unfortunately, nerves got the best of young Dacre
Hamilton and he sailed his rock ‘way past the button, leaving Landon
Thompson to throw what was a nearly perfect rock that landed almost
directly on the button. Better luck next time, 2015 boys!
Proud parents Robert Walker (Class of 2005) and wife
Meredith announce the birth of their daughter, Madison
Siena Walker, born on September 6, 2012, and weighing
7 lbs 12 oz.
Stephanie Takeda (Class of 2007) and husband Dave
Lampron are delighted to share the birth of their son,
Remi Jay Takeda Lampron, born September 30, 2011.
He arrived a little late, but is an incredible addition to
their family!
None of the events that we’ve held would have been possible without
the input, organization, efforts, and dedication put in by the SDSS
executive. I would like to thank all of them for their hard work this
year. Here’s to a fun and successful remainder of the school year!
Arjunn Sachdev
Class of 2013
2012-2013 SDSS Executive:
Arjunn Sachdev – President
Megan Charlton – Yearbook Editor
Divya Balakrishnan – Vice President
Amy Leclerc – Year 4 Class Rep
Jehan Nanji – Treasurer
Woody Neilson – Year 3 Class Rep
Allison Rowein – Secretary
Adam Vantomme – Year 2 Class Rep
Greg Trischuk – Sr. Social Rep
Jennifer Bozek – Year 1 Class Rep
Danielle Vanchu – Sr. Social Rep
Brad Low – VP Student Affairs Clinical
Lindsay Scherr – Jr. Social Rep
Kandace Grenier – VP Student Affairs Preclinical
Beshmi Kularatne – Jr. Social Rep
Carman Rabuka (Class of 2007) and wife Esther are happy
to introduce their second daughter, Stella Nadya. She was
born on November 29 and tipped the scale at 9 lbs! Both
Stella and Esther are doing great.
Brad Wood (Class of 2013) and wife Chelsey have
welcomed their third daughter, Preslee Anne Wood.
Preslee was born on September 30, 2012, and was
welcomed by her two sisters and one brother, Avery
Marie (5), Benjamin Bradley (4), and Emerson Jane (2).
The College of Dentistry RECALL
Value-Added Partnerships
in the College of Dentistry
Johnny Tran (Year 3), left, and
Jeff Scheirer (co -owner of
Carlton Dental Labs), right,
demonstrating Trios to a patient.
Johnny Tran demonstrating the
virtual interocclusal record to
a patient.
The College of Dentistry’s staff, faculty,
students, and patients are all benefiting from
the partnership the College has with Carlton
Dental Labs. This is a unique partnership
where a privately owned lab has an office
within the College. “I think this is a great
relationship,” states Jeff Scheirer, registered
dental technician and creator of Carlton
Dental Labs. “There’s lots of education and
lots of assistance.”
The private-public relationship is one of
teamwork. Dr. Gerry Uswak, dean of the
College of Dentistry, acknowledges that “It is
unique for a commercial lab to be embedded
in a dental college.” Carlton is given the use
of space and in return lends its technicians
to assist in construction, instruction in
fabrications techniques, and helping
students who come for consultations. Carlton
also provides access to cutting-edge digital
technologies, including their digital dental
impression capture technology.
Until now, impressions have been handmade
The College of Dentistry RECALL 20
with moulds and contained inherent variables
that could not be controlled, such as batch
consistency and the setting of the material.
Digital impressions remove these unknowns
and increase the consistency and accuracy
of the impression. They also are faster to
take, use less material, can be retaken with
ease, and are easier to ship and store over
their analog cousins. The process also is less
intrusive: no more need to sink teeth into
that grey “goop”; just a quick scan from the
camera. The benefits of going digital will
result in savings for the clinic and so also, in
turn, for the patient.
Digital Impression Technology is something
the College of Dentistry has been interested
in acquiring, but needed a partnership to
fully implement. “Through our partnership
with Carlton, we now have access to
proprietary technology that we would never
have on our own,” explains Dean Uswak. This
kind of partnership is much more efficient
and workable than having faculty study the
new technologies, learn how to implement
them, become proficient in their use, then
finally work them into the curriculum,
all of this in addition to their regular
administrative, clinical, and pedagogical
duties. “There are synergies here,” says Dean
Uswak. “The value added is bigger than the
financial benefit on either side.”
Carlton owns the equipment housed within
the College, which is available for use and
study by our dentistry students. “I think
what this digital technology is going to do
is make the grads that come out of here
more hirable,” explains Mr. Scheirer. “Grads
experienced in digital technologies are going
to take that knowledge into the workplace
and so become instantly more valuable.”
James Pepler
Graduate Student Assistant,
Institutional Planning and Assessment
It is with sadness that the College of Dentistry
announces the passing of Shawn Foster (Class of
2000) on September 25, 2012, at the age of 38.
He is survived by his loving wife, Krista, and their
daughters, Jordan and Jade. He is also survived by
his devoted parents, Judy and Kerry Foster; and his
brother, Kris, sister-in-law, Alexandra, and their son,
Max. Shawn will be remembered for his sincerity
and integrity, his love of family, and his passion for
Marvin Steffen (Class of 1974) passed away on
November 13, 2012, after a sudden illness. Marvin
was predeceased by his wife, Colleen. Marvin first
attended Teacher’s College and taught in various
communities throughout Saskatchewan. He then
returned to Saskatoon and entered the University
of Saskatchewan to earn a degree in Dentistry.
Marvin retired to McKenna, WA, where he lived
until his passing. He is lovingly remembered by his
daughters, Sheila and Kali, and grandson, Adon.
Cadman Remmer
Proud Sponsors
of the College of Dentistry
Drs. Kirby C. Cadman
& K. Ross Remmer
Certified specialists in Orthodontics
Suite 200, 3502 Taylor Street East
Saskatoon SK S7H 5H9
tel: (306) 955-3677
fax: (306) 955-4788
Proud Sponsors
of the College of Dentistry
MOBO Promotional Products is proud to announce
that we have been awarded the GOLD Award in our
category at the Promotional Product Professionals
of Canada 2012 Image Awards. These prestigious
Image Awards are handed out every year to distributor
and supplier members, recognizing the best of the
industry’s talents and achievements.
The College has learned of the passing of Dennis
B. Gilboe on January 12, 2013, at the age of
70. Dr. Gilboe was Associate Professor of Fixed
Prosthodontics at the U of S College of Dentistry and
was instrumental in designing and developing the
current Dental Clinic. Dr. Gilboe is remembered by
his devoted wife, Brenda, of 48 years; his children,
Derek and Sandra; and grandsons, Sam and Ted.
The College of Dentistry RECALL
YES! I’d like to support
my College of Dentistry!
I’d like to make a gift of: $_______________________________________________________________
This will be a:
One-time gift
Monthly gift of $___________________ for ___________ months for total of $________________
Annual gift of $____________________ for ___________ years for total of $__________________
I’d like my gift to support:
Class of _______________ Donor Advised Fund
Dean’s Infrastructure Revitalization Fund (help us replace existing or acquire new equipment, etc.)
General Program & Operations – use my donation where it’s most needed!
Outreach and community initiatives such as the Rural/Urban/Northern (RUN) program
Existing funds, scholarships, or student awards, specifically _________________________________
Creation of a new scholarship (please call the Development Office at 306-966-2236 to discuss)
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Post-dated cheques
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Pre-authorized monthly debit (please complete and return the Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement found
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to have the agreement mailed to you)
I am interested in learning more about other ways to give to the College of Dentistry, including gifts of
stock, life insurance, and bequests
Please make cheques payable to the University of Saskatchewan. Note “College of Dentistry” in memo section.
The College of Dentistry RECALL 22
You can make a gift online at
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write your grad year and “Donor Advised Fund”
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Thank You! In recognition of your gift, the University of Saskatchewan College of Dentistry is proud to honour donors
through invitations to special events, listings in online and print publications, and updates on the impact of your gift to
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University of Saskatchewan
105 Wiggins Road
Saskatoon SK S7N 5E4
Phone: 306-966-2236
Fax: 306-966-6632
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The College of Dentistry RECALL
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College of Dentistry
University Of Saskatchewan
Dental Clinic Building
105 Wiggins Road
Saskatoon SK S7N 5E4
Telephone: (306) 966-5121
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