Presents: Introductory to Pelvic Floor Instructed by Dr. Stéphanie Madill

Introductory to Pelvic Floor
Instructed by Dr. Stéphanie Madill
Stéphanie Madill obtained her Bachelor’s of Science in Physical Therapy in 1993 from the
University of Alberta. She practiced in Alberta, Oklahoma and Missouri in a wide variety of
settings, including acute care, inpatient rehabilitation, long-term care, schools, and prisons.
She enjoyed the variety, but did not quite feel like she had found her spot. Sometime in the
late 1990s, she began to realise that a large number of her clients experienced urinary
incontinence and, through conversations with senior colleagues and the physiotherapy
literature, that physios could help. She took her first pelvic floor physiotherapy course in
1999 and soon recognised that she wanted to spend the rest of her career studying and
treating pelvic floor disorders.
In 2002, Stéphanie started graduate studies under the supervision of Dr. Linda McLean at
Queen’s University, studying pelvic floor biomechanics in continent women. She completed
Her Master’s of Science: Synergistic pelvic floor and abdominal muscle contributions to rises
in intravaginal pressure in urinary continent women, in 2004. She continued her graduate
studies with Dr. McLean, completing her Ph.D.: Differences in pelvic floor muscle activation
and functional output between women with and without stress urinary incontinence, in
2009. Stéphanie then undertook a post-doctoral fellowship in Montréal under the
supervision of Dre. Chantale Dumoulin. Throughout her graduate and post-doctoral studies,
Stéphanie continued to practice pelvic floor physiotherapy in Kingston, Ontario.
Dr. Stéphanie Madill accepted a faculty position at the University of Saskatchewan, School
of Physical Therapy in 2011 where she teaches both courses in the Lifespan stream. In
Saskatchewan she instigated a group for pelvic floor physiotherapists that has been meeting
annually for education and networking since 2012. She is committed to gender equality and
LGBTQ rights; serving on the Provost’s Advisory Committee for Sexual and Gender Diversity
and developing educational materials that address the particular health care needs of
LGBTQ people.
Outside of work, Stéphanie lives with her partner of more than 20 years, Fern Toop, and
their three cats. She is a passionate knitter, a balletomane, and she enjoys baking, gardening
and dancing.