AGENDA ITEM 8-B ACTION ITEM TO: CHAIRMAN COVINGTON AND THE VRE OPERATIONS BOARD FROM: DOUG ALLEN DATE: SEPTEMBER 21, 2012 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO APPROVE THE LENGTHENING OF VRE TRAINS RECOMMENDATION: The VRE Operations Board is being asked to recommend that the Commissions authorize the Chief Executive Officer to lengthen one Fredericksburg and one Manassas line train beginning October 9, 2012 through a budget amendment in an amount not to exceed $239,100 for the first year of service. BACKGROUND: As part of the L’Enfant storage track project update in May 2012, VRE staff presented service expansion options designed to mitigate crowding on trains, fully utilize VRE equipment, provide expanded service, and increase ridership. The proposal included lengthening trains and reducing the price of Step Up tickets for VRE riders. The VRE Operations Board authorized a change to the tariff to reduce the price of Step Up tickets from $5 to $3 in August 2012. The proposal also included additional capacity through VRE Fredericksburg train 303/302 having one car added to the existing six car consist and Manassas train 330/327 having up to two cars added to the existing six car consist. Throughout CY 2012, ridership on these peak period trains has exceeded current seating capacity such that VRE riders, in many cases, spend the majority of their commute standing. The following table shows the current and proposed seating capacity by train. Train Current Seating Capacity by Train Fredericksburg 303/302 Manassas 330/327 Current Number of Standees During Peak Commute Proposed Seating Capacity by Train 810 107 940 Proposed Additional Seats Per Day added to VRE service 260 810 35 *1070 520 Net Cost per Seat $483 $218 VRE proposes to add up to 2 additional cars to increase seating capacity as ridership dictates. To start, VRE may elect to add each additional car incrementally as dictated by actual ridership. The primary objective of the service expansions is to reduce the number of standees on these peak trains to prevent the potential loss of passengers from VRE service as well as attract new riders. The table above indicates the average number of standees on these peak trains when average daily ridership is between 19,000 and 20,000 passenger trips for CY 2012. By adding one additional car to Fredericksburg line train 303/302, total seating capacity will increase by 260 seats per day. A total of up to 520 seats will be added to the Manassas line train. With the incremental capacity improvement proposed, VRE staff projects that there will be a slight increase in new ridership that should materialize before the end of CY 2012. For the Fredericksburg train, this ridership increase is further supported by the additional parking spaces coming on-line at the Brooke and Leeland Road stations and the reduction in the price of the Step Up ticket. For the Manassas line train, ridership is projected to increase simply because there will be open seats and passengers will not need to stand during their commute, drawing passengers to VRE service. FISCAL IMPACT: The total annual net cost for FY 2013 for adding this capacity is projected to be $239,100. Costs include $125,700 for the Fredericksburg line and $113,400 for the Manassas line (excluding contribution to the operating reserve). The service will be paid for through an increase in state operating funds for FY 2013. VRE staff has included the same service enhancements in the preliminary FY 2014 budget. VRE staff will return to the Operations Board in December 2012 to update the FY 2013 Budget and Keolis contract, if needed. 2 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: CHAIRMAN COVINGTON AND THE VRE OPERATIONS BOARD DOUG ALLEN SEPTEMBER 21, 2012 AUTHORIZATION TO APPROVE THE LENGTHENING OF VRE TRAINS RESOLUTION 8B-09-2012 OF THE VIRGINIA RAILWAY EXPRESS OPERATIONS BOARD WHEREAS, as part of the update to the L’Enfant Storage track project in May 2012, VRE staff provided options to reduce overcrowding on peak trains; and, WHEREAS, part of this proposal included adding one car to a Fredericksburg line train and up to two cars to a Manassas line train; and, WHEREAS, by adding one additional car to Fredericksburg line train 303/302, seating capacity will increase by 260 seats per day; and, WHEREAS, by adding one additional railcar to Manassas line train 330/327, seating capacity will increase by 520 seats per day; and, WHEREAS, VRE staff projects that there is expected to be a slight increase in new ridership that should materialize from this action. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the VRE Operations Board recommends that the Commissions authorize the Chief Executive Officer to lengthen one Fredericksburg and one Manassas line train beginning October 9, 2012 through a budget amendment in an amount not to exceed $239,100 for the first year of service. 3