M I N U T ... VRE Operations Board Meeting PRTC Headquarters – Prince William County, Virginia


Virginia Railway


Board Members

Paul Milde


John Cook


Gary Skinner


Paul Smedberg


Sharon Bulova

Maureen Caddigan

Wally Covington

John Jenkins

Matt Kelly

Jennifer Mitchell

Suhas Naddoni

J. Walter Tejada

Bob Thomas

Jonathan Way


Marc Aveni

Meg Bohmke

Brad Ellis

Jay Fisette

Frank Jones

Tim Lovain

Michael May

Jeff McKay

Martin Nohe

Kevin Page

Paul Trampe

Doug Allen

Chief Executive Officer

1500 King Street, Suite 202

Alexandria, VA 22314-2730


VRE Operations Board Meeting

PRTC Headquarters – Prince William County, Virginia

May 16, 2014

Members Present

Sharon Bulova (NVTC)

Maureen Caddigan (PRTC)

John Cook (NVTC)

Wally Covington (PRTC)

John D. Jenkins (PRTC)

Matt Kelly (PRTC)

Paul Milde (PRTC)

Jennifer Mitchell

Suhas Naddoni (PRTC)

Gary Skinner (PRTC)

Paul Smedberg (NVTC)

J. Walter Tejada (NVTC)

Jonathan Way (PRTC)


Fairfax County

Prince William County

Fairfax County

Prince William County

Prince William County

City of Fredericksburg

Stafford County


City of Manassas Park

Spotsylvania County

City of Alexandria

Arlington County

City of Manassas

Members Absent

Bob Thomas (PRTC) Stafford County


Alternates Present Jurisdiction

Alternates Absent

Marc Aveni (PRTC)

Meg Bohmke (PRTC)

Brad Ellis (PRTC)

Jay Fisette (NVTC)

Frank C. Jones (PRTC)

Tim Lovain (NVTC)

Michael C. May (PRTC)

Jeff McKay (NVTC)

Martin E. Nohe (PRTC)

Kevin Page

Paul Trampe (PRTC)


City of Manassas

Stafford County

City of Fredericksburg

Arlington County

City of Manassas Park

City of Alexandria

Prince William County

Fairfax County

Prince William County


Spotsylvania County

Staff and General Public

Doug Allen – VRE

Anthony Ayala – VRE

Gregg Baxter – Keolis

Donna Boxer – VRE

Nancy Collins – Stafford County

Kelley Coyner – NVTC Staff

Rich Dalton – VRE

Mortimer Downey – Parsons Brinckerhoff

John Duque – VRE

Patrick Durany - Prince William County

Ron Freeland – Parsons Brinckerhoff

Rhonda Gilchrest – NVTC staff

Al Harf – PRTC staff

Chris Henry – VRE

Tom Hickey – VRE

Christine Hoeffner – VRE

Pierre Holloman – Alexandria

Bryan Jungwirth – VRE

Ann King – VRE

Mike Lake – Fairfax County

Lezlie Lamb – VRE

Bob Leibbrandt – Prince William County

Jillian Linnell – NVTC Staff

Steve MacIsaac – VRE counsel

Nate Macek – Parsons Brinckerhoff

Manasvi Menon – Parsons Brinckerhoff

Betsy Massey – PRTC Staff

Dick Peacock – Citizen

Lynn Rivers – Arlington County

Eric Roecks – Parsons Brinckerhoff

Scott Schenk – Free Lance Star

Brett Shorter – VRE

Joe Swartz – VRE

* Delineates arrival following the commencement of the Board meeting. Notation of exact arrival

Chairman Milde called the meeting to order at 9:38 A.M. Following the Pledge of Allegiance,

Roll Call was taken.

Approval of the Agenda – 3

Mr. Covington moved, with a second by Ms. Bulova, to approve the Agenda. The vote in favor was cast by Board Members Bulova, Caddigan, Cook, Covington, Jenkins, Kelly, Milde,

Naddoni, Skinner, Smedberg, Tejada and Way.

Approval of the Minutes of the April 18, 2014 Operations Board Meeting – 4

Mr. Kelly moved approval of the minutes and Mr. Way seconded. The vote in favor was cast by Board Members Bulova, Caddigan, Cook, Jenkins, Kelly, Milde, Skinner, Smedberg,

Tejada and Way. Mr. Covington and Mr. Naddoni abstained.

Chairman’s Comments – 6

Chairman Milde reported that the Commonwealth Transportation Board conducted public hearings throughout the region on the Six-Year Improvement Plan (SYIP). He provided testimony on behalf of VRE at the Northern Virginia Public hearing in Fairfax and Mr.

Skinner provided VRE testimony at the public hearing for the Fredericksburg area.

Chairman Milde announced that the Joint Audit Committee has a meeting scheduled immediately after this Board meeting.

Chief Executive Officer’s Report – 7

Mr. Allen reported that VRE was recently notified by the Transportation Security

Administration (TSA) that it received a near perfect score (99 percent) and a “Gold

Standard” rating on its 2014 Baseline Assessment for Security Enhancement (BASE) Audit.

This is one of the highest score received by any commuter rail system. The BASE program is designed to establish a security standard for individual system security programs and assess progress in enhancements and implementation.

Mr. Allen reported that on-time performance (OTP) for the month of April remained strong at 96 percent with daily ridership averaging 19,567 with seven days exceeding 20,000. So far there have been four days of heat restrictions during the month of May. VRE on-time performance has also been impacted by rerouted freight traffic in the mid-Atlantic region due to the road that collapsed onto CSX tracks in Baltimore.

Mr. Allen reported that all the outstanding issues have been resolved with the Mobile

Ticketing Project and he expects to sign the contract on Monday. He also stated that his presentation on the VRE System Plan to the Commonwealth Transportation Board on May

13 th in Charlottesville was well received. On May 7 th VRE conducted its annual customer service survey and the results will be presented to the Operations Board at a future meeting. VRE also held Meet the Management events at Union Station on April 30 th and

L’Enfant Station on May 14 th . The next event is scheduled for Crystal City on May 21 st .

Mr. Allen recognized the work of Donna Boxer who has received a Certificate of

Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers

Association (GFOA).

VRE Riders’ and Public Comment – 8

Mr. Peacock congratulated VRE on receiving a 99 percent rating from TSA for the BASE

Audit, but asked with that high rating why VRE needs new security cameras at Broad Run

Station. Mr. Allen explained that part of the TSA assessment looked at what security measures have been implemented as well as what VRE has included in its overall safety plan. The plan includes installing cameras at all the station. There are currently no security cameras at the Broad Run station, although there are some at the Broad Run Yard.

Mr. Peacock expressed his frustration with the endless delays with the Spotsylvania

Station. He believes that it is important that Spotsylvania County own the property and not just lease it. Mr. Skinner reported that VDOT is working to acquire the property and it should be resolved by the beginning of June.

Authorization to Approve PRTC/VRE Personnel Policy Amendment – 8A

Mr. Allen explained that Resolution #8A-05-2014 recommends that PRTC approve an amendment to the Personnel Policy to provide the option of an alternative date for performance evaluations. He reminded the Board that personnel matters involving PRTC and VRE are governed by a shared adopted Personnel Policy. The current policy specifies that formal performance evaluations are to be completed on the employee’s anniversary date, with exceptions for probationary employees and in other select instances. VRE would like to convert to a common performance evaluation date for non-probationary employees, with all reviews completed in June to become effective July 1, 2014. Mr. Allen explained that there is no fiscal impact in FY 2015 because the budget does not provide for a pay increase for performance. In future years, when there may be a pay increase related to the evaluation process, all increases would occur at the beginning of the fiscal year rather than scattered throughout the year. The estimated additional cost of the revised evaluation date would be approximately $18,500 for each one percent pay increase, assuming an even distribution of anniversary dates throughout the year.

Ms. Bulova moved, with a second by Mr. Skinner, to approve Resolution #8A-05-2014. The vote in favor was cast by cast by Board Members Bulova, Caddigan, Cook, Covington,

Jenkins, Kelly, Milde, Naddoni, Skinner, Smedberg, Tejada and Way.


Authorization to Execute a Force Account Agreement with CSX Transportation for the

Lorton Station Platform Extension Project – 8B

Mr. Allen stated that the VRE Operations Board is being asked to authorize him to execute a force account agreement with CSX Transportation for the Lorton Station Platform

Extension project in an amount of $280,546, plus a 10 percent contingency of $28,055, for a total amount not to exceed $308,601. Resolution #8B-05-2014 will accomplish this.

Ms. Caddigan moved, with a second by Ms. Bulova, to approve Resolution #8B-05-2014.

The vote in favor was cast by Board Members Bulova, Caddigan, Cook, Covington, Jenkins,

Kelly, Milde, Naddoni, Skinner, Smedberg, Tejada and Way.

Authorization to Award a Supplemental GEC VI Task Order for Field Work for the

Alexandria King Street Station Pedestrian Tunnel Project – 8C

Mr. Allen reported that Resolution #8C-05-2014 will authorize him to award a

Supplemental Task Order under the GEC VI contract to AECOM for Task Order #2 for field work for the Alexandria King Street Station Pedestrian Tunnel project in an amount of

$85,752, plus a 10 percent contingency of $8,575, for a total amount not to exceed


Mr. Allen explained that in December 2013 VRE awarded a GEC VI task order to Gannet

Fleming for design and construction management services for the tunnel project. After

VRE executed the task order, Gannett Fleming provided geotechnical field work and testing made by the tunnel consultant, Gall Zeidler. The recommendations are significantly more extensive that originally proposed by AECOM. Mr. Allen stated that VRE staff concurs with the recommendations based on the consultant’s reputation as an expert in tunnel design.

Mr. Smedberg moved, with a second by Mr. Tejada, to approve the resolution. The vote in favor was cast by Board Members Bulova, Caddigan, Cook, Covington, Jenkins, Kelly, Milde,

Naddoni, Skinner, Smedberg, Tejada and Way.

Authorization to Award a Contract for Installation of Security Cameras at the Broad Run

Station – 8D

Mr. Allen stated that the Operations Board is being asked to authorize him to execute a contact with Genesis Security LLC of Germantown, Maryland for the installation of security cameras and associated components at the Broad Run Station in the amount of $69,995, plus a seven percent contingency of $4,900, for a total amount not to exceed $74,895.

Resolution #8D-05-2014 will approve this.

In response to a question from Mr. Way, Mr. Duque explained that VRE currently has 70 security cameras throughout the system but the plan is to install cameras at all the stations.


VRE has the capability of monitoring all of these real-time cameras at one time but the focus is monitoring the trains in operation. The cameras record up to a week’s worth of video. Mr. Tejada stated that he is pleased to hear that the monitors are not recorded over immediately.

Mr. Covington moved, with a second by Mr. Cook, to approve the resolution. The vote in favor was cast by Board Members Bulova, Caddigan, Cook, Covington, Jenkins, Kelly, Milde,

Naddoni, Skinner, Smedberg, Tejada and Way.

Authorization to Award a Contract for the Purchase of Fuel Injectors – 8E

Mr. Allen stated that Resolution #8E-05-2014 would authorize him to execute a contract with Electro-Motive Diesel, Inc. of LaGrange, Illinois for the purchase of fuel injectors in the amount of $169,968, plus a 10 percent contingency of $16,997, for a total amount not to exceed $186,965.

Mr. Allen explained that VRE is required to replace locomotive electronic fuel injectors every three years to maintain compliance with emissions reduction standards established for locomotives by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Following a competitive bid process, two bids were received and Eletro-Motive Diesel, Inc. was deemed the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder.

Ms. Bulova moved, with a second by Mr. Tejada, to approve Resolution #8E-05-2014. The vote in favor was cast by Board Members Bulova, Caddigan, Cook, Covington, Jenkins, Kelly,

Milde, Naddoni, Skinner, Smedberg, Tejada and Way.

Authorization to Execute an Amendment to the Marketing, Advertising and Public Affairs

Services Contract – 8F

Mr. Allen reported that the VRE Operations Board is being asked to authorize him to execute a contract amendment with Sparky’s Garage of Leesburg, Virginia in the amount of

$50,000, for the period July 1 – September 30, 2014, for the marketing advertising and public affairs services contract, for a total contract value not to exceed $550,000. Funding will be used to print pocket schedules, rider guides, brochures, posters and other collateral materials. Resolution #8F-05-2014 will accomplish this.

Mr. Allen stated that because VRE’s need for marketing services has evolved over the last three years, VRE staff has already received Board approval to issue a RFP for a revised scope of services, rather than exercising the first option period under the current agreement. However, a new contract for marketing, advertising and public relations will not be effective prior to October 1, 2014. Board authorization would be for continued services with Sparky’s Garage during the interim.


Ms. Caddigan moved, with a second by Mr. Naddoni, to approve the resolution. The vote in favor was cast by Board Members Bulova, Caddigan, Cook, Covington, Jenkins, Kelly, Milde,

Naddoni, Skinner, Smedberg, Tejada and Way.

Authorization to Issue RFP for Market Research Services – 8G

Mr. Allen stated that Resolution #8G-05-2014 will authorize him to issue a Request for

Proposals (RFP) for market research services. Each year VRE conducts the Master

Agreement Survey in October and the Customer Satisfaction Survey in May. While each survey provides valuable information about VRE’s riders’ origins and destinations and their attitudes toward our service, VRE has no research about non-riders, their knowledge of VRE or what would entice them to ride or become supporters of VRE. In April, the

Operations Board authorized staff to issue a RFP for marketing and advertising services.

However, prior to conducting any marketing campaign or promotions it is important that

VRE gain an understanding of its name recognition, level of support, and attitudes towards

VRE from riders, non-riders, opinion leaders, major employers, and partners in order to provide a baseline level of measurement from which VRE can measure the results of any marketing and public affairs programs that are conducted. This effort would be separate from the marketing, advertising and public relations services contract in order to allow for the impartial, independent and professional analysis a market research firm would bring to


Mr. Allen stated that it is anticipated the competitive procurement process will result in the selection of a viable candidate firm by August 2014 and that a recommendation for contract award will be brought to the Operations Board for approval at its September 2014 meeting. Depending upon approved task orders, expenses for a market research consultant could be approximately $40,000 annually.

Mr. Allen stated that base-line opinion leaders, riders and non-riders would be targeted for future on-line marketing surveys. Mr. Smedberg stated that with the nature of VRE’s business, he asked if it is important to seek a firm with transit expertise. Mr. Allen stated that the marketing firms do not necessarily specialize in transit but a good general marketing firm can get the needed expertise by subcontracting.

Ms. Bulova reminded the Board that there is Express Bus Service to Tysons Corner, which serves three VRE stations in Fairfax County, and that the Board previously discussed conducting marketing surveys and outreach to the Tysons business community. Mr. Allen stated that this is a good example of what kinds of marketing initiatives can be included in the scope of services. VRE is interested in exploring new markets and expanding in the region. Ms. Bulova also noted that there are other employment areas that may not be aware of VRE service. Mr. Tejada stated that it is important to target people who are not familiar with VRE service and he would like to see VRE focus on the diverse population the

VRE service covers and incorporate ways to reach out to that population, especially those who do not speak English. Mr. Allen stated that this fits right into the intent of VRE’s plan to look for new markets and new riders.


Ms. Bulova moved, with a second by Mr. Cook, to approve the resolution. The vote in favor was cast by Board Members Bulova, Caddigan, Cook, Covington, Jenkins, Kelly, Milde,

Naddoni, Skinner, Smedberg, Tejada and Way.

Authorization to Issue a Request for Proposals for Maintenance of Equipment and Facilities

– 8H

Mr. Allen stated that the VRE Operations Board is being asked to authorize him to issue a

RFP for Maintenance of Equipment and Facilities. Resolution #8H-05-2014 will accomplish this.

Mr. Allen explained that currently all mechanical services are provided under a cost plus purchase of service agreement. VRE is in need of a competitive procurement to transition to a fixed fee contract and to initiate a life-cycle maintenance approach. The scope of work for the RFP includes providing management, supervisor and labor to perform daily, preventative and life cycle maintenance for VRE’s fleet. Included in this solicitation will be maintenance and repairs for VRE’s equipment storage and maintenance facilities and station facility maintenance. VRE will provide perspective bidders the opportunity to propose on VRE station facilities maintenance as an option. The base contract term will be for five years with two, five-year options exercised at the discretion of VRE. This contract will run concurrent with the operations services contract. Mr. Allen stated that Keolis will continue to operate the system and is encouraged to submit a proposal for maintenance.

Mr. Skinner stated that Keolis has done an outstanding job and expressed his opinion that it is important to keep all the maintenance “bundled” under one organization. He suggested tabling this action for 30 days. Ms. Bulova observed that Keolis will have the opportunity to submit a proposal. Mr. Allen stated that VRE staff have had discussions with Keolis over the last six months.

Mr. Way asked if it is meritorious to bundle all the maintenance together in one combined package and if it would be better to package them separately. It could be harder for smaller operations to bid on all of it. This procurement gives VRE the opportunity to seek options and verify VRE is getting the best value and best price. Mr. Smedberg agreed that VRE needs to be focused on what’s best for the VRE system. He asked if there are any concerns with having different organizations in charge of operations and maintenance. There seems to be pros and cons both ways. Mr. Cook stated that it is the logical time to issue a RFP with the major shift in adding life cycle maintenance. Mr. Naddoni stated that equipment maintenance and facilities maintenance are two very different types of services.

[Ms. Mitchell arrived at 10:17 A.M. and joined the discussion.]

Chairman Milde stated he would not want to negatively affect the Keolis Operating portion of the contract, which is 80 percent of the current contact that is bundled together. Board

Members agreed that VRE has been very satisfied with that contract. Mr. Way clarified that


we are only talking about maintenance and not operating. In response to a question from

Chairman Milde, Mr. Allen stated that there is no reason to believe the operating contract is in jeopardy.

Mr. Kelly suggested taking station maintenance out of the proposal and focus on trains and operations. He would like to see the best practices of other commuter rail systems. It is a safety and operations issue to him versus the value. Ms. Caddigan stated that she supports tabling this for 30 days. Mr. Allen stated that there would be no problem with waiting 30 days. He stated that the station maintenance could be taken out of the bundle.

Mr. Cook moved to approve Resolution #8H-04-2014. Mr. Smedberg seconded with the request that station facilities maintenance be separated out. Mr. Cook agreed to include this in his main motion.

Mr. Skinner moved a substitute motion to table action for 30 days with instruction for staff to have discussions with Keolis and return to the Board with pros and cons of a fixed price contract. Ms. Caddigan seconded the motion. Mr. Skinner stated that VRE is successfully running a service has a level of 95 percent on-time performance and questioned why VRE would want to make changes.

Mr. Way offered an amendment to the substitute motion that VRE management and legal counsel concur that this is ethical and appropriate as part of the procurement process. Mr.

Smedberg observed that the focus should be on what’s best for VRE, and not necessarily best for Keolis. There was no second to the motion.

Mr. MacIsaac cautioned the Board and recommended against entering into any kind of negotiation with Keolis. He stated that the question is whether VRE wants to work out a different arrangement for maintenance with Keolis and structure it as a contract amendment. This cannot be done in 30 days. Alternatively, VRE can seek competition on maintenance separately from operating. Keolis has been invited to participate. If the

Board wants to table action for 30 days, then it should be for the purpose of examining the question of whether it is wise to split VRE’s maintenance from operating. He cautioned that any negotiations with Keolis at this time will prejudice the RFP process.

Ms. Bulova stated that she will support Mr. Cook’s main motion. In response to a question from Chairman Milde, Mr. MacIsaac explained that VRE is not required to accept any of the proposals submitted and can cancel the procurement. The Operations Board has concurred on a life cycle maintenance approach and staff’s recommendation to move to a fixed price contract as the appropriate contractual method for VRE to achieve the best value and price.

Ms. Mitchell stated that she will also support the main motion. Competition is in the best interest of VRE. She knows Keolis will have an opportunity to submit a proposal. In response to a question from Mr. Harf, Mr. Cook stated that his motion includes an amendment to separate out station maintenance. Mr. Covington stated that he would like to have time for staff to provide an executive summary of the existing contract with a brief


history. He expressed his concern that this action seems rushed. Mr. Kelly stated that it is important to have the Board move forward feeling confident that this is the direction of the

Operations Board. He does not have a problem with waiting 30 days. He would like more information on industry standards of what other systems have done and what has worked and what has not.

Mr. Skinner asked to amend his substitute motion based on legal counsel’s comments to just table it and give direction to staff.

Ms. Bulova noted that a motion to table is not debatable. Chairman Milde stated that the substitute motion is to table it until the next meeting and to have staff come back with industry standards of what other systems are doing as well as the pros and cons. Mr. Cook asked for clarification about the motion to table and Mr. MacIsaac followed up with an explanation. Mr. Skinner suggested his motion should “defer” instead of “table.” Ms.

Caddigan agreed as the seconder of the motion.

The Board then voted on Mr. Skinner’s substitute motion. The vote in favor was cast by

Board Members Caddigan, Covington, Jenkins, Kelly, Milde, Naddoni, Skinner, Tejada and

Way. Board Members Bulova, Cook, Mitchell and Smedberg voted against. The substitute motion passed and became the new main motion.

The Board then voted on the new main motion to defer action until the next meeting and it passed. The vote in favor was cast by Board Members Caddigan, Covington, Jenkins, Kelly,

Milde, Naddoni, Skinner, Tejada and Way. The vote against was cast by Board Members

Bulova, Cook, Mitchell and Smedberg. The motion passed.

Firecracker Trains – 9A

Mr. Allen stated that VRE is planning to operate special excursion trains on July 4 th to give passengers an opportunity to travel into Washington, D.C. for the fireworks on the

National Mall. One train will operate on each line and will carry approximately 1,000 passengers. On the Fredericksburg line, the train will start from the Leeland Road station with stops at Quantico, Woodbridge and Lorton. It is being proposed that the Manassas line will start at Broad Run and stop at Burke Centre and Backlick Road. It is VRE’s goal not to add traffic to areas like Manassas, Manassas Park and Fredericksburg which have their own 4 th of July events.

Mr. Allen stated that in an effort to operate at or near a breakeven point, the ticket price will be $10 each, which is similar to other special tickets events like the Santa Trains. This will allow, for example, a family of four to travel to and from Washington, D.C. for just $40.

Mr. Way stated that the City of Manassas strenuously objects to the Firecracker Trains. It will remove up to 1,000 attendees at the Manassas 4 th of July Fireworks Event. The City’s

4 th of July event is the largest display in Northern Virginia and the City as well as the local vendors and restaurants depend on the revenues generated. He observed that this is


nothing like the Santa Trains or the Heritage Railway Festival, which helps to serve a local event of a VRE jurisdiction. The Firecracker Train actually detracts from local events.

Finally, the transportation of people to the District Fireworks is not a core function of VRE’s commuter oriented service, and therefore any such transportation should bear the allocated average cost and not receive a hefty discount such as the proposed $10 ticket. Mr.

Way stated that the fully allocated ticket cost would be closer to $30 and should be used as a pricing basis if the project continues. He stated that he hopes VRE undertakes activities that help and not hurt member jurisdictions.

Mr. Covington stated that it would be good for VRE to operate reverse trains and bring DC residents out to the local events. Mr. Cook agreed with Mr. Way that VRE should not subsidize a trip that takes people away from jurisdictions into a non-VRE jurisdiction. He doesn’t agree that VRE should subsidize two-thirds of the cost to pull people out of the area. In response to a question from Chairman Milde, Mr. Allen explained that the $10 ticket price is based on the incremental costs. The fixed costs do not go up or down if VRE runs the Firecracker Trains.

Mr. Kelly stated that he does not see the benefit of the Firecracker Trains to the jurisdictions, but at the same time, he understands that people are interested in going into the District for events. Ms. Bulova suggested that the Manassas Line Firecracker train start at Burke Centre. Mr. Way stated that this would certainly have less impact on the City of


Mr. Smedberg also asked about VRE staff commitment for this holiday event. Mr. Allen stated that this can be managed and there is sufficient staff to run the trains. In response to a question from Mr. Tejada, Mr. Allen stated that staff believes that VRE will get enough riders to cover the incremental cost. He stated that VRE does not want to be doing anything to harm Manassas and Fredericksburg and their local events. The intent is to provide a service to the VRE riders and the region.

Mr. Kelly stated that there will be people who choose to go into the District, and frankly the

Board has been talking about ways to make VRE more event friendly. For Fredericksburg, the issue is limited parking; the City needs the spaces for their 4 th of July event. He is not opposed to VRE running the train from another station, either Leeland Road or Brooke.

Mr. Smedberg stated that it is one thing to cover costs, but this is outside the scope of service and questioned whether it is appropriate to raise the price of tickets to generate revenue. Mr. Way stated that he does not believe as a matter of practice VRE should use incremental costs as a base for activities that are not part of VRE’s core mission statement.

Ms. Bulova stated that earlier in the agenda the Board talked about marketing initiatives and she observed that this is the type of event that introduces new people to VRE service.

She agreed that it is outside of VRE’s mission statement, but it is promoting VRE. Mr. Cook stated that $10 is two-thirds the normal fare and even less expensive than a roundtrip

Metrorail fare. Mr. Allen stated that when looking at the cost of tickets for families to ride together, staff wanted to pick a price that would not discourage riders from taking the

Firecracker Train. Ms. Bulova suggested raising the adult fare to $20 and $10 for children.


Chairman Milde stated that he is comfortable with testing it out this year at $10 per person since it will cover incremental costs and will not add more costs to VRE. Mr. Shorter stated that if VRE runs these two trains on this specific day exclusive of debt service and other fixed costs, it will cost VRE $10.12 per rider, which includes costs associated with Keolis staff, fuel, overhead and the few VRE staff that are not salaried. Ms. Bulova stated that she is comfortable with VRE trying it this year and evaluating it after the event.

Mr. Way moved to discontinue the special trains. There was no second to the motion.

Mr. Covington asked if the Manassas line train should start at the Manassas Park station.

Mr. Naddoni stated that he will go back to his City Council and discuss this issue since

Manassas Park also has a Fireworks display. His personal opinion is that people who want to go to District will go; VRE is just providing an option for people to get there.

Ms. Bulova moved, with a second by Mr. Tejada, to run Firecracker Trains on July 4 th and to endorse the $10 ticket price. The Manassas line train will start at the Burke Centre station unless Manassas Park indicates that it wants the trains to begin in Manassas Park. Mr.

Kelly observed that Manassas Park and Manassas are very close in location so this will still impact the City of Manassas.

The Board then voted on the motion and it passed. The vote in favor was cast by Board

Members Bulova, Caddigan, Cook, Covington, Jenkins, Kelly, Milde, Mitchell, Naddoni,

Skinner, Smedberg and Tejada. Mr. Way voted no.

Legislative Update – 9B

Mr. Allen reported that VRE will continue to monitor the state budget. The Senate version includes utilizing $2 million of the approximately $30 million of unallocated TPOF funds for

VRE to use for project development funding. Currently the House and the Senate cannot agree on which version of the bill to use as the main vehicle for discussion. Mr. Allen also reported that a letter to Speaker Howell has been prepared for Chairman Milde’s signature expressing concern about a budget amendment that would require all NVTA projects including transit to go through the 599 rating process.

FY 2016 Budget Calendar – 9C

Mr. Allen stated that the Budget Calendar for FY 2016 has been altered slightly to reflect the change in the VRE Meeting schedule in July/August. The Capital Committee will meet following the June 20 th Operations Board meeting to discuss the projected capital plan in conjunction with the System Plan. The first draft of the budget will be presented at the

September 19 th Operations Board meeting.

Implementation of New Weighted Vote Requirements –9D


Mr. Allen stated that the weighted vote legislation calls for a modification to the weighted vote provisions in the VRE Master Agreement. He stated that the Board should be prepared to come back at the next meeting to discuss a recommendation to the Commissions. It does not look hopeful that a legislative solution can be achieved next General Assembly Session.

Mr. Allen then reviewed the staff analysis.

Chairman Milde observed that Stafford County has only a 10 percent total of the weighted vote but has 16 percent of the total ridership. He asked that this be reviewed again and expressed concerns that Stafford County’s weighted vote is less than the actual ridership percentage. He is personally comfortable with the Commonwealth having a weighted vote.

Based on staff analysis, when one looks back at the disputed votes that started this whole issue, it would not have changed the outcome if the Commonwealth had a weighted vote.

Mr. Cook cautioned that any effort to open up the Master Agreement to change anything beyond what the legislation requires is a mistake. It is important to open it up narrowly to include only the exact statutory language passed. Discussions of other changes should be done separately. Mr. Smedberg asked if it is possible to limit it to one specific item within the Master Agreement. Mr. MacIsaac stated that when the Master Agreement is opened up for any change it can open up any issue. Mr. Allen stated that it is important to begin the process now in case there are issues that need resolution by General Assembly action next session. In response to a request from Chairman Milde, Mr. Allen agreed to provide ridership numbers.

[Mr. Naddoni left the meeting at 11:34 A.M. and did not return.]

Mr. Kelly also observed that non-jurisdiction riders skew the ridership totals. He expressed his opinion that this might be the time to address other issues in the Master Agreement. He stated that he was not a member of the Operations Board when the controversial votes happened and now there is a whole new team at DRPT. He asked if DRPT sees a need to do this now. Director Mitchell stated that Secretary Layne has made no secret that he is not a proponent of this legislative requirement. It was the previous administration that instigated this change. The current administration supported the legislation that was passed for a one-year delay. She stated that the Commonwealth should not have a say in how VRE opens the Master Agreement. However, the legislation exists and VRE must deal with it to comply with the law. DRPT is willing to support VRE to seek future legislation.

Ms. Bulova stated that jurisdictional staff have not had a chance to look at the staff analysis and asked for time for them to review it. Mr. Allen clarified that no action is being requested at this time and agreed to provide it to staff. Mr. Way asked if federal pass through funds are considered state funds when determining the weighted vote. It was clarified that the weighted vote calculation only includes state funds and does not include federal funds passing to VRE through the state.

Operations Board Members’ Time –10


There were no comments.


Mr. Cook moved, with a second by Ms. Bulova, to adjourn the meeting. Without objection,

Chairman Milde adjourned the meeting at 11:47 A.M.

Approved this 20 th day of June, 2014.


Paul Milde



Gary Skinner



This certification hereby acknowledges that the minutes for the May 16, 2014 Virginia Railway Express Operations Board

Meeting have been recorded to the best of my ability.

Rhonda Gilchrest

