AGENDA ITEM 10-B ACTION ITEM TO: CHAIRMAN BULOVA AND THE VRE OPERATIONS BOARD FROM: DALE ZEHNER DATE: DECEMBER 16, 2011 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO AMEND THE CONTRACT WITH SCHEIDT & BACHMANN FOR FARE COLLECTION EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE _____________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: The VRE Operations Board is being asked to authorize the Chief Executive Officer to amend the Scheidt & Bachmann (S&B) contract for fare collection system maintenance in order to add three years and five months of maintenance services in an amount not to exceed $2,438,931, for a total contract value not to exceed $9,876,968. BACKGROUND: In June 2000, the VRE Operations Board authorized a contract with S&B for the delivery of a new fare collection system. In October 2002, the system was accepted and four years of maintenance support, which includes two full-time fare collection maintenance technicians, began. The Operations Board has since authorized extensions to this contract in 2006, 2007 and 2011. The current maintenance agreement is set to expire on January 31, 2012 and a further contract extension for this work is required due to warranty issues and proprietary licenses. This proposed extension continues the support of two full-time technicians, while also adding a software support module which has become necessary due to increasingly stringent requirements for data security and compliance with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards. This Service Level Agreement provides for equipment preventative maintenance and repair, replenishment of the fare collection spare parts inventory, software revisions, and updates required for fare collection database maintenance and 1 to maintain PCI compliance. The amendment also aligns the term of the maintenance agreement with the VRE fiscal calendar. This item was presented to the VRE Operations Board in November 2011. The Board requested additional information on pricing and other options to extending the contract. A white paper was forwarded to Board members after the meeting, which included additional background information on pricing and the reasons for sole sourcing the system maintenance based on proprietary and warranty issues (see Attachment). No concerns were raised based on the information provided so authorization is being sought at this time. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for this project is included in VRE’s Capital Improvement Program as part of the fare collection project. Total project funding over FY 2012 – 2015 is $2,438,931. The project is included in the FY 2012 and FY 2013 budgets using operating funds. This amendment would bring the total contract value to an amount not to exceed $9,876,968. 2 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: CHAIRMAN BULOVA AND THE VRE OPERATIONS BOARD DALE ZEHNER DECEMBER 16, 2011 AUTHORIZATION TO AMEND THE CONTRACT WITH SCHEIDT & BACHMANN FOR FARE COLLECTION EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE RESOLUTION 10B-12-2011 OF THE VIRGINIA RAILWAY EXPRESS OPERATIONS BOARD WHEREAS, on June 16, 2000, the VRE Operations Board authorized a contract with Scheidt & Bachmann for the delivery of a new fare collection system; and, WHEREAS, on October 31, 2002, the system was accepted and maintenance support began; and, WHEREAS, the current maintenance agreement is set to expire on January 31, 2012; and, WHEREAS, this proposed extension continues the support of two full-time technicians, while also adding a software support module which has become necessary due to increasingly stringent requirements for data security and compliance with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the VRE Operations Board authorizes the Chief Executive Officer to amend the Scheidt & Bachmann contract for fare collection system maintenance in order to add three years and five months of maintenance services in an amount not to exceed $2,438,931, for a total contract value not to exceed $9,876,968. 3 Fare Collection Equipment Maintenance Agreement Summary Background In June of 2000, after a competitive procurement, the VRE Operations Board authorized a contract with Scheidt & Bachmann (S&B) for the design and delivery of a new fare collection system. This system included Ticket Vending Machines (TVMs) at every VRE station as well as in VRE’s offices and at all vendors – currently 69 TVMs, 13 Ticket Operating Machines (TOMs), and 8 servers are in service. Since then, as permitted in the original contract, a series of upgrades to the system have occurred as well as ongoing general maintenance. Because VRE is a cashless system, the fare collection system must produce every single ticket that passengers use to board VRE trains. As an order of magnitude, in October 2011 alone, the fare collection system produced nearly 50,000 tickets and collected over $3 million in fare revenue, approximately $36 million annually. The addition of a second technician in 2006 was determined necessary based on the length of service hours (5AM – 7PM) and a significant number of complaints being received by passengers. Approved expenditures to date are shown below. Description Period Covered Contract Amount Fare collection system design, installation, spare part inventory Post-installation maintenance and upgrades (48 months, 1 technician) Post-warranty maintenance (add 2nd technician) Post-warranty maintenance and upgrades (3 months, 2 technicians) One Year Post-warranty maintenance and upgrades One Year Post-warranty maintenance and upgrades One Year Post-warranty maintenance and upgrades August 18, 2000 $2,952,040 November 1, 2002 to October 31, 2006 February 18, 2006 to October 31, 2006 November 1, 2006 to January 31, 2007 February 1, 2007 to January 31, 2008 February 1, 2008 to January 31, 2009 February 1, 2009 to January 31, 2010 $593,716 TVM/TOM and PCI upgrade July 2011 $824,130 One Year Post-warranty maintenance and upgrades February 1, 2010 to January 31, 2011 $511,298 One Year Post-warranty maintenance and upgrades February 1, 2011 to January 31, 2012 $511,621 Total $173,626 $83,639 $558,412 $573,730 $582,446 $7,364,658 1 More than Maintenance It is important to note that while the description of work is termed “maintenance,” the scope has and will continue to include mid-life renewal and larger capital maintenance items – including parts and labor. For example, in 2007 the card readers and touch screens were replaced on all equipment. In 2009, all equipment received new ticket printing mechanisms and in 2010 central processing units and PIN pads were replaced. As part of the maintenance contracts, we have also replaced the system servers and upgraded software to comply with the new Payment Card Industry (PCI) data security requirements. As the system ages, there has been a proactive focus on preventative maintenance and life-cycle renewal. As these needs will continue to grow, incorporating such improvements into the maintenance contract allows us to control expenses and shift some cost exposure to S&B. Contract Extension Because of the proprietary nature of the fare collection system and warranty requirements, S&B is the only practical vendor able to perform the ongoing system maintenance. While a third party could maintain certain components of the system, the contract requires that S&B maintain all proprietary aspects of the system (i.e., fare collection software application and some TVM/TOM component maintenance). The additional cost of third party maintenance for only a portion of the system proved cost prohibitive. The contract holds no provisions for a month to month extension. However, a year to year extension was considered as an option over a multi-year extension. However, negotiations showed that a savings was being offered by S&B in return for a longer commitment. As such, the overall cost is significantly higher for an annual contract than a multi-year contract and is, therefore, not being recommended. Annual Cost Analysis VRE costs for maintenance services are summarized in the following table. VRE costs have increased, on average, by about 2% annually over the past five years. Pricing for monthly maintenance is tied to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for annual adjustments. This resulted in a decrease in monthly costs between 2009 and 2010 and a very small increase for 2011. 2 Year Monthly Preventative Maintenance Remedial Maintenance, Software Support, Spare Parts Inventory TVM/TOM Upgrade Total 20032006 2006 $593,716 $0 $0 $593,716 $207,723 $49,542 $0 $257,265 2007 $384,287 $90,000 $84,125 $558,412 2008 $397,730 $90,000 $86,000 $573,730 2009 $412,446 $105,000 $65,000 $582,446 2010 $411,298 $100,000 $0 $511,298 2011 $411,621 $100,000 $0 $511,621 Cost Analysis of Current System vs. New System The ultimate goal of the VRE fare collection system is full interoperability with the WMATA SmarTrip card. As such, the timeframe for implementing a new system has been coordinated with WMATA’s schedule for the New Electronics Payment Program (NEPP). VRE staff is actively participating in the NEPP process to make sure that our system and WMATA’s new system will work together. This contract amendment is meant to continue the viability of the current system until WMATA is far enough along in their process that VRE can make the most informed choices regarding our fare collection future. When VRE first extended the maintenance contract several years ago, staff recommended, and the Operations Board concurred, that the development of a new VRE fare collection system should be deferred until a time when integration into a regional system was more certain. As such, an investment in maintaining the current equipment and extending its useful life was determined to be the most responsible approach. To change this approach now is not feasible given that a new system will take several years to design, fabricate, install, test and implement. Knowing that, in December of 2010, the Operations Board authorized a contract award for technical support services for VRE’s next generation fare collection system. Work underway includes an assessment of the current system, analysis of VRE requirements for a new system, a market assessment of new products/technologies, and development of a concept of operations for the new system. Based on work completed to-date, the cost of a full system replacement is estimated at between $5 to $7 million; other options being considered include additional equipment being integrated into the existing system, which would be slightly less expensive. 3 In summary, the proposed approach is cost effective not only in its ability to allow interoperability, but also in its volume of production. An investment of roughly $625,000 per year in maintenance costs provides for a system that has an up time of 98% and provides $34 – $36 million in fare revenue per year – a cost of 1.75-1.85% to benefit. Current Maintenance Agreement Request The current Operations Board request is for renewal of the fare collection maintenance agreement for a three year, five month period. The initial five month term will align the term with VRE’s fiscal year. Agreement Scope Base annual hardware maintenance fee - $530,000 o hardware preventative and corrective maintenance o two full-time technicians* o two maintenance vehicles o consumable supplies o S&B overhead Base annual software maintenance (covers general system updates, PCI upgrades, and patches) - $74,690 Spare parts and inventory restocking - $60,000 Contingency - $221,722 TOTAL - $2,438,941** *Note – VRE requires on-site technical support from 5 am until 7 pm on each service day. This has maintained a 98%+ system reliability, and same day resolution of passenger issues. The skill level of these technicians is high because they are required to complete maintenance work, system configuration, and programming. **Note - the agreement includes an annual escalation on the base fee and software maintenance based on the CPI beginning in July 2012. A 3.5% escalation rate is assumed. 4 Proposed Fare Collection Maintenance Pricing Sheet for Period February 1, 2012 – June 30, 2015 Period 1 2 3 4 Description Preventative and Remedial Maintenance (as described in SLA) Preventative and Remedial Maintenance Software Maintenance Total Period 2 Preventative and Remedial Maintenance Software Maintenance Total Period 3 Preventative and Remedial Maintenance Software Maintenance Total Period 4 Start End Duration Base Contract Amount 2/1/2012 6/30/2012 5 Mos. $213,175 7/1/2012 6/30/2013 1 Year $530,000 Estimated Discretionary Escalation Inventory (3.5%) $213,175 $0 Estimate by Period $213,175 $74,690 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 $604,690 $604,690 1 Year $625,854 $20,000 $645,854 $647,759 $20,000 $667,759 $670,431 $2,157,219 $20,000 $60,000 $690,431 $2,217,219 $2,217,219 $74,690 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 $604,690 $604,690 1 Year $74,690 $604,690 $2,027,245 Total Estimated Contract Value Contingency (10%) $221,722 Total VRE Operations Board Authorization $2,438,941 Notes: Period 1 pricing is based on existing maintenance price and is only valid as a onetime package when combined with Periods 2-4. 5