The Center for Career and Civic Engagement NUMBER OF CO-OPS/Internships* SCHOOL/COLLEGE 2004-05 ARTS & SCIENCES BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION EDUCATION VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09* 11 11 48 44 28 4 74 28 19 4 67 42 27 1 52 28 21 1 32 24 114 134 132 108 78 NUMBER OF CO-OP/Internship EMPLOYERS* YEAR A&S Business 2008-09* 2007-08 2006-07 2005-06 2004-05 2003-04 22 27 TOTAL Education VPA Othter Major 0 Total 18 10 25 1 1 4 3 10 29 41 44 58 60 21 40 24 28 40 24 18 28 5 0 8 88 100 102 110 59 130 102 48 264 162 13 589 CO-OP/Internship CREDIT HOURS* A&S 2008-09* # of Students Credit Hours Earned Tuition ($396 avg./credit hour) 2007-08 # of Students Credit Hours Earned Tuition ($396 avg./credit hour) 2006-07 # of Students Credit Hours Earned Tuition ($396 avg./credit hour) 2005-06 # of Students Credit Hours Earned Tuition ($375 avg./credit hour) 2004-05 # of Students Credit Hours Earned Tuition ($203 avg./credit hour) Business Education VPA Total 21 44 $17,424 1 1 $396 32 99 $39,204 24 72 $28,512 78 216 $85,536 27 51 $20,196 1 1 $396 52 127 $50,292 28 87 $34,452 108 266 $105,336 17 34.5 $13,662 2 4 $1,584 67 143 $56,628 41 123 $48,708 127 304.5 $120,582 15 31 $11,315 3 9 $3,375 72 146 $54,750 26 81 $30,375 116 267 $99,815 9 19 $6,213 5 13 $4,251 55 135.5 $44,309 31 90 $29,448 100 257.5 $84,221 * In 2008-2009 we renamed the co-operative education program the CCE Internship Program. Job Location and Development (JLD) 2008-09 Number of known students for whom jobs were located or developed 38* Total earnings of the students in which we collected data $51,401 *This excludes the jobs located with the internship program Part-time Job Listings** 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 Total Employers First-Time Employers Repeat Employers 175 128 47 426 281 145 113 51 62 105 60 45 # of Jobs Posted # of Students Placed 312 74 727 120 276 78 181 58 Total Earnings* Yearly Avg. Earned per Student $121,185 $1,638.00 Avg. Hourly Wage per Student Avg. Hrs. Worked per Week per Stu. $7.46 13.4 $264,600 $2,205.00 $7.50 14 $211,809 $2,715.00 $7.75 14 2007-08 $178,924 $3,084.90 $7.91 15 *Estimated earnings based on average hours worked and money earned per week for each student placed. Note: Students no longer register with open board system ** No longer post new data OPPORTUNITIES POSTED AT CAREER AND CIVIC ENGAGEMENT YEAR 2008-09 2007-08* 2006-07 2005-06 2004-05 2003-04 2002-03 # of Volunteer # of Internship # Part-time # Full-time Total Unique # EagleTrak On Campus Service Listings Listings** Job listings Job listings Opportunities Recruiters 111 35 177 126 162 94 146 81 93 437 1045 181 250 727 128 182 971 1076 1369 1340 1,925 1621 4164 1446 333 176 153 120 100 87 71 101 TOTAL 879 2950 2047 2709 9489 808 *Use a new system "EAGLElink", and no longer use EagleTrack. Also numbers are not based on a full year. The system is up until Dec 2007 ** In 2007-2008 we renamed the co-operative education program the CCE Internship program. We now use the term "Internship" and not "Co-op" SOURCE: THE CENTER FOR CAREER AND CIVIC ENGAGEMENT 8-3