UNCW/Jamie Moncrief Annual Report 2011-12 Information Technology Systems, UNCW www.uncw.edu/ itsd Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 1 INTRODUCTION Information Technology Systems (ITS) staff and student workers welcome and embrace the challenges required to meet the changing needs of UNCW with a robust, cost-effective and community focused approach. The 2011-12 year was another year in which ITS collaborated with our campus, the UNC System and other entities across the state and nation. These collaborative efforts resulted in new applications, a stronger infrastructure, more efficient processes and, most importantly, improved and enhanced resources for our living-learning environment. UNCW/Jamie Moncrief Contents: Introduction, 1 Teaching and Learning, 2 Academic Research Computing, 6 Efficiency and Innovation, 9 Strong Infrastructure, 13 ITS Outreach, 16 This year, ITS staff members shared their innovations, professional knowledge and experiences by presenting at local, regional and national conferences and meetings. ITS employees have also given their time and energy to UNCW by teaching First-Year Seminar, serving as guest speakers in the classroom, participating in Move-In and volunteering at various campus events. In the 2011-12 year, ITS became part of Academic Affairs, allowing for greater resource and service alignment and opportunities to collaborate more closely with colleges and schools. The creation of the Classroom and Computer Technology Services department, the support for more than double the number of Distance Education courses taught through new video technologies and the increased support of Academic Research Computing clearly demonstrate the commitment of ITS to the academic core of the university. ITS is proud to live up to its logo’s declaration—“Together We Make IT Happen”—with our collaborative accomplishments, many of which are highlighted in this report. Additional achievements can be found at www.uncw.edu/itsd in the “New and Noteworthy” section. IT Governance, 19 Appendix, 24 – Leah Kraus, Interim CIO Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 2 QUICK STATISTICS 99.9% uptime (average) for all UNCW systems 96.94% response rate of 15 minutes or less for Classroom Operations to respond to classroom emergencies UNCW/Jarrett Piner 443 project requests completed TEACHING AND LEARNING 68 student workers for ITS during fiscal year Classroom Support 5,500 hours of academic, administrative and ad hoc programming on the Distance Education and Video Networks In the 2011-12 academic year, ITS introduced a new unit: Classroom Operations. Classroom Operations was formed to keep classroom downtime due to technology issues to a minimum. The goal of this group is to respond to classroom emergencies, reported via the IP Intercoms or the Technology Assistance Center (TAC), in 15 minutes or less. In 2011–12, Classroom Operations had a 96.94% response rate of 15 minutes or less. 41,662 total tickets resolved Additional improvements to classroom support include: 5,500+ hours of academic, administrative and ad hoc programming on the Distance Education and Video Networks 768+ titles accessed in SkillPort Books 24x7 Increased training opportunities (50+ training sessions for faculty). Instruction on baseline classroom systems. Instruction for advanced systems, such as SMART Boards, Turning Point “clickers,” lecture capture, etc. Dedicated clicker technology support. Installed touchscreen controls in high-end rooms, making the rooms more user-friendly. Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 Telepresence / Distance Education ITS supported a total of over 5,500 hours of academic, administrative and ad hoc (“by request”) programming on the Distance Education and Video Networks (NCREN and State of NC ITS) from 8 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. seven days per week. Specifically, this year ITS: Matt Zeher Supported faculty and students during over 3,800 academic programming hours on the Distance Education and Video Networks including 51 recurring academic courses, more than double the amount from last year’s 24 academic courses. Supported partnerships with academic programs across campus at both the graduate (MIT, MBA and CMR) and the undergraduate (Foreign Languages, Public and International Affairs, PreEngineering, School of Social Work and Watson School of Education) levels. Supported over 1,700 hours of administrative and “by request” conferences and programs (including UNC General Administration conferences, faculty meetings, research consortia and special events) reducing time, travel and energy costs to the UNCW campus. Completed the successful upgrade/refurbishment of 2 Distance Education Classrooms. Blackboard Learn 1,087 files were uploaded to TealVision this year with over 56,085 hits on the videos. In an effort to keep our systems current and provide faculty and students access to the latest functionality in our course management system, Blackboard Learn (Bb Learn) was upgraded to service pack 8 (SP8) in May, 2012. New, improved functionality includes: updated look and feel, improved courseto-course navigation, various activity reports and automated re-grading. Focusing on operational efficiencies and proactive monitoring, the Learning Systems team developed several automated checks to send early notification to faculty who have scheduled assignments during a maintenance window, and they also added enhanced monitoring techniques for advanced notifications of system performance issues. A Bb Advisory Board was established as part of the new ITS Governance structure. This board will provide input regarding the strategic direction and development of the campus learning management system. The board is co-chaired by a member of the Learning Systems team and a faculty member. Blackboard Learn is also utilized in non-traditional/non-Banner courses offered by Public Service, Continuing Studies and other academic units providing non-credit professional development and certificate courses. To date, there are 68 non-credit courses in Bb Learn. 3 Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 Binaries Services Increased Binaries on-campus technology store and hardware repair center saw students taking advantage of new services that were implemented within the year. Services include: Binaries Tech Store serviced more than 500 personal computers and was able to get all student workers Dell hardware certified and one student worker Apple Sales Certified. Fall 2011, ITS went live with “AskTAC,” a new self-service knowledgebase for technology related information available to the UNCW community 24/7. Faculty, staff and students have the ability to search from more than 100,000 solutions regarding UNCW technology, Blackboard, Microsoft, Apple and more. This year, there were more than 15,550 total searches in AskTAC. 60,359 laptops were checked out at the Equipment Checkout Desk this year in the Learning Commons. SkillPort CBT employee course accesses increased 22% and course completions increased 56%. An enhanced area, which includes demo laptop units and literature from vendors, designated to help parents and students. A new ticketing system which helps with reporting and workflow. A Deep Spar machine which allows for more comprehensive data recovery on very corrupt hard drives. A laptop rental program, which provides laptops to students while their computers are being repaired. SkillPort CBT & Books 24x7 Free to faculty, staff and students, SkillPort offers numerous Computer Based Training (CBT) courses and an online collection of over 20,000 business and information technology books (Books 24x7). SkillPort CBT was utilized by 1,921 faculty, staff and students this year, with 4,346 course accesses and 3,293 course completions. Books 24x7 had over 768 titles accessed. A number of faculty members (e.g., Communications Studies faculty) continually assign CBT books and courses to their students for convenience and to help with the escalating cost of books. This year 7 new SkillPort custom courses were developed to enhance professional development and student engagement. For example, the new Nursing Orientation custom course met a significant need for the School of Nursing, allowing incoming nursing students access to orientation information without having to come to campus. 4 Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 Increased Wireless / Wired in Academic Buildings Fifty-two wireless access points in Randall Library and areas of Union/Fisher were upgraded to 802.11N access points. This upgrade provides users of wireless network devices higher speeds and more capacity in these areas. It also expands outdoor wireless coverage of the athletic fields and Kenan Hall outdoor wireless. The campus wired infrastructure was upgraded to increase capacity by converting all building uplink connections to the core to 1Gbps. Morton Hall was rewired, and wireless access coverage in the building greatly improved. The installation of redundant fiber across areas of campus improved capacity and high availability. UNCW’s mySeaport campus portal was awarded “Best myCampus Award” from the CampusEAI Consortium in June 2012. 5 Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 ACADEMIC RESEARCH COMPUTING ARC Support “ITS’s ARC services are invaluable. They provide my students and collaborators a shared network hard drive space that has a robust data management plan. This lets us more easily collaborate on multiple projects and decreases the likelihood that our hard work will disappear with a hardware failure. In addition to the storage space, ARC provides my laboratory with several virtual machines which lets us flexibly grow our computational capacity as problems demand it by tapping into shared resources on campus.” Dr. Stuart Borrett Assistant Professor Biology and Marine Biology Academic Research Computing (ARC) is designed to allow researchers access to a broad array of technical resources while also providing test environments for work on grants and experimental applications. To assist faculty and students in their engagement of pure and applied research, ITS continued our commitment to the exploration of high performance and grid computing, high-speed networks, virtual environments, data storage and backup and research-based software titles. Prior to the outreach of ITS to promote ARC, faculty often stored large amounts of data on their desktops. This year, more than 10 faculty members transferred numerous terabytes of valuable research data to the ARC servers, ensuring the data was backed up and available to the faculty for their research. Successful ARC pilots this year have demonstrated the effectiveness of the program, allowing it to be expanded into areas such as temporary dedicated servers for researchers. 6 Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 ARC in Progress: ChemSpec: The Chemistry Department has four desktops that control and store data for their NMR and mass spectrometers. They are looking to relocate the data to the NAS so that data can be centrally backed up and easily available to researchers in their offices and labs. We opted to setup NetVault clients on each of the four desktops to ensure backups of the data. We are working with the vendor to make changes to the software to allow it to write to the share. ArcGIS Server: Creating a unified ArcGIS Server environment has provided the Department of Geology and Geography and the Department of Environmental Studies the ability to take advantage of the GIS and Web server features. Other departments (such as CMS) are also looking at ways they can utilize this server. Tealware Physical Desktops: Setting up physical desktops with additional resources using repurposed hardware allows researchers to run simulations on more robust equipment. We have successfully added a system into Tealware and been able to access it through the Web interface. We are continuing to explore our options. “Excellent customer service… Appropriate follow-up with information to achieve resolution… Thank you for timely, relevant, and userfriendly approaches exhibited by the technical support representative.” – UNCW faculty regarding ITS support Additional ARC Projects: (View specific details on projects at www.uncw.edu/ITSD/learning/arc/projects.html) Data Storage – Chemistry, Environmental Science, Psychology Test and Development Servers– Information Systems Phylogenetic Analysis and Computation – Biology Electronic Medical Records – Nursing and Computer Science Student Development Projects – Computer Science and Information Systems FORTRAN Computations – Physics Genetics Analysis – Biology Computational Analysis – Biology Systems Ecology Web Server – Biology Legal Psychology - Psychology Experimental Analysis of Behavior - Psychology 7 Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 Combat Operational Stress Injury Prevention - Computer Science @Risk License Server - Cameron School of Business Necropsy Data Storage - Biology MATLAB Computational Support - Biology Orff Schulwerk Webliography - Music Cornell Critical Thinking - Watson School of Education Auditing Server for Accounting - Cameron School of Business Confluence for Collaboration- Office of Research Support and Sponsored Programs Assistive Technology Demonstration and Lending Watson School of Education Competence Management Software - School of Nursing MIT Program - Watson School of Education Statistical Analysis - Mathematics and Statistics 8 “The person on the other end of the line was absolutely great. His help was greatly appreciated along with directing me to your website to find material…” – UNCW staff regarding ITS support Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 UNCW/Jarrett Piner EFFICIENCY AND INNOVATION Declaration/Change of Major Application What used to be a cumbersome, paper intensive procedure for declaring/changing majors and making adjustments to a student's program is now a simple, online process. Thanks to collaboration between ITS, University College, Office of the Registrar and numerous academic departments across campus, an automated, paperless system is now in place. This system allows students to make changes to their program of study via mySeaport. With this streamlined application, students log in to mySeaport and click on "Major Declaration / Curricular Updates," and both students and departments are notified electronically to complete the needed steps in the process. Online Photo Submission Application Incoming students now have the ability to upload their own photo to their OneCard via the UNCW OneCard Online Photo Submission application. Thanks to collaboration between Auxiliary Services, the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology Systems, incoming students 9 Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 10 utilizing this application no longer need to stand in long lines to get photos taken during Orientation. Developed in-house, the application streamlines the OneCard process for students and staff. Prior to Orientation, a new student logs into mySeaport and clicks on the online application. They are instructed to upload and preview their photo. The photo is validated through a backend process, and the card is printed. When the student arrives on campus for Orientation, they simply pick up their OneCard. It's quick, easy and hassle-free, and it is a time-saver for both students and staff. Managing Computer Images In 2011–12, we were able to reduce the “footprint” for computer image files by using Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM). Previously, there were almost 400 unique images (due to differences in hardware, operating systems and the software needed in each location). These have now been reduced to just a few files in SCCM. This reduction has allowed us to save over 5 TB of valuable network storage and eliminate approximately 1,600 man-hours annually (the time needed to update the previous image files) which equates to 80% of a full-time position. “I have found the ITS student program to be a very positive experience. It is extremely beneficial for prospective coders to have the opportunity to practice their knowledge in an institutional setting on real Web applications.” - ITS student worker (developer) UNCW Web Site Redesign and Implementation of Web Content Management System Working with University Relations staff and Web content managers from across campus, ITS converted 256 websites to the new UNCW templates, completing the transition to the new “look and feel” and improving the technical foundation of the UNCW website. This process, initially slated for over a year, was completed in just 4 months. We also implemented a new Web content management system (Umbraco), which allows us to produce more dynamic Web content and gain efficiencies managing this content. The updated News & Events site (uncw.edu/news) and the new Talons Magazine (uncw.edu/talons) were built using this content management system, allowing University Relations to have a central repository for articles and images which can be created once and published to both sites. Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 UNCW Sign-In System With its comprehensive, user-friendly features, the UNCW Sign-In System continues to gain popularity as it streamlines and improves processes at UNCW. Built in-house, the system boasts numerous features including the ability to track attendance, gather statistics, utilize a dashboard feature, print name tags, send desktop notification when an individual arrives and much more. The Sign-In System also is able to integrate with mobile devices, such as the iPad, which was used during fall 2011 move-in. Areas that use the UNCW Sign-In System include: Athletics Technology Assistance Center Communication Studies Financial Aid Isaac Bear International Programs Registrar Faculty Senate Career Center University College New Netcom Services ITS provided a new phone conferencing service to the campus, resulting in increased usage of on-hand resources instead of paying for an outside service. ITS also implemented inbound faxing to faculty/staff email accounts, resulting in savings of resources, a greener approach and positive feedback from faculty and staff. “I cannot thank the people I work with enough for helping me adjust to this new environment and really shortening the learning curve for me by constantly providing me with guidance and help whenever I need it.” - ITS student worker (developer) Imaging Upgrade UNCW’s imaging service and environment was successfully upgraded to current versions and a modern virtual architecture to provide for growth and flexibility of the service as the university’s demands grow. The new design removed dependencies on legacy hardware and provides increased capabilities with respect to Disaster Recovery as imaging becomes more integral to the dayto-day operations of UNCW. In fiscal year 2011–12, the imaging system processed and stored the equivalent of approximately 1,345 reams (or roughly 3.4 tons) of paper. The in-house upgrade and process development resulted in cost avoidance of $80,000. 11 Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 Enhanced Student Checklist - Teal Ticket Working with Admissions, ITS added enhancements to the online Teal Ticket, providing each incoming undergraduate student with a checklist of actions needed to complete the enrollment process. In past years, the Teal Ticket was only available to freshmen, but the newly upgraded Teal Ticket is now available to the following student groups as well: Transfer Extension Special High School Summer Permission Special Undergrad - Non-Degree From a survey of incoming students and parents taken during 2011 Orientation: 97% of parents and 95% of students taking the survey “strongly agree” with the following statement: “I found the Teal Ticket to be helpful.” ITS also added an administrative component to help the Office of Admissions and various departments create and maintain Teal Tickets for each semester. New Graduate Application Checklist In partnership with the Graduate School and application service vendor, ITS developed the “Graduate Application Checklist” to provide graduate school applicants with a status update and checklist for application completion. The checklist alerts students to items missing, thus speeding up the application process. UNCW/Jamie Moncrief 12 Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 UNCW/Jamie Moncrief STRONG INFRASTRUCTURE Infrastructure Improvements This year, ITS made strategic investments and decisions in designing, managing and supporting our server and storage infrastructure. Improvements include: Increased server consolidation to virtualization platforms. Improved management of the exponential growth in academic, desktop, virtual server and storage environments. Enhanced redundancy and replication for our Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server database data. Completed production deployments for major system platforms: Email Archive, SharePoint, and TealWare (Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop). Data Center Efficiencies Consolidation and efficiencies streamline the management of our infrastructure and save money through the use of both standardization and virtualization. ITS embraces reducing our carbon footprint in the data center while providing a more reliable system infrastructure. This year, 30 servers were sent to surplus, saving power, floor space and cooling needs. 13 Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 Our enterprise backup infrastructure has been co-located in a third location on campus to ensure our recovery is not dependent upon our active data center(s). We are taking advantage of a new type of backup technology called continuous data protection, which can increase the frequency of the backup without negatively impacting the network or services hosted by the system. Disaster Recovery The campus network core was upgraded to increase functionality and capacity and to improve Disaster Recovery (DR). ITS installed a more robust network Intrusion Protection System(IPS), relocated wireless control devices and upgraded firewall modules, providing increased protection, redundancy for high availability and improved DR. Databases The backbone of applications from Banner to SharePoint is the database infrastructure. Availability and reliability of these services are critical to the success of the enterprise. This year, our enterprise SQL and Oracle infrastructures (hardware and software) were upgraded. Some enhancements include: backup encryption, enhanced DR and high availability. 14 Average Uptime for UNCW Systems Banner: 99.9% Blackboard: 99.4% Exchange: 99.9% Network: 99.9% Sammy: 99.9% SharePoint: 99.9% UNCW Web: 99.9% Virtualization – UNCW’s Cloud VMWare: 99.9% Our virtualization platforms have experienced a 95-100% growth each of the past three years. By using virtualization, ITS has been able to move applications that traditionally required dedicated hardware into the “cloud.” Examples of these enterprise level applications now hosted on virtual machines include Blackboard Learn, Banner and Exchange Mail. We run approximately 425 virtual servers between 2 VMware clusters. The TealWare Cloud, UNCW’s Software Anywhere solution, hosts 112 applications for students, faculty and staff providing access anytime, anywhere to almost any device as long as there is an Internet connection. In addition to high availability of discipline specific and other software, TealWare allows us to quickly update software and add more capacity for popular applications. Hosted applications are online, which helps license Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 15 management, saves customer install time and increases application availability. Storage After a year of evaluations and assessment with internal and external parties, ITS has identified the next storage solution for the university community. During the coming months, ITS will move existing data to new hardware. In addition to providing additional redundancy we will be taking advantage of the new virtual storage technologies used in most cloud solutions. As we move forward, we will be allocating storage for new requests for our academic and research community (ARC) and extended storage capacity for other researchers already using ARC storage. We will have automated workflows for research groups so that data is moved to network shares for better access and protection. We will also be looking at improving email and file storage as we move forward. Our plan is to complete the process by end of fall 2012. Adoption of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard 27002 for Security and Audit International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard 27002 is a security standard of practice being adopted by the UNC system. The UNCW IT Security Department conducted a thorough review and vetting for a unified Information Security Standard. UNCW was the first university within the UNC system to complete the vetting and implementation process for the adoption of the ISO 27002. Several universities within the UNC system used the UNCW ISO 27002 crosswalk framework as the standard in the development of their own security policies. Quick Statistics 124 virtual desktops deployed for Watson School of Ed and Cameron School of Business, and 20 additional virtual machines available for ARC community 30 servers sent to surplus saving power, floor space, and cooling resources in the data center 52 wireless access points in Randall Library and parts of Union/Fisher upgraded to 802.11N Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 16 ITS OUTREACH Computer Training for the Campus Community Approximately 350 faculty and staff members attended ITS computer training during the past year. Training courses included, among others: Intro to Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Contribute, iPad @ UNCW, SharePoint Capabilities & Advanced Features and IT Security. Additionally, ITS offered the “Computing @UNCW” program to help faculty and staff make the most of the IT services available at UNCW. Comprehensive Communication Plan for New Students ITS continued to implement a comprehensive communications plan to reach over 3,500 incoming students prior to their arrival at UNCW. The layered approach—including printed mailings, thematic e-mails, a preloaded flash drive, signs and more—gives students the tools they need to be more prepared for their UNCW ITS security officer Zachery Mitcham served as a subject matter expert at the ECCouncil CISO Executive Summit 2011 in Las Vegas, NV. Over 40 speakers from the private, public and government sectors gathered to partake in 13 interactive panel-based discussions. Zachery served on the panel for “Implementing a HighPerforming Information Security Program.” Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 experience. Themes include: computer and software discounts, safe computing, technology assistance, where to download antivirus software, technology needed for your residence hall experience, wireless info and more. See examples of materials in Appendix under “Select Communications.” ITS computer consultant Mark Grover received the UNCW Staff Award of Excellence on October 5, 2011. New IT Bulletin Developed To best inform the UNCW campus of IT news, updates, information and events, ITS developed a dynamic IT Bulletin in the Umbraco Web content management system. In addition to feature articles, this newsletter includes the following sections: New & Noteworthy, SkillPort Online Book of the Month, Security Corner, an IT Toolbox, and a profile of a student, faculty or staff member. With Umbraco, all content is archived for future reference. The bulletin links off the ITS home page and can also be found at www.uncw.edu/it/bulletin. See example of IT Bulletin content in Appendix under “Select Communications.” Flash Drive for Incoming Freshmen & Transfer Students For the third year in a row, ITS led a cross-campus initiative to create and distribute a branded, preloaded flash drive to all incoming freshmen and transfer students. The 4 GB drive contains wireless configuration scripts (PC and Mac) for hooking up to the wireless network at UNCW and a welcome video comprised of numerous UNCW students giving advice to new students. The drive also points to a “UNCW welcome students” website which contains FAQs, videos and web links to assist students with their transition to college (www.uncw.edu/welcomestudents). 17 UNCW/Jarrett Piner Co-sponsored Chancellor’s Council on Safety and Security Symposium The Chancellor’s Council on Safety and Security (CCSS) serves as a cross-functional committee whose combined goal is to make UNCW the safest campus it can be (consistent with the university’s mission and objectives). The UNCW Chancellor’s Council on Safety and Security Symposium is a venue to showcase safety and security activities available to all faculty, staff and students. This year’s Safety and Security Symposium was co-sponsored by ITS and was well attended by the university’s faculty, staff and students. Featured presenters included Chancellor Gary T. Miller along with guest speakers Brian Van Brunt, President of the American College Counseling Association and Director of the Counseling and Testing Center at Western Kentucky University, and Associate General Counsel at University of North Carolina Wilmington, John P. Scherer II. Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 18 Hosted the 2012 University of North Carolina System IT Security Council Workshop This year, the UNCW IT Security department hosted the 2012 IT Security Council (ITSC) workshop. The ITSC is a committee of the UNC CIO Council that serves as an advisory board for the Council on all information technology security issues. Its membership is comprised of one representative from each of the 17 UNC institutions, led by a chair who is annually elected by the membership. Each member represents their respective campus in monthly meetings which offer a forum for discussion, collaboration and cooperation on a wide range of security topics of mutual interest. ITS Support of Campus Events Throughout the year, ITS staff and student workers participate in numerous UNCW events, providing technical, informational and A/V support and expertise. Events include: Commencement Student Orientation - freshmen, transfer, graduate and Isaac Bear Involvement Fair Cameron Career Day New Faculty Orientation New Employee Orientation Move-In Seahawk Saturday Employee Perks Fair Information Systems and Operations Management (ISOM) Career Day Dare to SOAR WITX 2012 (Wilmington Information Technology eXchange Conference) UNCW/Jamie Moncrief ITS employees volunteered a combined total of 480 hours for UNCW sponsored events and 4,200 hours for community services this year. Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 UNCW/Jamie Moncrief IT GOVERNANCE The IT Governance structure was updated in spring 2012. Details: Information Technology at UNCW The integration of Information Technology (IT) into the strategic and innovative direction of a university is critical. The University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW) embraces the ever-changing higher education environment and is capitalizing on it by augmenting the university’s strategic planning with a culture of enhanced innovation. In light of this, the campus community must develop a process to evaluate, prioritize and deliver the information technology resources necessary for these innovations. UNCW has one centralized IT organization (Information Technology Systems; ITS) and several decentralized IT departments that support specialized functions in their areas. It is important for all IT areas to be included in the UNCW IT governance and process. This document will illustrate how each of the decentralized IT departments will be incorporated into the UNCW IT governance process. Governance UNCW utilizes a variety of councils, committees, advisory groups and departmental meetings to provide opportunities for the campus community to participate in IT governance. Feedback and communication to, from and within these groups can provide requests for new services, updates on existing or new services, recommendations or feedback on projects or priorities and additional information. This input helps UNCW make informed and collaborative decisions regarding IT resources. In addition to the formal governance (listed below), the central ITS organization’s Executive Council meets regularly with departmental chairs and others across campus to gather feedback. The following is a list of the formal councils/committees and their roles in UNCW’s IT governance. 19 Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 ITS Executive Council: Charged with providing IT strategic and tactical leadership to the CIO, the ITS Executive Council provides leadership to and for the university’s infrastructure (networks and systems); application and system development direction and standards; technical support for classrooms, students, faculty, staff and special events; IT Security and Policies; and academic and administrative enterprise applications. This council is responsible for understanding current and future trends and making recommendations to the CIO regarding those trends and their strategic impact to the campus. This council is led by the CIO and includes directors from each department in ITS. The council meets weekly. IT Strategic Planning and Resources Council: Charged with providing both IT strategic guidance and resource recommendations, the IT Strategic Planning and Resources Council is the central point of contact for the various other IT councils/committees. This council is responsible for recommending strategic initiatives and the criteria/priorities for those initiatives. It is also charged with reviewing requests for projects/initiatives, setting potential priorities and passing those on to the Chancellor’s Cabinet for resourcing. This council includes representation from each area of campus and from some of the largest decentralized IT departments. The group meets at least once per semester to review the strategic initiatives and criteria and also has a standing monthly meeting to review any new requests. The council includes the following membership: ITS Chief Information Officer (Co-Chair) Chancellor’s Cabinet Representative (Co-Chair or designee) Academic Affairs (up to three representatives for various programs) Each College/School Business Affairs Business Applications Student Affairs Advancement SGA Representative GSA Representative Decentralized IT Advisory Council: The Decentralized IT Advisory Council is charged with reporting on departmental initiatives/projects. This council also reviews the various IT areas and makes recommendations for efficiencies, including but not limited to hardware/software purchasing and licensing, hardware standards and resource sharing. This council meets at least once per semester. The membership is comprised of the following: ITS Operations and Systems Director (Co-Chair) Business Applications (Co-Chair) Advancement 20 Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 Cameron College of Arts & Sciences College of Health and Human Services Center for Marine Science Housing and Residence Life Library Media Productions Others as needed Watson Systems Coordination Council: The Systems Coordination Council serves in an advisory capacity to ITS on enterprise-related projects and is responsible for approving baseline Banner modifications and data standards. The members of this council are also responsible for communicating information to their respective units. The project leads are comprised of ITS staff and key personnel representing each Banner module. This group meets twice per month and includes the following members: ITS Director Integrated Enterprise Solutions (Co-Chair) Co-Chair rotating among the council members Academic Affairs Resource Management Admissions Advancement Business Affairs Business Applications Faculty rep Financial Aid Financial Systems Graduate School Housing Human Resources Internal Audit ITS DBAs ITS Developers Registrar Student Affairs “Thank you for the hard work and support you provided the Watson School of Education, enabling us to conduct analysis of our students’ GPA and SAT data. Our ability to monitor and report analysis of these data is important to our assessment and continuous improvement efforts.” – UNCW faculty regarding ITS support 21 Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 22 Student Government Association and Student IT Advisory Council: The ITS CIO will meet at least once each semester with representatives from the Student Government Association (SGA). The Student IT Advisory Council (SITAC) is charged with assisting in the prioritization of students' technology needs and requirements at UNCW. The ITS CIO chairs this council which meets monthly and is comprised of 10-15 representatives from a diverse range of students across campus, including Isaac Bear Early College High School (IBEC) students. The primary goal of this committee is to enhance and increase information technology services to students in order to best meet their academic, social and extracurricular needs. Academic Advisory Council: The Academic Advisory Council is comprised of three boards focused on various areas of support for the academic core of the university. The co-chairs of each board and the ITS CIO form the council. The advisory boards and council meets at least once each semester. The sub-councils are: Blackboard (LMS) Advisory Board, Academic Research Computing Board and Classroom Technology Advisory Board. “The customer ethic at TAC is superior, reflecting well on ITS and the University as a whole. Bravo!” - UNCW faculty regarding ITS support Blackboard (LMS) Advisory Board: The Blackboard (LMS) Advisory Board is charged with providing input on the strategic direction and development of the campus learning management system (LMS). This board is comprised of members from the Learning Management Systems’ team, the Office of eLearning and faculty. The board is co-chaired by a member of the Learning Management Systems’ team and a faculty member. Academic Research Computing Board: The Academic Research Computing Board is charged with offering overall direction to providing our researchers with the tools and infrastructure needed to facilitate their research efforts. Committee research includes the exploration of high performance and grid computing, highspeed networks, virtual environments and technical resources. The committee is comprised of 13 members from academic departments and ITS. Classroom Technology Board: The Classroom Technology Board is charged with making recommendations to the Academic Advisory Council regarding standards for classroom technology. These should include strategic discussions of emerging technologies. The Board is co-chaired by a member of the ITS Classroom Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 and Computer Technology Services department and a faculty member. The committee is comprised of ITS and faculty members. Faculty Senate / Information, Technology and Library Resources Committee Duties. This committee shall make recommendations concerning the development of information technology and library resources, services, and facilities. This committee shall also make recommendations regarding University policy that pertains to general academic computing, information access, and scholarly communication. Additionally, this committee shall provide advice as part of Information Technology Systems (ITS) and the University Library’s planning processes and on matters brought to it by the Chief Information Officer (CIO) or University Librarian; shall incubate and recommend ideas to optimize information resources for instruction and research; and shall serve as liaison between ITS, the Library, faculty, staff, and students. Membership. Eight faculty members including at least four from the College of Arts and Sciences, at least one from the College of Health and Human Services, at least one from the Cameron School of Business, at least one from the Watson School of Education, and one other from the faculty at large, and two student members (to be nominated by the President of the Student Government Association and the President of the Graduate Student Association). The Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs; the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Institutional Research and Assessment; the deans of the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Health and Human Services, Cameron School of Business, Watson School of Education and Graduate School; the University Librarian; and the Chief Information Officer shall be ex officio non-voting members. IT Liaisons: The IT Liaisons serve as contacts for ITS to facilitate feedback and dissemination of information regarding support, services and training that affect either a specific area or the entire campus. Each division, college and school has a designated liaison. The main role of each liaison is to distribute pertinent information in a timely, effective manner across their area. Periodically, the liaisons will meet with ITS leadership to discuss issues and initiatives, such as upcoming software upgrades, scheduled outages, major releases or implementation rollouts, training and other important IT-related changes or events that the campus needs to be aware of and, in some cases, prepare for. 23 Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 APPENDIX ITS Functional Org Chart 24 Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 Select Communications Flyer for Parents of Incoming Students 25 Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 “Welcome Students” Page – UNCW Flash Drive View full site at www.uncw.edu/welcomestudents 26 Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 Auto-Generated Email to New Students 27 Information Technology Systems - Annual Report 2011-12 Example of Profile in Online IT Bulletin View full IT Bulletin at www.uncw.edu/it/bulletin 28