International Programs 2016-17 Faculty-led Study Abroad Program Proposal Cover Form A complete application packet consists of the following: A) Faculty-led Study Abroad Program Proposal Form (This Document) B) Faculty-led Study Abroad Program Budget Form C) Clear, realistic and detailed daily itinerary D) Syllabi of course(s) to be offered on site E) Program Design Statement Please submit electronically a complete proposal packet, and details of UNCW courses associated with the program, to your Department Chair for approval. Electronically forward the completed and signed proposal packet to Kara Pike Inman ( in the Office of International Programs by the submission deadline below. Instructions for Saving the Proposal Cover Form: DO NOT fill the form out while open in your web browser. Right click and save the empty form to your desktop. Fill it out completely and then save again for electronic submission. Deadline Tuesday, April 12, 2016 Wednesday, September 7, 2016 Tuesday, January 17, 2017 Programs with travel associated with: Spring 2017 or Summer 2017 Spring 2017 or Summer 2017 (late proposal submissions), and Fall 2017 Fall 2017 (late proposal submissions) Program Name: Program will be associated with: Fall Spring Summer Year: Primary Program Leader: Additional Program Leaders (any UNCW faculty accompanying program): Locations Abroad: Host Institution/University (if any): Dates of Program: __________ (beginning date) _____________ (ending date) Enrollment Estimate (be conservative for planning and budget purposes): _______ Enrollment Cap:_______ All programs must minimally obtain enrollment to support the program budget. Academic Offerings Programs may offer A) UNCW courses by UNCW instructors (with corresponding UNCW registration and tuition), B) courses offered by a host institution for transfer credit (with no UNCW tuition/registration), or C) a combination of the two. Program leaders may choose whether or not to require participants to take all courses associated with the program, but minimally participants must remain enrolled in at least one course in order to participate on the program. Course Sponsor (UNCW or host school) Course Prefix & Number Course Title Do participants have to enroll in all associated courses? Credit Hours Yes Instructor No UNCW Office of International Programs Friday Annex 601 South College Road Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-5965 Ph: 910-962-3685 FAX: 910-962-4053 Faculty Leader By signing below, I verify that I have read the program proposal guidelines, understand my responsibilities associated with this program and will adhere to all UNCW policies and procedures regarding faculty-led study abroad. _________________________________________ ________________________________________ _______________ Name Signature Date Chair’s Checklist for Approval of Faculty-Led Program Abroad: ___ Syllabus meets with departmental and university standards. ___ Course prefix is correct. ___ Course number is correct. ___ Number of student credit hours is justified based on contact hours. (Contact hours may include supervised experience outside the traditional classroom related to the learning outcomes of the course.) ___ If summer salary is requested, amount is justified based on contact hours. Chair’s Approval: I have read and approve this program. _________________________________________ ________________________________________ _______________ Name Signature Date Second Chair’s Checklist for Approval of Faculty-Led Program Abroad: (if classes associated with the program are cross-listed or there are two faculty from two different departments acting as faculty leaders). ___ Syllabus meets with departmental and university standards. ___ Course prefix is correct. ___ Course number is correct. ___ Number of student credit hours is justified based on contact hours. (Contact hours may include supervised experience outside the traditional classroom related to the learning outcomes of the course.) ___ If summer salary is requested, amount is justified based on contact hours. Chair’s Approval: I have read and approve this program. _________________________________________ ________________________________________ _______________ Name Signature Date UNCW Office of International Programs Friday Annex 601 South College Road Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-5965 Ph: 910-962-3685 FAX: 910-962-4053