Learn To Program Using Visual Basic

Learn To Program Using Visual Basic
Enroll in a summer school course at UNCW to learn to program using Visual Basic. This is a 3 credit hour, college
level course. MIS216 (Introduction to Business Application Development) will be offered during the second summer
session of UNCW summer school - June 22nd through July 23rd. The class meets from 10:15am to 12:20pm on Monday
through Thursday. The cost for tuition and fees will be approximately $525 (the exact amount is determined at
If a student is considering any field in college that involves technology (engineering, computer science,
information systems) or is just curious about using computers, this introductory class is an excellent way to learn.
Programming concepts and techniques are applied to practical examples that students might encounter in their
everyday lives. Students will meet in a classroom with computers for each student so that assignments can be worked
on in class.
High school students are required to be admitted to UNCW as “dual-enrolled” students
(uncw.edu/admissions/dual.html). Dual-enrollment is a program allowing high school juniors and seniors to take UNCW
classes while still enrolled in high school. Ms. Lauren Scott (Associate Director of UNCW Admissions, 962-7876,
SCOTTC@UNCW.EDU) can help you with any questions you may have concerning being admitted as a dual-enrolled
Students must apply for dual enrollment by April 1st. Once the application has been accepted, students must
enroll in the class (MIS216 – Introduction to Business Application Development).
The deadline for applying for dual-enrollment is April 1st. A link to the application can be found at the
Admissions web page (uncw.edu/admissions). The application process requires
Completed and signed UNCW Student Application for Dual-Enrollment (use the online application from the
Admissions web site)
Completed Counselor Form from your high school counselor or designated school official with approved course
selection(s). This must be submitted online at the point of application.
Official high school transcript
Dual-enrollment requirements are:
be in good academic standing with their high school
be in their junior or senior year, though some exceptions may apply
have a 3.5 cumulative, weighted grade point average (on a 4.0 scale)
have one of the following:
ƒ SAT score of 1100 or higher (Math & Critical Reading only)
ƒ ACT (with Writing) Composite of 24 or higher
ƒ PSAT of 120 or higher (Math & Reading only)
ƒ PLAN score of 24 or higher
The Introduction to Business Application Development course (MIS216) will be taught by Dr. George Schell. The
course will be attended by both UNCW students and high school students. Dr. Schell has taught a number of summer
programming classes that included college and high school students. Approximately half of the course time will be spent
in a classroom furnished with computers for students to use in completing the assignments. Students may also load
Visual Basic onto their own computer (assuming they have compatible computers) at no extra cost.
For Questions About The Class Contact
Dr. George Schell
Professor of Management Information Systems
SCHELLG@UNCW.EDU -- 910-962-3675
For Questions About Dual-Enrollment Contact
Ms. Lauren Scott
Associate Director of UNCW Admissions
SCOTTC@UNCW.EDU -- 910-962-7876