n-e-w-s-l-e-t-t-e-r Volume 5 / Issue 7 September 2015 Registrar’s Office Fall Fora—September 16th and 17th—3:30-4:30pm—James Hall Auditorium If any of your colleagues wish to be added to the forum distribution list for updates and reminders, please have them contact Erin St. Ledger at stledgere@uncw.edu. Video Tutorials The Office of the Registrar is proud to announce that there are now multiple video tutorials and quizzes available, for both students and employees, on various registrarspecific processes. These presentations are available in Skillport and are great learning tools that will help all parties understand important policies and procedures. To access the videos, login to Skillport and search for the following courses: 1) REG100—FERPA Awareness for Student Workers 2) REG110—All About Degree Audits 3) REG120—All About Transcripts Office of the Registrar James Hall Phone: (910) 962-3125 Fax: (910) 962-3887 Campus Box: 5618 registrar@uncw.edu graduation@uncw.edu transcripts@uncw.edu OAPregistrar@uncw.edu sa_regfax@uncw.edu Graduation Reminders *Stay tuned for a special Registrar Certification program in the near future… The Fall 2015 graduation application deadline is October 16, 2015. Registrar YouTube Station The Office of the Registrar has also made these video tutorials available, via YouTube, to ensure parents and future students are able to educate themselves on the policies that play an important role in their future successes. These videos can be found by searching for the channel named: UNCW Office of the Registrar SEAHAWK SALUTE Tuesday, October 20th 10am-6pm Campus Bookstore I bet you didn't know … In August, the Office of the Registrar sent 2,485 *Apply to Graduate* emails. Online Accelerated Program (OAP) Dates & Deadlines September 9—Withdrawal Passing (WP) Deadline for Fall 1 September 26—Registration Opens for Spring 1 & Spring 2 For any registrar-related OAP issues, students, faculty and staff should contact: OAPregistrar@uncw.edu. Fast Facts—You didn’t know you wanted... Fall 2015 (UNC Online) # UNCW students registered elsewhere: ECU—7 FSU—1 NCA&T—2 NCCU—3 NCSU—7 UNCC—8 UNCG—5 WCU—3 TOTAL = 36 # students registering at UNCW ASU—4 NCSU—5 UNCC—1 WCU—1 TOTAL = 11 Degree Works Demo—September 14th Join us for a Degree Works Webinar from 1-3pm in Teaching Lab Building #1053. September 1 September 7 September 14 September 16-17 UNC Census Day Labor Day State Holiday No Classes Degree Works Demo 1:00-3:00pm Teaching Lab #1053 Registrar Fall Fora 3:30-4:30pm James Hall Auditorium