THE MEDICAL UPDATE GROUP  In collaboration with  The Department of Medicine,  Faculty of Science, 

THE MEDICAL UPDATE GROUP Website: In collaboration with The Department of Medicine, Faculty of Science, University of Mauritius are pleased to invite members and students of the medical, pharmaceutical, and paramedical profession to a talk on Theme: “Dépendance à l'alcool : évolution des stratégies thérapeutiques" Speaker: Professeur Henri‐Jean Aubin, M.D., Ph.D, Université Paris‐Sud 11, INSERM U669, Praticien Hospitalier, Addictologie, Hôpital Paul Brousse, France Moderator: Dr Paramasiven Motay, Psychiatre Venue: Burrenchobay Hall, University of Mauritius Date & Time: Wednesday 23 October 2013 as from 19.30 p.m Sponsor: Pharmacie Nouvelle Ltd 