Winthrop University Foundation

Winthrop University Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting │ Key Messages*
May 21, 2015 | 1:00-4:00pm
Richardson Ballroom | Winthrop University
The Winthrop University Foundation Board of Directors met on May 21, 2015 in the Richardson Ballroom of the
DiGiorgio Campus Center at Winthrop University, Rock Hill, South Carolina. The following activities and
actions resulted from the meeting.
Foundation President’s Report:
• Minutes of the December 4, 2014 Board of Directors meeting were unanimously approved as presented
• Mr. Marc Bogan welcomed new board member, Mr. Matt Dosch and Ms. Lori Tuttle, Executive Director of
Alumni Relations and Annual Giving
• The Board of Directors unanimously passed a motion to grant the Executive Committee authority to sign the
MOU as agreed to by the Foundation Board to include the power to approve any non-material changes
• The Board of Directors met in Executive Session for discussion of personnel matters
• The Board of Directors unanimously passed a motion to appoint Ms. Robin Embry as Executive Director of
the Winthrop University Foundation effective July 1, 2015
• Appreciation was expressed to Ms. Robin Embry for her hard work and efforts to keep the Foundation
moving forward
Treasurer’s Report:
• The net change in total portfolio and net change in total investments have both increased since December
Operations Committee Report:
• The 2014 year-to-date budget report was reviewed in detail
• Heard a report of a survey conducted by peer foundations noting their annual endowment administrative fee
Audit Committee Report:
• The Winthrop Foundation received an unmodified (clean) audit opinion for 2014 from the independent
external audit firm; there were two findings of deficiencies in internal control and one finding of a material
• The Board of Directors unanimously passed a motion to revoke all existing credit cards from card holders and
retain one credit card in the Foundation office
Development Committee Report:
• The Vice President for Institutional Advancement reported on the Executive Summary for Institutional
• Heard update on the success of the 2015 Phonathon with the implementation of the new automated calling
software program
• Heard a report on the re-organization of the major gifts staff
Investment Committee Report:
• Updates on the investment portfolios managed by Brown Brothers Harriman and Carroll Financial were
presented in comparison to established benchmarks
Real Estate Foundation Report:
• Heard an update on the recent activities of the Real Estate Foundation
Executive Director’s Report:
• Gifts were up from 2013 and one of the objectives of 2015 will be to identify budget savings and increase
student support.
*These key messages are provided for information only and are not intended to reflect the complete discussions and actions of the Winthrop
University Foundation staff or Board of Directors. A private 501(c)(3) foundation, the Winthrop University Foundation provides support to the
Winthrop University community through the gifts of private donors.
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