Educate Well and Support Research Objectives / Drivers METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING GOAL 1: Advance University Academic Programming Driver 1.1: Identify new programming (undergraduate and graduate) with a focused, multidisciplinary curriculum that is based on current and future needs (including labor market, service sector, academic training needs, etc.) at all levels. Metric 1.1.1: Pursue development and implementation of programs already identified by UNCW as priorities in the UNCGA programmatic review system: • BA in Digital Arts • MS in Applied Data Analytics • DNP (Doctor in Nursing Practice) • PhD in Applied and Experimental Psychological Sciences • PhD in Coastal and Marine Science Deans, School Directors, Department Chairs, Career Center Spring 2016ongoing Program initiation costs Metric 1.1.2: Obtain labor market baseline data applicable to undergraduate and graduate students by July 31, 2016 with an objective related to exploration of new programs (degree programs, minors, and certificates) that would benefit UNCW students, relate to UNCW strengths, and meet state, regional, and broader needs. Metric 1.1.3: UNCW and individual colleges and school explore programming based on market baseline data. 1 Educate Well and Support Research Objectives / Drivers METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Spring 2016 ongoing To be determined through Graduate School and academic unit input GOAL 1: Advance University Academic Programming Driver 1.2: Ensure continued excellence in current and newly proposed doctoral programs Metric 1.2.1: allocation and appropriation of adequate institutional resources to support ongoing highquality doctoral student training (e.g., ensure adequate number of faculty per student enrollment, ensure adequate number and funding of student stipends and tuition support as appropriate – as determined through Graduate School and discipline College/School input) Deans, School Directors, Department Chairs, Graduate School, Advancement Metric 1.2.2: seek and secure external funding for student stipends, tuition, and research support through external grants and targeted advancement efforts Metric 1.2.3: further development of infrastructure and capacity within and across doctoral-granting units to promote interdisciplinary research and success of multi-PI grants 2 Educate Well and Support Research Objectives / Drivers METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Spring 2016 - ongoing Seed funds for grant development, assessment costs (possible needed personnel and costs of data collection) GOAL 1: Advance University Academic Programming Driver 1.2: Ensure continued excellence in current and newly proposed doctoral programs (cont.) Metric 1.2.4: continued diversification of the graduate student population through active pursuit of diversity enhancement grants and other funding (e.g., funding from NSF IGERT, US Department of Education, foundations) Deans, School Directors, Department Chairs, Graduate School, Advancement Metric 1.2.5: seek and secure external funding to support doctoral student research and engagement activities Metric 1.2.6: Ensure that doctoral program assessment includes long-term evaluation and documentation of student success 3 Educate Well and Support Research Objectives / Drivers METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Spring 2016 N/A Spring 2016spring 2020 Faculty support; program development GOAL 1: Advance University Academic Programming Driver 1.3: Convene Chancellor-Appointed Task Force, including Academic Affairs (Faculty) and Student Affairs designees, to review current opportunities for exposure to ethics and to explore new integrated programmatic offerings Driver 1.4: Enhance and expand strategically online education offerings across a variety of disciplines and courses. Metric 1.3.1: Convene Task Force in spring of 2016 Chancellor's Office, Academic Affairs, Student Affairs Metric 1.4.1: Offer 5-10 additional programs over next 5 years, chosen strategically based on need and programmatic characteristics. AVC for Distance Education, Deans, School Directors, Department Chairs Metric 1.4.2: Increase number of courses with online section options each year from 2016 to 2020. Target number should be established through input from appropriate faculty groups and the new office of the AVC for Distance Education. 4 Educate Well and Support Research Objectives / Drivers METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING GOAL 1: Advance University Academic Programming Driver 1.4: Strategically enhance and expand online education offerings across a variety of disciplines and courses. (cont.) Metric 1.4.3: Fund and resource online learning to provide access to all students by ensuring ADA compliance and rewarding best practices in universal design for learning. Metric 1.4.4: Focus online education expansion efforts around the needs of the region and the state (e.g., expanded online nursing programs) as well as national and international trends. Develop a “Needs of the State” priorities list to focus expansion efforts. Metric 1.4.5: Support online instructional training through the funding of an additional position in the Office of eLearning and the purchase of video editing equipment and e-learning software. AVC for Distance Education in collaboration with other units Fall 2016spring 2020 Personnel costs; course development and possible 3rd party support costs for compliance; infrastructure costs. To be determined through the office of the AVC for Distance Education Metric 1.4.6: Establish and support a network of certified Quality Matters reviewers in every department and school. Metric 1.4.7: Increase infrastructure capacity, flexibility, and staffing to support online education 5 Educate Well and Support Research Objectives / Drivers METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Fall 2016spring 2017 Costs will be in implementation based on what is developed GOAL 1: Advance University Academic Programming Driver 1.5: Bring to scale a teaching assistant program (part-time faculty, graduate assistant, other) to assist with larger classes. Metric 1.5.1: Develop training program for CTE/CFL; Deans, all assistants and faculty working with large- School Directors, class sizes. Department Chairs Metric 1.5.2: Develop funding formula for assistants in large classes. Metric 3: Review workload structures associated with large classes. Driver 1.6: Retain Accreditation Metric 1.6.1: Support current accreditation coordinator role as well as required accreditation processes (e.g., assessment). Metric 1.6.2: Affirm support for QEP and its institutionalization. Vice Provost; Accreditation Coordinator; ETEAL Director Spring 2016spring 2019; ongoing after this Metric 1.6.3: Achieve a successful outcome of 5th year SACSCOC report in 2019. 6 Educate Well and Support Research Objectives / Drivers METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING GOAL 2. Enhance Applied Learning Driver 2.1: Increase support for facultymentored student research and scholarship and other applied learning experiences. Metric 2.1.1: Collect baseline data on student participation in applied learning Metric 2.1.2: Identify specific measures for tracking (number of activities, number of awards to support activities, student deliverables) Metric 2.1.3: Expand programmatic applied learning funding initiatives following plan vetted through Unified Budget Process; e.g. - Summer/Spring Undergraduate Research & Creativity Awards [increase total number of HIP experiences by 7% by 2018] - Center for Support of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships [increase number of research scholars by 5% per year (45 by 2018); increase number of CSURF fellowships] - Honors College support [95 graduate per cohort by 2017] - ETEAL: Experiencing Transformative Education through Applied Learning, UNCW’s Quality Enhancement Program for SACS COC accreditation. [172 funded ETEAL supported pedagogy initiatives by 2018] Undergraduate Studies, including ETEAL and Honors; CTE/CFL; Office of Institutional Research; HIP Task Force; Career Center Spring 2016spring 2019 Retain funding allocated in 2016 through the Unified Budget Process 7 Educate Well and Support Research Objectives / Drivers METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Undergraduate Studies; ETEAL; Office of Community Engagement; Career Center Spring 2016Spring 2019 Internship and mentorship support GOAL 2. Enhance Applied Learning Driver 2.1: Increase support for faculty-mentored student research and scholarship and other applied learning experiences. (cont.) Metric 2.1.4: Enhance on-campus internship opportunities (e.g. ITS, OUR, University PD, Facilities and Landscaping) Metric 2.1.5: Coordinate community engagement applied learning opportunities through the Office of Community Engagement Metric 2.1.6: Create an upper division undergraduate and graduate student mentorship program to promote student participation in scholarly activities. 8 Educate Well and Support Research Objectives / Drivers METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING GOAL 2. Enhance Applied Learning Driver 2.2: Increase support for faculty engaged in applied learning activities Metric 2.2.1: Create additional Chancellor’s Chancellor’s Scholarship Awards, similar in number and Office, Provost's financial amount as Chancellor’s Teaching Office; Deans Awards, to recognize excellence in faculty scholarship and student mentorship (undergraduate to complement graduate mentorship award) in scholarly activity Fall 2016ongoing Award costs; faculty recognition costs Metric 2.2.2: Increase recognition for faculty mentorship of applied learning activities through compensation as well as review and assessment processes. Driver 2.3: Establish permanent Applied Learning Director with consolidated funding structure Metric 2.3.1: Establish position and organizational structure for implementation by August 2017 to coincide with SACSCOC timetable. This represents an institutionalization and broadening of the current ETEAL initiative concept. Undergraduate Studies; Provost's Office By August 2017 With phasing out of ETEAL initiative, redirect current ETEAL funds (and other funds related to applied Learning) into this permanent office 9 Educate Well and Support Research Objectives / Drivers METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING GOAL 3: Enhance Student Support and Culture of Learning Driver 3.1: Assess oncampus housing needs, including support of the living-learning communities (LLC) model. Metric 3.1.1: By July of 2016 commission study on the future of student housing at UNCW, including developing a plan for the number of new beds. Student Affairs; Auxiliary Services; Academic Affairs; Chancellor’s Office Summer 2016 N/A for study Metric 3.1.2: By July 1, 2016, Student Affairs and Academic Affairs shall appoint a committee to study and improve the LLC model, identify additional funding for an enhanced model, and explore the viability of providing accommodations for faculty-in-residence as a facet of the new LLC model. 10 Educate Well and Support Research Objectives / Drivers METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING GOAL 3: Enhance Student Support and Culture of Learning Driver 3.2: Increase percentage of UNCW undergraduate students who experience high impact practices as recognized by AAC&U (honors, DIS, service learning, LLCs, study abroad, practical internship outside UNCW…). Metric 3.2.1: By 2017, develop a co-curricular transcript for indication of approved student activities. (By January 31, 2016, the Career Center shall launch a voluntary online platform that students can use to create their Cocurricular portfolios, which will enable them to document and reflect on the learning they have achieved from experiences both inside and outside the classroom) Metric 3.2.2: By 2019-20, 90% of undergraduate students will include on their co-curricular transcript at least one example of a high impact practice (from a list provided by UNCW). This metric will be informed by the High Impact Practices Task Force Metric 3.2.3: Increase by 10% by AY 2019-20 the number of courses that include engagement opportunities (applied learning, internships…) Career Services; Office of the Registrar; Undergraduate Studies and component units; Department Chairs and School Directors Career Services; Office of the Registrar; Undergraduate Studies and component units; Department Chairs and School Directors Spring 2016-fall 2017 Spring 2016spring 2020 Platform costs Course support 11 Educate Well and Support Research Objectives / Drivers METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING GOAL 3: Enhance Student Support and Culture of Learning Driver 3.2: Increase percentage of UNCW undergraduate students who experience high impact practices as recognized by AAC&U (honors, DIS, service learning, LLCs, study abroad, practical internship outside UNCW…). (cont.) Metric 3.2.4: Where possible, strive for smaller class sizes and smaller faculty-student ratios through hiring more full-time faculty members. Metric 3.2.5: By January 1, 2017, using the National Association of Colleges and Employers annual list of employer competencies, design and implement a comprehensive portal where students can view list of curricular and cocurricular experiences where they can enhance the skills that employers seek in today’s college graduates. Metric 3.2.6: Establish a workgroup by spring 2016 to explore the structure of UNI 101 as well as the transfer equivalent in order to determine how it can best meet the goals of student transition, enhancing student academic success, and meeting targeted University Studies objectives. Consideration should be given to dividing the course into a 1-credit academic oriented and a 2-credit transitions course. Deans, Department Chairs; School Directors Career Center; Undergraduate Studies University College; Director of University Studies; Undergraduate Studies Ongoing Costs related to personnel for instruction for 3.2.4; design of portal January 2017 Spring 2016 12 Educate Well and Support Research Objectives / Drivers METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING GOAL 3: Enhance Student Support and Culture of Learning Driver 3.3: Provide increased support for the Center for Teaching Excellence and Center for Faculty Leadership. Metric 3.3.1: Meet benchmarks for staffing and space needs, as established by the Taskforce appointed by the Provost to Explore an Expanded Mission for the Center for Teaching Excellence and Center for Faculty Leadership, Spring 2015. Academic Affairs; Centers for Teaching Excellence and Faculty Leadership Spring 2016spring 2018 Staffing and space renovation costs; stipend costs; programmatic costs Metric 3.3.2: Promote authentic, inquiry-based experiences in the classroom by creating and funding a Faculty Fellow program to increase student-centered pedagogies across the curriculum. Metric 3.3.3: Support and reward faculty research in the scholarship of teaching and the scholarship of engagement through stipend programs and increased recognition across departments. Metric 3.3.4: Increase opportunities for leadership training and support for faculty members to enhance shared stewardship of the curriculum and promote academic leadership. 13 Educate Well and Support Research Objectives / Drivers METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING GOAL 3: Enhance Student Support and Culture of Learning Metric 3.4.1: Working with Office of e-learning and Driver 3.4: Create a University Learning Center, implement by fall 2017 student support network for advising, retention, and tutoring in online Metric 3.5.1: Work with Graduate School and SPARC to courses. establish and implement targets for: • Enhance number of Teaching/Research Driver 3.5: Increase Assistantships support for graduate • Increase stipend for Teaching/Research students Assistantships • Increase tuition support for graduate students • Increase professional development support for graduate students • Increase scholarship support for graduate students • Increase Public-Private thesis opportunities • Increase Federal and State graduate traineeships Metric 3.5.2: Involve graduate students as part of a teaching assistant program to assist with larger classes. Leverage layered mentoring practices, provide support for growth and increase graduate student teaching experience to improve graduate students’ employability outcomes AVC for Distance Education; University Learning Center Fall 2017 personnel Graduate School; SPARC Graduate School 14 Educate Well and Support Research Objectives / Drivers METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING GOAL 3: Enhance Student Support and Culture of Learning Driver 3.6: Establish a Distinguished Speaker Series that will bring in leaders from academia, business, government, and the local/regional community, with an emphasis on students as targeted participants. Metric 3.6.1: Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, and Advancement work collaboratively to establish Distinguished Speaker Series Driver 3.7: Enhance summer learning opportunities Metric 3.7.1: The Office of Community Engagement should explore enhancement and growth of summer courses; certificate programs; institutes, workshops; conferences; non-credit learning opportunities as well as forcredit learning summer opportunities. Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, and Advancement Spring 2016-fall 2017 Metric 3.6.2: After a full year of the DSS, randomly survey students to determine how many have attended one of these lectures. Use baseline data to further market and target student participation in this new Series. Office of Community Engagement Costs of speaker series; seed funds for summer efforts (should eventually be selfsustaining) Spring 2016 ongoing 15 Educate Well and Support Research Objectives / Drivers METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Spring 2017 Supplemental funds to advance faculty scholarly achievement (e.g. seed funds) GOAL 4: Advance Research and Scholarly Activity Driver 4.1: Increase flexibility in determining workload assignments at the unit level. Metric 4.1.1: Investigate current and possible workload policies and assignments to be completed by spring 2017 to implement (metric 2 below). Deans; School Directors; Department Chairs Metric 4.1.2: Adopt flexible workload assignments that meet the unit mission. Ensure departmental flexibility and accountability. Driver 4.2: Increase campus-wide resources available to faculty to advance scholarly activity Metric 4.2.1: Execute needs analysis of extant resources and faculty access Driver 4.3: Increase Extramural Support to UNCW Metric 4.3.1: Increase number and quality of submitted proposals Metric 4.2.2: Supplement funding based on finding of needs/resource analysis Academic Affairs; CTE/CFL; Office of Research Office of Research Metric 4.3.2: Maximize reinvestment of F&A to support scholarship and research 16 Educate Well and Support Research Objectives / Drivers METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Fall 2016 Personnel costs; ITS and other infrastructure needs GOAL 4: Advance Research and Scholarly Activity Driver 4.4: Ensure appropriate staffing of support units for sponsored research and scholarship across campus Metric 4.4.1: Provide support and infrastructure for grant-seeking opportunities and grant administration in all areas (SPARC: grants, contracts, and other external funding). Begin personnel onboarding for identified personnel needs by fall 2016 Office of Research Metric 4.4.2: consult with Business Affairs, Academic Affairs, and faculty to identify units that require staffing in areas such as travel, purchasing, and hiring Office of Research; Academic Affairs; Business Affairs; CMS Spring-fall 2016 Metric 4.4.3: Provide appropriate infrastructure through the Office of Community Engagement to support engaged scholarship, service-learning and outreach to implement fully by fall 2016 Office of Community Engagement; Office of Research Fall 2016 Metric 4.4.4: Increase ITS infrastructure capacity and flexibility to support research Office of Research; ITS Fall 2016 17 Educate Well and Support Research Objectives / Drivers METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING GOAL 4: Advance Research and Scholarly Activity Driver 4.5: Increase access to funding opportunities for research/scholarly activity Metrics 4.5.1: Increase opportunities to interact with funding agencies and be involved with initial review groups, review panels, councils, and Boards. Metric 4.5.2: Identify and actively pursue funding opportunities that provide student training grants (NIH centers, NSF REU, IES, other training activities, , e.g., Foundations). Office of Research; CMS Spring 2016ongoing Travel; seed funds Office of Research; Colleges and School; CMS Metric 4.5.3: Provide bridge funding for faculty (for extramurally-funded staff) who have an established track record in obtaining grants. Metric 4.5.4: Facilitate collaborations amongst faculty with shared, collaborative, or synergistic interests (including those addressing state and federal interest, other highimpact areas, and which create new potential to address a pressing need). Metric 4.5.5: Develop support for projects in emerging areas of excellence with emphasis on multidisciplinary approaches through constitution of appropriate faculty advisory committee and establishment of seed funding for projects. Office of Research; Colleges and School; CMS Office of Research; Colleges and School; CMS 18 Educate Well and Support Research Objectives / Drivers METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Spring 2016spring 2020 Travel; publicizing costs GOAL 4: Advance Research and Scholarly Activity Driver 4.6: Enhance outreach, education, and policy interactions outside UNCW, especially as they position UNCW to pursue future research and scholarship opportunities and to allow us to transfer our findings. Metric 4.6.1: Promote continued contact with state legislature. Office of Research; Colleges and School; CMS; Chancellor's Metric 4.6.2: Participate in policy-advisory Office; Advancement; boards and think-tanks OUR; Undergraduate Studies Metric 4.6.3: Engage with local and regional government. Metric 4.6.4: Publicize UNCW's efforts and successes through multimedia outlets, including an enhanced web presence. Metric 4.6.5: Foster existing community relationships through education activities such as College Day, Arts in Action, Honors College, and Invited Speakers series Metric 4.6.6: facilitate community engaged scholarship in a sustainable fashion. 19 Educate Well and Support Research Objectives / Drivers METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Spring 2016spring 2019 N/A GOAL 4: Advance Research and Scholarly Activity Driver 4.7: Ensure institutional policies do not inhibit grant and research activity Metric 4.7.1: Reexamine F&A distribution policies Office of Research; Business Affairs Metric 4.7.2: Revisit Supplemental Pay Caps and effective policies (e.g., imposition of federal grant policies on other revenue sources, foundation work, etc.). Metric 4.7.3: Streamline submission and compliance processes Metric 4.7.4: Re-examine business processes (e.g. hiring, travel, purchasing) to ensure they are not unnecessarily burdensome Driver 4.8: Provide residential living support for visiting faculty and scholars Metric 4.8.1: Identify location for affordable visiting faculty and scholar housing; develop appropriate procedures for use. Business Affairs; Office of Research; AVC for International Studies Spring 2016spring 2017 20 Educate Well and Support Research Objectives / Drivers METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Director of University Studies; USAC; Graduate School; Department Chairs and School Directors Spring 2016spring 2020 Study abroad scholarships for students GOAL 5: Foster Global Citizenship Driver 5.1: Enhance curricula to strengthen students’ global thinking and awareness Metric 5.1.1: Increase by one course each year between AY 2016-17 and AY 2019-20 the number of undergraduate courses offered as part of the University Studies curriculum to fulfill the “Living a Global Society” requirement. Metric 5.1.2: Increase the number of courses at the graduate level that include a specific focus on global awareness and thinking based on Graduate School recommendations. Driver 5.2: Increase number of and support for students who study abroad Metric 5.2.1: Increase by 5% the proportion of full-time undergraduate students who participate in credit-bearing study abroad each year between AY 2016-17 and AY 201920. Metric 5.2.2: Develop opportunities to increase the number of graduate students participating in international experiences related to their field of study. AVC for International Programs; Department Chairs; School Directors Spring 2016spring 2020 21 Educate Well and Support Research Objectives / Drivers METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING AVC for International Programs Spring 2016spring 2020 Scholarship funds GOAL 5: Foster Global Citizenship Driver 5.3: Increase number of and support for international students enrolled at UNCW Metric 5.3.1: Increase number of international students enrolled at UNCW by at least l0% per year between AY 2016-17 and AY 2019-20. Metric 5.3.2: Increase scholarships available for international students studying at UNCW Metric 5.3.3: Identify and provide needed transition support for international students studying at UNCW Driver 5.4: Create opportunities for faculty and staff from UNCW and international universities to teach and research overseas and at UNCW, respectively. Metric 5.4.1: Increase the number of faculty and staff from UNCW and international universities who teach and research overseas and at UNCW, respectively. AVC for International Programs Spring 2016spring 2020 Travel support Metric 5.4.2: Identify and provide needed transition support for international faculty and staff working at UNCW. 22