
BSc (Hons) Sports Science and Physical Education (Top-up) - (SC 305)
1. Introduction
The Top-up programme for Sports Science and Physical Education is a 2-year’s part-time
course, offered by the Department of Health Sciences at the Faculty of Science. This programme
is suitable for applicants who hold a Diploma in Sports Science and Recreational Activities or
any other equivalent qualifications. Successful completion of this programme will culminate into a
BSc (Hons) Sports Science and Physical Education.
2. Rationale
This programme aims at equipping graduates with a sound theoretical and practical knowledge
in the area of physical education, sports science and recreational activities. The programme is
designed to provide a wide range of skills applicable to Sports and Physical Education.
The programme focuses on the learners’ professional development and self-growth through upto-date knowledge acquisition applicable to sports education environment. Emphasis will be laid
on the pedagogical competencies and teaching skills, including coaching, sport organization and
management, related to Sports and Physical Education in view of teaching Physical Education
as an examinable subject.
3. Programme Objectives
Enable students to understand how Sports Science and Physical Education can contribute to
developing confident and successful learners.
Study contemporary issues that influence the wider context of Physical Education and Sport
in schools and in surrounding communities.
Develop strategic knowledge and understanding of key policies and developments affecting
the provision of physical education and youth school sport for young people.
Be aware of the nutritional needs, preventive care and rehabilitation of sports-persons.
Develop appropriate pedagogical skills for physical education.
Understand the various factors, which influence and enhance physical education related to
teaching and learning.
Gain appropriate knowledge pertaining to research in the field.
4. Programme Requirement
Holders of Diploma in Sports Science and Recreational Activities from the University of Mauritius
(UoM) or any other acceptable qualification.
5. Programme Duration – 2 Years Part Time
Top-up BSc (Hons) Sports Science
and Physical Education
4 semesters (2 yrs)
6 semesters (3 yrs)
6. Credits Required for Award of the Degree: 52
7. Assessment
All modules (Theory) will carry 100 marks and will be assessed as follows (unless otherwise
specified). Assessment will constitute continuous assessment (consisting of at least one class
test unless otherwise specified) and written examination (2 hr duration) for theory.
For a student to pass a module, a minimum of 50% should be attained in both continuous
assessment and written examination, with an overall total of a minimum of 50% in that module.
 Modules not including a practical component
Continuous assessment for modules not including a practical component may be in the form of
assignments and should include at least one class test and will carry a weighting of up to 30% of
total marks for the respective modules. Written examinations will carry a weight of 70% of the
total marks for the module.
 Modules including a practical component
There will be no practical examination. Modules will be assessed on solely continuous
assessment, consisting of an oral test and a practical test. Marks for practical test will carry a
weight of 70% of the total assessment marks. Pass mark for practical component will be 50%.
Students need to pass practical component to clear the module. Marks for the oral test will
constitute 30% of the total assessment marks.
 Specifications
Module PES 5202 – Practical Training III (Coaching) requires student to choose a specific
sports activity. This module will be assessed solely by means of continuous assessment
including a practical test, a concise student-prepared logbook and a report in the form of a
reflective portfolio, summarising and rating the training techniques used.
Both logbook and report will be signed by the immediate coach or supervisor. These will have to
be submitted to the programme coordinator at the end of each semester. Students will need to
submit a satisfactory log book (Grade S) and a satisfactory report (Grade S) in order to pass the
module. Unsatisfactory reports and unsatisfactory logbooks will be awarded grade U.
8. Professional Training/Placement
Students will have to undergo placement in educational and other relevant institutions during the
program of studies. Placement modules are spread out throughout Year 2 as shown below:
Module Name/Code
Number of hours
Placement I/ PES 5104
Placement II/ PES 5203
Placement will be guided by a learning contract (an agreement about the particular knowledge,
skill, or attitudes the student will develop as well as the roles and responsibilities of the student)
and workplace skills supervised and assessed by a qualified and experienced Physical
The student has to demonstrate that s/he has achieved the learning specified in the learning
contract in the form of a concise student-prepared portfolio. Students’ progress will be monitored
by a supervisor who submits a supervisor’s report in the form of an evaluation sheet,
summarising and rating the work training and experience based on a list of all coaching
techniques used and skills acquired. Both portfolio and report will be signed by the immediate
technical supervisor. These will have to be submitted to the professional practice/fieldwork
coordinator and to the UoM programme coordinator at the end of each relevant semester.
9. Note: PES 4203 Sports Practical Training I and PES 5103 Sports Practical Training II
Practical, Sports, Games and Recreational training will be grouped as follows:
1. Individual sports (e.g Swimming, Athletics, Table Tennis, Badminton)
2. Team sports (e.g Volleyball, Basketball, Football, handball)
3. Games and Recreational Activities (Minor Gamed, Indigenous Games, Zumba Dance, etc…)
Practical training will be offered as 3 core modules, each bearing 3 credits, over the 2 years
program. Students should select two (2) sports activities or games in each group. Practical
training will be run depending on the number of entries of students.
10. Grading Structure
This will be as shown below taking into account that the pass mark for all modules is 50%.
Under the GPA, the following letter grades and their grade point equivalent are used:
Letter Grade
Grade Point
Percentage Mark
x ≥ 80
70≤ x ˂ 80
60 ≤ x ˂70
50 ≤ x ˂60
˂ 50
11. Classification of Award
The degree classification will be based on the CPA at the end of the programme as follows:
CPA (%)
≥ 70%
1st Class
60 ≤ x < 70
2nd Class 1st Division
50 ≤ x < 60
2nd Class 2nd Division
< 50
No award
12. Repeat and Termination of Registration
Registration will be terminated if the CPA of the student remains below 50 at the end of an
academic year and if the student has already repeated one year of study.
A student’s registration will lapse at the end of the semester in which s/he has successfully
completed the minimum requirements for the award of the degree.
A student who repeats a module must submit new assignment(s), take part in the class test and
re-write the examinations.
A student will not be allowed to retake a module in which s/he has already achieved a C grade or
Students who fail in up to 2 modules, will be allowed to proceed to the following year if their CPA
≥ 50, and clearing the failed modules with the next cohort of students.
13. List of Modules: BSc (Hons) Physical Education
Module Name
Hrs/Wk Credits
PES 4101
Applied Sports Science
PES 4102
Nutrition, Health and Sports
PES 4103
Sports and Exercise Psychology
PES 4004Y
Educational Methods and Teaching in
Physical Education, Sports and Recreational Activities
PES 4201
Research Methods for Physical Education, Sports
and Recreational Activities
PES 4202
Management, Organisation and Supervision in
Sports and Recreational Activities
PES 4203
Sports Practical Training I
PES 5101
Inclusive Sports
PES 5102
Rehabilitation in Exercise, Sports and Physical Education
PES 5103
Sports Practical Training II (Teaching Ability)
PES 5104
Placement I
PES 5201
Scientific Methods of Training and Coaching in Physical
Education and Sports
PES 5202
Practical Training III
PES 5203
Placement II
PES 5000Y
Research Project
L: Lectures, P: Practical
14. Programme Plan
Semester 1
Semester 2
Module Name
Hours Credits
Module Name
PES 4201 Research Methods for
Physical Education, Sports
and Recreational Activities
Nutrition, Health and
Sports and Exercise
PES 4004Y Educational Methods and 60/0
Teaching in Physical
Education, Sports and
Recreational Activities
PES 4101
Applied Sports Science
PES 4102
PES 4103
Hours Credits
PES 4202 Management, Organisation
and Supervision in Sports
and Recreational Activities
PES 4203
Sports Practical Training I
PES 4004Y Educational Methods and
Teaching in Physical
Education, Sports and
Recreational Activities
Semester 1
Semester 2
Module Name
Hours Credits
Module Name
Hours Credits
PES 5101
Inclusive Sports
PES 5201 Scientific Methods of
Training and Coaching in
Physical Education and
PES 5102
Rehabilitation in
Exercise, Sports and
Physical Education
PES 5202 Practical Training III
PES 5103 Sports Practical
Training II (Teaching
PES 5104 Placement I
PES 5203 Placement II
PES 5000Y Project
PES 5000Y Project
15. Outline Syllabus
PES 4101 Applied Sports Science
Functional anatomy and exercise physiology of the neuromuscular-skeletal, respiratory and
cardiovascular system. Applied biomechanics in sports and exercise. Fundamentals of sports injury.
This will include injury prevention for participants in sports and exercise; Evidence regarding warmup and stretching; Sports injuries to the head, shoulder, spine, hip, knee and ankle. Management of
specific sporting injuries. Principles of conservative management of sports-related injuries.
Prehabilitation (strategies to reduce risk of injury). Exercise in health and disease.
PES 4102 Nutrition, Health and Sports
The module will introduce the basic principles of healthy eating and optimal hydration. Topics will
include the fundamental role of sports in prevention of diseases and for physical fitness, nutritional
assessment for athletes, pre and post event recommendations, nutritional needs of athletes
including fluid requirement, nutrient and calorie distribution, vitamins and mineral needs for ideal
athletic performance, sports injuries and recovery, nutrition strategies for training endurance sports
and competition.
PES 4103 Sports and Exercise Psychology
Overview of sports psychology. An understanding of human behavior and learning in sports and
exercise environments. Fundamental theories of motor control and learning. Psychological
foundations and theories of sports and exercise. Psychological factors influencing behaviour and
learning such as personality, stress, motivation. Theories of sports performance, including
psychological basis. Impact of stress on performance and enhancement of performance. Ethics and
assessment in sports psychology.
PES 4004Y Educational Methods and Teaching in Physical Education, Sports and
Recreational Activities
Methods in learning, learning styles, principles of teaching, effective teaching, commands and class
organisation, lesson planning methods, organising and conducting tournaments, marking of grounds,
teaching groups, and classroom management. Teaching children with Special Education Needs.
Physical education for the disabled and assessment methods in physical education, Policy in
education and psycho-pedagogy.
PES 4201 Research Methods for Physical Education, Sports and Recreational Activities
Students will learn the basics of research methods and learn to how apply basic research skills to
carry out research. In particular, they will be given appropriate knowledge on: preparation of
projects; data collection techniques; questionnaire design; research ethics; quantitative and
qualitative analyses of results; scientific writing; statistical approaches to data analysis.
PES 4202 Management, Organisation and Supervision in Sports and Recreational Activities
Introduction to terms, importance, objective, guiding principles, scheme of organisation- school
sports, clubs, facilities and care of gymnasia, swimming pools, playing fields/grounds, equipment,
program planning, records and registers, budget and finance, purpose of supervision, and
techniques of supervision, organization of outdoor recreational activities, event management in
sports, issues in sports development, local and international policy and legislation in Mauritius and
PES 4203 Sports Practical Training I
Principles of set games, structures, rules and principles. This module will emphasise on individual
sports like swimming, athletics, and badminton amongst others.
PES 5101 Inclusive Sports
The module explores how people with disabilities can be disadvantaged in sport and physical
activity; awareness of the broad nature of inclusion; and introduction to a model framework (TREE)
for inclusion. It also looks into psychological issues (including the differences in sports behavior and
attitudes, motivation and competitiveness) that impact on disabled athletes with special emphasis on
teaching and coaching those athletes. Barriers and facilitators to participation in sport and physical
activity for people with a disability will be dealt with. Paralympics and policies for sports and the
disabled will be discussed. Coaching peoples with disabilities – communicating with people with
differing abilities, adapting skills/drills as part of the coaching process, assistive devices for sports
PES 5102 Rehabilitation in Exercise, Sports and Physical Education
Introduction to musculoskeletal disorders and diseases; Posture, postural assessment and postural
training; Basic injury management; Rehabilitation and reconditioning of athletic injuries; an
understanding of the role of manual therapies, taping, splints, braces and orthotics and injection
therapies. Role of ice. Basic techniques of athletic massage; Basic re-education techniques.
PES 5103 Sports Practical Training II (Teaching Ability)
History, organization, techniques and fundamental skills tactics and strategy, training procedures,
tests and measurements. Students will be required to design a lesson plan.
PES 5201 Scientific Methods of Training and Coaching in Physical Education and Sports
Coaching and performance. Effective communication using the performer’s language with effective
questioning. Developing trust through rapport and improved collaboration with others. Managing
problems to focus on outcomes. Setting challenges, individual (and team) goals that deliver benefits.
Clarifying the context (constraints, targets and expectations) for performance. Assessing
competence more effectively to empower people more safely.
PES 5202 Practical Training III (Coaching)
This module will provide the students with an opportunity to specialize himself/herself in coaching /
training in one sport together with optional recreational sports activities - Yogic Exercises/
Dance/Zumba /Aerobic/ Keep Fit etc.
PES 5104 Placement I & PES 5203 Placement II
This module comprises placement within relevant institution. Students are expected to complete the
number of hours specified and submit a logbook at the end of the placement. They will be under
supervision of a qualified and experienced physical educator/coach. Students will have the
opportunity to put into practice knowledge and techniques previously learnt including classroom
management and demonstration of teaching skills.
PES 5000Y Research Project
Project will run during both semesters of Year 2. Topics will be selected from any field relevant
Sports Science and Physical Education. This module also aims to provide students with the
opportunity to design, undertake or conduct an independent research study related to the Sports
Science and Physical Education under the guidance of a supervisor. Students will be expected to
provide a research proposal/ synopsis on an approved topic relevant to Sports and Physical
Education. Following approval of the research proposal/ synopsis, students will conduct a research
project/ dissertation in sports and physical education in the UoM prescribed format (length: between
10000- 12000 words).