Alternative models of the supply side. Slide set I. Ragnar Nymoen Department of Economics, UiO 10 November 2009 ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 Introduction I In IAM, the Phillips curve relationship is derived from a theory of wage bargaining and monopolistic price setting. Expectations errors (see slide set II to lecture 5), Pt 6= Pte , are the explanation for in‡ation, and for departures of GDP from full employment GDP. Easy to imagine that wage and price adjustment are driven by other factor than just expectations errors. In particular, this seems reasonable in modern economies with unions, and with price setting …rms, where there are con‡icting aims about the real wage. In order to formalize this intuition, IDM ch 3.2 takes the starting point that the theoretical models of wage-bargaining and monopolistic price setting give propositions about the steady-state relationships for wage and price. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 Introduction II A system with (one or more) error-correction equations can be used to model the dynamics. We embed this in a model with two sector: an exposed and a sheltered sector. This trait of the model makes it possible to show how close the modern model of wage bargaining is related to a much older theory called the Norwegian model of in‡ation, which continues to play a role in the economic policy debate about wage settlements. The qualitative implications for the medium macroeconomic equilibrium does not hinge on the distinction between an e-sector and a s-sector, and in slide set II we will discuss those implications more closely in an “one sector” macro model, which is comparable to the AD-AS model in IAM. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 Static long-run relationships. I In log-linearized form the model is web = me0 + ae + qe + p = qs + (1 ws = we = )qe ; e1 u, 0< 0 (1) < 1; (2) e1 web ; qs = ln( ) + ws (3) as : (4) Equation (1) represents the bargaining theoretical relationship for e-sector wages, i.e., web = ln(Web ). (2) is a stylized de…nition of the consumer price index, p = log(consumer price index). (3) says that the s-sector is a wage follower, and that in the long-run, the e-sector wage is equal to the bargained wage. (4) represents mark-up pricing in the s-sector. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 Static long-run relationships. II The four equations determine web ,we , ws , qs and p, for given exogenous values of ae ; as , qe and u. If the wage level in period t, wet , approaches web when the b , the static initial situation is in disequilibrium: we0 6= we0 model corresponds to a stable steady-state solution. There are several equilibriating mechanisms that can secure dynamic stability, and these mechanism are not exclusive of each other. In the conventional AD-AS model, it is (implicitly) assumed that adjustment of ut is the only mechanism that can stabilize in‡ation. In order to focus on another possible mechanism, we assume …rst that unemployment in exogenous, so that it cannot serve as an equilibrating mechanism. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 Wage dynamics I wet is determined by the dynamic model wet = 0 + 11 mct + 12 mct 1 + 21 ut + 22 ut 1 + wet 1 +"t : (5) with mct de…ned as mct = aet + qet ; mct is assumed to be exogenous in the following. This involves: exogenous productivity and price taking behaviour, and a nominal exchange rate that does not respond to we;t , either directly or indirectly. Simplest to assume a …xed exchange rate. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 Wage dynamics II Error-correction transformation: wet = +( 0 + 11 + 11 mct + 12 )mct 1 21 ut +( 21 (6) + 22 )ut 1 +( 1)we t 1 + "t For the bargaining theory to correspond to a long-run model for the wage level, it is necessary that (5) has a stable solution. Since wages usually show a smooth evolution through time, we state the stability condition as 0< < 1; ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 (7) Wage dynamics III Subject to (7), equation (6) can be written as wet = 0 (1 + 11 mct + ) wet 21 11 1 ut + (8) 12 1 mct 1 21 1 + 22 ut To reconcile this with the steady-state relationship (1), we de…ne 21 + 22 , e;1 = 1 and impose the unit long-run multiplier for mc 11 + 12 = (1 ) ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 1 + "t . Wage dynamics IV (8) then takes the form wet = 0 + 11 (1 mct + ) fwet 1 21 mct ut (9) e1 ut 1 g 1 The short-run multiplier with respect to mct is typically < 1: + "t 11 , which is (9) can be expressed as wet = 0 0 (1 with 0 0 = 0 (1 + mct + 21 ut o n + "t ) we web 11 t 1 )me0 and web = me0 + ae + qe + e1 u as above. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 (10) Wage bargaining and in‡ation I To simplify we assume that adjustments of s-sector wages and prices are instantaneous. The in‡ation model is then (10) and wst = wet , qst = wet p= (11) aet , qs + (1 (12) ) qe : (13) 4 equations that determine we (t), ws (t), qs (t) and p(t) as functions of initial conditions, and given processes for the exogenous variables mc(t), u(t) and "(t). The model is a recursive system of equations: The wage growth rate in the exposed sector is determined …rst, and then the other growth rates follow recursively. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 Wage bargaining and in‡ation II The reduced form equation for the rate of in‡ation, 0 0 pt = +( + pt , is: 11 11 (1 + "t (14) + (1 )) qe;t + 21 ut aet ast n o ) wet 1 web implying following explanatory variables for in‡ation: “Imported in‡ation”: ( 11 + (1 Shock to unemployment: 21 Productivity growth: aet 11 e-sector equilibrium correction: )) qet ut ast , (1 n ) we:t ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 1 b we;t o 1 . Wage bargaining and in‡ation III The point is that we obtain a “richer theory” of in‡ation determinants (in the short-run!). Clearly, one can use error-correction formulation both for ws ;t and qst , and the list will be even longer. Can also introduce expectations variables, which we have abstracted from above in order to concentrate on the new element, ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 Size of e¤ects I Set the share of non-traded goods in consumption to 0:4. Then = 0:67, and setting 11 = 0:5 gives a coe¢ cient of qet of 0:66. Foreign in‡ation in the range of 1% 5% in our model implies that a 3% in‡ation abroad imputes for example 2% “imported in‡ation”. The coe¢ cient of aet is 0:33, and for ast we obtain 0:67. The net-e¤ect of productivity growth rates at around 2% may therefore be rather small. Note the implication that increased productivity in the exposed sector of the economy increases in‡ation. It occurs because e-sector productivity growth increases the bargained wage in that sector, which in‡icts price increases in the sheltered sector via the assumption of relative wage stabilization. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 Size of e¤ects II Equilibrium correction in wage setting: With the above parameter values, and = 0:7, the coe¢ cient of wet 1 web in equation (14) becomes 0:2. The interpretation is that a 1 percentage point deviation from the the steady-state wage in period t 1 leads to a reduction of the period t in‡ation rate of 0:2 percentage points. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 Including of cost-of-living e¤ects in the theory I In real world wage bargaining, compensation for increases in cost-of-living is always a main issue. One way to bring this into the model is to include dynamic equation for e-sector wage setting: wet = 0 0 (1 + 11 mct + ) fwet 1 ut + 21 mct 1 31 pt e1 ut 1 pt in the (15) me0 g + "t : Since in‡ation can be expressed as: pt = wet ast + (1 ) qet we can derive the following “semi-reduced form” for ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 wet : Including of cost-of-living e¤ects in the theory II 0 wet = ~ 0 + ~ 11 mct + ~ 21 ut + (1^) fwet mct 1 41 ast + e1 ut 1 1 51 qet (16) me0 g + ~"t : where the coe¢ cient with aneare the original coe¢ cients of (15) divided by (1 31 ), and 41 51 = = 31 31 (1 =(1 )=(1 31 ), 31 ) By using (16) instead of (15) in the system-of-equations, the recursive solution method of the original model is re-installed. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 The Norwegian model of in‡ation I The idea that wage bargaining can stabilize wage growth and in‡ation directly, and also when the rate of unemployment is …xed exogenously, goes back to the 1960s. For example Norwegian economist Odd Aukrust formalized the “main-course model of in‡ation”, also known as he Norwegian Model of In‡ation. As above, there is an e-sector where …rms are price takers, and a sheltered sector where …rms set prices as mark-ups on wage costs. A …xed exchange rate is assumed. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 The Norwegian model of in‡ation II The model’s long-run propositions are: 1 that e-sector wage growth will follow a long run tendency de…ned by the exogenous price and productivity trends in that sector. 2 If relative wages are to be constant in the long-run, the wage level of the s-sector needs to follow the same tendency. 3 The development of the domestic price level therefore be in‡uenced by trend growth in international prices and the productivity trend. The …rst hypothesis, about wage formation in the e-sector, is in many ways the de…ning characteristic of the whole framework. It plays the same role in the theory as Nash-bargaining stage in modern formulation. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 The Norwegian model of in‡ation III The wage share of value added is We Le We = , where Ae Qe Ye Qe Ae Ye Le where Le and Ye denoted employment and output. By de…nition, the rate of e-sector pro…ts is Q e Ye W e L e =1 Qe Ye We : Q e Ae (17) If we assume that there is a long-run rate of pro…t which is required to sustain investment and employment in the e-sector. Then (17) says that there is also a required long-run wage-share. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 The Norwegian model of in‡ation IV Assume that both Qe and Ae are exogenous variables with a trend growth. We can then formulate the main-course proposition: We = Me Qe Ae ; (18) where We denotes the long-run equilibrium wage level consistent with the twin assumptions of exogenous price and productivity trends and a constant required wage-share, denoted Me in (18). Using logs, the long-run wage equation for the e-sector becomes: H1mc : we = qe + ae + me ; where an asterisk, denotes a long-run equilibrium value, and we = ln(We ). The marker H1mc indicates that this is the …rst hypothesis of the Norwegian Model of In‡ation. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 The Norwegian model of in‡ation V qe and ae both increase over time. we is therefore also trending upwards along a path determined by the main-course variable: mc = ae + qe (19) The graphical representation of the main-course theory shows the actual time series of the wage level,we;t , ‡uctuating around a growing main-course, but always inside a wage corridor. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 The wage-corridor The actual wage will ‡uctuate around the main-course, log wage level "Upper boundary" Main course and, inside the walls of the corridor. This is the same wage dynamics that we developed from the modern bargaining approach. "Lower boundary" 0 time ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 A shift in the main-course I There is nothing in the Norwegian model hindering that the long-run wage level can change as a result of changes changes to the economy. Among other thing. the main course can shagne if there is a permanent change u (shifts from one mean to a new oner) If me is a function of the rate of unemployment, a generalization of H1mc becomes H1gmc we = me;0 + mc + e;1 u, H1mc has the same interpretation as the “bargained wage” in the modern approach: If wet follows a stable dynamic process, then its steady-state is given by we . ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 A shift in the main-course II As noted there are two other long-run propositions which complete Aukrust’s theory: a constant relative wage between the sectors (denoted mes ) and the existence of a normal sustainable wage share also in the s-sector: H2mc H3mc we ws ws = mes , qs as = ms as is the exogenous productivity trend in the sheltered sector. Re-arranging H3mc , gives qs = ws as + ms which is similar to the ‘price equation’in the wage bargaining model above! ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 Simulating the main-course We can use computer simulation to con…rm our conclusions about the dynamic behaviour of the main-course model. The following three equations make up a representative main-course model of wage-setting in the exposed sector: we;t = 0:1mct + 0:3mct mct = 0:03 + mct 1 1 0:06 ln Ut 1 + 0:6we;t + "mc ;t 1 + "w ;t ; (20) (21) Ut = 0:005 + 0:005 S1989t + 0:8Ut 1 + "U ;t (22) S1989t is an indicator variable which is 0 before 1989 and 1 afterwards. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 Simulated solution 2.25 extended main-course 2.20 upper-boundary 2.15 solution for we,t 2.10 2.05 lower-boundary 2.00 1.95 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 2010 2011 Solution with an exogenous shift in u Change in ln U t to a regime shift in 1989, that raises the equilibrium rate. -3.0 -3.2 -3.4 -3.6 1990 1.9 1995 2000 Solution of we,t Without regime shift U int 1.8 With regime shift U int 1.7 1990 1995 ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 11 2000