Regime dependent AD-AS models (Part I). Ragnar Nymoen Department of Economics, UiO 27 October 2009 ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 9 The main dividing line is between ‡oating and …xed exchange rate regimes. Traditionally the main ‡oat regime has been money targeting (R-I). IAM downplay that regime and move to in‡ation targeting (which will be a development of R-III in our typology) However, important to keep a wide perspective of possible regimes. Sometimes the money market which plays a central role in R-I, also becomes relevant under in‡ation targeting (compare credit crisis). Reference for these slides is IAM ch 23. 24.1-24.4. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 9 Open economy AD-AS, system of equations I yt mt t pt r 1 (et y = rt = etr = t = it = 1 = m0 er ) r) 2 (rt f f + 4 (yt y ) + vt ; e it t+1 ; r et + ft t + et 1 ; e y ) + st t + (yt f e it + ( et + et 1 ) + m1 it + m2 yt (1)-(3) refer to the aggregate demand. IAM p. 713 set e r = 0 (choice of units) and r = r f . ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 9 3 (gt g )(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Open economy AD-AS, system of equations II (4) is the PCM for the supply side, despite that we are now looking at the open economy. We will re-consider this during the last lectures. In the present model, foreign in‡ation will a¤ect domestic i‡ation only through expectations. (5) is UIP condition for the FEX marked, as explained in Lecture 8. Have omitted e e , so now constant depriation expectations entails it = itf ) (6) is the equilibrium condition for the money market. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 9 Regime VI I The model for this regime is de…ned by choosing et .as exogenous, along with gt , ytf , st ; vt , ft , itf , etr 1 , et 1 and pt 1 We also consider et and et+1 as exogenous since we now focus on the short-run and “static expectations”. Substitute from (2), (3) and (5) into (1): h f r yt y = t ) + et 1 ( et + t 2 itf + + 3 (gt | e ( e t + et g) + (y f {z4 t zt the AD function for regime VI. 1 1) er i e t+1 y f ) + vt } ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 9 (7) r Regime I (money targeting) I Regime dependent exogenous variable: mt : et is endogenous in this …rst ‡oating exchange rate regime. Money market and FEX market are now interlinked (remember earlier graph!) Solve (5) and (6) for et = it = 1 e et and it . (it 1 (mt m1 itf ) et t pt 1 1) + m0 m2 + yt m1 m1 ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 9 Regime I (money targeting) II and substitute in (1): yt = 1 1 1 e 1 (mt m1 if e t + etr 2 1 (mt m1 1 et t pt t 1 + pt f t 1) 1) t + + m0 m2 + yt m1 m1 (8) er m2 m0 + yt m1 m1 + zt : ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 9 e t+1 r Regime I (money targeting) III Since the same SRAS applies in both regimes, the di¤erence between regime I and VI is captured the slope of the short-run AD curves (7) and (8): @ t @yt @ t @yt = 1 = AD ;rI <0 (9) 1 AD ;rVI 1 1 1 + m2 em + 1 1 1 e m1 m2 2 m1 1 2 m1 (10) Note …rst that (10) hinges on e 6= 0. The interpretation is that with constant depreciation expectations and perfect capital mobility, it is determined by the UIP condition alone. Hence e = 0 would introduce an internal inconsistency with the assumption that in this regime, mt is exogenous. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 9 Regime I (money targeting) IV Second, in most expositions, (10) is simpli…ed to @ t @yt = 1 1 m2 em 1 + m2 2 m1 (11) 1 AD ;rI which amounts to abstracting from the e¤ect of t on real money supply. This is convenient since it is easy to see that using (11), @ t @yt > AD ;rI @ t @yt , when e <0 (12) AD ;rVI meaning that with regressive depreciation expectations, the slope of the short-run AD curve is steeper in Regime I than in Regime VI. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 9 Regime I (money targeting) V The simpli…ed expression is tantamount to replacing (6) with mt pt = m0 m1 it + m2 yt (13) and replacing pt 1 with pt in the list of exogenous variables. The rationale is that, over short periods of time, the price level and the stock of real money are more or less una¤ected by the rate of in‡ation: They are assumed to be exogenous since they can reasonably be interpreted as pre-determined in the short run. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 9 Regime I and regime VI AD curves In R-VI, increased t leads to real appreciation and lower yt . π R-I AD curve In R-I, the reduced yt gives lower it . So fall in yt is less in R-I R-VI AD curve y ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 9 Note the role of the money market! Graph showing RI and R-VI equilibrium Assume, for both regimes, the initial equilibrium: e and t = yt = y : π R-I AD curve SR AS curve π e Supply shocks, policy changes and demand shocks R-VI AD curve Full employment y y ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 9 will a¤ect the two equilibria Fiscal policy in regime I and VI From (7) and (8) we see that for a given yt , the derivative of t with respect to gt is identical in the two regimes d t dgt = yt =y ;rI d t dgt = yt =y ;rI 3 >0 1 The is because the di¤erence between the regimes has to do with how the money market reacts to changes in y . The graphical analysis of the short-run e¤ects of …scal policy is therefore represented by the identical vertical shifts in the AD curve of the two regimes. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 9 Short-run e¤ects of …scal expansion (R I and VI) π R-I AD curve New equilibrium in R-VI is in A SR AS curve B for R-I A π e Fiscal policy is most e¤ective in the …xed exchange rate regime. B R-VI AD curve Full employment y y ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 9 Later, we will extend the comparison to include R-III. The long-run model (IAM ch 23.4) I In both regimes, the models’steady-states are de…ned by, e t = f , expectation equal to the world in‡ation rate yt = y , etr = etr 1 = e r , PPP property gt = g , gov exp on trend, ytf = y f , world GDP on trend {f = constant world interest rate st = vt = 0, no supply or demand shocks Since etr = etr 1 = e r and etr = that t et + f = f t it follows from t + etr 1 et = 0 in steady-state. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 9 The long-run model (IAM ch 23.4) II e =E ) so we It is logical that in a steady-state et = ln(Et+1 t add e ln(Et+1 =Et ) = et = 0 to the list of steady-state conditions. Hence, from the UIP condition we then have: i = {f and rt = r = {f f . in steady-state. Now consider the possibility of a permanent change in gt . This implies an increase in g , so from the AD side of the economy. y AD = 1e r f 2 ({ f )+ 3g + ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 9 4y f The long-run model (IAM ch 23.4) III However the supply side determined steady-state output-level y is unchanged, meaning that the long-run equilibrium condition can be written y= 1e r f 2 ({ f )+ 3g + 4y f (14) which determines the long-run steady-state real-exchange rate. The long-e¤ect of a permanent change in gt is therefore: de r dg 3 = rI ;rVI <0 1 if we can assume the dynamic process is stable. Unlike the short-run equilibria. The long-run equilibrium is not regime dependent. IAM call this “the long-run" neutrality of the exchagne rate regime”. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 9 The long-run model (IAM ch 23.4) IV Compare with the steady-state in the closed economy case. The it was the real-interest rate that “secured” crowing out of private demand. In the open economy case, that role is “taken over” by the real-exchange rate. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 9 Long-run e¤ects of …scal expansion (R I and VI) e r LRAS LRAD er e Slope of LRAD is 1 . r 0 1 Shift is y 3 1 Graph illustrates the e¤ect of …scal contraction. y ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 9 Dynamic stability— Regime VI I See 739-741 in ch 24.3 of IAM. Use the short-run model above, with the additional assumptions: e t+1 e et+1 = e t = f et = 0 et = 0 So that rt = rtf , and r = r f , the model in more compact form is yt y= 1( t f 2 (rt zt = t f t etr = (yt = ( f t) r 1 et 1 + r) + 3 (gt + zt , g) + (15) f 4 (yt y ) + st t f t) + f y ) + vt (16) etr 1 ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 9 (17) Dynamic stability— Regime VI II Use (15) and (16) to express etr f )): for ( t t etr 1 = (1 + 1 ) 1 (yt by yt y (i.e., substitution zt y ) + st 1 1 which is equation (14) on page 739 in IAM. We also have: etr = (1 + 1 ) (yt+1 y ) + st+1 zt+1 1 1 Using these two expressions in (17), together with (16), gives the …nal equation for (yt+1 y ): (yt+1 y ) = 1 1+ (yt 1 y )+ 1 (1 + 1 ) zt+1 ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 9 1 (1 + 1 ) st Dynamic stability— Regime VI III or, for yt : (yt y) = 1 1+ (yt 1 y) + 1 1 (1 + 1 ) zt + :::: (18) which is dynamically stable since 1 1+ which holds since 1 <1 1 > 0. The essential equilibrating mechanism is the real exchange rate in the AD curve. In R-I further stabilization since increased GDP gives higher interest rate. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 9 Temporary …scal expansion R-VI π Graph illustrates the dynamics of temporary …scal expansion in R-VI π1 π π f 2 R-VI AD curves y2 y1 y ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 9 SRAS does not shift because of e = f t Systematic …scal policy If …scal policy is systematically counter-cyclical gt g= a(yt y ); a > 0. (19) The AD curve becomes steeper, because real appreciation due to higher gives less reduction in y , compared to case with a = 0. The applies to both R-I and R-VI, Figure 24.4 and discussion covers R-VI ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 9 Devaluation A devaluation is only relevant in the …xed exchange rate regime. An unanticipated and permanent increase in et , shifts the AD-curve out— because in the short-run a nominal devaluation is also a real depreciation. Because in‡ation in increased, the domestic price level grows over time, and the AD curve“ glides back” along the AS curve, see …gure 24.7. Remark: The way we have formulated the UIP condition, a devaluation leads to a lower interest rate (the e < 0 assumption). However, unclear if this is relevant when there is a discrete devaluation. Quite possible that investors may “punish” the currency by demanding a higher risk premium, at least temporarily. ECON 3410/4410 Lecture 9