The dynamic AD-AS model for the closed economy–Part I Ragnar Nymoen Department of Economics, UiO 8 September 2009 ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 5 Notes on reading We now lecture from IAM, and use the notation in that book. Ch 14 is a good background chapter, and it motivates the “short-run” analysis. The more technical parts about business cycles can be skipped. Ch 15, on the “consumption function”, and Ch 16 on investments, also contain valuable background material. Note that in both chapters, there are many arguments for dynamic relationships, but in order to keep the macro model tractable we will abstract from virtually all of them! We start with Ch 17 here. So important to keep in mind that more realistic models will have more complex dynamics than we encounter in the macro models that we formulate here. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 5 Aggregate demand relationships General budget equation: Yt = C t + I t + Gt , (1) where Yt , is real GDP, Ct real private consumption, and I private real investment, and Gt government expenditure and investments. t denotes time period. Behavioural equations: Ct It Gt = C (Yt Tt ; rt ; "t ); (2) = I (Yt ; rt ; "t ) (3) = Tt (4) T is real taxes, r is a real interest rate, and " represents “business con…dence”. t Partial derivatives are denoted CY = @(Y@C etc. See IDM p t Tt ) 499 for details. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 5 Product market equilibrium We assume that in the short-run GDP is determined by aggregate demand ad given by (1)-(4). The goods market equilibrium condition is: Yt = D(Yt ; Gt ,rt ; "t ) + Gt {z } | private demand where the D(:) function has partial derivatives: DY = CY + IY ; 0 < DY < 1. DG = Dr = Cr + I r < 0 CY < 0 D " = C" + I " > 0 (5) de…nes Yt as a function of Gt , rt and "t . ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 5 (5) Aggregate demand (AD) function We write this Aggregate Demand (AD) function as e t ,rt ; "t ) Yt = D(G (6) with derivatives given by implicit derivation of (5): eG D = 1 (1 1 D | {z Y} CY ) = m(1 ~ CY ) ; m ~ e r = mD D ~ r e D" = mD" ~ We next assume that a steady-state equilibrium exists for the system of which (6) is a part. What does this assumption amount to? ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 5 AD as deviation from steady-state I Y , C etc. denote steady-state values. Equation (6) must also hold in a steady-state, meaning that e G ; r ; ") Y = D( (7) is an equation in the long-run version of the model we are setting up. In IAM they prefer to work with the short-run model in terms of deviations from steady-state. Use the general approximation that Yt Y Y e ElG D e = ElG D Gt G G Gt G G e + Elr D er r +D Y rt r r rt r r e + El" D e + El" D ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 5 "t " " "t " " AD as deviation from steady-state II e and El" D, e evaluated at steady-state values Assume that ElG D Y , G and ", are constant parameters across the business-cycle, er r : e r 1 is more stable than D but that the semi-elasticity D Y Y Finally, to express the variables in logarithms, we use that Yt Y Y ln(Yt ) ln(Y ) etc., and using yt = ln(Yt ) etc., we …nally have yt y e (g ElG D | {z } t 1 e r r (rt g) + D | {zY} 2 e (ln "t r ) + El" D | {z which is equation (11) on page 501 in IAM. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 5 vt ln ") } (8) Money market equilibrium— money supply targeting I IAM write money demand as Mt = kYt e Pt it , > 0; > 0. The supply of real money is written as: Mt (1 + = Pt (1 + t )Mt 1 t )Pt 1 where t is the nominal growth rate of money, and denotes in‡ation (a rate in this case). We regard t and Yt as exogenous on the money market. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 5 Money market equilibrium— money supply targeting II If the central bank targets money supply, then t is also exogenous, money supply is exogenous in period t, and by equation supply and demand we get it = ( t t) + ln Yt + ln k 1 (ln Mt 1 ln Pt If the market was initially in equilibrium, in period t obtain it = ( t t) + ln Yt + it = i + ( t ln k t) + 1 ln k + ln Y (yt y) 1) 1, we i (9) which is the same equation as (20) on page 505 in IAM, since from (20) we obtain (9) by setting r = i as stated at the top of p 505. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 5 Money market equilibrium— money supply targeting III ln M t − ln P t m oney supply Increased m oney growth, or reduced inflation m oney dem and Increased yt it ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 5 “Quantitative easing” Money supply targeting represents a monetary policy regime. The operative (intermediate) target of monetary policy is the growth rate of money supply (can set t = in (9)) which can be controlled by market operations, which is the policy instrument. The problem with this regime, as we shall see later, is that the control of money supply may be illusive in small open economies. Under the current credit crises, a related policy has appeared in the form of “quantitative easing”, which corresponds to increased money supply in our model: Quantitative easing seeks to Reduce the di¤erence between the central banks lending rate and the market interest rate (it increased when the interbank market collapsed). Encourage banks to lend money even when interest rates very low (“zero”) ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 5 The Taylor-rule I If the target for monetary policy is the stabilization of in‡ation and output— the interest rate it becomes the instrument of monetary policy. The Taylor-rule is a function that describes how the central bank responds to changes in t and yt : it = i + (h + 1) ( where t ) + b (yt y ) , h > 0, b > 0 (10) is the in‡ation target. This is very similar to (9), the di¤erence is the explicit in‡ation target, and that the parameters h and b are determied by political preferences, not the structure of money demand. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 5 The Taylor-rule II it = (i ) | {z } r under + t +h( t ) + b (yt y ) , h > 0, b > 0 target The similarity between (9) and (10), only the de…nition of the constant is di¤erent, is convenient when we later want to compare how the model economy responds to shocks (under m-targeting and under -targeting. h > 0 implies that the real interest rate is increased when is increased. This is called the Taylor principle ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 5 t The expected real interest rate IAM makes the important precision that the r variable that a¤ects private real demand is the ex-ante or expected real interest rate, which is e t+1 , rt = it where et+1 denotes the expected rate of in‡ation one period ahead. Expectations are made at the end of period t. The Taylor-rule is modi…ed accordingly e t+1 it = r+ rt = r +h( t +h( t ) + b (yt ) + b (yt y) y) (11) (12) see eq (30) and (31) on page 514. Because of et+1 , the model of the demand side is going to be dynamic! ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 5