AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Master of Arts for the degree of Betty Lou Carman Interdisciplinary Studies in English, Reading in August 12, 1977 presented on and Psychology Title: AN ATTEMPTED STANDARDIZATION OF READING AND WRITING SKILLS TEST USED AT OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY'S SKILLS CENTER Abstract approved: Redacted for Privacy Dr. Faith Norris The objective of the investigator in carrying out this of study is: to evaluate the reliability and validity ENGLISH SKILLS TEST-REVISED (EST-R); the to construct local norms based on a small sample of subjects from Oregon State University's WR. 40X; to investigate the statistical terms and methods used in educational test standardizations; review standardized tests English programs; to probe communication for placement in college used the to general issue campus of skills centers; and to study the application of reading instruction in remedial English programs. The EST-R is a revision of the test currently used Oregon several departments at English proficiency test. Communication Skills composition classes. Reading, Center It State is for University also used placement The test consists of five as by in by an the English subtests: Spelling, Grammatical Usage, Vocabulary and Essay Correction. This study outlines administration and scoring procedures and provides information regarding assessment of EST-R scores. The standardization is based on EST-R three as a pre-test to 33 WR. 40X students; administrations: as a post-test to 16 WR. 40X students; and as a pre-test to 45 WR. 230 Test scores, frequencies, mean, median, students. given standard deviation and range for each group are for the Reading Test and for the combined Spelling, Grammatical Usage, Vocabulary and Essay Correction scores test. Transformed (percentile rank, z- and Z-scores) are provided for the Wr. 40X Reading pre-test and combined pre-test. The Kuder-Richardson 20 (K-R 20) subtest reliability for the tested groups ranges from -0.059 to 0.891. The K-R Grammatical Usage, 20 reliability of the Spelling, Vocabulary and Essary Correction tests combined ranges from 0.750 to 0.849. Criterion-related validity was explored using validity coefficients and group separation. EST-R is a valid instruction. indicator of the This data indicates the effects of WR. 40X AN ATTEMPTED STANDARDIZATION OF A READING AND WRITING SKILLS TEST USED AT OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY'S COMMUNICATION SKILLS CENTER by Betty Lou Carman A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts Completed August 12, 1977 Commencement June 1978 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Professor of English Redacted for Privacy head of Department English Redacted for Privacy bean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented August 12, 1977 Typed by BLou and George Carman for Betty Lou Carman ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis represents a focusing of both interest and energy for one who was once without an organizing direction many So me in have supported my explorations in so My thanks to Dr. Faith Norris who, many ways. saw people potential a did I not years ago, see in myself. example, her valuable friendship, and her assistance, Her have been, and are, exceedingly important to me. Thanks, too, Ted Dr. to Madden whose patience, generosity and expert guidance have been essential to study this and whose approach to teaching the difficult subject of psychometrics has greatly benefited me and many so others. My appreciation, too, to Dr. Ken Ahrendt who, goes back when I was an undergraduate, impressed upon me the responsibility that I, as an English teacher, have to build reading students' invaluable, as skills. has his His assistance classes finding in been have source material for this study. Tim Perkins is another person to whom I owe great a deal; he gave me the opportunity to try myself as a teacher and offered his encouragement and support He and all this to study. my other friends--students and co-workers--at the Communication Skills Center have shared so contributed so to my confidence and competence. much and My sister, and best friend, Alice Ann Daily, has been a vital source of warmth, support and commiseration. I am looking forward to helping her get through her own master's program. And my amazing contributed and wonderful George, has to my life and to the present endeavor in more ways than I could possibly name. his husband, His unflagging support, love, and his brilliance have given me great strength. The many hours he spent teaching me and helping me to use a computer for text editing and layout have added much to the quality (and decreased the painfulness of the text of this study. preparation) I am so very fortunate. of TABLE OF CONTENTS I. II. III. IV. INTRODUCTION 1 REVIEW OF LITERATURE A. Skills Centers B. Reading in Remedial English Programs C. College-Level English Placement Tests D. Statistical Terms and Methods 5 5 9 13 18 THE ENGLISH SKILLS TEST-REVISED A. Administration B. Scoring 1. Reading a. Speed Score b. Comprehension Score c. Evaluation 2. Scoring Spelling, Grammatical Usage, Vocabulary, and Essay Correction C. Description of Test Results D. Standardization 1. Validity a. Validity Coefficient b. Group Separation 2. Reliability 3. Norms 31 38 38 38 39 42 47 SUMMARY 50 BIBLIOGRAPHY 52 APPENDIX 55 24 24 27 27 27 28 28 29 LIST OF TABLES Table I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. Page Reading Test Speed Chart 27 WR. 40X Reading Pretest 32 WR. 40X Pre-test 33 WR. 40X Reading Post-test 34 WR. 40X Post-test 35 WR. 230 Reading Pre-test 36 WR. 230 Pre-test 37 Validity Coefficients (r) 41 Group Separation 41 Reliability 46 Score Transformation Table, WR. 40X Pre-test: Reading 48 Score Transformation Table, WR. 40X Pre-test: Spelling, Grammatical Usage, Vocabulary, and Essay Correction Combined 49 EST-R Test Scores, WR. 40X Pre-test 55 ESR-R Test Scores, WR. 40X Post-test 56 EST-R Test Scores, WR. 230 Pre-test 57 AN ATTEMPTED STANDARDIZATION OF A READING AND WRITING SKILLS TEST USED AT OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY'S COMMUNICATION SKILLS CENTER INTRODUCTION I. One of the developments in higher education during the last two decades is the recognition that not students are accepted into universities are adequately prepared who to survive the challenge. institutions variety prompted This dilemma has many to set up learning centers to serve the needs of their open-enrollment constituency. a all services, of including These usually offer diagnosis of skill weaknesses, auto-instructional skill lessons, tutoring, and placement counseling. There facilities: which those are major two subdivisions those which give mathamatics offer of learning instruction English/study skills assistance. and Both mathamatics and language skills centers are common, but, it likely seems that, because every student must be able to read, write and study (and college students seem because to English skills among be declining more rapidly than mathamatics skills), English skills centers may be found on more community college and university campuses than can mathamatics centers. This study is an outgrowth of the investigator's two-year experience as a graduate teaching assistant at one Page 2 such learning Communication Oregon center, University's State Skills Center (CSC). The CSC offers a number of services to students including: study skills lectures to groups living well as individual as tutoring; individualized reading instruction by graduate students writing reading; self-instructional punctuation, help with WR. 40X, packages a papers, theses, remedial English supplemental instruction prior composition (WR. 121). and usage, individual reports; and class for students who need to enrolling Center The classes; grammar, for and paper organization; spelling resumes, vocabulary tutoring; in also freshman in offers to the university an English proficiency test (the ENGLISH SKILLS TEST). Several schools, including Forestry, Health, P.E., and Agriculture, require that all their students pass this examination before they may graduate. The ENGLISH SKILLS TEST (EST) is also used as a tool to determine placement in some English classes. At the beginning of the term, each freshman composition student is given the test, and, if work is appropriate, instructor the the decides remedial student is then transferred to WR. 40X. The EST is also effectiveness of used WR. 40X to help the instruction. CSC assess the Students take the test at the beginning and the end of the course and scores Page 3 Since one objective of 40X instruction is to are compared. enable raise the student's skills to a level sufficient to him pass to the test pass the post improvement EST, it is hoped that each student will very figure into the student's 40X grade; an some whether receives he N is dependent solely on his performance on or P, I, show least, The test score does not, however, score. in the at or, regular 40X coursework. The English Skills Test was developed by the staff the CSC with been Department and has consists and Each of these independent the subtest interpreted as being broadly diagnostic. a student's on any subtest, in that if non-compensatory; passing level skill-deficient It 1976. fall, Grammatical. Usage, Spelling, Vocabulary and Essay Correction. separately, since use in subtests: four of of members of the English cooperation the of area, The is scored are scores scoring is score falls below the he is considered and some sort of remedial work is required--depending upon the particular use being made of the EST. Because new, no is standardization information validity test the has questioned. is available not These been locally written and relatively has been performed. Little regarding reliability, and test systematically shortcomings have and approached proved to be Page 4 disadvantageous in the investigator's work, both of tutor skills and as 40X teacher at the Communication writing The purpose of this study, therefore, is to Skills Center. provide as first step toward standardization of the EST, the i.e., to analyze the test and construct set a of local norms. conducting In revision major of reading ten-minute study, the investigator made one this previous the was subtest form of the skill. Lime 1imiL, the vocabulary Lest was shortened (from 10 items) In the test within the 50-minute class period keep to a added in the belief that reading skills are an integral part of language order EST; 15 to as was the spelling test (from 24 to 10 items). The format of the latter was also changed, however, so that 40 spelling words could be tested rather than just 24. original Hundreds of students have already taken the EST, so the questions used on both vocabulary and spelling tests (These are the easiest to memorize and were changed. pass on Lo a friend.) The Grammatical Usage and Essay Correction sections were left unchanged. The testing population used for this f two groups: the and a Writing consisted spring 1977 WR. 40X class to whom a pre-test and post-test of given, study the 230 revised EST (EST-R) were class, i.e., students who had successfully completed regular freshman composition. Page 5 REVIEW OF LITERATURE II. Skills Centers A. Most skills language seem centers response to the fact that more students than institutional ever before are entering post-secondary without education There the English skills prerequisite to academic success. is a great deal of disagreement regarding the decline students; an be to of the reason for language proficiency among post-secondary quality some complain of a deterioration in the of English instruction at the grade and high school levels, attribute while others open-enrollment the skills lower standard standard dialects English. demands It to seems read, write and likely that both as well ineffective skill instruction and open enrollment as other other English to college campuses where they have much difficulty meeting the speak the to policy adopted by many universities.) Such policies, it is argued, entice speakers of than range factors (e.g., the rise in popularity television viewing at the expense of recreational of reading) contribute to the problem. KirT, "Notes on Remedial English at the 'Arthur H. Higher Education Level, ' ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER, XXVII (June, 1973), 245. Page 6 Although goal of every skill center is to assist the students requiring remedial English there training, are inter-campus differences in the constituent teaching great staff, the philosophical organization, materials the and methods used to meet this goal. Some learning centers are staffed by regular members of the school's English department; as Arthur does are adequately enthusiastic H. 2 many however, argue, King, that few university instructors trained deal to with, sufficiently or about coping with, the level of remedial work required by many students. 3 One alternative is to hire a team of specialists, but this incurs higher costs than most colleges can sustain. problem this is A the more commonplace employment Oregon (e.g., through teaching but State University) assistantships student of supervised by one or more specialists. resolution In most of teachers colleges, student tutors are paid or work-study programs; some schools, like Miami-Dade Community College 4 staff their centers 2 Course," with supervised student volunteers who Ada Y. Hatch, "Reading-Centered Composition JUNIOR COLLEGE JOURNAL, XXVI (March, 1956), 395-99. 3King, "Notes on Remedial English," pp. 245-50. 4 Grace W. Welch, "Organizing a Reading and Writing Laboratory in which Students Teach, COLLEGE COMPOSITION AND COMMUNICATION, XXV (December, 1974), 437-39. Page 7 receive academic credit rather than remuneration for their work. The employment of peer tutors makes than merely a standpoint. fiscal much Since instruction consists of individualized from sense learning more of the packages, the demands of teaching are limited to tasks well within the ability of most An tutors. extra advantage of student-operated centers is that such facilities are much more provide the likely to relaxed, non-threatening atmosphere so essential to attracting remedial students. Centers on different campuses also differ in the way students enter remedial voluntary, drop-in instruction. programs 6 Some while constituency from referrals by English referrals may come as a result testing or informal diagnosis. with 5 others run strictly draw professors. 7 their These of classroom placement Most educators would agree Arthur King that "English is not simply a skill to be learned in English periods but 5 Welch, Laboratory," p. 6 7 "Organizing a a means of Reading teaching and and Writing 438. Ibid., p. 43. John W. Gregory, "An Approach to Functional English in a Four-Year Junior College," JUNIOR COLLEGE JOURNAL XXIX (December, 1958), 203-5. Page 8 learning subjects;"8 other centers, however, departments other responsibility for are only of many learning the staffs now successfully than English that the English skill convincing they, too, share of their levels students. addition In to inter-campus differences in procurement of learning center students, there are also variety of ways in which instruction is carried out. centers group students into regularly are remedial usually supplemented by a A few which classes and are traditionally structured. the meet These classes individualized (usually self-instructional) skill lessons in spelling, agreement or 9 other areas of particular organized for strictly packages. Some facilities, like Oregon State weakness. Other centers are individualized tutoring or lesson University's Communication Skills Center, offer both remedial coursework for those with broad-based skill deficiencies and or tutoring individualized instruction packages for those with more specific handicaps. 8King, "Notes on Rc-itedial English," p. 245. 9 205. Gregory, "An Approach to Functional English, Page 9 Reading in Remedial English Programs B. Although most educators would agree that reading is skill, some colleges still do not include reading language In instruction in their remedial language skills centers. instances some a the reason for this exclusion may be the added expense of instructional materials and personnel. In cases, however, reading is not taught on campuses for many years i.e., ago; reading is appropriate college subject. and recognize, not It has by many as an deemed taken twenty there the same reason that spelling was not taught some time answer to, the needs for remedial grammar, punctuation and spelling at the college level, and take the to it may best arguments of reading proponents, as well as the evidence offered by existing programs, to convince some academicians to include reading instruction in remedial English. One remedial program incorporating reading and writing skills instruction is that offered at Miami-Dade Community College's Skill Center. its volunteer constituency instructor's referrals. is documented This student-taught primarily center from The success of the draws composition Center's work in one study by an 8% decrease in drop rate from composition classes among students who participated in Page 10 the multiple skills remedial work. voluntary program of "concentrated work in similar A writing and reading is Center. received who students that skills" Skills Basic College's 10 11 offered Brooklyn by Here, studies indicate instruction reading showed appreciable gains above those of a control group in reading to success in College, reading is rate and vocabulary, both skills important English and other academic coursework. Staten At incorporated regular-track into Community Island not English, only as remedial well. The instruction but objectives of the English staff are to: Teach the student, regardless of his background, ability, or purpose, to develop to the limits of his capacity his use of the various communication skills, particularly reading, writing, speaking and listening. 12 Both staff and students report satisfaction with the results of remediation. Another school which emphasizes reading instruction in all levels of freshman English is Boise Junior College (now 10 Welch, "Organizing Laboratory," p.437-39. a Reading and Writing 11 Shirley W. Wedeen, "Two-Year Basic Skills Study," JOURNAL OF READING, X (January, 1967), 231-37. 12 Sanford Radnor, "A Three-Track Community College English Program," JUNIOR COLLEGE JOURNAL, XXIX (October, 1958), 97. Page 11 Boise The College). State composition courses there are described as "reading-centered," and goal that is skills helping of effective in communication. "13 stated school's the "the student acquire the basic reading and in oral written and In addition to the basic reading skills, the Boise approach stresses reading the sciences, and engineering. techniques for math, This program, too, is rated successful by students and staff. A similar outline for Quinsigamond includes Junior reading, four-hour remedial English is used at College. The skills course there composition and speech skills in single semester course. a Instruction has been so successful that GPA increases and a decrease in attrition are reported among students completing the course. 14 staff The of Emory-at-Oxford "English should now include the arts (reading, writing, also broad speaking areas believes of that language and listening)."15 The reading instruction English program includes content area skills applicable to 13 offered in the college's remedial Hatch, "Reading-Centered Composition,"p.395. 14 James W. Brown, Margaret Watson, and Robert Bowden, "Building Basic Skills at the Community College Level: A New Approach," JOURNAL OF THE READING SPECIALIST, IX (May, 1970), 144-50, 58. 15 203. Gregory, "An Approach to Functional English," p. Page 12 the individual student's academic concentration. A similar development curriculum incorporating reading skill into remedial English instruction has also met with success at Wingate Junior College. 16 What is the rationale behind all these programs include reading which instruction in English skill remediation? Perhaps John Weber best sums up the arguments of most reading proponents when he says: Reading is such an important factor for success in English, not to mention in other work and perhaps life after college,. .that reading improvement should be an integral part of remedial English.17 . 16 Ethel K. Smith, "Remedial Work in English at Wingate Junior College," JUNIOR COLLEGE JOURNAL, XXVI (March, 1956), 400-4. 17 John Weber, "Recommendations for Better English Instruction," JUNIOR COLLEGE JOURNAL, XXXVIII (February, 1960, 34. Page 13 College-Level English Placement Tests C. Freshman customary English placement testing long has been on many college campuses, and yet there is still no consensus about which test, or what kind of test, should be administered. One national study of higher learning institutions which use such examinations revealed different tests were used. used standardized locally tests 27 Of the 142 schools studied, 130 available print; in six used devised tests and six employed tests which, though printed, were used by only one university. Aside from the controversy choice that of placement test, disagreement about whether an regarding there is objective sample, or both, should be administered. 18 the particular also widespread test, a writing Those who favor a written test argue: Freshman English is a course of writing; therefore, a speciman of writing is the only valid evidence of ability to cope with the course.19 Detractors contend that written tests create problems both because of the time required to score them and because 18 19 Goodlad, "Diagnosis and Prescription in Practice," EDUCATION DIGEST, XXXI (May, 1966), John I. Educational. 8-11. Kenneth L. Knickerbocker, "Placement of Freshmen First-Quarter English," JOURNAL OF HIGHER EDUCATION, XXII (April, 1951), 211. in Page 14 the grading of such tests is unreliable. therefore, necessarily subjective A well-written objective test, it is argued, can not only test writing ability, but can time money and consistency. well as provide as a good compromise, but the problems be scoring for given equal weight? not so both objective This seems to be of grading written work remain. of correlation of the two tests is they using and writing samples for placement. expense save 20 Still other educators advocate tests and, reliability and In addition, the simple. 21 Should What if one test predicts success and the other predicts failure? One professor addressed this dilemma by accuracy composition of objective test objective and tests., a He grade studying prediction provided by an combination concluded of both written This of 22 conclusion is perhaps supported by the producers of standardized tests. 20 and that "The objective test ralone] is a more reliable and vastly simpler predictor performance. the Of the five Knickerbocker, p. 212. 21Ibid., p. 211. 22Ibid., p. 214. college-level English Page 15 placement enough review to two 24 in the YEARBOOK, MEASUREMENTS Buros considers important which Oscar K. tests are objective seventh three tests edition MENTAL of are solely objective, with 23 and unstandardized optional, writing sample subtests. CLEP The SUBJECT EXAMINATION IN ENGLISH COMPOSITION, objective although it offers both writing and subtests, provides neither scoring advice nor standardization for its writing test. questions: The objective test consists of four types of error-recognition in which sentence errors must be picked out but not paragraphs identified (essentially language and analysis name; of the history of modern English grammar; group of sentence-conversion items wherein the of a section a reading skill test); testing "the students' knowledge English by the of 25 and a student is directed to perform such tasks as "substitute an infinitive for the first gerund. .26 Because of the heavy emphasis 23 COLLEGE PLACEMENT TEST IN ENGLISH COMPOSITION, MISSOURI COLLEGE ENGLISH TEST, and WRITING TEST:MCGRAW-HILL BASIC SKILLS SYSTEM. 24 CLEP SUBJECT EXAMINATION IN ENGLISH COMPOSITION and COLLEGE ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST. 25 Oscar K. Buros, THE MENTAL MEASUREMENTS YEARBOOK (Highland Park: Gryphon Press, 1972), p. 186. 26 Ibid. Page 16 and language history, the CLEP test terms technical upon is appropriate only for determining placement in the most tightly traditional English courses. COLLEGE The ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST also includes an standardized unstandardized writing test with a objective The latter largely ignores grammar, mechanics and subtest. spelling and concentrates on higher level skills such as: judgements relating to the selection of a subject identification of dominant, for a composition; subordinate and irrelevant topics from unorganized distinguishing which sentence in a group is data; most eEfectively expressed.27 Since these skills go structure sentence beyond to focus on paragraph development and style matters, this test might work regular well for separating advanced track composition students. placement and It would, however, be of little use with remedial students. The COLLEGE offers only sentence PLACEMENT TEST objective items. structure are IN ENGLISH COMPOSITION Faulty diction, grammar and adequately covered, but punctuation and spelling are almost ignored, organization, leaving gaps in information regarding student skills. The MISSOURI COLLEGE ENGLISH TEST is a power (speeded) test which 27 is applauded for the "technical excellence of Buros, p. 189. Page 17 its standardization. "28 It also covers a wide skills range, but effectiveness of the test is somewhat undercut by the the format of two-thirds of its questions. told determine to contain errors spelling grammar, punctuation, In a number of questions, however, or no errors. one or more are underlined segments of themes whether capitalization, of Examinees responses may be automatically eliminated, leaving as few as two possible answers. WRITING TEST:MCGRAW-HILL BASIC SKILLS SYSTEM is a The better-written exercises test The n29 but it is publishers norms. 28 "offers many interesting and represents a commendable effort at measuring important skills; validated. which Buros, p. 201. 29Ibid., p. 214. only advise casually normed and construction of local Page 18 Statistical Terms and Methods D. A number of statistical formulas study. One of were used this in most basic expressions is that of the the mean (the arithmetic average). ) n Where: X = mean >_X = the sum of all test scores n = the number of scores The standard deviation is a measure variability of which indicates the dispersion of scores. 1 rnI-X 2 s = n (2.) Where: - (-2iX) 2 s = standard deviation n = the number of scores 7X 2 = the sum of squares the of all scores = the sum of all test scores (3.) The variance (s2) is a measure of total variability in a group of test scores. It is the square of the standard deviation. A correlation coefficient relationship between two is used sets coefficient, in this case showing the of to indicate data. correlation One the such between Page 19 two tests, is secured application by of the Pearson product-moment technique. nfXY - (`LX) (Y) (4.) r n> Where: - Jn=Y2 (2: (; Y) r = coefficient of correlation n = the number of scores XY = the sum of each pair score on cross-products the of one of scores (X represents test; Y represents score on another.) X = the sum of all X-test scores X 2 = sum the of the squares of all X-test scores Y = the sum of all Y-test scores Y 2 = the sum of the squares of all Y-test scores The point-biserial correlation coefficient designed to show continuous measure the is a product-moment relationship between (such as test score) and a dichotomous measure (e.g., success or failure). Xa - Xt (5.) rpbWhere: st r X X a pb a t q = point-biserial correlation = mean of group A = mean of total group Page 20 = standard deviation of total group s p = number of people in group A (e.g., number of people who succeeded q = number of people in group B (e.g., number of people who failed. The Kuder-Richardson formula yields a reliability coefficient. (K-R 20 20) procedure It provides an index of consistency or homogeneity within a test, indicating the relationship among the test items. 2 k (6.) rkk - Lpi qi s 2 k-1 Where: r s s kk = K-R 20 reliability coefficient 2 = the variance of total test scores pi = the proportion of people passing an item qi = 1 - pi = the proportion of people failing an item The standard error of measurement standard deviation of a test's errors provides an index of the of anticipated represents the measurement and variability obtained scores around the true score. (7.) SEm = sll Where: rkk SEm = standard error of measurement s = standard deviation = the reliability of Page 21 A significance means. provides t-test criteria determining for the an obtained difference between two sample of As applied to the present study: Xs - Xu (8.) t (s s Where: 2/n ) + (s s 2 u In ) u t = the ratio of mean difference standard error to the the difference of successful (passing) of unsuccessful (failing) of t = D/SE mean students mean = students 2 = variance of successful students s s s n n 2 = variance of unsuccessful students u = number of successful students s u = number of unsuccessful students To secure a value of t for the difference between means for the the same test administered to the same group on two different occasions, we must first find the standard error of the difference between correlated means: (9.) SED = Where: NI(SEm1)2 + (SEm2)2 - 2(r12)(SEm1)(SEm2) SE = D standard error of difference between correlated means SEm 1 = standard error of measurement first test administration for Page 22 SEm 2 = standard error of measurement for second test administration r 12 = Pearson product-moment coefficient first for correlation second and administrations of test In this particular application: (10.) SEm = \f n Where: SEm 1 = standard error of meansurement s = standard deviation n = number of test scores Standard scores provide scores a norm-referenced to score is the z-score which means scores. expresses of converting raw One type of standard scores on a scale having a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one. X - X z = (11.) Where: z = z-score X = the individual's score X = the test (entire group) mean s = the standard deviation of the test To eliminate negative numbers we may convert z-scores to Z-scores. The latter express individuals' scores on scale with a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10. a Page 23 Z = 50 + 10z (12.) Where: Z = the individual's Z-score z = the individual's z-score 30 30 Formulas 5, 9 and 10 above are from Henry E. Garrett's STATISTICS IN PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION, sixth edition. All other formulas are from Frederick G. Brown's PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATIONAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING, second edition. Page 24 THE ENGLISH SKILLS TEST-REVISED III. A. Administration Preparation The ENGLISH SKILLS TEST-REVISED (EST-R) The Reading subtest (questions 1-30) limits. test 31 and is timed at 10 minutes. Lest is timed at 40 minutes. 32 has two time is speed a The remainder of the This should allow ample time for most students to complete subtests two through five. Prior to giving the test the administrator should be sure to have sufficient supplies of and #2 pencils with good tests, erasers. answer sheets He must also have a reliable watch or clock with which to time the test. examination The testing environment. room should afford a comfortable When large groups are being tested, enough room should be provided so that students may sit with one empty desk separating them. 31 The EST-R is currently in use and, therefore, will not be published herein. Qualified persons may receive copies of the test upon inquiry to Betty Lou Carman, 1104 NW 29th Street, Corvallis, Oregon, 97330. 32 Reading subtest contains seven reading selections which range from 16 to 312 words long. Included are passages from science, English, and social studies texts, as well as excerpts from poetry and newspapers. The Page 25 should Students about the test and what it told be will be used for prior to administration. Directions for Administration When all students are seated, say: "Clear your will pencil A completely. desks be provided." Now pass each student. out #2 pencil and one answer sheet to one Say: "Fill in the area at the top answer your of Be sure to in your name and social security number. Write name your and Are there any questions about how security number. social below spaces also darken the appropriate sheet. to fill out your answer sheet?" Give students Answer questions. complete this task. "As you sheet. answer thoroughly. given 30. If time to Say: the distinct, dark marks answer sufficient in you test questions, be sure to make the wish appropriate to spaces on the change an answer, erase Make no marks on the test itself. You will be 10 minutes to do the Reading subtest, questions 1 to Are there any questions?" Answer questions. Pass out tests. "You may begin the Reading Test." Say: Page 26 After 10 minutes say: Now turn ahead in your "Stop. Spelling Test. sure Be sheet to question 31. Reading Test; it is Do a test booklet to the also move up on your answer to not go back to work on the special speeded test and we want everyone to have had the same amount of time on it. You will have 40 minutes to complete the remainder of the test. In that time you will do the Spelling Test, the Grammatical Usage Test, Test. Are there any questions?" Answer the Vocabulary Test, and the Essay Correction appropriate administration, e.g., questions there is concerning test no penalty for incorrect responses. Say: "When you have finished, turn in your sheet and test. Ready? Begin." After 40 minutes say: "Sto p. " Collect all test materials. pencil, answer Page 27 B. Scoring 1. Reading Speed Score a. An 40% ample of reading test is allowed to time re-scan reading selections in response to questions, and to find mark and desired choice on the answer sheet; the reading rate figures, then, are calculated on the basis six minutes actual reading time. of The Reading Test Speed Chart (table I) shows the approximate rate (in words per minute) achieved according to the last response made on the Reading Test. student is For example, if the last item answered by number 13, his approximate Reading Test rate would be 136 words per minute (wpm). TABLE I. Last Question Answered 1 2 3 4 WPM 72 74 74 77 69 5 6 84 7 87 8 96 102 103 9 10 a READING TEST SPEED CHART Last Question Answered WPM 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 131 133 136 137 145 184 189 193 196 199 Last Question Answered 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 WPM 214 218 219 222 224 274 276 278 280 284 Page 28 b. Comprehension Score The comprehension score is computed by dividing the number of the last Reading Test question answered into the number of correct multiplied by comprehension The responses. The 100. quotient resulting percentage score, figure i.e., then is represents a percent the of questions which were attempted (or skipped) by that student at that speed. For example, let us say that the which the student responded was number 16. rate would then be 184 wpm. he answered question last to His approximate If, out of the 16 questions, 12 correctly, his comprehension percentage is 12/16 X 100 or 75% at 184 wpm. c. Evaluation This test is broadest sense. meant be to will It diagnostic not delineate weaknesses, but will provide an approximate and comprehension The score. intent only in particular reading here the speed to make is students aware of their skill deficiencies them may receive from the reading to the services they and alert to improvement staff at the Communication Skills Center. It is impossible to set universally agreeable scores; standards differ and it is likely cutting that many Page 29 teachers will choose for themselves a level at which believe instruction remedial developmental or should be recommended. reading These recommendations may they made be using a percentile rank cutting point (e.g., everyone whose score comprehension on percentile speed or falls below given a referred for instruction), or by setting an is arbitrary comprehension rate and speed score as cutting points. Another approach is approximate reading rate and him of to inform the comprehension student of his advise score, his percentile rank in the class (this information will be given for tests scored by Oregon State University's Computer Center) and leave to him/her the decision about whether or not he needs reading instruction. Students should, however, be advised that anyone whose reacting speed is less than 150 wpm or whose comprehension rate is less than 60% is likely to find his college work severely handicapped by his reading ability. 2. Scoring Spelling, Grammatical Usage, Vocabulary, and Essay Correction The scoring Vocabulary that of the and of Essay Reading the Spelling, Grammatical Usage, Correction subtests is simpler than Test. Computer scoring gives the Page 30 number each student answers correctly on each subtest. hand score, use the key obtainable from the CSC and To count the correct responses in each subtest. If scores are used for placement in English classes, or as an indication of English proficiency as the required by schools of Agriculture, Forestry, and Health and P.E., the cutting scores agreed upon by observed. these must schools The minimum passing scores are: be Spelling Test, 15 correct; Grammatical Usage Test, 20 correct; Vocabulary Test, 7 correct; Essay Correction Test, 25 correct. These same standards may apply if the test is used to find areas of skill weakness so that students may referred to the Communication Skills Center for tutoring. be Page 31 Description of Test Results C. This study is based on three administrations of the EST-R: one as a pre-test to 33 WR. 40X students; one as a post-test to the 16 students remaining in 40X at the end of the term; and one as a pretest to 45 WR. 230 students. were administrations made during spring All term, 1977, at Oregon State University. Table frequencies II and for table the Spelling, Grammatical Correction tests instruction. III Reading show Test Usage, administered test and and for the combined Vocabulary to scores students and Essay prior to 40X Page 32 TABLE II. WR. 40X READING PRE-TEST Cumulative Score Frequency Frequency Cumulative Score Frequency Frequency 2 2 2 13 1 3 2 14 2 4 0 4 6 1 7 6 4 7 1 11 12 8 2 14 9 3 17 10 11 12 4 21 22 22 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 0 5 1 0 Mean = 10.18 Median = 9 2 2 1 1 1 0 1 Standard Deviation = 5.54 Range = 21 23 25 25 27 29 30 31 32 32 33 Page 33 TABLE III. WR. 40X PRE-TEST SPELLING, GRAMMATICAL USAGE, VOCABULARY AND ESSAY CORRECTION COMBINED Cumulative Score Frequency Frequency 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 4 2 0 6 6 1 7 1 8 Mean = 51.88 Median = 51 Cumulative Score Frequency Frequency 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 0 8 1 9 4 13 14 14 17 18 18 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 2 64 65 0 66 67 68 1 0 3 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 Standard Deviation = 10.18 Range = 47 19 19 20 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 29 30 32 32 33 Page 34 Tables IV and V show Reading Test scores frequencies and for combined and test EST-R administered as a the post-test to 40X. TABLE IV. WR. 40X READING POST-TEST Cumulative Score Frequency Frequency 5 2 2 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 3 5 8 10 11 12 13 14 0 2 1 1 1 0 Mean = 10.38 Median = 8 10 11 12 12 13 13 Cumulative Score Frequency Frequency 15 16 0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 Standard Deviation = 5.37 Range = 19 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 16 Page 35 TABLE V. WR. 40X POST-TEST SPELLING, GRAMMATICAL USAGE, VOCABULARY AND ESSAY CORRECTION COMBINED Cumulative Score Frequency Frequency 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 4 0 0 4 4 4 1 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mean = 56.81 Median = 56 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Cumulative Score Frequency Frequency 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Standard Deviation = 11.01 Range = 40 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 Page 36 Tables VI and VII contain Reading Test and combined test scores and frequencies for the EST-R administered as a pre-test to WR. 230 students. TABLE VI. WR. 230 READING PRE-TEST Cumulative Score Frequency Frequency 5 6 1 1 1 2 7 4 6 8 9 1 7 3 3 10 13 17 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 4 2 2 3 3 0 Mean = 15.49 Median = 14 21 24 27 27 Cumulative Score Frequency Frequency 17 18 19 20 21 22 0 23 24 25 26 27 3 1 1 1 27 28 29 30 4 4 33 33 36 40 44 0 44 1 45 3 0 Standard Deviation = 6.69 Range = 23 Page 37 TABLE VII. WR. 230 PRE-TEST SPELLING, GRAMMATICAL USAGE, VOCABULARY AND ESSAY CORRECTION COMBINED Cumulative Score Frequency Frequency 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 3 1 2 Mean = 59.18 Median = 59 Cumulative Score Frequency Frequency 1 56 57 58 59 3 3 3 3 60 61 62 63 3 64 2 3 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 0 0 1 1 1 4 4 4 5 8 8 11 12 14 4 0 3 2 2 2 1 4 2 1 1 18 18 21 23 25 27 28 32 34 34 34 36 37 38 1 40 41 3 44 1 45 2 Standard Deviation = 8.64 Range = 37 Page 38 Standardization D. 1. Validity Test validity is determined by ascertaining how well, or to what extent, the test measures what it is designed to measure. of There are several ways to quantify the validity a test; this investigation utilized two such approaches to study the validity of the EST-R, i.e., the validity coefficient and group separation. a. Validity Coefficient To find validity a coefficient for the EST-R, we correlated success (a "pass") or failure (a withdrawal, incomplete or pass") on WR. 40X with pre-test and "no a an with post-test scores using the point-biserial calculation. The point-biserial correlation of pre-test EST-R score and success/failure on WR. 40X is r=+.16. is not significant at the 0.10 level. no evidence administered an for as a inference 40X that This correlation We have, therefore, the EST-R, as pre-test, is a valid predictor of success in the course. The post-test r=+.57. Thus, point-biserial EST-R score correlation and coefficient for success/failure on WR. 40X is This coefficient is significant at the 0.05 level. we have evidence of a real relationship between the Page 39 content of the EST-R and the content of WR. 40X. Why such there is a difference validity the in coefficients for the pre-test and post-test? One reason is that 40X instruction intervened between the two tests. validity The coefficient shows that profited most from the course were those whose post-test best correlated with success in WR. 40X; those who significant scores profited least correlated were with whose those failure post-test in WR. 40X. those and adequacy the of best scores This validates both the EST-R post-test as an indicator of the effects instruction who procedures of 40X used for evaluating WR. 40X students. b. Group Separation Group separation examines test validity the means of two groups to determine whether there is a significant difference between them. studied were comparing by The two EST-R groups those who were successful and those who were unsuccessful in WR. 40X. The method used was a t-test, performed first on the two groups' pre-test scores and then on their post-test scores. The pre-test t-value of 1.1151 is not the 0.10 at level; the post-test t-value of 3.4553, however, is significant at the post-test significant is 0.01 level, indicating the EST-R likely to be a valid indicator of separation Page 40 between those who fail and those who after WR. 40X, pass the instruction is completed. Thus the group separation and the validity coefficient methods both indicator of support EST-R the post-test success or failure in WR. 40X. attribute the greater validity of the with as a valid Again we may post-test (compared of the pre-test) to the effects of instruction; that profited those who most instruction from (passed 40X) scored significantly higher on the post-test than did those who did not succeed in WR. 40X. One method of directly testing the EST-R's validity as an indicator of the effects of instruction is to perform a t-test on both successful and pre-test and post-test unsuccessful 40X EST-R scores to see if there is a significant difference between the pre-test group means. 0.01 level. The There and post-test t-value=3.16 and is significant at the is, then, a high probability difference between post- and pre-test means. our earlier findings and underscores the EST-R students' of a This supports validity of the as an indicator of the improvement that results from WR. 40X instruction. One further t-value is calculated to determine whether there is a significant difference between the means of the 40X EST-R pre-test t-value is and of the WR. 230 pre-test. This 1.52 and is not significant at the 0.10 level. Page 41 Again we find that the EST-R is not a valid predictive instrument when administered prior to instruction. The above data are summarized in tables VIII and IX. TABLE VIII. VALIDITY COEFFICIENTS (r) Groups Correlated WR. 40X Pre-test: Successful x Unsuccessful +0.16 WR. 40X Post-test: Successful x Unsuccessful +0.57* *Significant at 0.05 level TABLE IX. GROUP SEPARATION Group 40X Pre-test x Post-test 3.116** 40X Pre-test x 230 Pre-test 40X Pre-test:Successful x Unsuccessful 40X Post-test: Successful x Unsuccessful **Significant at the 0.01 level Page 42 2. Reliability When we attempting to investigate a determine what test's reliability, proportion of we are the total variance of test scores is attributable to true (not error) variance. over We are also interested in how stable the test is time; i.e., if no instruction intervenes would the same person score similarly on a test adminstered and re-administered after a period of time? impractical, however, to since it may be administer Since it is often the test twice another means approach involves consistency, and difficult to insure that no learning of test content has occurred between administrations, use then of finding determination test of we often reliability. the test's This internal of the consistency of performance on the test items. To determine the internal consistency the Kuder-Richardson used. 20 of the EST-R, (K-R 20) reliability formula was The K-R 20 is a type of split-half reliability which allows us other item. to correlate each item on the test with every The reliability coefficients thus obtained are shown on table X. Table X shows the K-R 20 individual test for all three groups: post-test groups are and 230 also pre-test. given for reliability 40X of pre-test, each 40X Reliabilities for all three the combined Spelling, Page 43 Grammatical Usage, Vocabulary and Essay Correction tests. A combined test reliability for the pooled 40X and 230 pre-test scores included because also is given. This calculation comes closer to representing a mixed it group of students, i.e., students with a broader abilities, than the combined Spelling, Grammatical Essay Correction range the 40X or 230 students alone. do is Since Vocabulary Usage, of and test is often administered as an English proficiency test information regarding mixed to the groups students, of reliability some of these tests is likely to be useful. Several other considerations should be noted regarding the figures reported on table VI. although the Reading Test shows First is the fact that, highest the reliability figures, that test is speeded, and, because the K-R 20 is a type of split-half reliability formula, these coefficients are spuriously high. Another important consideration the is reliability coefficients are affected by test else being shorter equal, This one. reliability that length; all longer test is more reliable than a explains coefficients individual test Reading Test. a fact except are those why the higher of the combined than those artificially tests' of any high Page 44 range The scores (the heterogeneity of the group of tested) also contributes to the more the range is reduced, the more the The coefficient. reliability the of size Since, on the 129-item reliability coefficient is reduced. combined Spelling, Grammatical Usage, Vocabulary, and Essay post-test and pre-test only were WR. 40X pre-test, Correction test, the ranges for WR. 230 and 59 50, 57 respectively, the reliability coefficient is not as high as it would be if the range were more extended. reliability A educational standardized achieve 0.90 of this higher or tests. 33 The expected is EST-R of not does in the present study, indicating that level deletion further revision, addition and of items is in order. standard The error Spelling, Grammatical Correction tests measurement for the combined of Vocabulary Usage, Essay seven, table X. The standard error of measurement may be used to calculate the is shown in row and expected variability (error) in an individual's test score. Using the standard error of measurement score band can figure a or range (confidence interval) within which we can state, with a given degree of individual's true score lies. 33 we Frederick G. Brown, p. 78. confidence, that the Page 45 CIp = X + (z)(SEm) Where: CIp = confidence interval for a given probability X = an individual's test score z = a factor. When: p (probability) = 0.68, z = 1.00 p = 0.85, z = 1.44 p = 0.90, z = 1.64 p = 0.95, z = 1.96 p = 0.99, z = 2.58 For example, then, to compute an individual's score range in which we can be 95% confident we use the formula for the limits: X + 1.96 SEm If a student's score is 50 and the SEm = 4.426 50 + 1.96 (4.426) 50 + 8.675 50 +9 41 to 59 Therefore, the student's score range at the 95% level is 41 to 59. confidence Page 46 TABLE X. RELIABILITY Pre-test WR. 40X and Pre-test Post-test Pre-test WR. 230 WR. 40X WR. 40X WR. 230 pooled 1) Reading Test 30 items .851. .854 .891 2) Spelling Test 20 items .622 .735 .502 3) Grammatical Usage 35 items .526 .676 .352 -.059 .552 .360 5) Essay Correction 34 items .778 .576 .798 6) Tests 2-4 Combined 99 items .811 .849 .750 .803 4.426 4.278 4.320 4.412 4) Vocabulary Test 10 items 7) SE Test 2-4 Combined Page 47 3. Norms The following tables XI and XII represent norms for the EST-R administered as a pre-test to Wr. 40X. population State consisted University's transformed of students 33 WR. 40X spring The test enrolled in Oregon term, The 1977. scores given are percentile ranks (PR), z- and Z-scores. Percentile ranks convert raw scores to class rank; the percentile represents score percent the of scoring at, or below, a particular raw score. if a student's the group For example, PR is 83, he scored as well as, or better than, 83% of those in his group. A z-score is a conversion of the raw score to a standard scale with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one. A z-score of two indicates a score two standard deviations above the group mean. Z-scores represent raw converted to a standard scale with standard deviation of 10. A scores a which mean of have 50 been and a Z-score of 65 indicates a score 1.5 standard deviations above the mean. Separate norms are given for the Reading XI) and for the combined Spelling, Test (table Grammatical Usage, Vocabulary and Essay Correction tests (table XII). Although the EST-R administered as a be pre-test cannot considered a valid predictor of 40X success or failure, Page 48 it should useful be instructors to compare to WR. 40X both their and to EST-R students' scores to these 40X norms. TABLE XI. SCORE TRANSFORMATION TABLE WR. 40X PRE-TEST: X PR ---- 2 3 2 5 4 11 18 26 33 38 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Mean = 10.18 Median = 9 45 56 64 65 67 71 74 77 83 88 91 94 95 97 READING z Z --- --35 -1.48 -1.30 -1.21 -0.94 -0.76 -0.57 -0.39 -0.21 -0.03 0.15 0.33 0.51 0.69 0.87 0.05 1.23 1.41 1.59 1.77 1.95 2.13 37 39 41 42 44 46 48 50 51 53 55 57 59 61 62 64 66 68 70 71 Standard Deviation = 5.54 Number of Scores = 33 WR. 121 pre-test Page 49 TABLE XII. SCORE TRANSFORMATION TABLE WR. 40X PRE-TEST SPELLING, GRAMMATICAL USAGE, VOCABULARY, AND ESSAY CORRECTION COMBINED X PR z -22 23 -- --- 24 25 26 27 2 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 9 14 17 18 21 -2.94 -2.84 -2.74 -2.64 -2.54 -2.44 -2.35 -2.25 -2.15 -2.05 -1.95 -1.86 -1.76 -1.66 -1.56 -1.46 -1.36 -1.27 -1.17 -1.07 -0.97 -0.87 -0.77 -0.68 Mean = 51.88 Median = 51 Z -- X PR z -- --- 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 -23 28 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 24 32 39 41 45 52 53 55 56 58 62 68 73 76 79 82 85 86 88 92 95 97 -0.58 -0.48 -0.38 -0.28 -0.18 -0.09 0.01 0.11 0.21 0.31 0.41 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 0.99 1.09 1.19 1.29 1.39 1.49 1.58 Standard Deviation = 10.18 Number of Scores = 33 Z -- 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 57 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Page 50 IV. SUMMARY It is the conviction of this investigator reading possible, instruction remedial English courses. reading individual's To should encourage deficiencies, added to the ENGLISH SKILLS TEST, a be an when that, included in awareness of a reading subtest was placement/proficiency test used at Oregon State University (OSU). This new test, Grammatical consisting of Vocabulary and Essay Correction subtests, was entitled the Reading, Spelling, Usage, ENGLISH SKILLS TEST-REVISED (EST-R). Standardized administration and scoring procedures for the EST-R test were made. WR. 40X defined, and three administrations of the were The EST-R was given as a students, as and as a pre-test to 45 pre-test to 33 a post-test to 16 WR. 40X students, WR. 230 students. Test scores, frequencies, mean, median, standard deviation and range for each group were given for the other four subtests Reading combined. (percentile rank, z- and Z-scores) were Test and Transformed provided for the scores for the WR. 40X Reading pre-test and combined test pre-test. 34 34 Raw data used in this study is available Betty Lou Carman, 1104 NW 29th Street, Corvallis, Oregon, 97330. from: Page 51 Criterion-related validity studies indicated EST-R scores, when the test is administered as a to WR. 40X, post-test have concurrent validity with WR. 40X grades. Subtest reliability ranged from good that educational tests have -0.059 a 0.891. to reliability better, the EST-R must undergo more Since 0.90 or of research to increase the reliability of the test. The researcher's next step will be to administer the EST-R to a much larger and more e.g., a representative sample heterogeneous of population, incoming Oregon State University freshmen. Such an administration higher both range and reliability. figures for should also be re-appraised, and item revision begun. the task should of yield Validity systematic Page 52 BIBLIOGRAPHY Baron, Denis and Harold Bernard. EVALUATION TECHNIQUES FOR CLASSROOM TEACHERS. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1958. Bossome, Richard M., ed. TEACHING BASIC ENGLISH New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1971. COURSES. Kenneth J., "A Reading Program for Freshmen," JUNIOR COLLEGE JOURNAL, X (September, 1939), 16-20. Brough, James W., Margaret Watson, and Robert Bowden. "Building Basic Skills at the Community College Level: A New Approach," JOURNAL OF THE READING SPECIALIST, IX (May, 1970), 144-150, 158. Brown, Frederick G. PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING. New York: Holt, Rinehart Winston, 1976. Brown, AND and Oscar K., ed. THE MENTAL MEASUREMENTS YEARBOOK. Highland Park: Gryphon Press, 1972. Buros, Dabbs, Lowell. 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Student Reading Score Spelling Score 1 7 5 2 3 13 16 14 4 5 6 7 9 5 8 9 8 21 9 11. 10 11 12 13 10 14 15 16 5 23 8 6 7 8 11 12 12 Usage Score 19 16 15 18 21 6 14 15 26 15 16 12 28 16 14 4 15 17 23 9 12 15 14 10 10 16 11 Vocab. Score 2 7 4 2 1 5 7 5 6 5 7 9 7 6 4 6 Essay Correctn. Score 20 22 26 20 22 18 22 25 21 25 30 32 22 20 21 29 Page 57 TABLE XV. EST-R TEST SCORES WR. 230 PRE-TEST Gram. Student Reading Score Spelling Score 4 25 11 20 15 5 6 7 7 7 24 8 9 7 10 11 12 13 18 19 12 17 13 13 13 13 10 19 14 14 7 14 15 16 12 25 25 13 10 11 16 16 11 1 2 3 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 5 24 15 25 23 11 21 24 11 13 23 21 15 10 12 9 9 27 24 13 14 14 11. 11 16 13 12 14 15 15 13 13 13 12 5 16 14 10 13 11 16 17 Usage Score 25 23 22 20 16 20 21 19 19 18 20 19 17 15 22 16 17 17 16 12 16 21 19 19 17 21 25 16 11 17 20 16 17 13 23 23 Vocab. Score 5 2 8 3 2 5 5 5 4 4 5 2 2 5 8 3 8 6 7 4 7 4 5 8 6 6 5 6 2 5 7 4 5 4 6 7 Essay Correctn. Score 29 17 26 28 26 25 29 24 18 20 6 28 21 25 26 23 17 26 28 24 24 24 25 22 23 29 13 22 19 25 27 26 20 13 27 23 Page 58 EST-R TEST SCORES TABLE XV. WR. 230 PRE-TEST, CONTINUED Gram. Student 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Reading Score Spelling Score 14 13 Usage Score 23 6 10 18 14 21 14 23 11 12 11 44 9 8 45 10 23 16 16 19 17 21 20 9 8 9 9 Vocab. Score 5 5 9 4 5 3 6 3 4 Essay Correctn. Score 33 14 25 13 25 28 24 18 25