January 2013 OVERVIEW OF CURRICULUM REVISIONS CURRICULUM REVISIONS COURSE/PROGRAM CHANGE ARTS 500: Senior Studio Seminar ACTION JUSTIFICATION Modify Course Cross listing course will help develop a capstone experience for Cross list with BA and BFA students in Art. ARTS 501 They will receive instruction in development of a website and Add ARTT guidance in the preparation of 400 as a their senior exhibition (BFA) or corequisite project presentation (BA). Date of CVPA Curriculum Committee Approval Approved 1/22/13 Cross listing consolidates enrollment. ARTS 501: Senior Project Seminar Modify Course Cross listing course will help Approved 1/22/13 develop a capstone experience for Cross list with BA and BFA students in Art. ARTS 500 They will receive instruction in development of a website and Add ARTT guidance in the preparation of 401 as a their senior exhibition (BFA) or corequisite project presentation (BA). Cross listing consolidates enrollment. ARTT 113: Introduction to Fine Arts Portfolio ARTT 200: Foundation Review ARTT 400: Senior Exhibition ARTT 401: Senior Presentation THRA 378: Technical Theatre Practicum: Scenic Studio Modify course Add ARTT 200 as a corequisite Modify course Add ARTT 113 as a corequisite Modify course Add ARTS 500 as a corequisite Modify Course Add ARTS 501 as a corequisite Add new course THRA 379: Technical Add new Theatre Practicum: Costume course Studio Add ARTT 200 as a corequisite Approved 1/22/13 to ensure that students take ARTT 200 and ARTT 113 in the same semester. Add ARTT 113 as a corequisite to ensure that students are taking ARTT 200 and ARTT 113 in the same semester. Approved 1/22/13 Add ARTS 500 as a corequisite to ensure that students are taking ARTS 500 and ARTT 400 in the same semester. Add ARTS 501 as a corequisite to ensure that students take ARTS 501 and ARTT 401 at the same time. Add an upper-level course to the curriculum for students who have advanced skills in scenic construction and production. Add an upper-level course to the curriculum for students who have advanced skills in costume Approved 1/22/13 Approved 1/22/13 Approved 1/22/13 Approved 1/22/13 VCOM 261: Introduction to Computer Imaging construction. Modify Students taking current prerequisites (CSCI 101 F and I) Remove CSCI are at no greater advantage in 101F and CSCI VCOM 261 than students who 101I as have not taken them. prerequisites Revision of wording of first goal for course THRA 170: Technical Drop Course Course content has been replaced Theatre Practicum: Scenic in the curriculum with another Studio course, THRT 115: Introduction to Production. THRA 171: Technical Drop Course Course content has been replaced Theatre Practicum: Costume in the curriculum with another Studio course, THRT 115: Introduction to Production. Approved 1/22/13 Approved 1/22/13 Approved 1/22/13 PROGRAM CHANGES COURSE/PROGRAM ACTION CHANGE BA in Theatre with Replace THRA 170 Design/Technical Emphasis and 171 with THRA 378 and 379 JUSTIFICATION Course content in THRA 170 and 171 has been replaced in the curriculum with another course, THRT 115. Therefore, adding THRA 378 and 379 provides students with who Date of CVPA Curriculum Committee Approval Approved 1/22/13 have advanced skills in theatre production with upper-level courses. BFA Photography (Fine Art Deleting ARTS 204 These changes were overlooked Approved 1/22/13 Track) and 584 from degree in previous program options/requirements modifications. and correcting course numbers/titles for ARTS 365 and 366 BFA Photography Deleting ARTS 204 These changes were overlooked Approved 1/22/13 (Commercial Track) and 584 from degree in previous program options/requirements modifications.