Virginia Tech English Education Program Requirements Checklist Degree Program: Master of Arts in Education and Post-graduate Professional Licensure, English 6-12 FOUNDATIONS: (9 credits) __ EDCI 5104: Schooling in American Society __EDEP 5154 Pysch Foundations for Teachers __ EDCI 5554: Educating Exceptional Learners COGNATE: (6 credits) __ EDCI 5264: Comprehension Processes and Content Area Reading __EDCI 5614 Digitally Mediated Learning __EDCI 5134: Gender in Education __EDCI 5524: Behavior Management in K-12 Classrooms __ EDCI 5454: Teaching Composition RESEARCH: (3 credits) __ EDEP 5194: Research on the Assessment of Student Achievement FIELD EXPERIENCE: (12 credits) __ EDCI 5964: Field Experience, 3 credits, fall __ EDCI 5754: Internship, 9 credits, spring CONCENTRATION: (9 credits) __ EDCI 5724: Teaching in the Middle and Secondary School I (English) __ EDCI 5744: Teaching in the Middle and Secondary School II (English) __ EDCI 5444: Teaching Adolescent Readers *Bolded courses are required. Suggested Timetable of Classes Program Fall Spring Summer I & II Fall Spring 5th Year Program (with Dual Status) Application due by Oct 15th Passing scores on Praxis I and II and VCLA. Complete undergrad requirements. EDCI 5264 Comp. and Content Reading EDCI 5104 Schooling in American Society EDCI 5554 Educating Exceptional Learners EDCI 5724 Teaching in Mid and Sec School – English I EDCI 5964 Field Studies English (3 credits) EDCI 5444 Teaching Adolescent Readers EDCI 5744 Teaching in Mid and Sec School – English II EDCI 5754 Internship (9 credits) 2 Year Program Application due by March 1 (later if space allows). EDCI 5104 EDEP 5154 EDCI 5554 EDCI 5724 Teaching in Mid and Sec School – English I EDCI 5964 Field Studies English (3 credits) EDCI 5444 Teaching Adolescent Readers EDCI 5744 Teaching in Mid and Sec School – English II EDCI 5754 Internship (9 credits) Begin grad course(s) requirements: EDEP 5194 Research on Assessment of Student Achievement EDEP 5154 Psych Foundations for Teachers EDCI 5784: Behavior Management (or another Cognate Option) EDEP 5194 EDCI 5264 EDCI 5784: Behavior Management (or another Cognate Option Electronic Portfolio Defense for MA Electronic Portfolio Defense for MA Notes: This table is only a suggestion for advising purposes. It can be changed to suit the candidate’s individual need. [Rev 8/15 T. T. Stewart]