School of Education
EDCI 5204: Elementary Education Curriculum
Spring 2008
R 4:30–7:00 p.m.
GYM Room 126
: Heidi Anne Mesmer, Ph D.
318 War Memorial
E‐Mail :
Office Hrs : Mon. 1:30 to 4:30 & by
Virginia Tech Core Values: Virginia Tech is a comprehensive land grant university that serves the state, national, and international communities by providing its students with exceptional academic experiences. As such Virginia Tech has seven core values which will serve as guiding principles in this course:
Freedom of inquiry
• Mutual respect
Lifelong learning
• A commitment to diverse and inclusive communities
Ut Prosim.
(That I May Serve) is Virginia Tech’s motto
• Personal and institutional integrity.
A culture of continuous improvement.
Catalog Description: Graduate Catalog description for EDCI 5204: This course is concerned with the development of the elementary school curriculum. It deals with the structure, characteristics, problems and practices of the elementary school curriculum, the children, the environment and the school setting. The course is also concerned with the process of curriculum improvement and its implementation in contemporary elementary schools.
Format: The seminar will be an interactive, participant‐driven course including presentations,
discussions, writing, reading, and modeling.
Major Assignments
Participation and Online Work: Each week students will come to class having read assigned readings and completed other assignments. Participation will be graded and indicated by the following:
* Informed contributions to discussions.
* Engagement in whole class and small group discussions
* Involvement in and a positive attitude towards class activities.
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* Directing insightful questions or comments to the speaker.
Students will be responsible for reading assigned texts.
Although time may not permit for all material to be covered in class, students will be held responsible for all course material.
Students will turn in assignments at the beginning of the class period on the due date. Absent students must send in course assignments.
Late assignments will be accepted a maximum of 1 week late and late assignments will have point deductions commensurate with the amount of time that they are turned in late.
A student missing a class must inform the instructor before the class meeting. If these requirements are met, a make‐up assignment will be arranged.
All assignments must be completed for a passing grade to be received .
will be used to support the course. Students will be expected to post to discussions, survey websites, and complete assignments using this tool. In addition, announcements, relevant forms, and additional course information will be posted to the
Blackboard website.
Journals : Each student will keep a journal chronicling their experiences during student teaching and reactions to that experience. Students will reflect upon how to improve their
teaching. Students must have at least two entries per week addressing the following questions 1 :
What have you noticed this week?
What has gone well?
What are you wondering about?
What would you like more information and help on?
In‐Class Assignments : A series of assignments will be completed and graded. Students who are absent will be required to obtain the assignments from their peers and complete them outside of class.
5 P’s Assignment: As a team, the students in each building will complete an assignment in which they give an overview of the culture and demographics of their school building. They will collect information throughout their student teaching, meet as a group at least three times, submit a paper, and give a presentation. More information will be forthcoming in class.
Grading Standards, Policies, and Procedures:
Grading Standards:
Letter Grade
Descriptive Criteria excellent work that
1 Students who are not currently student teaching will consult with the instructor about the content of the journal entries.
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surpasses typical expectations good work that clearly meets expectations satisfactory work that usually meets expectations unsatisfactory work that does not meet expectations unsatisfactory work that is incomplete, does not meet expectations, or reflects little thought or care
65% or lower
5 P’s Project
University policies
It will be the practice of the instructor to conform to university policies in the following areas:
Religious and Ethnic Holidays
If you will need to miss class due to a religious or ethnic holiday, please inform the instructor. A Listing of 2008 dates as maintained by our office may be found,
Honor Code
The policies and procedures regarding the Virginia Tech honor code can be found at .
All student work must be pledged with the following statement:
"I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this assignment."
Students with Disabilities
Any student with special needs or circumstances should inform the instructor as soon as possible. The policies regarding students with disabilities can be found at
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Responding to Disruptive or Threatening Behavior :
Procedures for dealing with disruptive or threatening student behavior will be in accordance with A Faculty Guide to Responding to Disruptive or Threatening Behavior, found at
Assisting Distressed Student:
Faculty guidelines as prepared by Cook Counseling Center may be found on their website,
Policies on Assignments
Incomplete: A grade of Incomplete is given for extenuating circumstances only.
Please inform the instructor as soon as possible if you have such a circumstance. Do not wait until the end of the semester or until after you have failed to turn in several assignments to ask for an Incomplete.
Assignment Formatting: All assignments should be typed, using standard 12‐point font.
Assignments should reflect Standard English punctuation, usage, grammar, and spelling.
Assignments with 3 or more spelling errors will be penalized.
Students with extreme
difficulties in these areas will be asked to seek writing support. Proofread your work by having someone read it or by reading it out loud.
Policy on Attendance:
Attendance: Consistent attendance is a minimal requirement for this course. Students will attend all classes on time and remain in class for the entire instructional time. Students will be required to sign themselves into class on the daily attendance sheet. Not signing the sheet may constitute an absence. Students may sign only themselves into the class. Once a student has missed 3 classes the final grade may be affected. All absences cause students to miss essential instruction. Please take into account unforeseen events (e.g. illness, family
emergencies, etc.) in planning your attendance.
Inclement Weather: If the weather should make driving potentially hazardous, the course may not meet. Students will be informed via e‐mail or may call the instructor’s voicemail
after 2 pm to hear a recorded message.
Text Materials: The reading materials listed below will provide a focus for the course and information useful for class discussions, activities and projects.
Wong, H. K. & Wong, R. T. (2004). The First Days of School: How to be an effective teacher.
Mountain View, CA: Harry Wong Publications.
Readings and articles posted to Blackboard