Winthrop University Course Syllabus Spring, 2016: Developmental Psychology 206-­‐002 TR 2:00 – 3:15 p.m. Three (3) Credit Hours Classroom: Instructor: Office/Phone: Department Phone/Fax: Kinard 206 Dr. Eurnestine Brown 208 Kinard/803.323.2642 803.323.2117/2371 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Psych 320 9:30 – 10:45 am General Psych 101 12:30 – 1:45 pm General Psych 206 2:00 pm – 3:15 pm Office Hours* 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Office Hours* 1:00 – 2:00 pm Psych 320 9:30 – 10:45 am General Psych 101 12:30 – 1:45 pm General Psych 206 2:00 – 3:15 pm Office Hours: *: By appointment Monday – Thursday. * I may occasionally need to reschedule an office hour when other unforeseen commitments arise. Please utilize me as a resource in class, during office hours, by appointment, by e-­‐mail, through and/or via telephone. Instructor Email: For e-­‐mail, be sure to include the phrase "Developmental Psych" in the subject section (I might delete your message by mistake if I don't recognize that you are a student in this course). Course Description This course explores current theories, methodology and relevant findings in the study of human development from conception through late life. An ecological perspective is used to examine and understand complex factors in all domains of development across the life-­‐span: the “Womb to the Tomb” (e.g., physical, motor, neural, perceptual, cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional and moral, etc.). These complex factors include, but are not limited to genetics, environmental and historical influences, ethnicity, culture, gender, and socioeconomic status. Learning Objectives: Students will work toward achieving the following goals throughout the semester: § An appreciation of the scientific nature of the research, concepts, and theories about development with an understanding that this information does not necessarily match what you hear about in the media; § The development of critical thinking skills in evaluating the professional research—and summaries found in the popular media— with respect to children; youth, families and mature individuals. § An appreciation for how contextual, societal and political factors can impact greatly the lives of children and families and ultimately the society in which we live. Notes to Students: Your questions and relevant contributions to class discussions are welcomed. Please speak to me if you have any questions or concerns! It is better to meet early in the course, than to wait until you have a major challenge. No question or concern is too small to discuss together. Most importantly, be assured that I want students to learn and to receive the good grades they deserve. I am open to partnering with you to ensure your success in the course! Academic Integrity Winthrop University students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that will contribute to the maintenance of academic integrity. All students are responsible for adhering to the University's policies regarding academic discipline stated in the undergraduate catalog. Each student is expected to comply with all policies established by Winthrop University. Learning Objectives * PSYC 206: Developmental Psychology Learning Activities 1. Demonstrate familiarity with the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in developmental psychology, particularly as they relate to developmental changes in behavior and mental processes across the life span. Exams/Quizzes Readings Individual/Group Presentation Written Paper Class Discussion 1.1 Apply developmental concepts, theories, and research findings as they relate to everyday life. Individual/Group Presentation Readings Written Paper Class Discussion 1.2 Recognize and respect human diversity and understand that developmental explanations may vary across populations and contexts. Individual /Group Presentation Service Learning Activity Readings Class Discussions 1.3 Recognize that developmental principles can be used to explain social issues and that sociocultural contexts may influence the applicability of those principles in solving social problems. Readings and Class Discussions Individual /Group Presentation Service Learning Activity Written Paper 1.4 Tolerate ambiguity and realize that developmental explanations are often complex and tentative. Readings Individual/Group Presentation Class Discussions 2.1 Locate and use relevant databases, research, and theory to inform questions regarding and observations of developmental phenomenon. Individual/Group Presentation Written Paper 3. Demonstrate effective communication through oral and various written formats and for various purposes (e.g., informing, defending, explaining, persuading, arguing, teaching). Individual Presentation Written Paper Class Discussions Exams/Quizzes 3.1 Read and accurately summarize scientific literature in developmental psychology Individual/Group Presentation Written Paper 3.2 Engage in critical thinking Individual/Group Pres. Class Discussions, Exams & Quizzes Written Paper 4. Follow the APA Code of Ethics when collecting, utilizing, and interpreting information from human or written sources. Individual/Group Presentation Written Paper 5. Consider your engagement with respect to civic, social, and global responsibilities. Individual Presentation Service Learning Activity Class Discussions *Also see APA Guidelines for the Psychology Undergraduate Major:­‐ guidelines.pdf. These objectives align with the Psychology Department’s Student Learning Outcomes: Students with Disabilities Winthrop University is dedicated to providing access to education. If you have a disability and require specific accommodations to complete this course, contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) at (803) 323-­‐3290. Once you have your official notice of accommodations from the Office of Disability Services, please inform me as early as possible in the semester. Winthrop University’s Office of Nationally Competitive Awards (ONCA) identifies and assists highly motivated and talented students to apply for nationally and internationally competitive awards, scholarships, fellowships, and unique opportunities both at home and abroad. ONCA gathers and disseminates award information and deadlines across the campus community, and serves as a resource for students, faculty, and staff throughout the nationally competitive award nomination and application process. ONCA is located in Dinkins 222B, Class Participation This course is designed for all students to participate and be involved through class lectures, projects, and class discussions. Your thoughtful participation in class discussions will make the course more meaningful and interesting to you and your peers. Individual/small group activities may take place in and outside of the classroom. To maximize the learning environment for all, students are expected to: § actively participant in the course and during discussions ~ be active learners: read the text before the material is discussed in class, raise questions, contribute to class discussions in class, take accurate and complete notes, attentively read the assignments, and utilize the resources on Blackboard and web. § give courteous and sensitive attention to me & your peers in all formats (verbal/ written). Students who engage in excessive or disruptive extraneous conversions may be dismissed for the class period. § complete all assignments according to the directions, honorably, and on time. § exhibit academic integrity in every learning activity. Class Attendance and Attention: Being absence does not excuse a student from meeting the requirements of the missed class. Students are expected to be present, on time, and participate until the class is dismissed. Students are responsible for all announcements, material and discussions that occur during our class. This includes, but is not limited to, information about assignment directions and due dates. You are expected to complete assignments according to the information I provide during class, regardless of whether you are present to hear it. If you miss a class for any reason, it is your responsibility to: § follow-­‐up on missed information, including arranging a time to retrieve any information distributed during the missed class session. § prepare for the next class meeting and to hand in assignments on the assigned dates. § obtain the class notes and assignments from someone in class. If you know you will be absent, arrange to have a friend pick up any material handed out in class. Extenuating circumstances exist and you may not be able to attend every class. The University attendance policy will be in effect. Specifically, if a student’s absences in a course total 25 percent or more of the class meetings for the course, the student will receive a grade of N if the student withdraws from the course before the withdrawal deadline; after that date, unless warranted by documented extenuating circumstances as described in the university catalog, a grade of F or U shall be assigned. You are strongly encouraged to attend all classes. If you… § LEAVE class early, it will count as a ½ absence. § SLEEP during class, it will count as an absence. Yes, dozing off and multiple nodding’s count as sleeping. § ENGAGE IN INTERRUPTIVE CONVERSATIONS during the class, you may be asked to leave the classroom. Please be aware that Instructors in front of the class can see everyone in the room. Miscellaneous Classroom Issues: § Please observe the university's rule against eating and drinking in the classrooms. Bottled water is permitted. § Cell Phones/Laptops: Under normal circumstances, please place your phone on vibrate. Let me know if you have a special circumstance requiring you to keep your phone on during class. Students who engage in internet or text-­‐messaging activities during the class session, although physically present will be counted as absent. Laptop computers or voice recorders are not permitted in class for note taking. Course Assignments and Exams Your final grade will be based on three (3) exams, pop quizzes, written paper and a service learning/group presentation. These activities have been carefully designed to facilitate significant learning of course material. Every activity is a crucial part of your experience in the course. Therefore, students who do not complete all of the assignments on time will not be allowed to earn higher than a B in the course. Students who fail to complete any one of the four activity sets (i.e., exam, individual or group presentation) will not be allowed to earn higher than a D in the course. Course assignments are not accepted by Email or Fax (i.e., an extreme condition may warrant an exception). § § § Rescheduling Exams: One (1) weeks’ notice must be given to reschedule an exam (e.g., athletic travel, etc.). Rescheduled exams are subject to the Instructor’s discretion and are not given without the one (1) week notice.No exceptions. Make-­‐up exams are not given except for extreme circumstances with verifiable documentation. All make-­‐up exams will be essay format and subject to the Instructor’s discretion. Practice Tests/Study Guides: Practice tests/Study guides MAY be available to assist students in reviewing for exams (i.e., not a guarantee). The recommended study guide and web based text resources also contain practice exams. Detailed instructions for accessing Blackboard are provided at the end of the syllabus. Assignments: § Readings: Students are responsible for reading selected assignments. You will have to stay on top of your readings to ensure you are well prepared for class discussions, activities, and these frequent assessments of your learning. § Quizzes: A maximum of ten (10), quizzes (for a total of 100 points) will be distributed throughout the term (this number may decrease based on the class structure/need). Quizzes may be unannounced and will index a combination of text/lecture/discussion information. Make-­‐up quizzes are not given under any circumstance. § Exams: Each Exam will assess your critical thinking skills, memory, and comprehension of life span/developmental psychology based on your application of the readings and class discussions. The Exam format will be a combination of multiple-­‐choice, short-­‐answer and/or essay-­‐type questions. Each exam may include assigned materials not explicitly covered in the class, as well as lecture material not covered in the text. Make-­‐up exams are not given (exception: unforeseen extreme circumstance/verifiable documentation). § Hot Topic: Individual Oral Presentation: Each student will present a 5-­‐minute overview, summary and critique of a current developmental issue. Topics are student directed, but must be “published” in the general public domain within the last nd th month (i.e., past 4 weeks) of the scheduled presentation. Presentations begin February 2 and end April 14 Make-­‐up HT presentations are not permitted under any circumstance. Topic dates can be switched between individuals, with faculty approval. Both individuals must speak with the Instructor jointly before approval will be granted. § Service Learning Activity/Written Paper: Each student will complete an approved service leaning project and write an in-­‐ depth thought paper about the experience. Students will complete 8 hours of volunteer service working with members of our community. Assignment details will be discussed in class and posted on Blackboard. Selection of Service Learning rd agency is due on/by March 3 . Four (4) students may volunteer at the same social agency – agencies are accepted on first th come basis. Paper length: 5 full pages. Written papers are due March 24 . o Each student should attach a signed service log to the last page of their written paper, to provide documentation of the service. The service log will list the dates and hours of your participation and should be signed by an appropriate agency representative (name, title and phone number are required). § Group Presentations: The class will divide into groups of six individuals for a classroom presentation on a developmentally focused book or television show (prenatal – early childhood only). Assignment details/guidelines will be discussed in class. This is a group activity. § Guidelines and rubrics (scoring) for the Hot-­‐Topic, Service Learning Written Paper and Group presentations will be posted on Blackboard. Evaluation of Student Learning: Overall, you have the opportunity to earn 625 points. § Quizzes and Exams @ 100 points Total. § Service Learning Activity -­‐ Presentation § Written paper § Hot Topic/Individual Oral Presentation § Participation/Attendance/Engagement 400 points 75 points 75 points 50 points 25 points Grading Scale: Percentage A = 93 – 100 A-­‐ = 90 – 92 B+ = 87 – 89 B = 84 – 86 B-­‐ = 80 – 83 C+ = 77 – 79 C = 74 – 76 C-­‐ = 70 – 73 D+ = 67 – 69 D = 64 – 66 D-­‐ = 60 -­‐63 F < 59 GRADING POLICY All assignments must be completed and turned in on the due dates. Grades will be sharply devalued after the due date, and any work that is one week late may not be accepted. Emailed, faxed, or re-­‐writes of assignments are not accepted, unless otherwise stated by the Instructor. WINTHROP’S ACADEMIC SUCCESS CENTER (ASC) is a free resource for all undergraduate students seeking to perform their best academically. The ASC offers a variety of personalized and structured resources that help students achieve academic excellence, such as tutoring, academic skill development (test taking strategies, time management counseling, and study techniques), and group/individual study spaces. The ASC is located on the first floor of Dinkins, Suite 106. Please contact the ASC at 803-­‐323-­‐3929 or if you have any questions. For more information on ASC services, please visit COURSE ASSIGNMENTS: All assignments must be typed, a Word document and in American Psychological Association format (APA) style (refer to the APA document on Blackboard, Dacus library references or Assistance in understanding the APA format can be provided, see me. § If you are having last-­‐minute printing problems, bring your document on a disk with supporting materials to class on time. I will print your document for you. § It is your responsibility to keep track of your grades and hold on to your assignments at least until the end of the semester Service Learning Activity: Each student is required to actively and constructively participate in the initiation and completion of his/her service learning experience. Keep in mind your schedule and transportation availability. Ideally, your Service Learning Activity will allow you to learn from and apply class material to real-­‐life situations. Most importantly, it is an opportunity to give back to our community and enhance our own experiences as learners and educators. You are not graded on your service, but rather on the organization, thoroughness, and developmental/life-­‐span knowledge you bring to understanding and reflecting upon the community served. § Service Learning Contact: Center for Career and Civic Engagement -­‐ 129 Crawford Rock Hill Phone: 803/323-­‐2141 Fax: 803/323-­‐3831 Required Textbook: th Sigelman, C. K. and Rider, E. A. (2015). Life-­‐Span Human Development (8 Edition). Belmont, CA: Thomson-­‐Wadsworth Recommended Textbook: th Rider, E. A. (2012). Study Guide for Sigelman and Rider’s Life-­‐Span Human Development 7 Edition). Belmont, CA: Thomson-­‐ Wadsworth. Your text comes with an abundance of written and web-­‐based resources to ensure your absolute success in the course. These include: Textbook Companion – web based; Developmental PsychologyNow – online study tool and Lifespan: A multimedia Introduction to Human Development: CD-­‐ROM. Electronic Resources Available to You: Class Listserv & Blackboard ( I will use the class listserv to share information with you quickly and efficiently. Some students may need to manually add themselves to the list (e.g. if you recently added a Winthrop email address or the class). Directions for subscribing manually are found at: If you have trouble receiving messages from the list, please check your auto forward settings and/or be sure you have not exceeded your email quota. I will post many resources on Blackboard such as lecture slides, handouts, and discussion starters. It is your job to check the site at least twice a week for new material. Need Blackboard Help? 1. Log in issues: Please contact the help desk at 323-­‐2400 or 2. Tutorials: You can find helpful tutorials for using Blackboard at the following web site: 3. Blackboard User’s Guide: You can find the Blackboard user’s guide by logging into Blackboard, and at the very top of the screen, click on the Help link, and then click on User Guide. You can search for a specific topic that you need help with. 4. For additional assistance: Contact Kimarie Whetstone, Online Learning Coordinator, 323-­‐2551 or ****************************************************************************** Extra-­‐Credit Opportunities: These extra-­‐credit activities are purely optional, not a course requirement. You may engage in multiple Research projects for Extra-­‐credit points. Extra-­‐credit points are added to your final course total. You may accumulate a total of ten th (10) extra extra-­‐credit points. Extra-­‐credit Research participation hours are due on or before April 14 . Research Study participation: Student Researchers may address the class to request research participants. The objective of this activity is to increase your familiarity with the research process that is critical for understanding the science of psychology. You may earn a total of ten (10) Research Credit Hours. Two (2) extra-­‐credit points will be given for each 30 minutes of participation. It is your responsibility to ensure the research investigator notes the time of your participation and forwards this information to me before the due date. Tentative Class Schedule and Syllabus Change Policy This schedule is tentative. Changes in the course syllabus and/or content may need to be made throughout the term to accommodate the class schedule, weather, interest, and topic need. Every attempt will be made to provide advance notice to students when such changes are necessary. The Class Schedule may be changed with a class announcement and notification through the class listserv. Students are responsible for adhering to the modifications in due dates, exams, and assignments regardless of attendance or absence. Week Topic Readings Week 1: Jan. 12 Jan. 14 Introduction and Course Overview Understanding Life-­‐Span Human Development Chapter 1 Week 2: Jan. 19/21 Theories of Human Development Chapter 2 Week 3: Jan. 26 Jan. 28 Genes, Environment, and Development Prenatal Development and Birth Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Week 4: Feb. 2: Hot Topic Presentations begin Feb. 4 Prenatal Development and Birth (cont’d) Body, Brain and Health Chapter 5 Week 5: Feb. 9 Feb. 11 Review/Research Day Exam I Chapters 1-­‐ 5 Week 6: Feb. 16 Feb. 18 Sensation, Perception and Attention Emotions, Attachment and Social Relationships Chapter 6 Chapter 14 Week 7: Feb. 23 Feb. 25 Emotions, Attachment and Social Relationships The Family Chapter 15 Week 8: March 1 March 3 Due: Group/Service Learning Topic Class Activity: Exploring Contemporary Developmental Issues Developmental Psychopathology Chapter 16 Week 9: March 8/10 Cognition Chapter 7 Week 10: March 15/17 Spring Break J No Class—Enjoy the Sun! Week 11: March 22 March 24: Written Paper Due Exam II Intelligence and Creativity Chapters 6-­‐7; 14-­‐16 Chapter 9 Week 12: April 29 April 31 Language and Education Self and Personality Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Week 13: April 5/7 Gender Roles and Sexuality/Class Activity Chapter 12 Week 14: April 12 April 14: Extra-­‐credit Due Social Cognition & Moral Development The Final Challenge: Death and Dying Chapter 13 Chapter 17 Week 15: April 19 – 21 Group Presentations Final Exam Schedule: Friday, 4/29 @ 8:00 am Chapters 9 – 13; 17 and Integrative essays