May Meeting Minutes Welcome & Call to Order Roll Call

May Meeting Minutes
May 20, 2015 10:00am – 12:00pm
Skaggs 025
Welcome & Call to Order
President Linder called the meeting to order at 10:12am.
Roll Call
Attendees: David Crowley, Kristine Csorosz, Grace Harris Rochelle Krahn, Maggie Linder, Becky Maier,
Shaunagh McGoldrick, Gloria Phillip, Chelsey Porter, Brandie Terpe, Renee Valley, Angela Weisenburger,
Jennifer Zellmer-Cuaresma and Judy Wellert (Administrative Associate).
Quorum was not present.
Excused: Andi Armstrong, Maryann Dunbar, Matthew Filer, Molly Fishburn-Matthew, Geri Fox, Rozlyn
Haley, Grace Harris, Maria Mangold, Denise May, Denise Nelson, Kathy Reeves
New Senators in attendance: Caitlin Sager, Sarah Wade, Edi Stan, Mark Fritch, Carly Magill, Kellyn
Public Comment
New Senators introduced themselves.
Senator Valley urged staff to participate in the giving campaign.
Senator Terpe reported that Senator Dunbar received a kidney transplant and is currently recovering and doing
Senator Weisenburger thanked all that helped with graduation.
Judy Wellert reported appreciation for Ruth Williams being designated as Student Advocate in Treasury Services.
Senator Stan mentioned UM Thrift, a new campus event designed to recycle the unwanted items students leave
behind when moving from campus. This effort will divert items from the landfill. Leftovers will be stored at
Missoula College to be sold at the UM Thrift Fall event. Thanks to those who have volunteered. More volunteers
are welcome.
Minutes of April Meeting
Senator Phillip suggested noting President Engstrom’s presence at award presentation.
Senator Valley suggested striking Mike Maas from April minutes.
Quorum not present so approval of the minutes will be tabled until June meeting.
Financial Report
Senator Krahn will review shirt sales with Judy.
University Committee Reports
(Full report distributed prior to meeting; this info was discussed at the meeting)
Senator Zellmer-Cuaresma spoke about Academic Alignment and Innovation Program’s aim to evaluate UM
programs on campus. The last meeting was on Friday so she did not have time to submit a report to Judy. The
final report was designed on Monday and will be submitted to President Engstrom and Provost Brown. The report
assesses academic program shortfalls/successes, new programs, etc. After UM leadership reviews the report, it
will be submitted to the Board of Regents. UM cannot have duplicate programs with MSU. Possible new
programs include bio-engineering and hospitality management.
Staff Senate Committee Reports
Senator Valley reported that dates for Diploma Dash (Fall) and golf tournament (Spring) have not yet been
established. Will assess dates at meeting held tomorrow.
Pint night will be held August 25 at Flathead Brewing, 6pm-8pm, $1 of every pint will go to the Staff Senate
Scholarship Fund at the UM Foundation. Promotion will state that funds are designated to Scholarship Fund.
The June 24 earring-making luncheon will possibly be changed to June 10.
Staff hike this Saturday (May 23) at 10am, meet at base of Mt. Sentinel.
Newsletter will be issued soon.
There will be a break in committee meetings until July.
Nominations and Elections
Six officer positions that make up the Executive Officer Committee are open. Send self-nominations to Denise
May by May 27 for the election to be held during June meeting. Senator Linder urges interested candidates to
visit with current officers regarding time and effort of each respective position.
Senator Phillip reported that no resolutions have been submitted to review.
Please submit any new resolutions before June meeting. (Try to submit by Friday this week).
Senator Zellmer-Cuaresma spoke briefly to new senators regarding by-law processes.
New Business
Eva Rocke, UM Sustainable Coordinator
UM Thrift
Thanks all who have worked and volunteered for the UM Thrift event. Lots of clothing is available.
Solar Energy Project
Eva described a large scale energy project which compliments UM’s business model, sustainability effort,
funding and energy production. After considering alternative energy resources (wind, biomass, solar), solar is the
most viable in Missoula. Most buildings on campus are not constructed to hold solar panels, therefore
constructing solar panel structures over parking lots has been proposed. Solar panels would be installed above the
southern parking lot and would act as carports. Existing challenges: snowplowing, some trees would need to be
removed, possible impacts on wildlife, and funding.
Eva distributed pictures of carport solar panels. UM would not pay for the entire project; investors would cover
most of the cost. UM would have to provide funding for maintenance (~$60,000/year).
Projected cost savings, considering current energy provider, would be $200,000 annually (not counting the
$60,000 for maintenance). Sen. Krahn asked how the $140,000 would be allocated. Eva would like the savings to
go to UM’s sustainable development, but the allocation of income is ultimately up to UM administration.
Sen. Krahn, Sen. Valley, and Sen. Csorosz expressed concern for wildlife, especially birds. Eva mentioned that
an Environmental Impact Study will take place before the project commences.
Sen. Zellmer-Cuaresma asked if Missoula receives enough solar energy given that it is cloudy here most of the
time. Eva responds that solar energy will offset 15% of energy consumption. If the project is approved, it will be
the largest solar array in MT, producing 3 Megawatts with the potential to add a battery for storage which could
be used for car charging stations. The energy will not be put back on the grid; UM will use all of it.
Sen. G. Harris inquired about the next step of the process. Eva said continued dialogue with the Provost and
President and searching for funds to maintain project. UM Legal Services was not knowledgeable on tax code, so
sought assistance from UM Law School and former alums. The liability will be mostly on the investor. UM would
not own the solar panels for another 9 years after being built. They would be transferred to UM after tax
incentives expire.
Sen. Linder asked the lifespan of solar panels, Eva responded 20-30 years. Sen. Krahn inquired about durability.
Eva responded that they are very durable.
Sen. Crowley spoke supporting the effectiveness of solar panels.
Sen. Zellmer-Cuaresma asked if this project will result in an increase of the parking fee. Eva said it would not.
Sen. Stan inquired what investors have come forward for this project. Eva responded that she does not have
specific names.
Sen. Linder inquired if it would be helpful for Staff Senate to issue a letter of support. Eva said yes, perhaps after
open forums which will take place next semester with students and community. A letter of support would be
much appreciated
Emission Project
Students Noah and James are conducting a sustainability project entailing climate goals and emissions on campus.
Commuting makes up 9% of UM’s overall emissions. UM Office of Public Safety will be increasing the cost for
parking passes from $185 to $225. Noah and James propose that a portion should be allocated to offset the carbon
emissions produced by commuting to campus. This would need to be approved by UM leadership and the MT
Board of Regents. Noah and James proposed setting up a sliding scale of $3 to be applied to parking pass fee.
The scale will decrease if amount granted is less. They are requesting support from campus organizations. ASUM
supported proposal and Sustainability Department supported proposal.
Sen. Csorosz asked, if UMPD doesn’t approve, what are other funding options? Eva stated we will have to wait
another 2 years for BOR’s approval and will advocate for individuals to decrease carbon footprint by changing
Sen. Crowley asked that carbon offsets be explained. Eva mentioned that emissions are measured in carbon metric
tons… planting trees would offset carbon emissions since trees absorb CO2.
Sen. G. Harris supports this proposal and thanks Noah and James.
Sen. Krahn stated this makes the parking increase more palatable.
Sen. Linder shared that the last increase was in 1999 (she believes), for staff it will increase from $100 to $140.
Sen. Csorosz expressed that parking fees are high, especially when compared to staff salaries.
Sen. Linder recommends Noah and James share how the fee will impact carbon neutrality with the UM Planning
Committee. This was not a hot topic for UM Planning Committee; may want to seek their support.
Ideal Traits of Staff
Sen. Linder shared that the President’s cabinet and Staff Senators categorized characteristics of the perfect staff
member (handout distributed and reviewed). A key difference between administrators vs staff is flexibility (admin
didn't note, but staff members did). Prompted a good discussion this morning at the cabinet meeting and received
feedback on how this sheet could be utilized.
Sen. Krahn noted that most of these characteristics are not learned.
Sen. Weisenburger did not like the term “perfect;” maybe could be changed to “ideal,” and it would be better not
to rank the items.
Sen. Csorosz feels that some staff do not feel that they get respect. Sen. Linder agrees that same assessment
should be done for supervisors. Sen. G. Harris shared the Professional Development Committee is working on a
project to address supervisor assessment.
Sen. Weisenberger asked how this handout be dispersed; what will be the intent? Sen. Linder responded that she
is not sure yet…may just be a resource/tool. A UM Staff Senate logo will be added, and we will use the word
“ideal” as a title in this document. President Linder will email this to the cabinet members. Other ideas on how to
utilize and distribute the document were discussed, including new employee orientation packets or HR.
Next meeting: June 10, 2015, 10:00am – 12:00pm, UC 326/327