April Meeting Minutes

April Meeting Minutes
April 10, 2013
10:00 – 12:00 UC 330-331
Welcome & call to order: President Darlene Samson called the meeting to order at 10:00
Roll call: Carol Bates
Attendees: Senators: Andi Armstrong, Carol Bates, Lisa Coon, Kristine Csorosz, Molly
Fishburn-Mathew, Phillip Flukas, Geri Fox, Gary Hagler, Natalie Hiller-Claridge, Maggie
Linder, Maria Mangold, Denise May, Jaylene Naylor, Darlene Samson, Sharon Schneider,
Jimmy Stevens, Brandie Terpe, Maureen Ward, Kelly Wasson, Angela Weisenberger,
Administrative Assistant, Judy Wellert
Excused: Jay Bruns, Chuck Harris, Michael Maas, Becky Maier, Sandi Nelson, Maryann
Robison, Hannah Singleton, Kathie Tattory
Approval of March Minutes: President Samson presented the minutes of March
13, 2013. No discussion. Motioned to approve; seconded; motion carried.
Financial Report: The Visibility Fund does not need to be spent down each year.
There is no specific budget for CVC, but money is moved from the General
Operating Fund as needed. The General Fund must be spent down by the end of
June each year. A recurring conversation about confusion over how to interpret the
report prompted President Samson to encourage returning senators interested in
the Financial Officer position to consider how to simplify the information - possibly
attach an explanation to the report. There were no changes to this month’s report.
Motioned to approve; seconded; motion carried.
Matt LaPalm from the UC Bookstore announced that Jon Aliri is the new
Executive Director of this long-standing nonprofit business on campus. The Board
of Directors is very interested in staff opinion and wants to partner with SS in
reaching out to staff. They would like a staff member to sit on their Board of
Directors as a guest and Matt or Jon would like to attend the monthly SS
Staff Senate Survey – Committee members are working on finalizing the
implications aspect of the autumn 2012 survey results. The final report is
expected to be ready to share with the senators and BOR meeting in May.
Staff Senate Release of Information Form – A request for the autumn
2012 survey results prompted development of this form. Anyone wanting
information in the future will complete this form outlining the information
they want and for what purpose. It will be reviewed for approval by the SS
President and Vice-President. There was no discussion.
ByLaws – An updated version of the ByLaws was sent to all senators prior to
the meeting for their review. There was no discussion regarding the
changes. The committee will meet prior to the May meeting, finalize the
document, and present to the senate for a vote of approval.
Nominations / Elections Committee – Senator May, Elections Chair,
reported there are eight staff members interested in joining SS. Since there
will be twelve senator vacancies at the end of June, elections will remain
open. An email will be sent to all staff asking for nominations/write-ins with
hard copy nomination forms distributed to Technical, Service, and Crafts.
All versions must be compatible with Disability Student Services. The new
senate list will need to be finalized for the May SS meeting.
University Committee Openings – The University President’s Office asked
for the names of staff members to fill openings on three university
committees. President Samson has already submitted names.
Volunteer for Kyi-Yo Pow Wow – Volunteers are being sought for security
during the upcoming Pow Wow. Samson encouraged everyone to attend and
will check on some possible free tickets.
CVC – Senator Armstrong reported that Saturday, May 25th (7:00 p.m. –
9:00 p.m.) is scheduled for Freestone Climbing. Participants will co-pay
$10.00. A sign-up sheet for volunteers will be available at the next SS
MUS Wellness will co-sponsor the staff hike on June 8th. Armstrong is
seeking donated pedometers (or other items) through Neal Andrews from
MUS Wellness and participation from the School of Business Administration
through MUS Wellness Champion Eric Tangedahl.
SS will partner with the University Center for another staff movie night in
July. A family movie (closed captioning provided) will be decided upon in the
near future. A “give-away” is yet to be determined.
Copy deadline for the SS May Newsletter is April 25th. Ideas are needed for
the Ask-an-Expert Column. Email Andi if you have suggestions.
Senator Ward passed out flyers for the Diploma Dash Kick-Off Event: Biers
for Benefit Night at Bayern Brewery to be held Tuesday, April 23rd. There
will be a silent auction from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Registration for the 5K Fun
Run/Walk “Diploma Dash” coming September 14th will begin as well. The
committee is looking for help with a logo design for the Diploma Dash. Any
ideas should be submitted to them by April 19th.
Staff Awards – Senator Hiller-Claridge noted that Senator Geri Fox is one of
the recipients of a staff award and will be recognized during the Employee
Recognition Day Ceremony Friday, April 19th.
Sustainability – Senator Csorosz noted upcoming activities for Earth Week
April 16th – 20th.
Csorosz also passed around thank you cards for each senator to sign. She
will be sending the cards to the past SS presidents who attended the March
SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS – President Samson and members of the
Scholarship Committee congratulated and presented the Scholarship
awardees to the senate. They introduced themselves and their area of study.
Recipients in attendance were Alonda Paddock, Austin Herron, Andrea
Collins, and Jesse Hurd. Awardees unable to attend: Kathryn Steffes,
Rachelle Ginn, and Kara Dobie.
All in attendance were invited to join the senators for refreshments.
Meeting adjourned at 11:30.
Next meeting: May 8, 2013