Business Services The University of Montana Missoula, Montana 59812-1254 Procedure: 160002 Revision Date: 7/30/13 Revision Number: 5 PROCEDURE: Citrix, SABHRS, Document Direct and MBARS Logon and Password Change Procedures OVERVIEW This procedure document should be used to access the Citrix server and associated SABHRS, Document Direct and MBARS connections. PROCEDURE Go to the Citrix Access Gateway: . Enter your assigned username and current password and click ‘Log On’. Page 1 of 5 The password that allows you into the Citrix Access Gateway (and the Mine Portal) is referred to as the “Active Directory Password”. To change it, click on this icon. The following screen will pop up. Page 2 of 5 At the top of the page, click on the link that says: 1. When you click on a link to ...... That will take you to this screen where you can set a new password. Active Directory password parameters: Passwords will be at least six characters long and must include alpha/numeric characters. Passwords must be changed at least every 60 days. Passwords can not be reused for at least six cycles. Page 3 of 5 IF YOU USE DOCUMENT DIRECT, PROCEED WITH THESE ADDITIONAL STEPS: If you use Document Direct, log back into Citrix Access Gateway using your recently changed active directory password. Your Document Direct password will need to be changed separately from your state password, though you may choose to make them the same. Warning: do not attempt to change the Document Direct password without first exiting from Citrix and then logging back in again. Also, be sure to change the Document Direct password before attempting to view any reports. Once logged into Citrix, click on the Document Direct for Internet icon: Look for this menu at the top of the screen and select Change Password The Document Direct password is called your mainframe password. Your new mainframe password needs to be exactly 8 alphanumeric characters. Passwords are prohibited from containing repeating characters e.g. zz, 22, etc. Passwords cannot be changed for at least 15 days after a recent password change. Commonly used words will be reserved to enforce password complexity. Page 4 of 5 IF YOU USE MBARS, FOLLOW THESE STEPS: Login to MBARS and navigate to File/ Change Password MBARS security complies with state security standards and password and logon requirements are shown below. Upon first logging into MBARS with a default password, the application will prompt you to change the password. Passwords must be at least six bytes long, with at least one character and at least one number. A character cannot be a double quote (“). Passwords are not case sensitive and MBARS automatically sets all passwords to upper case. Therefore, users can type in any combination of upper and lower case letters and/or numbers. Passwords cannot be equal to user ID’s or the reverse of user ID’s. Users will receive prompts to change their password every 60 days. This prompt will begin seven days before an actual change is required. Passwords cannot be re-used for five password change cycles. Typically, the number of concurrent logons allowed is one, although more may be allowed during the budgeting cycle. Three unsuccessful logons will disable the user ID and require an administrative reset. MBARS Help Desk at 444-5795. Page 5 of 5