College of Business Administration Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Degree Checklist

Name ____________________________
College of Business Administration
Student ID ________________________
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Degree Checklist
General Education
15 Hrs
General Education
* Course selections on back / ** Must earn C- or better
1-11 Hrs
Oral Communication* ________________________ ______
Intensive Writing* ___________________________ ______
Constitution* _______________________________ ______
General Education
Social Science
6 Hrs
Humanities & Arts
6 Hrs
*Selections on back
** Must earn C- or better
*Selections on back
** Must earn C- or better
*Selections on back
MATH 105**
MATH 201**
Natural Science with lab
*__________ ______
*__________ ______
(Lab course)
Choose additional Quan.
Reas. or Science.
Science requires 2
*__________ ______
ECON 215** ______
*___________ ______
Choose additional Social
*___________ ______
*___________ ______
2 designators required
PSYC 101 or SOCL 201
highly recommended for
Technology CSCI 101/ Labs ______
ACAD 101 ______ (New Freshman Only)
PESH/ DANA* ______ ______
Business Major
9-12 Hrs
MATH 151**
*Course selections on back
WRIT 101** ______ HMXP 102** ______ CRTW 201** ______
Historical Perspective * ________________________ ______
Global Perspective *__________________________ ______
Choose one
2 designators required
18 Hrs
28 Hrs
Must earn C- or better
Must earn C- or better
CSCI 101
ACCT 280
ACCT 281
ECON 216
QMTH 205
QMTH 210
BADM 180
FINC 111
BADM 250^
FINC 311
MKTG 380
MGMT 321
MGMT 326
MGMT 341
MGMT 355
MGMT 480
18-27 Hrs
0-19 Hrs
Must earn C- or better
^ACCT may substitute
ACCT 351
Must have at least 2.0 GPA, 54 hours completed, and a grade of C- or better in HMXP 102 to enroll in CBA courses numbered above 299.
Business Concentration: Students must select at least one of the following concentrations
ACCT 303, 305, 306, 309, 401, 509, ONE of ACCT above 299, and ONE of MGMT 575 or PHIL 575. (24hrs) NOTE: May substitute ACCT 351 for BADM 250 for CPA Exam.
CSCI 207, MATH 261, CSCI 208, 325, 355, 475, 476, ONE of CSCI 291, 293, 295, or 392 and ONE of ACCT 303, 309 or any CSCI course above 299 (27 hours)
ECON 315, 316, 335 and THREE of ECON above 299 (18 hours)
ENTR 373, 374, 473, 579 and TWO of BADM 561, ENTR 491, MGMT 322, MKTG 382, 481, 482, 581 (18 hours)
Corporate Track: FINC 312, 498, 512, 513, 514, and ONE of ACCT 305, ECON 335, or FINC 491 (18 hours)
Financial Planning Track: ACCT 401, BADM 501, FINC 315, 420, 512, 515, 516 (21 hours)
General Track: Choose 15 hours of any FINC courses plus 3 hours from ACCT, ECON or BADM from either the Corporate Track or the Financial Planning Track (18 hours)
GBUS: MGMT 475, 6hrs above 299, and 9hrs above 399 in ACCT, BADM, CSCI, ECON, ENTR, FINC, HCMT, MGMT, MKTG, SUBU (18 hours)
NOTE: max of 9 hours in one subject designator; max of 3 hours of internship credit. PSYC 101 and SOCL 201 are highly recommended as Social Science.
HCMT: HCMT 200, 300, 302, 303, 491, 492, 493 (21 hours)
HRMG: MGMT 322, 323, 325, 522, 524, 526 (18 hours) NOTE: PSYC 101 and SOCL 201 are highly recommended as a Social Science.
ECON 521, FINC 514, MGMT 529, MKTG 581; ONE of BADM 400, 401 or 492; ONE of ANTH 301, 321; FREN 302; GEOG 303, 306; GERM 301; HIST 334, 345, 351, 547,
548, 560, 561; MCOM 302; PLSC 332, 335, 338; RELG 300; SPAN 421, 422; 6hrs of foreign language (24 hours)
MGMT: MGMT 322, 325, 475, ONE of MGMT 575 or PHIL 575, and TWO of BADM 561, ENTR 373, MGMT 491, 529, SUBU 330 (18 hours)
NOTE: PSYC 101 and SOCL 201 are highly recommended as a Social Science.
MKTG: MKTG 381, 481, 482, 489 and TWO of BADM 561, MKTG 382, 483, 491,581 (18 hours)
SUSB: SUBU 330, 430, ECON 343; ONE of ENTR 373, MGMT 475, 529, 575/PHIL 575; ONE of BIOL 106, CHEM 101, ENVS 101, GEOL 225, PHYS 105, SUST 102; ONE of BIOL
323, GEOG 302, 500, 501, GEOG/GEOL 305, HIST 530, PHIL 565, PLSC 325, PSYC 311, SOCL 310, SUST 300 (18 hours)
ELECTIVES: Take courses to equal Winthrop’s graduation requirement of 120 hours. Must take a total of 40 hours above 299.
Last Updated: 8/7/2015