Faculty Library Committee Meeting Minutes 2-5-08 Members present: Ex-Officio present:

Faculty Library Committee Meeting Minutes 2-5-08
Members present: B. Brown, J. Burroughs, A. Klene, M. McHugh, S. Mills, C.
VanRekel, N.Vonessen
Ex-Officio present: Dean Allen
Members absent/excused: B. Acker, P. Williams
The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chair Mills
The minutes from 12/12/07 were approved
The Library hired a Development Officer -Mark Armstrong. He will help promote
the library and is also doing development work for the School of Education.
The Friends of the Library Banquet will be on April 15th. Professor Harry Fritz will
be honored with the Merriam Award. Last year’s recipient of the $3,000 Library
Research Scholarship will also be honored.
Dean Allen is on several information technology committees. She chairs the
Academic IT Planning Committee and is a member on both the Taskforce looking at
outsourcing student email and the Identity Management Committee. Dean Allen is
also chairing the Search Committee for the Associate Provost of Graduate Education.
Coby Johnson is retiring at the end of the fiscal year, so a search is underway for a
new Head of Bibliographic Management Services.
Dean Allen outlined the Goals for the University Libraries strategic plan [handout].
1) Create a context for decision making and budgeting and a vehicle to
communicate the library’s direction and vision to campus
2) Learning commons
3) Institutional repository
4) Increase faculty understanding of the libraries capabilities in areas of
digitization, use of technology, instruction and research
The library is considering a news letter. One suggestion was to use list
serves with emails tailored to specific disciplines.
5) Increase library faculty salary scale to be equitable with UM faculty and
competitive in recruitment.
6) Redesign library website
7) Increase fund raising
8) Continue to serve on University committees
Professor Brown provided an update on the approval plan. Library liaisons are
meeting with faculty department library representatives and new faculty to make sure
their interests are included in the profile for departmental research and teaching
needs. As of December, the fiscal year was 50% done and more than 50% of the
allocated funds had been spent -- adjustments were made and some additional funds
may be added to the approval plan. Revisions to the Approval plan profile are
ongoing. The company representative will be visiting in April. Supplemental
ordering (i.e. Books and monographs outside the approval plan) is ongoing. As of
January the ordering part of the fiscal year was 72% done and 70% of the funds had
been spent. The acquisitions model is working and should be effective next year as
well, as long as there is at least a 7% increase to the acquisitions budget for inflation.
Academic Officers are involved with academic initiatives -pre budget planning that
will go forward to the Board of Regents. The efforts are to prepare for the next
legislative session and establish an inflationary figure that is more realistic given the
cost of foreign publications and subscriptions.
Business Items:
After review of the types of level I proposals, it was decided that the library does not
need to sign off on these proposals. Library liaisons will be informed when proposals
are posted. Then if there are any items of concern the library liaison can follow-up
through appropriate channels. For example there could be a cost factor involved in
the distance delivery of a previously authorized degree program that would require
Professor Brown will draft a resolution outlining the FLC’s concerns related to new
programs and centers and suggestions for improvement to level II curriculum
proposal procedures. This will be distributed to members via email for comments
prior to the next meeting. The resolution will go to the Faculty Senate at the March
meeting along with a committee update.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.