Graduate Council Meeting Minutes March 7, 2007 GBB 202, 12:10-1:00 p.m.

Graduate Council Meeting Minutes
March 7, 2007
GBB 202, 12:10-1:00 p.m.
Members Present: A. Borgmann, T. Cossitt, M. DeGrandpre, D. Erickson, C. Fiore, L.
Hayes, T. Herron, R. Malecki, M. McClintock, J. McNulty, G. Stanley, T. Thibeau
Members Absent/Excused: N. Hassanein, N. Moisey
Ex-officio members Present: Dean Strobel, Arlene Walker-Andrews
Chair Hayes called the meeting to order at 12:10p.m
The minutes from 2/28/07 were approved.
Dean Strobel reported on how the proposed revision to the BOR Graduate Admission
Policy (301.3) was received by the Chief Academic Officers. The main campuses, MSU
and UM prefer the language recommended by ECOS, the others are in favor of the
language suggested by Roger Barber.
All curricular items, with the exception of the Option in Inequality and Social Justice
were approved by the Board of Regents. This proposal was held back because it was not
on the master list.
One Item that is still being considered is the America’s Professor (AP) licensing
agreement. The BOR meeting was the first that the Senate had heard of the company.
The agreement would provide UM with a share in the proceeds from the AP courses
offered whether they are taken for UM credit or for professional certification only. These
are business professional courses in real estate, insurance and securities fields that will
now be offered online through the AP owned course delivery system. Any courses
offered for UM credit would have to go through faculty governance. .
President Dennison made a presentation on UM’s Suicide Prevention Program. UM is
way ahead of the other campuses in its mental health efforts. UM is developing a policy
that needs more awareness and discussion. It involves faculty and staff completing
suicide incident referrals when they believe a student could be at risk. Dean Strobel will
post the presentation on Graduate Council’s Blackboard course.
Unfinished Business:
Program Review
The Council approved revisions to the document for Biomedical and Pharmaceutical
Science prepared and Geosciences.
To be consistent the Council The procedure for disseminating the documents to programs
The final documents will be put on Faculty Senate letterhead and submitted to Associate
Provost Arlene Walker-Andrews to disseminate to the programs.
Curriculum Follow-up
Clarification is needed regarding the graduate increment on the UG courses offered at the
Flathead Lake Biological station for the Field Ecology option. Professor DeGrandpre
will communicate with the requestor and report back to the Council. The courses are
mostly 10 day field work courses.
Committee Reports:
The Data Analysis Workgroup met and developed a list of questions and data needed. It
will be meeting Wednesday mornings at 9:10 in LA 146.
New Business:
The Council considered the proposal by the Department of Mathematical Science for PreDoctoral Associates. The academic officers and President Dennison have approved the
proposal. The President, as interim Provost requested that the proposal be endorsed by
Graduate Council. It is a creative way of shifting resources to meet the needs of the
department. It will allow the department to continue to support ABD students and the
department will get three more courses taught. The Council will continue discussion on
the proposal next week.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m.