Graduate Council Meeting Minutes December 9, 2009 GBB 202, 12:10-1:00 p.m. Members Present: C. Anderson, R. Bolton, D. Erickson, L. Frey, J. Hirstein J. Hunt, E. Hurd, M. McGuirl, N. Moisey, G. Quintero, C. VonReichert, C. Winkler Members Absent/Excused J. Halfpap Ex-officio members Present: P. Brown, S. Ross The meeting was called to order at 12:10 p.m. The 12/2/09 minutes were approved. Communications The Co-convening is close to being finalized. The draft will be distributed to members in January to facilitate discussion early spring semester. The first meeting spring semester will be February 3rd. Four applications were received for admissions into the Individualized Interdisciplinary PhD (IIP) program. One application was not complete. The IIP Admissions Committee recommends that the others not be admitted. Associate Provost Brown suggests a joint meeting with the IIP Oversight Committee, IIP Admissions Committee, and the Graduate School to discuss the role of the committees and establish better application guidelines for students. Many of the issues could be addressed if the students have a better understanding of what is expected. The meeting should take place early in the spring in order to provide guidance to the students that will be applying in April. Business Items Curriculum Follow-up Professional Schools The items appended below were approved. Humanities Although a revised syllabus was received for MAR 456 UG, the graduate increment was not adequately defined. Science The subcommittee is following-up on the proposed Bioethics Certificate courses graduate increment and other issues. Program Review The Science Subcommittee Reviewed the program review information for Computer Science. The document appended below was approved. It will be sent to the department chair and Associate Provost Walker-Andrews. The review of Social Work is underway by the Social Science Subcommittee. The role of the Graduate Council in the program review process was briefly discussed. It is an opportunity for an internal review. Feedback could identify strengths, weaknesses and priorities. The Council’s comments can influence the follow-up that takes place between the program and academic affairs. IIP Oversight report – inactive students Several students in the IGERT were admitted into the IIP by Dean Strobel and were not reviewed by the IIP Admissions Committee. The Oversight Committee was confused because they did not have background information on these students. Revised Program Modification / Level I Form The language on the form appended below was revised and approved. It should trigger programs to think about other programs that might be affected by the change. The Council suggested that the language be added to the course form as well. Bertha Morton scoring/ranking language The draft language will be reviewed by the Council in the spring. It simply clarifies the procedure for a more consistent process. It is expected that the scholarship funds will be at a similar level to last year. The meeting was adjourned at 1.05 p.m. Professional Schools Consent Agenda Accounting and Finance ACTG 643 Fraud & Forensic Accounting Journalism JOUR 400 UG JOUR 417 UG Online News Advanced Photojournalism and Multimedia Storytelling Change title from Fraud Examination, change credits to variable 2-3, change description change credits from 1-2 to 3, expand focus Change title from Multimedia Projects, change description /prerequisite JOUR 418 UG JOUR 429 UG JOUR 450 UG JOUR 481 UG JOUR 489 UG Radio- TV RTV 401 UG Freelance Photography Documentary Photojournalism Change title from Digital Studio and Location Lighting, change description change description International Journalism New course Ethics and Trends in News Media Opinion Writing Change title from Senior Seminar and drop "G" component Change description, expand scope Broadcast Programming Delete RTV 403 UG Sports and Media Delete RTV 420 UG Advanced Audio RTV 440 UG Advanced Video Storytelling RTV 450 UG RTV 481 UG Advanced Video Photography and Directing Student Documentary Unit RTV 482 UG Documentary- Production Change title from Radio Deliberation Project, change description Change title from Television News Magazine Production, change description Change title from Broadcast NewsroomProduction, change description Change title from Documentary-Editorial, Change description Delete RTV 485 UG Griz TV RTV 494 UG Senior Seminar Change title from Advanced Television News Producing, change description Delete December 9, 2009 Graduate Council Program Review Department of Computer Science The Department of Computer Science at The University of Montana offers one graduate program: the M.S. in Computer Science. The department has eight tenure-track faculty lines, all hold a Ph.D. in Computer Science or a master’s in CS with a Ph.D. in a related field. The Faculty Standard by the accrediting agency calls for the “necessary technical breadth and depth to support a modern computer science program.” This program was judged to meet that standard on the basis of faculty background and scholarly activity in the field. The number of graduate students, 24 in 2008, has been approximately the same for 25 years. Roughly two out of every three admitted students complete the program; the average is eight graduates per year over the past five years. Program goals for the graduate program address factors necessary for success in the field: a mixture of theoretical and practical courses is required. Admission standards are high; the department enforces rigorous prerequisites in mathematics and computer programming to guarantee that all students have a sufficient background to approach significant problems in the field. Graduates of the program are required to complete a substantial programming project that includes a paper and a formal defense before the department’s Graduate Committee. The University of Montana has eight large open-access computer laboratories on campus. Three of these are dedicated to the Computer Science Department. Programming, visualization, and simulation software are kept current to meet the instructional and research needs of the program. Facilities were judged adequate in the accreditation report: “The program meets the intent of the Laboratory and Computer Facilities Category by satisfying all associated standards with no concerns.” Faculty members in the Department of Computer Science participate in external funding that promotes interdisciplinary cooperation with several other departments (particularly through the EPSCoR and IGERT grants). Partnerships in teaching and research have been developed with faculty in mathematics, biology, and biomedical sciences. This department meets its high potential to work with other units, providing valuable interdisciplinary opportunities for graduate students in many science departments. Program Modification Form I Summary of Proposed Changes Department/program Summary II Endorsements and Approvals Please obtain the Program Chair/Director’s approval and Dean’s approval. Please type / print name Signature Date Requestor: Phone: Program Chair/Director: Department Dean Other affected Programs: (Use additional sheet if needed) Are other departments/programs affected by this Please obtain signature(s) from the modification because of Chair/Director of any such department/ (a) required courses incl. prerequisites or corequisites, program (above) before submission (b) perceived overlap in content areas (c) cross-listing of coursework III Type of Program Modification (e.g. adding a writing course required of all majors.) Please X check the appropriate box. Major Minor Option Teaching major/minor Other Please describe IV Catalog Language If you are proposing a change to an existing program or Please provide the proposed copy as you wish major, please cut and paste the requirements as they it to appear in the catalog. appear in the current catalog below. Please explain/justify the new proposal or change. V Copies and Electronic Submission Once approved, the original, a paper copy and an electronic file are submitted to the Faculty Senate Office, UH 221 ( VI Department Summary Required if several proposals are submitted. In a separate document list program title and proposed change of all proposals.