BIDDER: _____________________ BID NO. 2016-B0003 COLLEGE of DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 Lighting Control Panel Replacement for The Carol Stream Regional Center BIDS DUE Thursday, July 30, 2015 at 2:00pm – ROOM BIC-1540 COLLEGE of DuPAGE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ROOM BIC 1540 425 FAWELL BLVD. GLEN ELLYN, ILLINOIS 60137 ISSUED BY THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Bid No. 2016-B0003 Purchasing Department 425 Fawell Boulevard Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137-6599 PHONE (630) 942-2217 FAX (630) 942-3750 July 9, 2015 INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids for Lighting Control Panel Replacement for the Carol Stream Regional Center will be received by the College of DuPage, District 502, at the office of the Purchasing Manager, Berg Instructional Center (BIC) Building, Room 1540, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL 60137, until 2:00 PM, Thursday, July 30, 2015, at which time they will be publicly opened. In the event of office closure due to inclement weather, bid deadline will be extended to the next business day at the same time. Any bid received after the date and time stated above will be returned unopened. College of DuPage shall not be responsible for bids that are not received at the specific office location indicated above by the stated deadline. It is solely, the bidder’s responsibility, to ensure that adequate time is allowed for timely and accurate delivery. Prices offered shall be F.O.B. Destination, College of DuPage, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL 60137. Prices must be firm. No bids will be accepted on the basis of a price prevailing at the time of shipment. Award will be made to the lowest responsible bidder on a total bid basis. Brand or trade names on bid specifications are used for identification purpose only. No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the bid opening date without the consent of the College. REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION/CLARIFICATION If any firm submitting a bid for this project is in doubt as to the true meaning of the specifications or other documents or any part thereof, proposer shall request clarification from the Buyer. Questions must be submitted in writing and be directed via email to: no later than Thursday, July 23, 2015 at 5:00pm. Questions for which answers are provided will be communicated to plan holders via addendum. The College of DuPage reserves the right to reject any bid if it is not deemed suitable for the purpose for which it is intended. The bidder acknowledges the right of the Owner to reject any or all bids and to waive any informality or irregularity in any bid received. In addition, the bidder recognizes the right of the Owner to reject a bid if the bidder failed to submit the data required by the bidding documents, or if the bid is in any way incomplete or irregular. AWARD OF CONTRACT The award of the contract will be made within sixty (60) calendar days after the opening of proposals to the lowest responsible and qualified bidder whose proposal complies with all the requirements prescribed. The successful bidder will be notified by letter that their bid has been accepted and that they have been awarded the contract. Failure to execute performance as per accepted bid may result in legal action by the College of DuPage to recover damages. If a contract is not awarded within sixty (60) days after the opening of proposals, a bidder may file a written request with the Purchasing Manager on the withdrawal of their bid and the Owner will permit such withdrawal. The bid security (if required on page 3) of all except the three (3) low bidders will be returned promptly after the bids have been checked, tabulated and the relation of the bids established. Bid security of the three (3) lowest bidders will be returned as soon as the contract and the bond of the successful bidder have been promptly executed and approved. If contracts cannot be awarded promptly, the Owner may permit the three (3) lowest bidders to substitute bid bonds for bank cashier’s checks, bank drafts or certified checks submitted with their proposals. Bid bonds executed by corporate surety companies shall be satisfactory to the Owner, but such substitution shall not be made until a period of fifteen (15) days has elapsed after the date of opening proposals and bond forms furnished by the Owner be used. INSURANCE The College of DuPage requires a Certificate of Insurance listing: I) Workmen’s Compensation Insurance shall be carried for all employees employed in carrying out the work contemplated under this agreement. The insurance shall comply with all State of Illinois and Federal requirements as may relate to Worker’s Compensation Insurance. Employer’s Liability Insurance shall also be provided for both bodily injury and disease that may arise out of the employment of any person involved in work under this agreement. Limits: $500,000 Each Accident $500,000 Each Disease $500,000 Policy limit on disease II) Automobile Liability Insurance shall be carried to cover any liability arising out of the use of any automobile. This insurance shall cover owned, non-owned, leased and hired automobiles to protect claims for bodily injury or property damage which may arise from the use of motor vehicles engaged in various operations under this Contract. Combined Single Limit of $1,000,000 for both bodily injury and property damage. III) General Liability Insurance shall include: Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Personal Injury, Explosion, Collapse and Underground Damage Liability Endorsements (commonly called X, C, and U hazards), Products and Completed Operations, Blanket Contractual and Broad Form Property Damage coverage, with: Limits: $1,000,000 Per occurrence $2,000,000 General Aggregate $1,000,000 Personal and advertising injury liability $2,000,000 Products and completed operations aggregate Include College of DuPage, its director’s & officers, employees and agents as additional insured’s on the policy. Stipulate that such insurance is primary and is not in addition to, or contributing with, any other insurance carried by, or for the benefit of College of DuPage. Waive any and all right of subrogation against College of DuPage Contain separation of insured’s endorsement. The aggregate limit must be written per Project or per location limit IV) Umbrella/Excess Liability Insurance shall be carried to cover any liability in excess of the limits of coverage already required and provided through the primary liability policies. Limits: $2,000,000 per occurrence. $2,000,000 Aggregate Umbrella Excess Liability Insurance must be in excess of the Employer’s Liability Insurance, Automobile Liability Insurance, and General Liability Insurance. V) Property Insurance shall be carried to protect all owned property brought on the premises relative to this agreement. VI) Terms and Conditions Prior to the commencement of the agreement, a valid/original Certificate of Insurance evidencing that all required insurance is in force, executed by an authorized representative of the insurance company, must be sent to College of DuPage, Attn: Purchasing Manager. Such Certificates shall identify the specific project/contract and location. All Insurance companies shall be rated A VI or better by the current Best’s Rating Guide and approved by the College. All policies of insurance must be endorsed to contain a provision giving College of DuPage a thirty-day (30) prior written notice by registered mail of any cancellation of that policy or material change in coverage. Receipt and review by the College or the College’s Representative of any copies of insurance policies or insurance certificates shall not relieve the party to this agreement of his obligation to comply with the insurance provisions of the Agreement. The insurance provisions of this Agreement shall not be construed as a limitation of the responsibilities and liabilities pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including but not limited to liability for claims in excess of the insurance limits and coverage’s set forth herein. All policies shall be written with insurance companies licensed to do business in the State of Illinois. The College reserves the right to verify any information with the carrier. BID MODIFICATIONS Unless indicated, it is understood that their bid is in strict accordance with specification requirements. Bids shall be deemed final, conclusive, and irrevocable. No bid shall be subject to correction or amendment for any error or miscalculation. Bid prices shall include cost of materials as specified, any applicable discounts and shipping. Installation costs shall be included only when indicated on page one. Installation shall include, but is not limited to, all assembly required, setting in place, and mounting all materials at various campus locations. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY In the hiring of employees for the performance of work under the Contract and any subcontract thereunder, no Contractor or Subcontractor shall, by reason of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, disability, unfavorable military discharge or sexual orientation discriminate against any citizen of the United States, in the employment of Labor or workers, who are qualified and available to perform work to which the employment is related. Neither shall any Contractor or Subcontractor, or any person on behalf of either, discriminate against or intimidate any employee hired for the performance of work under this Contract on account of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, disability, unfavorable military discharge or sexual orientation. EXCEPTIONS TO SPECIFICATIONS All prospective Contractors must read the bid specifications and College agreement terms and conditions attached to this bid carefully. Any exceptions, including additions and/or deletions to the specifications, terms or conditions presented must be clearly stated and summarized as a separate section in the bid response. Each Contractor shall submit a detailed summary statement of any and all exceptions taken to any part of this bid with reference to the specific document, section and/or paragraph(s) involved. It shall be mutually understood that the Contractor shall comply with all specifications, terms, and conditions of the bid documents unless specifically excluded in their bid response. Unfamiliarity with the College's agreements, operations, and facilities shall not relieve the successful Contractor from the necessity of providing, without cost to the College, any materials or performing any labor or service that may be required to carry out the intent of the resulting agreements. Contractor’s signature shall be construed as acceptance of, and willingness to comply with, all provisions of the bid and resulting agreements unless noted. ERROR IN BID Where a bidder claims to have made a mistake, such mistake must be called to the attention of the Owner within twenty-four (24) hours after the opening of bids. Within forty-eight (48) hours of the bid opening, bidder shall submit to Owner original documentary evidence to the Owner’s designated contracting officer with a detailed explanation of how the mistake was made. Failure to conform to this requirement precludes the bidder from withdrawing its bid based upon a bid mistake. If such notice, proof and explanations have been tendered, and the contracting officer is convinced that a bona fide mistake has been made, the contracting officer may recommend to the Board of Trustees that the bidder be allowed to withdraw its bid and recommend that the bid be awarded to the next lowest responsible responsive bidder. If the Board determines by majority vote, that the bidder has made a bona fide error, no award will be made upon such bid and the bid security will be returned. COMPLIANCE Submissions under this Invitation to Bid shall be for items at least equal to or better than the quality and performance characteristics stated herein. The burden of proof that product and services meet specifications shall be documented by the bidder and be provided as part of the submitted bid. Failure to provide complete documentation of the product compliance with specifications required may result in bid rejection. . TIME OF COMPLETION Time is of the essence in the installation of the materials and the Contract will be predicated upon full compliance with the Contractor’s stated time of completion for Owner’s useful installation included in this bid. The Owner will evaluate each bidder’s capability in this regard in awarding the Contract. Bidders are informed that actual construction must be started immediately following the award and signing of contracts and work must be carried on continuously thereafter until completion except on written order from the Engineer. PAYMENT The Owner will make partial payments to the Contractor monthly and will retain from the Contractor’s payment requests an amount equal to 10% of the work performed until 75% of the contract has been completed. At 75% completion, further partial payments shall be made with a retainage amount of 5% providing that the Contractor is performing satisfactorily as to quality, schedule and co-operation as determined by the Owner. PAYMENT REMITTANCE All College vendors are required to receive payment from the College via an Automated Clearing House (ACH) transfer. Instructions to register for ACH payments will be sent, upon request, to successful bidders. Failure to comply with the ACH requirements may result in termination of the contract or purchase order. College ACH transfers typically occur the third week of each month. Invoices must be received at least 3 weeks prior to each ACH payment release. You are strongly encouraged to set up your account upon notice of award to avoid a delay payment. Table of Contents INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ...............................................................................................................................6 DEFINITIONS............................................................................................................................................ 6 PREPARATION OF BIDS .......................................................................................................................... 6 SITE INSPECTION CERTIFICATE ............................................................................................................ 6 BID DEPOSIT ........................................................................................................................................... 6 EXCEPTIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 7 BIDDER WARRANTIES............................................................................................................................. 7 SUBMISSION OF BIDS ............................................................................................................................. 7 BIDS TO CONFORM TO REQUIREMENTS OF LEGAL ADVERTISING ..................................................... 8 COMPETENCY OF BIDDER...................................................................................................................... 8 LOCAL BUSINESS PREFERENCE ........................................................................................................... 8 CONSIDERATION OF BIDS ...................................................................................................................... 8 WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS ........................................................................................................................... 8 ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS ........................................................................................................................... 8 PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND .................................................................................................. 9 PRICES FIRM ........................................................................................................................................... 9 CASH BILLING DISCOUNTS..................................................................................................................... 9 CATALOGS............................................................................................................................................... 9 AUTHORIZED DEALER/DISTRIBUTOR .................................................................................................... 9 TRADE NAMES ........................................................................................................................................ 9 NOTICES ................................................................................................................................................ 10 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS - PUBLIC CONTRACTS ............................................................................... 10 SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................................ 11 BID TOTAL ........................................................................................................................................................ 11 CERTIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................................ 12 SIGNATURE PAGE .............................................................................................................................................. 13 COLLEGE OF DUPAGE SIGNATURE PAGE ........................................................................................................ 14 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS DEFINITIONS A. BIDDER shall mean the individual or business entity submitting a Bid to supply any or all of the services or goods required by the Contract Documents. B. BID shall mean the Contract Documents as completed by the Bidder which constitutes the Bidder's offer. C. CONTRACT shall mean the agreement between the College and Contractor as set forth in the Contract Documents and as awarded by the College of DuPage Board of Trustees. D. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS shall mean collectively the Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions, Special Conditions, Specifications, Attachments, and Addenda, if any, Bid, Site Inspection Certificate, Contractor Certifications and Forms for Minority Participation. The above documents shall be considered as one integrated document setting forth the obligations of the parties. E. CONTRACTOR shall mean the individual or business entity submitting a Bid and to whom the College of DuPage Board of Trustees awards the Contract. F. COLLEGE shall mean the College of DuPage, Community College District No. 502, a body politic and corporate of the State of Illinois. G. DIRECTOR shall mean the person or persons authorized by the College to act in connection with this Contract. Such authorization shall not include any power to change the scope of the Contract or to obligate the College to pay additional sums beyond the amount of the Contract awarded by the College of DuPage Board of Trustees. H. PURCHASING MANAGER shall mean the Purchasing Manager of the College of DuPage. I. SPECIFICATIONS shall mean the description of the required services, Contract Goods, equipment, personnel, volume and use statistics and all requirements for the scope of work set forth in the Contract Documents. PREPARATION OF BIDS The Bidder shall provide one (1) copy of its Bid on the bid forms provided. Unless otherwise stated, all blank spaces on the bid forms shall be fully completed. Bidder bears all responsibility for error or omissions in the submission of the Bid. SITE INSPECTION CERTIFICATE When required in the legal advertisement or the Special Conditions, the Bidder shall visit the job-site and shall carefully examine and become familiar with all conditions which may in any way affect the performance of the Contract and shall submit certification of such inspection along with the Bid. The dates and conditions of the site inspection are determined by College. BID DEPOSIT When required in the legal advertisement, the Bid shall be accompanied by cashier's check, certified check or surety bond in the amount shown in the legal advertisement or as may be prescribed in these Contract Documents. A certified or cashier's check shall be drawn on a responsible bank doing business in the United States and shall be made payable to the order of the College of DuPage. The Surety issuing the bond must have a general rating of "A", and shall be a Class V or higher in the financial size category as defined by Best's Key Rating Guide - Property and Casualty. Failure to submit the bid deposit shall constitute an informal Bid and such Bid shall be rejected. The Bidder hereby agrees that the bid deposit shall be forfeited to the College as liquidated damages and not as penalty in the event Bidder fails to comply with IB-11, IB-13, or otherwise fails or refuses to honor the Bid upon award of the Contract by the College. The bid deposit of all bidders will be returned, with the exception of the Contractor, after the College has awarded the Contract. The bid deposit of the Contractor will be returned after the Contract has been awarded and the Contractor has submitted all insurance documentation and the Performance and Payment Bond, as required by the Contract Documents. EXCEPTIONS If any Bidder intends to take any deviations or exceptions from the Specifications or other Contract Documents, Bidder shall submit to the Purchasing Manager a written request for a deviation or exception prior to the date and time of Bid Opening. If the Purchasing Manager considers such deviation or exception acceptable, the Purchasing Manager shall issue an Addendum setting forth such deviation or exception from the Specifications or other Contract Documents which shall be applicable to all Bidders submitting a Bid. If no Addendum is issued by the Purchasing Manager, then such deviation or exception shall be deemed rejected. The College may reject any Bid containing deviations or exceptions not previously accepted through a written Addendum. A copy of such Addendum will be mailed or delivered to each Bidder receiving a set of such Contract Documents. Bidder shall acknowledge receipt of each Addendum issued in the space provided on the bid form. All written requests for deviations or exceptions shall be addressed to: Purchasing Manager College of DuPage Room BIC 1540 425 Fawell Blvd. Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 Integrated Automation Control of Electrical Systems BIDDER WARRANTIES The submission of a Bid shall constitute a warranty that: (i) Bidder has carefully and thoroughly reviewed the Contract Documents and has found them complete and free from ambiguities and sufficient to describe the Contract work; (ii) Bidder and all workmen and/or employees it intends to use in the performance of this Contract are skilled and experienced in the type of work or services called for by the Contract Documents; and (iii) neither the Bidder nor any of its employees, agents, suppliers or subcontractors have relied on any verbal representations from the College, or any of the College's employees, agents, or consultants, in preparing the Bid. SUBMISSION OF BIDS 1. All Bidders shall submit an unbound, unstapled copy of this completed Bid packet and any required documentation in a sealed envelope and shall deliver to the Bid Box, office of the Purchasing Manager, College of DuPage, Room BIC 1540, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 by the date and hour for the Bid Opening as shown in the legal advertisement and in this document. The sealed envelope submitted by the Bidder shall carry the following information on the face of the envelope: Bidder's name, address, subject matter of Bid, advertised date of Bid Opening and the hour designated for Bid Opening as shown in the legal advertisement. When hand delivering proposals, Vendors will need to allow sufficient time to locate available parking and report to the stated location. The college will not be responsible nor make allowances for any delays in delivery of proposals BIDS TO CONFORM TO REQUIREMENTS OF LEGAL ADVERTISING The College will not entertain or consider any Bids: (i) received after the exact time specified in the legal advertisements; (ii) not accompanied by the required bid deposit; or (iii) in any other way failing to comply fully with the conditions stated in the legal advertisement. The legal advertisement can be found at: by clicking on the link to this Bid title. COMPETENCY OF BIDDER No Bid l will be accepted from or Contract awarded to a Bidder that is in arrears or is in default to the College upon any debt or Contract, or that is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise upon any obligation to said College, or has failed to perform faithfully any previous contract with the College. LOCAL BUSINESS PREFERENCE When two (2) or more responsible bidders submit the same low bid, the contract award will be determined by drawing lots in a public meeting unless one bidder is a local bidder within the District boundaries and one is a non-local bidder, in which event the local bidder will be awarded the contract. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS The College reserves the right to reject or accept any or all Bids, to extend the bidding period, to waive technicalities in the Contract Documents and/or to direct that the project be abandoned or rebid prior to award of the Contract. Contracts for construction or related services required to be publicly bid will be awarded at the sole discretion of the College. In determining the lowest responsible bidder, the College may consider the following as well as other criteria: 1) Ability, capacity and skill of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service required. 2) Capacity of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service promptly, or within the time specified, without delay or interference. 3) Character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the bidder including, but not limited to, past performance record; default under previous contracts, whether or not such contract was with the College; competency; and failure to pay or satisfactorily settle all bills due for labor and material on former contracts 4) Quality of performance of previous contracts or services. 5) Previous and existing compliance by the bidder with laws and ordinances relating to the contract or service. 6) Sufficiency of the financial resources and financial ability of the bidder to perform the contract or service. 7) Quality, availability and adaptability of the supplies, machinery, plant or other equipment or contractual services to the particular use required. 8) Ability of the bidder to provide future maintenance and service for the use of the subject of the contract, including guarantees. 9) Recent findings by state or federal agencies regarding compliance with pertinent public acts. WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS Bidders may withdraw their Bids at any time prior to the time specified in the legal advertisement as the date and hour set for the Bid Opening. However, no Bidder shall withdraw, cancel or modify its Bid for a period of ninety (90) calendar days after said advertised Bid Opening. ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS The Purchasing Manager shall notify the successful Bidder, in writing, of award of the Contract by the College within ninety (90) days from the Bid Opening date. Upon receipt of the Notice of Award, the Contractor shall promptly secure, execute and deliver to the Purchasing Manager any documents required herein. PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND When required in the legal advertisement or Special Conditions, the successful Bidder shall furnish a Performance and Payment Bond in the full amount of the Contract on the College Form, a specimen of which is provided herein. The Surety issuing the Performance and Payment Bond must have a general rating of "A" and shall be a Class V or higher in the financial size category as defined by Best's Key Rating Guide-Property and Casualty. In the event that the Bidder fails to furnish the Performance and Payment Bond within fourteen (14) calendar days after service of the Notice of Award, the College may elect to retain Bidder's bid deposit as liquidated damages and not as a penalty and the Contract may be terminated. The parties agree that the sum of the bid deposit is a fair estimate of the amount of damages that the College will sustain due to the Bidder's failure to furnish the Performance and Payment Bond and the termination of the Contract. PRICES FIRM All prices quoted in the Bid shall be firm and will not be subject to increase during the term of the Contract awarded to the Contractor, except as otherwise provided in these Contract Documents. CASH BILLING DISCOUNTS Cash billing or percentage discounts for payment will not be considered in evaluating Bids. CATALOGS Each Bidder shall submit where necessary or when requested catalogs, descriptive literature, and detailed drawings, fully detailing features, designs, construction, appointment and finishes not covered in the Specifications but necessary to fully describe the materials, Contract Goods or work proposed to be furnished. AUTHORIZED DEALER/DISTRIBUTOR The Bidder must be: (i) the manufacturer; (ii) an authorized dealer/distributor; or (iii) able to promptly secure the necessary genuine parts, assemblies and/or accessories as supplied by the original equipment manufacturer (O.E.M.), along with any necessary schematics or drawings to fulfill the contractual obligations. Further, the Bidder must be able to furnish original product warranty and manufacturer’s related services such as product information, product recall notices, etc. Proof of ability to transfer product warranty to the College is to be submitted with the Bid. TRADE NAMES In cases where an item is identified by a manufacturer's name, trade name, catalog number, or reference, it is understood that the Bidder proposes to furnish the item identified and does not propose to furnish an "equal" unless the proposed "equal" is definitely indicated therein by the Bidder. The College reserves the right to review and award alternate Contracts, if the commodity and/or service are suitable to its requirement. The reference to the above catalog is intended to be descriptive and not restrictive and to indicate to the prospective Bidder articles that shall be satisfactory. Bids on other makes and catalogs shall be considered, provided each Bidder states on the face of the Bid exactly what is being proposed to be furnished or forwards with the Bid an illustration, or other descriptive matter which shall clearly indicate the character of the article covered by the Bid. The College reserves the right to approve as an equal, or to reject as not being an equal, any article the Bidder proposes to furnish which contains major or minor variations from Specifications but which may comply substantially. NOTICES All communications and notices between the College and Bidders regarding the Contract Documents shall be in writing and hand delivered or delivered via first class United States mail, postage prepaid, or delivered via email. Notices to the Bidders shall be addressed to the name and address or email address provided by the Bidders; notices to the Purchasing Manager shall be addressed to Purchasing Department, College of DuPage, Room BIC 1540, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137, or . COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS - PUBLIC CONTRACTS This Contract is a competitively bid public contract of the College of DuPage subject to laws and ordinances governing public contracts. The Bidder shall at all times observe and comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations and codes of the Federal, State and other local government agencies which may in any manner affect the preparation of the Bid or effect the performance of the Contract. If the Bidder observes that any of the Contract Documents are at variance therewith, it shall promptly notify the Purchasing Manager in writing and necessary changes shall be effected by appropriate modification. END OF SECTION SPECIFICATIONS Specifications for this bid are contained on a separate document: 2016-B0003 Bid Specifications. Drawings are contained on a separate document: 2016-B0003 Bid Drawings Please initial to indicate the receipt of both documents:______________________ BID TOTAL: Lighting Control Panel Replacement for Carol Stream Regional Center, per specifications listed on avove-mentioned documents: Total Bid $________________________________________ CERTIFICATIONS THE UNDERSIGNED IS CAUTIONED TO CAREFULLY READ THESE CERTIFICATIONS PRIOR TO SIGNING THE SIGNATURE PAGE. SIGNING THE SIGNATURE PAGE SHALL CONSTITUTE A WARRANTY BY THE UNDERSIGNED THAT ALL THE STATEMENTS, CERTIFICATIONS AND INFORMATION SET FORTH WITHIN THESE CERTIFICATIONS ARE TRUE, COMPLETE AND CORRECT AS OF THE DATE THE SIGNATURE PAGE IS SIGNED. THE UNDERSIGNED IS NOTIFIED THAT IF THE COLLEGE LEARNS THAT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATIONS WERE FALSELY MADE, THAT ANY CONTRACT ENTERED INTO WITH THE UNDERSIGNED SHALL BE SUBJECT TO TERMINATION. A. Prevailing Wage Act. To the extent required by law, Contractor shall not pay less than the prevailing wage as established pursuant to an Act Regulating the Wages of Laborers, Mechanics, and Other Workman employed under Contract for Public Workers 820 ILCS 130/1 et seq. Our company certifies that it is eligible for bidding on public contracts and has complied with section 11a of the Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130.01-12. Yes_____ No_____ B. Human Rights Act. To the extent required by law, Contractor shall abide by the Illinois Human Rights Act, 775 ILCS 10/0.01 et seq. C. Drug Free Workplace. To the extent required by law, Contractor shall abide with the requirements of the Drug Free Workplace Act 30 ILCS 580.1 et seq. D. Sexual Harassment Policy. Contractor represents by the signing of this agreement that it has a written sexual harassment policy that is in accordance with 775 ILCS 5/2-105 (A) (4). E. Non-debarment. By executing this agreement Contractor certifies that it has not been debarred from public contracts in the State of Illinois for violating either 33E-3 or 33E-4 of the Public Contracts Act, 720 ILCS 5/33E-1 et seq. F. Fair Employment Practice: Company is in compliance with all State and Federal laws regarding Fair Employment Practice as well as all rules and regulations. Yes______ No________ G. Our company has an Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Program which complies with Executive Order 11246, the Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Yes _______ No _______ H Our company certifies that it is eligible for bidding on public contracts and is not in violation of either paragraph 33E-3 or 33-E-4 of Public Act 86-150, 720ICLS 5 with regards to bid rigging/bid rotating.. Yes_______ No_______ I When required by law, the bidder and all bidder’s subcontractors must participate in applicable apprenticeship and training programs approved by and registered with the United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training as required by Illinois Public Act 093-0642. ADVICE MINORITY/WOMAN-OWNED, DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS? YES_____ NO_____. If yes, please attach copy of certification and advise certification number and expiration date below: STATE NEGOTIATED BID/ COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT: YES _____ NO _______ Contract No. ___________ Name of Certifying Entity: _________________________________________________________ Certification #: ________________ _____________ CE-1 Expiration Date: _____ SIGNATURE PAGE Check One: SOLE PROPRIETOR PARTNERSHIP (and/or JOINT VENTURE) LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY CORPORATION The undersigned acknowledges receipt of a full set of Contract Documents and Addenda Numbers __________________ (None unless indicated here). The undersigned makes the foregoing Bid subject to all of the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. The undersigned certifies that all of the foregoing statements of the Vendor Certifications are true and correct. The undersigned warrants that all of the facts and information submitted by the undersigned in connection with this Bid are true and correct. Upon award and execution of this Contract by the College of DuPage Board of Trustees, the undersigned agrees that execution of this Bid shall stand as the undersigned's execution of this Contract. BUSINESS NAME:__________________________________________________________________________ BUSINESS ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ BUSINESS TELEPHONE: FAX NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: CELLULAR TELEPHONE NUMBER: FEIN/SSN: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: _______ PRINT NAME: TITLE: _____________________________________________________________________________________ DATE: Subscribed to and sworn before me this day of , 2015. My commission expires: X Notary Public Signature Notary Seal * Attach hereto a partnership resolution or other document authorizing the individual signing this Signature Page to so sign on behalf of the Partnership. ** If the LLC is not registered in the State of Illinois, a copy of a current Certificate of Good Standing from the state of incorporation must be submitted with this Signature Page. *** Attach either a certified copy of the by-laws, articles, resolution or other authorization demonstrating such persons to sign the Signature Page on behalf of the LLC. *** If the corporation is not registered in the State of Illinois, a copy of the Certificate of Good Standing from the state of incorporation must be submitted with this Signature Page. ***** In the event that this Signature Page is signed by any persons other than the President and Secretary, attach either a certified copy of the corporate by-laws, a resolution or other authorization by the corporation, authorizing such persons to sign the Signature Page on behalf of the corporation. CE-2 COLLEGE OF DUPAGE SIGNATURE PAGE ON BEHALF OF THE COLLEGE OF DUPAGE, A BODY POLITIC AND CORPORATE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, THIS CONTRACT IS HEREBY EXECUTED BY: SENIOR VICE-PRESIDENT ADMINISTRATION AND TREASURER DATED AT GLEN ELLYN, ILLINOIS THIS ___ DAY OF_____________, ,2015 THE COLLEGE HEREBY ACCEPTS: THE FOREGOING BID PROPOSAL AS IDENTIFIED IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR CONTRACT FOR Lighting Control Panel Replacement for the Carol Stream Regional Center TOTAL AMOUNT OF CONTRACT: $ (DOLLARS AND CENTS) FUND CHARGEABLE: SECTION 25 5600 INTEGRATED AUTOMATION CONTROL OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Unified Lighting Control System shall consist of BACnet native lighting controllers, Centralized Panels and/or Distributed Controllers, which reside on the BACnet MS/TP network of the Building Automation System (BAS). The Unified Lighting Control System shall be an integral part of the BAS such that the operator experiences one unified system of controlling, monitoring, scheduling, trending, alarming, etc. 1. Systems that require option card, gateway or protocol translator are not acceptable. a. BACnet MSTP/IP Routers are acceptable when detailed on the drawings. 2. Systems that require separate master controller, server, or front-end computer are not acceptable. 3. Systems that require client or server licensing are not acceptable. 4. Systems that have an actuation time greater than 100 milliseconds are not acceptable. Actuation time is measured from an occupant signal (via low voltage field device; addressable stations, occupancy sensors, wall switches, etc.) to the first relay actuation. Succeeding relays may be delayed to minimize peak demand. B. Unified Lighting Control System shall also consist of, as detailed on the drawings, Satellites and low voltage field devices such as; Stations, occupancy sensors, wall switches, and light level sensors. 1. Systems utilizing pre-manufactured cables or proprietary wire to connect low voltage field devices to Centralized Panels, Distributed Controllers, or Satellites are not acceptable. C. Unified Lighting Control System shall directly control the lighting as specified in this specification and the project drawings and schedules. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK A. The Contractor shall furnish all components of the Unified Lighting Control System as detailed on the drawings and specifications. These components shall consist of Centralized Panels, Distributed Controllers, and low voltage field devices such as Stations, occupancy sensors, wall switches, and light level sensors. The Contractor shall provide the all necessary documents, including approved submittal package, riser diagrams and termination schematics required to provide a complete and correct installation. B. The Contractor under Division 26 shall furnish all labor to install the Unified Lighting Control System. The Contractor shall provide the Unified Lighting Control System components and store them in a secure and dry location. The Contractor shall provide all of the required materials (conduit, raceways, wire, etc.) and make all of the line and low voltage wiring terminations for the furnished equipment to ensure the Unified Lighting Control System functions properly and in accordance with the specifications and drawings. The Contractor shall provide installation as-built drawings. C. The contractor shall subcontract to the college approved BAS contractor to provide panel integration into the building bas system as well as provide new BAS screens for the university control system to allow remote control and programming of the new unified lighting controls. 1.03 RELATED SECTIONS A. The General Conditions of the Contract, Supplementary Conditions, and General Requirements are part of this specification and shall be used in conjunction with this section as part of the contract documents. B. The following sections constitute related work: 1. Section 25 56 00 – Integrated Automation Control of Electrical Systems 1 Rev. July, 2015 Division 26 – Electrical Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Section 26 00 10 – Basic Electrical Requirements Section 26 05 19 – Low voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables Section 26 05 29 – Hangers and Supports Section 26 05 34 – Conduit Section 26 05 34 – Identification Section 26 09 43 – Network Lighting Controls Section 26 27 26 – Wiring Devices 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Contractor Qualifications: 1. Contractor shall be an authorized dealer for the Unified Lighting Control System manufacturer products furnished or shall subcontractor with an authorized dealer.. 2. Contractor shall have an established office with experienced engineering and service personnel within a fifty (50) mile radius of the project site. 3. Contractor or sub-contractor shall have successfully completed the manufacturer's Technical Certification Training. a. Upon request, BAS Controls Contractor shall present record of completed training including course outlines and dated certificate. 4. Contractor shall have a minimum five (5) years of experience integrating lighting control systems with BACnet Building Automation Systems. 5. Manufacturer shall have an established lighting control business that has been in continuous operation for more than 15 years. 6. Manufacturer shall have a minimum of five (5) years of experience designing and manufacturing BACnet native lighting controls. 7. Manufacturer shall provide, via web download, free firmware and driver files during the warranty period. 1.05 CODES AND STANDARDS A. Work, materials, and equipment shall comply with the most restrictive of local, state, and federal authorities' codes and ordinances or these plans and specifications. As a minimum, the installation shall comply with current editions in effect 30 days prior to receipt of bids of the following codes: 1. National Electric Code (NEC) 2. International Building Code (IBC) 3. International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) 4. National Electrical Manufacturer Association (NEMA) 5. ANSI/ASHRAE 135-2010 Rev 12: Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Systems (BACNET) 6. Underwriters Laboratory (UL) – UL916 Energy Management, UL508 Industrial Control Equipment, and UL924 Emergency Lighting and Power Equipment. 1.06 CONTRACTOR PROVIDED SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall provide submittal drawings including the following: 1. Bill of Material (BOM) list with item references 2. Product data sheet for each item listed on the Bill of Material 3. Communications riser diagram shall indicate the MAC address and BACnet Device ID for each BACnet native lighting controller that is part of the Unified Lighting Control System. The riser diagram shall also include the location and part number of each BACnet native lighting controller, and each BAS BACnet router. 4. Panel and controller schedules shall indicate the circuit number, area description, and control sequence designation for each output. 5. Written Sequence of Operation and BACnet Points List for each required Sequence of Operation 6. Point-to-point wiring details for all inputs and outputs shall indicate the wiring and terminations. 2 Rev. July, 2015 Division 26 – Electrical Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project 7. Addressable satellite and station network diagram for each lighting controller. The network diagram shall indicate the devices physical address, part number and location designation. The location designation shall include the lighting controllers BACnet Device ID, room number, switch box designation, and gang position. 8. Typical wiring diagrams for all items listed on the Bill of Material 9. Dimensional drawings of all items listed on the Bill of Material. 10. Written control sequences for each sequence of operation required. 11. Specification compliance statement. B. The Contractor shall provide as-built drawings including 1. Updated submittal drawings reflecting the actual installation of the system. 2. Installation guides and user guides for each item list on the Bill of Material 3. Operating and maintenance data. 1.07 WARRANTY A. Contractor shall provide twenty four (24) month labor and material warranty on the complete Unified Lighting Control System. Warranty shall include all Centralized Panels, Distributed Controllers, Satellites and low voltage field devices such as Stations, occupancy sensors, wall switches, and light level sensors. If within twenty four (24) months from the date of acceptance of the Unified Lighting Control System, upon written notice from the owner, it is found to be defective in operation, workmanship or materials, it shall be replaced, repaired or adjusted at the option of the BAS Controls Contractor. B. Manufacturer shall provide a twenty four (24) month parts only warranty on the components provided. The warranty period shall commence after written owner acceptance and full payment is received by the Manufacturer. If within twenty four (24) months from the date of acceptance of the Unified Lighting Control System, upon written notice from the BAS Controls Contractor, it is found to be defective in operation, workmanship or materials, it shall be replaced, repaired or adjusted at the option of the Manufacturer. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 APPROVED PRODUCTS AND SUPPLIERS A. Basis of design is Unified Lighting Control System by Blue Ridge Technologies, Marietta GA (800-241-9173) furnished by the BAS Controls Contractor listed below: B. Approved Manufacturer and BAS Controls Contractor: C. All proposed substitutions must be submitted in writing for approval by the design professional a minimum of ten (10) working days prior to the bid date. Submitted substitutions must be accompanied by a review of the specification noting compliance on a line-by-line basis. D. BAS Controls Contractor utilizing substitutions accept full responsibility for any associated costs directly related to substitution including but not limited to; required modifications to circuitry, devices, and wiring. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Provide new products the manufacturer is currently manufacturing and selling for use in new installations. B. Manufacturer shall offer spare or equivalent parts for at least two years after completion of this contract. Spare parts include: 1. Relays. 2. Electronics. 3. Transformers. 4. Low Voltage Field Devices such as addressable stations, occupancy sensors, wall switches, and light level sensors C. Manufacturer shall offer repair services or replacement parts for at least two years after shipment. 3 Rev. July, 2015 Division 26 – Electrical Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project 2.03 OPERATOR INTERFACE A. The Operator Interface furnished under Division 25 shall be the primary operator interface for the Unified Lighting Control System. 1. All necessary operator functions, including scheduling, reporting, monitoring, overriding, etc., shall be provided through the Building Automation System operator workstations. 2. Lighting floor plan graphics for switched lighting zones shall utilize the color grey to represent Off, and the color white to represent On. a. Dimmed lighting zones shall also utilize a numerical value (percentage) to represent the lighting intensity. 2.04 CENTRALIZED PANEL A. Contractor shall provide Centralized Panels as detailed on drawings. 1. The Electrical Contractor under Division 26 shall install Centralized Panels as detailed on the drawings and in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation. B. Panel shall include the BACnet native lighting controller, relays, transformer, voltage barriers, and other panel components. C. Enclosure shall be manufactured with a minimum of 16 gauge cold rolled steel (C.R.S.) that is treated to prevent corrosion and is powder coated. Plastic enclosures are not acceptable. D. Interior shall be manufactured with a minimum of 18 gauge cold rolled steel (C.R.S.) that is treated to prevent corrosion and is powder coated. E. Panel shall be provided with control power transformer; 120VAC or 277VAC, 30VA, 50/60hz. 1. Control power transformer shall be an inherently limited. 2. Optional 347VAC control power transformer shall be available as required. F. Panel shall be available in 08, 16, 32, 48, and 64 relay capacities, and shall accept any relay quantity between 1 and the maximum capacity of the panel. G. Panel shall provide an odd / even relay number orientation that matches the layout of a standard circuit breaker panel. H. Panel shall be provided with separate low voltage and line voltage compartments. 1. Low voltage compartment, 16 relay capacity and greater, shall be accessed through a hinged door with a key. 2. Low voltage compartment, 08 relay capacity, shall be accessed through a screw-on cover. 3. Access to the low voltage compartment (controller and low voltage terminations) shall not expose service personnel to the line voltage compartment, wiring, or terminations. 4. The line voltage compartment shall be accessed by removing dead-front cover. 5. Dead-front cover and line voltage compartments shall be properly marked. 6. Panels without dead-front covers are not acceptable. 7. Relay blanks shall be provided for each unpopulated relay slot in order to maintain proper voltage separation. I. Panels, 16 relay capacity or greater, shall support optional relay voltage barriers to separate normal and emergency powered relays or to comply with other code requirements. 1. Voltage barriers shall not reduce the relay capacity of the panel. 2. Panels equipped for UL924 shall include voltage barriers and the UL924 section shall be properly marked. J. Enclosure, 08 relay capacity, shall be provided with a screw on cover. K. Enclosure, 16 relay capacity or greater; 1. Shall be provided with a hinged, lockable door. The hinged, lockable door shall be reversible in the field to allow left or right swing. 2. Shall be available for rough-in 3. Shall be provided with threaded studs for mounting the interior. 4. Shall be available with optional flush doors for recess mounting. 4 Rev. July, 2015 Division 26 – Electrical Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project L. Relay shall be a UL Listed component with a minimum Short Circuit Current Rating (SCCR) of 30,000 amps @ 277VAC M. Relay shall be SPST, dual-coil, latching relay with temporary override lever that indicates relay status. 1. Electrically held or electrically latched relays are not acceptable 2. HOA switch on relays are not acceptable. N. Relay shall be rated for the following load ratings: 1. Maximum of 20 amp Tungsten @ 347VAC 2. Maximum of 30 amp Ballast @ 347VAC 3. Maximum of 20 amp Resistive @ 347VAC 4. 1.5 Horse Power @ 120VAC O. Relay shall be individually replaceable and shall directly connect to the relay interface board without soldering. P. Relay shall be rated for a minimum of 300,000 on and off cycles at full load. Systems with published ratings less than 300,000 cycles at full load shall provide spare equipment and labor equal to the difference in their published life span cycles. 2.05 DISTRIBUTED CONTROLLER A. Contractor shall provide Distributed Controllers as detailed on drawings. 1. Electrical Contractor under Division 26 shall install Distributed Controllers as detailed on the drawings and in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation. B. Distributed Controller shall include the BACnet native lighting controller, relays, transformer, voltage barriers, and other components. C. Distributed Controller shall be manufactured with a minimum of 20 gauge cold rolled steel (C.R.S.) that is treated to prevent corrosion and is powder coated. Plastic enclosures are not acceptable. D. Distributed Controller shall be provided with integral power supply feed by 120VAC-277VAC, 50/60hz. 1. Controllers that require external transformer or power supply are not acceptable. 2. Optional 347VAC shall be available as required. E. Distributed Controller shall be plenum rated and shall mount to 4” square or 4 11/16” junction box. F. Relay shall be SPST, dual-coil, latching relay with temporary override lever that indicates relay status. 1. Electrically held or electrically latched relays are not acceptable. 2. HOA switch on relays are not acceptable. G. Relays shall be rated for the following load ratings: 1. Maximum of 20 amp Tungsten @ 120VAC 2. Maximum of 20 amp Ballast @ 277VAC 3. Maximum of 20 amp Resistive @ 277VAC 4. 2 Horse Power @ 120VAC 5. Relays with load ratings below 20 amps are not acceptable. H. Relay shall be rated for a minimum of 300,000 on and off cycles at full load. Systems with published ratings less than 300,000 cycles at full load shall provide spare equipment and labor equal to the difference in their published life span cycles. 2.06 BACNET NATIVE LIGHTING CONTROLLERS (BNLC) A. BACnet Native Lighting Controllers (BNLC) inside Centralized Panels and Distributed Controllers shall be BACnet Advanced Application Controller (B-AAC) in accordance with BACnet Standardized Device Profile (Annex L), and shall comply with BACnet Protocol Revision 135-2010 Rev 12. 5 Rev. July, 2015 Division 26 – Electrical Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project B. BNLC shall be provided with BACnet MS/TP network communications. C. BNLC shall be provided with a micro-USB port for temporary connection to a laptop computer for product configuration. 1. Connection shall support memory downloads, firmware upgrades and troubleshooting operations. 2. Controller that requires proprietary cables are not acceptable. D. BNLC shall have the capability to read and write values to other BACnet controllers on the Building Automation System (BAS) BACnet MS/TP network. 1. Control variables used to integrate control strategies across multiple BACnet controllers shall be readable by each BACnet controller on the network. E. BNLC shall have a real-time clock and shall utilize BACnet Universal Time Synchronization service. F. BNLC shall support all of the following BACnet Interoperability Building Blocks (BIBBs): 1. Data Sharing – Read Property-B (DS-RP-B) 2. Data Sharing – Read Property Multiple-A (DS-RPM-B) 3. Data Sharing – Write Property-B (DS-WP-B) 4. Data Sharing – Write Property Multiple-B (DS-WPM-B) 5. Data Sharing – Change of Value-B (DS-COV-B) 6. Data Sharing – Change of Value Unsolicited-B (DS-COVU-B) 7. Scheduling – Internal-B (SCHED-I-B) 8. Alarm and Event – Notification-Internal-B (AE-N-I-B) 9. Alarm and Event – ACK-B (AE-ACK-B) 10. Alarm and Event – Information-B (AE-INFO-B) 11. Data Management – Dynamic Device Binding (DM-DDB-B) 12. Data Management – Dynamic Object Binding (DM-DOB-B) 13. Data Management – Device Communication Control (DM-DCC-B) 14. Data Management – Time Synchronization (DM-TS-B) 15. Data Management – UTC Time Synchronization (DM-UTC-B) G. BNLC shall provide a means to field select any one of the following BACnet baud rates; 9.6k, 19.2k, 38.4k, 76.8k or 115.2K. H. BNLC shall provide a means to field select the MAC address and shall have a range from 1 to 127. I. BNLC shall auto generate a BACnet Device ID that is based upon the selected MAC address and the manufacturer’s BACnet Vendor ID. 1. BNLC shall also be capable of being assigned a custom BACnet Device ID. The custom BACnet Device ID is assignable by the Building Automation System within the limits of the BACnet standard with a maximum value of 4,194,303. J. BNLC shall be provided with a subnet port for optional Satellites and Stations. 1. Subnet shall be free-topology network (stars and t-taps allowed). 2. Systems requiring option cards are not acceptable. 2.07 LOW VOLTAGE INPUTS AND OUTPUTS A. Centralized Panels, and Distributed Controllers shall be provided with Universal Inputs (UI). 1. UI shall be provided for direct connection to low voltage field devices such as dry contact switches, occupancy sensors, and light level sensors. 2. Provide a minimum of; a. Twenty-four (24) each for Centralized Panels b. Six (6) each for Distributed Controllers c. Six (6) each for Satellites 3. UI shall be field configurable as either a digital input or an analog input. a. Digital input shall be compatible with dry contact switches or occupancy sensors. 6 Rev. July, 2015 Division 26 – Electrical Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project b. Analog input shall be compatible with either 0-5VDC, 0-10VDC, or 4-20ma B. Centralized Panels, Distributed Controller, and Satellite shall be provided with an integral 24VDC, 200ma supply for powering 24VDC field devices connected to Universal Inputs (UI), or addressable stations connected to the subnet. C. Distributed Controllers, and Satellites equipped with optional 0-10Vdc dimming capability shall be provided with Analog Outputs (AO). 1. AO shall be provided for direct connection to 0-10Vdc dimming ballasts (Advance Mark 7 or equal). 2. Provide a minimum of; a. Two (2) each for Distributed Controllers b. Two (2) each for Satellites 3. AO shall be capable of sinking up to 100ma, each 4. AO shall be compatible with 0-10Vdc dimming ballasts that comply with IEC 60929 Annex E, Section E.2. D. Distributed Controllers and Satellites shall be provided with two (2) line voltage switch inputs inside the line voltage compartment for use with line voltage wall switches or occupancy sensors. 1. Line voltage switch input shall be field configurable as either a maintained or state change input. 2.08 LOW VOLTAGE STATIONS A. Contractor shall provide Stations as detailed on drawings. 1. Electrical Contractor under Division 26 shall install and address all Stations as detailed on the drawings and in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation. 2. BAS Controls Contractor shall provide addressing and ganging information for all Stations. 3. Electrical Contractor under Division 26 shall furnish and install all face plates with labeling or engraving as required. The BAS Controls Contractor shall provide the text for labeling or engraving of all face plates. B. Stations shall be gang-able with other low voltage, decorator style devices under a common face plate. C. Stations shall reside on a four (4) wire network (CL3P 22/4); two (2) for digital communication and two (2) for 24VDC power. D. Stations shall be available in the following configurations: 1. Channel On/Off - one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), or six (6) button 2. Channel Raise/Lower - one (1), or two (2) channels 3. Preset – three (3) preset with raise/lower, or six (6) preset E. Stations shall be provided with LED indicator for status. LED On = Active or ON, LED Off = Inactive or OFF. LED shall also serve as a locator light by operating a low level that is visible in a dark room. LED shall also be capable of blinking during the blink warning period. F. Stations shall utilize capacitive touch technology. 1. Stations with mechanical switches or moving parts are not acceptable. G. Stations shall be available in white, black, grey, or light almond colors. H. Stations utilizing pre-manufactured cables or proprietary wiring to connect to controllers are not acceptable. 2.09 LOW VOLTAGE OCCUPANCY SENSORS A. Contractor shall provide Occupancy Sensors as detailed on drawings. 1. Electrical Contractor under Division 26 shall install all Occupancy sensors as detailed on the drawings and in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation. 2. Electrical Contractor under Division 26 shall set all timers to the minimum setting and document settings on the as-built documents provided to the BAS Controls Contractor. 7 Rev. July, 2015 Division 26 – Electrical Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project 3. Low voltage occupancy sensors that are not part of the Unified Lighting Control System shall be furnished and installed by the Electrical Contractor, under Division 26. B. Occupancy Sensors shall sense the presence of human activity within the desired space and provide a signal to the controller. The controller programming shall determine the on, off or dimming signals required to perform the sequences of operation in this Section 3.6 – Sequence of Operations for Unified Lighting Controls. C. Occupancy Sensors shall utilize passive infrared (PIR) technology to detect occupant motion. D. For applications where a second method of sensing is necessary to adequately detect or maintain occupancy (such as in rooms with obstructions), a sensor with an additional “dual” technology shall be used. E. Acceptable dual technology includes; 1. PIR/Ultrasonic F. All sensing technologies provided shall not interfere with other electronic devices within the space (such as electronic white board readers or hearing aids). Microwave based sensing technologies are not acceptable for use within the building envelope. G. Occupancy Sensors shall be 24VDC with three (3) wire (common, power, and signal), or four (4) wire (common, power, signal common, and signal) connections and shall be available for the following applications: 1. Ceiling Mount Dual Tech – See Drawings 2. Wall Switch Dual Tech – See Drawings H. Occupancy Sensors with automatic time delay adjustments are not acceptable. The controller shall determine the occupancy sensor time delay, minimum on time or other timing parameters. I. Occupancy sensors shall have a minimum timer value of 30 seconds or less. J. Occupancy Sensor shall be factory calibrated for optimum performance for its installed PIR lens, and shall not require initial or subsequent field adjustment of detection sensitivity. K. Occupancy Sensors with integral light sensor are not acceptable. L. Occupancy Sensors utilizing pre-manufactured cables or proprietary wiring to connect to controller are not acceptable. 2.10 LOW VOLTAGE WALL SWITCHES A. Contractor shall provide Wall Switches as detailed on drawings. 1. Electrical Contractor under Division 26 shall install all Wall Switches as detailed on the drawings and in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation. 2. Electrical Contractor under Division 26 shall furnish and install all face plates with labeling or engraving as required. The BAS Controls Contractor shall provide the text for labeling or engraving of all face plates. B. Wall Switches shall be gang-able with other low voltage, decorator style devices under a common face plate. C. Wall Switches utilizing pre-manufactured cables or proprietary wiring to connect to controllers are not acceptable. 2.11 LOW VOLTAGE LIGHT LEVEL SENSORS A. Contractor shall provide low voltage Light Level Sensors as detailed on drawings. 1. Electrical Contractor under Division 26 shall install all Light Level Sensors as detailed on the drawings and in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation. B. Light Level Sensors shall be a 3 wire (common, power and signal) analog, linear photo diode and shall be available for the following applications: 1. Outdoor, 0 – 250FC, 0-50FC, or 0-25FC C. Light Levels Sensors that require an interface box, manual set points, or external power source are not acceptable. 8 Rev. July, 2015 Division 26 – Electrical Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project D. Light Level Sensors utilizing pre-manufactured cables or proprietary wiring to connect to controllers are not acceptable. 2.12 TECHNICIANS KIT A. Contractor shall provide Technicians Kit to owner during training. The Technicians Kit shall include; 1. Configuration software on USB flash drive 2. USB Cable (micro-B 3. Bluetooth USB Dongle 4. Bluetooth Module B. BAS Controls Contractors shall provide an electronic copy of all system files and firmware images for all BACnet Native Lighting Controllers (BNLC). C. Configuration software shall be capable of local communication with one or multiple BNLC using USB (or optional Bluetooth). Upon local connection with one BNLC the software shall be capable of communication with any other BNLC on that BACnet MSTP segment / LAN. D. Configuration software shall be capable of remote communication with one or multiple BNLC using IP connection through the BACnet IP / MSTP router (BACnet router must support tunneling). Upon remote connection with one BNLC the software shall be capable of communication with any other BNLC on that BACnet MSTP segment / LAN. E. Configuration software shall be capable of setting or changing all BNLC parameters. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Installation of Unified Lighting Control Systems shall be furnished by the Electrical Contractor under Division 26. 3.02 PROGRAMMING AND CONFIGURATION A. Contractor under this Section shall program and configure Unified Lighting Control System controllers to perform the functions in the project drawings and schedules. B. Contractor shall configure the Unified Lighting Control System to be an integral part of the Building Automation System such that the operator experiences one unified system of controlling, monitoring, scheduling, trending, alarming, etc. C. Contractor shall provide an operator interface that includes the following graphics: 1. Floor Plan Graphic: Each controlled zone shall be represented on a Floor Plan Graphic. The status shall be represented on the graphic through the use of color. a. Grey shall represent Off. b. White shall represent On. c. Areas with dimming, multiple levels or presets shall also have an adjacent numeric value showing the current percentage or active preset. 2. Zone Detail Graphic. Each zone shall have a Zone Detail Graphic displaying the following: a. Status of channel(s) associated with the Zone. Status shall be represented on the graphic through the use of color. b. Status of channel timer values for override switches or occupancy sensors associated with the channel. The time-out value shall be represented in minutes and seconds. c. Status of channel runtime and cycle count. The runtime shall be represented in hours and minutes. The cycle count shall be represented as a numeric value. D. Provided that the operator has the appropriate access, each Zone shall be able to be commanded from the Floor Plan Graphic. 3.03 CONTROL SYSTEM CHECKOUT AND TESTING A. BAS Controls Contractor shall complete startup testing to verify operational control system before notifying Owner of system demonstration. 9 Rev. July, 2015 Division 26 – Electrical Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Provide Owner with schedule for startup testing. Owner may have representative present during any or all startup testing. Verify that control wiring is properly connected. Validated that wiring installed by Division 26 is free of shorts and ground faults, and that terminations are tight. Verify that system performs the functions in this Section 3.6 – Sequence of Operations for Unified Lighting Controls. Simulate and observe each operational mode by overriding and varying inputs and schedules. Check each alarm with an appropriate signal at a value that will trip the alarm. Prepare a log documenting startup testing of each input and output device, with technician's initials certifying each device has been tested and calibrated. 3.04 CONTROL SYSTEM DEMONSTRATION AND ACCEPTANCE A. After tests described in this specification are performed to the satisfaction of the Owner. The Owner will accept control system as meeting completion requirements. Owner’s representatives may exempt tests from completion requirements that cannot be performed due to circumstances beyond Contractor's control. B. System shall not be accepted until completed demonstration forms and checklists are submitted and approved. 3.05 TRAINING A. Contractor shall provide two (2) four (4) hour sessions of on-site orientation by a system technician who is fully knowledgeable of the specific installation details of the project. This orientation shall, at a minimum, consist of a review of the project as-built drawings, the Unified Lighting Control System software, layout and naming conventions, and a walk through of the facility with the facility manager to identify Centralized Panels, Distributed Controllers, and low voltage field devices and locations. END OF SECTION p:\15 projects\p15-0251-00cod\04 design\07 specs\electrical\25 5600 integrated automation control of electrical systems.docx 10 Rev. July, 2015 Division 26 – Electrical Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project SECTION 26 0010 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL CONDITIONS A. The General Conditions of the Contract for the Construction of Buildings, Standard Form of the American Institute of Architects current edition, The Supplementary General Conditions and the Mechanical and Electrical Special Conditions are a part of these specifications. 1.02 WORK INCLUDED A. Basic Electrical Requirements are specifically applicable to Divisions 26, 27 & 28. B. This specification and accompanying plans cover and shall govern the installation of a complete electrical system, all as specifically set forth herein, and as indicated in the plans. C. The drawings and these specifications are complementary to each to the other, and what is called for by one shall be as binding as if called for by both. They are intended to include everything requisite and necessary to the entire finishing of the work notwithstanding that every item necessarily required by such work is not especially mentioned or shown. D. This Contractor shall furnish all labor and material necessary for the complete system and items of work including (but not limited to): 1. Grounding and Bonding 2. Wiring Devices 3. Interior Luminaires complete with lamps 4. All branch circuit wiring 5. Furnish, install and connect all conduit, fittings, outlet boxes and junction boxes, complete with wiring as required for complete systems. 6. Furnish, install and connect all switches, receptacles and miscellaneous electrical equipment as required and as shown on the plans and as hereinafter specified. E. Contractor will distinctly understand that the work described herein is to be a finished job, and the whole completed in a workmanlike manner. The omission from either the drawings or specifications of minor details which ordinarily form a part of first class work of this character and are necessary to the completion of this project as contemplated as described, shall not be a cause for any extra cost, but shall be included by this Contractor as if specifically mentioned or shown. 1.03 REFERENCES A. Materials, equipment and installation thereof shall conform to the latest editions of the following: 1. ANSI -American National Standards Institute 2. ASTM -American Society for Testing Materials 3. CBM - Certified Ballast Manufacturers 4. ETL Electrical Testing Laboratories 5. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 6. NBS- National Bureau of Standards 7. NEMA- National Electrical Manufacturer's Association 8. NFPA- National Fire Protection Association 9. OSHA - Occupation Safety and Health Act. 10. UL- Underwriters Laboratories 11. BOCA- Building Officials & Code Administrators International, Inc. Design & Engineering Criteria 1 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 12. IES - Illuminating Engineering Society of North America 13. All materials, equipment, and installation thereof shall conform to the standards of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and of the Underwriters' Laboratories (UL) B. Notify the Architect/Engineer of any materials or apparatus believed to be inadequate, unsuitable, in violation of laws, ordinances, rules or regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. C. In every installation where regulations of electric utility and telephone companies apply, conformance with their regulations is mandatory and any costs involved shall be included in the Contract, with the exception of extra facility and other charges which are directly paid by the Owner or as otherwise instructed herein. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions as described within the general requirements section. B. Proposed Products List: Include Products specified in each Division 26, 27 & 28 Section: C. Submit shop drawings and product data grouped to include complete submittals of related systems, products and accessories in a single submittal. D. Mark dimensions and values in units to match those specified. E. Contractor shall review all shop drawings prior to submitting them for Architect/Engineer's review. Contractor shall stamp each shop drawing to certify that he has reviewed it. Engineer will not check any drawings that Contractor has not stamped with his review certification. F. Owner's representative shall review all materials, equipment, fixtures, motor control centers, panelboards, control panels, etc., and other appurtenances provided for this work before proceeding with the purchase and installation. G. All submittals shall include adequate descriptive literature, catalog cuts, shop drawings and other data necessary for the Owner's Representative to ascertain that the proposed equipment/fixtures and materials comply with specification requirements. Catalog cuts submitted for approval shall be legible and clearly identify equipment/fixtures being submitted. H. Submittals for individual system and equipment assemblies which consist of more than one item or component shall be made for the system as a whole. Where necessary, submit plans of the system drawing on sheet sizes same as the contract drawings. Partial submittals will not be considered for approval. I. Owner's Representative review of shop drawings will be rendered as a service only and shall not be considered as a guarantee of measurements or of building conditions, nor shall it be construed as relieving the Contractor of basic responsibilities under his contract. J. If the shop drawings show variations from contract requirements because of shop practice or other reasons, Contractor shall make specific reference to such variation in his letter of transmittal in order that, of acceptable, suitable action may be taken for proper adjustment; otherwise Contractor will not be relieved of the responsibility for executing the work in accordance with contract documents even though such shop drawings have been reviewed. K. All shop drawings shall be submitted to permit Owner's Representative ample time to review before material is released for delivery to job. L. Contractor shall maintain a permanent file of shop drawings to turn over to Owner's Representative at completion of project. M. Shall include 1/4" = 1'-0" dimensioned drawings of all electrical equipment rooms for review before installation continues. Design & Engineering Criteria 2 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 N. Coordination and Record Drawings: 1. In addition to the preparation and submittal of shop drawings and product data for manufactured electrical equipment and materials, prepare and maintain in current status, a complete set of detailed, completely circuited, and dimensioned electrical record drawings for electrical work included under the Contract. 2. In addition to the floor and ceiling plans, layouts of all functionally critical areas and congested areas, such as mechanical and electrical equipment rooms shall be drawn at a minimum scale of 1/4" equals 1'-0" with all details of construction shown. 3. Record drawings shall be made under the direction and supervision of the Contractor and shall show all electrical work inclusive of conduit, wiring, electrical equipment and devices, lighting fixture locations and elevations, points where conduit enters or leaves structural slabs and walls, junction boxes, conduit supports and inserts. The complete electrical distribution system from source or sources up to and including each branch circuit panelboard shall be shown and dimensioned exactly as installed, with all feeders located on plan. Major equipment and apparatus shall be shown to scale and properly located. Drawings shall also show locations and depths of underground conduits and ducts and their terminations, as installed. 4. Coordination drawings shall be made on 3 mil Mylar sheets or CAD drawing compatible with AutoCAD Version 14.0 of the same size and with the same border lines and title blocks as the Architect/Engineer’s Drawings, with the Contractor's name added. 5. Coordinate electrical work with the work of other trades and in preparing the record drawings, check the work of other trades in order to avoid possible installation conflicts arising therefrom. In the event of conflicts of interferences that cannot be resolved in the field, request a written clarification from the Architect/Engineer. 6. Record drawings shall indicate the electrical installation exactly as constructed and shall be periodically revised to reflect all changes, including those required by the Architect/Engineer, those which are or have been found necessary in the field and those which may be suggested by the Contractor and accepted by the Architect/Engineer. Drawings shall be revised when considered necessary the Architect/Engineer or the Contractor in order to facilitate proper coordination. 7. If, in the opinion of the Architect/Engineer, the drawings are in acceptable condition after each has been finally revised, they may be submitted as the field record drawings. O. Equipment Drawings 1. Provide complete set of shop drawings bound in permanent binder. 2. Provide typewritten list of each type, quantity and manufacturer of lamp installed. 3. Provide typewritten list of each type, quantity, size and manufacturer of fuse, motor overload heater, etc., installed. 4. Provide a complete list of all replaceable components for maintenance purposes. P. Maintenance and Operating Manuals 1. Maintenance and Operation Manual, submit as required for systems and equipment specified in the technical sections. Furnish five (5) copies, bound in hardback binders, manufacturer's standard binders or an approved equivalent. Furnish one complete manual as specified in the technical section, but in no case later than prior to performance of systems or equipment test, and furnish the remaining manuals prior to contract completion. Design & Engineering Criteria 3 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 2. 3. 4. Inscribe the following identification on the cover: the works "MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION MANUAL", the name and location of the system, equipment, building, name of Contractor and contract number. Include in the manual the names, addresses and telephone numbers of each subcontractor installing the system or equipment and the local representatives for the system or equipment. Provide a "Table of Contents" and assemble the manual to conform to the table of contents, with tab sheets placed before instructions covering the subject. The instructions shall be legible and easily read, with large sheets of drawings folded in. The manual shall include: a. Internal and interconnecting wiring and control diagrams with data to explain detailed operation and control of the equipment. b. A control sequence describing start-up, operation and shutdown. c. Description of the function of each principal item of equipment. d. Installation and maintenance instructions. e. Safety precautions. f. Diagrams and illustrations. g. Testing methods. h. Performance data. i. Lubrication schedule including type, grade, temperature range and frequency. j. Pictorial "exploded" parts list with part numbers. Emphasis shall be placed on the use of special tools and instruments. The list shall indicate sources of supply, recommended spare parts and name of servicing organization. k. Appendix; list qualified permanent servicing organizations for support of the equipment, including addresses and certified qualifications. Q. POSTED OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Furnish approved operating instructions for systems and equipment indicated in the technical sections for use by operation personnel. The operating instructions shall include wiring diagrams, control diagrams and controls sequence for each principal system and equipment. Print or engrave operating instructions and frame under glass or in approved laminated plastic. Post instructions were directed. Attach or post operating instructions adjacent to each principal system and equipment including start-up, operating, shutdown, safety precautions and procedure in the event of equipment failure. Provide weather-resistant materials or weatherproof enclosures for operating instructions exposed to the weather. Operating instructions shall not fade when exposed to sunlight and shall be secured to prevent easy removal. 1.05 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. The work shall be performed in accordance with codes, laws, and ordinances of Federal, State and local governing bodies having jurisdiction. B. In case of differences between building codes, Federal and State laws, local ordinances and utility company regulations and the Contract Documents, the most stringent shall govern. C. ANSI/IEEE C2 National Electrical Safety Code D. NFPA 70-1993 National Electrical Code E. EIA!TIA Standards (568, 569, TSBs 36 and 40, 607) F. IEEE/ANSI 142-1982- Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power System. Design & Engineering Criteria 4 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 G. Obtain permits and request inspections from authority having jurisdiction. H. Obtain approvals, where required, from inspection authorities for exit, emergency lighting, fire alarm device locations, and other electrical installations requiring specific approval. Prints of the Electrical Drawings, for this purpose, will be furnished by the Architect on request. Required wiring diagrams shall be provided and submitted for approval by the Contractor. Copies of the final approved drawings shall be delivered to the Architect. Approvals shall be obtained before commencement of related work. I. Pay all fees, and other charges incident to electrical work and obtain and pay for required insurance, permits, licenses, and inspections. Arrange for all required inspections and deliver certificates and approval for same to the Architect, as a requirement for final payment. 1.06 PROJECT/SITE CONDITIONS A. The drawings furnished in the bid set are to give the general intent of the mechanical and electrical requirements. All information for installation is not shown and is not fully coordinated with Architectural and Mechanical drawing and specifications. They are not intended as final installation drawings, although they may be used as a guide if the Contractor feels that sufficient information for installation is shown. Installation must be fully coordinated with all trades. If it is necessary to clarify or provide more detail than is shown, this Contractor shall prepare drawings and submit the same for review and comment. B. Carefully examine the contract documents, visit the site, and thoroughly become familiar with the local conditions relating to the work. Failure to do so will not relieve the contractor of the Contract. C. Install Work in locations shown on Drawings, unless prevented by Project conditions. D. Prepare drawings showing proposed rearrangement of Work to meet Project Conditions, including changes to Work specified in other Sections. Obtain permission of Architect/Engineer before proceeding. E. The contractor must deliver all materials to the site. The College will not accept deliveries. F. The College will provide no storage. G. Cable and equipment shall be stored according to manufacturer's recommendations. All storage shall be at the contractor's expense H. Tools, materials and equipment shall be confined to areas designated by the College. 1.07 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO VERIFY EQUIPMENT DIMENSIONS A. Before ordering any materials or proceeding with the work, this Contractor shall verify all measurements at the site and be responsible for correctness of same. No extra compensation will be allowed because of difference between the actual measurements and dimensions indicated on the drawings. Any difference which may be found shall be submitted to the Architect's Superintendent on the job for rectification before proceeding with the work. B. Contractor and/or manufacturer shall verify that the capacity and duty specified meets the characteristics of the equipment he submits for review. C. If equipment is submitted for review and does not meet the physical size or arrangement of what was scheduled and specified, Contractor shall pay for all alterations required to accommodate such equipment at no additional cost to the Owner. Contractor shall also pay all costs for additional work required by other Contractors, Owner, Architect or Engineer to make changes which would allow the equipment to fit the space. Design & Engineering Criteria 5 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 1.08 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS AND OPENINGS A. Contractor shall field verify the size of existing openings, windows, doors, corridors, rooms, etc. for access of the new equipment into the existing building. If openings are too small for access, then Contractor shall provide new or enlarged openings, at his own expense, to facilitate entrance into existing space or building. Contractor may elect to order the equipment disassembled and/or with split housing for entrance into the existing space or building. Contractor shall reassemble equipment after it is in the space at his own expense. 1.09 OCCUPANCY ADJUSTMENTS A. Provide on-site assistance in testing and verification of systems for this project to meet occupancy conditions. B. Provide up to three on-site assistance visits within one year of Substantial Completion. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A. Proposal shall be based upon the furnishing of all materials and equipment as specified, which in every case shall be new and, where not specifically referred to by manufacturer's name, of the best grade and quality available. B. Materials used through this installation shall be new (without blemish or defect) and the best of their respective kind and the same shall be installed in a neat, accurate, and workmanlike manner, and in a manner to permit the work of other trades to also be installed wherever the work covered by this specification meets with, or must be considered, in connection with the work of other trades working on this installation. Equipment shall not be used for temporary light and power purposes, including lamps. This workmanship and these materials must be executed and furnished in a manner entirely satisfactory to the Owner’s Representative. C. Items of equipment of within a specific category type (such as fuses, conduit, and electrical distribution equipment [distribution switchboards, panelboards, motor starters, enclosed switches] wiring systems), shall be the product of one manufacturer throughout, unless otherwise indicated or accepted by the Architect/Engineer. D. Where two types of similar equipment are specified or shown on the drawings, the Base Bid will be based on the higher quality or greater number. All work shown on the drawings & specifications will be adjusted to comply with all sections of the Local Codes. E. Wherever in the specifications, a particular article or material is definitely mentioned, it shall be provided and no substitutions shall be allowed, especially insofar as the submittal of the base bid is concerned. Should this Contractor desire to substitute other materials for those specified, he may submit these substitutions in the form of voluntary alternates to the base bid, designating appropriate additions or deductions for each alternate. Should no alternates be submitted, the contract shall be entered into on the basis of the specified base bid equipment. Final review of equipment shall be by the Owner's Representative. Voluntary alternates will only be recognized at the time of bid. F. A specification item followed by one (1) or more manufacturers; names of other manufacturers may be submitted for review to the Owner's Representative a minimum of seven (7) days prior to receiving bids. Acceptance will be granted only if issued by addendum (no exceptions). G. A specification item followed by one (1) or more manufacturers and "or equal" is open to all equal products or materials. However, Contractor shall supply one (1) of the listed manufacturers at no additional cost if Owner's Representative determines substituted product unsatisfactory. Design & Engineering Criteria 6 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 DELIVERY AND STORAGE A. Receive, handle, and store electrical items and materials at the project site. Materials and electrical items shall be so placed that they are protected from damage and deterioration. Damaged or otherwise unsuitable materials and electrical items shall be immediately removed from the site. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. The Drawings for work under Divisions 26, 27 & 28 are diagrammatic and are intended to convey the scope of work and indicate the general arrangement of conduit, boxes, equipment, devices, fixtures and other work included in the Contract. B. Location of items required by the Drawings or specifications not fixed by dimensions are approximate only and exact locations necessary to secure the best conditions and results shall be determined at the site and shall be subject to the approval of the Architect/Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for exact/final location and coordination of all devices and in case any devices are not installed in correct location, Contractor shall move same including all necessary cutting and patching at Contractor's expense. C. Owner reserves right to change position of any/all devices or fixtures within 10'-0" radius before work is installed without extra charge. D. Check with Heating Contractor as to location of radiation, Ventilation Contractor as to location of ducts and grilles, and Plumbing Contractor as to location of piping before installing the work. E. Contractor shall consult with the Architect and review the plans to verify the exact locations of all outlets and mounting heights to insure that all outlets are above counters where cabinet work and/or furniture occurs and switches are at the correct side of door swings. F. This Contractor shall consult with the Equipment Suppliers for the correct sizes of all outlets in sufficient time before wall construction. G. Follow drawings in layout out work, check drawings of other trades to verify spaces in which work will be installed, and maintain maximum headroom and space conditions at all points. H. Where headroom or space conditions appear inadequate, the Architect/Engineer shall be notified before proceeding with installation. I. Minor conduit rerouting and changes shall be made at no additional cost to the Owner. J. Whenever it becomes necessary for the complete fulfillment of this specification to furnish labor or materials, other than that which is generally accepted by trade agreement or work or shall employ workmen regularly employed, to the end that there will be no delay or stoppage of work due to infringement or alleged infringement of trade agreements as to jurisdiction. K. Perform all work with skilled mechanics of the particular trade involved in a neat and workmanlike manner. L. Furnish other trades advance information on locations and sizes of frames, boxes, sleeves and openings needed for the work, and also furnish information and shop drawings necessary to permit trades affected to install their work properly and without delay. M. Where there is evidence that work of one trade will interfere with the work of other trades, all trades shall assist in working out space allocations to make satisfactory adjustments and shall be prepared to submit and revise coordinate shop drawings. Design & Engineering Criteria 7 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 N. With the approval of the Architect/Engineer and without additional cost to the Owner, make minor modifications in the work as required by structural interferences, by interferences with work of other trades or for proper execution of the work. O. Work installed before coordinating with other trades so as to cause interference with the work of such other trades shall be changed to correct such condition without additional cost to the Owner and as directed by the Architect/Engineer. P. Equipment shall be installed with adequate space allowed for removal, repair or changes to equipment. Ready accessibility to removable parts of equipment and to wiring shall be provided without moving other equipment which is to be installed or which is in place. Electrical Contractor shall verify measurements. Discrepancies shall be brought to the Architect/Engineer's attention for interpretation. Q. Determine temporary openings in the buildings that will be required for the admission of apparatus furnished under this Division, and notify the Architect/Engineer accordingly. In the event of failure to give sufficient notice in time to arrange for these openings during construction, assume all costs of providing such openings thereafter. R. Location of electrical outlets, lighting panels, cabinets, equipment, etc. is approximate and exact locations shall be determined at the project. S. Electrical Contractor shall refer to contract documents for details, reflected ceiling plans, and large scale drawings. T. Equipment shall be installed with ample space allowed for its removal for repairs or changes. Ready accessibility to removable parts of equipment and to wiring shall be provided so that other equipment, in place or to be installed, need not be moved at any time. U. Sufficient access for the installation of electrical equipment shall be determined prior to delivery. V. Compare all contract drawings and specifications to determine the intent of the two together. In case of any discrepancy between the drawings and specifications, the matter shall be referred to the Owner's Representative before any work is installed. The interpretation of the intent shall rest solely with the Owner's Representative, and his decision shall be considered final. W. Any changes of the electrical layout necessary to make the work conform to the entire facility as construction, fit the work of other trades or conform to the rules of the city and state and/or other regulating bodies (Public Health, NFPA, etc.), shall be made without additional cost. Proper completion or operation of the work outlined in this specification shall not relieve the Contractor from furnishing same without additional cost. X. Omission in the contract drawings and/or specifications of any items necessary for the proper completion or operation of the work outlined in this specification shall not relieve the Contractor from furnishing same without additional cost. 3.03 PROTECTION A. Protect conduit and wireway openings against the entrance of foreign matter by means of plugs or caps. Cover fixtures, materials, equipment and devices or otherwise protect against damage from any cause, both before and after installation. Fixtures, materials, equipment, or condition or replaced, all at no additional cost to Owner. B. Equipment shall be inherently safe and moving parts shall be covered with guards. Design & Engineering Criteria 8 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 3.04 COOPERATION A. Where jurisdictional rules require the assistance of electrical mechanics in the moving and setting of electrically powered equipment, provide such assistance. B. Where work covered by this section connects to equipment furnished under other sections, verify electrical work involved in the field and make proper connection to such equipment. 3.05 FINAL COMPLETION A. Work shall be cleaned prior to the date of "substantial completion" as determined by the Owner's Representative. B. Clean equipment, restore all damaged materials, remove grease, oil, chemicals, paint spots and/or stains, etc., and generally leave the work in A-1 condition. C. Retouch and/or repaint all factory painted prime and/or finish coats where scratched or damaged. Wherever retouching will not be satisfactory, in the opinion of the Owner's Representative, the Owner's Representative had the option to require complete repainting until the desired appearance is obtained. D. Lamps, fixtures, lenses, reflectors, etc., shall be cleaned and not sooner than ten (10) days prior to date of substantial completion. E. Remove from site all tools, equipment, surplus materials, and rubbish pertaining to be removed by Owner and services for same shall be back-charged to Contractor against final payout on contract. 3.06 DEMONSTRATION OF COMPLETED SYSTEMS A. Where not specifically described elsewhere within this electrical specification section, provide owner with a demonstration of all complete systems as follows: 1. Demonstrate to the Owner's Representative, the essential features of all electrical systems specified. 2. Show by start/stop operation, etc., the manner of control, resetting of protective devices and the replacement of fuses, etc. 3. Demonstrate area lighting and show the location of panelboards, dimmers, time switches and setting, etc. 4. Demonstrate all required maintenance functions. 5. In addition to training specified in other sections herein, include a total of 8 hours for demonstration of basic electrical systems. Hours and arrangement to be scheduled by Owner's Representative. 3.07 TESTING AND INSPECTIONS A. Verify motors for proper rotation prior to operation. B. Test all motor controls for proper operations. C. Test all duplex receptacles for proper polarity and grounding. D. Measure, load, and record readings on all feeders, motors, transformers and panelboards, etc. Reconnect panelboard loads as may be necessary to obtain a reasonable balance of loads on all phases. Variation shall not exceed 10% phase to phase. E. Provide three (3) typewritten copies of the recordings in bound booklets prior to request for final payment. Design & Engineering Criteria 9 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 F. Demonstrate by tests, at the request of the Owner's Representative, the compliance of the installation with these specifications, the drawings, the National Electric Code, and the accepted standards of good workmanship. These tests shall include operation of lights and equipment, continuity of the conduit system, grounding resistances, and insulation resistances on not more than ten (10) representative circuits and any other circuits for which a justifiable reason exists for such tests. All labor and testing equipment for the performance of these tests shall be furnished by the Contractor. 3.08 GUARANTEE A. Where not specifically described elsewhere within this electrical specification section, the complete electrical system as indicated on the drawings and in these specifications shall be guaranteed by this Contractor for one (1) year from date of final acceptance by the Architect against defective material and workmanship. Defective workmanship and material developing during the guarantee period shall be repaired or replaced by this Contractor without cost to the Owner. B. Upon receipt of written notice from the Owner or Architect of failure of any part of the guaranteed materials or equipment during the guarantee period, the affected part or parts shall be repaired or replaced with new, by and at the expense of the Electrical Contractor. C. Make all service calls, replacements, repairs and adjustments during the guarantee period without cost to Owner. END OF SECTION p:\13 projects\13168cod\wp\specs\cod electrical spec pdf as recived from client 5-20-13\26 0010 basic electrical requirements.docx Design & Engineering Criteria 10 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 SECTION 26 0519 LOW-VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL POWER CONDUCTORS AND CABLES (600 V AND LESS) PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Wire and cable for 600 volts and less. B. Wiring connectors and connections. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 26 0553 - Identification for Electrical Systems. B. Section 01 9113- General Commissioning Requirements 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. NECA 1 - Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Contracting; National Electrical Contractors Association; 2006. B. NETA STD ATS- Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Distribution Equipment and Systems; International Electrical Testing Association; 2009. C. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; National Fire Protection Association; 2008. D. UL 854- Service-Entrance Cables 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions as described within the general requirements section. B. Product Data: Provide for each cable assembly type. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conform to requirements of NFPA 70. B. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing the Products specified in this section with minimum five years documented experience and with service facilities within 100 miles of Project. C. Products: Furnish products listed and classified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. as suitable for the purpose specified and indicated. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 WIRING REQUIREMENTS A. All conductors shall be of copper 98% conductivity, 600 volt, conforming to the latest Local Electrical Code and bearing the Underwriters' Label of Approval. B. Concealed Dry Interior Locations: Use only building wire with Type THHN insulation in raceway. C. Exposed Dry Interior Locations: Use only building wire with Type THHN insulation in raceway. D. Above Accessible Ceilings: Use only building wire with Type THHN insulation in raceway. E. Wet or Damp Interior Locations: Use only building wire with Type THHW insulation in raceway. F. Exterior Locations: Use only building wire with Type XHHW insulation in raceway. G. Underground Installations: Use only building wire with Type XHHW insulation in raceway. H. Use solid conductor for feeders and branch circuits 8 AWG and smaller. I. Use 10 AWG conductors for 20 ampere, 120 volt branch circuits longer than 75 feet. Design & Engineering Criteria 1 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 J. Use 10 AWG conductors for 20 ampere, 277 volt branch circuits longer than 200 feet. K. Conductor sizes are based on copper. L. All wire will be color coded as described in SECTION 26 0553 M. Green shall be used only for grounding wire to meet local or national electrical code requirements. 2.02 WIRE MANUFACTURERS A. Southwire Co. B. Triangle Wire and Cable. 2.03 BUILDING WIRE A. Description: Single conductor insulated wire. B. Conductor: Copper. C. Insulation Voltage Rating: 600 volts. 2.04 WIRING CONNECTORS A. Make terminations, taps and splices with an indent type pressure connector with insulating cover 8 AWG and smaller. 1. Acceptable manufacturers: a. Buchanan b. Burndy c. Ideal d. Thomas & Betts B. Instead of indent type connectors, insulated spring compression connectors may be used for 10 AWG and smaller. 1. Acceptable manufacturers: a. Buchanan, B-Cap b. Ideal, Wing Nut c. ITT Holub, Free Spring d. T&B, Piggy e. 3M, Scotchlock C. Use mechanical compression for 6 AWG or larger or any connection made within any type of exterior junction box or device to include. Cover connector with insulating tape or heat shrinkable insulation equivalent to 150% conductor insulation. 1. Acceptable manufacturers: a. AMP, Inc. b. Anderson c. Blackburn d. Burndy Corp e. General Electrical Co. f. Ideal Industries g. OZ/Gedney Co. h. T&B i. 3MCo. D. Outdoor boxes (Including building mounted boxes used for outdoor devices) and underground connections of any type #12 to #6 AWG. 1. Ideal Weatherproof wire connectors or equal. a. Silicon filled wire connectors designed to meet UL 486D standards Design & Engineering Criteria 2 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 b. Size per manufacturer for number and wire sizes PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that interior of building has been protected from weather. B. Verify that mechanical work likely to damage wire and cable has been completed. C. Verify that raceway installation is complete and supported. D. Verify that field measurements are as indicated. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Completely and thoroughly swab raceway before installing wire. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Install wire and cable securely, in a neat and workmanlike manner, as specified in NECA B. Route wire and cable as required to meet project conditions. 1. Wire and cable routing indicated is approximate unless dimensioned. 2. Where wire and cable destination is indicated and routing is not shown, determine exact routing and lengths required. 3. Include wire and cable of lengths required to install connected devices within 10 ft. of location shown. C. Use wiring methods indicated. D. Pull all conductors into raceway at same time. E. Use suitable wire pulling lubricant for building wire 4 AWG and larger. F. Protect exposed cable from damage. G. Neatly train and lace wiring inside boxes, equipment, and panelboards. H. Clean conductor surfaces before installing lugs and connectors. I. Make splices, taps, and terminations to carry full ampacity of conductors with no perceptible temperature rise. J. Identify and color code wire and cable under provisions of Section 26 0553. Identify each conductor with its circuit number or other designation indicated. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspect and test in accordance with NETA STD ATS, except Section 4. B. Perform inspections and tests listed in NETA STD ATS, Section 7.3.2. END OF SECTION p:\13 projects\13168cod\wp\specs\cod electrical spec pdf as recived from client 5-20-13\26 0519 low voltage electrical power conductors and cables.docx Design & Engineering Criteria 3 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 SECTION 26 0529 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL CONDITIONS A. Equipment shall not be held in place by its own dead weight. Base anchor fasteners shall be provided in each case. B. All cutting and patching of new and/or existing surfaces will be the responsibility of the Electrical Contractor. Surfaces will be restored to its original condition and will be to the satisfaction of the Owner and the Architect. All patching will be by tradesmen normally employed by each specialty and will be paid by the Electrical Contractor. C. Contractor shall give the Architect complete information as to size of openings in floors, walls, etc., so that such openings may be provided as the building progresses. D. If openings are omitted or incorrect through failure to follow above instructions, the Contractor shall engage the Contractor for general finishes construction to cut and patch at his own expense to the satisfaction of the Architect. 1.02 SECTION INCLUDES A. Conduit and equipment supports. B. Anchors and fasteners. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. NECA 1 -Standard Practices for Good Workmanship in Electrical Contracting; National Electrical Contractors Association; 2006. B. NFPA 70- National Electrical Code; National Fire Protection Association; 2008. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conform to requirements of NFPA 70. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Expansive screw anchors, shields, or other fastening items containing lead or other material that might loosen or melt under fire conditions shall not be used. No items shall rest on or depend for support on suspended ceiling media (tiles, lath, plaster, splines, etc.). B. Hangers, Supports, Anchors, and Fasteners- General: Corrosion-resistant materials of size and type adequate to carry the loads of equipment and conduit, including weight of wire in conduit. C. Sleeves for conduits shall be mild steel tube, galvanized inside and outside, equal to rigid conduit. D. Supports: Fabricated of structural steel or formed steel members; galvanized angles or channels supported with 3/8" threaded rods anchored to the building construction. Any necessary Unistrut and/or steel to span construction members will be furnished and installed. E. Anchors and Fasteners: 1. Do not use powder-actuated anchors, spring clips, or beam clamps. 2. Concrete Structural Elements: Use precast inserts, expansion anchors, or preset inserts. 3. Steel Structural Elements: Use beam clamps, steel spring clips, steel ramset fasteners, or welded fasteners. 4. Concrete Surfaces: Use self-drilling anchors or expansion anchors. Design & Engineering Criteria 1 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 5. 6. 7. 8. Hollow Masonry, Plaster, and Gypsum Board Partitions: Use toggle bolts or hollow wall fasteners. Solid Masonry Walls: Use expansion anchors or preset inserts. Sheet Metal: Use sheet metal screws. Wood Elements: Use wood screws. F. Formed Steel Channel: 1. Product: Unistrut PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Conduits passing through roofs or other surfaces exposed to weather shall be properly flashed as specified in Roofing and Waterproofing Sections of the General Specifications. This flashing shall be paid for as part of the electrical work. B. Sleeves installed through slabs shall be packed or filled as directed after conduit is in place. Filling shall provide a waterproof and fireproof packing around conduit to prevent leakage of liquids, smoke or fire from floor above into ceiling. C. Weight-distributing facilities shall be provided where required so as not to exceed the load-bearing capabilities of floors or walls that bear the weight of, or support, electrical items. D. Surface or pendant lighting fixtures shall be supported from an outlet box by means of a hickey or directly from the structural slab, as required for the weight of the fixture. Recessed lighting fixtures shall not be supported from ceiling suspension members. Recessed lighting fixtures shall be supported directly from structural slab, deck, or framing member, as required by the weight of the fixture. E. In suspended ceilings, fixtures, conduits and outlets will not be supported from ceiling suspension members. Conduits and fixtures shall be supported directly from structural slabs, decks, or framing members. F. Where ever possible, conduit will be run with mechanical piping through roof boxes or side of roof curbs. G. Install hangers and supports as required to adequately and securely support electrical system components, in a neat and workmanlike manner, as specified in NECA 1. 1. Do not fasten supports to pipes, ducts, mechanical equipment, or conduit. 2. Do not drill or cut structural members. H. Rigidly weld support members or use hexagon-head bolts to present neat appearance with adequate strength and rigidity. Use spring lock washers under all nuts. I. Install surface-mounted cabinets and panelboards with minimum of four anchors. J. In wet and damp locations use steel channel supports to stand cabinets and panelboards 1 inch off wall. K. Use sheet metal channel to bridge studs above and below cabinets and panelboards recessed in hollow partitions. L. Parts of hangers and supports exposed to the weather shall be painted with one coat of rustinhibiting primer and one coat of finish rust inhibiting paint (color as directed by architect). END OF SECTION p:\13 projects\13168cod\wp\specs\cod electrical spec pdf as recived from client 5-20-13\26 0529 hangers and supports.docx Design & Engineering Criteria 2 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 SECTION 26 0534 CONDUIT PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Conduit, fittings and conduit bodies. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 26 0526 - Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems. B. Section 26 0529 - Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems. C. Section 26 0553 - Identification for Electrical Systems. D. Section 26 0537- Boxes. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ANSI C80.1 -American National Standard for Electrical Rigid Steel Conduit (ERSC); 2005. B. ANSI C80.3- American National Standard for Steel Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT); 2005. C. ANSI C80.5- American National Standard for Electrical Rigid Aluminum Conduit (ERAC); 2005. D. NECA 1 -Standard Practices for Good Workmanship in Electrical Contracting; National Electrical Contractors Association; 2006. E. NECA 101 -Standard for Installing Steel Conduit (Rigid, IMC, EMT); National Electrical Contractors Association; 2006. F. NEMA FB 1 -Fittings, Cast Metal Boxes, and Conduit Bodies for Conduit, Electrical Metallic Tubing, and Cable; National Electrical Manufacturers Association; 2007. G. NEMA RN 1 -Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Externally Coated Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit and Intermediate Metal Conduit; National Electrical Manufacturers Association; 2005. H. NEMA TC 2- Electrical Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Tubing and Conduit; National Electrical Manufacturers Association; 2003. I. NEMA TC 3- PVC Fittings for Use with Rigid PVC Conduit and Tubing; National Electrical Manufacturers Association; 2004. J. NFPA 70- National Electrical Code; National Fire Protection Association; 2008. 1.04 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. All building wiring shall be routed in approved metallic raceway (conduit) unless otherwise specifically noted. B. All conduit shall be routed concealed (above lay-in ceiling, within walls, below grade or slab, etc.) within all finished spaces unless otherwise noted. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions as described within the general requirements section. B. Product Data: Provide for metallic conduit, flexible metal conduit, liquid-tight flexible metal conduit, metallic tubing, nonmetallic conduit, flexible nonmetallic conduit, nonmetallic tubing, fittings, and conduit bodies. Design & Engineering Criteria 1 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conform to requirements of NFPA 70. B. Products: Listed and classified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. as suitable for purpose specified and shown. 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Accept conduit on site. Inspect for damage. B. Protect conduit from corrosion and entrance of debris by storing above grade. Provide appropriate covering. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 CONDUIT REQUIREMENTS A. Conduit Size: Comply with NFPA 70. 1. Minimum Size: 3/4 inch unless otherwise specified. 1/2 inch conduit may be used for switch legs. See drawing details and notes for telecommunication conduit sizing. B. All conduit will be color coded as described in SECTION 26 0553 C. Underground Installations: 1. More than 5 Feet from Foundation Wall: Use thickwall nonmetallic conduit. 2. Within 5 Feet from Foundation Wall: Use rigid steel conduit. 3. In or Under Slab on Grade: Use thickwall nonmetallic conduit. 4. Minimum Size: 3/4 inch. D. Outdoor Locations Above Grade: Use rigid steel conduit. E. In Slab Above Grade: 1. Use rigid steel conduit. 2. The outside diameter of any conduit run in concrete slabs shall not exceed 1/3 the thickness of the slab. F. Wet and Damp Interior Locations: Use PVC coated rigid steel conduit and fittings. G. Rooftop Locations: Use PVC coated rigid steel conduit and fittings H. Dry Locations: 1. Concealed Under 2 Inches: Use electrical metallic tubing, unless noted otherwise 2. Concealed 2 inches and over: Use IMC. 3. Exposed Under 2 inches: Use rigid steel conduit up to 6 feet above floor slab. Above 6 feet, use EMT. 4. Exposed 2 inches and over: Use IMC. 2.02 MANUFACTURERS A. Allied Tube and Conduit. B. Republic Steel. C. Wheatland Tube 2.03 IMC AND RIGID METALIC CONDUIT A. Manufacturers as described above. 1. Fittings shall be threaded type. Fittings and conduit bodies shall be galvanized malleable iron. B. Rigid Steel Conduit: ANSI C80.1. Design & Engineering Criteria 2 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 C. Intermediate Metal Conduit (IMC): Rigid steel. D. Fittings and Conduit Bodies: NEMA FB 1; material to match conduit. 2.04 PVC COATED METAL CONDUIT A. Manufacturers: 1. Thomas & Betts Corporation: 2. Robroy Industries: B. Description: NEMA RN 1; rigid steel conduit with external PVC coating. C. Fittings and Conduit Bodies: NEMA FB 1; steel fittings with external PVC coating to match conduit. 2.05 FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT A. Manufacturers as described above. B. Description: Interlocked steel construction. C. Fittings: NEMA FB 1. 2.06 LIQUIDTIGHT FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT A. Manufacturers as described above. B. Description: Interlocked steel construction with PVC jacket. C. Fittings: NEMA FB 1. 2.07 ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING (EMT) A. Allied Tube and Conduit True Color or equal B. Description: ANSI C80.3; galvanized tubing. C. Fittings and Conduit Bodies: NEMA FB 1; steel compression type. Steel set screw type shall be used for conduit runs within block walls. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that field measurements are as shown on drawings. B. Verify routing and termination locations of conduit prior to rough-in. C. Conduit routing is shown on drawings in approximate locations unless dimensioned. Route as required to complete wiring system. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install conduit securely, in a neat and workmanlike manner, as specified in NECA 1. B. Install steel conduit as specified in NECA 101. C. Threads on steel conduit shall be given a coat of zinc dust in oil (T&B Kopr-Shield), or other approved compound. All joints shall be properly tightened and shall be watertight and insure a low resistance ground path in the conduit system. D. Install nonmetallic conduit in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. E. Arrange supports to prevent misalignment during wiring installation. F. Support conduit using coated steel or malleable iron straps, lay-in adjustable hangers, clevis hangers, and split hangers. G. Group related conduits; support using conduit rack. Construct rack using steel channel; provide space on each for 25 percent additional conduits. Design & Engineering Criteria 3 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 H. Fasten conduit supports to building structure and surfaces under provisions of Section 26 0529. I. Do not support conduit with wire or perforated pipe straps. Remove wire used for temporary supports. J. Do not attach conduit to ceiling support wires. In no case shall conduit runs rest on suspended or suspension members of the acoustical ceiling construction. K. Arrange conduit to maintain headroom and present neat appearance. L. Route exposed conduit parallel and perpendicular to walls. M. Route conduit installed above accessible ceilings parallel and perpendicular to walls. N. Route conduit in and under slab from point-to-point. O. Maintain adequate clearance between conduit and piping. P. Cut conduit square using saw or pipecutter; de-burr cut ends. Q. Bring conduit to shoulder of fittings; fasten securely. R. Install no more than equivalent of three 90 degree bends between boxes. Use conduit bodies to make sharp changes in direction, as around beams. Use hydraulic one shot bender to fabricate bends in metal conduit larger than 2 inch size. Should a greater number of bends be necessary, pull boxes shall be installed. Location of pull boxes must be approved by the Architect. Pull box covers shall be made accessible. Where pull boxes occur above suspended plaster ceilings, provide access panels of type and size as required and as hereinafter specified. S. Avoid moisture traps; provide junction box with drain fitting at low points in conduit system. T. Provide suitable fittings to accommodate expansion and deflection where conduit crosses seismic. U. Provide suitable pull string in each empty conduit except sleeves and nipples. V. Use suitable caps to protect installed conduit against entrance of dirt and moisture. W. Identify conduit under provisions of Section 26 0553. X. Where conduits terminate in panel boxes, distribution panels, switchboards, pull boxes or starter boxes, provide fiber bushing and lock nuts. Bushings shall be 0-Z/Gedney Type "A" up to 2" conduit, and Type "B" over 2", or equal, Appleton or Thomas & Betts. Bushings made of thermoplastic or other flammable material are NOT acceptable. Y. Where conduits terminate in pull and outlet boxes, provide approved tinned iron bushings and secure to boxes with lock nuts and screw type bushings. Z. All conduit which enters the building through the floor or foundation walls shall enter through a hot dipped galvanized cast iron conduit entrance assembly. The shell of this fitting shall be installed in the foundation wall before the concrete is poured. Entrance seals shall be as manufactured by 0Z/Gedney Company, Type "FSK" for floors, "WSK" for walls or approved equal. AA. All conduit entering the building below grade and terminating into panels or pull boxes will provide seals around all conductors at box entry with 0-Z/Gedney Type CSBI sealing bushing. BB. Install expansion-deflection fittings in all raceways at the expansion joints of the building in such a manner that the expansion joints of the building will be required in all directions. Install on all straight conduit runs in excess of 100 feet. Movement will be required in a straight line direction only. Use 0-Z/Gedney type AX expansion fittings and DX expansion-deflection fittings. Maintain grounding continuity at each expansion fitting with a bonding jumper. Design & Engineering Criteria 4 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 CC. Final connections to all motors shall be made with flexible steel conduit. Final connections to roof exhaust fans shall be made with "Sealtite" waterproof flexible conduit. Provide additional ground wire to assure a perfect ground connection. DD. No conduit will be routed on the roof. Where mechanical rooftop units are to be wired, conduit will be routed through, within the roof curb or routed with piping in mechanical roof curbs. EE. All conduit ends, as installed, shall be plugged with cork, wood or brass plugs to prevent entrance of moisture, plaster, etc., and shall be blown and swabbed before wires are pulled in. FF. Outlets or plates shall finish flush against exposed brick, tile, concrete, or plaster walls and partitions. Unused outlets shall receive approved blank covers. 3.03 INTERFACE WITH OTHER PRODUCTS A. Install conduit to preserve fire resistance rating of partitions and other elements, using materials and methods specified within applicable sections of building specification. B. Route conduit through roof openings for piping and ductwork wherever possible. Where separate roofing penetration is required, coordinate location and installation method with roofing installation. END OF SECTION p:\13 projects\13168cod\wp\specs\cod electrical spec pdf as recived from client 5-20-13\26 0534 conduit.docx Design & Engineering Criteria 5 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 SECTION 26 0553 IDENTIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS PART 1 GENERAL A. IDENTIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS PART 2 SECTION INCLUDES A. Nameplates and labels. B. Wire and cable identification. C. Conduit identification. D. Field-painted identification of conduit and junction boxes. E. Science room gas, electric, and water shut off switches 2.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01 9113- General Commissioning Requirements B. Section 28 3100- Fire Alarm and Detection System 2.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; National Fire Protection Association; 2008. 2.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions as described within the general requirements section. B. Product Data: Provide catalog data for nameplates, labels, and markers. C. Manufacturer's Instructions: Indicate application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by product testing agency specified under Quality Assurance. Include instructions for storage, handling, protection, examination, preparation and installation of product. 2.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conform to requirements of NFPA 70. PART 3 PRODUCTS 3.01 NAMEPLATES AND LABELS A. Nameplates: Engraved three-layer laminated plastic, black letters on white background for normal power circuits and white letters on red background for emergency circuits. B. Locations: 1. Switchboard a. Individual switchboard circuits 2. Distribution panelboards a. Individual distribution panelboard circuits 3. Lighting and appliance panelboards 4. Motor Starters 5. Motor Control Centers 6. Safety Switches 7. Transfer switches 8. Science room gas, water, and electric shut off switches. Design & Engineering Criteria 1 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 C. Letter Size: 1. Use 1/8 inch letters for identifying individual equipment and loads. 2. Use 1/4 inch letters for identifying grouped equipment and loads. D. Labels: Embossed adhesive tape, with 3/16 inch white letters on black background. Use only for identification of individual wall switches and receptacles, and control device stations. 3.02 CONDUIT MARKERS A. Manufacturers: Setmark Semi-rigid plastic identification markers or equal B. Spacing: 20 feet on center. C. Identify all conduit using color coded identifying bands. 1. Spacing a. Minimum every 20' b. Within 1' of each junction box 3.03 CONDUCTOR COLOR: A. For 208/120V 1. A-Phase - Black 2. B-Phase Red 3. C-Phase - Blue 4. Neutral - White B. For 277/480V 1. A-Phase - Brown 2. B-Phase - Orange 3. C-Phase- Yellow 4. Neutral - Gray C. Conductor colors shall apply to all conductor sizes and apply to entire insulation. No exceptions for larger cables. Identifying colored tape shall not be allowed. Other colors allowed for branch circuits and switch leg conductors D. Fire Alarm System: Red. 3.04 CONDUIT COLOR A. EMT- Allied Tube and Conduit True Color 1. Power (EMT branch circuits) Blue 2. Lighting (EMT branch circuits)- Yellow 3. Emergency circuits (EMT branch circuits)- Orange 4. Fire Alarm (EMT branch power and low-voltage cabling) - Red 5. Low Voltage (ex. Telecommunication)- Green B. IMC and RGC (or as otherwise specified or required) 1. Utilize conduit markers in the following color scheme: a. Power - Blue b. Lighting- Yellow c. Emergency circuits- Orange d. Fire Alarm - Red e. Low Voltage (ex. Telecommunication)- Green 3.05 UNDERGROUND WARNING TAPE A. Description: 3 inch wide polyethylene tape, detectable type colored red with suitable warning legend describing buried electrical lines. Design & Engineering Criteria 2 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 B. Description: (3 inch) wide plastic tape (detectable) colored red indicating "CAUTION ELECTRIC LINE BURIED BELOW" shall be installed above all buried electrical conduits. C. Description: (3 inch) wide plastic tape (detectable) colored green indicating "CAUTION TELECOMMUNICATION LINE BURIED BELOW" shall be installed above all buried telecommunications (telephone, cable TV, fiber optic etc.) conduits. PART 4 EXECUTION 4.01 PREPARATION A. Degrease and clean surfaces to receive nameplates and labels. 4.02 INSTALLATION A. Provide identification for each lighting and appliance panelboard with a typewritten directory accurately indicating rooms and/or equipment being serviced, sealed in plastic and attached to door interior, etc. Note: Each index shall be sequenced in accord with actual panel circuiting (i.e. left side - 1, 3, 5, 7, etc., right side - 2, 4, 6, etc.) Standard cards print 1, 2, 3, etc., will not be acceptable. B. All plastic nameplates (equipment as previously noted) shall be mechanically fastened (screws) to equipment substrate. Where fasteners cannot or should not penetrate the substrate, use a permanent adhesive. C. The nameplates shall be in addition to the manufacturer's marking/identification tags required by NEMA/NEC requirements. The nameplates shall be as described in the products portion of this specification section. Secure with two (2) #40 self-tapping screws. Lettering shall be engraved, 1/4" high minimum. Submit list of identification plate wording to Owner's Representative for review before engraving same. D. All electrical conduits which are accessible (excluding conduits in finished spaces) including conduits in Equipment Rooms, above lay-in ceilings, and all unoccupied and/or unfinished spaces, shall be identified with semi-rigid plastic identification markers equal to "Setmark" pipe markers, electrical marker, or equal. 20 feet on center and next to all junction boxes. 1. In addition to the above requirements, plastic field markers shall be placed at both terminating points of each feeder and at each intermediate point where it is spliced or connected to a terminal block or piece of electrical equipment such as a starter or control panel. E. Install nameplates and labels parallel to equipment lines. F. Secure nameplates to equipment front using screws. G. Secure nameplates to inside surface of door on panelboard that is recessed in finished locations. H. Identify underground conduits using underground warning tape. Install one tape per trench at 3 inches below finished grade. END OF SECTION p:\13 projects\13168cod\wp\specs\cod electrical spec pdf as recived from client 5-20-13\26 0553 identification.docx Design & Engineering Criteria 3 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 SECTION 26 0943 NETWORK LIGHTING CONTROLS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Unified Lighting Control System shall consist of BACnet native lighting controllers, Centralized Panels and/or Distributed Controllers, which reside on the BACnet MS/TP network of the Building Automation System (BAS). The Unified Lighting Control System shall be an integral part of the BAS such that the operator experiences one unified system of controlling, monitoring, scheduling, trending, alarming, etc. 1. Systems that require option card, gateway or protocol translator are not acceptable. a. BACnet MSTP/IP Routers are acceptable when detailed on the drawings. 2. Systems that require separate master controller, server, or front-end computer are not acceptable. 3. Systems that require client or server licensing are not acceptable. 4. Systems that have an actuation time greater than 100 milliseconds are not acceptable. Actuation time is measured from an occupant signal (via low voltage field device; addressable stations, occupancy sensors, wall switches, etc.) to the first relay actuation. Succeeding relays may be delayed to minimize peak demand. B. Unified Lighting Control System shall also consist of, as detailed on the drawings, Satellites and low voltage field devices such as; Stations, occupancy sensors, wall switches, and light level sensors. 1. Systems utilizing pre-manufactured cables or proprietary wire to connect low voltage field devices to Centralized Panels, Distributed Controllers, or Satellites are not acceptable. C. Unified Lighting Control System shall directly control the lighting as specified in this Section 3.6 – Sequence of Operations for Unified Lighting Controls. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK A. The Contractor shall furnish all components of the Unified Lighting Control System as detailed on the drawings and specifications. These components shall consist of Centralized Panels, Distributed Controllers, and low voltage field devices such as Stations, occupancy sensors, wall switches, and light level sensors. The Contractor shall provide the all necessary documents, including approved submittal package, riser diagrams and termination schematics required to provide a complete and correct installation. B. The Contractor under Division 26 shall furnish all labor to install the Unified Lighting Control System. The Contractor shall provide the Unified Lighting Control System components and store them in a secure and dry location. The Contractor shall provide all of the required materials (conduit, raceways, wire, etc.) and make all of the line and low voltage wiring terminations for the furnished equipment to ensure the Unified Lighting Control System functions properly and in accordance with the specifications and drawings. The Contractor shall provide installation as-built drawings. C. The contractor shall subcontract to the college approved BAS contractor to provide panel integration into the building bas system as well as provide new BAS screens for the university control system to allow remote control and programming of the new unified lighting controls. 1.03 RELATED SECTIONS A. The General Conditions of the Contract, Supplementary Conditions, and General Requirements are part of this specification and shall be used in conjunction with this section as part of the contract documents. B. The following sections constitute related work: 1. Section 25 56 00 – Integrated Automation Control of Electrical Systems 2. Section 26 00 10 – Basic Electrical Requirements 1 Rev. July, 2015 Division 26 – Electrical Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Section 26 05 19 – Low voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables Section 26 05 29 – Hangers and Supports Section 26 05 34 – Conduit Section 26 05 34 – Identification Section 26 09 43 – Network Lighting Controls Section 26 27 26 – Wiring Devices 1.04 CODES AND STANDARDS A. Work, materials, and equipment shall comply with the most restrictive of local, state, and federal authorities' codes and ordinances or these plans and specifications. As a minimum, the installation shall comply with current editions in effect 30 days prior to receipt of bids of the following codes: 1. National Electric Code (NEC) 2. International Building Code (IBC) 3. International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) 4. National Electrical Manufacturer Association (NEMA) 5. ANSI/ASHRAE 135-2010 Rev 12: Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Systems (BACNET) 6. Underwriters Laboratory (UL) – UL916 Energy Management, UL508 Industrial Control Equipment, and UL924 Emergency Lighting and Power Equipment. 1.05 CONTRACTOR PROVIDED SUBMITTALS A. Contractor shall provide complete and accurate as-built drawings to BAS Controls Contractor prior to Unified Lighting Control System Check-out and Testing. B. The Contractor shall provide as-built drawings that document all wiring termination information necessary to configure, troubleshoot and complete the Unified Lighting Control System, including but not limited to: 1. Low voltage network wiring information; a. Type and quantity wires b. Distance and route of each wire run c. Terminations performed at each device d. Junctions performed between devices, if any 2. Low voltage wiring for low voltage field devices; a. Type and quantity wires b. Distance and route of each wire run c. Terminations performed at each device d. Junctions performed between devices, if any 3. Line voltage wiring for Centralized Panels, Distributed Controllers, and Satellites; a. Circuit identifications and load designation for each relay / line voltage output b. Circuit identification for feed to each control power transformer or power source. 1.06 WARRANTY 1. Contractor shall provide twelve (12) month warranty on the installation of the Unified Lighting Control System. Warranty shall include all labor and materials furnished (including but not limited to; pipe, wire conduit, fasteners, junction boxes, switch boxes, raceways, and face plates) and all line and low voltage wiring terminations. If within twelve (12) months from the date of acceptance of the Unified Lighting Control System, upon written notice from the owner, it is found to be defective in operation, workmanship or materials, it shall be replaced, repaired or adjusted at the option of the Electrical Contractor. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 APPROVED PRODUCTS AND SUPPLIERS A. Basis of design is Unified Lighting Control System by Blue Ridge Technologies, Marietta GA (800-241-9173) furnished by the BAS Controls Contractor listed below: 2 Rev. July, 2015 Division 26 – Electrical Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project B. All proposed Manufacturer and BAS Controls Contractor substitutions must be submitted in writing for approval by the design professional (electrical or mechanical) a minimum of ten (10) working days prior to the bid date. Proposed substitutions must be accompanied by a review of the specification noting compliance on a line-by-line basis. C. Contractors using pre-approved substitutions accepts responsibility and associated costs for all required modifications to circuitry, devices, and wiring. In addition, the Contractor shall provide complete engineered shop drawings including power and control wiring with deviations from the original design highlighted in an alternate color to the engineer for review and approval prior to rough-in. 2.02 CENTRALIZED PANELS A. The Contractor shall install Centralized Panels as detailed on drawings. 1. The Contractor under Division 25 shall furnish Centralized Panels as detailed on drawings. 2.03 DISTRIBUTED CONTROLLERS A. The Contractor shall install Distributed Controllers as detailed on drawings. 1. The Contractor under Division 25 shall furnish Distributed Controllers as detailed on drawings. 2.04 LOW VOLTAGE WALL SWITCHES A. The Contractor shall install low voltage wall switches as detailed on drawings. 1. The Contractor under Division 25 shall furnish Low Voltage Wall Switches as detailed on drawings. 2. The Contractor shall furnish and install all face plates with labels or engraving as required and shall provide the text for labeling of all faceplates after coordinating with owners representatives. 3. Line voltage wall switches that are not part of the Unified Lighting Control System shall be furnished and installed by the Contractor, under Division 26 4. Low voltage switches shall be gang-able with other low voltage decorator style devices under a common face plate. 2.05 LOW VOLTAGE STATIONS A. The Contractor shall install low voltage stations and shall set the station address as detailed on drawings. 1. The BAS Controls Contractor under Division 25 shall furnish low voltage stations as detailed on drawings. 2. The Contractor shall furnish and install all face plates with labels or engraving as required and shall provide the text for labeling of all faceplates after coordinating with owners representatives. 3. Low voltage stations shall be gang-able with other low voltage decorator style devices under a common face plate. 2.06 LOW VOLTAGE LIGHT LEVEL SENSORS A. The Contractor shall install low voltage light level sensors as detailed on drawings. 1. The Contractor under Division 25 shall furnish low voltage light level sensors as detailed on drawings. 2.07 LOW VOLTAGE OCCUPANCY SENSORS A. The Electrical Contractor shall install low voltage occupancy sensors and shall set the time-out value as detailed on drawings. 1. The Contractor under Division 25 shall furnish low voltage occupancy sensors as detailed on drawings. 2. All low voltage occupancy sensor timers shall be set to the minimum setting, 1 minute or less, by the installer. 3. All low voltage occupancy sensor adjustments for sensing area / coverage shall be set by the installer. Installer shall be responsible for any fine tuning of settings to provide proper operation. 3 Rev. July, 2015 Division 26 – Electrical Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project 2.08 LINE VOLTAGE SWITCHES A. All line voltage switches shall be furnished and installed by the Contractor, under Division 26. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install and wire all Unified Lighting Control System equipment furnished by the BAS Controls Contractor. All work, materials and equipment shall comply with the most restrictive of local, state, and federal authorities' codes and ordinances or these plans and specifications. As a minimum, the installation shall comply with current editions in effect 30 days prior to receipt of bids of the following codes: 1. National Electric Code (NEC) 2. International Building Code (IBC) 3. International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) 4. ANSI/ASHRAE 135-2004: Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Systems (BACNET) 5. Underwriters Laboratory (UL) – UL 916 Energy Management, UL 508 Industrial Control Equipment, and UL 924 Emergency Lighting and Power Equipment. B. Installation shall include all low voltage wiring and terminations in accordance with the drawings and submittals provided by the Contractor, including wiring and terminations; 1. Between Centralized Panels Distributed Controllers, and low voltage field devices (including but not limited to low voltage switches, low voltage stations, low voltage occupancy sensors, and low voltage light level sensors). C. Installation shall include all line voltage wiring and terminations in accordance with the drawings and submittals provided by the Contractor, including wiring and terminations; 1. Between Centralized Panels, Distributed Controllers, and line voltage loads. D. Installation shall include all low voltage network wiring and terminations in accordance with the drawings and submittals provided by the Contractor, including wiring and terminations; 1. The BACnet network 2. Addressable station and satellite controller network. 3.02 PROGRAMMING A. All programming of the Unified Lighting Control System as specified shall be furnished by the Contractor under Division 25. B. Contractor shall provide complete and accurate as-built drawings to BAS Controls Contractor upon completion of installation. 3.03 SYSTEM CHECKOUT AND TESTING A. Prior to system check-out and testing, the Contractor shall verify that all line and low voltage wiring is properly connected and free of shorts and ground faults. Verify that terminations are tight. 3.04 CONTROL SYSTEM DEMONSTRATION AND ACCEPTANCE A. After tests described in this specification are performed to the satisfaction of the Owner. The Owner will accept control system as meeting completion requirements. Owner’s representatives may exempt tests from completion requirements that cannot be performed due to circumstances beyond Contractor's control. B. System shall not be accepted until completed demonstration forms and checklists are submitted and approved. END OF SECTION p:\15 projects\p15-0251-00cod\04 design\07 specs\electrical\26 0943 network lighting controls.docx 4 Rev. July, 2015 Division 26 – Electrical Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project SECTION 26 2726 WIRING DEVICES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Wall switches. B. Receptacles. C. Wall plates. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 26 0537 - Boxes. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. FS W-C-596 - Connector, Electrical, Power, General Specification for; Federal Specification; Revision G, 2001. B. FS W-S-896 - Switches, Toggle (Toggle and Lock), Flush-mounted (General Specification); Federal Specification; Revision F, 1999. C. NECA 1 - Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Contracting; National Electrical Contractors Association; 2006. D. NEMA WD 1 - General Color Requirements for Wiring Devices; National Electrical Manufacturers Association; 1999 (R 2005). E. NEMA WD 6 - Wiring Device-- Dimensional Requirements; National Electrical Manufacturers Association; 2002 (R2008). F. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; National Fire Protection Association; 2008. G. UL 20 - General-Use Snap Switches; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. H. UL 498 -Attachment Plugs and Receptacles; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. I. UL 5140- Cover Plates for Flush-Mounted Wiring Devices; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions as described within the general requirements section. B. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's catalog information showing dimensions, colors, and configurations. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conform to requirements of NFPA 70. B. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing the products specified in this section with minimum five years documented experience. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Hubbell. B. Pass and Seymour C. Leviton D. Cooper Wiring Devices Design & Engineering Criteria 1 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 2.02 ALL WIRING DEVICES A. Provide products listed and classified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. as suitable for the purpose specified and indicated. 2.03 WALL SWITCHES A. All Wall Switches: AC only, quiet operating, general-use snap switches with silver alloy contacts, complying with NEMA WD 1 and NEMA WD 6, and listed as complying with UL 20 and where applicable, FS W-S-896; types as indicated on the drawings. 1. Wiring Provisions: Terminal screws for side wiring and screw actuated binding clamp for back wiring with separate ground terminal screw. B. Single pole 1. Hubbell HBL1221-I 2. Leviton 1221 - 2 3. Pass and Seymour PS20AC11 4. Cooper Wiring Devices 2221 C. Two pole 1. Hubbell HBL 1222-1 2. Leviton 1222-2 3. Pass and Seymour PS20AC21 4. Cooper Wiring Devices 2222V D. Three way 1. Hubbell1223-l 2. Leviton 1223-2 3. Pass and Seymour PS20AC31 4. Cooper Wiring Devices 2223V E. Toggle switches shall be rated 20 ampere, 120-277 volts, except where otherwise shown on the drawings. F. Wall Switches: NEMA WD 1, Heavy Duty, AC only general-use snap switch. 2.04 INTERIOR RECEPTACLES A. All Receptacles: Self-grounding, complying with NEMA WD 1 and NEMA WD 6, and listed as complying with UL 498, and where applicable, FS W-C-596; types as indicated on the drawings. 1. Wiring Provisions: Terminal screws for side wiring or screw actuated binding clamp for back wiring with separate ground terminal screw. 2. NEMA configurations specified are according to NEMA WD 6. B. Standard (Ivory) 1. Hubbell HBL 5362-1 2. Leviton 5362-1 3. Pass and Seymour 5362A-I 4. Cooper Wiring Devices 5362V C. Computer- (Gray) 1. Hubbell HBL 5362-GRY 2. DELETE Leviton 5362-GY 3. Pass and Seymour 5362A-GRY 4. Cooper Wiring Devices 5362GY Design & Engineering Criteria 2 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 D. Ground Fault Interrupter- (Ivory) 1. Hubbell GFR53521A 2. Leviton 7899 3. Pass and Seymour 20941 4. Cooper Wiring Devices XGF20V E. Receptacles shall be rated 20 ampere, 120V except where otherwise shown on the drawings. F. Receptacles: NEMA WD 1, Heavy duty. 2.05 WALL PLATES A. All Wall Plates: Comply with UL 514D. 1. Configuration: One piece cover as required for quantity and types of corresponding wiring devices. 2. Size: Standard. 3. Screws: Metal with slotted heads finished to match wall plate finish. B. Plates shall be held in place with screws finished to match the plates. C. Finished area: 1. Brushed stainless steel- Type 302 Spec Grade D. Unfinished area: 1. Galvanized steel PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that field measurements are as shown on the drawings. B. Verify that outlet boxes are installed in proper locations and at proper mounting heights and are properly sized to accommodate devices and conductors in accordance with NFPA 70. C. Verify that wall openings are neatly cut and will be completely covered by wall plates. D. Verify that final surface finishes are complete, including painting. E. Verify that floor boxes are adjusted properly. F. Verify that branch circuit wiring installation is completed, tested, and ready for connection to wiring devices. G. Verify that openings in access floor are in proper locations. H. Verify that conditions are satisfactory for installation prior to starting work. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Provide extension rings to bring outlet boxes flush with finished surface. B. Clean dirt, debris, plaster, and other foreign materials from outlet boxes. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Perform work in a neat and workmanlike manner in accordance with NECA 1 and, where applicable, NECA 130, including mounting heights specified in those standards unless otherwise indicated. B. Perform work in a neat and workmanlike manner in accordance with NECA 1, including mounting heights specified in that standard unless otherwise indicated. C. Coordinate locations of outlet boxes provided under Section 26 0537 as required for installation of wiring devices provided under this section. Design & Engineering Criteria 3 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 D. Install wiring devices in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. E. Install permanent barrier between ganged wiring devices when voltage between adjacent devices exceeds 300 V. F. Where required, connect wiring devices using pigtails not less than 6 inches long. Do not connect more than one conductor to wiring device terminals. G. Connect wiring devices by wrapping conductor clockwise 3/4 turn around screw terminal and tightening to proper torque specified by the manufacturer. Where present, do not use push-in pressure terminals that do not rely on screw-actuated binding. H. Unless otherwise indicated, connect wiring device grounding terminal to branch circuit equipment grounding conductor and to outlet box with bonding jumper. I. Install in accordance with NECA "Standard of Installation." J. Install wiring devices plumb and level with mounting yoke held rigidly in place. K. Install wall switches with OFF position down. L. Install vertically mounted receptacles with grounding pole on top and horizontally mounted receptacles with grounding pole on left. M. Install wall plates to fit completely flush to wall with no gaps and rough opening completely covered without strain on wall plate. Repair or reinstall improperly installed outlet boxes or improperly sized rough openings. Do not use oversized wall plates in lieu of meeting this requirement. N. Install blank wall plates on junction boxes and on outlet boxes with no wiring devices installed or designated for future use. O. Install receptacles horizontal with grounding pole on right hand side. P. Connect wiring device grounding terminal to outlet box with bonding jumper. Q. Install brushed stainless steel plates on switch, receptacle, and blank outlets in finished areas. R. Connect wiring devices by wrapping conductor around screw terminal. S. Install galvanized steel plates on outlet boxes and junction boxes in unfinished areas, above accessible ceilings, and on surface mounted outlets in unfinished spaces. 3.04 INTERFACE WITH OTHER PRODUCTS A. Coordinate locations of outlet boxes provided under Section 26 0537 to obtain mounting heights specified. B. Install wall switch 48 inches above finished floor. C. Install convenience receptacle 18 inches above finished floor. D. Install convenience receptacle 6 inches above counter. D. Install dimmer 48 inches above finished floor. 3.05 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Perform field inspection, testing, and adjusting in accordance with Section 01 4000. B. Inspect each wiring device for damage and defects. C. Operate each wall switch, wall dimmer, and tan speed controller with circuit energized to verity proper operation. D. Operate each wall switch with circuit energized and verity proper operation. Design & Engineering Criteria 4 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 E. Verity that each receptacle device is energized. F. Test each receptacle to verity operation and proper polarity. G. Test each GFCI receptacle tor proper tripping operation according to manufacturer's instructions. H. Correct wiring deficiencies and replace damaged or detective wiring devices. 3.06 ADJUSTING A. Adjust devices and wall plates to be flush and level. 3.07 CLEANING A. Clean exposed surfaces to remove dirt, paint, or other foreign material and restore to match original factory finish. END OF SECTION p:\13 projects\13168cod\wp\specs\cod electrical spec pdf as recived from client 5-20-13\26 2726 wiring devices.docx Design & Engineering Criteria 5 Division 26 – Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 521 Design & Engineering Criteria Division 26 - Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 522 Design & Engineering Criteria Division 26 - Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 523 Design & Engineering Criteria Division 26 - Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 524 Design & Engineering Criteria Division 26 - Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 525 Design & Engineering Criteria Division 26 - Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 526 Design & Engineering Criteria Division 26 - Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 527 Design & Engineering Criteria Division 26 - Electrical Revised for: Carol Stream Center Lighting Control Panel Replacement Project Rev. April, 2011 Issued for Bid July 06, 2015 A COLLEGE OF DUPAGE B C LIGHTING CONTROL PANEL REPLACEMENT CAROL STREAM CENTER D FOR E CAROL STREAM REGIONAL CENTER F 500 KUHN RD. CAROL STREAM, IL 22ND STREET and LAMBERT ROAD G GLEN ELLYN, ILLINOIS 60137 H GRUMMAN/BUTKUS ASSOCIATES I 820 DAVIS STREET, SUITE 300 EVANSTON, IL 60201-4446 (847) 328-3555 FAX: (847) 328-4550 J No. 1 Description Date ISSUED FOR BID 07/06/15 K L M N SHEET INDEX E-000 E-001 ED-101 E-101 E-401 E-501 E-502 E-701 E-702 E-703 O P Q LOCATION MAP COVER SHEET ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS, NOTES, AND SCHEDULES ELECTRICAL PLAN - DEMOLITION ELECTRICAL PLAN - NEW WORK ELECTRICAL LIGHTING CONTROL RISER DIAGRAM ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES ELECTRICAL DETAILS ELECTRICAL DETAILS ELECTRICAL DETAILS COVER SHEET Project number Date 06 JULY, 2015 Drawn by JDS MDM Checked by E-000 R Scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 NONE A COLLEGE OF DUPAGE B C LIGHTING CONTROL PANEL REPLACEMENT CAROL STREAM CENTER D E CAROL STREAM REGIONAL CENTER F 500 KUHN RD. CAROL STREAM, IL G H I J No. 1 Description Date ISSUED FOR BID 07/06/15 K L M N O P ELECT. SYMBOLS, NOTES, & SCHEDULES Project number Q Date 06 JULY, 2015 Drawn by JDS MDM Checked by E-001 R Scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 NONE A COLLEGE OF DUPAGE B C LIGHTING CONTROL PANEL REPLACEMENT CAROL STREAM CENTER D E CAROL STREAM REGIONAL CENTER F 500 KUHN RD. CAROL STREAM, IL G H I J No. 1 Description Date ISSUED FOR BID 07/06/15 K L M N O 1 ELECTRICAL LIGHTING CONTROL PLAN - DEMOLITION P ELECTRICAL PLAN DEMOLITION Project number Q Date 06 JULY, 2015 Drawn by JDS MDM Checked by ED-101 R Scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1/8" = 1'-0" A COLLEGE OF DUPAGE B C LIGHTING CONTROL PANEL REPLACEMENT CAROL STREAM CENTER D E CAROL STREAM REGIONAL CENTER F 500 KUHN RD. CAROL STREAM, IL G H I J No. 1 Description Date ISSUED FOR BID 07/06/15 K L M N O N 1 ELECTRICAL LIGHTING CONTROL PLAN - NEW WORK P ELECTRICAL PLAN NEW WORK Project number Q Date 06 JULY, 2015 Drawn by JDS MDM Checked by E-101 R Scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1/8" = 1'-0" A COLLEGE OF DUPAGE B C LIGHTING CONTROL PANEL REPLACEMENT CAROL STREAM CENTER T T D E CAROL STREAM REGIONAL CENTER T F 500 KUHN RD. CAROL STREAM, IL G H I J No. 1 Description Date ISSUED FOR BID 07/06/15 K L T M N T O P ELECTRICAL LIGHTING CONTROL RISER DIAGRAM Project number Q Date 06 JULY, 2015 Drawn by JDS MDM Checked by E-401 R Scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 NONE A COLLEGE OF DUPAGE B C LIGHTING CONTROL PANEL REPLACEMENT CAROL STREAM CENTER D E CAROL STREAM REGIONAL CENTER F 500 KUHN RD. CAROL STREAM, IL G H I J No. 1 Description Date ISSUED FOR BID 07/06/15 K L M N O P ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES Project number Q Date 06 JULY, 2015 Drawn by JDS MDM Checked by E-501 R Scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 NONE A COLLEGE OF DUPAGE B C LIGHTING CONTROL PANEL REPLACEMENT CAROL STREAM CENTER D E CAROL STREAM REGIONAL CENTER F 500 KUHN RD. CAROL STREAM, IL G H I J No. 1 Description Date ISSUED FOR BID 07/06/15 K L M N O P ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES Project number Q Date 06 JULY, 2015 Drawn by JDS MDM Checked by E-502 R Scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 NONE A COLLEGE OF DUPAGE B C LINE CIRCUIT-XX LOW BLK CIRCUIT BREAKER 20A MAX HIGH E Relay 02 Relay 03 Relay 04 Relay 05 Relay 06 Relay 07 Relay 08 Relay 09 Relay 10 Relay 11 Relay 12 Relay 13 Relay 14 Relay 15 BLK BLK D Relay 01 Relay 17 SHIELD SHIELD BLK BLK Relay 16 BALLAST-1 Relay 23 BALLAST-2 Relay 25 Relay 27 Relay 29 LIGHT FIXTURE G Relay 31 GRN SN+ WHT SN- RED +24V BLK GND BN- SHLD BN+ Relay 21 WHT F OCCUPANCY SENSOR BLUE-N.O. OUTPUT CAROL STREAM REGIONAL CENTER (IN) BLK BLK WHT BLK-GND Relay 20 Relay 19 NEUTRAL RED-24VDC Relay 18 RED RED LIGHTING CONTROL PANEL REPLACEMENT CAROL STREAM CENTER Relay 22 (OUT) Relay 24 500 KUHN RD. CAROL STREAM, IL Relay 26 UI-1 Relay 28 UI-2 +24V Relay 30 GND UI-3 Relay 32 UI-4 +24V Relay 33 Relay 34 GND UI-5 Relay 35 Relay 36 UI-6 RED RED-24VDC BLK BLK-GND YEL YEL-SIGNAL LIGHT SENSOR +24V Relay 37 Relay 38 GND UI-7 H Relay 39 UI-8 LS24-0 Relay 40 RPCB +24V Relay 41 Relay 42 GND UI-9 Relay 43 UI-10 Relay 44 +24V Relay 45 I Relay 47 GND Relay 46 UI-11 Relay 48 UI-12 +24V No. WHT BLK WHT BLK GND NEUTRAL WHT SN- BLK WHT GND +5V GND +24V UI-24 120V LINE CIRCUIT BREAKER 20A MAX 1 Description Date ISSUED FOR BID 07/06/15 BLK RED WHT UI-23 +24V UI-22 GND BLK RED UI-21 YEL +24V GND GND UI-20 +24V GND YEL UI-19 BLU P2 +24V P1 UI-16 UI-18 UI-15 BRN GRN BLK 277V GRN P2 SN+ GND RED P1 UI-17 J GROUND GRN +24V +24V UI-14 RED GND UI-13 HIGH K LOW L CTS2CH-XX CS-X-X CL3P 22/2 SHIELDED LOW CAP MAX 4,000' TO MSTP NETWORK M FROM MSTP NETWORK CL3P 22/2 SHIELDED LOW CAP MAX 4,000' CL3P 18/3 MAX 500' CL3P 18/3 MAX 500' N CL3P 18/4 OR 22/4 MAX 500' O 1 TYPICAL CONNECTIONS TO BLUE RIDGE TECHNOLOGIES LIGHTING CONTROL PANEL Scale: N.T.S. P ELECTRICAL DETAILS Project number Q Date 06 JULY, 2015 Drawn by JDS MDM Checked by E-701 R Scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 NONE A COLLEGE OF DUPAGE B C LIGHTING CONTROL PANEL REPLACEMENT CAROL STREAM CENTER D E F 1 LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING CONTROL STATION 1 BUTTON 2 Scale: N.T.S. LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING CONTROL STATION 2 BUTTON 3 Scale: N.T.S. LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING CONTROL STATION 3 BUTTON 4 Scale: N.T.S. CAROL STREAM REGIONAL CENTER LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING CONTROL STATION 2 GANG (2) 2 BUTTON STATIONS 500 KUHN RD. CAROL STREAM, IL Scale: N.T.S. G H I J No. 1 Description Date ISSUED FOR BID 07/06/15 K L M N O P ELECTRICAL DETAILS Project number Q Date 06 JULY, 2015 Drawn by JDS MDM Checked by E-702 R Scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 NONE A System No. W-L-3335 System No. W-L-3334 C US ANSI/UL1479 (ASTM E814) Classified by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. to UL 1479 and CAN/ULC-S115 B F Ratings - 1, 2, 3 and 4 Hr (See Item 1) US Classified by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. to UL 1479 and CAN/ULC-S115 F Ratings - 1, 2, 3 and 4 Hr (See Item 1) T Ratings - 0, 1, 1-3/4, 2, 3 and 4 Hr (See Items 2 and 3) C C CAN/ULC S115 FT Ratings - 0, 1, 1-3/4, 2, 3 and 4 Hr (See Items 2 and 3) L Rating At Ambient - Less Than 1 CFM (See Item 2) FH Ratings - 1, 2, 3 and 4 Hr (See Item 1) L Ratings At 400 F - 1 and Less Than 1 CFM (See Item 2) FTH Ratings - 0, 1, 1-3/4, 2, 3 and 4 Hr (See Items 2 and 3) ANSI/UL1479 (ASTM E814) F Ratings - 1 and 2 Hr (See Item 1) F Ratings - 1 and 2 Hr (See Item 1) T Ratings - 0, 1, 1-3/4 and 2 Hr (See Item 2) FT Ratings - 0, 1, 1-3/4 and 2 Hr (See Item 2) L Rating At Ambient -Less Than 1 CFM (See Items 2 and 4) FH Ratings - 1 and 2 Hr (See Item 1) L Ratings At 400 F - 1 and Less Than 1 CFM (See Items 2 and 4) FTH Ratings - 0, 1, 1-3/4 and 2 Hr (See Item 2) L Rating At Ambient - Less Than 1 CFM (See Items 2 and 4) L Rating At Ambient - Less Than 1 CFM (See Item 2) A 1A A LIGHTING CONTROL PANEL REPLACEMENT CAROL STREAM CENTER L Ratings At 400 F - 1 and Less Than 1 CFM (See Items 2 and 4) L Ratings At 400 F - 1 and Less Than 1 CFM (See Item 2) D COLLEGE OF DUPAGE CAN/ULC S115 1A 4 4 E 2 1B 3 A 2 1B 1. Wall Assembly — The 1 or 2 hr fire rated gypsum board/stud wall assembly shall be constructed of the materials and in the manner described within the individual U300, U400, V400 or W400 Series Wall and Partition Designs in the UL Fire Resistance Directory and shall incorporate the following construction features: A. Studs — Wall framing shall consist of either wood studs or steel channel studs. Wood studs to consist of nom 2 by 4 in. (51 by 102 mm) lumber spaced max 16 in. (406 mm) OC. Steel studs to be min 2-1/2 in. (64 mm) wide and spaced max 24 in. (610 mm) OC. B. Gypsum Board* — Nom 5/8 in. (16 mm) thick gypsum board as specified in the individual Wall and Partition Design. Opening in gypsum board to be max 3 in. (76 mm) diam for 2" device and max 5 in. (127 mm) diam for 4" device. The hourly F and FH Ratings of the firestop system are dependent upon the hourly rating of the wall in which it is installed. 2. Cables — Within the loading area for each firestop device, the cables may represent a 0 to 100 percent visual fill. Cables to be tightly bundled within the device and rigidly supported on both sides of wall assembly. Any combination of the following types of cables may be used: A. Max 100 pair No. 24 AWG (or smaller) copper conductor telecommunication cable with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) jacketing and insulation. B. Max 7/C No. 12 AWG copper conductor control cable with PVC or XLPE jacket and insulation. C. Max 4/0 AWG Type RHH ground cable. D. Max 4 pr No. 22 AWG Cat 5 or Cat 6 computer cables. E. Max RG 6/U coaxial cable with fluorinated ethylene insulation and jacketing. F. Fiber optic cable with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or polyethylene (PE) jacket and insulation having a max diam of 1/2 in. (13 mm). G. Max 20/C No. 22 AWG shielded printer cable with PVC jacket. H. Through-Penetrating Product* - Two copper conductors No. 18 AWG (or smaller) Power or Non Power Limited Fire Alarm Cable with or without a jacket under a metal armor. AFC CABLE SYSTEMS INC I. Max. 1/4 in. (6 mm) diameter S-Video Cable consisting of 2 max 24 AWG 75 ohm coax or twisted pair cable with PE insulation and PVC jacket . J. Max 3/C No 12 AWG MC Cable. K. Through Penetrating Product* — Any cables, Armored Cable+ or Metal Clad Cable+ currently Classified under the Through Penetrating Product category. See Through Penetrating Product (XHLY) category in the Fire Resistance Directory for names of manufacturers See Table below for T, FT and FTH Ratings for opening with cables. For blank opening (no cables) with 2" device, the T, FT and FTH Ratings for the firestop system equal the F and FH Ratings. For blank opening with 4" device, the T, FT and FTH Ratings are 1-3/4 hr for 2 hr fire rated walls and 0 hr for 1 hr fire rated walls. 3 A F SECTION A-A 1. Wall Assembly — The 1, 2, 3 or 4 hr fire rated gypsum board/stud wall assembly shall be constructed of the materials and in the manner described within the individual U300, U400, V400 or W400 Series Wall and Partition Designs in the UL Fire Resistance Directory and shall incorporate the following construction features: A. Studs — Wall framing shall consist of either wood studs or steel channel studs. Wood studs to consist of nom 2 by 4 in. (51 by 102 mm) lumber spaced max 16 in. (406 mm) OC. Steel studs to be min 2-1/2 in. (64 mm) wide and spaced max 24 in. (610 mm) OC for 1 and 2 hr wall assemblies. Steel Studs to be 3-5/8 in. (92 mm) for 3 and 4 hr wall assemblies. B. Gypsum Board* — Nom 5/8 in. (16 mm) thick gypsum board as specified in the individual Wall and Partition Design. Opening in gypsum board to be max 2-1/2 in. (64 mm) diam for 2" device and max 4-1/2 in. (114 mm) diam for 4" device. The hourly F and FH Ratings of the firestop system are dependent upon the hourly rating of the wall in which it is installed. 2. Cables — Within the loading area for each firestop device, the cables may represent a 0 to 100 percent visual fill. Cables to be tightly bundled within the device and rigidly supported on both sides of wall assembly. Any combination of the following types of cables may be used: A. Max 100 pair No. 24 AWG (or smaller) copper conductor telecommunication cable with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) jacketing and insulation. B. Max 7/C No. 12 AWG copper conductor control cable with PVC or XLPE jacket and insulation. C. Max 4/0 AWG Type RHH ground cable. D. Max 4 pr No. 22 AWG Cat 5 or Cat 6 computer cables. E. Max RG 6/U coaxial cable with fluorinated ethylene insulation and jacketing. F. Fiber optic cable with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or polyethylene (PE) jacket and insulation having a max diam of 1/2 in. (13 mm). G. Max 20/C No. 22 AWG shielded printer cable with PVC jacket. H. Through-Penetrating Product* - Two copper conductors No. 18 AWG (or smaller) Power or Non Power Limited Fire Alarm Cable with or without a jacket under a metal armor. AFC CABLE SYSTEMS INC I. Max. 1/4 in. (6 mm) diameter S-Video Cable consisting of 2 max 24 AWG 75 ohm coax or twisted pair cable with PE insulation and PVC jacket . J. Max 3/C No 12 AWG MC Cable. K. Through Penetrating Product* — Any cables, Armored Cable+ or Metal Clad Cable+ currently Classified under the Through Penetrating Product category. See Through Penetrating Product (XHLY) category in the Fire Resistance Directory for names of manufacturers. For opening with cables, when the hourly rating of the wall assembly is 1 hr, the T, FT and FTH Ratings are 0 hr. For opening with cables, when the hourly rating of the wall assembly is 2 hr, the T, FT and FTH Ratings are 1-3/4 hr except that, when Item 2C, 2G, 2I, 2J or 2K is used, the T, FT and FTH Ratings are 1 hr for 2C, 2 OR 2I and the T, FT and FTH Ratings are 1/2 hr for 2J or 2 K (see Item 3 also). When the hourly rating of the wall assembly is 3 or 4 hr, the T, FT and FTH Ratings are 2 hr. For wall assemblies with a 3 or 4 hr rating, Items 2G and 2I are not to be used. L Ratings apply only when device flanges and CP 606 or FS-One Sealant are used. See Table below for L Ratings. G H I J K Max Cable Fill L Cable Type L Rating, CFM/Sq Ft Ambient 0% - M 100% Device Size 5 Any cables (Item 2) in any combination 9 2 and 4 400°F Less Than 1 O Max Cable Fill 1 Description Date ISSUED FOR BID 07/06/15 T Rating, hr 1 All 0 2 CP 606 or FS-ONE 0 2 CP 618 Putty 1-3/4 (for all cable types except 2C, 2G and 2I) 2 CP 618 Putty 1-3/4 (for all cable types except 2C, 2G, 2I, 2J and 2K) 2 CP 618 Putty 1 (for cable types 2C, 2G and 2I) 2 CP 618 Putty 1/2 (for cable types 2J and 2K) L Rating, CFM/Sq Ft Cable Type Ambien t L Rating, CFM Ambien t 400°F 400°F - Less than 1 Less than 1 Less than 1 Less than 1 100% Item 2D only 5 1 Less than 1 Less than 1 100% Any cables (Item 2) in any combination 9 10 Less than 1 1 0% 3. Firestop Device* — Firestop device consists of a corrugated steel tube with an inner plastic housing, intumescent material rings and twisted inner fabric smoke seal. Firestop device to be installed in accordance with the accompanying installation instructions. As an option, the inner fabric seal may remain open except that, to attain the L Rating, the inner fabric seal shall be twisted to completely close off the opening within device. Device slid into wall such that ends project an equal distance from the approximate centerline of the wall assembly. Device provided with flanges that are spun clockwise onto device threads, butting tightly to both sides of wall. The annular space between the device and the periphery of the opening shall be min 0 in. (point contact). Device flanges are to be secured to wall with min two 1-1/2 in. (38 mm) long drywall screws. HILTI CONSTRUCTION CHEMICALS, DIV OF HILTI INC — CP 653 2" Speed Sleeve and CP 653 4" Speed Sleeve 4. Fill, Void or Cavity Material* — Min 5/8 in. (16 mm) thickness of fill material applied within the annulus between firestop device and wall, flush with both surfaces of wall. For L Ratings, apply an additional 1/4 in. (6 mm) bead of FS-ONE or CP 606 at the device/wall interface on both sides of wall prior to installing flanges. HILTI CONSTRUCTION CHEMICALS, DIV OF HILTI INC — FS-ONE Sealant, CP 606 Sealant or CP 618 Putty *Bearing the UL Classification Mark Reproduced by HILTI, Inc. Courtesy of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. March 14, 2012 P 1 Fill Material 1 Less Than 1 Less Than 1 10 No. L Ratings apply only when CP 606 or FS-One Sealant is used. See Table below for L Ratings. 3. Firestop Device* — Firestop device consists of a corrugated steel tube with an inner plastic housing, intumescent material rings and twisted inner fabric smoke seal. Firestop device to be installed in accordance with the accompanying installation instructions. As an option, the inner fabric seal may remain open except that, to attain the L Rating, the inner fabric seal shall be twisted to completely close off the opening within device. Device slid into wall such that ends project an equal distance from the approximate centerline of the wall assembly. The annular space between the device and the periphery of the opening shall be min 0 in. (point contact). Device provided with flanges that are spun clockwise onto device threads, butting tightly to both sides of wall. Device flanges are optional. When the device flanges are not used, the T, FT and FTH Ratings for the firestop system are 0 hr. For blank opening (no cables), the T, FT and FTH Ratings for the firestop system equal the F and FH Ratings only when the device flanges are used. HILTI CONSTRUCTION CHEMICALS, DIV OF HILTI INC — CP 653 2" Speed Sleeve and CP 653 4" Speed Sleeve 4. Fill, Void or Cavity Material* - Sealant — Min 1/2 in. (13 mm) thickness of fill material applied within the annulus between firestop device and wall, flush with both surfaces of wall, and an additional 1/4 in. (6 mm) bead applied around periphery of device. When device flanges are used, gypsum drywall compound may be used in place of the fill material. HILTI CONSTRUCTION CHEMICALS, DIV OF HILTI INC — FS-ONE or CP 606 Sealant *Bearing the UL Classification Mark N F Rating, hr 2 and 4 Less Than 1 Less Than 1 Less Than 1 Less Than 1 Item 2D only 100% Ambient 500 KUHN RD. CAROL STREAM, IL Openings With Cables L Rating, CFM 400°F CAROL STREAM REGIONAL CENTER ELECTRICAL DETAILS Reproduced by HILTI, Inc. Courtesy of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. March 14, 2012 Project number Q Date 06 JULY, 2015 Drawn by JDS MDM Checked by E-703 R Scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 NONE