Consent Agenda Item 8. B. 3) d) March 19, 2015 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE REGULAR BOARD MEETING STANDARD BOARD APPROVAL ___________________________________________________________________ 1. SUBJECT Task Order Maintenance: Landscape Work (Bid Rejection). 2. BUDGET STATUS Funds for Task Order Maintenance: Landscape Work are being provided by the Facilities, Operations & Maintenance Budgets #02-90-200215309001. 3. BACKGROUND INFORMATION This bid represents a three-year task order maintenance project for the Facilities, Operations & Maintenance Department from February, 2015 through January 30, 2018. The scope of this project includes replacement landscaping for trees and turf, supplemental support for exterior maintenance of specimen products and arborist services throughout the Campus. This bid package requested unit cost pricing with estimated minimums to be utilized for Fiscal Year 2016, Fiscal Year 2017 and Fiscal Year 2018. The Facilities, Operations & Maintenance Department relies on task order contractors to complete tasks that are either outside of our expertise or are too large and constitute projects rather than maintenance. Large tree replacements will be made where trees have failed and are outside the warranty period. Auxiliary support is needed to ensure that material is installed in a timely and proper fashion; all material will have a two year warranty upon installation. A legal notice was published and three (3) vendors were solicited. Three (3) responses were received. One (1) vendor was in-district. No minority vendors were identified. Due to budgetary concerns and limited participation, the Facilities Operations and Maintenance Department recommends for this bid to be rejected. Consent Agenda Item 8. B. 3) d) March 19, 2015 4. RECOMMENDATION That the Board of Trustees rejects the bids received for the Task Order Maintenance: Landscape Work due to budgetary concerns and limited participation. BIDDER: _____________________ BID NO.: 2015-B0042 COLLEGE OF DUPAGE TASK ORDER WORK FOR FY2015 LANDSCAPE MAINTAINANCE FOR THE FACILITIES AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 MANDATORY PREBID MEETING: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2014 AT 10:00 A.M. ROOM 1404 PROPOSALS DUE BY: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2014 AT 3:00 P.M. DELIVER PROPOSALS TO: COLLEGE of DuPAGE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ROOM BIC 1540 425 FAWELL BLVD. GLEN ELLYN, ILLINOIS 60137 Requisition Number_______________________ Dated: __________ ISSUED BY THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Section Subject Page IB-01 Definitions IB-1 IB-02 Preparation of Bid Proposals IB-1 IB-03 Site Inspection Certificate IB-1 IB-04 Bid Deposit IB-2 IB-05 Exceptions IB-2 IB-06 Bidder Warranties IB-2 IB-07 Submission of Bid Proposals IB-3 IB-08 Bid Proposals to Conform to Requirements of Legal Advertising IB-3 IB-09 Competency of Bidder IB-3 IB-10 Local Business Preference IB-3 IB-11 Consideration of Bid Proposals IB-3 IB-12 Withdrawal of Bid Proposals IB-4 IB-13 Acceptance of Bid Proposals IB-4 IB-14 Performance and Payment Bond IB-4 IB-15 Prices Firm IB-4 IB-16 Cash Billing Discounts IB-4 IB-17 Catalogs IB-4 IB-18 Authorized Dealer/Distributor IB-4 IB-19 Trade Names IB-5 IB-20 Samples IB-5 IB-21 Notices IB-5 IB-22 Compliance with Laws - Public Contracts IB-5 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS IB-01 DEFINITIONS A. BIDDER shall mean the individual or business entity submitting a Bid Proposal to supply any or all of the services or goods required by the Contract Documents. B. BID PROPOSAL shall mean the Contract Documents as completed by the Bidder which constitutes the Bidder's offer. C. CONTRACT shall mean the agreement between the College and Contractor as set forth in the Contract Documents and as awarded by the College of DuPage Board of Trustees. D. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS shall mean collectively the Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions, Special Conditions, Specifications, Attachments, and Addenda, if any, Bid Proposal, Site Inspection Certificate, Contractor Certifications and Forms for Minority Participation. The above documents shall be considered as one integrated document setting forth the obligations of the parties. E. CONTRACTOR shall mean the individual or business entity submitting a Bid Proposal and to whom the College of DuPage Board of Trustees awards the Contract. F. COLLEGE shall mean the College of DuPage, Community College District No. 502, a body politic and corporate of the State of Illinois. G. DIRECTOR shall mean the person or persons authorized by the College to act in connection with this Contract. Such authorization shall not include any power to change the scope of the Contract or to obligate the College to pay additional sums beyond the amount of the Contract awarded by the College of DuPage Board of Trustees. H. PURCHASING MANAGER shall mean the Purchasing Manager of the College of DuPage. I. SPECIFICATIONS shall mean the description of the required services, Contract Goods, equipment, personnel, volume and use statistics and all requirements for the scope of work set forth in the Contract Documents. IB-02 PREPARATION OF PROPOSALS The Bidder shall provide three (3) copies of its Bid Proposal on the proposal forms provided. Unless otherwise stated, all blank spaces on the proposal forms shall be fully completed. Bidder bears all responsibility for error or omissions in the submission of the Bid Proposal. IB-03 SITE INSPECTION CERTIFICATE When required in the legal advertisement or the Special Conditions, the Bidder shall visit the job-site and shall carefully examine and become familiar with all conditions which may in any way affect the performance of the Contract and shall submit certification of such inspection along with the Bid Proposal. The dates and conditions of the site inspection are determined by College. IB-1 IB-04 BID DEPOSIT When required in the legal advertisement, the Bid Proposal shall be accompanied by cashier's check, certified check or surety bond in the amount shown in the legal advertisement or as may be prescribed in these Contract Documents. A certified or cashier's check shall be drawn on a responsible bank doing business in the United States and shall be made payable to the order of the College of DuPage. The Surety issuing the bond must have a general rating of "A", and shall be a Class V or higher in the financial size category as defined by Best's Key Rating Guide - Property and Casualty. Failure to submit the bid deposit shall constitute an informal Bid Proposal and such Bid Proposal shall be rejected. The Bidder hereby agrees that the bid deposit shall be forfeited to the College as liquidated damages and not as penalty in the event Bidder fails to comply with IB-11, IB-13, or otherwise fails or refuses to honor the Bid Proposal upon award of the Contract by the College. The bid deposit of all bidders will be returned, with the exception of the Contractor, after the College has awarded the Contract. The bid deposit of the Contractor will be returned after the Contract has been awarded and the Contractor has submitted all insurance documentation and the Performance and Payment Bond, as required by the Contract Documents. IB-05 EXCEPTIONS If any Bidder intends to take any deviations or exceptions from the Specifications or other Contract Documents, Bidder shall submit to the Purchasing Manager a written request for a deviation or exception prior to the date and time of Bid Opening. If the Purchasing Manager considers such deviation or exception acceptable, the Purchasing Manager shall issue an Addendum setting forth such deviation or exception from the Specifications or other Contract Documents which shall be applicable to all Bidders submitting a Bid Proposal. If no Addendum is issued by the Purchasing Manager, then such deviation or exception shall be deemed rejected. The College may reject any Bid Proposal containing deviations or exceptions not previously accepted through a written Addendum. A copy of such Addendum will be mailed or delivered to each Bidder receiving a set of such Contract Documents. Bidder shall acknowledge receipt of each Addendum issued in the space provided on the proposal form. All written requests for deviations or exceptions shall be addressed to: Purchasing Department College of DuPage Room BIC 1540 425 Fawell Blvd. Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 (TASK ORDER WORK – LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE) IB-06 BIDDER WARRANTIES The submission of a Bid Proposal shall constitute a warranty that: (i) Bidder has carefully and thoroughly reviewed the Contract Documents and has found them complete and free from ambiguities and sufficient to describe the Contract work; (ii) Bidder and all workmen and/or employees it intends to use in the performance of this Contract are skilled and experienced in the type of work or services called for by the Contract Documents; and (iii) neither the Bidder nor any of its employees, agents, suppliers or subcontractors have relied on any verbal representations from the College, or any of the College’s employees, agents, or consultants, in preparing the Bid Proposal. IB-2 IB-07 SUBMISSION OF BID PROPOSALS All Bidders shall submit the bound copy of the sealed Bid Proposal in an envelope and shall deliver them to Purchasing Manager, College of DuPage, Room BIC 1540, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 by the date and hour for the Bid Opening as shown in the legal advertisement. The sealed envelope submitted by the Bidder shall carry the following information on the face of the envelope: Bidder’s name, address, subject matter of Bid Proposal, advertised date of Bid Opening and the hour designated for Bid Opening as shown in the legal advertisement. IB-08 BID PROPOSALS TO CONFORM TO REQUIREMENTS OF LEGAL ADVERTISING The College will not entertain or consider any Bid Proposals: (i) received after the exact time specified in the legal advertisements; (ii) not accompanied by the required bid deposit; or (iii) in any other way failing to comply fully with the conditions stated in the legal advertisement. IB-09 COMPETENCY OF BIDDER No Bid Proposal will be accepted from or Contract awarded to a Bidder that is in arrears or is in default to the College upon any debt or Contract, or that is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise upon any obligation to said College, or has failed to perform faithfully any previous contract with the College. IB-10 LOCAL BUSINESS PREFERENCE When two (2) or more responsible bidders submit the same low bid, the contract award will be determined by drawing lots in a public meeting unless one bidder is a local bidder within the District boundaries and one is a non-local bidder, in which event the local bidder will be awarded the contract. IB-11 CONSIDERATION OF BID PROPOSALS The College reserves the right to reject or accept any or all Bid Proposals, to extend the bidding period, to waive technicalities in the Contract Documents and/or to direct that the project be abandoned or rebid prior to award of the Contract. Contracts for construction or related services required to be publicly bid will be awarded at the sole discretion of the College. In determining the lowest responsible bidder, the College may consider the following as well as other criteria: 1) Ability, capacity and skill of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service required. 2) Capacity of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service promptly, or within the time specified, without delay or interference. 3) Character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the bidder including, but not limited to, past performance record; default under previous contracts, whether or not such contract was with the College; competency; and failure to pay or satisfactorily settle all bills due for labor and material on former contracts 4) Quality of performance of previous contracts or services. 5) Previous and existing compliance by the bidder with laws and ordinances relating to the contract or service. 6) Sufficiency of the financial resources and financial ability of the bidder to perform the contract or service. 7) Quality, availability and adaptability of the supplies, machinery, plant or other equipment or contractual services to the particular use required. 8) Ability of the bidder to provide future maintenance and service for the use of the subject of the contract, including guarantees. 9) Recent findings by state or federal agencies regarding compliance with pertinent public acts. IB-3 IB-12 WITHDRAWAL OF BID PROPOSALS Bidders may withdraw their Bid Proposals at any time prior to the time specified in the legal advertisement as the date and hour set for the Bid Opening. However, no Bidder shall withdraw, cancel or modify its Bid Proposal for a period of ninety (90) calendar days after said advertised Bid Opening. IB-13 ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSALS The Purchasing Manager shall notify the successful Bidder, in writing, of award of the Contract by the College within ninety (90) days from the Bid Opening date. Upon receipt of the Notice of Award, the Contractor shall promptly secure, execute and deliver to the Purchasing Manager any documents required herein. IB-14 PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND When required in the legal advertisement or Special Conditions, the successful Bidder shall furnish a Performance and Payment Bond in the full amount of the Contract on the College Form, a specimen of which is provided herein. The Surety issuing the Performance and Payment Bond must have a general rating of "A" and shall be a Class V or higher in the financial size category as defined by Best's Key Rating Guide-Property and Casualty. In the event that the Bidder fails to furnish the Performance and Payment Bond within fourteen (14) calendar days after service of the Notice of Award, the College may elect to retain Bidder's bid deposit as liquidated damages and not as a penalty and the Contract may be terminated. The parties agree that the sum of the bid deposit is a fair estimate of the amount of damages that the College will sustain due to the Bidder's failure to furnish the Performance and Payment Bond and the termination of the Contract. IB-15 PRICES FIRM All prices quoted in the Bid Proposal shall be firm and will not be subject to increase during the term of the Contract awarded to the Contractor, except as otherwise provided in these Contract Documents. IB-16 CASH BILLING DISCOUNTS Cash billing or percentage discounts for payment will not be considered in evaluating Bid Proposals. IB-17 CATALOGS Each Bidder shall submit in DUPLICATE, where necessary or when requested catalogs, descriptive literature, and detailed drawings, fully detailing features, designs, construction, appointment and finishes not covered in the Specifications but necessary to fully describe the materials, Contract Goods or work proposed to be furnished. IB-18 AUTHORIZED DEALER/DISTRIBUTOR The Bidder must be: (i) the manufacturer; (ii) an authorized dealer/distributor; or (iii) able to promptly secure the necessary genuine parts, assemblies and/or accessories as supplied by the original equipment manufacturer (O.E.M.), along with any necessary schematics or drawings to fulfill the contractual obligations. Further, the Bidder must be able to furnish original product warranty and manufacturer’s related services such as product information, products re-call notices, etc. Proof of ability to transfer product warranty to the College is to be submitted with the Bid Proposal. IB-4 IB-19 TRADE NAMES In cases where an item is identified by a manufacturer's name, trade name, catalog number, or reference, it is understood that the Bidder proposes to furnish the item identified and does not propose to furnish an "equal" unless the proposed "equal" is definitely indicated therein by the Bidder. The College reserves the right to review and award alternate Contracts, if the commodity and/or service are suitable to its requirement. The reference to the above catalog is intended to be descriptive and not restrictive and to indicate to the prospective Bidder articles that shall be satisfactory. Bid Proposals on other makes and catalogs shall be considered, provided each Bidder states on the face of the Bid Proposal exactly what is being proposed to be furnished or forwards with the Bid Proposal an illustration, or other descriptive matter which shall clearly indicate the character of the article covered by the Bid Proposal. The College reserves the right to approve as an equal, or to reject as not being an equal, any article the Bidder proposes to furnish which contains major or minor variations from Specifications but which may comply substantially. IB-20 SAMPLES Bidders may be asked upon request of the Purchasing Manager or the Director to furnish and deliver a representative sample sufficient to effectively evaluate each item listed in the Bid Proposal. All samples must be delivered F.O.B. DESTINATION, FREIGHT PREPAID to an identified delivery location within five (5) business days of the request. Samples submitted must be identical to those specified in the Bid Proposal. Submission of other than the samples reflected in the Bid Proposal or failure to furnish samples within the required time period shall be cause for rejection of the Bid Proposal. All samples are subject to mutilation and will not be returned. Bidders shall bear the cost of any samples and shipping or delivery costs related thereto. IB-21 NOTICES All communications and notices between the College and Bidders regarding the Contract Documents shall be in writing and hand delivered or delivered via first class United States mail, postage prepaid. Notices to the Bidders shall be addressed to the name and address provided by the Bidders; notices to the Purchasing Manager shall be addressed to Purchasing Manager, College of DuPage, Room BIC 1540, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137. IB-22 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS - PUBLIC CONTRACTS This Contract is a competitively bid public contract of the College of DuPage subject to laws and ordinances governing public contracts. The Bidder shall at all times observe and comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations and codes of the Federal, State and other local government agencies which may in any manner affect the preparation of the Bid Proposal or effect the performance of the Contract. If the Bidder observes that any of the Contract Documents are at variance therewith, it shall promptly notify the Purchasing Manager in writing and necessary changes shall be effected by appropriate modification. END OF SECTION IB-5 GENERAL CONDITIONS BID CONTRACTS INDEX BID CONTRACTS INDEX Section Subject Page GC-01 Subcontracting or Assignment of Contract or Contract Funds GC-1 GC-02 Indemnification GC-1 GC-03 Inspection and Responsibility GC-1 GC-04 Payment and Invoices GC-1 GC-05 Prepaid Fees GC-1 GC-06 Taxes GC-2 GC-07 Price Reduction GC-2 GC-08 Contractor Credits GC-2 GC-09 Disputes GC-2 GC-10 Modifications and Amendments GC-2 GC-11 Default GC-3 GC-12 College's Remedies GC-3 GC-13 Contractor's Remedies GC-3 GC-14 Delays GC-3 GC-15 Insurance Requirements GC-4/5 GC-16 Patents, Copyrights and Licenses GC-6 GC-17 Compliance with Laws GC-6 GC-18 Delivery GC-6 GC-19 Prohibition of Discrimination and Harassment GC-6 GC-20 Material Safety Data Sheet GC-6 GC-21 Conduct of the Contractor GC-7 GC-22 Accident Reports GC-7 GC-23 Use of Premises GC-7 GC-24 General Notice GC-7 GC-25 Termination for Convenience GC-7 GENERAL CONDITIONS GC-01 SUBCONTRACTING OR ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT OR CONTRACT FUNDS Once awarded, this Contract shall not be subcontracted or any part thereof assigned without the express written approval of the College. In no case, however, shall such approval relieve the Contractor from his obligations or change the terms of the Contract. The Contractor shall not transfer or assign any Contract funds or claims due or to become due without the advance written approval of the Purchasing Manager. The unauthorized subcontracting or assignment of the Contract, in whole or in part, or the unauthorized transfer or assignment of any Contract funds, either in whole or in part, or any interest therein, which shall be due or are to become due the Contractor shall have no effect on the College and are null and void. The Contractor shall identify any and all contractors and subcontractors it intends to use in the performance of the Contract. All such persons shall be subject to the prior approval of the College. The Contractor and its employees, contractors, subcontractors, agents and representatives are, for all purposes arising out of this Contract, independent contractors and are not employees of the College. It is expressly understood and agreed that the Contractor and its employees, contractors, subcontractors, agents and representatives shall in no event as a result of a contract be entitled to any benefit to which College employees are entitled, including, but not limited to, overtime, retirement benefits, worker’s compensation benefits and injury leave or other leave benefits. GC-02 INDEMNIFICATION The Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the College and its trustees, officials, employees, agents and representatives, and their respective heirs, successors and assigns, from and against any and all costs, expenses, attorney's fees, losses, damages and liabilities incurred or suffered directly or indirectly from or attributable to any claims arising out of or incident to the performance or nonperformance of the Contract by the Contractor, or the acts or omissions of the officers, agents, employees, contractors, subcontractors, licensees or invitees of the Contractor. The Contractor expressly understands and agrees that any Performance Bond or insurance protection required of the Contractor, or otherwise provided by the Contractor, shall in no way limit the responsibility to indemnify the College as hereinabove provided. GC-03 INSPECTION AND RESPONSIBILITY The College shall have a right to inspect any Contract Goods used in carrying out this Contract and shall be responsible for the quality and standards of all materials or completed work furnished under this Contract. Contract Goods or completed work not complying herewith may be rejected by the Purchasing Manager and/or the Director and shall be replaced and/or re-performed by the Contractor at no cost to the College. Any Contract Goods rejected shall be removed within a reasonable time from the premises of the College at the entire expense of the Contractor, after notice has been given by the College to the Contractor that such Contract Goods have been rejected. GC-04 PAYMENT AND INVOICES All invoices submitted to: Invoices must reference the COD Purchase Order Number. Invoices are to be emailed to Questions about payment status or other inquiries please email or call 630942-2228. Contractor must agree to receive all payments from the College via an Automated Clearing House (ACH) transfer (CCD file format only). GC-05 PREPAID FEES In the event this Contract is terminated by either party, for cause or otherwise, and the College has prepaid for any service or Contract Good to be provided pursuant to this Contract, Contractor shall refund to the College, on a prorated basis to the effective date of termination, all amounts prepaid for such service or Contract Good not actually provided as a result of the termination. The refund shall be made within fourteen (14) days of the effective date of termination. GC-1 GC-06 TAXES Federal Excise Tax does not apply to materials purchased by the College by virtue of Exemption Certificate No. 362594972. Illinois Retailers' Occupation Tax, Use Tax and Municipal Retailers' Occupation Tax do not apply to materials or services purchased by the College by virtue of statute. The price or prices quoted herein shall include any and all other federal and/or state, direct and/or indirect taxes which apply to this Contract. The College's State of Illinois Sales Tax Exemption Identification No. is E-9997-3391-06. GC-07 PRICE REDUCTION If at any time after the contract award, Contractor makes a general price reduction in the price of any goods covered by the Contract, the equivalent price reduction based on similar quantities and/or considerations shall apply to this Contract for the duration of the Contract period. Such price reductions shall be effective at the same time and in the same manner as the reduction in the price to customers generally. GC-08 CONTRACTOR CREDITS To the extent the Contractor gives credits toward future purchases of goods or services, financial incentives, discounts, value points or other benefits based on the purchase of the materials or services provided for under this Contract, such credits belong to the College and not any specific using department. Contractor shall report any such credits to the Purchasing Manager. GC-09 DISPUTES Any dispute arising under the Contract between the College and Contractor shall be decided by the Purchasing Manager. The complaining party shall submit a written statement detailing the dispute and specifying the specific relevant Contract provision(s) to the Purchasing Manager. Upon request of the Purchasing Manager, the party complained against shall respond to the complaint in writing within five days of such request. The Purchasing Manager will reduce his decision to writing and mail or otherwise furnish a copy thereof to the Contractor and Director. Dispute resolution as provided herein shall be a condition precedent to any other action at law or in equity. Notwithstanding a dispute, Contractor shall continue to discharge all its obligations, duties and responsibilities set forth in the Contract during any dispute resolution proceeding unless otherwise agreed to by the College in writing. GC-10 MODIFICATIONS AND AMENDMENTS The parties may during the term of the Contract make modifications and amendments to the Contract but only as provided in this section. Such modifications and amendments shall only be made by mutual agreement in writing. In the case of Contracts not approved by the Board, the Purchasing Manager may amend a contract provided that any such amendment does not extend the Contract by more than one (1) year, and further provided that the total cost of all such amendments does not increase the total amount of the Contract beyond $25,000. Such action may only be made with the advance written approval of the Purchasing Manager. If the amendment extends the Contract beyond one (1) year or increases the total award amount beyond $25,000, then Board approval will be required. In the case of Contracts approved by the Board, the total cost of all such amendments shall not increase the Contract by more than 10% of the original contract award and the term may only be extended for up to one (1) year. Such action may only be made with the advance written approval of the Purchasing Manager. In the case of Contracts approved by the Board, modifications and amendments which individually or cumulatively result in additional costs of greater than 10% of the original awarded amount or which extend the term of the Contract by more than one (1) year shall be deemed as authorized with the advance approval of the College of DuPage Board of Trustees. No College department or employee thereof has authority to make any modifications or amendments to this Contract. Any modifications or amendments to this Contract made without the express written approval of the Purchasing Manager is void and unenforceable. GC-2 GC-11 DEFAULT Contractor shall be in default hereunder in the event of a material breach by Contractor of any term or condition of this Contract where Contractor has failed to cure such breach within ten (10) days after written notice of breach is given to Contractor by the College, setting forth the nature of such breach. A material breach of the contract by the Contractor includes but is not limited to the following: 1. Failure to begin performance under this Contract within the specified time; 2. Failure to perform under this Contract with sufficient personnel, equipment, or materials to ensure completion of said performance within the specified time or failure to assign qualified personnel to ensure completion within the specified time; 3. Performance of this contract in an unsatisfactory manner; 4. Refusal to perform services deemed to be defective or unsuitable; 5. Discontinuance of performance of Contractor’s obligations under the Contract or the impairment or the reasonable progress of performance; 6. Becoming insolvent, being declared bankrupt or committing any act of bankruptcy or insolvency; 7. Any assignment of this contract for the benefit of creditors; 8. Any cause whatsoever which impairs performance in an acceptable manner; or 9. Any other material breach of any term or condition of this Contract. College shall be in default hereunder if any material breach of the Contract by the College occurs which is not cured by the College within forty-five (45) days after written notice of breach has been given by Contractor to the College, setting forth the nature of such breach. GC-12 COLLEGE'S REMEDIES If the Contractor fails to remedy a material breach during the ten (10) day cure period pursuant to General Condition GC11, Default, the College shall have the right to terminate this Contract provided, however, that the College shall give Contractor prior written notice of its intent to terminate. Following notice of breach to Contractor, the College reserves the right to withhold payments owed to Contractor until such time as Contractor has cured the breach which is the subject matter of the notice. In addition, the College shall have the right to pursue all remedies in law or equity. GC-13 CONTRACTOR'S REMEDIES If the College has been notified of breach and fails to remedy the breach during the forty-five (45) day cure period pursuant to General Condition GC-11, Default, the Contractor shall have the right to terminate this Contract provided, however, that Contractor shall give the College thirty (30) days prior written notice of termination. Contractor shall have the right to pursue all remedies available in law or equity. In all cases the Contractor's damages shall be those provable damages not to exceed the value of the Contract as awarded by the College of DuPage Board of Trustees. Contractor shall not disrupt the operation or repossess any component thereof. GC-14 DELAYS Contractor agrees that no charges or claims for damages shall be made by Contractor for any delays or hindrances from any cause whatsoever during the progress of any portion of this Contract. GC-3 GC-15 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 1) The Contractor shall require all policies of insurance that are in any way related to the work and are secured and maintained by Contractor and all tiers of subcontractors to include clauses providing that each underwriter shall waive all of its rights of recovery, under subrogation or otherwise, against College of DuPage, Board of Trustees and employees of the College. 2) The Contractor shall waive all rights of recovery against College of DuPage, Board of Trustees, employees of the College and other Contractors and subcontractors which Contractor may have or acquired because of deductible clauses in or inadequacy of limits of any policies of insurance that are in any way related to the work and that are secured and maintained by Contractor. 3) The Contractor shall require all tiers of subcontractors to waive the rights of recovery against College of DuPage and all tiers of subcontractors. Insurance Requirements of the Contractor Prior to the effective date of this Contract, the Contractor, at its cost, shall secure and maintain at all times, unless specified otherwise, until completion of the term of this Contract the insurance specified below. Nothing contained in these insurance requirements is to be construed as limiting the extent of the Contractor's responsibility for payment of damages resulting from its operations under this Contract. The insurance purchased and maintained by the Contractor shall be primary and not excess or pro rata to any other insurance issued to the College. The Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. The limits of liability shall be as stated below, unless, prior to the effective date of this Contract, written approval is granted by the College of DuPage Department of Risk Management for variance from those limits. 1. Coverages (a) Workers Compensation Insurance Workers' Compensation shall be in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois or any other applicable jurisdiction. The Workers Compensation policy shall also include the following provisions: (b) (1) Employers' Liability coverage with a limit of $500,000 each Accident $500,000 each Employee $500,000 Policy Limit for Disease (2) Broad form all states coverage Commercial General Liability Insurance (1) The Commercial General Liability shall be on an occurrence form basis to cover bodily injury and property damage including loss of use. General Liability limits shall not be less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage. The General Liability policy shall include, without limitation the following coverages: GC-4 GC-15 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS (CON’T.) (a) All premises and operations; (b) Broad Form Blanket Contractual Liability; (c) Products/Completed Operations; (d) Broad Form Property Damage Liability; (e) (c) Cross Liability. Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance Comprehensive Automobile Liability to cover all owned, non-owned and hired automobiles, trucks and trailers. The Comprehensive Automobile Liability limits shall not be less than the following: 1) 2) (d) Liability - All Autos: Bodily Injury & Property Damage - $1,000,000 per Occurrence Uninsured/Motorists: Per Illinois Requirements Umbrella/Excess Liability Insurance In addition to the coverages and limits specified above, Contractor and Sub-Contractors of any tier shall secure and maintain a limit of liability no less than: 2. 1) $2,000,000 each occurrence for all liability 2) $2,000,000 in the aggregate per policy year separately with respect to products and completed operations Additional requirements (a) Additional Insured College of DuPage, its officials, employees and agents shall be named as additional insured under the Commercial General Liability policy. (b) Qualification of Insurers All insurance companies providing coverage shall be licensed or approved by the Department of Insurance, State of Illinois, and general rating of "A", and shall be a Class V or higher in the financial size category as listed in A.M. Best's Key Rating Guide, current edition or interim report. Companies with ratings lower than “A”, V will be acceptable only upon written consent of the College of DuPage Department of Risk Management. (c) Insurance Notices All policies of insurance which may be required under terms of this Contract shall be endorsed to provide that the insurance company shall notify the Purchasing Manager, College of DuPage Room BIC 1540, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 at least 30 days prior to the effective date of any cancellation or modification of such policies. When required in the Special Conditions, the successful Bidder shall furnish prior to the date on which Contractor commences performance of the contract, Certificates of Insurance maintained by Contractor. In no event shall any failure of the College to receive Certificates of Insurance required hereof or to demand receipt of such Certificates of Insurance be construed as a waiver of Contractor's obligations to obtain insurance pursuant to these insurance requirements. GC-5 GC-16 PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS AND LICENSES Contractor agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the College, its officers, agents, employees and affiliates from and defend, at its own expense (including reasonable attorneys', accountants' and consultants' fees), any suit or proceeding brought against College based upon a claim that the ownership and/or use of equipment, hardware and software or any part thereof utilized in performing Contractor's services constitutes an infringement of any patent, copyright or license or any other intellectual property right. In the event the use of any equipment, hardware or software or any part thereof is enjoined, Contractor with all reasonable speed and due diligence shall provide or otherwise secure for College, at the Contractor's election, one of the following: the right to continue use of the equipment, hardware or software; an equivalent system having the Specifications as provided in this Contract; or to modify the system or its component parts so that it becomes non-infringing while performing in a substantially similar manner to the original system, meeting the Specifications of this Contract. GC-17 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS The Contractor shall observe and comply with the laws, ordinances, regulations and codes of Federal, State and other local government agencies which may in any manner affect the performance of the Contract, including but not limited to those College rules as set forth in the Certifications attached hereto and incorporated herein. Assurance of compliance with this requirement by the Contractor's employees, agents or subcontractors shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall secure and pay for all federal, state and local licenses, permits and fees required hereunder. GC-18 DELIVERY All Contract Goods shipped to the College shall be shipped F.O.B., DESTINATION, FREIGHT PREPAID. Arrangements shall be made in advance by the Contractor in order that the College may arrange for receipt of the materials. Truck deliveries will be accepted before 3:00 P.M. on weekdays only. No deliveries will be accepted on Saturdays, Sundays or College Holidays. The College is not responsible for delivery delays due to waiting times for loading and unloading at dock locations. The quantity of Contract Goods delivered by truck will be ascertained from a weight certificate issued by a duly licensed Public Weight-Master. In the case of delivery by rail, weight will be ascertained from bill of lading from originating line, but the College reserves the right to re-weigh at the nearest available railroad scale. The College reserves the right to add new delivery locations or delete previously listed delivery locations as required during the Contract period. The only restriction regarding the College's right to add new delivery locations shall be that any new or additional location shall be within the geographical boundaries of the College of DuPage. GC-19 PROHIBITION OF DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT No student, employee, Board member, or visitor will discriminate against or harass a student, employee or visitor on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation or any other unlawful basis. The College will not tolerate discrimination or harassment. Individuals found to have violated this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination and/or expulsion from the College as determined by such administrative or Board action as is required by Illinois law or by Board policy. Individuals who retaliate against any employee for filing a complaint or participating in harassment investigation shall be subject to disciplinary action. GC-20 MATERIAL DATA SAFETY SHEET Where required under the Illinois "Toxic Substance Disclosure to Employees Act", Illinois Compiled Statutes, 1994, 820 ILCS 255/1, Contractor shall submit with each delivery of Contract Goods, a Material Safety Data Sheet. GC6 GC-21 CONDUCT OF THE CONTRACTOR The Contractor agrees to inform the College on a timely basis of all of the Contractor's interests, if any, which are or which the Contractor reasonably believes may be incompatible with any interest of the College. The Contractor shall not use for personal gain or make other improper use of privileged information which is acquired in connection with the Contract. GC-22 ACCIDENT REPORTS The Purchasing Manager and Director shall be given written notification within twenty-four (24) hours of any occurrence, on the site or otherwise, which pertains in any way to this Contract and involves the Contractor's personnel, or those of any of his subcontractors or others whether said occurrence be in the nature of bodily injury to employees or third parties or property damage. The report shall include the name of person(s) injured, name of his employer, date, time and location of occurrence, extent of injury and/or damage, name(s) of eyewitnesses, and who treated the person(s) for injuries sustained, and such other information as may be relevant. The Contractor shall notify the College of DuPage Police of any occurrence requiring an official police record. The accident report should indicate whether the police were notified and, if so, the number of the police report. GC-23 USE OF PREMISES Contractor shall confer with the Director to ascertain full knowledge of all rules and regulations of the College facilities relative to this Contract and shall comply therewith. The Contractor shall confine the operations of its employees to the limits indicated by laws, ordinances, permits and/or direction of the Director and shall not encumber the premises with materials or debris. The Contractor shall not load or permit any part of the structure to be loaded with a weight that will endanger its safety. The College reserves the right to prohibit any person from entering any College facility for any reason. All subcontractors, agents and employees of the Contractor shall be accountable to the Director while on any College property and shall abide by all security regulations imposed by the College. GC-24 GENERAL NOTICE All notices required pursuant to this Contract shall be in writing and addressed to the parties at their respective addresses set forth below. All such notices shall be deemed duly given if hand delivered or if deposited in the United States mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested. Notice as provided herein does not waive service of summons or process. TO THE COLLEGE: Purchasing Department College of DuPage Room BIC 1540 425 Fawell Blvd. Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 (TASK ORDER WORK – LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE) TO THE CONTRACTOR: At address provided in its bid document or as otherwise indicated in writing to the College. GC-25 TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE The College may terminate this Contract, or any portion, at any time by notice in writing from the College to the Contractor. GC-26 GUARANTEES AND WARRANTIES All guarantees and warranties required shall be furnished by the Contractor and shall be delivered to the Director before final voucher on the Contract is issued. The Contractor agrees that the Contract Goods or services to be furnished shall be covered by the most favorable commercial warranties the Contractor gives to any customer for the same or substantially similar Contract Goods or services and that the rights and remedies so provided are in addition to and do not limit any rights afforded to College. GC-7 GC-27 STANDARD OF CONTRACT GOODS Only new, originally manufactured Contract Goods will be accepted by the College. The College will not accept any Contract Goods that have been refurbished, rebuilt, restored or renovated in any manner. In addition, experimental materials will not be acceptable. Contract Goods not produced by regular production methods and/or which have not been offered for sale to the public through accepted industry trade channels for a reasonable period of time prior to the offering of the proposal, will be considered experimental. GC-28 CONFIDENTIALITY AND OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS Contractor acknowledges and agrees that information regarding this Contract is confidential and shall not be disclosed, directly, indirectly or by implication, or be used by Contractor in any way, whether during the term of this Contract or at any time thereafter, except solely as required in the course of Contractor’s performance of Services hereunder. Contractor shall comply with the applicable privacy laws and regulations affecting Owner and will not disclose any of Owner’s records, materials, or other data to any third party. Contractor shall not have the right to compile and distribute statistical analyses and reports utilizing data derived from information or data obtained from Owner without the prior written approval of Owner. In the event such approval is given, any such reports published and distributed by Contractor shall be furnished to Owner without charge. All documents, data, studies, reports, work product or product created as a result of the performance of Service(s) shall be the property of the College of DuPage. It shall be a breach of this Contract for the Contractor to reproduce or use, any documents, data, studies, report, work product or product obtained from the College of DuPage or created hereby for its own purposes or to be copied and used by any third party. During the performance of the Services herein provided for, the Contractor shall be responsible for any loss or damage to the documents herein enumerated while they are in his possession, and any such document lost or damaged shall be restored at the expense of the Contractor. Full access to the work during the preparation of the plans shall be available to the College and other public agencies interested in this work. GC-29 QUANTITIES The quantities of materials required for the performance of the Contract are estimates for the purpose of determining an approximate total Contract amount and may not be the actual quantities required during the term of the Contract. The College reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantities at the Contract price, to correspond to the actual needs of the College. The College will be obligated to order and pay for only such quantities as are from time to time ordered, delivered, and accepted on purchase orders issued by the Purchasing Manager. GC-30 AUDIT; EXAMINATION OF RECORDS The Contractor agrees that the College of DuPage Auditor or any of its duly authorized representatives shall, until expiration of three (3) years after the final payment under the Contract, have access and the right to examine any books, documents, papers, canceled checks, bank statements, purveyor's and other invoices, and records of the Contractor related to the Contract, or to Contractor's compliance with any term, condition or provision thereof. The Contractor shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining records sufficient to document the costs associated with performance under the terms of this Contract. The Contractor further agrees that it shall include in all of its subcontracts hereunder a provision to the effect that the subcontractor agrees that the College of DuPage Auditor or any of its duly authorized representatives shall, until expiration of three (3) years after final payment under the subcontract, have access and the right to examine any books, documents, papers, canceled checks, bank statements, purveyor's and other invoices and records of such subcontractor involving transactions relating to the subcontract, or to such subcontractor's compliance with any term, condition or provision thereunder or under the Contract. In the event the Contractor receives payment under the Contract, reimbursement for which is later disallowed by the College, the Contractor shall promptly refund the disallowed amount to the College on request, or at the College's option, the College may credit the amount disallowed from the next payment due or to become due to the Contractor under any contract with the College. GC-8 GC-31 GOVERNING LAW This Contract shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Illinois. The Contractor irrevocably agrees that, subject to the College's sole and absolute election, any action or proceeding in any way, manner or respect arising out of the Contract, or arising from any dispute or controversy arising in connection with or related to the Contract, shall be litigated only in courts within the County of DuPage, State of Illinois, and the Contractor consents and submits to the jurisdiction thereof. In accordance with these provisions, Contractor waives any right it may have to transfer or change the venue of any litigation brought against it by the College pursuant to this Contract. GC-32 TOBACCO-FREE CAMPUS POLICY Use of tobacco and tobacco-related products (including electronic cigarettes) is prohibited on all College of DuPage premises, in all indoor College facilities and in all College vehicles. “College of DuPage Premises” includes all land, building, facilities and other property leased or rented by the College, whether on a short-term or long-term basis; owned by the College (including adjacent streets and sidewalks); subject to the control of the College but not leased, rented, or owned; and where an official College activity is held and where students, faculty, or staff are present or are participants in the official College activity. Tobacco use is permitted inside private vehicles. The improper disposal of tobacco and tobacco-related products from a vehicle while on College of DuPage premises is prohibited. Improper disposal includes, but is not limited to, spitting smokeless tobacco product, littering, and anything that creates fire hazards. It is the responsibility of all faculty, staff, students and visitors to comply with this policy. Refusal to comply with this policy may result in citations issued by Campus Police and/or disciplinary action by the appropriate administrative office. GC-33 WAIVER No term or provision of this Contract shall be deemed waived and no breach consented to unless such waiver or consent shall be in writing and signed by the party claimed to have waived or consented. The waiver of any such provision shall be strictly limited to the identified provision. GC-34 ENTIRE CONTRACT It is expressly agreed that the provisions set forth in this Contract constitute all the understandings and agreements between the parties. Any prior agreements, promises, negotiations, or representations not expressly set forth in this Contract are of no force and effect. GC-35 FORCE MAJEURE Neither Contractor nor College shall be liable for failing to fulfill any obligation under this Contract if such failure is caused by an event beyond such party's reasonable control and which is not caused by such party's fault or negligence. Such events shall be limited to acts of God, acts of war, fires, lightning, floods, epidemics, or riots. GC-36 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES FOR NON-EMPLOYEES Reimbursements of reasonable expenses incurred by certain non-employees such as consultants, speakers, performers, etc. who perform services for the College will be made based solely upon a written agreement executed before the commencement of such services. All such reimbursements will be approved by the appropriate authorized signatory before payment will be made. Such approval indicates that the reimbursement is within limitations of the budget and Board policy. GC-9 GC-37 CONTRACT INTERPRETATION Whenever the singular is used herein, the masculine, feminine and neuter gender shall be deemed to include the others. The headings of articles, paragraphs and sections in this Contract are included for convenience only and shall not be considered by either party in construing the meaning of this Contract. If any provision or clause of this Contract shall be held to be invalid, such provision or clause shall be deleted from the Contract and the Contract shall be construed to give effect to the remaining portions thereof. This Contract shall be interpreted and construed based upon the following order of precedence of component parts. Such order of precedence shall govern to resolve all cases of conflict, ambiguity or inconsistency. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Addenda, if any. Execution Forms Specification. Special Conditions. General Conditions. Instruction to Bidders. Legal Advertisement. Bid Proposal. END OF SECTION College of DuPage Task Order Landscape Maintenance I. Scope of Work This bid represents the installation of landscape material and all other services requested as part of a task order contract for landscape services. Services will be provided on an as needed basis. Maintenance projects will be developed using the submitted unit cost pricing for a term of three years. II. CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS A. B. C. D. All bidders must submit the following qualifications type written on company letterhead with their bid; FAILURE TO DO SO WILL DISQUALIFY THEIR BID: The College of DuPage (COD) shall be the sole entity that determines whether or not the bidders meet the following qualifications based upon the information submitted with bids and subsequent research. Any and all Bidders (General Contractors, Prime Contractors, Subcontractors and Suppliers), who have previously contracted work, and/or are currently contracted with the College of DuPage, must have completed that work in accordance with all contract requirements. COD shall have the right to reject any bidder who has not fulfilled contract requirements to the satisfaction of COD. On a separate letterhead page(s), the Contractor shall list each and every project that his/her company has contracted and performed as a Prime Contractor, without exclusion, in excess of $300,000.00, since January 1, 2006. FAILURE TO INCLUDE ALL PROJECTS WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION. The Contractor shall identify the name of the project, the current contact name of the contracted entity, the contact’s phone number and email address, the date of commencement and completion, the project description, the Contractor’s specific scope of work and cost, and the total project cost. The Contractor must identify, on this list, a minimum of five (5) projects which will specifically satisfy the requirements of the following paragraph. A bidder submitting a trade bid package for landscaping must be a landscape installation company (not maintenance) who installs materials with their own employees and equipment that meet the following conditions herein. Page | 1 E. III. A. B. C. D. E. All companies who wish to bid must have successfully completed higher Education (Community College and/or four-year Colleges/Universities), and/or corporate and/or institutional landscape and site work installation projects. The five (5) installation projects must be similar in scope of work and schedule requirements, and the plant material/irrigation portion of the installation projects must exceed $300,000 per project. Similar projects must also include coordinating and subcontracting irrigation, hardscape/paving and the supply and installation of plant materials. No primary or secondary education, municipal, park district, governmental (federal, state or local) or forest preserve installation work will be accepted as examples of similar project installation work. The Owner has the right to waive any requirements on these qualifications should they determine that it is in the best interest of the College of DuPage UNIT PRICE Unit Price is an amount proposed by bidders, stated on the Bid Form, as a price per unit of measurement for materials or services using minimum footages as mentioned Unit Prices shall be used to develop the cost of the Work approved by the Owner. All Unit Prices submitted shall be complete in place prices (unless noted otherwise) and include all costs for overhead, profit, labor, materials, equipment, and any other incidentals related to the completion of the Work and shall remain firm for the period of the contract. Contractor shall provide a detailed break out of their costs of labor, including social security, old age and unemployment insurance, fringe benefits required by agreement or custom, and workers’ compensation insurance. Contractor shall provide the name of the trade and the Local Union Number for all employees performing work on this contract. Unit Prices shall be utilized for calculation of all change orders submitted, as well as any allowances included, for the duration of the contract. The Owner may reject a bid if Unit Prices are considered non-competitive by the College. Page | 2 SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 32 9200 LAWNS PART 1 1.1 - GENERAL SUMMARY A. Section includes spreading and finish grading of topsoil, sod installation and maintenance operations as indicated on plans and specified herein. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 31 1000 Site Preparation B. Section 32 0513 Topsoil and Plant Mixes C. Section 31 0000 Earthwork D. Section 32 8000 Irrigation System 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Contractor’s Qualifications 1. The work of this section shall be performed by a contractor specializing in sodding landscape installation. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit name of sod grower who will be supplying sod for the project. The Landscape Architect reserves the opportunity to physically inspect the sod, prior to purchase and shipment by contractor, unless other arrangements are made with Landscape Architect. B. Fertilizer manufacturer and material specifications for review and approval by the Landscape Architect. C. Submit to the Landscape Architect the location of the sod supply. Indicate the producers' fields and lane that will be dedicated to the project. The sod supplier shall submit to on-site inspections of the designated area to be used as the sod source by the Landscape Architect. D. The sod supplier shall submit a grow-in schedule for the sod including but not limited to: 1. Water - amount and frequency 2. Fertilization - rates, ratios and timing (include time and amount when sod was last fertilized by grower) 3. Weed control Page | 3 4. Pest control 5. Mowing - cutting height, frequency, equipment 1.5 FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. General: Final inspection and acceptance will be at the end of the turf establishment period. Acceptance will be based upon a satisfactory stand of turf having 100 percent ground cover of species established with no bare areas. Areas, which do not meet the contract requirements, in the sole opinion of the landscape architect, shall be resodded. Repair rejected areas of turf within acceptable planting dates as directed by the Landscape Architect and repair shall be made with sod, not seed. No sod piece shall be smaller than 18” x 72”. PART 2 2.1 - PRODUCTS TOPSOIL A. Refer to Section 32 0513, Topsoil. 2.2 SOD A. Provide a sod comprised of a blend of at least 5 bluegrass cultivars. Sod shall be 16 to 24 months old. Sod shall be free of any objectionable grass and broad leaf weeds. B. Harvesting procedure 1. Uniformity of cut is required. Sod shall have maximum 1/2” of topsoil across the width and length of each large roll. Edges shall be cut at 90-degree angles to provide for tight fit during installation. 2. Thickness and width shall be kept to strict dimensions. Width shall be a minimum of 18 inches and a minimum length of six feet. All sod shall be of the same width. 3. Landscape Architect may reject sod not meeting specifications as determined by the Landscape Architect’s sole judgment. 4. All sod shall be transported to site and placed on the surface to be sodded within twenty-four (24) hours after cutting. 5. Sod cutting and shipping shall be coordinated with the sod installers. 6. Contractor will protect sod against drying and breaking during all stages of harvest, delivery and installation. Any netting associated with harvest and delivery will be removed before sod is installed. 2.3 FERTILIZER A. Initial fertilizer applied to soil before sod installation shall be a complete fertilizer, part of the elements of which are derived from organic sources. The percentages of weight shall be 10-10-10. Page | 4 B. Subsequent fertilizer shall be as identified in 1.4, D., 2. and 3.07, D. PART 3 3.1 - EXECUTION FINISH GRADING A. Topsoil 1. Distribute topsoil in quantity sufficient to meet finish grades. Topsoil shall be cultivated, lightly compacted to prevent future settlement, dragged, and graded to finished grade. B. Finished Grades 1. Finished grades shall slope to drain, be free of depressions or other irregularities after thorough settlement and compaction of soil, and shall be uniform in slope between grading controls and the elevations indicated. 2. Finished grade shall meet existing grades at contract limits and be 1” inch below top of curbs and paving. 3. Topsoil shall be graded and compacted to meet existing finish grades. 3.2 PREPARATION A. All weed and other organic material must be removed to root depth prior to placing any sod on topsoil. Weeds shall be removed by application of a weed killer (Round up Pro or approved equal) used in accordance with IPM requirements minimum 14 days in advance of sodding. After weeds and vegetation have died, use power rake to remove all roots and organic matter. Submit environmentally friendly product alternative for Landscape architects review. 3.3 LAWN INSTALLATION A. Immediately before sodding, scarify, loosen, float and drag topsoil as necessary to bring it to the proper condition. A minimum of a 3” depth of scarification shall be accepted. Remove any organic or inorganic matter larger than 1/2 inch in diameter. B. Uniformly distribute fertilizer by mechanical means at the rate of 40 pounds actual nitrogen per acre. Work fertilizer into the top 3 inches of soil. Cultivating equipment shall be set so that the fertilizer will not penetrate to the soil more than 3 inches. Do not apply fertilizer when there is possibility of rain before lawn areas can be sodded. 3.4 SODDING A. Install sod at least two weeks prior to date of Substantial Completion or as discussed and approved by Landscape Architect. B. Install sod only after irrigation system is completed and approved unless otherwise directed by the Construction Manager, Landscape Architect and/or Owner. Contractor may make portions of the system operational to irrigate installed sod with prior agreement from Owner and Landscape Architect. Page | 5 C. Take extra caution in installing sod around irrigation heads and valve boxes as to not damage or bury irrigation items. D. Correct all inequalities and soft spots before the sod is laid. Sod must be installed within 24 hours of harvesting. Lay sod solidly with joints staggered so that no voids occur between the strips. Roll sod within 24 hours after it is laid unless rain occurs within those 24 hours subsequently role sod with the first rain free 24 hours after. The finished surface shall be true to grade shall be smooth, even, and equally firm at all points. E. Keep sodded areas moist for the maintenance period. After the sod is installed, resod all areas which have browned out or fail to show a uniform stand of grass. F. Install sod with the length of material perpendicular to the finish grade surface drainage pattern. G. Install sod so that the only pieces less than 18” x 72” are located adjacent to planting areas or buildings and not paved surfaces or curbed areas. H. To control weeds, sod installed prior to May 15th or after September 15th must have a ‘Lawn Pro Super Winterizer w/ Plus 2 weed control’ (Scotts or approved equal product) applied at the manufacturer’s recommendation. Sod installed in between those dates shall have a ‘Lawn Pro Super Turf Builder w/ Plus 2 weed control’ (Scotts or approved equal product) applied at the manufacturers recommendation. I. If the sod shall discolor in any manner (brown), in the sole opinion of the Landscape Architect, during the application of fertilizer and at any other time during the maintenance period, the Contractor shall replace all discolored areas as determined by the Landscape Architect. J. Contractor shall be responsible for insuring that the sod shall not shift, move or slide from its originally installed position, by whatever means necessary. The methods for insuring the sod to remain in the installed position shall be discussed with the Landscape Architect and approved. However, it shall remain the sole responsibility of the Contractor to repair any sod, which shifts resulting in greater than ½” jointing between sod pieces. The jointing shall be filled with 5 blend blue grass only seed mix (see 3.07 item E). All sod, which shifts greater than ½”, shall be removed and replaced. 3.5 REPAIRS A. Repair existing lawns damaged by operations under the contract. Repair shall include finish grading, sodding as required to match existing grade and turf, including maintenance of repaired areas. Page | 6 3.6 GUARANTEE A. Contractor shall guarantee that the sod shall be of rigorous growth, free of disease, for a one-year period after Final Completion. Beyond the date of final completion, throughout the one-year guarantee period, the Contractor shall visit the site as often as necessary to insure that the Owner is maintaining the sod properly. The Contractor shall inform the Landscape Architect and Owner immediately, via confirmed receipt email, if there is any maintenance conducted by the Owner, which will result in a less than thriving rigorous growing sod. Any failure of notification will obligate the Contractor to repair any sod areas, which are damaged during the guarantee period. 3.7 MAINTENANCE A. Maintain and water lawns until date of Final completion. Maintenance to include watering, weeding, resodding, mowing, trimming and edging. Each mowing shall occur when the grass has reached a height of 2 ½” inches. Mow to a height of 2” inches. Sodded areas shall be rolled with a 200-pound roller within 21 days after installation. B. Fill any depressions or settlement that occurs beneath the sod by removing and replacing the sod within 14 days following installation. Re-sod, do not seed, bare spots, which occur during the maintenance period. C. Irrigate as required to supplement natural rainfall so that all lawn areas receive sufficient water for normal plant growth. The Contractor will be allowed to utilize the irrigation system to irrigate newly installed sod. In the event that the irrigation system cannot be used, the Contractor will be paid for supplemental watering at the contract unit price, per 1,000 gallons. D. Refertilization shall be repeated after the first two lawn mowings have been made. Use this same analysis commercial fertilizer, in order to achieve 1 pound of actual N per 1,000 square feet. E. All sod shall remain in position with tight jointing. The Contractor must maintain sod in the originally installed position. Should the Contractor require means or devices to control movement those means and devices shall be acceptable to the Landscape Architect and Owner. Joints, which may develop during the installation and warranty period, must be repaired with sod within seven days. Seeding of joints less than ½” of an inch shall be permitted with a five-variety bluegrass seed blend. END OF SECTION Page | 7 EXTERIOR PLANTS PART 1 1.1 - GENERAL SUMMARY A. Landscape planting shall include the supplying of all materials and completion of all work items associated with the installation warranty and maintenance of all trees, shrubs, perennials, annuals, groundcover, and vines shown on the plans and specified herein. 1.2 CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS A. All bidders must submit the following qualifications type written on company letterhead with their bid; FAILURE TO DO SO WILL DISQUALIFY THEIR BID: The College of DuPage shall be the sole entity that determines whether or not the bidders meet the following qualifications based upon the information submitted with bids and subsequent research. B. Any and all Bidders (General Contractor, Prime Contractors, Subcontractors and Suppliers), who have previously contracted work, and/or are currently contracted with the College of DuPage, must have completed that work in accordance with all contract requirements. COD shall have the right to reject any bidding or bidders who has not fulfilled contract requirements to the satisfaction of COD. C. On a separate prime contractor bidding company letterhead page(s), list each and every project that your firm has contracted and performed as a prime contractor, without exclusion, in excess of $300,000.00, since January 1, 2006. FAILURE TO INCLUDE ALL PROJECTS WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION. Identify the name of the project, the current contact name of the contracted entity, the contact’s phone number and email address, the date of commencement and completion, the project description, your company’s specific scope of work and cost, and the total project cost. The contractor must identify, on this list, a minimum of five projects, which specifically satisfy the requirements of the following paragraph. D. A bidder submitting a trade bid package for landscaping must be a landscape installation company (not maintenance) who installs materials with their own employees and equipment that meet the following conditions herein. All companies, who wish to bid, must have successfully completed higher education (community college and four year colleges), and/or corporate and/or institutional landscape and sitework installation projects. The five installation projects must be similar in scope of work, schedule requirements and the plant material/irrigation portion of the installation projects must exceed $300,000. Similar projects must also include, coordinating and subcontracting irrigation, hardscape/paving and the supply / installation of plant materials. No primary or secondary education, municipal, park district/park department, governmental (federal, state or local) projects or forest preserve district installation work will be accepted as examples of similar project installation work. E. Additional qualifications are required for those contractors and suppliers within each section of the Technical Specifications of the Project Manual. Prior to bidding, all bidders and those who wish to supply or perform any of the work must meet these requirements. Page | 8 1.3 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 02 1050 Tree and Plant Protection B. Section 31 0000 Earthwork C. Section 31 1000 Site Preparation D. Section 32 0513 Topsoil and Plant Mix E. Section 32 8000 Irrigation System F. Section 32 9200 Lawns G. Section 33 4605 Underdrain System 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Samples: Representative samples of the following materials shall be provided to the Landscape Architect from the supply source being used: 1. Plant material: Landscape Architect reserves the right to tag and/or inspect plant stock at the nursery prior to delivery to the site. Samples or photos may be requested by Landscape Architect of all materials; to be provided by the supplying Nursery, through coordination by the Landscape Contractor, in lieu of inspection. 2. Mulch: 1 pound sample. 3. Planting Mixture Each Type: 1 pound sample. 4. Top Soil: 1 pound sample 5. Appropriate soil sample testing of all material to be removed, relocated and/or installed as necessary to complete the work. B. Test Reports: Submit to the Landscape Architect two copies each of certified test reports for: 1. Topsoil per Section 32 0513 2. Planting Mixture per section 32 0513 C. Certification 1. Phytosanitary certification: All plant material inspection certificates required by federal, state or other governing authorities will accompany each shipment and be turned over to the Landscape Architect upon delivery. 2. Disease Free Stock: Prior to securing, ordering or reserving any plant material, the Contractor must provide a certificate signed by both the grower, supplier and the installing contractor verifying that all proposed plant material designated for the project is disease free. 3. Invoice: Vendor or grower's invoice for each shipment of plants shall show sizes, quantities, and root treatment of plants (i.e., containerized, balled and burlapped, or bare root). Page | 9 D. Construction Schedule: The schedule shall be as stipulated within the General Requirements of the Project Manual. Upon authorization to proceed with the work, submit three copies of proposed construction schedule indicating detailed dates for all pay items of work within this specification. E. Maintenance Instructions: Submit three copies of typewritten instructions recommending procedures to be established by the Owner for the maintenance of landscape work for the upcoming two year period - during after warrantee/guarantee period is over. Submit per close out documents Section 017700 and with payment application for substantial completion. F. Toxic Chemicals: Submit products, application rates, and anticipated uses of pesticides, herbicides and fumigants. G. Photos of plant materials (shall be electronic). 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. All materials and work shall comply with applicable sections of the following references: 1. American Association of Nurserymen, Inc. (AAN) Standard: American Standard for Nursery Stock (ANSI Z60.1-1986) 2. Hortus Third, Cornell University, 1976 B. Source Quality Control 1. Certification: All landscape materials shall be from stock inspected and certified by authorized governmental agencies. The stock shall comply with governmental regulations prevailing at the supply source and the project site. 2. Analysis and Standards: Products packaged in sealed containers shall be labeled with manufacturer's certified analysis. The composition of bulk materials shall be tested by an approved laboratory in accordance with procedures established by the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, wherever applicable, or as specified by product specifications referenced herein. 3. Plant materials tagged by Landscape Architect (if indicated in plant list): The Landscape Architect may have tagged certain plant materials to be used for this project and they have been identified in the plant list. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to coordinate with the identified sources, transport and install this plant material and the contractor’s cost. All other conditions shall apply. Plant material in the plant list shall be supplied and installed by the contractor per these specifications. Page | 10 4. Plant Materials not tagged by Landscape Architect, the contractor must furnish electronic photos of each material standing independently. The photos shall have a vertical measuring device which clearly indicates the height of the material standing alongside of each material. Materials noted by height and width shall have two measuring devices shown in the photos. Photos shall be submitted electronically (one CD ROM) to the landscape architect by the contractor two weeks prior to any decision made as to the material appropriateness and required shipping date. A decision as to the material appropriateness shall be the sole discretion of the Landscape Architect. At their sole discretion, the Landscape Architect may require more information to insure that the materials meet the specifications prior to shipping and upon arrival. 5. Plant Material Selection: Plant materials shall be supplied by a nursery located in Northern Illinois unless otherwise approved by the Landscape Architect. Prior to digging and shipment by the nursery, plant materials shall be tagged for inspection and approval by the Landscape Architect. Notify the Landscape Architect of tagged material locations at least two weeks prior to digging. 6. All Evergreen, Shade and Ornamental trees must be tagged with a bright yellow 24” long survey tape on the SOUTH side of the tree at a height of 7 feet above root ball flare prior to digging. This tape shall be used to orient all material in the same north/south direction as it was originally planted when installing on site. C. Substitutions 1. If specified landscape material is not obtainable, notify the Landscape Architect who will assist contractor to identify alternate sources or substitutes. Adjustments will be made at no additional cost to the Owner. If replacements are downsized, credits to the Owner will be based on comparable cost differentials customary for materials and sizes involved. 2. Plants shall be supplied at the sizes specified. Plants of larger size may be used if acceptable to Landscape Architect and if sizes of roots or balls are proportionately increased. 3. Container plants may be substituted for those designated "B & B" if approved by the Landscape Architect. D. Plant Location 1. It shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor to locate all plant material on the plant list with the exception (if any) identified on the plant list as previously ‘tagged’ by the landscape architect. 2. Contractor must submit the following information to the Landscape Architect for consideration and a determination of conditional acceptance: 3. Location, who will transport and method of protection for all plant materials a. Location of the material, who will transport the material, method of protection prior to delivery, during delivery and while onsite. b. PH of the soil where the plant material is located in the field and a description of the type of soil and height above the existing ground water table. Page | 11 c. Photographs at (4) 90 degree positions... E. Irrigation System Operation: 1. The Landscape and Irrigation Installation Contractors shall be completely responsible for the proper watering of all plant material and shall be totally responsible for the proper operation of any supplemental watering system (irrigation system). If an irrigation system is part of the scope of work, it shall be the responsibility of the General Contractor and Landscape Contractor to work closely with the Irrigation System Contractor to sequence the installation so that the installed materials are properly watered. 2. Additionally, should at any time the Contractor finds that the irrigation system is not operating properly they shall immediately notify the Owner by first ‘in person’, second by phone and always by and e-mail within four hours of a problem operation. The Contractor must also notify the Irrigation System Contractor by the same means and within the same time frame. 1.6 PRODUCT DELIVER, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General 1. Store materials only in locations approved by the Landscape Architect. 2. Notify the Landscape Architect forty-eight hours in advance of all delivery time for plant material. 3. All plant material must be protected from theft during the entire length of the contract including the warranty period. Materials removed from the project, by whatever reason, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to replace. B. Packaged Materials: Deliver packaged materials in unopened containers showing weight, analysis and name of manufacturer. During shipment and storage on site, protect materials from breakage, moisture, heat or other damage. C. Plant Materials 1. Shipping shall be scheduled to minimize on site storage of plants. Stock shall not be shipped until the planting preparations have been completed. 2. Labels: Shipment of plants shall be clearly identified with legible labels stating correct name and size of plant securely attached to individual plants or to bundles of like variety and size. 3. During shipment, plants shall not be bent, stacked or bound in a manner that damages bark, breaks branches, deforms root balls, or destroys natural shape. 4. Transport plant material in closed vehicles or in open vehicles with the entire load properly covered for protection from drying winds, heat, freezing or other exposure that may be harmful. Page | 12 5. If delays beyond the Contractor's control occur after delivery, plants shall be kept watered, and protected from sun, wind and mechanical damage; root balls shall be covered with topsoil or mulch. Do not remove container-grown stock from containers until planting time. "Heel in" bare root plants in moist soil and cover with 3” minimum thickness of wood mulch, immediately upon delivery. Open bundles of plants and separate the plants before the roots are covered. Take care to prevent air pockets among roots when heeling in. Keep the roots constantly moist until planted. The heeling-in grounds shall be a well-protected, shaded area complete with wind screen fencing and shade canopy fabric. 6. Handle plants at all times in accordance with the best horticultural practices. Lift B&B materials from the bottom of the ball only. Plants handled otherwise will be subject to rejection. Balled and burlapped plants which have cracked or broken balls are not acceptable and shall not be planted. 1.7 JOB CONDITIONS A. General 1. Prior to beginning work, the Contractor shall examine and verify the acceptability of the project site and notify the Landscape Architect of unsatisfactory conditions. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected or resolved in writing by the Landscape Architect. 2. Where planting occurs in close proximity to other site improvements, adequate protection shall be given to all features prior to commencing work. Any items damaged during planting operations shall be promptly repaired to their original condition at no cost to the Owner. B. Utilities: Have all underground utilities located by servicing agencies. In the vicinity of utilities, hand excavate to minimize possibility of damage to underground utilities. C. On-site sources of water will be available. D. Excavation: When conditions detrimental to plant growth are encountered such as rubble fill, adverse drainage conditions or obstructions, notify Landscape Architect before planting. E. Planting Season 1. Materials shall be installed during planting seasons normally recognized in the job locality for the species being utilized. 2. If special conditions exist which warrant installation outside the normal planting season, submit a written request to the Landscape Architect describing conditions and stating the proposed variance. Permission for the variance will be given only if, in the opinion of the Landscape Architect, the variance is warranted. F. Work Schedule 1. Upon authorization to proceed with the work, submit a project work schedule indicating the dates of each of the following items: a. Tagging of plants in nurseries Page | 13 b. Delivery of topsoil to the site c. Delivery of other materials to the site d. Staking of plant locations on the site e. Digging and preparation of plant pits and beds f. Delivery of plant material to the site g. Planting h. Substantial completion of the work 2. Notify Landscape Architect in advance of any deviations from schedule. G. Coordination With Other Work 1. Proceed with and complete landscape work as rapidly as portions of the site become available, working within the seasonal limitations for each kind of landscape work required. 2. Maintain grade stakes set by others until removal is mutually agreed upon by all parties concerned. 3. Coordinate planting work sequence with installation of irrigation system. 1.8 GUARANTEE A. General 1. Warrant all plant material to be true to botanical name and specified size. All nursery growing tags shall remain on the plant material until inspected by the Landscape Architect. Contractor shall furnish confirmation of all plant material varieties to the Landscape Architect by copies of the plant material suppliers shipping invoices. Invoices must list all plant material and lawn specifications including; genus, species, varieties and source location of grower, or growers, and location and contact information of all suppliers and growers. 2. After the Contractor receives a Substantial Completion of Plant Material and Lawn Areas, all plant materials, shall be maintained in a vigorous condition and warranted against defects including death, improper maintenance, and unsatisfactory growth for the following time period: a. Two years after the Substantial Completion for fall plantings. b. Two years after the Substantial Completion for spring plantings. Site visit inspections for warranty compliance, shall be completed by the Landscape Architect, and notification of work that is not in compliance with the specifications shall be provided to the Contractor within seven calendar days after the following seasonal warranty dates. The Spring site visit shall be the second week of May and the Fall site visit shall be the third week of October. The Contractor must complete all work identified during the site visits within seven days after receiving the site visit inspection notes. Page | 14 3. The Contractor will not be responsible for defects resulting from, abuse or damage by Owner or Owner’s users, or unusual phenomena or incidents beyond landscape installer's control which result from natural causes such as floods, lightning, storms, freezing rains, winds over 60 miles per hour, fires or vandalism. Droughts shall not be considered unusual phenomena, as the Contractor is responsible for proper watering of all plant material and lawn areas at all times to maintain a healthy and rigorous growth in the opinion of the Landscape Architect. B. Replacements 1. During the warranty period, replace, at no additional expense to the Owner, plant materials that are dead or that are, in the opinion of the Landscape Architect, in an unhealthy or unsightly condition, or that have lost their natural shape due to dead branches, excessive pruning, or inadequate or improper maintenance. Rejected plant materials, shall be removed from the site and legally disposed of, at no additional expense to the Owner. 2. The Landscape Architect and the Owner shall be the sole determination of the material, which must be replaced. The following general guidelines are what the Landscape Architect will use to determine whether Plant Material(s) must be replaced are: a. If the trimming of the dead branches removes more than ten percent of the total original branching then this material shall be determined to be dead. Additionally, if the removal of ten percent of the dead branching disfigures the form of the Plant Material, then the material must be replaced. If more than 10 percent of the grass blades are less than vigorous, healthy and green in color, then the grass (or sod) shall be determine to be dead and must be replaced. 3. Only one replacement of any plant is required after Substantial Completion, except for losses or replacements due to failure to comply with specified requirements. 4. Replacement plants and planting operations shall be in accordance with the original specifications. Replacements shall be made no later than the next succeeding planting season. Fully restore areas damaged by replacement operations to their original and specified condition. 5. If, in the opinion of the Landscape Architect and Owner, it is advisable to extend guarantee for a second growing season for any or all plant materials, an inspection at the end of extended warranty period will be made to determine acceptability of the items involved. The extended warranty, if required, shall be continued for all plant material and lawn areas at no additional cost to the Owner. Contractor shall be required to post a performance bond for that amount of the work for the total plant material’s replacement value, which are under the extended guarantee. Amount shall be agreed upon between Owner and Contractor P a g e | 15 PART 2 2.1 - PRODUCTS MATERIALS A. Plant Materials 1. Plant materials shall be true to name and variety described in "Hortus Third", Cornell University, 1976, or by cultivars generally accepted in the trade. 2. All planting stock shall be nursery-grown in accordance with good horticultural practice. Plants shall be free of disease, insects, eggs, larvae, and defects such as knots, sunscald, injuries, abrasions or disfigurement. They shall be sound, healthy and vigorous, of uniform growth, typical of the species and variety, well formed, free from irregularities, with the minimum quality conforming to American Standard for Nursery Stock. 3. Plants indicated, as SPECIMEN, in the plant list of the drawings, shall be exceptionally heavy, symmetrical, and tightly knit, cultured, to be unquestionably superior in form, branching, compactness and symmetry. Any question as to whether the material shall comply with this paragraph shall be the sole discretion of the Landscape Architect and Owner. 4. The minimum acceptable sizes of all plants shall be measured before pruning and with branches in normal position. Unless otherwise designated on the plant list, all plant dimensions shall conform to those listed in ANSI A60.1, American Standard for Nursery Stock. a. Where height is indicated as a range, the smaller dimension is the minimum acceptable; the larger dimension represents the maximum permissible except with approval of the Landscape Architect. The average dimension of all plants must at least equal the average of the height range specified. b. Spread shall meet the minimum dimension specified in all directions and must be considered as pivoting on the center of the plant. Where range is shown between two spread dimensions, the smaller dimension is the minimum acceptable. Spreads shall at least average on the average of the range indicated. c. Caliper is the trunk diameter taken at a specified distance (12”) above root collar as described in ANSI Z60.1. d. Branching point is the distance above ground where balanced branching occurs or where a dimension on trunk appears to form the head of the tree. 5. Root treatments on all plants shall conform to the requirements of ANSI Z60.1. Plants shall be dug and prepared for shipment in a manner that will not cause damage to branches, shape and future development after planting. a. Balled and burlapped ("B&B") plants shall have a firm, natural ball of earth of sufficient diameter and depth to encompass the fibrous and feeding root systems necessary for full recovery of the plant. Balls shall be securely wrapped with burlap and bound with cord. Ball sizes shall meet the requirements of the ANSI Z60.1. Page | 16 b. Plants furnished in containers shall have the roots well established in the soil mass and shall have grown in the container for at least one growing season. Containers shall be large enough to provide earth-root mass of adequate size to support the plant tops being grown. Plants, other than ground covers, overestablished in the container, as evidenced by pot-bound root ends, will not be accepted. c. Bare root plants shall have a root spread sufficient to ensure full recovery and development of the plant. Take care to avoid injury to or removal of fibrous roots. Carefully protect roots with wet straw, moss, or other materials so that the plants arrive with their roots in a moist and healthy condition. Remove broken and injured roots prior to planting. 6. Plant materials shall be subject to final approval by the Landscape Architect at the site before installation. Any plant materials determined to be unacceptable for any reason due to poor health, less than vigorous condition, poor form or improper variety, shall be removed and replaced prior to planting at no additional cost to the Owner, regardless of any prior approvals during tagging or photograph review. The Landscape Architect shall be the sole determinant as to whether the plant material is acceptable to install regardless of prior Nursery or Landscape Contractor submittal information. B. Topsoil: See Section 32 0513, Site Topsoil. C. Soil Amendments 1. Peat shall meet the requirements: a. Peat shall consist of at least 75 percent partially decomposed stems and leaves of hypnum, polytrichum and other mosses in which the cellular structure is still recognizable. b. Texture may vary from porous fibrous to spongy fibrous and peat shall be either crumbly or compact, but elastic. c. Peat shall be nearly free from decomposed colloidal residue and wood, and shall be essentially brown to black in color. 2. Granular fertilizer shall conform to Fed. Spec. Q-F-241, Type I, Level B, and shall bear the manufacturer's guaranteed statement of analysis. a. Granular fertilizer shall contain a minimum percentage by weight of nitrogen (of which 50 percent shall be organic), available phosphoric acid, and potash. 3. pH Adjusters a. Lime shall be ground dolomite limestone containing not less than 85 percent calcium and magnesium carbonates, 50 percent passing through 100 mesh screen, 98 percent passing 20 mesh screen. b. Elemental sulphur shall be finely ground horticultural grade material containing at least 95 percent purity. Material shall be delivered in unopened containers containing manufacturer's guaranteed analysis. P a g e | 17 4. Herbicide products and rates of application to conform with registered uses. 2.2 SOIL AMENDMENTS A. Planting mixture for all planting bed areas and annual planting bed areas shall be amended with: 1. Fertilizer shall be incorporated into the mix at a rate of 6 pounds per 100 square feet of bed area. 2. For planting beds, apply ‘Preen’ weed pre-emergent at the manufacturer’s recommended rate prior to placement of mulch. 2.3 STAKING MATERIALS A. Staking materials shall be as shown on the drawings and as specified within these specifications. Staking maybe omitted under conditions of item B below; however should any methods and/or materials, which the contractor has proposed be unsuccessful in the sole opinion of the Landscape Architect, then the Landscape Contractor shall be obligated to use a method designated by the Landscape Architect at no additional cost to the Owner. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for furnishing and installing all materials and labor necessary to maintain all plant materials in their original location of planting. The materials, which the contractor will use, shall be as suggested by the contractor and reviewed for appropriateness by Owner and Landscape Architect, prior to installation. 2.4 MULCH A. Wood mulch shall be premium (double processed) shredded hardwood mulch dyed ‘Brown’ in color, or approved equal, supplied from a source within the State of the project location, as approved by Landscape Architect.. B. Pine Fines shall be as supplied by Midwest Groundcovers, St. Charles, Illinois or approved equal. 2.5 TREE ROOT GROWTH/STIMULATOR A. Shall be as manufactured by North Country Organics, Bradford, VT, Myco-Magic brand. Apply at manufacturer’s recommended rate for each shade, evergreen, and ornamental tree. 2.6 SUPPLEMENTAL TREE WATERING A. Shall be TreeGator Jr. as manufacture by TreeGator (866-873-3428), or approved equal. Provide one per tree. Remove all bags at the end of warranty period or prior to if the tree has established itself. All TreeGator supplemental watering ‘bags’ shall become the property of the Owner. Page | 18 B. Evergreen and Deciduous trees shall have different type of Tree Gator Jr. bags per manufacturer’s tan in color, recommendations. All bags shall be dark brown in color. 2.7 TREE TRUNK WRAP A. Shall be tree wrap material 4” wide, two-ply with asphaltic layer, white in color, waterproof crepe Kraft paper secured with two-ply jute twine PART 3 3.1 - EXECUTION FINISH GRADING A. Topsoil 1. Distribute pulverized topsoil in quantity sufficient to meet finish grades. Topsoil shall be cultivated, lightly compacted to prevent future settlement, dragged, and graded to finished grade. B. Finished Grades 1. Finished grades shall slope to drain, be free of depressions or other irregularities after thorough settlement and compaction of soil, and shall be uniform in slope between grading controls and the elevations indicated. 2. Finished grade shall meet existing grades at contract limits and be ½ inch below top of curbs and paving. 3. Topsoil shall be graded to within 1/2 inch below finished grade. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Layout 1. Individual plant locations shall be staked on the project site by the Contractor and approved by the Landscape Architect before any planting pits are dug. The Landscape Architect reserves the right to adjust plant material locations to meet field conditions, and design objective, without additional cost to the Owner. B. Coordination 1. Accurately stake plant material according to the drawings. Stakes shall be 3’ high above grade and painted a bright lime green to be clearly visible for inspection. 2. If obstructions are encountered that are not indicated, do not proceed with planting operations until alternative plant locations have been selected and approved in writing by the Landscape Architect. Where location or spacing dimensions are not clearly shown, request clarification by the Landscape Architect. Page | 19 3.3 TREE TRANSPORT A. Transportation: 1. Contractor may be required, when directed by the Landscape Architect, to hand cart, excavate and plant trees in environmentally sensitive or an area inaccessible by vehicle; at no additional cost to the Owner. 2. Contractor must remove any and all tree wrap or other plant shipping protection prior to planting so that the plant material can be inspected upon arrival by the Landscape Architect. 3. Prior to wrapping any deciduous tree trunk with tree wrap, the Contractor must have the trunk condition of every tree inspected and approved by the Landscape Architect. If the trees arrive wrapped then the wrapping material shall be removed for inspection, inspected and re-wrapped at no additional cost to the Owner. 4. Any trees damaged during loading, transport or unloading will be unacceptable and the contractor must replace this material as required to meet the project completion/implementation schedule deadlines. 3.4 PLANTING A. Excavation 1. Rocks and other underground obstructions shall be removed to a depth necessary to permit proper planting according to plans and specifications. If underground utilities or other structural obstructions are encountered, alternate planting locations will be determined by the Landscape Architect. Explosives cannot be used for removal of obstructions. 2. Plant pits shall be dug only by methods approved by the Landscape Architect. a. Planting pits shall be round, with vertical sides and flat bottoms, and sized in accordance with outlines and dimensions shown on the drawings. b. If rotating augers or other mechanical diggers are used to excavate holes, the vertical sides of the pits shall be scarified, fractured, or otherwise broken down to eliminate impervious surfaces. c. Loosen or scarify in the bottom of all plant pits to a depth of 4 inches. 3. Existing soil in shrub beds shall be excavated to a depth shown on the drawings and be replaced with planting soil mixture. Plant beds shall be brought to a smooth and even surface conforming to established grades. 4. Excavated material that is not the specified planting soil will not be used for backfill in any planter or planting pit and shall be removed from the site. B. Planting 1. Planting, unless otherwise directed, shall be performed as specified. Do no planting when the ground is frozen, unless approved by the Landscape Architect. Page | 20 2. Balled and burlapped plants: Place a minimum of 4 inches of compacted planting mixture in the bottom of the pit or to depth necessary to set the plant to required grade. Orient plant in the same orientation as grown in the Nursery. Add Root Growth fertilizer per manufacturer’s recommendations. Set the plant in the pit to the proper grade and position, faced to give the best appearance or relationship to one another and adjacent structures. Cut away burlap, rope, wire or other wrapping materials from the top of the ball, and remove from pit. Do not remove burlap or ties from sides or bottom of ball. If plastic wrap or other non-degradable materials are used in lieu of burlap, completely remove them before placing of backfill. Cleanly cut off broken or frayed roots. Place planting mixture around the ball and carefully compact to avoid injury to the roots and to fill the voids. After backfilling planting pit approximately two-thirds full, add water and allow planting mixture to settle. After the water has been absorbed, fill the planting pit with planting mixture and tamp light to grade, and form a watering basin of the size indicated. 3. Container-grown stock: Plant as specified above for balled and burlapped plants, and as modified herein. Remove containers before planting and sever the sides of root ball in several places, loosening the roots on the outside of the ball sufficiently to encourage rapid root extension into the surrounding soil and to prevent girding of root mass. 4. Bare root stock: Plant so that the roots are arranged in a natural position. Remove damaged roots with a clean cut. Planting soil mixture shall be carefully worked in among the roots. Remainder of backfill of planting soil mixture shall be tamped and watered as above. Earth saucers shall then be formed around isolated plants. 5. Planting time of plant materials shall be as stipulated in the schedule provided with the General Requirements of the Project Manual. C. Underdrain Installation (If indicated on plans and/or details) 1. Install underdrain in locations and as per details shown on plan. Contractor shall perform testing requirements for underdrain prior to backfilling any plant materials. 2. Correct underdrain for those areas which do not meet the testing requirements. 3. Note that underdrain inspection ‘ports’ for the PE flexible pie around all trees shall be extended to finish grade on the NORTH side of all trees, capped with a black PE cap and then cover with 3” of mulch. D. Fertilizing 1. Amend all planting backfill and bed mixes at rates specified under Part 2.2. 2. Fertilize and amend, with root growth / acclamator, all shade trees, ornamental trees and evergreens prior to backfilling, per manufacturer’s recommendations. Page | 21 E. Weed Control Pre-Emergent 1. All Planting Beds and Annual beds shall have PREEN (or approved substitute) placed immediately after planting mixture is in place and prior to placing mulch. Application rate per manufacturer’s recommendation. F. Mulching 1. Mulching shall take place within 48 hours after planting. 2. Mulch all freestanding Trees, Tree and shrub beds to a uniform depth of 3” inches with wood Bark mulch. Mulch groundcover and perennial areas to a uniform depth of 2 inches with wood bark mulch. Mulch annual planting beds to a uniform depth of 2” with Pine Fines. 3. Mulch shall be kept off lawn areas, buildings, sidewalks, light standards and other structures. 4. Form mulch rings around freestanding trees and large shrubs that are located within turf areas as shown on the plant material details. Mulch trees with a 5’ diameter, 3” deep wood mulch saucer if 6” or less in caliper. Deciduous trees greater than 6” caliper shall have a mulch ring radius equal to one foot per caliper inch. Evergreens shall have a mulch ring diameter equal to the drip line. G. Pruning 1. General a. After planting, do not prune the branches of deciduous stock except to remove broken, competing leader, crossing or damaged branches and as directed by Landscape Architect. Pruning shall be done by workers certified for this type of work. b. Trimmings shall be removed from the site. 2. Trees a. Prune trees by removing all dead wood, badly formed, interfering limbs, and sufficient other growth to ensure healthy and symmetrical growth of new wood. b. In the case of multiple leaders, preserve the one which will best promote the symmetry of the tree, and remove or cut back the remainder so that they will not compete with the selected leader. Cut back surrounding top branches to conform to the leader. If the trimming of the tree distorts the original form, in the opinion of the Landscape Architect, then the tree must be replaced. 3. Shrubs: a. Prune shrubs by removing all dead wood and broken branches, thinning out canes and cutting back or removing unsymmetrical branches. Pruning shall result in a loose outline conforming to the general shape of the shrub type. Do not use hedge shears. Absolutely no shrubs should be trimmed into ‘ball-like shapes’, rather the natural form of the shrub shall be maintained. Page | 22 H. Securing Plant Material 1. General a. The Contractor shall be responsible for insuring that all plant material shall remain in the location as originally planted in a true, upright condition and at the original elevation. Should there be any movement of the plant material, in the sole opinion of the Landscape Architect, the contractor shall be responsible for returning the plant material and all disturbed areas to their original condition. This shall be required as often as necessary to restore the plant material to the original location and grade at no additional cost throughout the entire length of the contract and warranty/guarantee period. I. Maintenance 1. Planting maintenance shall begin immediately after each plant is installed, and shall continue as required until final acceptance at the end of the warranty period. 2. All work shall be inspected a minimum of once per week by the Contractor; during the installation, maintenance and warranty period, and as needed so that the requirements identified within these specifications are performed promptly so as not to cause further deterioration or unsightly condition through untimely remedy. Mulch depth and proper water requirements in particular must be inspected weekly, or as often as necessary to insure that proper watering to all plant and lawn material is maintained and corrected immediately if necessary. 3. The Contractor shall irrigate all plants adequately to maintain optimum supply of moisture within the root zone; reoccurring overly dry or wet conditions shall be grounds for rejection of plant material. If the irrigation system is inoperative, hand watering shall be accomplished from a source approved by the Landscape Architect. Water shall not be applied with a force that will displace mulch or cause soil erosion, and shall not be applied so quickly that it cannot be absorbed by the mulch and plants. There shall be no exceptions made to this condition, regardless of the amount of natural rain received. The contractor will not receive any additional money should the need arise to hand water all plant material and lawn areas. 4. Plants shall be pruned and mulch replaced as required to maintain depths required by specifications during the weekly inspection visits by the Contractor. 5. Maintain all plant beds and tree saucers weed free; mow all grass through the end of final completion. Weeds shall not be allowed to reach a height of 2 inches before being completely removed, including root growth. Grass shall be mowed weekly or as often as necessary when the grass reaches a maximum height of three inches. Grass shall be mowed to a height of 2 ½”. 6. Keep plants free of insects and disease. All insecticides and fungicides applied to control pests and maintain plants in a healthy growing condition, shall be approved by the Landscape Architect. Page | 23 7. Fertilize plants at least once during the period of establishment between the dates of 1 February and 15 March (if applicable). Fertilization shall be applied by topdressing 1 pound per 100 square feet of plant pit or bed area. Formula for the application shall be 10N-10P-10K. 8. Remove, at no cost to Owner, dead and unacceptable plants as their condition becomes apparent, per the requirements of the weekly inspections. 9. Contractor must maintain a specified mulch depths for all mulched beds and trees at all times during the entire maintenance and warranty period. The Contractor must refresh all mulch to the proper depths as often as necessary to maintain the specified depths during the entire warranty period. Additionally, mulch must be refreshed one week prior to the spring site visit for warranty compliance and one week prior to the fall site visit for warranty compliance conducted by the Landscape Architect. 10. Contractor must take all necessary precautions and install all measures necessary to insure that all plant material remains in its original location, upright true and plumb, and at the originally installed vertical elevations. Should the Contractor doubt that the plant material will remain in the installed position; they shall be required to, at no additional cost to the Owner, during the entire installation and warranty period, maintain methods acceptable to the Owner to keep the material in the original position. 11. Maintenance shall only be performed by State of Illinois certified firms and individuals who have passed state examination in that specific and required maintenance task. Contractor must submit certificate certification with close out documents at substantial completion. 3.5 ACCEPTANCE A. Inspections for Acceptance of Work 1. Substantial Completion a. Notify the Landscape Architect in writing of the completion of planting. b. Within 10 days after notification of completion of work, the Landscape Architect will inspect the work and prepare a Substantial Completion, along with a list of items that require completion or correction. c. Issuance of the Substantial Completion shall constitute the start of the warranty period for portion accepted and Substantial Completion of work. 2. Final Acceptance Inspection a. The final inspection of all planting or phase of planting work under the contract will be made by the Owner, Contractor and Landscape Architect. b. Before final acceptance is made, the terms of the warranty shall be met and the site shall be in the condition stipulated under Part 3.06, Clean-Up and Protection. Page | 24 c. Final acceptance inspection of plantings or material planted during recognized planting seasons will be made by the Landscape Architect during the spring and fall site visits. 3.6 CLEAN-UP AND PROTECTION A. Clean-Up 1. Excess and waste material shall be removed daily. 2. When planting in an area has been completed, the area shall be cleared of all debris, soil piles and containers. 3. At least one paved pedestrian access route and one paved vehicular access route to each building shall be kept clean at all times. Other paving shall be cleaned when work in adjacent areas is completed. Power washing with an eco and landscape friendly cleaner shall be completed at the end of each day in which construction has in any manner soiled or tire marked, or left vehicle fluids on any walk surfaces. Additionally, power washing of all walkways must be completed one week prior to the spring site visit and the fall site visit by the Landscape Architect. Power washing shall also be completed one week before substantial completion and one week before final completion. B. Repairs 1. Any damage to existing landscape, paving or other such features (within the project boundaries or outside the project boundaries) as a result of work related to this contract shall be repaired by the responsible Contractor to its original condition, as coordinated by the Landscape or General Contractor, at no additional cost to the Owner. C. Protection 1. Protect landscape work and materials from damage due to landscape operations, operations by other Contractors and trades, and trespassers. Maintain protection during installation and maintenance periods. Contractor shall have any plant material damage repaired or replace the plant material as directed by the landscape architect. Contractor must notify the landscape architect and Owner immediately in email form as to the damage (or notice of damage) of any specimen plant material. Damage must be treated within 48 hours (if the material is determined to remain by the landscape architect) by a State of Illinois certified arborist. If damage is not treated on material determined by the Landscape Architect to remain, within 48 hours by a certified Arborist, then the Landscape Architect and Owner shall contact an Arborist to complete the repair and the cost of repairs shall be deducted from the Escrow identified in Part 3.8. 2. Protect all existing hardscape paving with ¾” thick exterior grade plywood, or approved rubber protection mats, whenever any hand or motorized vehicle traverses any hardscape. Failure to do so will result in the General and Landscape Contractor returning any damaged work to as-like condition, at no additional cost to the Owner. Page | 25 D. Trees E. Remove all tree wrap, guying and stakes, and labels and seals one year after the date of substantial completion. Remove twine securing root ball to trunk only as detailed per Part 3.4, Item I. Maintenance, number 11 3.7 OWNER ITEMS A. TreeGator ‘bags’ 1. All TreeGator bags, used on the project, shall remain the property of the Owner and be turned over by the Contractor to the Owner in a clean and fully operational condition at the end of their required use herein these specifications. 3.8 BONDS AND ESCROW A. Maintenance Bonds shall be required for the following: 1. Two year specimen tree replacement at 25% value of materials including all materials and all installation cost. 2. Two year replacement for all other plant material at 25% value of materials including materials and all installation cost. 3. Bonds shall be delivered to the Owner along with the payment for substantial completion. B. A $5,000 Escrow amount shall be withheld from the contract award of the landscape contractor by the Owner until Substantial Completion acceptance to utilize for Arborist services should be required under the requirements of these specifications 1. The services of a State of Illinois certified arborist for the treatment of any and all damaged plant material that has occurred as the result of the contractor’s actions or negligence which has not been repaired within the time frame of these specifications or as stipulated by the landscape architect END OF SECTION Page | 26 BID TABLE – TASK ORDER LANDCAPE MAINTENANCE ITEM NO. L-1.0 L-2.0 L-3.0 L-4.0 L-5.0 L-6.0 L-7.0 L-8.0 L-9.0 L-10.0 L-11.0 L-12.0 L-14.0 L-15.0 L-16.0 L-17.0 L-18.0 L-19.0 L-20.0 L_21.0 L-21.0 L-22.0 L-23.0 L-24.0 L-25.0 L-26.0 L-27.0 L-28.0 L-29.0 L-30.0 L-31.0 DESCRIPTION SHADE TREES 4" Shade Tree 6" Shade Tree ORNAMENTAL TREES 8' Ornamental Tree 10' Ornamental Tree 12' Ornamental Tree 14' Ornamental Tree 16' Ornamental Tree 18' Ornamental Tree EVERGREEN TREES 8' Evergreen Tree 10' Evergreen Tree 12' Evergreen Tree 14' Evergreen Tree 16' Evergreen Tree 18' Evergreen Tree DECIDUOUS SHRUBS 5 Gal./24" Deciduous Shrub 30" Deciduous Shrub 3' Deciduous Shrub 4' Deciduous Shrub 5' Deciduous Shrub EVERGREEN SHRUBS 5 Gal./24" Evergreen Shrub 30" Evergreen Shrub 3' Evergreen Shrub 4' Evergreen Shrub 5' Evergreen Shrub ORNAMENTAL GRASSES 3 Gal. Ornamental Grass 1 Gal. Ornamental Grass PERENNIALS/GROUNDCOVERS 3 Gal. Perennial 1 Gal. Perennial Qt. Perennial Qt. Groundcover 3" Groundcover Page | 27 UNIT MIN QUANTITY UNIT PRICE Each Each 1 1 Each Each Each Each Each Each 1 1 1 1 1 1 Each Each Each Each Each Each 1 1 1 1 1 1 Each Each Each Each Each 1 1 1 1 1 Each Each Each Each Each 1 1 1 1 1 Each Each 1 1 Each Each Each Each Each 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL PRICE ITEM NO. L-43.0 L-44.0 L-46.0 DESCRIPTION SOD/SEED/BLANKET Sod removal and Installation Sod/8" Topsoil Deliver and Install Seed Installation Seed/8" Topsoil Deliver and Install DR75 Blanket Installation DRAINAGE 4.0" Solid Underdrain/PVC SCH 40 4.0" Perforated Underdrain/PVC SCH 40 6.0" Solid Underdrain/PVC SCH 40 4" Underdrain Cleanout/PVC SCH 80 SITE WORK Pulverized Topsoil Deliver and Install Planting Mix Deliver and Install Shredded Bark Mulch Deliver and Install Shredded Bark Mulch Install Only Labor rate L-47.0 L-48.0 Escalation rate year two Escalation Rate year three L-32.0 L-33.0 L-34.0 L-35.0 L-36.0 L-37.0 L-38.0 L-39.0 L-40.0 L-41.0 L-42.0 Page | 28 UNIT MIN QUANTITY UNIT PRICE S.Y. S.Y. S.Y. S.Y. S.Y. 100 100 100 100 100 L.F. 20 L.F. L.F. Each 20 20 1 C.Y. C.Y. 25 25 C.Y. C.Y. HR 25 25 1 % TOTAL PRICE % % CERTIFICATIONS THE UNDERSIGNED IS CAUTIONED TO CAREFULLY READ THESE CERTIFICATIONS PRIOR TO SIGNING THE SIGNATURE PAGE. SIGNING THE SIGNATURE PAGE SHALL CONSTITUTE A WARRANTY BY THE UNDERSIGNED THAT ALL THE STATEMENTS, CERTIFICATIONS AND INFORMATION SET FORTH WITHIN THESE CERTIFICATIONS ARE TRUE, COMPLETE AND CORRECT AS OF THE DATE THE SIGNATURE PAGE IS SIGNED. THE UNDERSIGNED IS NOTIFIED THAT IF THE COLLEGE LEARNS THAT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATIONS WERE FALSELY MADE, THAT ANY CONTRACT ENTERED INTO WITH THE UNDERSIGNED SHALL BE SUBJECT TO TERMINATION. A. Prevailing Wage Act. To the extent required by law, Contractor shall not pay less than the prevailing wage as established pursuant to an Act Regulating the Wages of Laborers, Mechanics, and Other Workman employed under Contract for Public Workers 820 ILCS 130/1 et seq. B. Human Rights Act. To the extent required by law, Contractor shall abide by the Illinois Human Rights Act, 775 ILCS 10/0.01 et seq. C. Drug Free Workplace. To the extent required by law, Contractor shall abide with the requirements of the Drug Free Workplace Act 30 ILCS 580.1 et seq. D. Sexual Harassment Policy. Contractor represents by the signing of this Agreement that it has a written sexual harassment policy that is in accordance with 775 ILCS 5/2-105 (A) (4). E. Non-debarment. By executing this agreement Contractor certifies that it has not been debarred from public contracts in the State of Illinois for violating either 33E-3 or 33E-4 of the Public Contracts Act, 720 ILCS 5/33E-1 et seq. F. Fair Employment Practice Contractor is in compliance with all State and Federal laws regarding Fair Employment Practice as well as all rules and regulations. G. Our company has an Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Program which complies with Executive Order 11246, the Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Yes _______ No _______ ADVICE MINORITY/WOMAN-OWNED, DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS? YES_____ NO_____. If yes, please attach copy of certification and advise certification number and expiration date below: STATE NEGOTIATED BID/ COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT: YES _____ NO _______ Contract No. ___________ Name of Certifying Entity: _________________________________________________________ Certification #: ________________ _____________ Page | 29 Expiration Date: _____ SIGNATURE PAGE Check One: SOLE PROPRIETOR PARTNERSHIP (and/or JOINT VENTURE) LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY CORPORATION The undersigned acknowledges receipt of a full set of Contract Documents and Addenda Numbers __________________ (None unless indicated here). The undersigned makes the foregoing Bid subject to all of the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. The undersigned certifies that all of the foregoing statements of the Vendor Certifications are true and correct. The undersigned warrants that all of the facts and information submitted by the undersigned in connection with this Bid are true and correct. Upon award and execution of this Contract by the College of DuPage Board of Trustees, the undersigned agrees that execution of this Bid shall stand as the undersigned's execution of this Contract. BUSINESS NAME:__________________________________________________________________________ BUSINESS ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ BUSINESS TELEPHONE: FAX NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: CELLULAR TELEPHONE NUMBER: FEIN/SSN: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: _______ PRINT NAME: TITLE: _____________________________________________________________________________________ DATE: Subscribed to and sworn before me this day of , 2014. My commission expires: X Notary Public Signature Notary Seal * Attach hereto a partnership resolution or other document authorizing the individual signing this Signature Page to so sign on behalf of the Partnership. ** If the LLC is not registered in the State of Illinois, a copy of a current Certificate of Good Standing from the state of incorporation must be submitted with this Signature Page. *** Attach either a certified copy of the by-laws, articles, resolution or other authorization demonstrating such persons to sign the Signature Page on behalf of the LLC. *** If the corporation is not registered in the State of Illinois, a copy of the Certificate of Good Standing from the state of incorporation must be submitted with this Signature Page. ***** In the event that this Signature Page is signed by any persons other than the President and Secretary, attach either a certified copy of the corporate by-laws, a resolution or other authorization by the corporation, authorizing such persons to sign the Signature Page on behalf of the corporation .P a g e | 30 COLLEGE OF DUPAGE SIGNATURE PAGE ON BEHALF OF THE COLLEGE OF DUPAGE, A BODY POLITIC AND CORPORATE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, THIS CONTRACT IS HEREBY EXECUTED BY: SENIOR VICEPRESIDENT ADMINISTRATION AND TREASURER DATED AT GLEN ELLYN, ILLINOIS THIS ____DAY OF __________,2014 THE COLLEGE HEREBY ACCEPTS: THE FOREGOING PROPOSAL AS IDENTIFIED IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR CONTRACT FOR TASK ORDER WORK –LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE TOTAL AMOUNT OF CONTRACT: _____________________________________________________________ (DOLLARS AND CENTS) FUND CHARGEABLE: Page | 31 Purchasing Department 425 Fawell Boulevard Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137-6599 PHONE (630) 942-2813 FAX (630) 942-3750 2014 TASK ORDER MAINTENANCE BID ADDENDUM #1 December 16, 2014 This addendum is issued to clarify the quote package for this project, as issued by this office on December 9, 2014 and is now considered a part thereof. In accordance with the scope of work, bidders are instructed to be advised of the following: 1. CHANGES TO BID IRRIGATION a. Installation of 6” directional bore HDPE min 100 lf 2. CHANGES TO BID CONCRETE a. Excavation and installation of new concrete with 8” stone base and 5” of PCC. To include material haul off. Min 500 SF 3. CHANGES TO BID LANDSCAPE a. Tree removal, stump grind and haul off of debris for trees 6”-14” diameter. Min 1 tree b. High tree trimming with bucket truck. Min 1 hr 4. ATTACHED UPDATED BID UNIT COST TABULATION SHEETS AND BID COVER 5. NO CHANGES TO PAINT SPECIFICATION I HAVE RECEIVED ADDENDUM #1 _________________________________ Authorized Signature FIRM NAME & ADDRESS: __________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Sincerely, Chris Kornsey College of DuPage 425 Fawell Blvd. BIC 1540 Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 (630) 942-2574