BIDDER: _____________________ BID NO.: 2015-0050 Grading and Restoration North of Pond 9 for Facilities and Planning Department COLLEGE of DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 PREBID MEETING: 9:30 A.M. Thursday February 19, 2015 – BIC 1540 BID DUE BY: 12 MARCH, 2015 at 2:00 P.M. In the event of office closure due to inclement weather, bid deadline will be extended to the next business day at the same time. DELIVER PROPOSALS TO BID BOX AT: COLLEGE of DuPAGE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ROOM BIC 1540 425 FAWELL BLVD. GLEN ELLYN, ILLINOIS 60137 Requisition Number 642736 Dated: January 26, 2015 ISSUED BY THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Section Subject Page IB-01 Definitions IB-1 IB-02 Preparation of Bid Proposals IB-1 IB-03 Site Inspection Certificate IB-1 IB-04 Bid Deposit IB-2 IB-05 Exceptions IB-2 IB-06 Bidder Warranties IB-2 IB-07 Submission of Bid Proposals IB-3 IB-08 Bid Proposals to Conform to Requirements of Legal Advertising IB-3 IB-09 Competency of Bidder IB-3 IB-10 Local Business Preference IB-3 IB-11 Consideration of Bid Proposals IB-3 IB-12 Withdrawal of Bid Proposals IB-4 IB-13 Acceptance of Bid Proposals IB-4 IB-14 Performance and Payment Bond IB-4 IB-15 Prices Firm IB-4 IB-16 Cash Billing Discounts IB-4 IB-17 Catalogs IB-4 IB-18 Authorized Dealer/Distributor IB-4 IB-19 Trade Names IB-5 IB-20 Samples IB-5 IB-21 Notices IB-5 IB-22 Compliance with Laws - Public Contracts IB-5 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS IB-01 DEFINITIONS A. BIDDER shall mean the individual or business entity submitting a Bid Proposal to supply any or all of the services or goods required by the Contract Documents. B. BID PROPOSAL shall mean the Contract Documents as completed by the Bidder which constitutes the Bidder's offer. C. CONTRACT shall mean the agreement between the College and Contractor as set forth in the Contract Documents and as awarded by the College of DuPage Board of Trustees. D. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS shall mean collectively the Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions, Special Conditions, Specifications, Attachments, and Addenda, if any, Bid Proposal, Site Inspection Certificate, Contractor Certifications and Forms for Minority Participation. The above documents shall be considered as one integrated document setting forth the obligations of the parties. E. CONTRACTOR shall mean the individual or business entity submitting a Bid Proposal and to whom the College of DuPage Board of Trustees awards the Contract. F. COLLEGE shall mean the College of DuPage, Community College District No. 502, a body politic and corporate of the State of Illinois. G. DIRECTOR shall mean the person or persons authorized by the College to act in connection with this Contract. Such authorization shall not include any power to change the scope of the Contract or to obligate the College to pay additional sums beyond the amount of the Contract awarded by the College of DuPage Board of Trustees. H. PURCHASING MANAGER shall mean the Purchasing Manager of the College of DuPage. I. SPECIFICATIONS shall mean the description of the required services, Contract Goods, equipment, personnel, volume and use statistics and all requirements for the scope of work set forth in the Contract Documents. IB-02 PREPARATION OF PROPOSALS The Bidder shall provide three (3) copies of its Bid Proposal on the proposal forms provided. Unless otherwise stated, all blank spaces on the proposal forms shall be fully completed. Bidder bears all responsibility for error or omissions in the submission of the Bid Proposal. IB-03 SITE INSPECTION CERTIFICATE When required in the legal advertisement or the Special Conditions, the Bidder shall visit the job-site and shall carefully examine and become familiar with all conditions which may in any way affect the performance of the Contract and shall submit certification of such inspection along with the Bid Proposal. The dates and conditions of the site inspection are determined by College. IB-1 IB-04 BID DEPOSIT When required in the legal advertisement, the Bid Proposal shall be accompanied by cashier's check, certified check or surety bond in the amount shown in the legal advertisement or as may be prescribed in these Contract Documents. A certified or cashier's check shall be drawn on a responsible bank doing business in the United States and shall be made payable to the order of the College of DuPage. The Surety issuing the bond must have a general rating of "A", and shall be a Class V or higher in the financial size category as defined by Best's Key Rating Guide - Property and Casualty. Failure to submit the bid deposit shall constitute an informal Bid Proposal and such Bid Proposal shall be rejected. The Bidder hereby agrees that the bid deposit shall be forfeited to the College as liquidated damages and not as penalty in the event Bidder fails to comply with IB-11, IB-13, or otherwise fails or refuses to honor the Bid Proposal upon award of the Contract by the College. The bid deposit of all bidders will be returned, with the exception of the Contractor, after the College has awarded the Contract. The bid deposit of the Contractor will be returned after the Contract has been awarded and the Contractor has submitted all insurance documentation and the Performance and Payment Bond, as required by the Contract Documents. IB-05 EXCEPTIONS If any Bidder intends to take any deviations or exceptions from the Specifications or other Contract Documents, Bidder shall submit to the Purchasing Manager a written request for a deviation or exception prior to the date and time of Bid Opening. If the Purchasing Manager considers such deviation or exception acceptable, the Purchasing Manager shall issue an Addendum setting forth such deviation or exception from the Specifications or other Contract Documents which shall be applicable to all Bidders submitting a Bid Proposal. If no Addendum is issued by the Purchasing Manager, then such deviation or exception shall be deemed rejected. The College may reject any Bid Proposal containing deviations or exceptions not previously accepted through a written Addendum. A copy of such Addendum will be mailed or delivered to each Bidder receiving a set of such Contract Documents. Bidder shall acknowledge receipt of each Addendum issued in the space provided on the proposal form. All written requests for deviations or exceptions shall be addressed to: Purchasing Department College of DuPage Room BIC 1540 425 Fawell Blvd. Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 IB-06 BIDDER WARRANTIES The submission of a Bid Proposal shall constitute a warranty that: (i) Bidder has carefully and thoroughly reviewed the Contract Documents and has found them complete and free from ambiguities and sufficient to describe the Contract work; (ii) Bidder and all workmen and/or employees it intends to use in the performance of this Contract are skilled and experienced in the type of work or services called for by the Contract Documents; and (iii) neither the Bidder nor any of its employees, agents, suppliers or subcontractors have relied on any verbal representations from the College, or any of the College's employees, agents, or consultants, in preparing the Bid Proposal. IB-2 IB-07 SUBMISSION OF BID PROPOSALS All Bidders shall submit the bound copy of the sealed Bid Proposal in an envelope and shall deliver them to Purchasing Manager, College of DuPage, Room BIC 1540, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 by the date and hour for the Bid Opening as shown in the legal advertisement. The sealed envelope submitted by the Bidder shall carry the following information on the face of the envelope: Bidder's name, address, subject matter of Bid Proposal, advertised date of Bid Opening and the hour designated for Bid Opening as shown in the legal advertisement. IB-08 BID PROPOSALS TO CONFORM TO REQUIREMENTS OF LEGAL ADVERTISING The College will not entertain or consider any Bid Proposals: (i) received after the exact time specified in the legal advertisements; (ii) not accompanied by the required bid deposit; or (iii) in any other way failing to comply fully with the conditions stated in the legal advertisement. IB-09 COMPETENCY OF BIDDER No Bid Proposal will be accepted from or Contract awarded to a Bidder that is in arrears or is in default to the College upon any debt or Contract, or that is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise upon any obligation to said College, or has failed to perform faithfully any previous contract with the College. IB-10 LOCAL BUSINESS PREFERENCE When two (2) or more responsible bidders submit the same low bid, the contract award will be determined by drawing lots in a public meeting unless one bidder is a local bidder within the District boundaries and one is a non-local bidder, in which event the local bidder will be awarded the contract. IB-11 CONSIDERATION OF BID PROPOSALS The College reserves the right to reject or accept any or all Bid Proposals, to extend the bidding period, to waive technicalities in the Contract Documents and/or to direct that the project be abandoned or rebid prior to award of the Contract. Contracts for construction or related services required to be publicly bid will be awarded at the sole discretion of the College. In determining the lowest responsible bidder, the College may consider the following as well as other criteria: 1) Ability, capacity and skill of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service required. 2) Capacity of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service promptly, or within the time specified, without delay or interference. 3) Character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the bidder including, but not limited to, past performance record; default under previous contracts, whether or not such contract was with the College; competency; and failure to pay or satisfactorily settle all bills due for labor and material on former contracts 4) Quality of performance of previous contracts or services. 5) Previous and existing compliance by the bidder with laws and ordinances relating to the contract or service. 6) Sufficiency of the financial resources and financial ability of the bidder to perform the contract or service. 7) Quality, availability and adaptability of the supplies, machinery, plant or other equipment or contractual services to the particular use required. 8) Ability of the bidder to provide future maintenance and service for the use of the subject of the contract, including guarantees. 9) Recent findings by state or federal agencies regarding compliance with pertinent public acts. IB-3 IB-12 WITHDRAWAL OF BID PROPOSALS Bidders may withdraw their Bid Proposals at any time prior to the time specified in the legal advertisement as the date and hour set for the Bid Opening. However, no Bidder shall withdraw, cancel or modify its Bid Proposal for a period of ninety (90) calendar days after said advertised Bid Opening. IB-13 ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSALS The Purchasing Manager shall notify the successful Bidder, in writing, of award of the Contract by the College within ninety (90) days from the Bid Opening date. Upon receipt of the Notice of Award, the Contractor shall promptly secure, execute and deliver to the Purchasing Manager any documents required herein. IB-14 PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND When required in the legal advertisement or Special Conditions, the successful Bidder shall furnish a Performance and Payment Bond in the full amount of the Contract on the College Form, a specimen of which is provided herein. The Surety issuing the Performance and Payment Bond must have a general rating of "A" and shall be a Class V or higher in the financial size category as defined by Best's Key Rating Guide-Property and Casualty. In the event that the Bidder fails to furnish the Performance and Payment Bond within fourteen (14) calendar days after service of the Notice of Award, the College may elect to retain Bidder's bid deposit as liquidated damages and not as a penalty and the Contract may be terminated. The parties agree that the sum of the bid deposit is a fair estimate of the amount of damages that the College will sustain due to the Bidder's failure to furnish the Performance and Payment Bond and the termination of the Contract. IB-15 PRICES FIRM All prices quoted in the Bid Proposal shall be firm and will not be subject to increase during the term of the Contract awarded to the Contractor, except as otherwise provided in these Contract Documents. IB-16 CASH BILLING DISCOUNTS Cash billing or percentage discounts for payment will not be considered in evaluating Bid Proposals. IB-17 CATALOGS Each Bidder shall submit in DUPLICATE, where necessary or when requested catalogs, descriptive literature, and detailed drawings, fully detailing features, designs, construction, appointment and finishes not covered in the Specifications but necessary to fully describe the materials, Contract Goods or work proposed to be furnished. IB-18 AUTHORIZED DEALER/DISTRIBUTOR The Bidder must be: (i) the manufacturer; (ii) an authorized dealer/distributor; or (iii) able to promptly secure the necessary genuine parts, assemblies and/or accessories as supplied by the original equipment manufacturer (O.E.M.), along with any necessary schematics or drawings to fulfill the contractual obligations. Further, the Bidder must be able to furnish original product warranty and manufacturer’s related services such as product information, products re-call notices, etc. Proof of ability to transfer product warranty to the College is to be submitted with the Bid Proposal. IB-4 IB-19 TRADE NAMES In cases where an item is identified by a manufacturer's name, trade name, catalog number, or reference, it is understood that the Bidder proposes to furnish the item identified and does not propose to furnish an "equal" unless the proposed "equal" is definitely indicated therein by the Bidder. The College reserves the right to review and award alternate Contracts, if the commodity and/or service are suitable to its requirement. The reference to the above catalog is intended to be descriptive and not restrictive and to indicate to the prospective Bidder articles that shall be satisfactory. Bid Proposals on other makes and catalogs shall be considered, provided each Bidder states on the face of the Bid Proposal exactly what is being proposed to be furnished or forwards with the Bid Proposal an illustration, or other descriptive matter which shall clearly indicate the character of the article covered by the Bid Proposal. The College reserves the right to approve as an equal, or to reject as not being an equal, any article the Bidder proposes to furnish which contains major or minor variations from Specifications but which may comply substantially. IB-20 SAMPLES Bidders may be asked upon request of the Purchasing Manager or the Director to furnish and deliver a representative sample sufficient to effectively evaluate each item listed in the Bid Proposal. All samples must be delivered F.O.B. DESTINATION, FREIGHT PREPAID to an identified delivery location within five (5) business days of the request. Samples submitted must be identical to those specified in the Bid Proposal. Submission of other than the samples reflected in the Bid Proposal or failure to furnish samples within the required time period shall be cause for rejection of the Bid Proposal. All samples are subject to mutilation and will not be returned. Bidders shall bear the cost of any samples and shipping or delivery costs related thereto. IB-21 NOTICES All communications and notices between the College and Bidders regarding the Contract Documents shall be in writing and hand delivered or delivered via first class United States mail, postage prepaid. Notices to the Bidders shall be addressed to the name and address provided by the Bidders; notices to the Purchasing Manager shall be addressed to Purchasing Manager, College of DuPage, Room BIC 1540, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137. IB-22 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS - PUBLIC CONTRACTS This Contract is a competitively bid public contract of the College of DuPage subject to laws and ordinances governing public contracts. The Bidder shall at all times observe and comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations and codes of the Federal, State and other local government agencies which may in any manner affect the preparation of the Bid Proposal or effect the performance of the Contract. If the Bidder observes that any of the Contract Documents are at variance therewith, it shall promptly notify the Purchasing Manager in writing and necessary changes shall be effected by appropriate modification. END OF SECTION IB-5 SPECIFICATIONS 1.0 General and Technical Requirements Conditions of the bid that include the work “must” or “shall” describe a mandatory requirement. All specifications are defined as mandatory minimum requirements unless otherwise stated. If no bidder is able to comply with a given specification or condition of bid, the college reserves the right to delete that specification or condition of bid. FAILURE TO MEET A MANDATORY REQUIREMENT SHALL DISQUALIFY THE BID. Contract shall provide all work as indicated on drawings and specification issued with the Bid Package 2015 0050, all dated 13 Feb 2015 and listed below. Smith Group JJR drawings 1 thru 6 Specification sections 31 1000, 31 2000, 31 2500, 32 0513, 32 8000, 32 92000 Contractor is aware that water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, gas, electric and irrigation lines are located within the confines of the work area and has included utility location/marking prior to beginning any earthwork. Included in this task, a minimum 2 days before earthwork begins, is coordinating a joint utility meeting (after markings) where COD, designer and Contractor go over the marked out utilities and the work plan. Contractor is aware that irrigation valvles (boxes), lines and heads exist within the regraded area and has accounted for reinstallation and testing of irrigation system as a part of this scope of work. 1.0 SPECS GENERAL CONDITIONS BID CONTRACTS INDEX Section Subject Page GC-01 Subcontracting or Assignment of Contract or Contract Funds GC-1 GC-02 Indemnification GC-1 GC-03 Inspection and Responsibility GC-1 GC-04 Payment and Invoices GC-1 GC-05 Prepaid Fees GC-1 GC-06 Taxes GC-2 GC-07 Price Reduction GC-2 GC-08 Contractor Credits GC-2 GC-09 Disputes GC-2 GC-10 Modifications and Amendments GC-2 GC-11 Default GC-3 GC-12 College's Remedies GC-3 GC-13 Contractor's Remedies GC-3 GC-14 Delays GC-3 GC-15 Insurance Requirements GC-4/5 GC-16 Patents, Copyrights and Licenses GC-6 GC-17 Compliance with Laws GC-6 GC-18 Delivery GC-6 GC-19 Prohibition of Discrimination and Harassment GC-6 GC-20 Material Safety Data Sheet GC-6 GC-21 Conduct of the Contractor GC-7 GC-22 Accident Reports GC-7 GC-23 Use of Premises GC-7 GC-24 General Notice GC-7 GC-25 Termination for Convenience GC-7 GENERAL CONDITIONS GC-01 SUBCONTRACTING OR ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT OR CONTRACT FUNDS Once awarded, this Contract shall not be subcontracted or any part thereof assigned without the express written approval of the College. In no case, however, shall such approval relieve the Contractor from his obligations or change the terms of the Contract. The Contractor shall not transfer or assign any Contract funds or claims due or to become due without the advance written approval of the Purchasing Manager. The unauthorized subcontracting or assignment of the Contract, in whole or in part, or the unauthorized transfer or assignment of any Contract funds, either in whole or in part, or any interest therein, which shall be due or are to become due the Contractor shall have no effect on the College and are null and void. The Contractor shall identify any and all contractors and subcontractors it intends to use in the performance of the Contract. All such persons shall be subject to the prior approval of the College. The Contractor and its employees, contractors, subcontractors, agents and representatives are, for all purposes arising out of this Contract, independent contractors and are not employees of the College. It is expressly understood and agreed that the Contractor and its employees, contractors, subcontractors, agents and representatives shall in no event as a result of a contract be entitled to any benefit to which College employees are entitled, including, but not limited to, overtime, retirement benefits, worker’s compensation benefits and injury leave or other leave benefits. GC-02 INDEMNIFICATION The Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the College and its trustees, officials, employees, agents and representatives, and their respective heirs, successors and assigns, from and against any and all costs, expenses, attorney's fees, losses, damages and liabilities incurred or suffered directly or indirectly from or attributable to any claims arising out of or incident to the performance or nonperformance of the Contract by the Contractor, or the acts or omissions of the officers, agents, employees, contractors, subcontractors, licensees or invitees of the Contractor. The Contractor expressly understands and agrees that any Performance Bond or insurance protection required of the Contractor, or otherwise provided by the Contractor, shall in no way limit the responsibility to indemnify the College as hereinabove provided. GC-03 INSPECTION AND RESPONSIBILITY The College shall have a right to inspect any Contract Goods used in carrying out this Contract and shall be responsible for the quality and standards of all materials or completed work furnished under this Contract. Contract Goods or completed work not complying herewith may be rejected by the Purchasing Manager and/or the Director and shall be replaced and/or re-performed by the Contractor at no cost to the College. Any Contract Goods rejected shall be removed within a reasonable time from the premises of the College at the entire expense of the Contractor, after notice has been given by the College to the Contractor that such Contract Goods have been rejected. GC-04 PAYMENT AND INVOICES All invoices submitted by the Contractor shall be in accordance with the cost provisions contained in the Contract Documents. College of DuPage will only accept electronic invoices, which can be in any format, including but not limited to PDF, Word, Excel. Invoices must reference the COD Purchase Order Number. Invoices are to be emailed to Questions about payment status or other inquiries please email or call 630-9422228. Contractor must agree to receive all payments from the College via an Automated Clearing House (ACH) transfer (CCD file format only). GC-05 PREPAID FEES In the event this Contract is terminated by either party, for cause or otherwise, and the College has prepaid for any service or Contract Good to be provided pursuant to this Contract, Contractor shall refund to the College, on a prorated basis to the effective date of termination, all amounts prepaid for such service or Contract Good not actually provided as a result of the termination. The refund shall be made within fourteen (14) days of the effective date of termination. GC-1 GC-06 TAXES Federal Excise Tax does not apply to materials purchased by the College by virtue of Exemption Certificate No. 362594972. Illinois Retailers' Occupation Tax, Use Tax and Municipal Retailers' Occupation Tax do not apply to materials or services purchased by the College by virtue of statute. The price or prices quoted herein shall include any and all other federal and/or state, direct and/or indirect taxes which apply to this Contract. The College's State of Illinois Sales Tax Exemption Identification No. is E-9997-3391-06. GC-07 PRICE REDUCTION If at any time after the contract award, Contractor makes a general price reduction in the price of any goods covered by the Contract, the equivalent price reduction based on similar quantities and/or considerations shall apply to this Contract for the duration of the Contract period. Such price reductions shall be effective at the same time and in the same manner as the reduction in the price to customers generally. GC-08 CONTRACTOR CREDITS To the extent the Contractor gives credits toward future purchases of goods or services, financial incentives, discounts, value points or other benefits based on the purchase of the materials or services provided for under this Contract, such credits belong to the College and not any specific using department. Contractor shall report any such credits to the Purchasing Manager. GC-09 DISPUTES Any dispute arising under the Contract between the College and Contractor shall be decided by the Purchasing Manager. The complaining party shall submit a written statement detailing the dispute and specifying the specific relevant Contract provision(s) to the Purchasing Manager. Upon request of the Purchasing Manager, the party complained against shall respond to the complaint in writing within five days of such request. The Purchasing Manager will reduce his decision to writing and mail or otherwise furnish a copy thereof to the Contractor and Director. Dispute resolution as provided herein shall be a condition precedent to any other action at law or in equity. Notwithstanding a dispute, Contractor shall continue to discharge all its obligations, duties and responsibilities set forth in the Contract during any dispute resolution proceeding unless otherwise agreed to by the College in writing. GC-10 MODIFICATIONS AND AMENDMENTS The parties may during the term of the Contract make modifications and amendments to the Contract but only as provided in this section. Such modifications and amendments shall only be made by mutual agreement in writing. In the case of Contracts not approved by the Board, the Purchasing Manager may amend a contract provided that any such amendment does not extend the Contract by more than one (1) year, and further provided that the total cost of all such amendments does not increase the total amount of the Contract beyond $25,000. Such action may only be made with the advance written approval of the Purchasing Manager. If the amendment extends the Contract beyond one (1) year or increases the total award amount beyond $25,000, then Board approval will be required. In the case of Contracts approved by the Board, the total cost of all such amendments shall not increase the Contract by more than 10% of the original contract award and the term may only be extended for up to one (1) year. Such action may only be made with the advance written approval of the Purchasing Manager. In the case of Contracts approved by the Board, modifications and amendments which individually or cumulatively result in additional costs of greater than 10% of the original awarded amount or which extend the term of the Contract by more than one (1) year shall be deemed as authorized with the advance approval of the College of DuPage Board of Trustees. No College department or employee thereof has authority to make any modifications or amendments to this Contract. Any modifications or amendments to this Contract made without the express written approval of the Purchasing Manager is void and unenforceable. GC-2 GC-11 DEFAULT Contractor shall be in default hereunder in the event of a material breach by Contractor of any term or condition of this Contract where Contractor has failed to cure such breach within ten (10) days after written notice of breach is given to Contractor by the College, setting forth the nature of such breach. A material breach of the contract by the Contractor includes but is not limited to the following: 1. Failure to begin performance under this Contract within the specified time; 2. Failure to perform under this Contract with sufficient personnel, equipment, or materials to ensure completion of said performance within the specified time or failure to assign qualified personnel to ensure completion within the specified time; 3. Performance of this contract in an unsatisfactory manner; 4. Refusal to perform services deemed to be defective or unsuitable; 5. Discontinuance of performance of Contractor’s obligations under the Contract or the impairment or the reasonable progress of performance; 6. Becoming insolvent, being declared bankrupt or committing any act of bankruptcy or insolvency; 7. Any assignment of this contract for the benefit of creditors; 8. Any cause whatsoever which impairs performance in an acceptable manner; or 9. Any other material breach of any term or condition of this Contract. College shall be in default hereunder if any material breach of the Contract by the College occurs which is not cured by the College within forty-five (45) days after written notice of breach has been given by Contractor to the College, setting forth the nature of such breach. GC-12 COLLEGE'S REMEDIES If the Contractor fails to remedy a material breach during the ten (10) day cure period pursuant to General Condition GC11, Default, the College shall have the right to terminate this Contract provided, however, that the College shall give Contractor prior written notice of its intent to terminate. Following notice of breach to Contractor, the College reserves the right to withhold payments owed to Contractor until such time as Contractor has cured the breach which is the subject matter of the notice. In addition, the College shall have the right to pursue all remedies in law or equity. GC-13 CONTRACTOR'S REMEDIES If the College has been notified of breach and fails to remedy the breach during the forty-five (45) day cure period pursuant to General Condition GC-11, Default, the Contractor shall have the right to terminate this Contract provided, however, that Contractor shall give the College thirty (30) days prior written notice of termination. Contractor shall have the right to pursue all remedies available in law or equity. In all cases the Contractor's damages shall be those provable damages not to exceed the value of the Contract as awarded by the College of DuPage Board of Trustees. Contractor shall not disrupt the operation or repossess any component thereof. GC-14 DELAYS Contractor agrees that no charges or claims for damages shall be made by Contractor for any delays or hindrances from any cause whatsoever during the progress of any portion of this Contract. GC-3 GC-15 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 1) The Contractor shall require all policies of insurance that are in any way related to the work and are secured and maintained by Contractor and all tiers of subcontractors to include clauses providing that each underwriter shall waive all of its rights of recovery, under subrogation or otherwise, against College of DuPage, Board of Trustees and employees of the College. 2) The Contractor shall waive all rights of recovery against College of DuPage, Board of Trustees, employees of the College and other Contractors and subcontractors which Contractor may have or acquired because of deductible clauses in or inadequacy of limits of any policies of insurance that are in any way related to the work and that are secured and maintained by Contractor. 3) The Contractor shall require all tiers of subcontractors to waive the rights of recovery against College of DuPage and all tiers of subcontractors. Insurance Requirements of the Contractor Prior to the effective date of this Contract, the Contractor, at its cost, shall secure and maintain at all times, unless specified otherwise, until completion of the term of this Contract the insurance specified below. Nothing contained in these insurance requirements is to be construed as limiting the extent of the Contractor's responsibility for payment of damages resulting from its operations under this Contract. The insurance purchased and maintained by the Contractor shall be primary and not excess or pro rata to any other insurance issued to the College. The Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. The limits of liability shall be as stated below, unless, prior to the effective date of this Contract, written approval is granted by the College of DuPage Department of Risk Management for variance from those limits. 1. Coverages (a) Workers Compensation Insurance Workers' Compensation shall be in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois or any other applicable jurisdiction. The Workers Compensation policy shall also include the following provisions: (b) (1) Employers' Liability coverage with a limit of $500,000 each Accident $500,000 each Employee $500,000 Policy Limit for Disease (2) Broad form all states coverage Commercial General Liability Insurance (1) The Commercial General Liability shall be on an occurrence form basis to cover bodily injury and property damage including loss of use. General Liability limits shall not be less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage. The General Liability policy shall include, without limitation the following coverages: GC-4 GC-15 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS (CON’T.) (c) (a) All premises and operations; (b) Broad Form Blanket Contractual Liability; (c) Products/Completed Operations; (d) Broad Form Property Damage Liability; (e) Cross Liability. Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance Comprehensive Automobile Liability to cover all owned, non-owned and hired automobiles, trucks and trailers. The Comprehensive Automobile Liability limits shall not be less than the following: (d) 1) Liability - All Autos: Bodily Injury & Property Damage - $1,000,000 per Occurrence 2) Uninsured/Motorists: Per Illinois Requirements Umbrella/Excess Liability Insurance In addition to the coverages and limits specified above, Contractor and Sub-Contractors of any tier shall secure and maintain a limit of liability no less than: 2. 1) $2,000,000 each occurrence for all liability 2) $2,000,000 in the aggregate per policy year separately with respect to products and completed operations Additional requirements (a) Additional Insured College of DuPage, its officials, employees and agents shall be named as additional insured under the Commercial General Liability policy. (b) Qualification of Insurers All insurance companies providing coverage shall be licensed or approved by the Department of Insurance, State of Illinois, and general rating of "A", and shall be a Class V or higher in the financial size category as listed in A.M. Best's Key Rating Guide, current edition or interim report. Companies with ratings lower than “A”, V will be acceptable only upon written consent of the College of DuPage Department of Risk Management. (c) Insurance Notices All policies of insurance which may be required under terms of this Contract shall be endorsed to provide that the insurance company shall notify the Purchasing Manager, College of DuPage Room BIC 1540, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 at least 30 days prior to the effective date of any cancellation or modification of such policies. When required in the Special Conditions, the successful Bidder shall furnish prior to the date on which Contractor commences performance of the contract, Certificates of Insurance maintained by Contractor. In no event shall any failure of the College to receive Certificates of Insurance required hereof or to demand receipt of such Certificates of Insurance be construed as a waiver of Contractor's obligations to obtain insurance pursuant to these insurance requirements. GC-5 GC-16 PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS AND LICENSES Contractor agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the College, its officers, agents, employees and affiliates from and defend, at its own expense (including reasonable attorneys', accountants' and consultants' fees), any suit or proceeding brought against College based upon a claim that the ownership and/or use of equipment, hardware and software or any part thereof utilized in performing Contractor's services constitutes an infringement of any patent, copyright or license or any other intellectual property right. In the event the use of any equipment, hardware or software or any part thereof is enjoined, Contractor with all reasonable speed and due diligence shall provide or otherwise secure for College, at the Contractor's election, one of the following: the right to continue use of the equipment, hardware or software; an equivalent system having the Specifications as provided in this Contract; or to modify the system or its component parts so that it becomes non-infringing while performing in a substantially similar manner to the original system, meeting the Specifications of this Contract. GC-17 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS The Contractor shall observe and comply with the laws, ordinances, regulations and codes of Federal, State and other local government agencies which may in any manner affect the performance of the Contract, including but not limited to those College rules as set forth in the Certifications attached hereto and incorporated herein. Assurance of compliance with this requirement by the Contractor's employees, agents or subcontractors shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall secure and pay for all federal, state and local licenses, permits and fees required hereunder. GC-18 DELIVERY All Contract Goods shipped to the College shall be shipped F.O.B., DESTINATION, FREIGHT PREPAID. Arrangements shall be made in advance by the Contractor in order that the College may arrange for receipt of the materials. Truck deliveries will be accepted before 3:00 P.M. on weekdays only. No deliveries will be accepted on Saturdays, Sundays or College Holidays. The College is not responsible for delivery delays due to waiting times for loading and unloading at dock locations. The quantity of Contract Goods delivered by truck will be ascertained from a weight certificate issued by a duly licensed Public Weight-Master. In the case of delivery by rail, weight will be ascertained from bill of lading from originating line, but the College reserves the right to re-weigh at the nearest available railroad scale. The College reserves the right to add new delivery locations or delete previously listed delivery locations as required during the Contract period. The only restriction regarding the College's right to add new delivery locations shall be that any new or additional location shall be within the geographical boundaries of the College of DuPage. GC-19 PROHIBITION OF DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT No student, employee, Board member, or visitor will discriminate against or harass a student, employee or visitor on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation or any other unlawful basis. The College will not tolerate discrimination or harassment. Individuals found to have violated this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination and/or expulsion from the College as determined by such administrative or Board action as is required by Illinois law or by Board policy. Individuals who retaliate against any employee for filing a complaint or participating in harassment investigation shall be subject to disciplinary action . GC-20 MATERIAL DATA SAFETY SHEET Where required under the Illinois "Toxic Substance Disclosure to Employees Act", Illinois Compiled Statutes, 1994, 820 ILCS 255/1, Contractor shall submit with each delivery of Contract Goods, a Material Safety Data Sheet. GC6 GC-21 CONDUCT OF THE CONTRACTOR The Contractor agrees to inform the College on a timely basis of all of the Contractor's interests, if any, which are or which the Contractor reasonably believes may be incompatible with any interest of the College. The Contractor shall not use for personal gain or make other improper use of privileged information which is acquired in connection with the Contract. GC-22 ACCIDENT REPORTS The Purchasing Manager and Director shall be given written notification within twenty-four (24) hours of any occurrence, on the site or otherwise, which pertains in any way to this Contract and involves the Contractor's personnel, or those of any of his subcontractors or others whether said occurrence be in the nature of bodily injury to employees or third parties or property damage. The report shall include the name of person(s) injured, name of his employer, date, time and location of occurrence, extent of injury and/or damage, name(s) of eyewitnesses, and who treated the person(s) for injuries sustained, and such other information as may be relevant. The Contractor shall notify the College of DuPage Police of any occurrence requiring an official police record. The accident report should indicate whether the police were notified and, if so, the number of the police report. GC-23 USE OF PREMISES Contractor shall confer with the Director to ascertain full knowledge of all rules and regulations of the College facilities relative to this Contract and shall comply therewith. The Contractor shall confine the operations of its employees to the limits indicated by laws, ordinances, permits and/or direction of the Director and shall not encumber the premises with materials or debris. The Contractor shall not load or permit any part of the structure to be loaded with a weight that will endanger its safety. The College reserves the right to prohibit any person from entering any College facility for any reason. All subcontractors, agents and employees of the Contractor shall be accountable to the Director while on any College property and shall abide by all security regulations imposed by the College. GC-24 GENERAL NOTICE All notices required pursuant to this Contract shall be in writing and addressed to the parties at their respective addresses set forth below. All such notices shall be deemed duly given if hand delivered or if deposited in the United States mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested. Notice as provided herein does not waive service of summons or process. TO THE COLLEGE: Purchasing Manager College of DuPage Room BIC 1540 425 Fawell Blvd. Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 Grading and Restoration North of Pond 9 TO THE CONTRACTOR: At address provided in its bid document or as otherwise indicated in writing to the College. GC-25 TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE The College may terminate this Contract, or any portion, at any time by notice in writing from the College to the Contractor. GC-26 GUARANTEES AND WARRANTIES All guarantees and warranties required shall be furnished by the Contractor and shall be delivered to the Director before final voucher on the Contract is issued. The Contractor agrees that the Contract Goods or services to be furnished shall be covered by the most favorable commercial warranties the Contractor gives to any customer for the same or substantially similar Contract Goods or services and that the rights and remedies so provided are in addition to and do not limit any rights afforded to College. GC-7 GC-27 STANDARD OF CONTRACT GOODS Only new, originally manufactured Contract Goods will be accepted by the College. The College will not accept any Contract Goods that have been refurbished, rebuilt, restored or renovated in any manner. In addition, experimental materials will not be acceptable. Contract Goods not produced by regular production methods and/or which have not been offered for sale to the public through accepted industry trade channels for a reasonable period of time prior to the offering of the proposal, will be considered experimental. GC-28 CONFIDENTIALITY AND OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS Contractor acknowledges and agrees that information regarding this Contract is confidential and shall not be disclosed, directly, indirectly or by implication, or be used by Contractor in any way, whether during the term of this Contract or at any time thereafter, except solely as required in the course of Contractor’s performance of Services hereunder. Contractor shall comply with the applicable privacy laws and regulations affecting Owner and will not disclose any of Owner’s records, materials, or other data to any third party. Contractor shall not have the right to compile and distribute statistical analyses and reports utilizing data derived from information or data obtained from Owner without the prior written approval of Owner. In the event such approval is given, any such reports published and distributed by Contractor shall be furnished to Owner without charge. All documents, data, studies, reports, work product or product created as a result of the performance of Service(s) shall be the property of the College of DuPage. It shall be a breach of this Contract for the Contractor to reproduce or use, any documents, data, studies, report, work product or product obtained from the College of DuPage or created hereby for its own purposes or to be copied and used by any third party. During the performance of the Services herein provided for, the Contractor shall be responsible for any loss or damage to the documents herein enumerated while they are in his possession, and any such document lost or damaged shall be restored at the expense of the Contractor. Full access to the work during the preparation of the plans shall be available to the College and other public agencies interested in this work. GC-29 QUANTITIES The quantities of materials required for the performance of the Contract are estimates for the purpose of determining an approximate total Contract amount and may not be the actual quantities required during the term of the Contract. The College reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantities at the Contract price, to correspond to the actual needs of the College. The College will be obligated to order and pay for only such quantities as are from time to time ordered, delivered, and accepted on purchase orders issued by the Purchasing Manager. GC-30 AUDIT; EXAMINATION OF RECORDS The Contractor agrees that the College of DuPage Auditor or any of its duly authorized representatives shall, until expiration of three (3) years after the final payment under the Contract, have access and the right to examine any books, documents, papers, canceled checks, bank statements, purveyor's and other invoices, and records of the Contractor related to the Contract, or to Contractor's compliance with any term, condition or provision thereof. The Contractor shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining records sufficient to document the costs associated with performance under the terms of this Contract. The Contractor further agrees that it shall include in all of its subcontracts hereunder a provision to the effect that the subcontractor agrees that the College of DuPage Auditor or any of its duly authorized representatives shall, until expiration of three (3) years after final payment under the subcontract, have access and the right to examine any books, documents, papers, canceled checks, bank statements, purveyor's and other invoices and records of such subcontractor involving transactions relating to the subcontract, or to such subcontractor's compliance with any term, condition or provision thereunder or under the Contract. In the event the Contractor receives payment under the Contract, reimbursement for which is later disallowed by the College, the Contractor shall promptly refund the disallowed amount to the College on request, or at the College's option, the College may credit the amount disallowed from the next payment due or to become due to the Contractor under any contract with the College. GC-8 GC-31 GOVERNING LAW This Contract shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Illinois. The Contractor irrevocably agrees that, subject to the College's sole and absolute election, any action or proceeding in any way, manner or respect arising out of the Contract, or arising from any dispute or controversy arising in connection with or related to the Contract, shall be litigated only in courts within the County of DuPage, State of Illinois, and the Contractor consents and submits to the jurisdiction thereof. In accordance with these provisions, Contractor waives any right it may have to transfer or change the venue of any litigation brought against it by the College pursuant to this Contract. GC-32 TOBACCO-FREE CAMPUS POLICY Use of tobacco and tobacco-related products (including electronic cigarettes) is prohibited on all College of DuPage premises, in all indoor College facilities and in all College vehicles. “College of DuPage Premises” includes all land, building, facilities and other property leased or rented by the College, whether on a short-term or long-term basis; owned by the College (including adjacent streets and sidewalks); subject to the control of the College but not leased, rented, or owned; and where an official College activity is held and where students, faculty, or staff are present or are participants in the official College activity. Tobacco use is permitted inside private vehicles. The improper disposal of tobacco and tobacco-related products from a vehicle while on College of DuPage premises is prohibited. Improper disposal includes, but is not limited to, spitting smokeless tobacco product, littering, and anything that creates fire hazards. It is the responsibility of all faculty, staff, students and visitors to comply with this policy. Refusal to comply with this policy may result in citations issued by Campus Police and/or disciplinary action by the appropriate administrative office. GC-33 WAIVER No term or provision of this Contract shall be deemed waived and no breach consented to unless such waiver or consent shall be in writing and signed by the party claimed to have waived or consented. The waiver of any such provision shall be strictly limited to the identified provision. GC-34 ENTIRE CONTRACT It is expressly agreed that the provisions set forth in this Contract constitute all the understandings and agreements between the parties. Any prior agreements, promises, negotiations, or representations not expressly set forth in this Contract are of no force and effect. GC-35 FORCE MAJEURE Neither Contractor nor College shall be liable for failing to fulfill any obligation under this Contract if such failure is caused by an event beyond such party's reasonable control and which is not caused by such party's fault or negligence. Such events shall be limited to acts of God, acts of war, fires, lightning, floods, epidemics, or riots. GC-36 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES FOR NON-EMPLOYEES Reimbursements of reasonable expenses incurred by certain non-employees such as consultants, speakers, performers, etc. who perform services for the College will be made based solely upon a written agreement executed before the commencement of such services. All such reimbursements will be approved by the appropriate authorized signatory before payment will be made. Such approval indicates that the reimbursement is within limitations of the budget and Board policy. GC – 37 APPRENTICESHIP AND TRAINING Bidder certifies that Contractor and all subcontractors participate in applicable apprenticeship and training programs approved by and registered with the United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training. GC – 37 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTON Bidder certifies that this Contractor has an Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Program which complies with Executive Order 11246 and 11375, the Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and their implementing regulations. AND takes appropriate action toward equal employment opportunities to all persons regardless of their race, color, religion or creed, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, arrest record, military status or unfavorable discharge from military service, citizenship status, use of lawful products while not at work, physical or mental handicap or disability (if otherwise able to perform the essential functions of the job with reasonable accommodation), or other factors which cannot lawfully be the basis for an employment decision. The term “employment opportunities” includes hiring, promotion, termination, wages, benefits, and all other privileges, terms, and conditions of employment. GC-9 GC – 38 BID RIGGING/BID ROTATING Contractor certifies that it is eligible for bidding on public contacts and is not in violation of either paragraph 33E-3 or 33E-4 of Public Act 86-150, 720 ILCS 5. GC 39 PREVAILING WAGE 820 Contractor certifies that it is eligible for bidding on public contracts and has complied with section 11a of the Prevailing Wage Act, ILCS 130.01-12. GC-40 CONTRACT INTERPRETATION Whenever the singular is used herein, the masculine, feminine and neuter gender shall be deemed to include the others. The headings of articles, paragraphs and sections in this Contract are included for convenience only and shall not be considered by either party in construing the meaning of this Contract. If any provision or clause of this Contract shall be held to be invalid, such provision or clause shall be deleted from the Contract and the Contract shall be construed to give effect to the remaining portions thereof. This Contract shall be interpreted and construed based upon the following order of precedence of component parts. Such order of precedence shall govern to resolve all cases of conflict, ambiguity or inconsistency. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Addenda, if any. Execution Forms Specification. Special Conditions. General Conditions. Instruction to Bidders. Legal Advertisement. Bid Proposal. END OF SECTION GC-10 BID FORM FOR NAME OF PROJECT PRE-BID CONFERENCE: 19 February 2015 TIME: 9:30 AM LOCATION: College of DuPage Purchasing Department 425 Fawell Blvd Berg Instructional Center, Room BIC 1540 Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF QUESTIONS: 5:00 p.m., 5 March 2015 BID DUE DATE: 12 March 2015 TIME: 2:00 PM DELIVER SEALED BIDS TO: To: College of DuPage Purchasing Department 425 Fawell Blvd. Berg Instructional Center, Room BIC 1540 Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 FIRM NAME: the undersigned A. Proposes to furnish all labor, materials, equipment and services as required to satisfactorily complete all Work, described here in as required for the completion of the Grading and Restoration North of Pond all in accordance with the Drawings prepared by the C o l l e g e o f D u P a g e a n d this Bid Form. The bidder and all bidder’s subcontractors must participate in applicable apprenticeship and training programs approved by and registered with the United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training.” B. All work required by the foregoing documents will be accomplished for the lump Sum Bid Price of Dollars ($ (Show amount in both words and figures. In case of discrepancy, amount shown in words will govern.) The Lump Sum Bid Price above EXCLUDES all applicable sales and/or use taxes; 1 of 4 ). C. Bidder agrees that if written notice of the acceptance of this bid is mailed or delivered to the undersigned within 60 days after the Bid Due Date, or any time thereafter before it is withdrawn, the undersigned shall meet a representative of College of DuPage to execute the Contract. Performance and Payment Bonds and the appropriate insurance certificates will be delivered to the College of DuPage at the time of execution of the Contract. Failure to execute said contract within ten (10) days after receipt of Notice to Award may be considered a default under the obligation of the bid bond. D. The above price includes all stipulations and requirements of Addenda No. ______ and ______ E. MILESTONE SCHEDULE DATES 1. 2. 3. 4. F. Anticipated Date of Notice to Proceed: After April 16, 2015 Commence Submittals: Upon Receipt of Notice to Proceed Commence Jobsite work for the proposal: April 30, 2015 Complete Jobsite work for this proposal: May 30, 2015 TRADE SUBCONTRACTORS The following trade subcontractors are proposed for the item of work listed. Trade subcontractors are subject to review per the General Conditions. List only firms that will supply labor at the site. ITEM OF WORK TRADE SUBCONTRACTORS G. UNIT PRICES Unit Prices shall be used, where applicable, to make adjustments to the cost of the Work due to changes. All Unit Prices submitted shall be complete in-place prices (unless noted otherwise) and include all costs for overhead, profit, labor, materials, equipment, and any other incidentals related to the completion of the Work, and shall remain firm for the period of the contract. Unit prices listed are for additive work. 2 OF 4 H. ALTERNATE PRICES An Alternate Price shall include all costs associated with the changes, omissions, additions or other adjustments to the Work of this bid package (Contract) which are described in the Alternate, or are reasonably inferable there from. Claims for extras resulting from changes caused by the acceptance or rejection of any Alternate will not be allowed. Alternate Prices shall also include all costs of overhead, profit and bonds associated with the work of the Alternate, whether additive or deductive. The Drawings, Specifications and other Contract Documents shall be considered appropriately modified by either the acceptance or rejection of the various Alternates. The College of DuPage expressly reserves the right to accept or reject any, or all, Alternate Prices, and in any sequence prior to or after award. Acceptance or rejection of any Alternate does not relieve the Bidder of timely completion of the Work within the time periods indicated. Alternate Price 1 – Credit to exclude Fencing and Gate shown C-200 $ ______________ I. ALLOWANCES The Bidder includes the following Allowances and rates in the total Lump Sum Bid Price of the Base Bid for this project. Further to Article 3.8 in the General Conditions and unless noted otherwise below, the following allowance amounts include the General Contractor’s cost of materials less applicable discounts, delivery to the site, applicable taxes, unloading, handling, installation, allowable overhead and profit. All other costs associated with completing the work described in the allowance is included in the base bid but outside of the allowance amount. Unforseen Conditions Allowance: $5,000.00 J. SCOPE OF WORK 1. Description of Work Included Tthe Work of this Contract shall INCLUDE but are not limited to all of the following: a. b. c. All items of work required by, and/or specified in, those Sections of the Specifications which are included in attached Specifications. All items of work related to the Project which are shown on the Contract Drawings. All general provisions and items indicated in the attachment A section of the contract documents. 3 OF 4 CERTIFICATIONS THE UNDERSIGNED IS CAUTIONED TO CAREFULLY READ THESE CERTIFICATIONS PRIOR TO SIGNING THE SIGNATURE PAGE. SIGNING THE SIGNATURE PAGE SHALL CONSTITUTE A WARRANTY BY THE UNDERSIGNED THAT ALL THE STATEMENTS, CERTIFICATIONS AND INFORMATION SET FORTH WITHIN THESE CERTIFICATIONS ARE TRUE, COMPLETE AND CORRECT AS OF THE DATE THE SIGNATURE PAGE IS SIGNED. THE UNDERSIGNED IS NOTIFIED THAT IF THE COLLEGE LEARNS THAT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATIONS WERE FALSELY MADE, THAT ANY CONTRACT ENTERED INTO WITH THE UNDERSIGNED SHALL BE SUBJECT TO TERMINATION. A. Prevailing Wage Act. To the extent required by law, Contractor shall not pay less than the prevailing wage as established pursuant to an Act Regulating the Wages of Laborers, Mechanics, and Other Workman employed under Contract for Public Workers 820 ILCS 130/1 et seq. B. Human Rights Act. To the extent required by law, Contractor shall abide by the Illinois Human Rights Act, 775 ILCS 10/0.01 et seq. C. Drug Free Workplace. To the extent required by law, Contractor shall abide with the requirements of the Drug Free Workplace Act 30 ILCS 580.1 et seq. D. Sexual Harassment Policy. Contractor represents by the signing of this Agreement that it has a written sexual harassment policy that is in accordance with 775 ILCS 5/2-105 (A) (4). E. Non-debarment. By executing this agreement Contractor certifies that it has not been debarred from public contracts in the State of Illinois for violating either 33E-3 or 33E-4 of the Public Contracts Act, 720 ILCS 5/33E-1 et seq. F. Fair Employment Practice Contractor is in compliance with all State and Federal laws regarding Fair Employment Practice as well as all rules and regulations. G. Our company has an Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Program which complies with Executive Order 11246, the Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Yes _______ No _______ H, Our company certifies that Contractor and all subcontractors participate in applicable apprenticeship and training programs approved by and registered with the United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training. ADVICE MINORITY/WOMAN-OWNED, DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS? YES_____ NO_____. If yes, please attach copy of certification and advise certification number and expiration date below: STATE NEGOTIATED BID/ COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT: YES _____ NO _______ Contract No. ___________ Name of Certifying Entity: _________________________________________________________ Certification #: ________________ _____________ CE-1 Expiration Date: _____ SIGNATURE PAGE Check One: SOLE PROPRIETOR PARTNERSHIP (and/or JOINT VENTURE) LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY CORPORATION The undersigned acknowledges receipt of a full set of Contract Documents and Addenda Numbers __________________ (None unless indicated here). The undersigned makes the foregoing Bid subject to all of the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. The undersigned certifies that all of the foregoing statements of the Vendor Certifications are true and correct. The undersigned warrants that all of the facts and information submitted by the undersigned in connection with this Bid are true and correct. Upon award and execution of this Contract by the College of DuPage Board of Trustees, the undersigned agrees that execution of this Bid shall stand as the undersigned's execution of this Contract. BUSINESS NAME:__________________________________________________________________________ BUSINESS ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ BUSINESS TELEPHONE: FAX NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: CELLULAR TELEPHONE NUMBER: FEIN/SSN: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: _______ PRINT NAME: TITLE: _____________________________________________________________________________________ DATE: Subscribed to and sworn before me this day of , 2015. My commission expires: X Notary Public Signature Notary Seal * Attach hereto a partnership resolution or other document authorizing the individual signing this Signature Page to so sign on behalf of the Partnership. ** If the LLC is not registered in the State of Illinois, a copy of a current Certificate of Good Standing from the state of incorporation must be submitted with this Signature Page. *** Attach either a certified copy of the by-laws, articles, resolution or other authorization demonstrating such persons to sign the Signature Page on behalf of the LLC. *** If the corporation is not registered in the State of Illinois, a copy of the Certificate of Good Standing from the state of incorporation must be submitted with this Signature Page. ***** In the event that this Signature Page is signed by any persons other than the President and Secretary, attach either a certified copy of the corporate by-laws, a resolution or other authorization by the corporation, authorizing such persons to sign the Signature Page on behalf of the corporation. CE-2 COLLEGE OF DUPAGE SIGNATURE PAGE ON BEHALF OF THE COLLEGE OF DUPAGE, A BODY POLITIC AND CORPORATE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, THIS CONTRACT IS HEREBY EXECUTED BY: SENIOR VICE-PRESIDENT ADMINISTRATION AND TREASURER DATED AT GLEN ELLYN, ILLINOIS THIS _____ DAY OF______________________, ,2015 THE COLLEGE HEREBY ACCEPTS: THE FOREGOING PROPOSAL AS IDENTIFIED IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR CONTRACT FOR Grading and Restoration North of Pond 9 TOTAL AMOUNT OF CONTRACT: $ (DOLLARS AND CENTS) FUND CHARGEABLE: CE-3 SECTION 31 1000 SITE PREPARATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 Referenced Specifications A. Section 31 2000, Earth Moving B. Section 32 0513, Topsoil C. Section 32 9200, Lawns 1.3 SUMMARY A. Scope of Work: This Section includes the following: 1. Protecting existing trees and vegetation to remain. 2. Removing trees and other vegetation. 3. Clearing and grubbing. 4. Topsoil stripping. 5. Removing above-grade site improvements B. Definitions: 1. Topsoil: Natural or cultivated surface-soil layer containing organic matter and sand, silt, and clay particles; friable, pervious, and black or a darker shade of brown, gray, or red than underlying subsoil; reasonably free of subsoil, clay lumps, gravel, and other objects more than two inches in diameter; and free of weeds, roots, and other deleterious materials. 2. Course Aggregate: Material to comply with Section 1004 of Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, latest Edition. 3. Fine Aggregate: Material to comply with Section 1003 of Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, latest Edition. C. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and all other Divisions of the Project Manual, apply to this Section. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Photographs or videotape, sufficiently detailed, of existing conditions of trees and plantings, adjoining construction, and site improvements that might be misconstrued as damage caused by site clearing. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Stake perimeter of area to be cleared and grubbed with 3’ wood lath at all changes in direction and 25’ o.c. for review by Landscape Architect and prior to beginning any clearing. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 31 1000 - 1 PART 2 - MATERIALS A. Satisfactory Soil Materials: Requirements for satisfactory soil materials are specified in Section 31 2000, EARTH MOVING. 1. Obtain approved borrow soil materials off-site when satisfactory soil materials are not available on-site. 2. Except for materials necessary for filling and restoration, or to remain on Owner's property, cleared materials shall become Contractor's property and shall be removed from the site. B. NO TOPSOIL STRIPPED FROM THE EXISTING PROJECT AREAS SHALL BE RE-USED ON SITE. C. Herbicides shall be as specfed within the refrerenced sections and as submitted by contractor for approval. Materials shall be as regulated by municipal and county ordinances unless superceded by Federal regulations. D. Roundup, or approved equal, shall be used as the Herbicide to kill all all turf grass. PART 3 - EXECUTION A. General 1. Traffic: Minimize interference with adjoining roads, streets, walks, and other adjacent occupied or used facilities during site-clearing operations. a. Do not close or obstruct streets, walks, or other adjacent occupied or used facilities without permission from Owner Representative and authorities having jurisdiction. b. Provide alternate routes around closed or obstructed traffic ways if required by authorities having jurisdiction. 2. Salvageable Improvements: Carefully remove items indicated to be salvaged and store as directed by the Owner Representative's. 3. Notify utility locator service for area where Project is located before site clearing. B. Preparation 1. Protect and maintain benchmarks and survey control points from disturbance during construction. 2. Provide erosion-control measures to prevent soil erosion and discharge of soil-bearing water runoff or airborne dust to adjacent properties and walkways. 3. Locate and clearly flag trees and vegetation to remain or to be relocated. 4. Protect existing site improvements to remain from damage during construction. Restore damaged improvements to their original condition, as acceptable to Owner or their Construction Manager. C. Clearing and Grubbing 1. Remove obstructions, trees, shrubs, grass, and other vegetation to permit installation of new construction. Removal includes digging out stumps and obstructions and grubbing roots. a. Do not remove trees, shrubs, and other vegetation indicated to remain or to be relocated. b. Cut minor roots and branches of trees indicated to remain in a clean and careful manner where such roots and branches obstruct installation of new construction. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 31 1000 - 2 c. Completely remove stumps, roots, obstructions, and debris extending to a depth of 18 inches below exposed subgrade. d. Use only hand methods for grubbing within drip line of remaining trees. 2. Fill depressions caused by clearing and grubbing operations with satisfactory soil material, unless further excavation or earthwork is indicated. a. Place fill material in horizontal layers not exceeding eight inch loose depth, and compact each layer to a density equal to adjacent original ground. 3. All tree and shrubs to be removed shall be chipped or, shredded and removed from the site on the same day that they are cut down or uprooted 4. Existing sodded/grass turf areas, which are to to receive new sod and/or seed but not topsoil, shall be treated with Roundup per manufacturer’s directions. Wait a period of 2 weeks ( or per directions) until all material is dead – reaply if required until material is dead. Then cultivate the dead grass and soil to a depth of 4” (or as otherwise shown on drawings). Rake cultivated soil area to a smooth and level grade to drain, crushing all clumps to size less than 2” in diameter as preparation for seed or sod. D. Topsoil Stripping 1. Strip topsoil to whatever depths are encountered in a manner to prevent intermingling with underlying subsoil or other waste materials. a. Strip surface soil of unsuitable topsoil, including trash, debris, weeds, roots, and other waste materials. 2. Stockpile topsoil materials away from edge of excavations without intermixing with subsoil. Grade and shape stockpiles to drain surface water. a. Do not stockpile topsoil within drip line of remaining trees. b. Stripped topsoil and other materials shall be disposed of at a State certified location as required for waste material disposal. E. Site Improvements 1. Remove existing above- and below-grade improvements as indicated and as necessary to facilitate new construction. 2. Remove all exsiting fences, as shown on drawings, included the complete removal and proper offsite disposal of all components including post, rails, wires and foundations. 3. Remove slabs, paving, curbs, gutters, and aggregate base as indicated. a. Unless existing full-depth joints coincide with line of demolition, neatly saw-cut along line of existing pavement to remain before removing adjacent existing pavement. Saw-cut faces vertically. b. Paint cut ends of steel reinforcement in concrete to remain with two coats of antirust coating, following coating manufacturer's written instructions. Keep paint off surfaces that will remain exposed. F. Disposal 1. Disposal: Remove surplus soil material, unsuitable topsoil, obstructions, demolished materials, and waste materials, including trash and debris, and legally dispose of them off Owner's property. END OF SECTION COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 31 1000 - 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 31 1000 - 4 SECTION 31 2000 EARTH MOVING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. B. Section Includes: 1. Preparing subgrades for walks and pavements. 2. Subbase course for concrete walks and pavements. 3. Subbase course and base course for asphalt paving. 4. Excavating and backfilling trenches for utilities and pits for buried utility structures. Related Sections: 1. 1.3 Section 311000 "Site Preparation" for site stripping, grubbing, stripping and stockpiling topsoil, and removal of above- and below-grade improvements and utilities. DEFINITIONS A. Backfill: Soil material or controlled low-strength material used to fill an excavation. B. Base Course: Aggregate layer placed between the subbase course and paving material. C. Bedding Course: Aggregate layer placed over the excavated subgrade in a trench before laying pipe. D. Borrow Soil: Satisfactory soil imported from off-site for use as fill or backfill. E. Drainage Course: Aggregate layer supporting the slab-on-grade that also minimizes upward capillary flow of pore water. F. Excavation: Removal of material encountered above subgrade elevations and to lines and dimensions indicated. G. 1. Authorized Additional Excavation: Excavation below subgrade elevations or beyond indicated lines and dimensions as directed by Architect. Authorized additional excavation and replacement material will be paid for according to Contract provisions for unit prices. 2. Bulk Excavation: Excavation more than 10 feet in width and more than 30 feet in length. 3. Unauthorized Excavation: Excavation below subgrade elevations or beyond indicated lines and dimensions without direction by Architect. Unauthorized excavation, as well as remedial work directed by Architect, shall be without additional compensation. Fill: Soil materials used to raise existing grades. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 31 2000 - 1 H. Structures: Buildings, footings, foundations, retaining walls, slabs, tanks, curbs, mechanical and electrical appurtenances, or other man-made stationary features constructed above or below the ground surface. I. Subgrade: Uppermost surface of an excavation or the top surface of a fill or backfill immediately below subbase, drainage fill, drainage course, or topsoil materials. J. Utilities: On-site underground pipes, conduits, ducts, and cables, as well as underground services within buildings. 1.4 RFERENCES A. 1.5 Illinois Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, current edition, herein referred to as IDOT. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. B. 1.6 Product Data: For each type of the following manufactured products required: 1. Geotextiles. 2. Controlled low-strength material, including design mixture. 3. Warning tapes. Samples for Verification: For the following products, in sizes indicated below: 1. Geotextile: 12 by 12 inches. 2. Warning Tape: 12 inches long; of each color. INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Qualification Data: For qualified testing agency. B. Material Test Reports: For each on-site and borrow soil material proposed for fill and backfill as follows: C. 1.7 1. Classification according to ASTM D 2487. 2. Laboratory compaction curve according to ASTM D 1557. Pre-excavation Photographs or Videotape: Show existing conditions of adjoining construction and site improvements, including finish surfaces that might be misconstrued as damage caused by earth moving operations. Submit before earth moving begins. POST-CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTALS A. Topographic Survey: The Contractor shall furnish a post-construction as-built engineering survey performed by a State of Illinois registered surveyor. The survey shall include the following: 1. College of DuPage reference points of beginning and both horizontal and vertical coordinate positions. 2. All finished topography contours at one-foot intervals. 3. All building perimeter and all hardscape (walls, walls, steps, etc.) 4. Light fixtures and electrical service lines. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 31 2000 - 2 1.8 5. Spot elevations of the base of all light fixtures, flag poles, and bollards. 6. All utilities, both above and below grade, identified by a contractor-hired utility locator and J.U.L.I.E. Include spot elevations for RIMs of all above grade structures. 7. Invert elevations for storm water and sanitary lines in structures for all structures within project limits shall be noted; however, the extent to which these utilities are connected to adjacent public and private right-of-way- must be documented to the first connecting structure. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Testing and Inspection Service 1. The Contractor shall engage (and pay all cost) for soil testing and inspection services to perform sampling and testing of soil materials proposed for use in the work. 2. The Contractor shall engage (and pay all cost) for soil testing and inspection service to perform sampling and testing of in place soil materials for quality control during earthwork operations, with the exception of those outlined in 1.4, A., 4. e. in this section. 3. Laboratory Tests a. Soil classification tests in accordance with ASTM D2487. b. Mechanical analysis and consistency tests of excavated material or other material which may be proposed by the Contractor for use. Determine also the amount of non-durable and organic material. Test may include ASTM D422 (Particle Size), D4318 (Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit and Plasticity), D1140 (Fines), or D427 (Volumetric Shrinkage). c. Moisture-density tests of each type of soil material the Contractor proposes to use in accordance with ASTM D1557. d. Bearing capacity of the soil under foundations by calibrated penetrometers. e. After testing, the testing laboratory shall inform the Landscape Architect in writing of its recommendations for compaction of the soil samples submitted for testing. One copy of each report shall be sent to the Contractor and Landscape Architect. The Contractor shall comply with such recommendations. 4. Field Control Tests a. The soil testing laboratory shall conduct field tests for density of soil in place of subgrade for cut and for all compacted areas as referenced to be compacted within these specifications. Soil testing locations shall be marked by testing agency in field and remain undisturbed until authorized by Landscape Architect to be removed. b. When, in the judgment of the Landscape Architect, there is reasonable doubt that a fill or backfill material exhibits characteristics of the material which has been proposed for use, a field-conducted one point proctor test will be performed. If the moisture-density coordinates of the one point proctor test do not fall on the curve which has been established by laboratory tests, a sample of that material shall be tested in the laboratory for conformance to the specifications. c. Density of soil in place test in accordance with ASTM D1556, sand cone method, or ASTM D2922 nuclear method, shall be made for each 5,000 square feet of subgrade and each compacted layer of backfill and fill 24 inches or less in depth and as directed by the Landscape Architect. d. One copy of each report shall be submitted to the Contractor. Reports will designate the location of the work tested. e. All soil materials to be removed from the site shall comply with all Federal and COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 31 2000 - 3 State of Illinois EPA testing requirements including EPA CCDD. A contract allowance has been included to cover the costs for CCDD testing including but not limited to licensed P.E. labor and laboratory testing fees. These allowance amounts are listed on the bid form section 00 4100. The College of DuPage has existing established profiles for CCDD materials from other locations (outside the limits of this project) on the Glen Ellyn campus with the following dump sites. These sites are provided for information only and the College makes no guarantees regarding the site’s capacity or willingness to accept spoil materials: Chicago Elmhurst Stone (CCDD) 400 W. First Street Elmhurst, IL 60126 630-832-4000 Bluff City Materials (CCDD) 2252 Southwind Blvd. Bartlett, IL 60103 630-497-8700 Republic Services, Inc./Congress Development Co Landfill (CCDD) 4100 W. Frontage Road Hillside, IL 60162 Phone: (708) 544-5195 B. 1.9 Pre-excavation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. B. Traffic: Minimize interference with adjoining roads, streets, walks, and other adjacent occupied or used facilities during earth moving operations. 1. Do not close or obstruct streets, walks, or other adjacent occupied or used facilities without permission from Owner and authorities having jurisdiction. 2. Provide alternate routes around closed or obstructed traffic ways if required by Owner or authorities having jurisdiction. Utility Locator Service: 1. Notify J.U.L.I.E. at 1-800-892-0123 for area where Project is located before beginning earth moving operations. 2. Coordinate pre-construction Utility Locate Meeting with owner prior to mobilization. C. Do not commence earth moving operations until temporary erosion- and sedimentation-control measures, specified in Section 312500 "Erosion Control and Sediment Controls," are in place. D. The following practices are prohibited within protection zones: 1. Storage of construction materials, debris, or excavated material. 2. Parking vehicles or equipment. 3. Foot traffic. 4. Erection of sheds or structures. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 31 2000 - 4 5. Impoundment of water. 6. Excavation or other digging unless otherwise indicated. 7. Attachment of signs to or wrapping materials around trees or plants unless otherwise indicated. E. Do not direct vehicle or equipment exhaust towards protection zones. F. Prohibit heat sources, flames, ignition sources, and smoking within or near protection zones. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SOIL MATERIALS A. ALL AGGREGATE MATERIAL, NOT USED IN A PAVEMENT MIXTURE, MUST BE A RECYCLED CONCRETE PRODUCT OR NATURAL STONE OTHER THAN LIMESTONE. ABSOLUTELY NO LIMESTONE (CRUSHED OR WHOLE) SHALL BE USED FOR PAVEMENT BASE OR UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL. B. General: Provide borrow soil materials when sufficient satisfactory soil materials are not available from excavations. C. Satisfactory Soils: Soil Classification Groups GW, GP, GM, SW, SP, and SM according to ASTM D 2487, or a combination of these groups; free of rock or gravel larger than 3 inches in any dimension, debris, waste, frozen materials, vegetation, and other deleterious matter. D. Unsatisfactory Soils: Soil Classification Groups GC, SC, CL, ML, OL, CH, MH, OH, and PT according to ASTM D 2487, or a combination of these groups. 1. Unsatisfactory soils also include satisfactory soils not maintained within 2 percent of optimum moisture content at time of compaction. E. Subbase Material: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand; IDOT Subbase Granular Material, Type A in accordance with all requirements of IDOT Sections 311.05 and 1004.04 unless otherwise noted. F. Aggregate Base Course: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand; CA-6 in accordance with all requirements of IDOT Sections 351.05 and 1004.04 for IDOT Aggregate Base. G. Granular Backfill: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand; CA-6 in accordance with all requirements of IDOT Section 1004.04 for IDOT Granular Embankment, Special. H. Granular Bedding: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand; CA-11 or CA-13 in accordance with all requirements of IDOT Section 1004.01. I. Drainage Course: Narrowly graded mixture of washed crushed stone, or crushed or uncrushed gravel; CA-7 in accordance with all requirements of IDOT Section 1004.01. J. Filter Material: Narrowly graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, or crushed stone and natural sand; CA-18 in accordance with all requirements of IDOT Section 1004.05 for Porous Granular Embankment and Backfill. K. Sand: ASTM C 33; fine aggregate. L. Impervious Fill: Clayey gravel and sand mixture capable of compacting to a dense state. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 31 2000 - 5 2.2 GEOTEXTILES A. B. 2.3 Subsurface Drainage Geotextile: Nonwoven needle-punched geotextile, manufactured for subsurface drainage applications, made from polyolefins or polyesters; with elongation greater than 50 percent; complying with AASHTO M 288 and the following, measured per test methods referenced: 1. Grab Tensile Strength: 157 lbf; ASTM D 4632. 2. Sewn Seam Strength: 142 lbf; ASTM D 4632. 3. Tear Strength: 56 lbf; ASTM D 4533. 4. Puncture Strength: 56 lbf; ASTM D 4833. 5. Apparent Opening Size: No. 40 sieve, maximum; ASTM D 4751. 6. Permittivity: 0.5 per second, minimum; ASTM D 4491. 7. UV Stability: 50 percent after 500 hours' exposure; ASTM D 4355. Separation Geotextile: Woven geotextile fabric, manufactured for separation applications, made from polyolefins or polyesters; with elongation less than 50 percent; complying with AASHTO M 288 and the following, measured per test methods referenced: 1. Grab Tensile Strength: 247 lbf; ASTM D 4632. 2. Sewn Seam Strength: 222 lbf; ASTM D 4632. 3. Tear Strength: 90 lbf; ASTM D 4533. 4. Puncture Strength: 90 lbf; ASTM D 4833. 5. Apparent Opening Size: No. 60 sieve, maximum; ASTM D 4751. 6. Permittivity: 0.02 per second, minimum; ASTM D 4491. 7. UV Stability: 50 percent after 500 hours' exposure; ASTM D 4355. CONTROLLED LOW-STRENGTH MATERIAL A. 2.4 Controlled Low-Strength Material: Self-compacting, low-density, flowable concrete material produced from the following: 1. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I or Type II. 2. Fly Ash: ASTM C 618, Class C or F. 3. Normal-Weight Aggregate: ASTM C 33, 3/4-inch nominal maximum aggregate size. 4. Foaming Agent: ASTM C 869. 5. Water: ASTM C 94/C 94M. 6. Air-Entraining Admixture: ASTM C 260. 7. Compressive Strength: 1500 psi at 28 days. ACCESSORIES A. Warning Tape: Acid- and alkali-resistant, polyethylene film warning tape manufactured for marking and identifying underground utilities, 6 incheswide and 4 mils thick, continuously inscribed with a description of the utility; colored as follows: 1. Red: Electric. 2. Yellow: Gas, oil, steam, and dangerous materials. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 31 2000 - 6 3. Orange: Telephone and other communications. 4. Blue: Water systems. 5. Green: Sewer systems. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by earth moving operations. B. Protect and maintain erosion and sedimentation controls during earth moving operations. C. Protect subgrades and foundation soils from freezing temperatures and frost. Remove temporary protection before placing subsequent materials. 3.2 DEWATERING A. Prevent surface water and ground water from entering excavations, from ponding on prepared subgrades, and from flooding Project site and surrounding area. B. Protect subgrades from softening, undermining, washout, and damage by rain or water accumulation. 1. 3.3 Reroute surface water runoff away from excavated areas. Do not allow water to accumulate in excavations. Do not use excavated trenches as temporary drainage ditches. EXPLOSIVES A. 3.4 Explosives: Do not use explosives. EXCAVATION, GENERAL A. Unclassified Excavation: Excavate to subgrade elevations regardless of the character of surface and subsurface conditions encountered. Unclassified excavated materials may include rock, soil materials, and obstructions. No changes in the Contract Sum or the Contract Time will be authorized for rock excavation or removal of obstructions. 1. B. Classified Excavation: Excavate to subgrade elevations. Material to be excavated will be classified as earth. 1. 3.5 If excavated materials intended for fill and backfill include unsatisfactory soil materials and rock, replace with satisfactory soil materials. Earth excavation includes excavating pavements and obstructions visible on surface; underground structures, utilities, and other items indicated to be removed; together with soil, boulders, and other materials not classified as rock or unauthorized excavation. EXCAVATION FOR WALKS AND PAVEMENTS A. Excavate surfaces under walks and pavements to indicated lines, cross sections, elevations, and subgrades. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 31 2000 - 7 3.6 EXCAVATION FOR UTILITY TRENCHES A. Excavate trenches to indicated gradients, lines, depths, and elevations. 1. B. Excavate trenches to uniform widths to provide the following clearance on each side of pipe or conduit. Excavate trench walls vertically from trench bottom to 12 inches higher than top of pipe or conduit unless otherwise indicated. 1. C. D. 3.7 Clearance: As indicated. Trench Bottoms: Excavate and shape trench bottoms to provide uniform bearing and support of pipes and conduit. Shape subgrade to provide continuous support for bells, joints, and barrels of pipes and for joints, fittings, and bodies of conduits. Remove projecting stones and sharp objects along trench subgrade. 1. For pipes and conduit less than 6 inches in nominal diameter, hand-excavate trench bottoms and support pipe and conduit on an undisturbed subgrade. 2. For pipes and conduit 6 inches or larger in nominal diameter, shape bottom of trench to support bottom 90 degrees of pipe or conduit circumference. Fill depressions with tamped sand backfill. 3. For flat-bottomed, multiple-duct conduit units, hand-excavate trench bottoms and support conduit on an undisturbed subgrade. 4. Excavate trenches 6 inches deeper than elevation required in rock or other unyielding bearing material to allow for bedding course. Trench Bottoms: Excavate trenches 4 inches deeper than bottom of pipe and conduit elevations to allow for bedding course. Hand-excavate deeper for bells of pipe. 1. E. Beyond building perimeter, excavate trenches to allow installation of top of pipe below frost line. Excavate trenches 6 inches deeper than elevation required in rock or other unyielding bearing material to allow for bedding course. Trenches in Tree- and Plant-Protection Zones: 1. Hand-excavate to indicated lines, cross sections, elevations, and subgrades. Use narrow-tine spading forks to comb soil and expose roots. Do not break, tear, or chop exposed roots. Do not use mechanical equipment that rips, tears, or pulls roots. 2. Do not cut main lateral roots or taproots; cut only smaller roots that interfere with installation of utilities. SUBGRADE INSPECTION A. Notify Architect and third party testing agency when excavations have reached required subgrade. B. If third party testing agency determines that unsatisfactory soil is present, continue excavation and replace with compacted backfill or fill material as directed. C. Proof-roll subgrade below the building slabs and pavements with a pneumatic-tired and loaded 10-wheel, tandem-axle dump truck weighing not less than 15 tons to identify soft pockets and areas of excess yielding. Do not proof-roll wet or saturated subgrades. 1. Completely proof-roll subgrade in one direction. Limit vehicle speed to 3 mph. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 31 2000 - 8 2. Excavate soft spots, unsatisfactory soils, and areas of excessive pumping or rutting, as determined by Owner's Representative, and replace with compacted backfill or fill as directed. D. Authorized additional excavation and replacement material will be paid for according to Contract provisions for changes in the Work. E. Reconstruct subgrades damaged by freezing temperatures, frost, rain, accumulated water, or construction activities, as directed by Architect, without additional compensation. 3.8 UNAUTHORIZED EXCAVATION A. Fill unauthorized excavation under foundations or wall footings by extending bottom elevation of concrete foundation or footing to excavation bottom, without altering top elevation. Lean concrete fill, with 28-day compressive strength of 2500 psi, may be used when approved by Architect. 1. 3.9 Fill unauthorized excavations under other construction, pipe, or conduit as directed by Architect. STORAGE OF SOIL MATERIALS A. Stockpile borrow soil materials and excavated satisfactory soil materials without intermixing. Place, grade, and shape stockpiles to drain surface water. Cover to prevent windblown dust. 1. 3.10 A. B. 3.11 Stockpile soil materials away from edge of excavations. Do not store within drip line of remaining trees. BACKFILL Place and compact backfill in excavations promptly, but not before completing the following: 1. Construction below finish grade including, where applicable, subdrainage, dampproofing, waterproofing, and perimeter insulation. 2. Surveying locations of underground utilities for Record Documents. 3. Testing and inspecting underground utilities. 4. Removing concrete formwork. 5. Removing trash and debris. 6. Removing temporary shoring and bracing, and sheeting. 7. Installing permanent or temporary horizontal bracing on horizontally supported walls. Place backfill on subgrades free of mud, frost, snow, or ice. UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL A. Ensure proper inspection by governing jurisdictions has taken place prior to backfilling of utilities. B. Place backfill on subgrades free of mud, frost, snow, or ice. C. Place and compact bedding course on trench bottoms and where indicated. Shape bedding course to provide continuous support for bells, joints, and barrels of pipes and for joints, fittings, and bodies of conduits. D. Backfill voids with satisfactory soil while removing shoring and bracing. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 31 2000 - 9 E. Place and compact initial backfill of granular backfill, free of particles larger than 1 inch in any dimension, to a height of 12 inches over the pipe or conduit. 1. Carefully compact initial backfill under pipe haunches and compact evenly up on both sides and along the full length of piping or conduit to avoid damage or displacement of piping or conduit. Coordinate backfilling with utilities testing. F. Place and compact final backfill of satisfactory soil to final subgrade elevation. G. Install warning tape directly above utilities, 12 inches below finished grade, except 6 inches below subgrade under pavements and slabs. 3.12 SOIL FILL A. Plow, scarify, bench, or break up sloped surfaces steeper than 1 vertical to 4 horizontal so fill material will bond with existing material. B. Place and compact fill material in layers to required elevations as follows: C. 3.13 A. 3.14 1. Under grass and planted areas, use satisfactory soil material. 2. Under walks and pavements, use granular backfill. 3. Under steps and ramps, use granular backfill. 4. Under building slabs, use granular backfill. 5. Under footings and foundations, use granular backfill. Place soil fill on subgrades free of mud, frost, snow, or ice. SOIL MOISTURE CONTROL Uniformly moisten or aerate subgrade and each subsequent fill or backfill soil layer before compaction to within 2 percent of optimum moisture content. 1. Do not place backfill or fill soil material on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or contain frost or ice. 2. Remove and replace, or scarify and air dry, otherwise satisfactory soil material that exceeds optimum moisture content by 2 percent and is too wet to compact to specified dry unit weight. COMPACTION OF SOIL BACKFILLS AND FILLS A. Place backfill and fill soil materials in layers not more than 8 inches in loose depth for material compacted by heavy compaction equipment, and not more than 4 inches in loose depth for material compacted by hand-operated tampers. B. Place backfill and fill soil materials evenly on all sides of structures to required elevations, and uniformly along the full length of each structure. C. Compact soil materials to not less than the following percentages of maximum dry unit weight according to ASTM D 1557: 1. Under structures, building slabs, steps, and pavements, scarify and recompact top 12 inches of existing subgrade and each layer of backfill or fill soil material at 95 percent. 2. Under walkways, scarify and recompact top 6 inches below subgrade and compact each layer of backfill or fill soil material at 95 percent. 3. Under turf or unpaved areas, scarify and recompact top 6 inches below subgrade and COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 31 2000 - 10 compact each layer of backfill or fill soil material at 90 percent. 4. 3.15 A. B. 3.16 For utility trenches, compact each layer of initial and final backfill soil material at 95 percent. GRADING General: Uniformly grade areas to a smooth surface, free of irregular surface changes. Comply with compaction requirements and grade to cross sections, lines, and elevations indicated. 1. Provide a smooth transition between adjacent existing grades and new grades. 2. Cut out soft spots, fill low spots, and trim high spots to comply with required surface tolerances. Site Rough Grading: Slope grades to direct water away from buildings and to prevent ponding. Finish subgrades to required elevations within the following tolerances: 1. Turf or Unpaved Areas: Plus or minus 1 inch. 2. Walks: Plus or minus 1 inch. 3. Pavements: Plus or minus 1/2 inch. SUBBASE AND BASE COURSES UNDER PAVEMENTS AND WALKS A. Place subbase course and base course on subgrades free of mud, frost, snow, or ice. B. On prepared subgrade, place subbase course and base course under pavements and walks as follows: 3.17 A. B. 1. Shape subbase course and base course to required crown elevations and cross-slope grades. 2. Place subbase course and base course 6 inches or less in compacted thickness in a single layer. 3. Place subbase course and base course that exceeds 6 inches in compacted thickness in layers of equal thickness, with no compacted layer more than 6 inches thick or less than 3 inches thick. 4. Compact subbase course at optimum moisture content to required grades, lines, cross sections, and thickness to not less than 95 percent of maximum dry unit weight according to ASTM D 1557. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Special Inspections: Owner will engage a qualified special inspector to perform the following special inspections: 1. Determine prior to placement of fill that site has been prepared in compliance with requirements. 2. Determine that fill material and maximum lift thickness comply with requirements. 3. Determine, at the required frequency, that in-place density of compacted fill complies with requirements. Testing Agency: Owner will engage a qualified geotechnical engineering testing agency to perform tests and inspections. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 31 2000 - 11 C. Allow testing agency to inspect and test subgrades and each fill or backfill layer. Proceed with subsequent earth moving only after test results for previously completed work comply with requirements. D. Testing agency will test compaction of soils in place according to ASTM D 1556, ASTM D 2167, ASTM D 2922, and ASTM D 2937, as applicable. Tests will be performed at the following locations and frequencies: E. 3.18 1. Paved and Building Slab Areas: At subgrade and at each compacted fill and backfill layer, at least one test for every 2000 sq. ft. or less of paved area or building slab, but in no case fewer than three tests. 2. Foundation Wall Backfill: At each compacted backfill layer, at least one test for every 100 feet or less of wall length, but no fewer than two tests. 3. Trench Backfill: At each compacted initial and final backfill layer, at least one test for every 150 feet or less of trench length, but no fewer than two tests. When testing agency reports that subgrades, fills, or backfills have not achieved degree of compaction specified, scarify and moisten or aerate, or remove and replace soil materials to depth required; recompact and retest until specified compaction is obtained. PROTECTION A. Protecting Graded Areas: Protect newly graded areas from traffic, freezing, and erosion. Keep free of trash and debris. B. Repair and reestablish grades to specified tolerances where completed or partially completed surfaces become eroded, rutted, settled, or where they lose compaction due to subsequent construction operations or weather conditions. 1. C. Where settling occurs before Project correction period elapses, remove finished surfacing, backfill with additional soil material, compact, and reconstruct surfacing. 1. 3.19 A. Scarify or remove and replace soil material to depth as directed by Architect; reshape and recompact. Restore appearance, quality, and condition of finished surfacing to match adjacent work, and eliminate evidence of restoration to greatest extent possible. DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS AND WASTE MATERIALS Remove surplus satisfactory soil and waste materials, including unsatisfactory soil, trash, and debris, and legally dispose of them off Owner's property, unless otherwise directed by Owner. END OF SECTION COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 31 2000 - 12 SECTION 31 2500 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS 1.1 A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY 1.2 A. Section Includes: 1. B. 1.3 Constructing and maintaining all existing and any new, temporary and/or permanent erosion control systems as shown on the plans or as ordered by the Owner's Representative during the life of the contract to control erosion and sediment damage to swales, slopes, utilities, roadways, adjacent properties and water resources through the use of basins, erosion blankets, temporary seeding, silt fence, inlet protection and other erosion control devices or methods. Related Specifications 1. Section 311000 - "Site Preparation" 2. Section 312000 - "Earthwork" REFERENCES A. Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, current edition, herein referred to as IDOT. B. National Resources Conservation Service, 2009 Illinois Urban Manual, (NRCS Urban Manual). C. Illinois Department of Environmental Protection (IEPA) Environmental Regulations for the State of Illinois, Title 35 of the Illinois Administrative Code. D. Illinois Department of Environmental Protection General NPDES Permit for Construction Site Activities (NPDES Permit No. ILR10). This Permit can be located at: 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements 1. 1.5 All work is to be installed in accordance with the requirements for erosion controls of the Illinois EPA under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. In case of any discrepancies between the standards of the above agencies and the contract documents, the agency’s standards shall prevail. All discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of the Owner's Representative. INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE A. The Contractor shall conduct and document soil erosion and control inspections of the entire construction project including permitted locations and potentially impacted streams. Inspections are required and shall be performed in compliance with IEPA Stormwater Permit Requirements. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 31 2500 - 1 B. Inspections shall be performed on this schedule thereafter until the site is permanently stabilized to determine if the permit requirements are being met. Where sites have been finally or temporarily stabilized, or runoff is unlikely due to winter conditions (e.g. site covered with snow, ice or frozen ground), such inspection only has conducted once per week. C. The inspection report shall contain: D. 1.6 1. The type of inspection (e.g. anticipated rainfall events, during or within twenty-four hours after 0.5 inch or greater rainfall event or by-weekly), 2. Deficiencies in meeting permit requirements, 3. Photo documentation of deficiencies, 4. Repairs needed and completed or schedule of repair if immediate repair is impracticable, 5. The forecasted rainfall percentage for each day between inspections, and 6. The approximate duration (or start and ending times) of 0.5 inch or greater rainfall event. The Contractor shall make necessary maintenance and repairs relative to deficiencies in these permit conditions or requirements within twenty-four hours after inspections unless conditions make a particular activity impracticable. SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall furnish shop drawings for materials used to implement the erosion control plan including but not limited to the following: 1. Silt Fence 2. Erosion Control Blankets 3. Entrance Stone 4. Inlet filter and inlet protection 5. Temporary Seeding PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide materials as indicated on the Drawings, in compliance with the NRCS Illinois Urban Manual, subject to approval and modification by the Owner, Owner's Representative and the local enforcing agency. B. When the design or contract includes permanent erosion control or stormwater control features, the contractor may employ these items to control erosion and stormwater during construction activities. However, these features shall be fully cleaned and restored to the original design providing full function for the intended permanent use prior to acceptance of the work. 2.2 SILT FENCE A. Fabric: Meet specified minimums in the following table: COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 31 2500 - 2 Woven Geotextile Fabric Non-Woven Geotextile Fabric 85% 85% 50 lbs. per linear inch 70 lbs. per linear inch Slurry flow rate 30 lbs. per linear inch 50 lbs. per linear inch 0.3 gal./min./square feet Water flow rate 15 gal./min./square feet 220 gal./min./square feet UV resistance 70% 85% Physical Property Filtering efficiency Textile strength at 20% elongation Standard strength Extra strength 4.5 gal./min./square feet B. Height – a minimum of 18 inches above ground level (30 inches maximum). C. Reinforcement – fabric securely fastened to posts with wood lathe. D. Support Posts: 2 x 2 inch hardwood posts. Steel fence posts may be substituted for hardwood posts (steel posts should have projections for fastening fabric). 1. 2.3 Spacing: Eight feet maximum if fence is supported by wire mesh fencing, Six feet maximum for extra-strength fabric without wire backing. CONSTRUCTION ACCESS A. B. Dimensions: 1. Width – 20 feet minimum or full width of entrance/exit drive, whichever is greater. 2. Length – 70 feet minimum. 3. Thickness – six inches minimum. Materials: 1. One to two and one-half inch diameter washed aggregate shall be IDOT Coarse Aggregate gradation CA-1, 2, 3, or 4. 2. Rock shall be IDOT Coarse Aggregate Gradation CA-1, CA-2, CA-3, or CA-4. 3. Geotextile fabric underlayment used as a separation layer to prevent Intermixing of aggregate and the underlying soil material and to provide greater bearing strength when encountering wet conditions or soils with a seasonal high water table limitation). PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Erosion control must be considered by the Contractor prior to exposing any erodible material. Site grading and drainage operations are to be conducted in a manner to prevent or lessen excessive soil erosion of the construction site work area. B. Install temporary erosion control measures as indicated on the drawings as soon as possible after construction begins. C. The Owner or Owner's Representative has the authority to limit the surface area of erodible earth material exposed by clearing and grubbing, excavation, borrow and embankment operations and to direct the Contractor to provide immediate temporary or permanent erosion COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 31 2500 - 3 control measures. The Contractor will be required to incorporate all permanent erosion control features into the project at the earliest practicable time to minimize the need for temporary controls. Cut slopes shall be temporarily seeded and mulched as the excavation proceeds to the extent considered desirable and practical. D. The temporary erosion control system installed by the Contractor shall be properly maintained to control siltation at all times during the life of the contract. If the Contractor fails to maintain the temporary erosion control system the Owner or Owner's Representative may, after having given the Contractor 48 hours written notice, proceed to maintain the system as deemed necessary, and the cost thereof shall be deducted from any compensation due, or which may become due the Contractor under this contract. E. Remove soil and debris from structures, roadways, pipes, ditches, and other appurtenances to restore proper functioning. 3.2 SILT FENCE A. 3.3 Install in accordance with “Silt Fence”, Standard IL-620 of the Illinois Urban Manual. STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE A. Construct and maintain Tracking Pads in accordance with the Drawings. Provide each entrance to the site with a stone tracking pad at least 70 feet in length with a minimum thickness of 6 inches. The tracking pad shall be the full width of the egress point, minimum 14 feet. Inspect tracking pads on a daily basis and replace aggregate when no longer effective. B. If necessary, provide a crushed aggregate paved parking area. C. If applicable, wash water shall be discharged to sedimentation basins, sedimentation vessels, or other such control areas. Untreated wash water shall not be routed to storm sewers or waters of the state. 3.4 CLEAN UP A. Remove temporary erosion control measures at the completion of construction, unless otherwise directed by the Owner's Representative to remain in place. Take care during removal to minimize siltation of nearby drainage courses. END OF SECTION COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 31 2500 - 4 SECTION 31 2500 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS 1.1 A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY 1.2 A. Section Includes: 1. B. 1.3 Constructing and maintaining all existing and any new, temporary and/or permanent erosion control systems as shown on the plans or as ordered by the Owner's Representative during the life of the contract to control erosion and sediment damage to swales, slopes, utilities, roadways, adjacent properties and water resources through the use of basins, erosion blankets, temporary seeding, silt fence, inlet protection and other erosion control devices or methods. Related Specifications 1. Section 311000 - "Site Preparation" 2. Section 312000 - "Earthwork" REFERENCES A. Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, current edition, herein referred to as IDOT. B. National Resources Conservation Service, 2009 Illinois Urban Manual, (NRCS Urban Manual). C. Illinois Department of Environmental Protection (IEPA) Environmental Regulations for the State of Illinois, Title 35 of the Illinois Administrative Code. D. Illinois Department of Environmental Protection General NPDES Permit for Construction Site Activities (NPDES Permit No. ILR10). This Permit can be located at: 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements 1. 1.5 All work is to be installed in accordance with the requirements for erosion controls of the Illinois EPA under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. In case of any discrepancies between the standards of the above agencies and the contract documents, the agency’s standards shall prevail. All discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of the Owner's Representative. INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE A. The Contractor shall conduct and document soil erosion and control inspections of the entire construction project including permitted locations and potentially impacted streams. Inspections are required and shall be performed in compliance with IEPA Stormwater Permit Requirements. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 31 2500 - 1 B. Inspections shall be performed on this schedule thereafter until the site is permanently stabilized to determine if the permit requirements are being met. Where sites have been finally or temporarily stabilized, or runoff is unlikely due to winter conditions (e.g. site covered with snow, ice or frozen ground), such inspection only has conducted once per week. C. The inspection report shall contain: D. 1.6 1. The type of inspection (e.g. anticipated rainfall events, during or within twenty-four hours after 0.5 inch or greater rainfall event or by-weekly), 2. Deficiencies in meeting permit requirements, 3. Photo documentation of deficiencies, 4. Repairs needed and completed or schedule of repair if immediate repair is impracticable, 5. The forecasted rainfall percentage for each day between inspections, and 6. The approximate duration (or start and ending times) of 0.5 inch or greater rainfall event. The Contractor shall make necessary maintenance and repairs relative to deficiencies in these permit conditions or requirements within twenty-four hours after inspections unless conditions make a particular activity impracticable. SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall furnish shop drawings for materials used to implement the erosion control plan including but not limited to the following: 1. Silt Fence 2. Erosion Control Blankets 3. Entrance Stone 4. Inlet filter and inlet protection 5. Temporary Seeding PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide materials as indicated on the Drawings, in compliance with the NRCS Illinois Urban Manual, subject to approval and modification by the Owner, Owner's Representative and the local enforcing agency. B. When the design or contract includes permanent erosion control or stormwater control features, the contractor may employ these items to control erosion and stormwater during construction activities. However, these features shall be fully cleaned and restored to the original design providing full function for the intended permanent use prior to acceptance of the work. 2.2 SILT FENCE A. Fabric: Meet specified minimums in the following table: COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 31 2500 - 2 Woven Geotextile Fabric Non-Woven Geotextile Fabric 85% 85% 50 lbs. per linear inch 70 lbs. per linear inch Slurry flow rate 30 lbs. per linear inch 50 lbs. per linear inch 0.3 gal./min./square feet Water flow rate 15 gal./min./square feet 220 gal./min./square feet UV resistance 70% 85% Physical Property Filtering efficiency Textile strength at 20% elongation Standard strength Extra strength 4.5 gal./min./square feet B. Height – a minimum of 18 inches above ground level (30 inches maximum). C. Reinforcement – fabric securely fastened to posts with wood lathe. D. Support Posts: 2 x 2 inch hardwood posts. Steel fence posts may be substituted for hardwood posts (steel posts should have projections for fastening fabric). 1. 2.3 Spacing: Eight feet maximum if fence is supported by wire mesh fencing, Six feet maximum for extra-strength fabric without wire backing. CONSTRUCTION ACCESS A. B. Dimensions: 1. Width – 20 feet minimum or full width of entrance/exit drive, whichever is greater. 2. Length – 70 feet minimum. 3. Thickness – six inches minimum. Materials: 1. One to two and one-half inch diameter washed aggregate shall be IDOT Coarse Aggregate gradation CA-1, 2, 3, or 4. 2. Rock shall be IDOT Coarse Aggregate Gradation CA-1, CA-2, CA-3, or CA-4. 3. Geotextile fabric underlayment used as a separation layer to prevent Intermixing of aggregate and the underlying soil material and to provide greater bearing strength when encountering wet conditions or soils with a seasonal high water table limitation). PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Erosion control must be considered by the Contractor prior to exposing any erodible material. Site grading and drainage operations are to be conducted in a manner to prevent or lessen excessive soil erosion of the construction site work area. B. Install temporary erosion control measures as indicated on the drawings as soon as possible after construction begins. C. The Owner or Owner's Representative has the authority to limit the surface area of erodible earth material exposed by clearing and grubbing, excavation, borrow and embankment operations and to direct the Contractor to provide immediate temporary or permanent erosion COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 31 2500 - 3 control measures. The Contractor will be required to incorporate all permanent erosion control features into the project at the earliest practicable time to minimize the need for temporary controls. Cut slopes shall be temporarily seeded and mulched as the excavation proceeds to the extent considered desirable and practical. D. The temporary erosion control system installed by the Contractor shall be properly maintained to control siltation at all times during the life of the contract. If the Contractor fails to maintain the temporary erosion control system the Owner or Owner's Representative may, after having given the Contractor 48 hours written notice, proceed to maintain the system as deemed necessary, and the cost thereof shall be deducted from any compensation due, or which may become due the Contractor under this contract. E. Remove soil and debris from structures, roadways, pipes, ditches, and other appurtenances to restore proper functioning. 3.2 SILT FENCE A. 3.3 Install in accordance with “Silt Fence”, Standard IL-620 of the Illinois Urban Manual. STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE A. Construct and maintain Tracking Pads in accordance with the Drawings. Provide each entrance to the site with a stone tracking pad at least 70 feet in length with a minimum thickness of 6 inches. The tracking pad shall be the full width of the egress point, minimum 14 feet. Inspect tracking pads on a daily basis and replace aggregate when no longer effective. B. If necessary, provide a crushed aggregate paved parking area. C. If applicable, wash water shall be discharged to sedimentation basins, sedimentation vessels, or other such control areas. Untreated wash water shall not be routed to storm sewers or waters of the state. 3.4 CLEAN UP A. Remove temporary erosion control measures at the completion of construction, unless otherwise directed by the Owner's Representative to remain in place. Take care during removal to minimize siltation of nearby drainage courses. END OF SECTION COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 31 2500 - 4 SECTION 32 0513 TOPSOIL PART 1 1.1 - GENERAL SUMMARY A. Section includes all soil materials designated as topsoil and planting mix as shown on the documents and referenced with the project manual. B. Related Sections 1.2 1. Earth Moving Section 31 2000 2. Lawns Section 32 9200 SUBMITTALS A. Topsoil Agronomic Test Reports: Submit certified copies of topsoil test reports to the Landscape Architect, including testing company recommendations for amending topsoil to meet project specifications. B. One pound sample (enclosed in 3mil clear plastic bag secured with plastic cable tie) of each and every soil and soil component. C. Topographic survey (see Earth Moving Specification) 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Testing 1. The Contractor shall engage and pay for an approved agronomic soil testing laboratory and an approved physical analysis testing laboratory. The cost of testing is the responsibility of the Contractor. Laboratory: A&L Great Lakes Laboratories, Inc. 3505 Conestoga Drive, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46808, phone 260-483-4759 or approved equal. 2. All agronomic soil sampling and testing shall comply with procedures specified in the USDA Ag. Handbook 60: Diagnosis and improvement of Saline and Alkali Soils. B. Required Tests 1. Chemical analysis indicating: a. Fertility: pH, nitrate nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, phosphate phosphorous, potassium, calcium, magnesium. b. Nutrient data to be given in parts per million (ppm). 2. Physical properties including: a. Organic content b. Particle size distribution c. Permeability d. Saturated hydraulic conductivity in one hour. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 32 0513 - 1 PART 2 2.1 - PRODUCTS TOPSOIL A. Any import topsoil from offsite must meet the testing requirements within these specifications. B. Any import topsoil required shall be furnished as specified below: 1. A fertile, friable, loamy surface soil without admixture of subsoil and free of stones, stumps, root, trash, debris, and other materials deleterious to plant growth. 2. The pH range shall be 6.5 to 7.8. Topsoil that does not meet this pH range will be amended by the addition of pH adjusters approved by the Landscape Architect. 3. Nutrient data as follows: Phosphorus Potassium Calcium Magnesium Cation Exchange Capacity Soluble Salt Min. 75 lb./Ac Min. 300 lb./Ac Min. 1,500 ppm Min. 100 ppm Min. 20 mea/100g Max. 1,000 ppm 4. Organic content shall not be less than 3 percent and not greater than 10 percent determined by loss through ignition. 5. Gradation: a. All topsoil shall be ‘pulverized’ and screened. Sieve Designation 1” screen ¼” screen No. 10 U.S.S. mesh sieve No. 140 U.S.S. No. 270 U.S.S. Percent Passing 100 97 - 100 95 - 100 60 - 90 25 - 50 b. Clay content determined by Bouyoucous Hydrometer Test shall range between 5 percent and 25 percent. c. Percentages shall be based on dry weight of the sample. 2.2 ORGANIC MATTER A. Shall be comprised of one of the following: manure, or peat moss. composted leaf mulch, well-rotted B. Shall contain no deleterious elements. C. Shall contain no material larger than 1” in composite diamter. PART 3 - EXECUTION COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 32 0513 - 2 3.1 SOIL AMENDMENTS A. If topsoil amendments are required as determined by the testing lab in order to meet project specifications, incorporate such amendments in a manner approved by the Landscape Architect at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.2 TOPSOIL INSTALLATION A. Subgrade Preparation 1. Maintain rough grades in the areas to be topsoiled in a uniform condition so as to prevent future depressions. Prior to placing topsoil, repair disturbances to previously graded areas and remove surplus subgrade material associated with any landscape construction. Scarify areas to a depth of 6 inches prior to topsoil placement. Scarifications to have a maximum 2 foot separation and be cut in two directions, one perpendicular to the other. B. Placing Topsoil 1. Uniformly distribute topsoil on lawn areas in sufficient quantity to provide minimum full depth, as shown on drawings, of soil after compaction and finish grading. Topsoil shall be spread, cultivated and lightly compacted to prevent future settlement, dragged and graded to finished grade. 2. Topsoil, when placed, shall be dry enough so as not to puddle or bond. Do not place topsoil when the subgrade is frozen, excessively wet, extremely dry or in a condition otherwise detrimental to proper grading or lawn operation. C. Finished Grades 1. Finished grades shall slope to drain, be free of depressions or other irregularities after thorough settlement and compaction of soil, and shall be uniform in slope between grading controls and the elevations indicated. Maximum tolerance from design elevation shall be ½”. 2. Finished grade for lawn areas shall meet existing grades at contract limits and be ½ inch below finished grade. 3. All finished grading in lawn shall slope to drain properly and leave no standing water in any area as determined in the sole opinion of the Landscape Architect. END OF SECTION COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 32 0513 - 3 FOR REFERENCE SECTION 32 8000 IRRIGATION SYSTEMS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Provide all engineering, labor, associated materials (whether specified or not), equipment, and supervision required to construct the irrigation system including, but not limited to: 1. Valves, mechanical and electric. 2. Field wiring. 3. Piping; subsurface and pressure. 4. Sprinkler heads, both rotary, spray and quick coupling valves. 5. Irrigation Controllers. 1.2 SCOPE OF WORK A. Immediately upon notice to proceed the contractor shall prepare irrigation shop drawings for the entire irrigation system. The shop drawings shall include all of the information indicated under 1.11.D and include the manufacturer and model number of all materials. The shop drawings shall also identify all connections to the existing irrigation mains and proposed electrical junction boxes. The shop drawings must be designed by a Certified Irrigation Designer (CID) and shall also include the designer’s CID certification number and seal. Catalog cuts for all materials shall accompany the shop drawings. B. The Contractor shall identify, in the shop drawings, the need for the extension of any irrigation mains or electrical lines to provide service to the automated controllers. C. Shop drawings shall indicate appropriate valving as shown on the plans. Valves shall be added to the irrigation main (4” and larger) as necessary to provide: 1. Valves at all connections to irrigation mains (connections to mains 4” and larger). 2. Valves along any mainline pipe to be constructed shall be spaced at no more than 500 feet along the mainline. 3. Valves shall be located at all tees such that each mainline pipe radiating from the tee can be isolated by closing no more than 3 valves. 4. Valves shall be located on either side of roadway crossings. 5. Valves shall be located on either side of driveway or parking lot crossing such that the crossing can be isolate with no more than 4 zones being out of service. D. The Contractor’s designer shall confirm that designs presented in the plans and add heads or reconfigure the system as necessary to provide 100% double coverage of all irrigated areas shown in the plans. Contractor shall also confirm that all pipe sizes are adequate for the anticipated flows for each of the zones. No additional compensation will be provided for additional heads, valves, piping or other necessary equipment that is necessary to provide adequate coverage of all areas to be irrigated. The contractor must provide a system that meets the audit requirements outlined under paragraph 3.5 below for the lump sum fee listed in the proposal. No COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 32 8000 - 1 additional compensation will be provided for adjustments/modifications to the system (either before or after the review of shop drawings) to meet the audit criteria. E. The Irrigation Contractor shall coordinate with the Landscape Contractor and Irrigation Auditor and make recommendation for a watering schedule for this specific project. The recommendation should take into account soils and plant material for this project. The recommended watering schedule shall be submitted to the Owner in writing for review and comment. The watering schedule, as modified by the Owners, shall be input into the irrigation controller prior to the punch list walk through. 1.3 SUBMITTALS AND SUBSTITUTIONS A. Irrigation systems shall be installed with Hunter or Rainbird components as identified in the subsequent sections or approved equal equipment, including sprinkler heads, controllers, subsurface irrigation and valves. B. Submittal for substitutions shall be documented with the bid and shall include hydraulic calculations, substituted products detailed specifications and locations for all substituted equipment. Any bid which contains products that do not meet the specification of the equipment specified herein shall be rejected at the owner’s option. C. Cut sheets shall be submitted for all specified products. Substitutions shall be submitted prior to biding based on the substitution process in General Conditions and herein. D. Materials, equipment and methods of installation shall comply with, at a minimum, the following codes and standards: 1. All local and state laws and ordinances, and with all the established codes applicable thereto. 2. National Electrical Code. 3. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 4. National Sanitation Foundation (NSF). 1.4 EXAMINATION OF SITE A. The contractor acknowledges that he has examined the site, and the submission of his bid shall be considered evidence that examination and acceptance of plan, details and specification has been made. B. The Contractor shall provide and pay for all transportation required to deliver and remove from the site all materials and equipment, as required for all the work shown and specified. 1.5 CONDUCT OF WORK A. The Contractor shall maintain a skilled foreman on the site during the entire installation of his work. The foreman shall have the authority to act for all matters pertaining to the work. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordination of his work with the other trades. C. The Contractor shall confine his operations to the areas to be improved and to the COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 32 8000 - 2 areas allotted him for materials and storage. 1.6 DELIVERIES, HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Materials shall be delivered to the site in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations for shipment and protection of materials. B. Handling of materials as recommended by manufacturer. C. Storage of all materials in locations designated and approved by Owner. D. The Contractor shall be responsible for securing all material stored on site. The Owner shall not be responsible for the theft of any materials or equipment until said materials and/or equipment have been accepted and turned over to the Owner for it’s operation and maintenance. 1.7 CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITY A. The Contractor shall be responsible for his work, to include his subcontractors and every part thereof and for all materials, tools, and property of every description used in connection therewith. B. The Contractor shall protect the Owner against all liabilities, claims, or demands for injuries or damages to any person or property growing out of the performance of the work under this contract. 1.8 CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS A. Contractor’s qualifications: Minimum of 3 years’ experience installing irrigation systems of comparable size and scope. References and Client contact information for a minimum of 3 similar projects completed within the last 5 years. The contractor shall be listed as a “Certified Irrigation Contractor” (CIC) by the Irrigation Association of Falls Church, VA. No contract shall be issued without documented verification of qualification requirement. The contractor shall provide a copy of their CIC and CID certificate with the bid. 1.9 CODES, INSPECTIONS, LICENSES AND PERMITS A. The entire installation shall fully comply with all local and state laws and ordinances and with all the established codes applicable thereto including Owner. B. The Contractor shall take out all required permits, arrange for all necessary inspections and shall pay any fees and expenses in conjunction with the same as a part of the work under this Section. 1.10 SITE CONDITIONS A. Take precautions to insure that equipment and vehicles do not disturb or damage existing site grading, walks, curbs, pavements, utilities, plants, and other existing items and elements on public and private property. B. Repair damage caused by Contractor’s negligence at no cost to the Owner. It is the Contractors responsibility to document the existing conditions with photographs. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 32 8000 - 3 C. Existing Utilities: 1. Verify locations and depths of all underground utilities prior to commencing excavation. The Contractor shall contact JULIE for the location of all utilities on public rights-of-way. 2. Locate existing non-private underground utilities in areas of work. If utilities are to remain in place, provide adequate means of support and protection during this work. 3. Private utilities shall be located by the Contractor at the Contractor’s expense prior to commencement of work. 4. Public and/or private underground utilities that are damaged during to course of excavation processes shall be repaired by the Contractor at their sole expense. 5. If unmarked or incorrectly marked utilities be encountered during excavation, contact Owner and utility owner immediately for direction. 6. Cooperate with Owner and utility companies in keeping respective services and facilities in full operation at all times. 7. Do not interrupt existing utilities serving facilities occupied and used by Owner or others during occupied hours, except when permitted in writing by Owner and, then, only after acceptable temporary utility services have been provided. 8. Provide minimum of 48-hour notice to Owner and Owner’s Representative and receive written notice to proceed before interrupting any utility. D. Underground Structures 1. Underground structures, including boulders that are encountered during excavation that are in conflict with the proposed work shown on the plan shall be avoided if possible by adjustment of the depth or alignment of the proposed work. 2. The proposed work shall still meet the requirements for minimum depth and any changes in the alignment shall be documented on the record drawings. 3. If alignment and depth adjustment cannot be made and it becomes necessary to remove the obstruction or structure in conflict, the Contractor shall be paid for additional cost incurred for removal of conflicting structure. 4. All additional work for which the Contractor is seeking additional compensation must be documents in writing and approved in advance. E. Protection of Persons and Property: 1. Barricade open excavations occurring as part of this work and post warning lights. 2. Operate warning lights as recommended by authorities having jurisdiction. 3. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, curbs, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by this work. Any damage to existing facilities shown to remain shall be repaired or replaced at the Owner’s option, at the expense of the Contractor. 1.11 SUBMITTALS 1. Record Drawings in accordance with paragraph 1.13. 2. Irrigation Audit Documentation, calculations and report in accordance with paragraph 3.5 3. Valve Keys (if any are required under section 2.0) 4. Quick coupler keys (if any are required under section 2.0) COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 32 8000 - 4 1.12 INSPECTIONS A. Inspection of completed work will be performed by the College or their representative. In general the inspections will be performed as the work progresses. However, the following coordination is required. 1. The contractor shall notify the when thrust blocking has been installed and shall leave all thrust block exposed for inspection by the College. 2. All installed pipe connections and fittings shall have evidence that a two-step gluing process has been used and purple primer shall be visible on all joints. 3. All pipe spigot ends shall be marked with a permanent marker such that the insertion length into fitting bells can be verified after joints have been made. 4. All valve installation shall be inspected by the College prior to backfilling. The contractor shall allow 24-hours for the College to perform all valve inspections. Documentation of valve inspections will be required prior to progress payments payment. 1.13 POST CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTATION A. After completion of the system installation, the Contractor shall furnish to the Owner, three sets of “Drawings of Record” on D size (24” x 36”) paper. The Contractor shall also furnish the drawings electronically in AutoCAD 2007 format on a CD-ROM. Both electronic and hard copies of the “Drawings of Record” shall be submitted to the College for approval within 30 days of substantial completion. B. Dimensions from two fixed points for all main line isolation valves, zone valves, and wire splice boxes will be required on the “Drawings of Record”. C. Record drawings shall be provide, reviewed and approved prior to the punchlist walk through so that accuracy can be confirmed during the walk through. D. The record drawings shall include the following at a minimum: 1. Mainline and Lateral Pipes and their types and sizes; 2. Control valve locations, sizes, zone numbers and areas of coverage; 3. Manual shut off valves and their sizes; 4. Sprinkler heads (with sizes and manufactures model number); 5. Quick couplers (with sizes); 6. Valve boxes (with sizes and type); 7. sleeves (with pipe type and sizes); 8. Sprinklers, controller, rain shut off device, filter, and back flow prevention equipment (if necessary); 9. Points of connection including type of water sources, size, flow rates, and operating pressure range; 10. Electrical Connection and details; 11. Control wire locations, splice locations, splice box locations and connection details; 12. Dates and Scale; COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 32 8000 - 5 13. Contractor’s name, address and telephone number; 14. Contractor’s license number (where applicable); 15. Designer’s names, address, and telephone number; 16. Designer’s professional registration number (where applicable); E. Provide the manufacturers' recommended operating instructions for all major components incorporated into the irrigation system. F. Provide system operation manuals, maintenance schedules, and recommended schedule of operation including average application rates, with seasonal adjustments for each zone. G. Provide all required testing and inspection certificates to the owner or owner’s representative. H. 2 full size hard copies, and a CD-ROM with PDF and AutoCAD ver. 2007 shall be provided of all post construction documents. 1.14 GUARANTEE A. The irrigation system contractor shall assume full responsibility for the proper installation of the system. The irrigation system contractor shall make all, warranty repairs within 48 hours. B. For a period of one (1) year from the date of Owner’s acceptance of maintenance and operation of work performed under this Section, the Contractor shall promptly furnish and install any and all parts and equipment, which prove defective in material, workmanship, or installation at no additional cost to Owner. During construction and the one (1) year guarantee period, the Contractor shall drain and winterize the irrigation system(s) each fall for the winter and shall put the irrigation system(s) back into operation each spring at no additional cost to Owner. C. Any damage to adjacent facilities or landscaping, caused by a warranty failure or warranty repair of the irrigation work performed under this contract shall be repaired at no cost to the Owner. All repairs shall be made by a Contractor that is has expertise with the type of repair to be performed and is acceptable to the Owner. D. The Contractor will not be responsible for routine maintenance during the warranty period. E. The warranty period shall start upon the Owner’s acceptance of operation and maintenance responsibilities as defined under Section 3.6. PART 2- PRODUCTS 2.1 SPRINKLER HEADS - SPRAY TYPE (Hunter PRS 30 formerly Institutional spray or approved equal): A. The sprinkler shall be of the fixed spray type designed for in-ground installation. The sprinkler shall be capable of accepting all Hunter Institutional spray, stream, flood, and micro spray nozzles and male-threaded risers and extenders. The sprinkler shall operate within a 20 - 30 PSI pressure range. B. The body and cap of the sprinkler shall be injection molded from ABS, a noncorrosive, impact-resistant, UV-resistant, heavy-duty plastic material. The sprinkler shall have a screen filter, stainless steel or plastic. C . The sprinkler shall have a single-piece riser/body seal that flushes only upon retraction to clear any debris from around the riser, and a stainless steel spring to ensure positive retraction. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 32 8000 - 6 The seal shall have no flush during pop-up to allow the maximum number of sprinklers per station. D. The sprinkler shall be capable of nozzle alignment via a two-piece ratcheting riser. The sprinkler shall be available in models with a check valve that will prevent low head drainage with elevation differences up to 7'. Sprinklers Heads that have a side inlet, shall have a 1/2" NPT plug installed in the side inlet. E. All Sprinkler head shall have a rubber top and be marked “non-potable water”. 2.2 SPRINKLER HEADS - SPRAY TYPE (Hunter PRS 40 or approved equal): A. The sprinkler shall be of the fixed spray type designed for in-ground installation. The sprinkler shall be capable of accepting all Hunter Institutional spray, stream, flood, and micro spray nozzles and male-threaded risers and extenders. The sprinkler shall operate within a 30 - 40 PSI pressure range. B. The body and cap of the sprinkler shall be injection molded from ABS, a noncorrosive, impact-resistant, UV-resistant, heavy-duty plastic material. The sprinkler shall have a screen filter, stainless steel or plastic. C. The sprinkler shall have a single-piece riser/body seal that flushes only upon retraction to clear any debris from around the riser, and a stainless steel spring to ensure positive retraction. The seal shall have no flush during pop-up to allow the maximum number of sprinklers per station. D. The sprinkler shall be capable of nozzle alignment via a two-piece ratcheting riser. The sprinkler shall be available in models with a check valve that will prevent low head drainage with elevation differences up to 7'. Sprinklers Heads that have a side inlet, shall have a 1/2" NPT plug installed in the side inlet. E. All Sprinkler head shall have a rubber top and be marked “non-potable water”. 2.3 SPRINKLER HEADS – ROTOR TYPE (Hunter I-20 Ultra SS, I-25, I-35, I-40 or approved equal): A. The full- or part-circle sprinklers shall be a gear-driven rotary type. Part-circle models shall be adjustable. The sprinkler shall have interchangeable nozzles with a radius adjustment screw. B. The body and cap of the sprinkler shall be molded of a non-corrosive, impactresistant, UV-resistant, heavy-duty plastic material. The sprinkler shall have a plastic filter screen sized to prevent entry of foreign material to the nozzle. All components shall be removable from the top of the sprinkler case. C. The sprinkler shall have a single-piece stainless steel riser/body seal that regulates flushing during pop-up and retraction to clear any debris from around the riser, and a heavy-duty stainless steel spring to ensure positive retraction. D. The sprinkler shall be capable of accepting any one of 24 nozzles. The nozzles shall be available in short and standard trajectories. E. All Sprinkler head shall have a rubber top and be marked “non-potable water”. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 32 8000 - 7 2.4 QUICK COUPLING VALVES: A. Quick Coupling Valves: Rainbird 1” Quick Coupler Model 5LRC (or approved equal). B. Install quick coupling valve (as per detail). C. Provide (2) matching quick coupler keys per project site (i.e. 2 each for projects 13-6, 13-7 etc.) with hose swivels. 2.5 AUTOMATIC CONTROL VALVES A. Automatic control valves shall be Hunter ICV Filter Sentry series (or approved equal) of the size specified in the plans. B. Solenoid control valves shall be completely serviceable while installed in line or shall have a union connection on the downstream side; shall have body and bonnet constructed of heavy-duty glass-filled nylon, a flow control device; shall operate on approximately 24 volts, be normally closed, be slow-closing globe type; and shall be SPECIFIED BY the College of DuPage Grounds Department as the automatic controller used in the work. C. Pressure reduction riser in-line spring check valve, if any, shall have a body constructed of type PVC. The valve stem shall be 18-8 stainless steel with BUNA-N poppet seal. The 1/2pound spring shall be 18-8 stainless steel. The valve shall have male x female threads, 3/4 inch NPT. D. Valves used in the electrically controlled automatic system shall be a globe / angle configuration. E. All valves shall have, and external and internal bleed to manually turn them on. A. Valves 1 ½” and larger shall have a manual flow control. B. Valves size and location – refer to plan. C. All automatic control valves shall be marked with the corresponding zone number with a stamped brass disc permanently affixed to the valve body. 2.2 CONTROLLER A. Controller shall be Hunter ACC 4200SS (with 42 station capacity installed) with stainless steel cabinet. B. If the plans state the Hunter ACC-4200 SS to be mounted on a stainless steel pedestal it should be an ACC-4200SS with an ACC-PED-SS C. At a minimum, Controller shall have a 365 minimum day calendar, 0 – 10 hour station run times, seasonal adjust from 0% - 200%. D. Controller to have a Rain/weather Sensor port built into the unit. E. The Controller shall include an integrated smartport for the ICR and SRR remote receivers. F. Controller to have all necessary equipment and ports and shall provide cellular/gsm interconnection option (ACC-COM-GSM) at each new controller location. G. Electrical service for the proposed controller will be available within 10 feet of the proposed controller location. The Contractor will be responsible for extending the electrical service up to 10 feet from an existing junction box or existing irrigation controller. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 32 8000 - 8 2.3 WEATHER SENSOR A. A weather sensor shall be installed at each new controller location and shall be a Hunter solar sync-senor approved equal. B. The weather sensor shall be capable of interrupting the power from the irrigation controller to the valves when rainfall exceeds a pre-selected amount. C. The weather sensor shall carry a conditional five-year exchange warranty. D. Installation location shall be coordinated with the College staff. E. Installation shall be per the manufacturers recommendations. F. No wiring will be permitted on the exterior of the building. 2.4 WIRE AND FITTINGS A. When selecting the wire take into consideration the length of wire run, static water pressure, the primary input voltage to the controller and the number of valves on the system that will run simultaneously. B. All field wiring (electrical control wires) shall be type PE copper for operation of 600 maximum voltage. Consult with the owner regarding the use of single or multi stranded wire and wire gauge. C. Make field wire connections with King waterproof wire nuts (or approved equal) and provide expansion turns at every 200-foot with 6 feet of slack at each electric valve. (All wiring shall be installed in accordance with local and national electrical codes requirements and Installed as per manufacturer’s recommendation.) D. All wire connections shall be made using UL approved connectors. E. All field control wire shall be UL approved direct bury wire. F. Any multiple valves operating on one zone shall have its own signal wire from the controller. G. Any future wires stubbed from initial installation must run from controller to approximate location (show on plan) and installed in a valve box. H. Future wires shall be a different color from initial installation. Ten feet of slack wire shall left at controller box location. 2.5 I. No splices of the wire will be allowed between valves or the controller. In the event that a splice is required or at the direction/approval of the owner, the splice shall be made in a valve box per 2.16 below. J. There shall be a minimum of 6 spare wires in each cable used to connect the controller to the automatic control valves. These wires shall be marked at each end with waterproof marking tape as spares. P.V.C. PIPING: A. All PVC Piping shall be sized as shown on drawings. B. All 2” and larger pipe shall be virgin, high impact, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe. And rated for 175 PSI for continuous service as 73 degree F and meet SDR 21 dimensions ratio for wall thickness. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 32 8000 - 9 C. Pipe shall conform to A.S.T.M. (American Society for Testing and Materials) standards D2241 & D2672 or latest revision. D. Materials shall conform to all requirements of A.S.T.M., D1784, or latest revision. E. All PVC pipe shall be furnished in 20’-0” lengths. All lateral line pipe shall have one end belled for solvent weld connection. F. All PVC pipe shall be continuously and permanently marked with manufacturer’s name, material, size, and schedule or type. G. A two-step gluing process must be used. H. All PVC mainline piping shall include the installation of a trace wire. The trace wire shall be connected and exposed within each valve box to allow for the location of all mainline piping from the valves back to the sources. 2.6 PIPE FITTINGS: A. Solvent weld P.V.C. or EBAA Iron Megalug Ductile Iron fittings shall be allowed at the Contractor’s option. B. P.V.C. 1. All pipe fittings shall be Schedule 40, and constructed for solvent weld attachment to PVC pipe. All Schedule 40 fittings shall be full sized. Any required reduction of pipe size shall be accomplished with slip by slip or slip by female pipe thread reducer bushings. Molded reducing type fittings will not be accepted. 2. Conform to ASTM D-1784, ASTM D-2466. 3. A two step gluing process shall be used and purple primer shall be visible at all joints and fittings. See Section 2.20. C. Ductile Iron 1. All ductile iron fittings shall be EBAA Iron Inc. Megalug Series 2000PV or approved equal. 2. All ductile iron fittings shall be Constructed of ASTM A536 Ductile Iron 3. All ductile iron fittings shall include Torque Limiting Twist-Off Nuts 4. All ductile iron fittings shall have MEGA-BOND® Restraint Coating System 5. The Mechanical Joint Follower Gland shall be incorporated into the restraint 6. Heavy Duty thick wall design 7. Include all accessories complete with appropriate restraint, gasket, lubrication, and bolting hardware. 8. Install in accordance with manufacturer recommendations 2.7 POLYETHYLENE PIPE: A. All pipe 1-1/2” and smaller pipe shall be flexible non-toxic polyethylene pipe made from 100% virgin material meeting N.S.F. (National Sanitation Foundation) standard #14 for use in pressure potable water applications, for 800 design stress. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 32 8000 - 10 B. All sizes shall have a minimum 100 P.S.I. working pressure rating. All polyethylene pipe shall be continuously and permanently marked with the manufacturer’s name, material, size, and schedule. Pipe shall conform to A.S.T.M., D2239, and D1248 (3C5PE34) or latest revision. C. All polyethylene pipe shall be furnished in minimum 100-foot rolls. D. The polyethylene pipe shall be as manufactured by Cresline, Eagle Plastics or approved equal. 2.8 POLYETHYLENE FITTINGS: A. All polyethylene fittings shall be the plastic insert type and used in conjunction with crimp type stainless steel clamps. Combination FPT insert tees or insert ells shall be used to connect the sprinkler heads to the polyethylene pipe. B. The insert fittings shall be as manufactured by Cresline, Spears or an approved equal. C. The clamps shall be as manufactured by Otiker or an approved equal. Two clamps per fitting shall be used. D. Tapping saddles for connection of polyethylene pipe to PVC pipe will not be allowed. 2.9 SLEEVES: A. Sleeving for all irrigation piping and control wires shall be provided beneath all pavement and walks and shall be two times the diameter of the pipe to be inserted or as shown on the plans. Sleeve pipe material shall be a minimum of Schedule 80 PVC if the pipe is to be installed by open cut or directional bore and shall be galvanized steel if to be installed by pushing or ramming. B. The contractor shall be responsible for providing sleeves for all irrigation crossings regardless of whether or not they are shown on the plans. If additional sleeves are required, they shall be installed at no cost to the owner and shall be shown on the shop drawings. C. The ends of all sleeves shall be permanently marked on the pavements above each sleeve. An “I” shall be chiseled or sawed into the pavement above ach end of the sleeve. 2.10 THRUST BLOCK: A. Provide thrust blocks at all changes in direction of mainline piping, elbows, plugs, and the opposite side of tee branches. B. Thrust blocks shall be installed upon all constant-pressure pipe or mainline pipe of 3” diameter or greater. C. Thrustblocks shall be poured PC concrete at all changes in direction of 45 degrees and greater, all tees, and end caps, on all pipes 3” diameter and larger. D. All thrust blocks must be inspected by the College or their representative prior to backfilling. If the thrust blocking is not witnessed and documented by the College staff prior to backfilling, the Contractor may be required to excavate and expose thrust blocking prior to approval of the system and final payment. All cost for exposing the thrustblocks shall be borne solely by the Contractor. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 32 8000 - 11 2.11 SWING JOINTS: A. Rotary Sprinkler head and Quick Couplers (and any head with a 1” or larger connection) Swing joints shall be utilized to connect all rotary sprinkler heads and quick couplers to the lateral piping. Swing joints shall be PVC double O-ring swing joint, sch 80 wall thickness as manufactured by the Spears Company SJ-2A-0701 or an approved equal. Swing Joint Riser Assemblies carry a rated working pressure of 315 psi at 73°F and are pressure tested to Schedule 80 specifications per ASTM D1599, long term (1000 hours) and pressure tested to Class 315 specifications per ASTM D1598. Swing Joint Riser Assemblies shall have a Five (5) Year Standard Product Warranty B. Rotary Sprinkler head and Quick Couplers (and any head with a ¾” connection) - Swing joints shall be utilized to connect all rotary sprinkler heads to the lateral piping. Swing joints shall be PVC double O-ring swing joint, sch 80 wall thickness as manufactured by Rainbird (TSJ-12075) or an approved equal. Swing Joint Riser Assemblies carry a rated working pressure of 315 psi at 73°F and are pressure tested to Schedule 80 specifications per ASTM D1599, long term (1000 hours) and pressure tested to Class 315 specifications per ASTM D1598. Swing Joint Riser Assemblies shall have a Five (5) Year Standard Product Warranty C. Spray Heads (and any head with a 1/2” or smaller connection) – Flexible Swing joints shall be utilized to connect all spray sprinkler heads to the lateral piping. Flexible swing joints shall be manufactured by Dura Plastic Products (FSM-005) or approved equal. Swing joint must have a 315 p.s.i. working pressure rating under ASTM 3139 Standard. Assembly shall be protected by a 4-Year Performance Warranty. D. The swing joint shall allow stable positioning of the sprinkler to grade during installation and allow flexibility in three dimensions to reposition the sprinkler head. E. The connections shall be any combination of a tapered 1/2", 3/4" or 1” Male National Pipe Thread, as specified. 2.12 MANUAL VALVES A. 2” diameter and greater a. All Isolation Valves shall be AWWA approved iron body resilient seal wedge disc, non-rising stem with a square operating nut and flanged hubs sized for IPS PVS pipe. b. All Isolation Valves shall be as manufactured by American Flow Control, Waterous or an approved equal. The Contractor shall provide the Owner with two isolation valve operating keys. c. Any necessary ductile iron fittings shall be as manufactured by Harrington Corporation or approved equal. d. Manual Shut off valves shall be located as indicated on the plans and as detailed in this Specification Section paragraph 1.2.C and the valve box details as specified in this Specification Section. e. Provide one (1) valve keys per project site (i.e. 1 each for projects 13-6, 13-7, etc.). B. Less than 2” diameter a. Chrome plated brass ball, silicon bronze stem b. Blowout-proof stem c. Standard lever handle COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 32 8000 - 12 d. Threaded end connections e. Dezincification resistant f. Conforms to MSS SP-110 g. All valve shall have a threaded connection on each side of the valve integral to the valve body. 2.13 VALVE AND CONTROL ACCESS BOXES A. Control valve boxes shall be located in 10-inch diameter valve pits or 16x10-3/4x12 inch rectangular boxes for individual valves. Multiple valves shall be placed in larger rectangular boxes as appropriate. B. Quick coupler valve boxes shall be located in 10-inch diameter round valve pits. C. Individual manual valves shall be located in 10-inch diameter round valve pits or 16x103/4x12 inch (12” x 18” nominal) rectangular boxes for individual valves. D. All valve boxes shall be Pentek Irrigation Turf Boxes or an approved equal. The box and cover color shall be green. 2.14 TRACE MATERIALS A. Trace materials is require for all irrigation piping including laterals. B. Trace wire shall be buried directly with the proposed irrigation pipe. C. Trace wire for irrigation pipes shall be installed with 2’ feet of slack in each valve box. All trace wires shall be joined with a wire nut and a single pigtail No. 14 wire shall be provided for signal hook up. D. Metalic core trace tape for lateral lines shall be installed with 2’ of slack in each valve box and shall be tied together in a manner that will allow a signal lead to be attached to one location such that all terminated tape received the signal. E. Plastic trace tape shall be installed with 2’ of slack in each valve box and shall be tied together. F. All trace materials shall be neatly organized within each valve box so that maintenance access to valves is not impeded. G. Trace materials shall meet the requirements of Section 31 2316 except as modified below. The following irrigation pipes will be installed with the listed trace materials: 1. 4” dia. and greater mainline pipes - No. 6 insulated copper wire AND plastic trench tape at 12” below grade. 2. Less than 4” dia. mainline pipes - No. 14 insulated copper wire AND plastic trench tape at 12” below grade. 3. Lateral pipes - EITHER No. 14 insulated copper wire OR metallic core trace tape. H. Trace wire insulation and all trace tapes shall be purple in color. Trace tape shall be imprinted with the words “irrigation” or “reclaimed water” in text along the length of the tape. I. Main line pipes are those pipes between the water source and the automated irrigation valves. Lateral pipe are those pipes that are located between the automated irrigation valves and the irrigation heads. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 32 8000 - 13 2.15 CONTROL VALVE TAGS Tags shall be 1-1/2” x 5” x 1/16” thick, and be manufactured of solid brass. Text shall be ¾” Aerial (Bold) font etched 1/32” into the tag. Each tag shall have a ¼” dia. perforation ½” from one end of the tag. The word “ZONE” shall be stamped on the tag followed by the zone number from the irrigation system as-built or as directed by the College. Tags shall be permanently secured to the valve with a stainless steel chain. 2.16 PVC CEMENT MATERIALS A. Cement 1. Christie Red Hot & Blue Glue or approved equal 2. Suitable for use with PVC Types I & II, potable water, DWV, and SW pipe and fittings up to 6” diameter. Schedules 40 and 80. 3. Cement color: Clear 4. VOC Level: 510 gpl 5. Meets ASTM D2564 6. MSDS # 92 & 367 B. Primer 1. Christies Purple Primer or approved equal 2. Suitable for use with PVC pipe and fittings, schedule 40 & Schedule 80. 3. Primer color: Purple 4. VOC Level: 510 gpl 5. Meets ASTM F656, MSDS #62 & 372 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 LAYOUT A. As shown on Drawings. B. Irrigation system layout is diagrammatic. The Contractor in the field shall establish exact locations of piping, sprinkler heads, subsurface irrigation, valves, and other components at time of installation and on the approved shop drawings. 1. Space sprinkler components as indicated and as per manufacture recommendations. 2. Minor adjustments in system layout will be permitted to clear existing fixed obstructions; final system layout shall be acceptable to the Owner’s Representative based on the approved shop drawings. 3.2 TIMING A. The successful bidder must agree to commence work on or before a date to be specified in a written “Notice to Proceed” and to fully complete the work within the number of calendar days shown on his bid form. B. Coordinate time schedule with Owner’s representative and adjacent work performed by others in separate contracts. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 32 8000 - 14 3.3 INSTALLATION 1. Excavation and Backfilling: Excavation shall include all materials encountered, except materials that cannot be excavated by normal mechanical means. 2. Excavated trenches of sufficient depth and width to permit proper handling and installation of pipe, wire and fittings. 3. If the pulling method is used (except subsurface and drip), the pipe “plow” shall be a vibratory type. 4. Excavate to depths required to provide 2” depth of earth fill or sand bedding for piping when rock or other unsuitable bearing material is encountered. 5. Fill to match adjacent grade elevations with approved earth fill material. Place and compact fill in layers not greater than 6” depth immediately after the backfill has been placed. Care shall be taken not to disturb the pipe or its foundation. 6. Provide approved earth fill or sand to a point 4” above the top of pipe. 7. Overfill with approved excavated or borrow fill materials free of lumps or rocks larger than 3” in any dimension. Level, compact, and water settle. Should settlement occur, refill and re-sod as required at no additional cost to the Owner. 8. Except as indicated, install irrigation mains at the depth indicated under 1.3.H.2. 9. Excavate trenches and install piping and fill during the same working day. Do not leave open trenches or partially filled trenches open overnight. 10. A trace wire shall be included with the installation of all PVC main line piping. The trace wire shall be continuous and without splice in all trenches. Any splicing shall be performed in valve boxes. Trace wire shall be visible and accessible in all valve boxes for the mainline piping. Trace wire shall be taped or fastened to the centerline of the pipe at 10 foot centers such that the trace wire is not dislodged from the pipe during backfill operations. 11. Installation for the PVC lateral piping shall be either open cut trench or vibratory plow. B. Pressure Plastic Pipe: 1. Install plastic pipe in accordance with manufacturer’s installation instructions. 2. All spigot ends of pipe shall be marked, with a permanent marker, such that the insertion length of the pipe can be verified after pipe joints have been completed. 3. Saw cut square. Remove all burrs and shavings from saw cuts. 4. Make plastic-to-plastic joints with a 2 step solvent welded joints or slip seal joints. Use only solvent recommended by the pipe manufacturer. Install plastic pipe fittings in accordance with pipe manufacturer’s instructions. 5. Allow joints to set at least 24 hours before pulling or pressure is applied to the system. 6. All solvent weld joints are to be completed using the primer and a heavy body PVC cement indicated in section 2.20. 7. Uncoil poly-pipe and insert fitting full depth. Install fitting and crimp type connectors per manufactures recommendation. 8. Maintain pipe interiors free of dirt and debris. Close open ends of pipe by acceptable methods when pipe installation is not in progress and over all non- working hours. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 32 8000 - 15 9. Piping layout indicated is diagrammatic only. Route piping to avoid plants, ground cover and structures. 10. Pipe may be installed by open cut or vibratory plow. All open cut installation shall be restored with trench spoil material similar to that which was excavated. 11. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to provide adequate protection to compensate for expansion or contraction of the plowed pipe during installation. Plowed pipe should be provided with adequate time to adjust to ground temperature before any connections are made. 12. Pipe shall be installed to the following minimum depths: Pipe Size Control Wire Irrigation Pipe - 1" Irrigation Pipe - 2" Irrigation Pipe - 3" Irrigation Pipe - 4" Irrigation Pipe - 6" Irrigation Pipe - 8" Depth below finished grade 18” 18" 18" 18" 24" 30" 30" C. Sprinklers, fittings, valves, and accessories: 1. Install fittings, valves, sprinkler heads, risers, and accessories in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, except as otherwise indicated. 2. All piping, valves, and fittings are to be adequately supported, anchored, braced or strapped to withstand hydraulic thrust. Provide concrete thrust blocks where required at fittings and valves. Special attention shall be paid to ensure that the thrust block mass is sufficient to restrain pipe, valve or fitting movement. 3. All horizontal bends on mainlines shall be buttressed with either poured concrete or concrete block as all changes in direction. Concrete buttress dimensions shall be determined in the field by the contractor. 4. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to provide adequate protection to compensate for expansion or contraction of the plowed pipe during installation. Plowed pipe should be provided with adequate time to adjust to ground temperature before any connections are made. 5. Set sprinkler heads perpendicular to finish grades, except as otherwise indicated or as per manufacturer’s recommendations. 6. Locate sprinkler equipment as per Shop Drawings. Any deviations from Shop Drawings shall be approved by owner’s representative. Do not exceed sprinkler head spacing distances indicated on plan. 7. Install quick-coupling valves in minimum 10” valve box and on 3 elbow swing joint assembly as per manufacturer’s recommendation. 8. Install automated irrigation head in funny pipe connects as specified elsewhere in this specification. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 32 8000 - 16 9. Install fittings and accessories as shown or required to complete the system. 10. Install controller as detailed. 11. Waterproof wire conduit to provide a complete, waterproof, permanent, and neat job. 12. Ground controller in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. 13. Install in-ground control valves in a valve access box as indicated. 14. Install valve access boxes on a suitable base of gravel to provide a level foundation at proper grade and to provide drainage of the access box. 15. Seal threaded connections on pressure side of control valves as per manufacturer’s recommendations. D. Field Wiring: 1. Required electrical work shall conform to the National Electric Code, latest edition. 2. Install electric control cable in the piping trenches wherever possible. When not possible place wire in trench adjacent to pipe. Install wire with slack to allow for thermal expansion and contraction. Expansion joints in wire may be provided at 200-foot intervals. Where necessary to run wire in a separate trench, provide a minimum cover of 18”. 3. Provide sufficient slack at site connections at remote control valves in control boxes, and at all wire splices to allow raising the valve bonnet or splice to the surface without disconnecting the wires when repair is required. 4. Connect each remote control valve to one station of a controller except as otherwise indicated. 5. Connect remote control valves to a common ground wire system independent of all other controllers. 6. Make field wire connections to remote control electric valves and splices of wire in the field; using UL listed burial splice connectors in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. 7. Mark all wires in splice boxes AND all zone valve boxes to clearly indicate which zone they control (i.e. Controller X, Zone X) which waterproof marking labels. 8. Mark all spare wires in all splice boxes AND all zone valve boxes to clearly indicate which zone they control (i.e. Controller X, Spare X) which waterproof marking labels. E. Sleeves: 1. Sleeves are required where ever the proposed irrigation piping or control wire crosses beneath a paved surface. The following requirements shall be followed: a. Pipe and wire crossing under roads, walkways, permanent fixtures, etc. shall be enclosed in Sleeving. Sleeving depth shall be a minimum of 24” and a maximum of 32” under items crossed (curbs, roadways, pathways.) b. Sleeve diameter shall be a minimum of two size larger than the pipe which is carries. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 32 8000 - 17 c. All sleeves shall extend beyond the edge of paving or construction by a minimum of 12”. d. The ends of all sleeves shall be marked by cutting, grinding or stamping an “I” into the pavement or curb over each end of the sleeve. e. Provide tight joints to prevent leakage of water and corrosion build-up on the joint. F. Flushing, Testing, and Adjustment: 1. Prior to punch list walk through and inspection by the Owners Representative, the Contractor shall perform the following testing. a. After completion of the piping system and prior to backfilling and the installation of the sprinkler heads, the entire system shall be tested for leaks and thoroughly flushed under pressure to remove any dirt, scale, or other material. b. Testing of pipe shall not be done until all joints have had least twenty-four (24) hours to set and cure. During cold weather, refer to cement manufacture recommendation before testing. Do not conduct any testing when temperatures are at, below or fast approaching freezing point. No water under pressure shall come in contact with any joint during the specified curing period. In hot weather, water shall not be permitted to stand in pipes until after backfilling is completed. Water used in testing shall be drained from pipes after completion of testing. c. The test shall consist of pressurizing the system to 180 psi and closing the pump station isolation valve. The pressure in the system shall not drop more than 7 psi in three hours. 2. Upon system completion, perform system testing. Make necessary repairs and retestrepaired sections as required. 3. Adjust sprinklers after installation for proper and adequate distribution of the water over the coverage pattern. Adjust for the proper arc of coverage. 4. Tighten nozzles on spray type sprinklers after installation. 5. Adjust all electric remote control valve flow control stems and pressure regulating devices for system balance where applicable. 6. Test and demonstrate operation of the sprinkler system to the owners representative. 7. Fully flush all subsurface piping manually and demonstrate flush valves for proper operation. 8. After completion and testing of the system, the Contractor will instruct the Owner’s personnel in the proper operation and maintenance of the system to the satisfaction of the Owner’s grounds maintenance supervisor. 3.4 SYSTEM WINTERIZATION A. The irrigation system shall be designed to be winterized by purging the water from the piping system and control valves through the sprinkler heads via the induction of high volume compressed air with a minimum 300 to 450 CFM air compressor. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 32 8000 - 18 B. At a minimum, the first winterization and spring start-up of the newly installed system shall be the responsibility of the Irrigation Contractor that has installed the system. C. The winterization and spring start up requirement shall be utilized to train the Owner’s grounds maintenance personnel in the proper procedure of same. 3.5 NEW INSTALLATION AUDIT REQUIREMENTS A. Prior to turn over, the Irrigation System is to be audited by a certified irrigation auditor as certified by the (IA) Irrigation Association. A copy of the auditors valid certification shall be provided to the College prior to the start of the audit. B. The audit shall not be performed prior to the installation of all proposed landscaping. All turf shall be cut by the Contractor (to the standards of the College) prior to the audit. C. The audit must be performed in accordance with the Irrigation Association Guidelines for a Landscape Irrigation Audit. Attached. D. Each and every zone shall be audited (including performing catchment and associated calculations). A base watering schedule shall be provided to the College. E. The College shall be provided copies of all documentation found in steps 2 and 3 in the attached Irrigation Audit Guidelines F. The results of the audit must provide a uniformity rate (DULQ) of 75% or better for each zone. If the results of the audit do not meet these criteria, the system shall be adjusted/modified (and the audit performed again) at no additional cost to the Owner. The College must be provided copies of all results prior to any adjustments and after adjustments. G. The audit must be completed and all required paperwork submitted to the College within 30 day of substantial completion of construction (weather permitting). The irrigation audit documentation must be submitted and approved by the College and/or their representative prior to the punch list walkthrough and project closeout. H. The Irrigation Audit shall be performed by an independent Certified Irrigation Auditor. The Auditor may not be directly employed by the Certified Irrigation Designer or the Contractor. The selection of an Auditor is subject to the approval of the Owner. The Auditor to be used for this project must be identified on the Bid Form. I. 3.6 All cost related to the audit of the irrigation system shall be included in the base bid. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ACCEPTANCE: A. The College will accept the project for their operation and maintenance once the following have been completed: 1. Completion of all irrigation system construction. 2. Completion of all irrigation punch list work and verification walk through. 3. Completion and acceptance of the Irrigation Audit for all zones. 4. Complete and acceptance of Irrigation As-built drawings. 5. Completion of all landscaping construction. 6. Completion of all landscaping punch list work and verification walk through. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 32 8000 - 19 7. Submittal of a map or exhibit of the areas to be turned over to the College for their operation and maintenance. 8. Written memorandum from Owners representative that the above items have been completed B. A punch list inspection/walk through will consist of the follow key elements: 1. Head count and layout 2. Valve locations and numbering. 3. Controller location(s) 4. System operation 5. As built review 6. Final product submittals, including owner’s manuals, adjustment instructions and performance specifications. 7. Warranty documentation and contact information 8. Written notification, signed by owner’s representative and the contractor, indicating system completion in compliance with drawings, specifications, contracts and industry standards. C. The Contractor shall instruct the Owner in the operation of the system, including adjustment of sprinklers, controller(s) and valves. D. Upon (written) acceptance, the Owner will assume operation and maintenance of the system except that the Contractor shall perform all work required under paragraph 1.14 above. END OF SECTION COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 95% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 32 8000 - 20 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK SECTION 32 9200 LAWNS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section includes spreading and finish grading of topsoil, sod installation and maintenance operations as indicated on plans and specified herein. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 31 1000 Site Preparation B. Section 32 0513 Topsoil C. Section 31 2000 Earth Moving 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Contractor’s Qualifications 1. The work of this section shall be performed by a contractor specializing in sodding landscape installation. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit name of sod grower who will be supplying sod for the project. The Landscape Architect reserves the opportunity to physically inspect the sod, prior to purchase and shipment by contractor, unless other arrangements are made with Landscape Architect. B. Fertilizer manufacturer and material specifications for review and approval by the Landscape Architect. C. Submit to the Landscape Architect the location of the sod supply. Indicate the producers' fields and lane that will be dedicated to the project. The sod supplier shall submit to on-site inspections of the designated area to be used as the sod source by the Landscape Architect. D. The sod supplier shall submit a grow-in schedule for the sod including but not limited to: 1. Water - amount and frequency 2. Fertilization - rates, ratios and timing (include time and amount when sod was last fertilized by grower) 3. Weed control 4. Pest control 5. Mowing - cutting height, frequency, equipment E. At Substantial Completion, supply a detailed maintenance schedule for all maintenance work, as defined in Part 3.7, to take place between Substantial Completion and Operation and Maintenance Acceptance. 1.5 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION A. General: Prior to Substantial Completion review, the Contractor must confirm that the sod has been installed for a minimum of two weeks prior to date of the Substantial Completion walk-through. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS ISSUED FOR BID 02.13.2015 32 9200 - 1 1.6 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ACCEPTANCE A. The College will accept the project for their operation and maintenance once the following have been completed: 1. Completion of all landscape construction. 2. Completion of all landscape punch list work and verification walk though. 3. Written memorandum from the Owner’s Representative that the above items have been completed. 1.7 FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. General: Final inspection and acceptance will be at the end of the turf establishment period. Acceptance will be based upon a satisfactory stand of turf having 100 percent ground cover of species established with no bare areas. Areas, which do not meet the contract requirements, in the sole opinion of the landscape architect, shall be resodded. Repair rejected areas of turf within acceptable planting dates as directed by the Landscape Architect and repair shall be made with sod, not seed. No sod piece shall be smaller than 24” x 54”. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 TOPSOIL A. Refer to Section 32 0513, Topsoil and Planting Mix. 2.2 SOD A. Provide a sod comprised of a blend of at least 4 bluegrass cultivars. Sod shall be 16 to 24 months old. Sod shall be free of any objectionable grass and broad leaf weeds. B. Harvesting procedure 1. Uniformity of cut is required. Sod shall have maximum 1/2” of topsoil across the width and length of each large roll. Edges shall be cut at 90-degree angles to provide for tight fit during installation. 2. Thickness and width shall be kept to strict dimensions. Width shall be a minimum of 24 inches and a minimum length of 54 inches. All sod shall be of the same width. 3. Landscape Architect may reject sod not meeting specifications as determined by the Landscape Architect’s sole judgment. 4. All sod shall be transported to site and placed on the surface to be sodded within twentyfour (24) hours after cutting. 5. Sod cutting and shipping shall be coordinated with the sod installers. 6. Contractor will protect sod against drying and breaking during all stages of harvest, delivery and installation. Any netting associated with harvest and delivery will be removed before sod is installed. 2.3 FERTILIZER A. Initial fertilizer applied to soil before sod installation shall be a complete fertilizer, part of the elements of which are derived from organic sources. The percentages of weight shall be 1010-10, or as modified per recommendation of soil testing results. B. Subsequent fertilizer shall be as identified in 1.4.D.2. and 3.7.D. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 32 9200 - 2 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 FINISH GRADING A. Topsoil 1. Distribute topsoil in quantity sufficient to meet finish grades. Topsoil shall be cultivated, lightly compacted to prevent future settlement, dragged, and graded to finished grade. B. Finished Grades 1. Finished grades shall slope to drain, be free of depressions or other irregularities after thorough settlement and compaction of soil, and shall be uniform in slope between grading controls and the elevations indicated. 2. Finished grade shall meet existing grades at contract limits and be 1” inch below top of curbs and paving. 3. Topsoil shall be graded and compacted to meet existing finish grades. 3.2 PREPARATION A. All weed and other organic material must be removed to root depth prior to placing any sod on topsoil. Weeds shall be removed by application of a weed killer (Round Up Pro or approved equal) used in accordance with IPM requirements minimum 14 days in advance of sodding. After weeds and vegetation have died, use power rake to remove all roots and organic matter. Submit environmentally friendly product alternative for Landscape architects review. 3.3 LAWN INSTALLATION A. Immediately before sodding, scarify, loosen, float and drag topsoil as necessary to bring it to the proper condition. A minimum of a 3” depth of scarification shall be accepted. Remove any organic or inorganic matter larger than 1/2 inch in diameter. B. Uniformly distribute fertilizer by mechanical means at the rate of 40 pounds actual nitrogen per acre. Work fertilizer into the top 3 inches of soil. Cultivating equipment shall be set so that the fertilizer will not penetrate to the soil more than 3 inches. Do not apply fertilizer when there is possibility of rain before lawn areas can be sodded. 3.4 SODDING A. Install sod at least two weeks prior to date of Substantial Completion or as discussed and approved by Landscape Architect. B. Take extra caution in installing sod around irrigation heads and valve boxes as to not damage or bury irrigation items. C. Correct all inequalities and soft spots before the sod is laid. Sod must be installed within 24 hours of harvesting. Lay sod solidly with joints staggered so that no voids occur between the strips. Roll sod with a 200-pound roller within 24 hours after it is laid unless rain occurs. If rain prohibits rolling within those 24 hours, roll sod within the first rain-free 24 hours thereafter. Sodded areas shall be rolled with a 200-pound roller a second time within 7 days after installation. The finished surface shall be true to grade shall be smooth, even, and equally firm at all points. D. Keep sodded areas moist for the maintenance period. After the sod is installed, remove and resod all areas which have browned out or fail to show a uniform stand of grass. E. Install sod with the length of material perpendicular to the finish grade surface drainage pattern. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 32 9200 - 3 F. Install sod so that the only pieces less than 24” x 54” are located adjacent to planting areas or buildings and not paved surfaces or curbed areas. G. To control weeds, sod installed prior to May 15th or after September 15th must have a ‘Lawn Pro Super Winterizer w/ Plus 2 weed control’ (Scott’s or approved equal product) applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation. Sod installed in between those dates shall have a ‘Lawn Pro Super Turf Builder w/ Plus 2 weed control’ (Scott’s or approved equal product) applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation. H. If the sod shall discolor in any manner (brown), in the sole opinion of the Landscape Architect, during the application of fertilizer and at any other time during the maintenance period, the Contractor shall replace all discolored areas, as determined by the Landscape Architect, to ensure one uniform color. I. 3.5 Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the sod shall not shift, move or slide from its originally installed position, by whatever means necessary. The methods for ensuring the sod to remain in the installed position shall be discussed with the Landscape Architect and approved. However, it shall remain the sole responsibility of the Contractor to repair any sod, which shifts resulting in greater than ½” jointing between sod pieces. The jointing shall be filled with 5 blend blue grass only seed mix (see 3.7.E). All sod which shifts greater than ½” shall be removed and replaced. REPAIRS A. Repair existing lawns damaged by operations under the contract. Repair shall include finish grading, sodding as required to match existing grade and turf, including maintenance of repaired areas. 3.6 GUARANTEE A. Contractor shall guarantee that the sod shall be of rigorous growth, free of disease, for a oneyear period after Operation and Maintenance Acceptance. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the watering and maintenance of lawns (as described in Section 3.7) until Operation and Maintenance Acceptance is given as described in Section 1.6. Beyond the date of Operation and Maintenance Acceptance, through the end of the one-year guarantee period, the Contractor shall visit the site as often as necessary – a minimum of one visit per week during the growing season – to ensure that the Owner is maintaining the sod properly. The Contractor shall inform the Landscape Architect and Owner immediately, via confirmed receipt e-mail, if there is any maintenance conducted by the Owner, which will result in a less than thriving rigorous growing sod. Any failure of notification will obligate the Contractor to repair any sod areas, which are damaged during the guarantee period. 3.7 MAINTENANCE A. Maintain and water lawns until date of Operation and Maintenance Acceptance. Maintenance to include watering, weeding, resodding, mowing, trimming and edging. Each mowing shall occur weekly or when the grass has reached a height of 4” inches, whichever occurs first. Mow to a height of 3-1/2” inches. B. Fill any depressions or settlement that occurs beneath the sod by removing and replacing the sod within 14 days following installation. Re-sod, do not seed, bare spots, which occur during the maintenance period. C. Irrigate as required to supplement natural rainfall so that all lawn areas receive sufficient water for normal plant growth. D. Refertilization shall be repeated after the first two lawn mowings have been made. Use this same analysis commercial fertilizer, in order to achieve 1 pound of actual N per 1,000 square feet. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 32 9200 - 4 E. All sod shall remain in position with tight jointing. The Contractor must maintain sod in the originally installed position. Should the Contractor require means or devices to control movement those means and devices shall be acceptable to the Landscape Architect and Owner. Joints, which may develop during the installation and warranty period, must be repaired with sod within seven days. Seeding of joints less than ½” shall be permitted with a five-variety bluegrass seed blend. END OF SECTION COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 32 9200 - 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2014 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 32 9200 - 6 COLLEGE OF DUPAGE College of DuPage DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 Glen Ellyn, IL Project Area February 13, 2015 Issued for Bid SGJJR Project Number: 20475.000 North Prepared for: Sheet List Table Sheet Number G-0.00 C-1.00 C-2.00 C-2.01 C-3.00 C-3.01 Prepared by: Sheet Title COVER EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN SITE PREPARATION AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN EROSION CONTROL DETAILS SITE RESTORATION AND GRADING PLAN SITE RESTORATION PLANT LIST & DETAILS NOT TO SCALE PROJECT VICINITY MAP Facilities, Planning & Construction 425 Fawell Boulevard Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 630.942.2972 35 EAST WACKER DRIVE SUITE 2200 CHICAGO, IL 60601 312.641.0510 Project Location North NOT TO SCALE PROJECT LOCATION MAP COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 747 COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 748 425 FAWELL BOULEVARD GLEN ELLYN, ILLINOIS 748 Valve Vault Irrigation Box EXISTING CONDITION NOTES 74 7 749 748 1. SURVEY BACKGROUND OBTAINED FROM TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY DATED 04.17.2014 AND 01.20.2015, PREPARED BY HAEGER ENGINEERING. SMITHGROUPJJR MAKES NO GUARANTEE NOR ASSUMES ANY LIABILITY AS TO THE COMPLETENESS AND/OR ACCURACY OF THE SURVEY. 2. SUPPLEMENTAL BACKGROUND INFORMATION HAS BEEN OBTAINED FROM DESIGN FILES PROVIDED BY LEGAT ARCHITECTS. 3. SUPPLEMENTAL ROADWAY BACKGROUND INFORMATION HAS BEEN PROVIDED FROM DESIGN FILES BY SMITHGROUPJJR, INC. DATED 08.06.2014. 4. AN ELECTRONIC COPY OF AUTOCAD 2013 DRAWING FILES WILL BE PROVIDED FOR LAYOUT OF PROPOSED FACILITIES DESIGNED BY SMITHGROUPJJR AND SHOULD BE USED ONLY FOR THOSE FACILITIES. NO GUARANTEE IS MADE BY SMITHGROUPJJR FOR THE ACCURACY OF WORK PROVIDED BY OTHERS. 5. ALL CONTROL OF TRAFFIC REQUIRED TO PERFORM THE WORK SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH IDOT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL MEASURES WITH THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. LIMITS OF WORK 35 EAST WACKER DRIVE SUITE 2200 CHICAGO, IL 60601 312.641.0510 ISSUED FOR REV DATE BENCHMARKS ISSUED FOR BID NOTE: THE HORIZONTAL COORDINATES AND BASIS OF BEARING SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON NAD83(2012) ILLINOIS EAST ZONE 1201 STATE PLANE COORDINATES AS REFERENCED FROM KARA COMPANY'S RTK NETWORK. 74 8 747 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF IRRIGATION CONTROL BOXES (V.I.F.), TYP. 02/13/2015 BM # 1110 PK NAIL N: 1885597.0069 E: 1052694.5299 ELEV.: 750.21 NAVD 88 (GEOID 12A) LOCATION: NORTHWEST CORNER OF SITE. EDGE OF PAVEMENT, 5 FEET EAST OF HYDRANT, 27.38 FEET NORTH OF CURB INLET, AND 53.30 FEET NORTHWEST OF BUILDING. BM # 103 CROSS NOTCH N: 1885577.3406 E: 1053402.9999 ELEV.: 750.16 NAVD 88 (GEOID 12A) LOCATION: NORTHEAST CORNER OF SITE IN CONCRETE WALK. SEALS AND SIGNATURES BM # 1925 CROSS NOTCH N: 1884533.2049 E: 1053119.9107 ELEV.: 749.61 NAVD 88 (GEOID 12A) LOCATION: CENTER OF SITE. IN CONCRETE WALK, 330 FEET NORTH OF MAINTENANCE BLDG., 15.35 FEET SOUTHWEST OF INLET , 5.82 FEET EAST OF EDGE OF PAVEMENT. BM # 2519 CROSS NOTCH N: 1883993.1502 E: 1053201.9180 ELEV.: 748.58 NAVD 88 (GEOID 12A) LOCATION: SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SITE. WEST EDGE OF CONCRETE WALK, 9.46 FEET SOUTHEAST OF INLET, 94 FEET NORTHEAST OF CONCRETE WALL, 74.71 FEET NORTHWEST OF TELEPHONE MANHOLE. KEY PLAN N DRAWING TITLE EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN 1" = 20' SCALE 20475.000 PROJECT NUMBER C-1.00 CALL DRAWING NUMBER SITE PREPARATION AND EROSION CONTROL LEGEND LIMIT OF WORK CONSTRUCTION FENCE 1 C-2.01 COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 SILT FENCE CLEAR AND GRUB STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 747 4 C-2.01 COLLEGE OF DUPAGE PROTECT ELEMENT 748 2 C-2.01 425 FAWELL BOULEVARD GLEN ELLYN, ILLINOIS INLET FILTER 748 SITE PREPARATION AND EROSION CONTROL NOTES 74 7 1. INSTALL ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES PRIOR TO ANY EARTHWORK ACTIVITIES. 2. ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE MAINTAINED FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT, OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 3. INSTALL INLET FILTERS AT ALL EXISTING STORM SEWER INLETS AND NEW CATCH BASINS WITHIN THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS AND AS NOTED ON THE PLAN. 4. NO SUSPENDED SEDIMENT WILL BE PERMITTED TO LEAVE THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. THE CONTRACTOR, AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER, SHALL REMOVE ALL SEDIMENT INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, CLEANING SEWERS, SEDIMENT REMOVAL AND RESEEDING, PAVEMENT SWEEPING, AND EROSION CONTROL BARRIER REPAIRS. 5. NO CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS, SOIL AGGREGATES, OR OTHER MATERIALS SHALL BE TRACKED ON TO CITY OR PRIVATE DRIVES OR STREETS. SWEEP / CLEAN STREETS WEEKLY AND AS REQUIRED BY OWNER AND/OR CIVIL ENGINEER. 6. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, ALL STRUCTURAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ACCORDING TO MINIMUM STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS IN THE LATEST REVISION OF THE ILLINOIS URBAN MANUAL PUBLISHED BY THE ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (IEPA) AND THE NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE (NRCS). 7. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO INFORM ANY SUB-CONTRACTOR(S) WHO MAY PERFORM WORK ON THIS PROJECT, OF THE REQUIREMENTS IN IMPLEMENTING AND MAINTAINING THESE EROSION CONTROL PLANS. 749 748 35 EAST WACKER DRIVE SUITE 2200 CHICAGO, IL 60601 312.641.0510 LIMITS OF WORK CONSTRUCTION FENCE, TYP. ISSUED FOR ISSUED FOR BID 8. ANY APPLICABLE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) SHALL BE FOLLOWED ALONG WITH THE MINIMUM SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL (SESC) MEASURES SPECIFIED HEREIN. THE SWPPP WILL BE KEPT ONSITE DURING CONSTRUCTION FOR INSPECTION. 9. TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO TOPSOIL STOCKPILES AND DISTURBED AREAS WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY WILL NOT OCCUR FOR A PERIOD OF MORE THAN 21 CALENDAR DAYS. 10. PERMANENT SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE DONE WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF FINAL GRADING OF THE SOIL. 11. INSPECTION OF SESC MEASURES SHALL BE COMPLETED BY THE CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFIED STORMWATER OPERATOR AT LEAST ONCE EVERY 7 CALENDAR DAYS AND WITHIN 24 HOURS OF A STORM 0.5 INCHES OR GREATER. SESC MEASURES WILL BE MAINTAINED TO PERFORM THEIR INTENDED FUNCTION UNTIL THE SITE IS PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. CLEAR AND GRUB, TYP. REV DATE 02/13/2015 74 8 747 12. ALL TEMPORARY ROADWAYS, ACCESS DRIVES AND PARKING AREAS SHALL BE STABILIZED AND BE OF SUFFICIENT WIDTH AND LENGTH TO PREVENT SEDIMENT FROM BEING TRACKED ONTO PUBLIC OR PRIVATE ROADWAYS. ANY SEDIMENT REACHING A PUBLIC OR PRIVATE ROAD SHALL BE REMOVED BY STREET CLEANING (NOT BY WATER FLUSHING) AS NECESSARY, OR BEFORE THE END OF EACH WORKDAY. 13. TIRES AND WHEEL WELLS OF VEHICLES AND CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE FREE OF DIRT AND/OR SEDIMENT BEFORE LEAVING A CONSTRUCTION AREA TO PREVENT TRACKING ONTO A PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PAVED ROAD OR SIDEWALK. 14. TRUCKS LOADED WITH WASTE MATERIAL THAT MAY BE CARRIED OFF BY WIND OR RAIN SHALL BE COVERED PRIOR TO LEAVING THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. 15. ALL ONSITE DRAINAGE STRUCTURES WITHIN THE CONSTRUCTION AREA AND DOWN SLOPE WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES. 16. THE DISCHARGE OF SEDIMENT INTO THE SEWER SYSTEM, AS PART OF SITE DEWATERING, MUST BE CONTROLLED AND MINIMIZED TO PREVENT CLOGGING OF THE SEWER SYSTEM. CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW CONDITIONS WITH OWNER AND ENGINEER PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAN ONSITE AND DOWNSTREAM SYSTEMS AS REQUIRED BY OWNER AND CITY. 17. THE USE, STORAGE, AND DISPOSAL OF CHEMICALS, CEMENT, AND OTHER COMPOUNDS AND BUILDING MATERIALS USED ON THE CONSTRUCTION SITE SHALL BE MANAGED DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD TO PREVENT THEIR ENTRANCE INTO THE SEWER SYSTEM. 18. ALL TEMPORARY SESC MEASURES SHALL BE REMOVED WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER FINAL SITE STABILIZATION IS ACHIEVED OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 19. THE PROPOSED GRADING PLAN ASSUMES THE REMOVAL OF AN AVERAGE 6" DEPTH OF TOPSOIL. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXISTING DEPTH IN FIELD AND STRIP AND STOCKPILE FULL DEPTH. PROTECT STORM STRUCTURE PROTECT STORM STRUCTURE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF IRRIGATION CONTROL BOXES (V.I.F.), TYP. PROTECT IRRIGATION BOXES PROTECT EXISTING PAVEMENT AND CURB INLET FILTER, TYP. PROTECT FLARED END SECTION SILT FENCE., TYP. CONSTRUCTION FENCE GATE SILT FENCE, TYP. PROTECT FLARED END SECTION N SEALS AND SIGNATURES KEY PLAN DRAWING TITLE SITE PREPARATION AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN 1" = 20' SCALE 20475.000 PROJECT NUMBER C-2.00 CALL DRAWING NUMBER FILTER FABRIC FASTENER - MIN. NO. 10 GAGE WIRE 4 PER POST REQUIRED. (TYP.) 5' MAX (TYP) GALVANIZED STEEL FRAME COLLEGE OF DUPAGE LIFT HANDLES DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 2' MIN FILTER FABRIC STEP 1 FILTER FABRIC POSTS GEOTEXTILE FILTER BAG WITH REINFORCED POLYESTER OUTER MESH COLLEGE OF DUPAGE ROUND INLET FILTER NOTE: TEMPORARY INLET SEDIMENT FILTER TO BE INSTALLED ON ALL CATCH BASINS AND STORM INLETS. INLET FILTER TO BE ROUND IPP INLET FILTER AS MANUFACTURED BY INLET & PIPE PROTECTION, INC (847-722-0690) OR APPROVED OTHER. CLEAN FILTER AS NEEDED. STEP 2 F FLOW DIRECTION O D LINE ED GROUN UNDISTURB GALVANIZED STEEL FRAME 425 FAWELL BOULEVARD GLEN ELLYN, ILLINOIS STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MAINTENANCE TASKS AND SCHEDULE (REAR CURB GUARD FLAP INCLUDED FOR CURB BOX INLET FILTERS) DURING CONSTRUCTION LIFT HANDLES 6" MIN TASKS COMPACTED BACKFILL STEP 3 6" MIN STAINLESS STEEL LOCKING BAND FABRIC ANCHOR SECTION PLAN FOR ATTACHING TWO SILT FENCES NOTES: 1. TEMPORARY SEDIMENT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY GRADING WORK. IN THE AREA TO BE PROTECTED. THEY SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD AND REMOVED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE FINAL GRADING AND SITE STABILIZATION. 2. FILTER FABRIC SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF MATERIAL SPECIFICATION 592 GEOTEXTILE TABLE 1 OR 2, CLASS I WITH EQUIVALENT OPENING SIZE OF AT LEAST 30 FOR NONWOVEN AND 50 FOR WOVEN. 3. FENCE POSTS SHALL BE EITHER STANDARD STEEL POST OR WOOD POST WITH A MINIMUM CROSS-SECTIONAL AREA OF 3.0 SQ. IN. 1 GEOTEXTILE FILTER BAG WITH REINFORCED POLYESTER OUTER MESH (REAR CURB GUARD FLAP INCLUDED FOR CURB BOX INLET FILTERS) NOTES: 1. PLACE THE END POST OF THE SECOND FENCE INSIDE THE END POST OF THE FIRST FENCE. 2. ROTATE BOTH POSTS AT LEAST 180 DEGREES IN A CLOCKWISE DIRECTION TO CREATE A TIGHT SEAL WITH THE FABRIC MATERIAL. 3. DRIVE BOTH POSTS A MINIMUM OF 18 INCHES INTO THE GROUND AND BURY THE FLAP. Silt Fence Inlet Filter Scale: NOT TO SCALE SCHEDULE INSPECT FOR ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT X X WEEKLY AND AFTER EACH 1/2" RAIN EVENT REMOVAL OF ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT > 1' DEEP X X AS REQUIRED INSPECT FOR EROSION X WEEKLY AND AFTER EACH 1/2" RAIN EVENT REESTABLISH PERMANENT CONTROLS, ERODED AREAS X AS REQUIRED INSPECT FOR FLOATABLES AND DEBRIS X REMOVE FLOATABLES AND DEBRIS X CERTIFIED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT INSPECTIONS X X WEEKLY AND AFTER EACH 1/2" RAIN EVENT PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, REPORTING TO DEVELOPER X X AS REQUIRED MODIFICATIONS PER ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATION X X MONTHLY STREET SWEEPING X X AS NEEDED 35 EAST WACKER DRIVE SUITE 2200 CHICAGO, IL 60601 312.641.0510 WEEKLY AND AFTER EACH 1/2" RAIN EVENT AS REQUIRED CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS RECTANGLE INLET FILTER NOTE: TEMPORARY INLET SEDIMENT FILTER TO BE INSTALLED ON ALL CATCH BASINS AND STORM INLETS. INLET FILTER TO BE RECTANGLE IPP INLET FILTER AS MANUFACTURED BY INLET & PIPE PROTECTION, INC (847-722-0690) OR APPROVED OTHER. CLEAN FILTER AS NEEDED. 2 Scale: NOT TO SCALE OVERFLOW FEATURE SWALES & DITCHES ELEVATION FILTER FABRIC OVERFLOW FEATURE STORM SEWER SYSTEM 18"MIN (TYP) STAINLESS STEEL LOCKING BAND 3 Stormwater Management & Erosion Control Schedule ISSUED FOR REV ISSUED FOR BID DATE 02/13/2015 EXISTING GROUND A CONCRETE WASH OUT B 10' MIN L = 70' B * MUST EXTEND FULL WIDTH OF INGRESS AND EGRESS OPERATION. 3" Min A EXISTING PAVEMENT 10' MIN 10' MIN COARSE AGGREGATE 3" Min 20' 20' POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE. SEALS AND SIGNATURES FILTER FABRIC PLAN VIEW SECTION A-A L = 70' 5:1 SLOPE FILTER FABRIC EXISTING GROUND 6" MIN 3' EXISTING PAVEMENT 6'- 7" MOUNTABLE BERM (OPTIONAL) KEY PLAN SIDE ELEVATION NOTES: 4 1. FILTER FABRIC SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF MATERIAL SPECIFICATION 592 GEOTEXTILE, TABLE I OR CLASS I, II OR IV AND SHALL BE PLACED OVER THE CLEARED AREA PRIOR TO THE PLACING OF ROCK. 2. ROCK OR RECLAIMED CONCRETE SHALL MEET ONE OF THE FOLLOWING IDOT COARSE AGGREGATE GRADATION, CA-1, CA-2, CA-3 OR CA-4 AND BE PLACED ACCORDING TO CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION 25 ROCKFILL USING PLACEMENT METHOD 1 AND CLASS III COMPACTION. 3. ANY DRAINAGE FACILITIES REQUIRED BECAUSE OF WASHING SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. 4. IF WASH RACKS ARE USED THEY SHALL BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. REINFORCED CONCRETE DRAIN SPACE SECTION B-B Stabilized Construction Entrance DRAWING TITLE EROSION CONTROL DETAILS Scale: NOT TO SCALE 1" = 20' SCALE 20475.000 PROJECT NUMBER C-2.01 CALL DRAWING NUMBER RESTORATION & GRADING LEGEND COLLEGE OF DUPAGE LIMIT OF WORK 745 MAJOR CONTOUR 746 MINOR CONTOUR 746.50 SPOT ELEVATION DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 DRAINAGE SWALE 2.00% SLOPE 747 DRAINAGE ARROW COLLEGE OF DUPAGE SOD & 8" TOPSOIL 748 748 PERMANENT EROSION MAT 425 FAWELL BOULEVARD GLEN ELLYN, ILLINOIS RESTORE VEGETATION ME MEET EXISTING ELEVATION RIM RIM ELEVATION HPS HIGH POINT OF SWALE 35 EAST WACKER DRIVE SUITE 2200 CHICAGO, IL 60601 312.641.0510 4. 5 0% SITE RESTORATION NOTES 1. COORDINATE ADJUSTMENT OF UTILITY STRUCTURES WITH THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY PROVIDER. NO WORK TO PUBLIC OR PRIVATE UTILITIES SHALL BE DONE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT BY UTILITY OWNER. ALL UTILITY STRUCTURES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: CLEAN-OUTS, MANHOLES, CATCH BASINS, STRUCTURES, VALVE BOXES, SHUT OFF VALVES, VAULT COVERS, ELECTRICAL VAULT COVERS, ELECTRICAL PULL BOXES, ETC. TO REMAIN SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO FINISH GRADE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. EXISTING UTILITY STRUCTURES THAT REQUIRE ADJUSTMENTS GREATER THAN 6" SHALL USE PRECAST CONCRETE ADJUSTMENT RINGS TO ACHIEVE FINAL PROPOSED GRADES. 3. GRADES SHALL SLOPE TO DRAIN, BE FREE OF DEPRESSIONS OR OTHER IRREGULARITIES AFTER COMPACTION OF SOIL AND INSTALLATION OF PAVEMENT, AND SHALL BE UNIFORM IN SLOPE BETWEEN THE ELEVATIONS INDICATED. 4. FINISH GRADES SHALL MEET EXISTING GRADES AT LIMIT OF WORK AND BE 1/2" BELOW TOP OF CURBS AND ADJACENT PAVING. 5. MAINTAIN AND ESTABLISH TURF BY WATERING, FERTILIZING, WEEDING, MOWING, TRIMMING, REPLANTING, AND PERFORMING OTHER OPERATIONS AS REQUIRED TO ESTABLISH HEALTHY, VIABLE TURF. ROLL, REGRADE, AND REPLANT BARE OR ERODED AREAS AND REMULCH TO PRODUCE A UNIFORMLY SMOOTH TURF. 74 7 4.50% 747 749 748 LIMITS OF WORK % 3.00 3.00% LE @ SWA ISSUED FOR REV 2.00 % ISSUED FOR BID 74 6. MOW TURF AS SOON AS TOP GROWTH IS TALL ENOUGH TO CUT. REPEAT MOWING TO MAINTAIN SPECIFIED HEIGHT WITHOUT CUTTING MORE THAN 1/3 OF GRASS HEIGHT. REMOVE NO MORE THAN 1/3 OF GRASS-LEAF GROWTH IN INITIAL OR SUBSEQUENT MOWINGS. DO NOT DELAY MOWING UNTIL GRASS BLADES BEND OVER AND BECOME MATTED. DO NOT MOW WHEN GRASS IS WET. 7. PROMPTLY REMOVE SOIL AND DEBRIS CREATED BY TURF WORK FROM PAVED AREAS. CLEAN WHEELS OF VEHICLES BEFORE LEAVING SITE TO AVOID TRACKING SOIL ONTO ROADS, WALKS, OR OTHER PAVED AREAS DATE 02/13/2015 746 8 2.00% MIN. 744 SOD & 8" TOPSOIL, TYP. 743 2.00% MIN. ADJUST RIM ELEVATION TO MEET FINISHED GRADE, TYP. 747 745 SEALS AND SIGNATURES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF IRRIGATION CONTROL BOXES (V.I.F.), TYP. ADJUST RIM ELEVATION TO MEET FINISHED GRADE, TYP. KEY PLAN SOD & 8" TOPSOIL WITH PERMANENT EROSION MAT 742 ADJUST/RELOCATE IRRIGATION VALVES AS NECESSARY TO MEET FINISHED GRADE, TYP. RESTORE VEGETATION & STONE SHORELINE, SEE SHEET C-3.01 FOR DETAILS N DRAWING TITLE SITE RESTORATION AND GRADING PLAN 1" = 20' SCALE 20475.000 PROJECT NUMBER C-3.00 CALL DRAWING NUMBER COLLEGE OF DUPAGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF POND 9 AGGREGATE MAINTENANCE EDGE 8" THICK, SEE NOTE #1. AGGREGATE BASE, 6" THICK GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 6" MAX. BORDER PLANTINGS (PLUGS), SEE NOTE 5. AQUATIC PLANTINGS, SEE NOTE 4. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE SOD NORMAL WATER LEVEL 425 FAWELL BOULEVARD GLEN ELLYN, ILLINOIS PERMANENT EROSION MAT (SEE SHEET C-3.00 FOR LOCATION), SEE NOTE #2. 1" 741.00 POND TEMPORARY EROSION MAT, SEE NOTE #3. NOTES: 1. AGGREGATE MAINTENANCE EDGE SHALL BE SALVAGED AND RE-USED EXISTING STONE AT AREA OF POND EDGE THAT WILL BE DISTRUBED AS A PART OF THIS PROJECT. SEE C-3.00 FOR LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE AND RE-INSTALLATION. TURF REINF. MAT (TRM) ANCHORED PER SPEC CUT OPENING FOR PLUG 2. PERMANENT EROSION MAT SHALL BE A MACHINE-PRODUCED TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT OF 100% COCONUT FIBER MATRIX INCORPORATED INTO A PERMANENT THREE DIMENSIONAL TURF REINFORCEMENT MATTING. FINISHED GRADE RANDOMLY MIXED PLANTS 3. TEMPORARY EROSION MAT SHALL BE STRAW/JUTE BLANKET CONSTRUCTED WITH A 100% AGRICULTURAL STRAW MIX WITH JUTE AND COTTON NETTING ON TOP AND BOTTOM, BE 100% BIODEGRADABLE, AND HAVE A TYPICAL FUNCTIONAL LONGEVITY OF 12 MONTHS. PLASTIC WEAVING WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. 4" TS PLANT A PLANT B 35 EAST WACKER DRIVE SUITE 2200 CHICAGO, IL 60601 312.641.0510 4. AQUATIC PLANTINGS SHALL BE CAREX VULPINOIDEA (BROWN FOX SEDGE), PLUGS. AQUATIC PLANTINGS SHALL BE PLANTED IN MID-MAY. 1 Pond Edge Treatment 5. BORDER PLANTINGS SHALL BE EQUAL QUANTITY ASTER NOVAE-ANGILAE (NEW ENGLAND ASTER) AND ELYMUS VIRGINICUS (VIRGINIA WILD RYE), #1 AT 12" O.C. BORDER PLANTINGS SHALL BE PLANTED IN MID-MAY. WITH BORDER PLANTINGS, APPLY ASTER NOVAE-ANGILAE (NEW ENGLAND ASTER) SEED AND ELYMUS VIRGINICUS (VIRGINIA WILD RYE) SEED AT 50 OUNCES/ACRE ALONG WITH TRITICUM AESTIVUM (WINTER WHEAT) SEED AT 200 OUNCES/ACRE AS TEMPORARY COVER CROP. 3 Aquatic Plantings Scale: Not to Scale Scale: Not to Scale ISSUED FOR REV ISSUED FOR BID DATE 02/13/2015 SEALS AND SIGNATURES KEY PLAN 2 Aquatic Plantings Scale: Not to Scale DRAWING TITLE SITE RESTORATION DETAILS 1" = 20' SCALE 20475.000 PROJECT NUMBER C-3.01 CALL DRAWING NUMBER ADDENDUM Page 1 of 1 College of DuPage: Grading & Restoration North of Pond 9 March 6, 2015 1 PROJECT ISSUE DATE ADDENDUM NO. 20475.000 Jim Forrester PROJECT NUMBER PREPARED BY THIS ADDENDUM IS ISSUED BEFORE OPENING OF BIDS TO INFORM THE BIDDERS OF REVISIONS TO THE BIDDING DOCUMENTS AND IS HEREBY MADE A PART OF THE BIDDING DOCUMENTS. ALL REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THE BIDDING DOCUMENTS SHALL APPLY TO THIS ADDENDUM. THE GENERAL CHARACTER OF THE WORK CALLED FOR IN THIS ADDENDUM SHALL BE THE SAME AS ORIGINALLY SET FORTH IN THE APPLICABLE PORTIONS OF THE BIDDING DOCUMENTS FOR SIMILAR WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED HEREIN; AND ALL INCIDENTAL WORK NECESSITATED BY THIS ADDENDUM AS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE WORK SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE BID, EVEN THOUGH NOT PARTICULARLY MENTIONED IN THIS ADDENDUM. NO DRAWINGS ARE ISSUED WITH THIS ADDENDUM. THE FOLLOWING DRAWING(S), DATED 03.06.2015, ARE ISSUED WITH THIS ADDENDUM AND FORM A PART HEREOF. The attached drawings and specification pages or written changes shall become part of the bidding documents and be used to formulate a price for the work to be indicated on the bid form page in the Project Manual, dated January 26, 2015. The drawing changes will become part of the Issued for Construction set that is submitted later. DRAWINGS 1. Sheet 1 of 1 IRRIGATION IMPACT This sheet has been added to the documents for reference only, and is attached to this addendum. It provides further information on existing irrigation in the project area that will be impacted. OTHER 1. Pre-Bid Meeting Sign-in Sheet This sign-in sheet has been added to the documents for reference. . -END OF ADDENDUMp:\20475.000\ca\bid\addendum #1\2015-0306 addendum #1.docx JJR, LLC | 3 5 E A S T W A C K E R D R I V E , S U I T E 2 2 0 0 , C H I C A G O , IL 6 0 6 0 1 | T 312.641.0510 F 312.641.0668 FOR REFERENCE 03.06.2015 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 6" 2" 2" 2" 2" 4" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 6"